THW Ban Plastic Surgery

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THW ban plastic surgery

I will begin the debate by defining the motion, which is: "That we should ban cosmetic surgery,"
I define "we," in a global context, as is relating to every single democratic nation in the world
that can be assured of diplomatic aid by their worldly counterparts. I define ban as the removal
of all practices of this discipline, unless specified explicitly by a governing body. I define
"cosmetic surgery" as plastic surgery that modifies a person"s appearance.
I will now move on to presenting a model for my case:
I move that cosmetic surgery should be banned in all areas and practices except for those in
which it is medically acceptable and beneficial to a patient, in order to fix or repair the damage
that had been inflicted on the patient through any means of injury, examples being car accidents
and facial burns.
I will now show that cosmetic surgery promotes negative role models and thus adversely affects
fans of common public figures and role models, who are commonly in the public spotlight. As a
survey collected about Hollywood actors and actresses shows, over 40% of actors and actresses
have had some form of cosmetic surgery, during their first 10 years of acting. This same group
represents over young actors and actresses serve as role models for over 60% of teenagers. This
sends out a message that cosmetic surgery is the path to achieving an ideal of physical beauty. It
makes them insecure and conveys an idea that our natural bodies, as determined by procreation, are not beautiful enough on their own, and must be artificially supplemented in order to
attain physical attraction.
In a world where publicity runs rampant more than it ever has before, we must be cautious about
the message that celebrities send out to their adoring fans. We must be cautious about the limits
to which we encourage artificial supplementation of what should be determined in a natural
manner, and we must be most cautious, about how much celebrities are able to modify
themselves in order to suit the public ideals, for in truth, it should be these celebrities who
should modify the public ideals in order to suit themselves.
I hereby conclude my affirmative speech for the first round, and invite the negative speaker to
present his case"
Thank you.

1. Cosmetic surgery can be psychologically damaging


The compulsion to change one's body is often a symptom of a deeper mental instability. It should be treated as a
problem, not encouraged with surgery. Research indicating that breast augmentation patients are four times
more likely to commit suicide compared to other plastic surgery patients raises questions about the mental
health of women who choose implants1. It's only a plaster patched over a much deeper problem. There are also
studies that show negative psychological effects on patients after their surgery has been completed. For
example, a recent analysis 37 studies on patients' psychological and psychosocial functioning before and after
cosmetic surgery by social worker Roberta Honigman and psychiatrists Katherine Phillips, MD, and David
Castle, MD, found several predictors of poor outcomes, especially for those who hold unrealistic expectations
or have a history of depression and anxiety. The researchers found that patients who are dissatisfied with
surgery may request repeat procedures or experience depression and adjustment problems, social isolation,
family problems, self-destructive behaviours and anger towards the surgeon and his or her staff2.
2. The dangers involved in elective surgery are not worth the risk

Sometimes we must accept those dangers, as they come in the course of necessary medical procedures. But with
elective surgery procedures people dont need, but rather merely want the risks cant be justified. These risks
apply both to the surgery itself, and to the long term. For example, leaking silicone breast implants have been a
widespread problem and can lead to death. Silicone gel can leak from the implant into healthy breast tissue and
go other parts of your body, such as the lungs and lymph nodes, where it could be impossible to remove. Studies
published in 2001 by scientists at the National Cancer Institute raised questions about the long-term safety of
breast implants. One study found that women who had breast implants for at least eight years were twice as
likely to die from brain cancer, three times as likely to die from lung cancer or other respiratory diseases, and
four times as likely to commit suicide, compared to other plastic surgery patients A second study found that
women with breast implants for at least eight years were 21% more likely to be diagnosed with cancer

compared to other women their age.[1] There is also the risk that the person having the surgery will be
dissatisfied with the results.

3. Cosmetic surgery is unfair, for only those who can afford it have access to it

Only those that can pay for it get it. The most popular surgeries include breast augmentation, liposuction, nasal
surgery, eyelid surgery and abdominoplasty.[1] There surgeries cost between 3,000 and 5000, between 2,500
and 6,000, between 3,500 and 4,000 and between 2,000 to 6,000 respectively.[2] So if it has the
advantages the opposition claims, the rich will look good, and the poor will not.
4. An outright ban would be easier than the partial bans that have been enacted in some places.

The state of Queensland in Australia has a ban on teenagers having plastic surgery. This prevents anyone under
18 having cosmetic surgery unless it is to correct deformities or disfiguring injuries, as well as allowing for
procedures to improve medical, psychological or social well-being. This potentially leaves difficulty drawing
the line for what is allowed1. A much more comprehensive ban would avoid this. Cosmetic surgery is already to
some extent regulated. In the UK it is regulated by the GMC and practising surgeons have to be enrolled on its
specialist register. At the same time all invasive cosmetic surgery and laser treatments are regulated. A
healthcare commission inspects all registered establishments and can revoke licences. As such it would not be
difficult to expand these regulating bodies to be making sure that cosmetic surgery is only performed when as in
Queensland it is to correct deformities and disfiguring injuries.
5. The availability of cosmetic surgery increases pressures on women that they must look beautiful.

There is considerable evidence that women's attractiveness is judged more harshly than men's. For example, in a
study by Adams and Huston, 1975, participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of photographs of people of
varying ages. They found that although attractiveness ratings of both men and women declined with age, the
rate of decline for women was greater.[1] Researchers report that womens magazines have ten and onehalf times more ads and articles promoting weight loss than mens magazines do, and over three-quarters of the
covers of womens magazines include at least one message about how to change a womans bodily appearance
by diet, exercise or cosmetic surgery.[2] These views about appearance are damaging because it leads to
seriously unhealthy lifestyles that women think they need to look beautiful. For example, in 2003, Teen
magazine reported that 35 per cent of girls 6 to 12 years old have been on at least one diet, and that 50 to 70 per
cent of normal weight girls believe they are overweight.[3] Cosmetic surgery sends the message that the
prejudices some have about appearance are valid.
5. Banned Because Surgery for Cosmetics Takes the Money Away from Life Saving Surgeries
I think these unneeded surgeries waste money for no good reason. If a person suffered from
a deformity but can still live , that may be a good reason for cosmetic surgery. However,
people shouldn't need excessive surgeries for cosmetic purposes, in my opinion. 1 . 15 . 2015

Ban it !
Cosmic surgeries lead to disorders like BDD or body dysmorphic disorder.
This is a chronic mental illness where an induvidual is over concerned about thier images and constantly
obsesed about thier image.This could lead to excess dieting and surgeries.And some times these
surgeries could turn fatal like the lady in japan who injected her face with oil over her obsession over
cosmic surgeries!

Only for accident, burn victims

First of all let me say that I think that people who have been disfigured by an accident, or disease should
be able to get surgery to restore how they looked before the accident, or disease. I know people that have

been in terrible accidents, that cannot afford to look how they use to, then we have people that look
perfectly "normal" that are just not happy with their natural looks that spend thousands to millions of
dollars fixing something that was not broken, that is vain, shallow, selfish, and frankly disgusting. Use
that money to help out people scared from cancer surgery, burn victims, wounded vets, and accident
victims to restore their natural looks, not to make yourself look like a cheap imitation of a Barbie doll. It
is people that use this miracle of medical science to look "better", when in fact I think that they all look
better before the surgery, rather than helping victims of accidents, etc., feeding the needy, donating to
charity that has made me lose hope for humanity. I wonder how much better the world would be if every
cent that was spent on unnecessary cosmetic surgery, was spent on something useful. We might have
cures for diseases, conditions that previously killed millions of people. People say that corporations are
greedy, no they at least donate money, even if just for good will with people, while these people just
think "oh I do not look perfect, let me waste a ton of money on making me look and feel better because
self esteem is all that matters." Get over your self important, I'm a special snowflake mentality already,
no you are just a waste of space, air, food, and life.

It's too dangerous and most people don't realize it

In my country, more than 30 people died because of cosmetic surgery in the last five years and more
people had even more severe side effects like an inflammation that would not stop producing pus. And
even when there are no effect to health, most people doses't get successful on cosmetic surgery. Even the
name 'cosmetic' shows that most people are unaware to the danger of it. Thus, I think at least law should
ban it.
People who feel embarrassed about their body, they should be given a decent mental theraphy

Should only be reserved for accident victims!

I had BDD growing up, teased for having a large Roman nose - now let me say, it fit my face - made me
look dominant, aggressive and attractive. People told me I look attractive and really good - I'd ignore
compliments and internalize rejection or people who said I look ugly. Now I never cared enough to get it
fixed; but one year I became obsessed with bodybuilding and self-image - I stupidly followed the advice
of others to get PS; this ruined my life. Because if you have BDD and get PS, it causes you anguish,
mental torment, etc. You start to lose your mind and think about suicide. And what really hurts is that I
know I was attractive in a badass/rockstar kind of way. Not a model, but alpha like Vin Diesel or the
Rock. So now I Iost my unique look and my nose looks deformed somewhat. I still go out and no one
looks at me weird. But deep down I'm ashamed, destroyed, outcast, etc. This especially hurts because I
was really attractive for my race and I could've gotten any woman I wanted in my natural form. But now
I sit alone, looking back at the life I ruined.

Plastic surgery should be banned

Plastic surgery hurts peoples feelings and it makes people forget who they really are and can kill people
because if the stuff leaks in your body it can kill you. Also people need to ban it because it will make
most people ugly instead of making them attractive! Help us ban it now

Yes it should be banned

Plastic Surgery does more harm than good. I personally know someone who underwent a plastic surgery,
when she really didn't need it. She now regrets the day she walked in into that hospital. She's obsessed
with the way she looks and sometimes she wakes up, totally hating what she sees in the mirror. It should
be banned

It should be banned for cosmetic purposes

I am speaking from personal experience and how it has ruined my life. I had no issues breathing and was
not bad to look at. And even though i wanted to have a small change the surgeon decided on what was
best for me and ended up ruining my face, my smile and my confidence. He didnt need to do the surgery
on me, he even said himself that i was an attractive woman. I have been left with so many deformities
now that im embarassed to even see my friends and go out in public. I live a life of isolation now. Unless

you have had a terrible accident and need a reconstruction it is not worth putting yourself through plastic
surgery. Everyone is beautiful as they are and surgery can lead to serious complications. There is not one
day that does by that i dont wish i could go back to the day in the hospital and just walk out.

Medical plastic surgery should be allowed but the Use of plastic

surgery for mere aesthetic purposes should be banned
Beauty can be seen as a trait, similar to being athletic or having a talent. It's often genetic although you
can always try to get better through practice, healthy eating, etc. If we were allowed to use plastic
surgery to fix the flaws we think we have, beauty would be worthless since everyone would have it.
Similarly, if in the future we could also develop surgeries to change our muscle structure or vocal chords
to make ourselves more athletically capable or better singers, talents would be bought and in this way,
the richer people who can afford the surgeries will be better than the others in every way. This would
lead way to a whole other problem in our society. I know this is a worst case scenario, but it is a realistic
continuation of cosmetic surgery. This is even before taking into consideration the risks and consequeces
of undergoing such a surgery

Yes! Ban it!

When people undergo plastic surgery, its because of low self esteem, which is a much deeper problem
than just not liking how you look. It's not someone's features that are the problem; If someone gets
surgery to fix what they feel is "wrong" with them and boost self esteem, even though after the surgery
they may look different, they are still the same person they were before they had the surgery. This
means, the person should be getting psychiatric help from a professional, not turning to a surgeon who
only cares if your insecurities fill his bank account. Someone who has low self confidence and self
esteem will always find something wrong with themselves, surgery or not. Cosmetic surgery is just a
way to cover up and mask real problems, and not go deep to the root of someone's reasons for insecurity.
Get real help.

i agree with people getting so obsessed with beauty and trying to become flawless and fabulous.
it is very sad to see how people depends on plastic surgery just too feel more confident about
themselves, where they can always make themselves feel better by trusting their own powers
and their own inner value. i also like your comments about plastic surgery itself. it's straight to
the point yet i cannot fully agree with everything. i do think plastic surgery is useless nonsense,
but only to people who view it as a method to change because they do not like who they are and
they believe that by being beautiful, they can get things better and get better things from their
friends, family and the society. plastic surgery can also be used in some positive ways, such as
face reconstruction when your face is really injured after being crashed by a 10-tonne car or you
wish to remove the scars from your stomach after giving birth. i do get your point, but plastic
surgery does not have to be necessarily banned. maybe a new kind of system does need to be
introduced to prevent people from overusing plastic surgery, don't you think?

I agree with you. It is not reasonable that because of others you change your appearance, we are
created like this and instead of changing our appearance because of other people we must
increase our self-confidence and make other accept us as we are. If the current process of plastic
surgery continues in the future we will not be able to see the real appearance of people we meet.
But sometimes plastic surgery is needed; for example when someone has a terrible accident and
his/her face is completely gone, plastic surgery is the only way. I am one those who had plastic
surgery because of an accident and i owe my face to a plastic surgery. What i meant from all of
this is that Plastic surgery is a good way to have get a new face or body. But it should be banned
for youths and people who just to do it for no good reason.
I agree with your statement that success is based on character and attitude sometimes people
just have different view with us. I think if plastic surgery should be banned; there will be a new

entertainment industry or different views from other people. I think plastic surgery should be
banned for young adults only. Young adults are still growing up and they may not experience any
effects of plastic surgery.
I agree with your statement that success is based on character and attitude sometimes people
just have different view with us. I think if plastic surgery should be banned; there will be a new
entertainment industry or different views from other people. I think plastic surgery should be
banned for young adults only. Young adults are still growing up and they may not experience any
effects of plastic surgery.
First, plastic surgery can bring poor outcomes to the patients. Based on an analysis by Roberta
Honigman and Katharine Phillips, plastic surgery may bring negative outcomes despite it can
also bring high satisfaction rates to their patients (Sarwer, 1998). These poor outcomes, such as
social isolation, family problems, and self-destructive behaviors, are mostly caused by the
patients' dissatisfaction about the result. Why does this happen? Most of the time, patients think
of only the positive outcome they will get. However, if the procedure is already done and the
result is unexpected, the procedure can't be undone. Despite another surgery can be done for
the patients, but it will simply be costly and might make the result worse, instead. However, if
plastic surgery is banned, there is a big possibility that the government will be able to avoid
overloading problems in the country.
Second, plastic surgery is one of the sources of which diseases or disorders come from. Cosmetic
procedures can solve the patients' problems. However, these procedures often inflict bigger
problems on their health, starting from diseases that shows physically to internal diseases.
Common diseases caused by such procedures include excessive bleeding, scarring, necrosis,
nerve damage, loose skin, blurred vision, excessive tearing, even cancer and death (Risks of
Cosmetic Surgery, n/a). People are supposed to be scared of this fact. People should consider this
as a serious problem because any outcome of a cosmetic procedure, good or bad, is for a
lifetime. However, if severe and harmful diseases are the outcomes, then plastic surgery is not a
good solution to achieve perfection. Which is why, plastic surgery should be banned as it
increases the number of diseases.
Lastly, plastic surgery may have influenced the youth too badly. Currently, plastic surgery is not
just open for adults or grown-ups, but it is also open to the youth. In Korea, for instance, a plastic
surgery clinic reported that 90% of their clients are under 30 years old, and half of them are
under 18 years old (Francis, 2013). The wants and vanity of people have gone out of control as it
trickles down the youth. Young people, such as teenagers and young adults, are supposed to live
normally and accept themselves just they way they are. If their lives are influenced by a
cosmetic procedure, most of their lives will not be the same emotionally. In fact, young people
are supposed to live without impacts from surgery because they are the generation that will lead
the country later on. Some will even be the future country leaders. For this reason, I think the
government should take action to save the normality of youth age by banning plastic surgery.
I know some people would say that plastic surgery benefits patient's emotional trauma of being
teased by the patients community. However, this statement is not true. As mentioned
previously, plastic surgery brings negative outcomes and is a lot of work. Plastic surgery is not a
perfect answer to patient's emotional problems. Other people may say the better a person looks,
the more likely that person is to be successful. This is false because what determines if a person
is success or not is the person itself. Not every occupation needs beautiful people. Success is
based on character and attitude, instead of beauty and good looks. Any beautiful person can be
accepted, but if that person doesnt have strong character, it would not be worth it.
My conclusion is that plastic surgery is not good and should be banned. Plastic surgery brings
poor outcomes to the patients, diseases and disorders, and bad influences for the youth.
Cosmetic procedures are not just a regular surgery, but it is a serious problem. I think people
should not just consider about the short-term outcomes of plastic surgery, but also the long-term
impacts. The reason is because the results of plastic surgery are not temporary. So, I think it's
best if plastic surgery is banned.

1. Cosmetic surgery can be psychologically damaging

However, the vast majority of people who have cosmetic surgery have one procedure and never
look back. They're made happier and more secure in themselves because of it. In fact, the same

study by social worker Roberta Honigman and psychiatrists Katherine Phillips, MD, and David
Castle, MD, also suggested positive outcomes in some patients, including improvements in body
image and possibly a boost in their quality of life as well 1. Therefore, it would be wrong to say
that cosmetic surgery can be psychologically damaging as a rule. Many studies have shown that
patients have higher self-esteem after surgery. For example, in a recent study by Sarwer found
that a year after receiving cosmetic surgery, 87 per cent of patients reported satisfaction
following their surgery, including improvements in their overall body image and the body feature
altered. They also experienced less negative body image emotions in social situations 2.
2. The dangers involved in elective surgery are not worth the risk

The risks of cosmetic surgery are negligible.In actual fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgery estimates
that there is 1 death in 57,000 procedures, while a study in the medical journal Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery put the mortality rate slightly higher, at about one in 51,459 operations.[1] To put this in perspective,
your chances of being injured in a motor vehicle accident are about 1 in 1,000 in any given year and there is
about 1 maternal death for every 7692 live births.[2] Therefore cosmetic surgery is a lot safer than people
perceive. Furthermore, cosmetic surgery is becoming safer and safer. It is increasingly strictly policed and skyhigh legal pay-outs by bad surgeons have ensured that practitioners take more and more care.[3] Technology in
surgery and in implants and so forth is forever improving. For example, new non-invasive procedures are being
developed such as Liposonix and UltraShape Contour. These procedures use focused ultrasound devices which
aim to achieve targeted reduction of fat tissue by focusing ultrasound energy that causes permanent disruption
of fat cells without damage to the epidermis, dermis or underlying tissues and organs.[4] Procedures such as this
would decrease the risk of infection.
3. Cosmetic surgery is unfair, for only those who can afford it have access to it

You can spend your money how you like. Why shouldn't people be allowed to make the personal choice to
change their appearance with their own cash? Furthermore, the appearance division the proposition seeks to
suggest between rich and poor is much more dependent on quality of diet. Diet is a universal factor that affects
complexion, height, etc.1, while cosmetic surgery is a relatively insignificant factor in statistical terms and one
that only affects the particular thing on which surgery is conducted.
4. An outright ban would be easier than the partial bans that have been enacted in some

The desire for cosmetic surgery is driven not by external pressure to seek the acceptance of men, but the internal
desire to look and feel better about oneself. There are many who find that their appearance truly troubles them
and that improving it would greatly enhance their quality of life. Operation Smile, which fixes oral and facial
deformities found in poor children across the world, is doing "cosmetic surgery."[1] You can survive with a hare
lip or a cleft palate. But your quality of life your self-esteem, employability, acceptance in a traditional
society, etc is much better without one. Following this principle, breast reduction or augmentation or the
removal of acne scars can be just as important. For example, Carole Wrigglesworth's breasts shrank after
breastfeeding baby girls and as her breasts shrank so did her self-confidence. As a result she opted to have a
breast enlargement surgery and reflecting on the experience, Carole has absolutely no regrets I feel sexier,
more confident and extremely proud of my body.[2]

The availability of cosmetic surgery increases pressures on women that they must look beautiful.

It should not, due to some people actually needing it after an

Some people need surgery so that they can carry on with their lives after an accident. If you get into a car
accident or are in a fire and there is permanent damage to your face, in order to be treated somewhat normally,
plastic surgery should be an option for these people. However, it should not be an option for insecure

It should not be banned!!!!

Becuase it helps a lot of people out there in the world. It gives hope to thoses who had been in terrible accident

or those who have deformed bodies. If you have no desire to get plastic surgery then don't but let others do what
they want to do with their life.

I had acne which led to low self-esteem

During my teens, I had acne vulgaris which left darkish colored deep pits on my cheeks. I felt embarrassed
when people asked 'oh, what is that on your face?' or 'how sad, your skin is become disfigured, why dont you do
something?'... I hated looking into mirror and meeting people out of fear that they might comment on my skin. I
remember the turmoil I went through.
If I could afford it, I would have gone for plastic surgery right away.
Now I am in my 40s but the marks are still visible. I would definitely like to go for skin resurfacing cosmetic
surgery. How can others decide that I must not have it by asking to ban cosmetic surgery?

No it should not banned !!!!

Only when needed we must use it like in case of fatal accidents or such cases like that what if people really
need it?? And it is banned??What if people really have unpresentable scars which they really really need to
hide?? So that is why don't use it to look beautiful /handsome use only when really need it

Its their right.

Cosmetic surgery should not be banned, it helps a lot of people. Yes there are risks, but everything in life has
risks. Maybe it should be a little more regulated to weed out the humans who would feel bad afterwards. You
know the risks going in, no one is forcing people to get it... But to feel a home in their skin, some people need
cosmetic surgery.

Undergoing plastic surgery for some people is acceptable,we have to

rights to comment on it.
Maybe some people would say that our appearance is given by our parents and we should respect
that.However,in 20th century,people have the rights to choose whatever they consider as necessary.We simply
have no rights to judge other 's values as every individual in this world is not the same.Therefore,we can not
force the other people to accept your values .

No it shouldnt
No,it shouldnt be banned .Many people out there might be lacking self esteem and confidence in front of their
peers and it's only right for us to allow them to do as they wish with their lives .If u dont want to do it DONT
DO IT but let others feel better with themselves

Does it effect you if they get plastic surgery? No it doesn't

Some people can be very self conscious and when they compare themselves to other people it makes them feel
even worse and they feel they need to meet society's expectations. Many people are bullied and criticized
because of their flaws .So what if they want to change the way they look to make themselves more appealing or
the way they want. It doesn't effect you if they get plastic surgery and it's a free country so let them do what
they want. It can help people who are scrutinized by things they otherwise could not change, for example if they
get Breast cancer and lose a Breast, they'd have to deal with that for the rest of their lives

Judging, something everyone has done

People are just fed up of being judged, of how they look and other things like that, but these days it's mostly
physical judging. I have been judge by the way I look, been laughed at, and I'm just 16 years old, imagine the
rest of the world being judged. No one wants that, yes there are risks, but people are aware, lets just stop the
judging part and maybe everyone will be happy.

Judging, something everyone has done

People are just fed up of being judged, of how they look and other things like that, but these days it's mostly
physical judging. I have been judge by the way I look, been laughed at, and I'm just 16 years old, imagine the
rest of the world being judged. No one wants that, yes there are risks, but people are aware, lets just stop the
judging part and maybe everyone will be happy.
Ok I saw this debate or whatever this is and I made an account just to say my opinion. THERE IS
people don't approve of plastic surgery because 'God' made us one way and we should learn to
love ourselves the way we are. Excuse me if I'm wrong but isn't it the same thing when someone
dyes their hair, or wears coloured contact lenses? They are doing it to change their appearance?!

And yet because it would only cost about 80euro to dye your hair people don't look down upon it.
If everyone was really concerned about the fact that people shouldn't change the way they look,
then everyone needs to stop dying their hair, getting spray tanned, wearing coloured contact
lenses etc. It's the individual's choice about what they do and it shouldn't be anyone elses
problem. And others are saying well oh, we can use the money spent on plastic surgery to help
find a cure for some disease. Well then DON'T GO OUT AND SPEND ABOUT 150EURO GETTING
HIGH LIGHTS AND LOW LIGHTS AND WHAT HAVE YOU. If you weren't blessed from 'God' to have
platinum blonde hair then that's too bad cause apparently we now live in a world where
murderers and rapists roam the street free but when someone decide's to improve the way they
look by a small procedure which they do WITH THEIR OWN MONEY( it's not as if they are going to
rob 5 grand to pay for their surgery) people are outraged! And now my rant is over, how

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