TrevEchoes, Sept. 2016
TrevEchoes, Sept. 2016
TrevEchoes, Sept. 2016
September 2016 | Trevecca Nazarene Universitys Ocial Student Newspaper Since 1944 |
Page 6
policy claried
Page 2
Shawna Songer Gaines leads Trevecca students in worship. Photo by Annalizia Cordova.
BY Bailey Basham
NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Brodrick Thomas, coordinator of student engagement and diversity, speaks to a current student at the
start of a new year. Photo by Annalizia Cordova.
SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
BY Andrew Preston
Sarah Crane, Anslie Ruckman, Michaela Slown and Nora Miller in Nineteen01.
BY Sydney Wisman
Students left Paintapalooza with
paint from head to toe.
Silent Disco
The block party in the Quad kicked off Welcome Week 2016s events.
Summer Nights
Spiritual Deepening Week
Monday, Sept. 19
Community Conversation Q&A with
Jacob Edwards at 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 20
Services at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 21
Services at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Sept. 22
Service at 9:30 a.m.
Trevecca students enjoyed taking photos with friends in the photo booth.
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump giving their most recent speeches. Photo taken from ABC.
try to increase student participation in
the election.
New voters can register to vote this
week until Thursday, Sept 22 during
lunch and dinner in the Jernigan lobby.
Paperwork for both in and out of state
registration will be available.
Our campaign is called GoVoteTNU and its part of a larger campaign,
GoVoteTN, said Matt Spraker, associate
dean of students for community life.We
will have resources for those who dont
live in Tennessee. We will also have instructions on how to register to vote out
of state and request an absentee ballot.
Student development hopes to register, educate and mobilize students to
vote. Last fall, they exceeded their goal
of registering 100 students.
The oce of student development
is all about the holistic development of
students and encouraging them to be
civically engaged. Being a good member of society and a leader and servant
is important. This is one way to get
involved, said Spraker. The oce will
also host a debate viewing party this
The rst debate between Hillary
Clinton and Donald Trump will air on
Monday, Sept. 26, and Trevecca will host
a viewing party from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. in
Following the debate, there will be a
brief discussion moderated by Lena Hegi
Welch, communication professor and
dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. The discussion will allow students
the opportunity to talk about the major
points brought up during the presidential debate.
Since last year, Allison Clark has been
working with SGA and student development to plan the voters registration
drive and debate event. As voter education and registration coordinator for the
GoVoteTNU campaign, Clark is passionate about her fellow students registering
to vote.
I believe that one of our greatest
responsibilities as American citizens is
to exercise our right to vote. So many
people have dedicated their lives to their
country and this is just one small way
that we can give back. Pls, its an opportunity for our voices to be heard, said
Clark, senior early childhood education
As a part of the GoVoteTNU program, there will also be a Monday night
chapel on Oct. 31 entitled Community
Conversation: Body Politics and a Vote
at Home campaign from Oct. 3 to Oct. 5
encouraging individuals out of state to
learn how to absentee vote.
How to vote
If you are an out-of-state
student and are unable to be
present at the polls, you can
complete an absentee ballot.
Absentee voting is conducted by mail, and sometimes in
person before Election Day.
Absentee ballot requirements
are different depending on
the state, however, after registering, anyone can go to to request an
absentee ballot. There you will
sign up, download a form that
will allow you to request your
Register to vote this week in
the Jernigan lobby at lunch
and dinner.
Members of Namaste at the rst club meeting of the year on Sept. 2. Photo provided by Roy Philip.
Students can miss no more than 20 percent of class time before being disenrolled from the class.
University attendance
policy for 2016-17 claried
No changes were made in
the university attendance
policy for the 2016-17
school year. The only
dierence for this year
is the method of taking
attendance in classes.
BY Bailey Basham
lass attendance at
Trevecca will be tracked
on Blackboard via a new
Qwickly, a customizable
platform available through
Blackboard Learn, allows
professors to take attendance
without calling out the name of
every student in the class and
marking them present or absent
on a roll.
Students can download
the Blackboard app on their
smartphones or visit the
Blackboard website and checkin to their class by typing in a
code that becomes available to
the professor once he or she
opens the 5-minute check-in
Whether a professor uses
the Qwickly method of taking
attendance is up to them.
We had a very cumbersome
method of taking attendance
last year and have moved to
a new technology that gives
faculty different methods of
tracking attendance, said Tom
Middendorf, associate vice
president for academic services.
We have larger class sizes so
we wanted to streamline efforts
for faculty to make this easier.
Think about itit could take 10
minutes of class time to actually
call roll in some classes. It is
up to faculty on how they want
to use the technology to assist
them in class.
With growing class sizes,
the new method of taking
attendance make managing
larger numbers of students
The attendance policy at
Trevecca, which states that
the total number of excused
and unexcused absences for
a student cannot exceed 20
percent of the total class time,
has not changed. Students will
still be expected to attend all
class sessions of courses for
which they are registered,
according to the Trevecca
website. Professors may use
individual policies that can be
found on the class syllabus. In
cannot exceed
over 20 percent
of class time
the case of an absence, it is the
responsibility of the student to
find out what they missed and
complete that work on their own
According to Middendorf, the
most important part is that the
university is in compliance with
federal policy from Tennessee
Department of Education in
regards to the last date of a
students attendance.
The Department of
Education is interested in
knowing the last date of
attendance for students that
withdraw or stop out from the
university, said Middendorf.
This is relevant because any
university must have accurate
last date of attendance records
to determine if there are any
Title IV funds that must be
returned to the government
as a result of a student not
completing a semester. The
government wants to make sure
you are actually attending the
university since you took out a
loan for that purpose.
Shawna Songer Gaines talks with Trevecca students after chapel. Photo provided by Annalizia Cordova
Every other Monday
6:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
Nicole Hubbs
(615) - 248 - 7725
Cafeteria hours
Hub hours
Cube hours
Column: how
to succeed in
real life
Ah, September. You are a welcome
sight after the heat of summer and the
craziness of August on a college campus. You let us know fall is on its way,
which means football, sweater weather
and the best season of the year (in my
opinion). Some of you are starting your
rst fall on the hill, while others of you
have just celebrated your last rst day
of school. And you might have taken a
picture to mark the occasion.
Regardless of where you are in your
journey at Trevecca, fall is a chance
start over with a brand new year. Its a
gift to begin anew. The school year can
wear you out. School starts in the fall,
and you hit the ground running into
the spring semester, and come May,
you are so in need of break you cant
imagine going on. Then blessed summer is ushered in and you can nally
rest and plan. Rejuvenated, fall is upon
you. It means new roommates, new
classes and a new routine. If you had a
hard summer, dicult school year or
strained relationships, the opportunity
to start over is a blessing.
So how will you use this gift? Here
are my top ve tips for a successful
1. Be wise with your time. When
you prioritize your responsibilities, it allows you to see where
you have time to t in friend
time and time for yourself. Remember big rocks rst from
INT 1100? When you get the
big things out of the way rst,
you can t the smaller rocks
in the remaining time.
2. Get involved. Get involved. There
are so many college experiences that happen outside of the
classroom. Get involved with
the Commuter Council, SGA,
RHA, Intramurals, etc. You can
even read about some. There is
something for everyone and you
will meet some awesome people.
Be present in this season, and
invest in it.
Look ahead. Look ahead. Think
about how you want the end
your semester to look. Do you
want to turn in assignments
early? Do you have a GPA you
are trying to maintain for a
scholarship? Identify the goals
you need to accomplish this
semester and set steps in place
now to work toward them.
4. Take care of yourself. When you
get overwhelmed with assignments or just life in general, step
away and rest. If you are introverted, you need time to yourself
to recharge. If you are extroverted, you need to get with friends
to do something fun. Get o
campus for a little while, and do
something you enjoy. You will
come back refreshed and ready
to take on the day.
5. Pray. Yes, really. God cares about
your experience as a student.
He wants you to succeed. Go
to the Lord in prayer with your
burdens and your joys. Ask Him
what you need to do this year
and He will provide answers,
reassurance and peace. His grace
is new every morning, as well as
every fall semester.
I oer these tips to you, dear TNU
student, but I write them for myself,
too. I need this fresh start, too. God
gives us the gift of seasons. Seasons of
life and literal weather changing seasons. Live presently in this one.
Nicole Hubbs is the coordinator of
career services. To get all your burning questions answered by our resident life and professionalism expert,
email Hubbs at nhubbs@trevecca.
edu, and dont forget to check out the
next installment of her column, How
to Succeed in Real Life, in the October
issue of the TrevEchoes.
Bailey Basham
Design Editor
Cydney-Nichole Marsh
Sports Editor
Andrew Preston
Assistant Editor & Online Manager
Brooklyn Dance
Annalizia Cordova
Uy Nguyen
Rebekah Warren
Hannah Pollok
Blake Stewart
Ashley Walling
Alexis Garcia
Victoria Outlaw
Mary Eaton
TrevEcho es is publish e d by a n d fo r t h e st u d e nt s of Treve cc a Na z a re n e Un i ve r si t y.
T he views expressed in TrevEc h o e s a re t h o se of t h e i n d i vi d u a l co nt r i bu to r s a n d d o n ot
necessa rily refle c t t h e vi ews of Treve cc a . Co nt r i bu to r s m ay be e d i te d fo r
gra m m a r, spe lli n g, co nte nt , o r spa ce
co nsi d e rat i o n . Ou r offi ce i s lo c ate d i n Je r n i ga n .
Katelyn Atkinson, senior exercise science major, broke a 15-year record at the beginning of September. Photo
courtesy of TNU Trojans.
Chad Hibdon coaches the womens basketball team in the locker room. Photo by Annalizia Cordova
BY Andrew Preston
Brodrick Thomas, coordinator of student engagement and diversity. Photo by Annalizia Cordova.
American studentsits critically important to have
someone thats watching these groups of students and how
they mesh into the life of the campus, said Boone. Youre
looking across America right now, watching on college
campuses signicant unrest from minority groups that feel
like no one is paying attention to them. I really want our
minority students to feel like they belong here, and that they
belong deeply.
Thomass roles at Trevecca have been diverse. In April of
2012, he began working in plant operations before he served
opportunity that God has given me, and this is the position
where I can help other people so they dont miss their
opportunities. Thats my main focus in this job.
Tom Middendorf, associate vice president of academic
services, said that it is his hope for Thomas position to
provide more holistic educational opportunities at Trevecca.
We can easily fool ourselves into believing that a good
education comes from reading textbooks and simply
accomplishing classroom assignments, but I believe a good
education is also what happens outside of the classroom.
Students learn from an amazing faculty here at Trevecca, but
they also have the opportunity to learn from one another.
How do we live in community when we have dierences?
How do we deal with conict? How do we reconcile with one
another? Students are part of the educational process for one
another. We educate each other in a deeper way when we
have a more diverse perspective.
Thomas will also work with admissions in the recruitment
process to more diversity in the student body. He is also
working to build a diversity council made of African
American, Latino, undocumented, white and international
I dont subscribe to the idea that people pull themselves
up by their bootstraps. People need help, and I think thats
why God has poured into us and pulled us through certain
thingsso we can reach back and grab other people to try
to help them out of their situations, said Thomas. When
Tom Middendorf came to me and said he thought I would
be perfect for this role, knowing my background and my
past, I just felt I had to. This is one of the things, when I look
over my past and what Ive been through, I think this is the
perfect position for me.
with my friends.
Habib and Jason hang out as much as they can. She
likes to do activities based on what he likes.
Jason loves plays and musicals. When Trevecca has
a play going on, I try to bring him. He plays baseball so
Im going to one of his baseball games too, said Habib.
For the buddies involved, one of the most valuable
aspects of the club is the opportunity to be social.
The biggest benefit for the buddies is that they are
gaining normal social experiences that they deserve but
that they arent given a lot of times because they
have disabilities. Through those experiences, theyre
getting to learn social skills and what it means to be
in a friendship, said McCranie. It gives them more
confidence in themselves because they realize there
are people that care about them and love them. Theyre
being recognized as a person who deserves a loving
Habib said from her experience, she leaves just as
impacted as the buddies.
Best Buddies has taught me a lot, and I have gained
so much, Habib said. You may feel awkward at first,
but if youre respectful and if you just want to make
friends, then this is where you should be.
Every year, Best Buddies has a prom for all of the
schools involved with the program in Nashville.
We both love getting our nails done every year before prom. We have a tradition of going to get our nails
done and then having a sleepover, and the next day
well get ready to go to prom, said McCranie.
Contact Morgan McCranie at MSMccranie@trevecca.
edu for information on how to get involved with Treveccas Best Buddies chapter.