Vehicle Aerodynamics Presentation
Vehicle Aerodynamics Presentation
Vehicle Aerodynamics Presentation
Vehicle Aerodynamics
Lecture 1:
G. Dimitriadis
Experimental Aerodynamics
! Aerodynamics for Road Vehicles, Edited
by Wolf-Heinrich Hucho, 4th Edition, SAE
International, Warrendale, PA.
! Race car aerodynamics Designing for
speed, J. Katz, Bentley Publishers,
Cambridge, MA
! Most of the course is based on these
Experimental Aerodynamics
! In aircraft, aerodynamic forces are of crucial
importance because they keep the aircraft in
the air
! In road vehicles aerodynamic forces play a less
crucial role but are still of interest.
! Four main considerations:
! Flow field in detail
! Aerodynamic forces moments: performance,
! Engine cooling
! Heating, ventilation, noise
Experimental Aerodynamics
Aerodynamic objectives
Experimental Aerodynamics
Performance, stability
! The most important objective of modern car
aerodynamics is the improvement of fuel
! The fuel efficiency is increased by decreasing
the aerodynamic drag acting on the car,
especially at high speeds.
! Additional considerations concern turning
performance and stability under crosswind.
! Turning performance is usually increased by
creating aerodynamic downforce.
! Notice that some of these objectives are
mutually exclusive: more downforce = more
Experimental Aerodynamics
Experimental Aerodynamics
Engine cooling
! Engine cooling is of paramount importance
for engine performance and lifetime.
! Most cars use external air to cool at least
some parts of the engine assembly (e.g.
! Badly designed air intakes can cause
engine overheating, bad cooling
performance etc.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Heating, ventilating
! Heating and ventilation of the cabin
appear to be secondary considerations
but, in fact, they can be of paramount
! Luxury car sales depend very heavily on
driver and passenger comfort.
! Very few people will buy a 100,000 EUR
car with bad air conditioning.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Modeling or experiment?
! Modeling:
! Experiment:
Experimental Aerodynamics
Aerodynamic modeling
! The laws of physics are the usual three
conservation laws:
! Conservation of mass
! Conservation of momentum
! Conservation of energy
Experimental Aerodynamics
Experimental Aerodynamics
More nomenclature
! The components of the stress tensor:
! xx = " p + 2
,! yy = " p + 2 ,! zz = " p + 2
$ #v # u '
$ #w # v '
$ #u # w '
! xy = ! yx = & + ) ,! yz = ! zy = &
+ ) ,! = ! xz =
% #z # x (
% #x # y (
% #y #z ( zx
1 2
u + v2 + w2)
Gas properties
! Do not forget that gases are also
governed by the state equation:
p = !RT
Comments on Navier-Stokes
Constant viscosity
! Under the assumption that the fluid has
constant viscosity, the momentum
equations can be written as
! ( "u) ! ( "u 2 ) ! ( "uv ) ! ( "uw )
$ ! 2 u ! 2 u ! 2 u'
= # + & 2 + 2 + 2 )
!z (
% !x
! ( "v ) ! ( "uv ) ! ( "v 2 ) ! ( "vw )
$ ! 2v ! 2v ! 2v '
= # + & 2 + 2 + 2 )
!z (
% !x
! Air is a compressible gas (i.e. its density is
variable) but only at very high airspeeds.
! Very few cars move at compressible
Thrust SSC: broke
the speed of sound in
Experimental Aerodynamics
Constant density
! Under the assumption that the fluid has
constant density, the momentum
equations can be written as
" (u 2 )
" ( u)
" ( uv )
" ( uw )
"p $ " 2 u " 2 u " 2 u '
= # + & 2 + 2 + 2 )
"z (
% "x "y
$ " 2v " 2v " 2v '
" (v 2 )
" (v )
" ( uv )
" (vw )
= # + & 2 + 2 + 2 )
% " x "y " z (
"( w)
" ( uw )
" (vw )
Experimental Aerodynamics
& 2
% "x
"y 2
"z 2 (
Compact expressions
! There are several compact expressions
for the Navier-Stokes equations:
Tensor notation:
Vector notation:
Matrix notation:
Experimental Aerodynamics
# 2 ui
+ 2
#x i
#x i
& "u 1
+ #u $ u + (# % u) % u = *#p + # 2u
' "t 2
$ "u
+ # uu = (#p + # u
% "t
Non-dimensional form
! The momentum equations can also be
written in non-dimensional form as
! ( "u) ! ( "u 2 ) ! ( "uv ) ! ( "uw )
!p 1 $ ! 2 u ! 2 u ! 2 u '
=# +
& 2 + 2 + 2)
!x Re % !x
!z (
! ( "v ) ! ( "uv ) ! ( "v 2 ) ! ( "vw )
!p 1 $ ! 2v ! 2v ! 2v '
=# +
!y Re % !x 2 !y 2 !z 2 (
! where
! "U " L
, u=
, x= , y= , z= , t= , p=
! "U "2
Experimental Aerodynamics
Millennium Prize
! The Millennium Prize by the Clay
Mathematical Institute (Cambridge,
Massachusetts) promises $1,000,000 to
the first person to prove the existence and
smoothness of solutions of the NavierStokes equations.
! Notice that the prize is not awarded for
finding a solution; merely for proving that a
smooth solution exists in 3D.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Flow unsteadiness
! Flow unsteadiness in the real world arises from
two possible phenomena:
! The solid body accelerates
! There are areas of separated flows
Unsteadiness Examples
! Viscosity is a property of fluids
! All fluids are viscous to different
! However, for attached flows, viscous
terms are only important in a very thin
layer of fluid very close to the surface.
! Everywhere else the fluid can be
assumed to be inviscid.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Experimental Aerodynamics
Inviscid flow
! For inviscid flow, all the viscous terms
are neglected from the equations of
motion, leading to the Euler equations
" (u 2 )
" ( u)
" ( uv )
" ( uw )
" (v 2 )
" (v )
" ( uv )
" (vw )
"(w 2 )
"( w)
" ( uw )
" (vw )
Experimental Aerodynamics
Euler/Laplace equations
! The Euler equations are great because
they can be solved numerically with
relative ease.
! They can be further simplified if the flow
is assumed to be steady and
irrotational, to yield Laplaces equation
! Laplaces equation has analytical
Experimental Aerodynamics
Some strategies
Grid example
Experimental Aerodynamics
Hybrid vs RANS
Experimental Aerodynamics
Wind tunnels
! The types of wind tunnel that can be used in
road vehicle tests are the same as for aircraft
! However, full-scale tests are much more
popular (and feasible) for cars than for aircraft.
! For full-scale tests, the size of the wind tunnel
is of crucial importance:
! If it is too small the blockage effects will be
! If it is large, it will be very expensive to build and
Experimental Aerodynamics
Streamline matching
It is possible to match
the cross-section of
the working section to
the isobars around the
Experimental Aerodynamics
Adaptive walls
In practice,
matching is
carried out
using an
adaptive wall
Experimental Aerodynamics
Road representation
! In reality a car moves on a static road
inside static air and its wheels roll.
! In a wind tunnel the car and floor are static
and the air moves. The wheels may or
may not roll.
! This is representative of the air-car relative
motion but not of the air-floor relative
! In order to represent the latter, the floor
must move with the free stream airspeed.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Experimental Aerodynamics
a.! No road simulation
b.! Car and mirror image in the middle of the working
c.! Rolling floor and boundary layer suction
d.! Boundary layer suction
e.! Lifting the car and floor outside the boundary layer
f.! Lifting only the car outside the boundary layer
g.! Sucking air through the floor
h.! Injecting air in the boundary layer to straighten it
i.! Multi-point air injection
j.! Blocking the boundary layer
Experimental Aerodynamics
Narrow belt
Wheel clearance
All the wheels
must touch the
floor. Significant
errors can result
from a gap
between the floor
and the wheel.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Wheel rotation
Wheel rotation can have a
significant effect on the
measured aerodynamic
In this example, a rotating
wheel produces downforce,
while a static wheel
produces lift for non-zero
ground clearance.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Experimental Aerodynamics
Flow visualization
visualization is
usually carried
out using thick
smoke streaks.
In general, they
smoke comes
out of a tube
that is directed
by a human
operator inside
the wind tunnel
Experimental Aerodynamics
PIV in cars
! Particle Image Velocimetry is becoming
increasingly popular for visualizing
details, e.g. internal flow or flow around
a side mirror
flow with ventilation turned on: a. panel mode, b. defrost mode
Aerodynamic loads
! Aerodynamic loads are measured using
aerodynamic balances.
! There are several types of aerodynamic
balance that can be used:
! Suspension balance
! Platform balance
! Multiple-platform balance
! Internal (sting balance)
! Pyramidal balance
Experimental Aerodynamics
Balance types
Single platform
Experimental Aerodynamics
Balance+moving floor
Installing a balance and a moving floor can be tricky.
There are two popular solutions:
Mini-belts are multiplatform balance
Experimental Aerodynamics
Other measurements
! Other types of instrumentation used in
car wind tunnel tests:
! Pressure transducers for static and total
pressure measurements
! Hot wires for local flow velocity and
direction measurements
! Temperature probes
! Microphones for noise measurements
Experimental Aerodynamics
Types of tests
! Aerodynamic load measurements
! Airflow management tests
! Airflow rate through the passenger
! Passenger compartment heating and
! Engine cooling tests
! Wind noise measurements
Experimental Aerodynamics
Aerodynamic loads
! Aerodynamic load measurement tests are
similar to tests carried out on aircraft and
! One difference the degree of unsteadiness
of the flow. Around wings at low angles of
attack the flow is attached and steady
! Around cars the flow is always separated
and unsteady; measurements have to be
taken over a long time and must include all
the frequencies of interest.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Experimental Aerodynamics
Cabin ventilation
! Estimation of the efficiency of the
vehicle ventilation system.
! These tests usually involve the use of a
separate fan blowing air into the cabin
while measuring the pressure in the
! Two tests are performed, one without
wind and one with wind.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Cabin heating/air-conditioning
! For such tests, climatic wind tunnels can
be used, i.e. wind tunnels that can heat or
cool the air.
! Prior to the test the air is set at the desired
! Then the engine is started and the
temperature change with time is recorded
at several positions in the cabin.
Experimental Aerodynamics
Engine cooling
! Engine cooling tests only require the
correct airflow only around the front part of
the vehicle. Smaller/cheaper wind tunnels
can be used.
! As the full airflow is not simulated, the drag
is smaller than normal.
! The full driving resistance is simulated
using a chassis dynamometer (e.g. MOT
Experimental Aerodynamics