Goods and Service Tax
Goods and Service Tax
Goods and Service Tax
By CA Abhishek Agrawal
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a value added tax to be implemented in
GST is the only indirect tax that directly affects all sectors and sections of
our economy.
The goods and services tax (GST) is aimed at creating a single, unified
market that will benefit both corporate and the economy.
Several countries implemented this tax system followed by France, the first
country introduced GST.
Goods and service tax is a new story of VAT which gives a widespread setoff
for input tax credit and subsuming many indirect taxes from state and
national level.
Over here have started with the introduction, in general of GST and have tried to
highlight the objectives the GST is trying to achieve. Thereafter, have discussed
the possible challenges and threats and then, opportunities that GST brings before
us to strengthen our free market economy.
Introduction of the Value Added Tax at the Central and the State level an
important step forward in the globe of indirect tax reforms in India.
If the VAT is a major improvement over the pre-existing Central excise duty at
the national level and the sales tax system at the State level, then the Goods
and Services Tax is indeed an additional important perfection towards a
widespread indirect tax reforms in the country.
Under the GST scheme, no distinction is made between goods and services
for levying of tax.
In other words, goods and services attract the same rate of tax. GST is a
multi-tier tax where ultimate burden of tax falls on the consumer of goods
and services.
It is called as value added tax because at every stage, tax is being paid on
the value addition. Under the GST scheme, a person who was liable to pay
tax on his output, whether for provision of service or sale of goods, is entitled
to get input tax credit on the tax paid on its inputs.
The exclusion of cascading effects i.e. tax on tax will significantly improve the
competitiveness of original goods and services which leads to beneficial
impact to the GDP growth.
Justification of GST
The introduction of GST at the Central level will not only include
The GST at the State-level is, therefore, justified foro Additional power of levy of taxation of services for the States
o System of comprehensive set-off relief,
o Subsuming of several taxes in the GST
o Removal of burden of CST.
Dual GST
Dual GST means, the proposed model will have two part called
CGST Central goods and service tax for levied by Central Government
SGST State goods and service tax levied by State Government
the GST shall have two components: one levied by the Centre (referred
to as Central GST), and the other levied by the States (referred to as
State GST). Rates for Central GST and State GST would be approved
appropriately, reflecting revenue considerations and acceptability.
The Central GST and the State GST would be applicable to all
transactions of goods and services made for a consideration except the
exempted goods and services.
The Central GST and State GST are to be paid to the accounts of the
Centre and the States individually.
Since the Central GST and State GST are to be treated individually,
taxes paid against the Central GST shall be allowed to be taken as
input tax credit for the Central GST and could be utilized only against
the payment of Central GST.
Cross utilization of ITC between the Central GST and the State GST
would not be permitted except in the case of inter-State supply of
goods and services.
Benefits of GST
GST provide comprehensive and wider coverage of input credit set off, you
can use service tax credit for the payment of tax on sale of goods etc.
CST will be removed and need not pay. At present there is no input tax credit
available for CST.
Prices of goods are expected to reduce in the long run as the benefits of less
tax burden would be passed on to the consumer.
The following indirect taxes from state and central level integrated with
State taxes
VAT/Sales tax
Luxury tax
Central Taxes
The Excise Duty levied under the medical and Toiletries Preparation Act
Service Tax.
Cesses The above taxes dissolve under GST; instead only CGST & SGST
The application of GST to food items will have a significant impact on those who are
living under subsistence level. But at the same time, a complete exemption for food
items would drastically shrink the tax base. Food includes grains and cereals, meat,
fish and poultry, milk and dairy products, fruits and vegetables, candy and
confectionary, snacks, prepared meals for home consumption, restaurant meals and
beverages. Even if the food is within the scope of GST, such sales would largely
remain exempt due to small business registration threshold. Given the exemption of
food from CENVAT and 4% VAT on food item, the GST under a single rate would lead
to a doubling of tax burden on food.
II. Housing and Construction Industry
In India, construction and Housing sector need to be included in the GST tax base
because construction sector is a significant contributor to the national economy.
III. FMCG Sector
Despite of the economic slowdown, India's Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)
has grown consistently during the past three four years reaching to $25 billion at
retail sales in 2008. Implementation of proposed GST and opening of Foreign Direct
Investment (F.D.I.) are expected to fuel the growth and raise industry's size to $95
Billion by 201835.
IV. Rail Sector
There have been suggestions for including the rail sector under the GST umbrella to
bring about significant tax gains and widen the tax net so as to keep overall GST
rate low. This will have the added benefit of ensuring that all inter state
transportation of goods can be tracked through the proposed Information
technology (IT) network.
V. Financial Services
In most of the countries GST is not charged on the financial services. Example, In
New Zealand most of the services covered except financial services as GST. Under
the service tax, India has followed the approach of bringing virtually all financial
services within the ambit of tax where consideration for them is in the form of an
explicit fee. GST also include financial services on the above grounds only.
VI. Information Technology enabled services
To be in sync with the best International practices, domestic supply of software
should also attract G.S.T. on the basis of mode of transaction. Hence if the software
is transferred through electronic form, it should be considered as Intellectual
Property and regarded as a service. And if the software is transmitted on media or
any other tangible property, then it should be treated as goods and subject to G.S.T.
35 According to a FICCI Technopak Report. Implemtayion of GST will also help in
uniform, simplified and single point Taxation and thereby reduced prices.
VII. Impact on Small Enterprises
There will be three categories of Small Enterprises in the GST regime.
Those below threshold need not register for the GST
Those between the threshold and composition turnovers will have the option to pay
a turnover based tax or opt to join the GST regime.
Those above threshold limit will need to be within framework of GST Possible
downward changes in the threshold in some States consequent to the introduction
of GST may result in obligation being created for some dealers. In this case
considerable assistance is desired. In respect of Central GST, the position is slightly
more complex. Small scale units manufacturing specified goods are allowed
exemptions of excise up to Rs. 1.5 Crores. These units may be required to register
for payment of GST, may see this as an additional cost.
14. CONCLUSION:GST is the most logical steps towards the comprehensive indirect tax reform in our
country since independence. GST is leviable on all supply of goods and provision of
services as well combination thereof. All sectors of economy whether the industry,
business including Govt. departments and service sector shall have to bear impact
of GST. All sections of economy viz., big, medium, small scale units, intermediaries,
importers, exporters, traders, professionals and consumers shall be directly affected
by GST. One of the biggest taxation reforms in India -- the Goods and Service Tax
(GST) -- is all set to integrate State economies and boost overall growth. GST will
create a single, unified Indian market to make the economy stronger. Experts say
that GST is likely to improve tax collections and Boost Indias economic
development by breaking tax barriers between States and integrating India through
a uniform tax rate. Under GST, the taxation burden will be divided equitably
between manufacturing and services, through a lower tax rate by increasing the tax
base and minimizing exemptions.