Math Preparedness Workbook
Math Preparedness Workbook
Math Preparedness Workbook
Marcus R. Garvie,
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Guelph, ON, Canada
Fall 2016
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . .
Number Systems . . . . . . . . . .
Sets and subsets . . . . . . . . . .
Notation for Intervals . . . . . . . .
Some Mathematical Cautions . . . .
Some Math Notation and Terminology
Professors often make the mistake of assuming students know the basics, and forget
that students come from various backgrounds with different levels of math preparation. This short booklet covers the sort of notation, terminology and assumptions
that you are expected to know before starting Math*1160. Its not exhaustive, but
hopefully covers some common areas that we will frequently need. The material in
Section 6 is particularly relevant to the more formal aspects of a more advanced
course in mathematics (with theorems and proofs etc, ) and may be new to some of
you. Please read through the sections and do the short exercises. Answers are given
at the end of the booklet. If there is anything you dont understand please come and
see me!
Number Systems
2 = 1.41421356 . . .
Any number that cant be expressed as a perfect square.
= 3.14159265 . . . , e = 2.7182818284 . . .
6. The set of positive and set of negative real numbers are denoted R+ and R
respectively. The set of nonnegative real numbers is thus R+ {0}.
Exercise 1
Classify the following numbers as rational, irrational, or an integer:
(a) (0.333 . . .) is =
(b) 2.5 is =
5 is . . .
(d) 0 is . . .
(e) sin(/2) is =
(f) (0.303003000300003 . . .) is . . .
(g) is . . .
(h) + e is . . .
A set is a collection of items. The items (in our case, usually numbers) are called
elements. It is usual to represent the set by a capital letter, the elements by lower
case letters, and to use curly brackets to enclose the elements in a collection. For
example, the set of integers between 3 and 10 is written as:
S = {x | x is an integer between 3 and 10} = {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}.
We read the vertical line | as such that . This set has a finite number of elements
and so is called a finite set. We also have infinite sets, e.g.
X = {x | x is an even positive integer} = {2, 4, 6, 8 . . .}.
The . . . indicates that the sequence of numbers continues indefinitely. To denote
that an element x belongs to a set X we write x X. The empty set is denoted
. As we shall see below, a set does not have to comprise a discrete set of numbers
- it can also denote all numbers in a given interval, e.g. {x | 1 < x 3}.
Definition 1
Let X and Y be two sets. Then we say that X is a subset of Y , written
X Y if all the elements of X are in Y . If X = Y then X and Y contain
the same elements. If X is a proper subset of Y , written X Y then all
the elements of X are in Y , but some elements of Y are not in X.
X Y means X Y or X = Y .
X Y is illustrated in the following Venn diagram:
Definition 2
Let X and Y be two sets. The union of X and Y , written X Y , means
the set of elements that are in X, in Y , or in both X and Y :
X Y = {x | x X or x Y }.
Definition 3
Let X and Y be two sets. The intersection of X and Y , written X Y , is
the set of elements that are in both X and Y (i.e., the elements they share):
X Y = {x | x X and x Y }.
Exercise 2
(a) The proper subsets of {1, 2, 3} are:
(b) {1, 2} {2, 3, 4} =
(c) {1, 2} {2, 3, 4} =
(d) {1, 2, 3} {4, 5, 6} =
(e) {x R | x > 2} {x R | x 3} =
(f) {x R | x 0} {x R | x < 0} =
(g) {x R | x 5} {x R | x < 4} =
Bounded intervals
Open interval:
Closed interval:
[a, b] = {x R | a x b}
(a, b] = {x R | a < x b}
[a, b) = {x R | a x < b}
Unbounded intervals
The endpoints a and b can be or + respectively:
(a, +) = {x R | x > a}
[a, +) = {x R | x a}
(, b) = {x R | x < b}
(, b] = {x R | x b}
Note: R = (, +).
Caution !
Infinity is not a number.
We can think of + as the limit of dividing a positive number by smaller and smaller
positive numbers h, e.g. limh0 h1 = +. In the limit we would be dividing by
zero which has no meaning in mathematics. Thus
Caution !
Dividing by zero is not permitted.
Exercise 3
For what value(s) of x is the following equation invalid?
3x(x 2)
(x 2)
Answer =
= 3x.
6= 1.
In addition to dividing by zero there are two other things we cannot do:
Caution !
We cannot (i) take the square root of a negative number, and (ii) take logarithms
of zero or a negative number.
Exercise 4
For what values of x are the following functions valid?
(a) x 3,
(b) log(x2 1)
(a) Answer:
(b) Answer:
There are some common notation and terminology used in mathematics that we
should clarify1. In the following we assume that A, B and C refer to mathematical
= or = :
A = B means A implies B, in other words if A is true then B is also true.
For example, consider the statements
A : n is divisible by 4 and,
B : n is divisible by 2.
Mathematicians use these things frequently and assume that everybody knows what they are talking about!
Exercise 6
A : A number x is a rational number
B : The decimal expansion of x is terminating or eventually repeating
C : A number x is an irrational number
iff :
This is shorthand for if and only if and means the same as . For example,
A number is divisible by nine if and only if the sum of its digits are
divisible by 9
(E.g., 27 is divisible by 9 because 2 + 7 = 9 is divisible by 9). Of course like many
results this is something that would have to be rigorously justified.
Contrapositive :
Let N A and N B stand for the statements not A and not B respectively, i.e.
the statements A and B are false. Then
Result 1
A = B iff
N B = N A.
Exercise 7
A : x is an integer
B : x is rational.
The contrapositive of the statement A = B is
If x is not
then it is not
The symbol means for all. For example
4x + 2
= 2x + 1 x R.
We use the exclamation mark ! in mathematics to denote unique or only one.
For example,
! x R s.t. x2 2x + 1 = 0,
i.e., there is only one real solution of the given equation, because x2 2x + 1 =
(x 1)2.
Exercise 1: (a) 1/3. Rational, (b) 5/2. Rational, (c) Irrational, (d) An integer, (e)
1, thus an integer, (f) Irrational, (g) Not a number, (h) An open question
Exercise 2: (a) {1}, {2}, {3}, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, (b) {1, 2, 3, 4}, (c) {2},
(d) , (e) {x R | 2 < x 3}, (f) R, (g)
Exercise 3: x = 2, because this would cause us to divide by zero
Exercise 4: (a) {x R | x 3}, (b) {x R | |x| > 1}
Exercise 5: A, B
Exercise 6: A, B
Exercise 7: rational, an integer
Exercise 8: (a) false, (b) true, (c) true, (d) false, (e) true