TM SL802 Ui
TM SL802 Ui
TM SL802 Ui
v. 8.02
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Publication Information
Release: Infor ERP SyteLine 8.02
Publication Date: September 2010
Infor Confidential
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Get Additional SyteLine Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
How to Use This Manual ................................................................................................................. 8
Principles of Successful Learning ............................................................................................. 8
Manual Section Structure........................................................................................................ 10
Feedback ................................................................................................................................ 10
SyteLine Navigation Helps ............................................................................................................ 11
Syteline Shortcut Keys ........................................................................................................... 11
SyteLine's Power Bar .............................................................................................................. 12
Navigation for this Course....................................................................................................... 14
Course Objectives & Prerequisites ................................................................................................ 15
Objectives of This Course ....................................................................................................... 15
Prerequisite Courses............................................................................................................... 15
Note to the Instructor............................................................................................................... 15
Preface __________________________________________
Get into SyteLine and become familiar with the areas you will be working in during the
Read SyteLine manual and passages from texts related to the business topics.
Answer and preparation questions your instructor might have given you.
Learning is Growth
A number of studies have confirmed the idea that learning is a biological growth process
that requires repetition.
A number of studies have found that:
Without review, people forget between 46% to 80% of what they've learned within 24
When tested six weeks after a class, students who took a 5-minute review test after
their class recalled one and a half times more than the students who had no review test
immediately after class.
People learn and recall more when they: (1) structure what they've learned in their own
words, (2) recite their learning, and (3) distribute practice over many periods versus
doing it all at once.
Studies have also shown that people recall more if they take breaks every 20-50 minutes.
Psychologists believe that it takes neural traces from about five seconds to 15 minutes to
jell or consolidate. This is how they explain topics becoming clear during a break or
immediately upon returning and why we recall more immediately after a learning period
than at the end of a learning period.
We really do need to let information "sink in."
A step-by-step guide through the topic. Usually the instructor guides the
class through each step.
Explanation of the key concepts, forms, fields, and processes of the
topic. Teachers will draw your attention to key concepts in their
introduction and the guided practice, but they may not cover every item
in these sections.
Opportunity for the students to explore and practice. These exercises
are either in the guide or in an accompanying workshop guide.
Wrap Up
An exercise that helps the student structure their knowledge. The wrapups usually take the form of a list of key discussion questions or a mind
map. In both cases, the teacher will lead the class through the wrap up.
A mind map is a method for taking notes that allows you to show
connections between various concepts.
It will be the teacher's responsibility to adapt this manual to each audience by adding or
taking away from what is found.
Please send any feedback you have on this guide and course to
Ctrl + F4
Ctrl + o
Ctrl + w
Open workspaces
Ctrl + TAB
Ctrl + Home
Alt + TAB
Ctrl + F8
Ctrl + 2
Ctrl + 1
Ctrl + n
Ctrl + a
Ctrl + c
Ctrl + x
Ctrl + d
Delete record
Ctrl + l
Ctrl + f
Ctrl + v
Ctrl + s
Save changes
Ctrl + z
Ctrl + q
Ctrl + F5
Ctrl + F2
Repeat find
Set form in Filter in Place mode / Run Filter in Place to retrieve data
Ctrl + p
Ctrl + e
Open a form
Save record
Delete record
Filter in Place
Right side
Go to Queries folder
Go to Activites folder
Go to Utilities folder
Go to Maintenance folder
Go to Files folder
Go to Reports folder
The Help Tip displays in the lower left hand corner of the application (Status bar)
even when your selection is not active.
Find forms
View data
Create notes
Set up preferences
Prerequisite Courses
This class was developed with the assumption that the student knows the material from the
classes listed below. If a student does not know the information in these classes, he or she
will find this class moves too quickly.
Key points
When working with SyteLine, you will be working with: Forms, Records, Fields, and
Collections. Because of this, youll need to know how each works.
Almost everything you do in SyteLine happens through the interface of a form. A form is a
window through which you work with the data in the SyteLine database. Looking up
information, entering new information, and generating reports are typical interactions.
For example, when you enter a purchase order, youll enter it via a form. When you want
to check on the status of a purchase order, youll open the same form. However, when you
want to record the receipt of items on a purchase order, youll open a different form.
So the very first thing to learn is how to find the form that will allow you to do what you want
to do.
There are four ways to find and open forms in SyteLine:
Search for the form using the Master Explorer module or role trees
Search for the form using All Forms folder of the Master Explorer
Everything you do in a form relates to one or more records in the database. A record is a
group of related pieces of data or information.
For example, a record for item SPX-90 would contain all of the information related to that
item. A record for customer order 1001 contains all the information for that specific order.
A record for employee Mary Salazar contains all the information for that employee.
Every record is made up of a number of fields. Each field displays a particular bit of
information thats part of the record.
For example, the record of a journal entry would include fields for the account number, the
amount charged to the account, whether the amount is a credit or a debit, the transaction
date, etc. The record of an item would fields for items SKU, description, unit of measure,
cost type, etc.
Forms can display many records. A group of related records is called a collection. With
many forms, it is possible to view collections of all available records. But, in practice, you
typically work with a specific subset of records in a particular collection.
For example, you can open the customer order form to see all orders related to a specific
customer, or all the customers in a specific area, or all the customers with a particular
status. Each one of these is a collection of customer orders.
In this section, youll learn how to retrieve collections from the database that match your
specific criteria.
The Explorer has two panes. Use the top (Tree) pane to expand folders and open forms.
Click the buttons in the lower (Buttons) pane to display different trees in the current folder
level. You can customize the Explorer buttons and tree view to show only certain modules,
and you can customize which buttons display, and in what order.
Explorer folders include an image, to make it easier to recognize certain types of forms. You
can customize these images.
You can use the right-click menu to add shortcuts to forms in appropriate Explorer folders.
You can specify parameters and descriptions for the shortcuts. For example, you can
define parameters that filter the form data when opening the form by the shortcut. If you
define a description for a shortcut, then that description displays as a tooltip when you
hover over the shortcut in the Explorer.
You can also use the right-click menu to add workspace shortcuts in an appropriate
Explorer folder. You can define a name and description for the shortcut.
The master explorer groups the forms in two different ways: one is by module, the other is
by role. Both views contain ALL of the same forms and can be expanded as a tree.
The bottom of the navigation pane is to provide buttions that represent folders found in the
currently selected folder. By clicking on the button, the user will view the explorer object tree
defined for that folder.
Users can also alter the list of buttons on the navigation pane via its options.
A system administrator can remove or hide folders and subfolders for individuals
or groups of individuals, so two users may see different things in their master
explorer trees.
Form \ Open
If you dont know the forms exact name but know a word it contains, you can use the filter
fields and button to display only those forms that have that term in them.
After using the filter, if you want to return all the forms again, simply delete all values from
the All Containing field and click the Filter button.
You must be in Refresh mode to enter or update records. Your system administrator can
set a form to open by default in any one of these three modes.
Filter mode
Refresh mode
New mode
Order Shipping.
Purchase Orders.
Job Orders.
2. Whats the business area you usually work in? Open that folder and note the various
forms found there.
3. Whats an process or report you often run? Find the form for it.
4. Look at the listing of Shortcut Keys and Hotbar buttons in the preface. Identify those
you could use to perform the tasks learned in this section.
Linking buttons
If you click on the Stock Loc button on the Items form, the system will open the Item
Stockroom Locations form. Notice the caption says "Linked." This means the originating
drives the data displayed in the linked form. If you select another record in the originating
form, the linked form will update to show only data associated with that record.
You can also select these edit values by right-clicking on a field supported by
values maintained in another form.
Actions menu
Some of the list forms look like other forms that exist in the system, but are read only.
Sometimes they open up a linked form like linking buttons do.
All the fields shown in the detail view, except for those contained in a sub-grid, are
displayed in the grid view. The grid view, however, does not contain the button founds on
the form view. Anything you enter in one view is entered in the other view.
You can toggle between the views by selecting the Hide/Show splitter pane options in the
View menu.
Dual view
This is the default view of a form and shows both the grid and detail view.
Detail view
Select Hide/Show 1st Splitter Pane from the View menu to toggle to and from the detail
Grid view
Select Hide/Show 2nd Splitter Pane from the View menu to toggle to and from the grid view.
Hide column
If you have rights, the system will save these settings for you when you close the form.
Resizing columns
To resize columns, hover over the right border of the column heading. Your arrow will
change as shown in the screen shot. When it does, click and drag the column margin to
make it wider or more narrow.
Hiding columns
To hide columns:
1. Open the Edit Grid Column Visibility and Order form by right-clicking on the left-most
column in the grid which displays the record row numbers and selecting Edit Grid
2. Deselect the Visible checkbox of the column you want to hide. You can use the Show
All and Hide All buttons to select and deselect all the checkboxes.
3. Click the OK button.
Sorting records
Key points
There are two ways to sort:
If youre in grid view, double-click the column heading to sort in ascending order.
Double-click again to sort in descending order.
Sort form
The form you want to sort
By Property
The field you want to sort on
Select to sort in descending order; deselect to sort in ascending order.
Please note: some fields that appear to be numeric (for example, Account) might actually
be character-based. Thus, they would use text-character sort order. In text-character
(ascending) order:
Character strings are generally sorted from left to right. That is, the first character
(furthest left) is evaluated, then the second, and so on.
A blank field comes before any other character. Thus, any blank fields always display
Special characters might come before numerals, between numerals and letters, or after
letters. Thus, #222 comes before 222, but @201 comes after 222.
For example, if you attempt an ascending sort by account number, the following accounts
would be sorted in this order:
1. (blank field)
2. #222
3. 222
4. 2220
5. @201
6. XL-64
7. xl-64
When selected, records are sorted in ascending order so that records that begin with
uppercase letters display before records that begin with lowercase letters. When cleared,
the sorting routine ignores capitalization.
For example, suppose you have three records for customers, whose business names are
Electronic Commerce, Ltd., eMall, Inc., and Endzone. If you select this check box, they
would be sorted as follows (in normal, ascending, order):
eMall, Inc.
eMall, Inc.
Introduction to filtering
SyteLine is built on three levels: the database, middleware, and presentation layer.
You copy (this is often called "refresh" or "retrieve") data from the database and hold it in
the form (what you do with that data will not affect the data in the database until you save).
You probably dont want to refresh all of the records associated with a given form. SyteLine
does have a setting that lets you specify how many records you can copy at any one time;
its a cap you can specify in the Options menu. However, that only affects the number of
records youll copy. What about the nature of the records you want to work with? SyteLine
provides two ways to filter the data so you can retrieve exactly what you want:
Filter in place
Once you have the data, you can sort it by any field.
If you dont like the changes youve made to the data, you can re-copy the data from the
database, overwriting your changes, using the refresh features.
Filter Options
Use these operators on as many fields as you wish to define your filter:
You can filter for deselected checkboxes by first selecting the checkbox and
then deselecting it. Until you select the checkbox in filter mode, the system does
not recognize checkbox filter criteria.
Suppose you want to find all vendors whose ZIP code begins with 432. On your vendorinformation form, specify "432*" in the ZIP code field. The system retrieves a collection of
records for vendors with ZIP codes such as 43215 and 43206.
Suppose you want to find each vendor whose ZIP code is less than 43215. In the ZIP code
field, specify "< 43215." The retrieved collection consists of records for vendors with ZIP
codes such as 21075, 10292, and 02101.
Suppose that you want to retrieve onliy records that have data in a specific field. You would
type in "<>null".
Use this..
Begin in place
Execute in place
Cancel in place
Clear in place
1. Open a form.
2. Activate Filter-in-Place mode by any of the following means:
Press F4.
3. Enter a value in one or more fields to specify criteria for the records you want to
4. Execute Filter-in-Place by performing one of the following actions:
Press F4 again.
Using a query
Key points
Most forms have a corresponding query form. Use queries for more complex filtering. If you
want to use the query filter over and over, save it before you click OK and return the dataset.
1. With a form open, on the Actions menu, point to Filter, and click By Query. Or right-click
outside a field, point to Filter, and click By Query. Or press CTRL+Q. (In forms that are
not associated with a query form, the By Query menu command is unavailable.)
2. Specify any primary criteria for your search.
3. Specify any additional criteria.
4. Click Refresh to preview the search results.
5. Click OK to return all records found in the search to the main form.
You can enter the Null keyword to find records containing a null value in the
field; the operator must be Equal (=). To find records in which the field is not
null, use the Null keyword with the Not Equal (<>) operator.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 if you wish to filter on more than one field.
5. Click Refresh to preview the results in the Results pane.
On the Additional Criteria tab of a query form, you can specify criteria for any of the fields
on the primary form. The tab includes fields that are listed on the Primary Criteria tab. You
do not have to specify primary criteria before you specify additional criteria.
Query criteria are made up of query clauses. A query clause consists of a field name, an
operator, and a value. For example, to retrieve records for vendors located in New York,
you would create a clause similar to State = 'NY , where "State" is a field name on the
primary form in which vendors are defined in your system; "=" is an operator specifying
identity; and "NY" is the code value assigned to New York in your system.
You can create multiple clauses and join them by AND or OR. Clauses joined by AND
retrieve only those records that meet the criteria specified in each of the clauses. Clauses
joined by OR retrieve records that meet any one of the criteria.
To specify additional criteria
1. In a query form, select the Additional Criteria tab.
2. In the first drop-down box, select a field on which you want to filter.
3. In the second drop-down box, select an operator.
4. In the third drop-down box, enter a value.
You can enter the Null keyword to find records containing a null value in the
field; the operator must be Equal (=). To find records in which the field is not
null, use the Null keyword with the Not Equal (<>) operator.
5. Specify whether to join the current query clause with any previous clause by AND or
OR. To use OR, select the check box OR instead of AND with previous clause. To use
AND, clear the check box.
If the current clause is the first clause you have specified in the query form,
accept the default AND.
6. Click Add. The clause is added to the list at the foot of the form. The letter N may appear
between the operator and the value in the clause, indicating that the system is using
Unicode (double-byte) character codes.
7. Repeat steps 2-6 for each additional clause. To remove a clause, select it in the list and
click Remove.
8. You can preview records retrieved by the query or you can return the retrieved records
to the parent form.
Saving a query
Applying filters that have generated desired results can save time and give results to
FAQ's. This will work on all Query Forms and Ctrl + Q queries.
Primary Criteria - A first pass using one line of filtering criteria-Main or key criteria, like
Additional Criteria - You may add multiple statements here with "And" or "Or"
modifiers to build a more complex query. Used to narrow the criteria.
You must use the "Refresh" button each time you add a filter line to submit the
query to the database. Otherwise, just clicking Add will not refresh the data; it
will just put the statement in the filter window. Remember, SyteLine 7 is
stateless (disconnected). To return the result set to the parent form, click OK.
When you apply this saved query, the system will simply prompt you for the value.
Pre-defined Queries
SyteLine provide the user with default queries for some forms. The queries are found in the
Actions menu. They can be modified, just as any saved query can be, by opening up the
appropriate query from, opening the saved query by selecting "Open" in the Filter option in
the Actions menu, making changes, and then saving the query.
Menu Item
CO Lines
PO Lines
PO Requisition Lines
A/P Transaction Detail
A/R Transaction Detail
Estimate Lines
Job Orders
Job Operations
Project Tasks
Estimate Jobs
Estimate Operations
CURDATE( ) stands for "current system date" and is a Filter option that can be used with
query forms. It must be used in ALL CAPS. The argument inside the parentheses specifies
the number of days before or after the current system date.
For example, a query with both of the CURDATE statements below would be filtering for
orders with due dates inside the range starting on the current system date and ending
seven days in the future.
Additional Criteria
Print Preview
Collection Properties - Prints the entire record set stored on the client. Default is 200
records. You may select all fields from the form or click the fields individually to either
select or deselect that field from the printout.
Current Field Data - Prints only the active record on the form. You will see the ">>" if
you are looking at the grid.
1. Open a form.
2. Put it in refresh mode.
3. Select Actions>Graph,
4. Select the value to be graphed.
5. Click Next
6. Select the label to appear on the graph.
7. Click Next (clicking Done would exit you out of the graph feature); youll see the graph.
8. Use the fields to change the dispaly. When youre finished, click Done.
Select the type of graph to display, including bar graphs, line graphs, graphs with threedimensional effects, and so on. If you do not know what type of graph you want, select
different types from the list and evaluate them. Click the Refresh button to redraw the
Previous/Next button
Use these buttons to move back and forth between the steps of creating the graph. For
example, after viewing a graph of one value, you can click previous to change label or
value, then click Next to create the graph.
Done button
Close the graph feature.
For example, suppose you wanted to see a graph of on-hand quantities by item. You would
follow the steps below.
1. Navigate to Item Stockroom Locations.
2. Make sure form is in refresh mode.
3. Select Actions>Graph.
4. First select On Hand (QtyOnHand).
5. Click Next.
6. For the Label, select Item.
7. Click Next to return the graph. (Do not click Done, which will return you to the
application without showing the graph.)
8. Double-click the body of the graph and select Options + Reset to defaults.
The record is already saved in the database and is the current (selected) record
in the collection. In a multiview form, this is the record that displays in the detail
If there is no indicator, the record is already saved in the database and is not
the current (selected) record in the collection.
The record is new and contains no validation errors. It has not yet been saved.
he record has been modified and contains no validation errors. It has not yet
been saved. A modification is considered to occur whenever there is a change
to a value in any field.
The record has been marked for deletion. The record will be removed from the
database when you save the record or the collection containing it.
The record is new, has been modified, or has been marked for deletion, and
contains at least one validation error. The letter e is added to the row label when
you navigate away from the record, receive a validation error message
concerning the record, and do not correct the error. When you subsequently try
to save the record, or the entire collection containing the record, the system
repeats the validation error message, and you cannot save it until the error has
been corrected.
This indicates the empty row that always displays after the last record in a
collection. You can click this row to insert a new record.
Adding records
When in the Refresh mode (and only in the Refresh mode), you can add a new record in
either form or grid view by clicking the New button or selecting the New option in the
Actions menu or pressing CTRL+N. The color of the field tells you whether its required,
optional, or real-only.
Required, but if you leave it blank the system will generate it for you
Read Only
Remember that when you add a record, you have only added it to the collection displaying
in the form on your desktop. To add it to the SyteLine database, you must save the
In green fields, you can use the question mark (?) to tell the system to generate
the value using a prefix you supply.
For example, the customer ID field on new customer records is green, meaning
its required but that the system will generate it for you if you dont supply the
value. If you enter "JB?" in that field, the system will expand the ID to use all the
characters in the field and increment the number. The first time you enter this
and save, the system will generate JB00001 as the customer ID. The next time
you enter "JB?", the system will increment and generate JB00002 as the
customer ID.
Use the first few characters to narrow down the possible values, then click the dropdown arrow.
Enter filter criteria using the wild card character, then click the drop-down arrow.
For example if you enter "f" in a drop-down field for Item ID and click the drop-down arrow,
the system will display the item records starting with those that begin with "f".
On the other hand, if you enter "*f*" and click the drop-down arrow, the system will return
all items with an "f" somewhere in the ID.
Comparison operators (<,>,=,<>) are not supported when filtering a drop-down
Right-clicking in the field and then, from the context menu, select Add
Selecting Add Value for Current Field from the Edit menu
Copying records
Copying a record, rather than creating a new one, and then modifying it, can often save
time in repetitive data-entry tasks.
To copy a record:
1. Select the record to copy.
2. From the Actions menu, select Copy.
3. A copy of the selected record is inserted as the next record.
4. Edit the record as needed.
a. If the record contains a field with a number that is automatically assigned and
cannot be manually changed, the system assigns the next available number to the
copied record when you save it.
b. If the record contains a field with a number that is automatically assigned but which
can be changed manually, the number is duplicated in the copied record. You can
update the value manually before you save the record. To allow the system to
assign the next available number automatically, make the field blank before you
save the record.
5. Once you made all the necessary changes, save the record.
Some fields are set to validate immediately and not wait until you perform one of these
actions. In these cases, validation occurs as soon as you attempt to move the focus to
another field in the same record.
Correcting Errors
When you perform an actionother than an action to save all recordsthat triggers
validation, the system displays an error message for the FIRST field in the CURRENT
record that contains an error. If there are multiple errors, the system then cycles through
each field with an error.
If you attempt to save a form that has multiple records with errors, the system reports which
records in the current collection contain errors. You cannot save the collection updates until
ALL errors have been corrected.
Deleting records
You can delete a single record or a group of adjacent records from a collection.
The system does not actually delete a record from the database until you save
your changes.
If you still see the (d) row label indicator next to the record, that means the
deletion has not been saved to the database.
If you change your mind about deleting a record, you can unmark those records
using one of the methods for undoing changes.
Undoing changes
You have four options if you want to undo any changes youve made. "Refresh" in the
options below refers to refreshing your collection by updating the record in your collection
with the current values in the database.
Remove a new record: select Delete from the Actions menu, click the Delete toolbar
button, or highlight the record and press CTRL+d.
Refresh current record: select Refresh Current from the Actions menu, click the
Refresh Current toolbar button, or press CTRL+F5. This will undo changes only to the
ONE record youve selected.
Refresh all records: select Refresh from the Actions menu, click the Refresh toolbar
button, or press F5. This will undo the changes you've made to ALL of the records in
the collection and reapply any original filter criteria you used on the form before making
the changes.
Cancel changes and close form: select Close and Cancel Changes from the From
menu. This will discard any changes you made and close the form.
Once you save records that had been changed or marked for deletion, you
cannot undo the changes.
If you still see the row label indicators of (m), (e), (n), or (d), this means you
havent saved your changes and can undo them.
If the form contains a subcollection (displayed as a grid in the detail view), the
system will refresh either the subgrid only or the whole record, depending on
where you have placed focus.
To refresh the subcollection, make sure you have placed your cursor in a field of
the subcollection.
Place the cursor in a field of the main record to refresh the main record(s).
For example, if your cursor is in the sub-grid displayed in the detail view and you
select to refresh, the system will only refresh the records in the sub-grid. It will
not refresh the other fields of the main record.
Saving records
When saving records, you have two options: You can save a single record, ignoring
changes to other records in the collection, or you can save all records at one time.
Press CTRL+S.
Purchase Orders
Customer Orders
Job Orders
The search works beginning with the selected record and going on from there. It does
not loop back through the beginning of the records. This means that, if you want to
search only the last part of a collection, you can start with the focus on the first record
from which you actually want to search.
When you use this dialog box, and click OK, the system prompts you and queries
whether you want to change an individual value found, or all values that match the
criteria. This allows you to selectively replace values only in certain records (by
selecting Yes or No) or in all records at once (by selecting Yes to All).
The value that you want to find and replace.
When entering values on which you want to search, you can use a partial value. For
example, to find any value that contains the string "test", you would enter test and clear the
Case Sensitive check box. This would locate values such as Test case, Amy's testing
results, Sales Contest. This is known as using an "implied wildcard."
NOTE: The Find Value and Replace Value features do not support use of the wildcard
character, the Null keyword, or comparison operators. These characters in such searches
are treated as literal values.
All Values
Select this checkbox to replace information in a field regardless of the field's current value.
Clear this checkbox to replace information in a field only if it contains the value contained
in the Replace field.
The new value to replace the value entered in the Replace box.
If youre performing a find/replace on a checkbox field, remember that "0" =
deselected and "1" = selected.
In Collection
The collection you want to search. This should default to the collection you are currently
working with.
If you have questions, return to the form and click a section of the form that displays the
collection you want. On the Help menu, click About This From. The name of the current
collection appears in a dialog box.
In Property
The name of the field whose values you are replacing. The default value for this field is
whatever field the cursor was in when you opened this dialog box. So, to have the field in
which you want to replace values preselected here, make sure that field is selected when
you open this dialog box.
Case Sensitive
Select this check box to search for the exact case (capital and lower case letters) you typed
in the Replace box. Clear this check box to match values even if they differ in case with the
value specified in the Replace box.
Notes Overview
Key points
You can annotate a record or a collection of records by attaching one or more notes.
Each note has two parts: a description and a body. The body can be text OR an
attachment. For example, a note for a bill of material might include text instructions for
packaging or the engineering drawing.
You can make some notes specific to a particular record; other notes you can use over
and over on multiple records.
The table below summarizes the types of notes available and how to create them.
Note type
How to Create
Reusable: System
Reusable: User
Note types
There are two note types. You can attach multiple notes, of either type, to a record. Once
you attach a note of any type to a record, all other users of the system can read the note.
Print the note on reports (not all current notes are tied to reports)
Class Notes
Notes for all records in a collection. These notes are attached to every record in a
collection. For example, if you attach a class note to one customer record, it is automatically
attached to all customer records in the database, not just the part of the collection you have
displayed in your form. With these notes, you can:
Reusable Notes
Reusable notes can be used as class or current notes multiple times. There are two kinds
of reusable notes:
User notes
Once created, a user note can be reused and attached to records only by the person who
created the note. For example, if Sally creates a user note in the System/User Notes form,
she can later view that note and attach it to other records. However, when Pete opens the
System/User Notes form, he cannot see Sally's notes or attach them to his records.
User notes do NOT print on standard SyteLine reports.
System notes
Once created, a system note is available for use by anyone else on the system. For
example, if Joe creates a system note, both he and Jane can later view that note in the
System/User Notes form. They can also both attach it to as many records as they want.
System notes CAN be printed on reports.
Internal/External Notes
All notes can also be classified as either internal or external notes. If you select the Internal
check box for a note, the system tags it as an internal note. Otherwise, the system treats
the note as an external note. This classification is used when selecting which notes to print
on reports.
Adds a new note for this record only.
Deletes selected note.
Select the check box to mark the note for internal use only. The note can subsequently be
excluded from report printing based on whether its internal or external.
Attachments must be in a shared folder on the network for other users to view it.
Attach File
Use the Attach File option to attach a file or picture to this record. This is optimal for
drawings or documents stored across the network.
System notes should be organized for ease of use when the file gets to be large.
An example would be to use prefixes that match the class in which they will be
associated like CO, PO, Item, Transfers, Job, BOM, etc.
3. Capture picture
Right-click and save the picture in a location you can find easily (c:\temp)
Add note
Click OK
Printing reports
Key points
Printing reports is a two-step process:
1. Define what you want to print on the report
2. Click Preview or Print button
You can send the report to the printer or save it in a number of file formats on your
Sample form
2. Range filters
Use these fields to select ranges of records to print.
3. Action buttons
Excel 8.0 extended - (format used with Excel XP and Excel 2003)
HTML 4.0
Process only
Process with Preview and Commit
Activities and Utilities with the preview option allow you to perform a trial run. Nothing is
updated in the database, but you see in the grid at the bottom what would happen. If the
results look correct in the Preview, select the Commit radio button and click the Process
button. When you commit, you update the database.
In some processes the Preview is not optional. Often these processes print a
report that you must view first. When you preview, then the commit radio button
will activate.
Process only
Process only Activities and Utilities do not allow you to perform a trial run. With these forms
you simply select the desired parameters then run the process against the database.
When you receive this message youll have to open the Background Task History form to
verity the process completed successfully. The form is shown below.
When you clicked the Process button you submitted to process.
When the system begins executing the process you submitted.
When the system finished the process. Regardless of what you read in the Task Messages
area, a process is not complete until you have a value in this field.
Return Status
When the process completes, the system will fill in the return status of the task:
Task Succeeded
Exporting a file
Key Points
You can move data into a number of file types that can be read by other programs.
Source Collection
This is the name of the collection to be exported. To identify the name, return to the form
and click the grid displaying the collection you want. The name of the second menu is the
name of the current collection.
Cap Option
Choices are:
From data currently in the collection - Export the records retrieved in the current
Unlimited query - Export all records in the collection from the application database.
SyteLine applies the current filter criteria and sort order to the collection, then exports
records from the collection in the application database.
These procedures can copy only the records that have actually been retrieved from the
4. In your spreadsheet program, select the cell you want to be the first (most upper-left)
cell for the pasted columns.
5. Press CTRL+V or use whatever command your spreadsheet program uses to paste in
the material.
Notes on copying
Carriage returns and line feeds in a multi-line cell are removed when you copy a
row to the clipboard. So, if you have multi-line cells, you must copy those cells
separately or reconstruct them in the spreadsheet.
Numeric values represented by check boxes in grids are 0 (zero) when cleared
and 1 (one) when selected. These values are transferred to and displayed in
spreadsheets as 0 and 1, respectively. So, if you plan to paste content from a
spreadsheet into a grid and a check box value is included, you must enter the
correct values as 0s and 1s in your spreadsheet.
Do not attempt to use CTRL+V to paste the rows. Doing so causes the system to
write the entire contents of the source row to a single cell. Use one of the options
listed in step 4 above.
The spreadsheet and the grid must have the EXACT same visible column
sequence. The first column in the spreadsheet must correspond to the first
column in the grid; the second column in the spreadsheet must correspond to the
second column in the grid; and so forth.
Normally, if you originally copied from a grid into the spreadsheet, the data
schemes are identical. However, in some cases, this is not true because the
order of the grid may not match the order of the collection that was exported; in
those cases, you must reorder the columns in the spreadsheet to match the grid
Be careful, too, when ordering columns in the grid view. Because the paste order
matches that of the spreadsheet, if you paste a value into a column that affects
the value of a later column, then when the later column value is pasted, it might
overwrite the desired (calculated) value with the value from the spreadsheet.
The maximum number of rows you can paste into a form at one time depends
on the memory resources of your computer. Pasted rows are held in memory
until you save them. You can avoid out-of-memory conditions and related errors
by dividing a large number of records into smaller batches and then pasting and
saving each batch separately.
SyteLine will validate your data when you paste it. Data mismatches will generate data error
If you edit a cell in response to a validation message during the paste operation, the paste
operation ends with the current record. Therefore, we recommend that you respond "No"
to all prompts for validation during the paste operation, and then go back after the operation
is complete to edit these fields.
d. Place your cursor in the row that matches the one you copied.
e. Select Edit>Paste Overwrite.
3. Paste Append from Excel
a. In Excel, add another line by copying a planned order line and pasting it after the
last row.
b. Copy the line.
How to copy folders from the Master Explorer into My Folders
1. Use the Master Explorer to find the desired folder or form.
2. Right-click the folder or form in either the left or right pane.
3. Drag and drop into the My Folder area.
3. Give you folder a name. You can change the name by right clicking and selecting
4. Drag and drop other folders and forms into your folder.
If you want to delete a folder or form from My Folders, simply highlight the folder
and select Edit>Delete or click the DEL key.
Auto Run - When you log on, forms listed in the AutoRun folder are displayed as
opened, cascaded windows.
Pre-Load - When you log on, forms listed in the PreLoad folder are automatically
retrieved from the database into memory so they display more quickly when you
open them later.
Drag and drop the folders you want to autorun or preload into the correct folder in My
Folders. In the example below, Items and Item Stockroom Locations will autorun when the
user logs in.
You cannot save a filter with a workspace. The system will bring up the forms in
their sizes and postitions in the default mode.
How to create a workspace
1. Open the forms youre interested in.
2. Change size and position to fit your desires.
3. Select Form>Workspace.
4. Click New.
5. Give Workspace a name as shown below.
6. Click Set from current forms. Notice the message will be updated to say it now includes
the number of forms you have open as shown below.
7. Click Done.
View \ Settings
Use Default
Retrieve the default number of records or list items. The default is 200.
Retrieve All
Retrieve all the records or list items in the database.
Tabs are another way to present linked forms. When you turn on the tabbed view setting
each form you open becomes a parent form and a top level tab. Any form you open using
buttons from the parent form becomes a linked form and child tab.
You can specify where the parent and child appear-top, side, or bottom-using the view
Tabs can be reordered by clicking a tab and drag it around. Also, tab background color can
be altered by right-clicking and select one of listed colors (please note that we currently do
NOT persist this color selection)
Image Tooltip
By selecting the "Use Image Tooltip" option, users can hover over a tab and see a form
preview. This only shows the form, it does NOT reflect the most up-to-date data.
A new setting called Tabbed Form Layout lets you display tabs for each open form across
the top of the screen. If you open a linked or modal child form from within another form, tabs
for the child forms appear on the right side of the screen. You can click and drag to reorder
the tabs across the top of the screen. You can right-click on a tab to change its color, to
organize similar tasks by color. Tabs, tab order, and tab colors are not saved when you sign
A new setting called Display Explorer Buttons displays buttons in the Explorer. These
buttons are visible only when the Explorer is displayed, and they alow you another way to
navigate within the Explorer.
A new setting called Remember the navigation path makes the system remember your
Explorer settings.
1. Enter Edit Mode.
2. Select Edit>Variable.
3. Choose (form, pers) InitialCommand.
4. Click the Edit button.
5. Type the command of your choice: New, Refresh or FilterInPlace.
6. Click OK and then Done.
7. Exit Edit Mode.
8. Close the form.
9. Click Yes to save the changes.
Depending on your form editing permissions you may or may not be able to do
this globally, for a group or another user.
Add a field