Celeberating Service Excellence
Celeberating Service Excellence
Celeberating Service Excellence
of Service
in Pakistan
Bring the CX Day Celebration to Your Company!
Busy over-tasked people focused on immediate issues and problems can lose track of a
larger vision and
the overall customer experience culture. CX Day is that
moment, a pause during the year, when your
company can take a breather,
refresh and recommit to the customer experience, and show the customer
love in
Thank people for their ongoing work to deliver great customer experiences
difficult customer. After each call, discuss with your team what went well and what
didnt and
see if you can discover some new best (and worst) CX practices.
5. Invite- Customer Appreciation Events at your field offices or districts
Invite customers to come in celebrate the day with employees
Go further, generate an educational program for employees & customers
to take advantage
6. Recoginize - Viral Recognition
Create a movement to flood the company with recognitions and rewards
from top contributions to customer service to person who parked the
furthest from the entrance.
Naval Vaswani
Director, Integrated Services Excellence