06 - August 2013

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The Main Bar

ihe origin of this area dates Honorary Secretary received a that they solemnly collected all

T back to 1891 when considerable

expansion took place at the Club.
In that year, it was decided to
cheque, fully covering the
replacing value of any damage
done, even on the Club scale of
the furniture in the Bar, (sofas,
chairs, tables, etc.) and made
one big pile of them in the middle
start a library and the question six times the value. This of the room. They then sat down
naturally came up with regard to completely disarmed the Committee, and surveyed their work until the
the housing of it. The main block until on one occasion the offenders early hours of the morning; their
was fully employed and in order exceeded even the limits of their meditation being accompanied by
to house the library there, it patience by bringing a ticca- considerable quantities of drink.
was necessary to find other space gharry pony into the Bar, mounting The Vice President, who was acting
for the Smoking Room. The only it there, and riding it through in the absence of the President,
place available was the site the Billiard Room. After was one of the old school, having
beyond the Billiard Room. However, considerable correspondence their joined the Club in the '70s, took
that was far too large for one apology was accepted, but they a very serious view of this matter,
small room, so gradually the plan were told that the "next offence and decided to make an example
was evolved to build a large would have more serious of the members concerned. He
Smoking Room (the repercussions". therefore ordered that the Bar
present Bar), Another member very should be left as it was for one
Dressing Rooms and shortly afterwards, was day so that, members, when they
Bathrooms, which asked by the Committee came there in the evening, would
were badly needed, to give reasons why he realise the extreme gravity of
four Chambers and should not be charged, the offence and take a lesson
the Lavatories. In on the usual basis, for from it. Unfortunately for him
1893 the three damage done to Club the members took an entirely
storied block, which property. His reply was different view, for they saw the
completes the Main ingenuous though not humorous side of the incident and
Block, was finished. convincing. The reason thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle.
The members' area's he gave was that "the As and when they required seating
pedigree is colonial damage was caused by the accommodation, chairs, and tables
and hence it's unique fact that he had thrown were gradually removed from the
in design. Where a chair at a fellow pile, so that by the end of the
Englishmen gathered, conversation, member which had unfortunately evening all signs of the incident
power, eccentricity, and manners missed the mark through the member Continued on page 3
converged. Present day members dodging". From the tone of his
maintain that tradition by using letter it would appear
this area to unwind, socialise that he was sorry that > 1
with other members, share battle the chair missed its
mark than for the
stories, and light gossip in a
relaxed convivial manner. damage done. He was we would welcome renting
However, there has been many a duly fined.. On another members' wives or tter Feedback ca"
to the Monthly Newsletter. Feeaater.al
shenanigan taken place in the occasion, two members
include comments on pubii^ ^
Main Bar and its environs. During had dined together on
Fin de Siecle, a small group of New Year's Eve and
Officers were a constant source finished up at the
f l e f s f address correspondence to:
of trial to the Committee, for Club to bring the New
after Mess, they frequently came Year in, expecting to Sind Club
round to the Club, had a thoroughly find a large and
newsletter@sindclub.org .pk
enjoyable time, and in the process convivial crowd there.
there was often considerable
damage done to Club property.
They were all well off and
But there was no one
there and they were so
incensed at the
**- r .rr'& ' swrssa
membership no.
or child.
invariably the next morning the enforced loneliness,
Saleem Majidulla
hen the sun was setting on the British

W Empire, changes came thick and fast,

but they were mainly connected with the
governance of the country.

Karachi, together with Bombay and Calcutta was

at the centre of British Commerce in India,
which had been fine tuned to provide factories
requirement for shipment to the UK. This
predominantly was for agricultural produce.

The Sind Club as well as the Calcutta Club and

the Bombay Club were garnered to provide a
place of entertainment and social contact with
all the young Brits. The civil services also
greatly benefitted, and it is notable that the
President of the club was more often an ICS
official than a "Boxwala" a word that was used
by the superior trading classes.

There was great exhilaration when the Sind

Punjab Light Railway was inaugurated to bring Honour droned on and on the invitees became
cotton down to the port of Karachi. During this more and more restless. Two of the people
period, the Sind Club was the centre of Karachi present on this special occasion representing
society amongst the colonials. Mackinnons were Icky Shafi and Tony Davenport.
Tony Davenport's claim to fame was that he was
Partition in 1947 brought with it the problems engaged to "Gorgeous Gussie" Moran, who introduced
of adaptation to a new scheme of things. Because frilly panties to Wimbledon! Icky looking around
of the dominance of British Business, the Sind spied a bread basket full of bread rolls. He
Club had a special Annual Dinner to honour the picked up one and threw it to Tony who was
British High Commission. As a concession, surprised at the assault but took his time to
Pakistanis were permitted to be invited by the take another bun from the table and flung it
head of their companies. (It is interesting to back to Icky. A battle ensued and the club
note that the first Pakistanis who were elected became the scene of another Battle of Miani
was 5 years after the end of British rule)! except that there were no sides and it was free
It is during this period that a remarkable for all. As the contestants became more accurate,
"revolt" took place. The British High Commissioner a new element of surprise became apparent in
was duly invited for the Special Dinner. He that the missiles were coated with butter.
was generally known as a dull old bore. He During this melee, it was hardly noticed that
decided to make the subject of his speech the HM Ambassador after receiving a direct hit beat
great benefits that British colonials had given a hasty retreat.
to the people of Pakistan. As the Guest of

EMPLOYEE The Club is sad to announce the

OF THE MONTH 43 demise of

Muhammad 5 Col. A. J. Iqbal

Asif Ismail o

Continued from page 1 perpetrator"! and to watch the dancing blue
On the wall nearest the "Deep pyrotechnics.
had ceased to exist. The two End" there are the polo sticks With the introduction of
offending members were each fined and stirrups of the famous 'Hesky' prohibition, the bar fell in to
Rsl50 which they paid willingly, Baig, who captained the Pakistan hard times and eventual neglect
for they also had enjoyed Team against India. due to non-use. But the club
themselves. protectively hung on in the hope
Next to the piano is the "Weighing
The Main Bar is the central part Chair". We still have the original that better times lay ahead. The
of the Member's Area and is artifacts kept coming, generously
Weight Book and on the wall is
protected by the sign stating a plaque that shows the heaviest donated by members, the upkeep
"Ladies Not Permitted Beyond This member was H.L. Murray at 391 went on but the relaxed, stress-
Point" still standing sentinel lbs. Orval Landis, who presented free days of openly enjoying ones
outside. On entering the Main us a chair, weighed in at a mere tipple were now a shadow of the
Bar; the space, the design, the 290 lbs. past.
furnishings and the artifacts During the nineties, an infamous
On the walls are some of Lieut.
immediately take one back to bunch of younger members calling
William Edward1s original "Sketches
another era where times were less themselves 'The Dirty Dozen'
in Scinde" that enrich the
complicated and life more decided to do something to revive
character to the Bar.
leisurely. On the right side is the Main Bar. Once a month these
an antique Victorian, Kirkman & The bar continued to be used to 14 or 15 young guns would descend
Sons upright baby grand piano introduce prospective candidates to the main bar to promote
presented by Mr Jurgen Bergfeld to the Balloting Committee. traditional activities with fine
in 1992, soon to be restored to Now it's most memorable and dining.
its original glory. Then there developing tradition is the Deep Members could not be disturbed,
is an elegant granite Fireplace, End Lunch that are held on Saturday one of the quaint practices adopted
which was brought out from England afternoons. This is not to be was whenever the memsahib called;
in 1893, which can easily be mistaken with the Shallow End the bearers would say "Saab
missed because so many other where ladies are also welcome in nikalgayeh"!
unique items snatch one's the Masud Karim Room (but that
attention, but on a cold winter's is another story). Interestingly, About the same time, restrictions
evening it comes to life when a the terms deep and shallow ends, were imposed and the Main Bar
fire is lit for members to enjoy. come from two sides of the bar. became a "Members Only" area.
The walls are almost entirely The "Deep End" of the bar was But of late, the Committee decided
taken up by trophies most of which closer to the Billiard Room and to relax this restriction and
today are of protected species. was, at one time, usually occupied have allowed gentlemen guests to
Dominating them all is the by titans of industry, commerce, be introduced there once again,
magnificent tiger skin and head and civil service, whilst the opening up the bar for its original
presented by M. Asafuddin. We "Shallow End" of the bar was where purpose, to meet prospective
also have the horns of a Marco the junior executives and the members in a relaxed environ.
Polo Sheep, shot by Asad Ali Shah, younger members would gather. In
The Main Bar has seen many a visit
the first ever after the creation typical British method of
of cricket teams who have signed
of Pakistan. administration and rule, the bar
on the walls and there amongst
too had a demarcation to indicate
Old smoothbores, pistols, rifles, the signatures is the notorious
one's standing in the social
muzzleloaders or breachloaders, Douglas Jardine, who captained
muskets, flintlocks and all manner England for the infamous Bodyline
of antique hunting arms also adorn Sitting or standing around the Ashes Series 1932-1933. With him
the walls of the Main Bar, amongst room required the use of tables you can see the signatures of
them, on the pillar dividing the and the club has some outstanding 'Plum' Warner, and Hedley Verity.
bars, is an antique Toupek from ones made of copper. A certain The first team to "Sign-In" was
the Mazari/Leghari Wars, presented Watson of Mercantile Bank, who the MCC in October 1926 followed
by Sadar Sherbaz Mazari. was posted here from Chittagong, by Jardine's in 1933 and then Lord
The bell of the "Tasman Spirit" would arrive after work and had Tennyson's Team in November 1937.
a whimsical habit that put it to
has also found a berth within the There is also a framed
unique use, he would order a glass
Bar, whereas her hulk has now commemorative document of Samuel
of 'Chartreuse' a French liqueur
been grounded and broken up. It Hoare, the Secretary of State
is said, that if anyone rings it made by Carthusian Monks, and
then pour it onto the brass surface for Air's visit to the Sind Club
then it is "drinks-all-round for
and then light it with a match in 1927.
those in ear-shot to the

A Very English Garden
Durdana Soomro

ooking at an old photograph

L of the Sind Club I was struck
by the fact that its garden
looks more like an English garden
today than it did in its early
days under the British. The
bird's-eye-view dating back to
1928 shows the club surrounded
by a dense thicket of trees with
little sign of the expansive
lawns and flowerbeds so beloved
by the English and which, since
the past several years, have
allowed the Sind Club to run
away with the top prize in the
annual flower shows of the
Horticultural Society of Pakistan
(HSP). hardy trees were easier to grow front of the billiard room. And
One reason could be that when in the arid saline climate of Lady Lawrence, whose husband
the British founded Karachi it Karachi, whereas grass was much Henry Lawrence was Commissioner-
was a dry and dusty place and more difficult - "a clear in-Sind in 1916 mentioned the
it was only after they had impossibility" according to Sir "perfectly kept grass lawns" of
arranged for sweet water to be Richard F. Burton, the explorer, the Government House in her
piped in that vegetation began anthropologist and translator, memoirs. But it certainly became
to flourish. Sind Club, located who was among the earliest easier to have lawns after the
in the heart of the new city, visitors to the city. introduction of Dhaka grass.
was one of the first areas to However, the British, with their Sir Roger Thomas, chairman of
be supplied with water and, in love of turf, did not give up. HSP's flower show committees for
fact, in the picture referred We know that soon after its 6 years in the 1950s, may have
to you can see the vegetation establishment, a grant of Rs been the first to introduce this
become sparser as you move further 200 in 1886 allowed a lawn to species. He found there were
and further away. Deep-rooted be laid out in the Sind Club in four species of native lawn
grasses in Karachi but none of
them were entirely satisfactory
as the most popular one died
down in winter. Then he had the
opportunity to visit Dacca and
found a fine-leaved grass growing
there in a public park. He
brought a pocketful of it back
to Karachi and within 6 months
it had covered his garden and
was a "pleasure to behold."
Although they do need maintenance
Dhaka-grass lawns are now
Over the years the lawns of the
Sind Club have expanded to
accommodate the social activities
of the club and the needs of
the members. While bowling, one
of the early activities, first
mentioned in the committee minutes
of 1901, is no longer played,
round the clock to ensure that
the gardens are at their peak
for the flower show judging.
Four lakh seeds are imported of
all varieties and colours of
flowers, such as petunias,
marigolds, pelargonium, salvia,
Busy Lizzie, etc. The club raises
seedlings not only for its own
use but also for sale to members
with the proceeds going towards
the garden expenses.
Many gardens look quite drab in
summer but the Sind Club has to
look good all year round. When
I visited recently the flowerbeds
were looking quite
colourful with
cosmos, gomphrena,
and multi-coloured
vinca. There was also
the garden is very much in use a lovely purple
for the annual garden party, flowering plant which
for balls and members' dinners grows wild and seems
and receptions. A croquet lawn to do well in shade
has also been laid out in front and would be
of the Married Quarters (but worthwhile
there are no flamingos as yet!) cultivating.
and there is a well-used walking I missed seeing the
track which winds all the way Moenjodaro Bull
around the garden. that very soon the members will sculpture gifted by Anjum Ayaz
While the club has lost its be enjoying home-grown nimbu and was informed that it had
dense fringe of trees I am told pani. Many have begun to fruit corroded with the weather and
that the committee is mindful and it will certainly be a it was not possible to preserve
of conserving the trees that wonderful sight to see them it. Marble ages better outdoors
it has and ensuring that no laden with lemons. They are a than metal and there is a new
more are cut. New trees have welcome addition and it would addition in the form of the
been planted such as the be good to see more productive lovely marble fountain gifted
Tabebuia, both yellow and pink- use of the enormous space with by Sumayra and Fakir Ayazuddin
flowering varieties. Two perhaps some coconut palms to which needs an appropriate
saplings of Kigelia pinnata were provide home-grown pina coladas base and a suitable location.
obtained from the Karachi Golf and even vegetables. It is not easy to carry on
Club where two magnificent W.U.Nicholas, who was president the English gardening style -
specimens of this tree can be of the Sind Club in 1920-21 and velvety lawns and multi-hued
seen with hanging clusters of is credited with having developed seasonal flowers over such
purple flowers and enormous the gardens, had started a a huge area in a city where
sausage-shaped fruit. There are vegetable plot in front of the water is a perpetual problem.
also a pair of bluish-green Married Quarters. When I visited The club is making efforts to
Bismarckia palms, natives of the gardens last I did see a recycle water but power
Madagascar, which are doing small patch of aubergines which breakdowns and fluctuations
very well and, of course, the were flourishing and Ghulam Ali affect its efficiency and
imposing double row of Royal the Head Mali, who has been with tankers have to be resorted
Palms that line the driveway, the club for 29 years, informed to. Despite this they have
in addition to the older peepul, me that soon he will be making managed to uphold their
neem and badam trees. Secretary a vegetable patch in the lawn traditions and the result is
Shuja Baig was very enthusiastic in front of the Married Quarters a beautiful garden which is
about the grove of 40 lemons for the winter season. constantly being renovated and
planted near the wall opposite Winter is when the club gardens upgraded; gives pleasure all
the former Metropole Hotel next are at their best with Ghulam year round; and deservedly
to the walking track and hopes Ali and his team of 20 working wins many prizes.

FICTION Heirloom Recipes from Pakistan Shamsi
Stay Close Harlan Coben Qurashi
Breath of Death Saad Shafqat Partial Recall - Arvind Krishna Mehrotra
Sweet Tooth Ian McEwan Pakistan Economic Survey 2012-13 Government
Among Others Jo Walton of Pakistan
Classic Khushwant Singh Khushwant Singh Lee Kuan Yew : The Grand Master's Insights
Not Exactly Shangrila Martin Moir on China, The United States, and the World
Questions of Travel - Michelle De Kretser Graham Allison
Me Before You Jojo Moyes The Great War For Civilisation Robert
The Sins of the Mother Danielle Steel Fisk
The Doomsday Key - James Rollins The Thistle and The Drone - Akbar Ahmed
Easy Money Jens Lapidus Reinvent: A Leader's Playbook for Serial
Hidden Riches - Nora Roberts Success Fred Hassan
Rainshadow Road - Lisa Kleypas The Judiciary of Pakistan and It's Role
Someting From Tiffany's Melissa Hill in Political Crises Syed Sami Ahmad
Dry Bones That Dream - Peter Robinson BIOGRAPHIES
Inferno Dan Brown Half of Two Paisas: The Extraordinary
NON-FICTION Mission of Abdul Sattar Edhi and Bilquis
Ataturk: Founder of a Modern State Ali Edhi Lorenza Raponi
Kazancigil Champion of Choice: The Life & Legacy of
Sunset of the Sikh Empire Sita Ram Kohli Women's Advocate Nafis Sadik Cathleen
Descartes: A Guide for the Perplexed Miller
Justin Skirry JUNIOR BOOKS
The History of Mathematics: A Reader - The Adventures of Tinin
John Fauvel - Herge

Inferno Champion of Choice: TH E LIFE &


By Dan Brown The Life & Legacy of Womens W O M E N 'S


In the
Advocate Nafis Sadik NAFIS
By Cathleen Miller
heart of
Italy, A dense biography of Dr. Nafis Sadik, who *
Harvard changed the world for women through her
professor work on population control.
of Miller (Creative Writing/San Jose State
symbology, Univ.; Desert Flower: The Extraordinary
Robert Journey of a Desert Nomad, 1998, etc.) OF C H O I C E
Langdon, is researched Sadik for 10 years to give us
drawn into this biographical view. The book follows the improbable path
a harrowing of the Pakistani Sadik through partition, medical school, her
world early work in local population control and her efforts for the
centered on U.N. Population Fund, which she directed for 13 years. Sadik's
one of family "celebrated her femininity, valued her wishes, gave her
history1s the same educational opportunities as her brothers, then
most enduring and mysterious encouraged her career and independence." She worked passionately
literary masterpieces - Dante's against genital mutilation, obstetric fistula and childhood
Inferno. marriage. Through Sadik's tenure at the U.N., the organization
Langdon battles an adversary and was "able to bring respectability to the concept of family
grapples with an ingenious riddle planning." She helped set the tone for controlling population
that pulls him into a landscape growth by empowering women through education and ensuring basic
of classic art, secret human rights. The apex of Sadik's career was the U.N.'s 1994
passageways, and futuristic International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo.
science. Drawing from Dante's She outmaneuvered even the Vatican to support reproductive
dark epic poem, Langdon races choice for women, brokering consensus for a 20-year plan to
to find answers and decide whom address world population and development. Miller intersperses
to trust before the world is each chapter about Sadik with vignettes of women she met while
irrevocably altered. researching this book.

results of tournaments and matches IN JULY

DATE BILLIARDS Mr.Faisal Farooq Khan
Mr.Azhar Hamid
10-Jul One Red Volunteer
Snooker Tournament RUNNER UP
DATE BRIDGE Dr. Tahira Naqvi
Mr. Bobby Sheik
3-July Sind Club Weekly & Guest
Pair Bridge Competition & Guest

Mrs. Fatima Raza Mrs Nadera Shiek

10-July Sind Club Weekly & Guest
Pairs Bridge Competition & Guest
Mr. Bobby Sheik Mr. Mahmud Dossa
17-July Sind Club Weekly & Mrs Gulzar Dossa
Pairs Bridge Competition & Guest
Mr. Bobby Sheik Mr. Mahmud Dossa
24-July Sind Club Weekly & Mrs Gulzar Dossa
Pairs Bridge Competition & Guest

Sind Club Summer Futsal Tournament a h
5-July Spurs
Sind Club Ramadan Futsal Mini League Ku-Sc

16th A ugust 2013 to 15th Septem ber 2013
Billiards Futsal
For members and male guests For members their families and guests
Quaid-i-Azam Centenary Mcginty Handicap W e e k l y Futsal *
Singles 2013 Every W e d n e s d a y /
Sunday, A ugust 18, 2013 Venue: Chi l d r e n Tennis Court _
Venue: Billiards Room Time: 8:00 p.m. onwards ^ ^
Time: To be determined
Bridge For members their families and guests
For members their families and guests
"3 on Three" Basketball Tournament - 2013
Every Wednesday C o m m e n c i n g Thursday, A u g u s t 22, 2013
Venue: Khalid Ali Khan room < Venue: B asketball Court
Time: 06:00 p.m. onwards ^ / Time: To be deter m i n e d

Ladies Game Morning Volleyball

Tuesday, August 27, 2013 For members their families and guests
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Venue: Aviary W e e k l y V olleyball
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. E v e r y Mond a y
Venue: Ch i l d r e n Tennis Court
Time: 8:00 p.m. onwards
For members their families and guests
Yoga Classes
W e e k ly Cricket Coaching For Ladies & Gents
(Only for members' children 8 to 13 E v e r y Monday, W e d n e s d a y & Friday
years old) Venue: O ld Bridge Ro o m
E very Saturday Time: 10:30 p.m. to 11:45 p.m.
Venue: Sind Club C o n d u c t e d by: Ke h k a s h a n N a d e e m
Time: 03:30 p.m. onwards A professional and certified Yoga ^teacher

W e e k l y Cricket Nets Sportathon Kids Championship 2013

Every Thursday Thursday, A u g u s t 22 onwards
Venue: Sind Club Age: 8-14
Time: 06:00 p.m. onwards Time: 4:00 p.m. to 06:00 p.m.
Sind Club Events Calendar
16th August 2013 to 15th September 2013


Fri - 16th August 2013 Sun - 01st September 2013
Movie Night at Pool Side Sunday Brunch

Sat -17th August 2013 Mon - 02nd September 2013

Club Buffet Lunch Dance Sessions with Anees Hussain
Deep End Lunch 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m
Tue - 03rd September 2013
Sun - 18th August 2013 Billiards Evening Bara Khana
Sunday Brunch For Members and Male Guests
Mon - 19th August 2013 Bara Khana "Bell" will be rung at 09:30 p.m.
Dance Sessions with Anees Hussain Venue: Billiard Room Time: 07:30 p.m.
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Wed - 04th September 2013
Club Buffet Lunch
Thu - 05th September 2013
Jazz Evening
7:30 p.m. onwards

Tue - 20th August 2013

Billiards Evening Bara Khana
Wed - 21st August 2013
Club Buffet Lunch
Thu - 22nd August 2013
Dance Sessions with Anees Hussain
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Fri - 23rd August 2013 Dance Sessions with Anees Hussain
Karaoke Night 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m
10:00 p.m. 1:00 a.m. Sat - 07th September 2013
Sat - 24th August 2013 Club Buffet Lunch
Club Buffet Lunch Casablanca Night

Fez Night (No Smoking Event) Sun - 08th September 2013

Guest Couples can be invited Sunday Brunch
10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. Mon - 09th September 2013
Sun - 25th August 2013 Dance Sessions with Anees Hussain
Sunday Brunch 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m

Mon - 26th August 2013 Wed - 11th September 2013

Dance Sessions with Anees Hussain Club Buffet Lunch
8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Thu - 12th September 2013
Wed - 28th August 2013 Dance Sessions with Anees Hussain
Club Buffet Lunch 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m
Piano Recital

Designed and produced by IDEAS Events PR


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