Análitica 1
Análitica 1
Análitica 1
SAXS. SAXS measurements were performed with a Kratkytype instrument (SAXSess from Anton Paar, Austria) at 20 1
C. The SAXSess has a low sample-to-detector distance (0.309 m),
which is suitable for investigation of dispersions with low scattering intensities. The measured intensity was corrected by
subtracting the intensity of a capillary filled with pure water. The
scattering vector is defined in terms of the scattering angle and
the wavelength of the radiation ( ) 0.154 nm): thus, q ) 4/
sin . Deconvolution (slit length desmearing) of the SAXS curves
was performed with the SAXS-Quant software (version 2.0) from
Anton Paar (Austria). In addition, the deconvolution was also
performed with Glatters established indirect Fourier transformation method10,11,21 implemented in the PCG Software Version
2.02.05 (University of Graz) to verify the results produced with
the SAXS-Quant software.
The deconvoluted SAXS curves were analyzed by comparison
with scattering model functions implemented in an IGOR Probased software package from NIST.22 Fractions of nanoparticles
with index i are approximated by Gaussian distributions
fi(R) )
(R - Ri)2
(F - Fs)2
fi(R) R6[F(qR)]2 dR
are displayed in Figure 4 (solid gray lines). Note that the particles
are already diluted when injected into the A4F (iron content 7.1
g/L, nonfractionated) and further diluted by a factor of about 100
during fractionation. In contrast to the nonfractionated Resovist
(Figure 1), the shape of the curves of the fractionated particles is
typical for spherical particles.29 For a quantitative description, we
used the model of polydisperse spheres with a Gaussian distribution as given by eq 2. Examples of best fit curves with particle
radii of 4.7, 6.9, and 13.8 nm are given in Figure 4 (black solid
lines). The polydispersities were held constant at a value of 0.05
for all fits to avoid ambiguous results. The radii and their
uncertainty values from the curve fittings (error bars) are summarized as a function of the fractionation time in Figure 5. It can
be seen that the first particles with radii of 5 nm were detected at
a fractionation time of 300 s and the last with radii of 19 nm, at
1740 s, which is in agreement with the first and last particle
detection times from UV. The values of the radii of the smallest
and largest particles are close to those derived from the nonfractionated samples.
The increase in the radii with fractionation time can be
approximated by a linear function as R(t) ) 1.99 nm + (6.06
10-3 nm s- 1)t for times between 400 and 1600 s (solid line in
Figure 5). This linear increase is in accordance with the theoretical prediction of A4F separation of spherical particles.14,30 Note
that the two first and last data values are not used for approximation because of the very low SAXS intensities of the fractions at
the shortest and largest fractionation times.
Bimodal Size Distribution. The quantitative determination
of the size distribution, which is bimodal, as seen in the UV trace,
is of great interest. Unfortunately, the UV signal intensity of the
nanoparticles (Figure 3) allows no quantitative frequency scaling
of the radii (Figure 5) for determination of their size distribution
(Lambert-Beers law is not valid for particles). The necessary
information is given by the scaling factor of the SAXS intensity
fits, which is directly proportional to the volume fraction of the
nanoparticles (cf. eq 2). The resulting volume-weighted frequency
of the particles as a function of their radii is displayed in Figure
(30) Thielking, H.; Roessner, D.; Kulicke, W. M. Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 3229
Figure 6. (Left) Volume-weighted frequency distribution of the nanoparticles as a function of their radii (circles). A sum of two Gaussian
distributions with maxima at R ) 5.0 and 9.9 nm with width of ) 1.2 and 1.6 nm were used for approximation (dotted line). The radii-weighted
ratio of small to large particles is 1:2. (Right) Frequency distribution of the nanoparticles as a function of their volumes (lower x-axis) and their
molar mass (upper x-axis). The volume-weighted ratio of small to large particles is 1:7.
Figure 7. Volume-weighted hydrodynamic radii (circles) and scattering intensities (squares) from dynamic light scattering of Resovist
nanoparticles as a function of the fractionation time. The arrow
indicates the maximum of the light scattering intensity at a hydrodynamic radius of 31 nm.
The financial support of the Federal Institute for Materials
Research and Testing is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank