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Anal. Chem.

2009, 81, 296301

In Situ Analysis of a Bimodal Size Distribution of

Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles
Andreas F. Thu
nemann,* Simone Rolf, Patrick Knappe, and Steffen Weidner
BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Richard-Willstatter-Strae 11, 12489 Berlin, Germany
The dispersed iron oxide nanoparticles of ferrofluids in
aqueous solution are difficult to characterize due to their
protective polymer coatings. We report on the bimodal
size distribution of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles found in the MRI contrast agent Resovist, which
is a representative example of commercial nanoparticlebased pharmaceutical formulations. The radii of the
majority of the nanoparticles (>99%) range from 4 to 13
nm (less than 1% of the particles display radii up to 21
nm). The maxima of the size distributions are at 5.0 and
9.9 nm. The analysis was performed with in situ characterization of Resovist via online coupling of asymmetrical
flow field-flow fractionation (A4F) with small-angle X-ray
scattering (SAXS) using a standard copper X-ray tube as
a radiation source. The outlet of the A4F was directly
coupled to a flow capillary on the SAXS instrument. SAXS
curves of nanoparticle fractions were recorded at 1-min
time intervals. We recommend using the A4F-SAXS
coupling as a routine method for analysis of dispersed
nanoparticles with sizes in the range of 1-100 nm. It
allows a fast and quantitative comparison of different
batches without the need for sample preparation.
Nanoparticle dispersions are of tremendous importance in
many fields of nanotechnology, especially in the development of
pharmaceutical applications, such as target-specific drug delivery,1
gene therapy,2,3 and cancer diagnosis.4,5 Nanoparticles are of
similar importance in the classical field of colloid and polymer
science; for example, polymer latexes and ferrofluids. Along with
their benefits, serious concerns have also arisen about safety risks
of nanoparticles to human health and the environment.6-9 It is
therefore of utmost importance to implement sustainable and
* Corresponding author. E-mail:
(1) Solaro, R. J. Polym. Sci., Part A 2008, 46, 111.
(2) Weiss, S. I.; Sieverling, N.; Niclasen, M.; Maucksch, C.; Thunemann, A. F.;
Mohwald, H.; Reinhardt, D.; Rosenecker, J.; Rudolph, C. Biomaterials 2006,
27, 23022312.
(3) Rudolph, C.; Sieverling, N.; Schillinger, U.; Lesina, E.; Plank, C.; Thunemann, A. F.; Schonberger, H.; Rosenecker, J. Biomaterials 2007, 28, 1900
(4) Ferrari, M. Nat. Rev. Cancer 2005, 5, 161171.
(5) Jain, P. K.; El-Sayed, I. H.; El-Sayed, M. A. Nano Today 2007, 2, 1829.
(6) Tsuji, J. S.; Maynard, A. D.; Howard, P. C.; James, J. T.; Lam, C. W.; Warheit,
D. B.; Santamaria, A. B. Toxicol. Sci. 2006, 89, 4250.
(7) Maynard, A. D.; Aitken, R. J.; Butz, T.; Colvin, V.; Donaldson, K.;
Oberdorster, G.; Philbert, M. A.; Ryan, J.; Seaton, A.; Stone, V.; Tinkle,
S. S.; Tran, L.; Walker, N. J.; Warheit, D. B. Nature 2006, 444, 267269.
(8) Maynard, A. D. Ann. Occup. Hyg. 2007, 51, 112.


Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 1, January 1, 2009

reliable analytical methods in nanoparticle characterizations.

Detailed knowledge of nanoparticle size, shape, number, composition, and structure is needed, since there is no doubt that these
quantities determine efficiency in technical applications as well
as their risk potential. For a systematic optimization of the desired
nanoparticles and the quantitative characterization of different
production batches, it is necessary to have rapid and precise
analytical methods for particle size and shape determination. Such
procedures are not yet available for broad size distributions or
polydisperse samples.
In addition to the predominant particle size determination
techniques (electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering),
one currently observes a renaissance of classical methods, such
as analytical ultracentrifugation and small-angle X-ray scattering
(SAXS). The latter is a state-of-the-art method for the determination of nanoparticle size, shape, number, and inner structure of
nanoparticles in solution without the need for sample preparation
steps.10-13 However, SAXS data interpretation is ambiguous if the
nanoparticles are polydisperse or if they differ in shape. This is
due to the fact that SAXS averages the scattering pattern of all
particles in the sample. In short, SAXS is normally very accurate
if all particles are of similar size and shape. Therefore, fractionation
of particle mixtures before performing SAXS is necessary for
unambiguous results.
The A4F method is appropriate for gentle fractionation because
it applies lower shear forces to the particles than GPC and HPLC.
The sizes of the particles in the fractions can then be determined
online with multiangle light scattering (MALS). For example, A4FMALS systems are successfully used in the analysis of gelatin
nanoparticle drug carriers,14 polyorganosiloxane nanoparticles,15
and chitosan.16
Surprisingly, SAXS has not previously been combined with
field-flow fractionation methods. This is most probably due to the
fact that scattering of visible light by nanoparticles is several orders
(9) Balbus, J. M.; Maynard, A. D.; Colvin, V. L.; Castranova, V.; Daston, G. P.;
Denison, R. A.; Dreher, K. L.; Goering, P. L.; Goldberg, A. M.; Kulinowski,
K. M.; Monteiro-Riviere, N. A.; Oberdorster, G.; Omenn, G. S.; Pinkerton,
K. E.; Ramos, K. S.; Rest, K. M.; Sass, J. B.; Silbergeld, E. K.; Wong, B. A.
Environ. Health Perspect. 2007, 115, 16541659.
(10) Glatter, O.; Kratky, O. Small Angle X-ray Scattering; Academic Press:
London, 1982.
(11) Fritz, G.; Glatter, O. J. Phys. Condens. Matter 2006, 18, S2403-S2419.
(12) Konarev, P. V.; Petoukhov, M. V.; Volkov, V. V.; Svergun, D. I. J. Appl.
Crystallogr. 2006, 39, 277286.
(13) Svergun, D. I. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 2007, 40, S10-S17.
(14) Fraunhofer, W.; Winter, G.; Coester, C. Anal. Chem. 2004, 76, 19091920.
(15) Jungmann, N.; Schmidt, M.; Maskos, M. Macromolecules 2001, 34, 8347
(16) Mao, S.; Augsten, C.; Mader, K.; Kissel, T. J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal. 2007,
45, 736741.
10.1021/ac802009q CCC: $40.75 2009 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/26/2008

of magnitude higher than that of X-rays. A priori, one can expect

that the SAXS signal of the nanoparticles after field-flow fractionation will be too low to be detected. In a recent study, we
circumvented this problem by using a highly intense X-ray source
in the form of synchrotron radiation in combination with a SAXS
system optimized for nanoparticle detection.17 It has been shown
that the size distribution of the radii (1.2-1.7 nm) and lengths
(7.0-30.0 nm) of superparamagnetic maghemite nanorods can
be revealed in situ by the A4F-SAXS coupling. Unfortunately,
synchrotron X-ray radiation is not readily available for routine
work; for example, for the control of different production batches.
Therefore, this studys objective is to show that an A4F-SAXS
coupling is also possible with reasonable resolution when using
a commercial X-ray source. The time-saving determination of the
size distributions of superparamagnetic nanoparticles (Resovist)
for medical use, whose particle size distribution cannot be
determined with other methods, such as TEM18 and DLS, is
Materials. The commercial magnetic resonance imaging
contrast agent Resovist was purchased from Bayer-Schering AG.
Resovist is an aqueous suspension of superparamagnetic iron
oxide nanoparticles coated with carboxydextran.19 It contains 540
mg/mL Ferucarbotran, corresponding to 28 mg/mL of iron.
NovaChem Surfactant 100 was obtained from Postnova Analytics
GmbH, Germany. This surfactant mixture is also available as FL70 from Fischer Scientific (USA). For use in chromatography and
composition, see ref 20.
Methods. Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (A4F).
The A4F unit was from Postnova Analytics GmbH (Germany),
and consisted of an AF2000 focus system (PN 5200 sample
injector, PN 7505 inline degaser, PN 1122 tip, and focus pump).
An inline solvent filter (100 nm, regenerated cellulose, Postnova)
was placed between the solvent pumps (between tip and focus)
and the channel to reduce the background signals. The channel
thickness was 500 m, and the ultra filtration membrane was a
regenerated cellulose membrane with a cutoff of 10 103 g mol-1.
The solvent used was water containing 0.2% (v/v) NovaChem
Surfactant 100. The detector flow rate was 0.5 mL min-1 for all
A4F experiments, and the cross-flow rate was controlled by
AF2000 software (Postnova Analytics). The cross-flow decreased linearly with time, starting with a cross-flow of 2.5 mL
min-1 and decreasing at a rate of 2.5/20 mL min-2. A sample
of nanoparticles (Resovist) with a concentration of 7.1 mg/mL
of iron (10.0 mg/mL of maghemite) and a volume of 50 L
was injected into the channel for each experiment; that is, a
total of 355 g of iron (507 g of maghemite). The outlet of
the A4F was coupled directly to the UV detector (detection at
) 300 nm) and the flow cell of the SAXS instrument. The
fractionated stream reached the UV detector approximately 1
min after passing through the flow cell of the SAXS instrument.
(17) Thunemann, A. F.; Kegel, J.; Polte, J.; Emmerling, F. Anal. Chem. 2008,
80, 59055911.
(18) Wang, Y.; Ng, Y. W.; Chen, Y.; Shuter, B.; Yi, J.; Ding, J.; Wang, S. C.;
Feng, S. S. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2008, 18, 308318.
(19) Lawaczeck, R.; Menzel, M.; Pietsch, H. Appl. Organomet. Chem. 2004, 18,
(20) Atta, K. R.; Gavril, D.; Loukopoulos, V.; Karaiskakis, G. J. Chromatogr., A
2004, 1023, 287296.

SAXS. SAXS measurements were performed with a Kratkytype instrument (SAXSess from Anton Paar, Austria) at 20 1
C. The SAXSess has a low sample-to-detector distance (0.309 m),
which is suitable for investigation of dispersions with low scattering intensities. The measured intensity was corrected by
subtracting the intensity of a capillary filled with pure water. The
scattering vector is defined in terms of the scattering angle and
the wavelength of the radiation ( ) 0.154 nm): thus, q ) 4/
sin . Deconvolution (slit length desmearing) of the SAXS curves
was performed with the SAXS-Quant software (version 2.0) from
Anton Paar (Austria). In addition, the deconvolution was also
performed with Glatters established indirect Fourier transformation method10,11,21 implemented in the PCG Software Version
2.02.05 (University of Graz) to verify the results produced with
the SAXS-Quant software.
The deconvoluted SAXS curves were analyzed by comparison
with scattering model functions implemented in an IGOR Probased software package from NIST.22 Fractions of nanoparticles
with index i are approximated by Gaussian distributions

fi(R) )

(R - Ri)2


where Ri is the average radius and i is the width of the

distribution. The polydispersity is defined as pi ) i/Ri. The
scattering of the distribution of spheres in a fraction with index
i is
Ii(q) ) k

(F - Fs)2

fi(R) R6[F(qR)]2 dR


Here, k is an instrumental constant, i is the volume fraction of

the particles, and F - Fs the electron density difference between
particles and solvent. The average volume of the particles in a
fraction is Vi ) 4/3Ri3 ) 4/3Ri3(1 + 3pi2), and the
scattering amplitude of a sphere is F(qR) ) (qR)- 3[sin(qR) qR cos(qR)].
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). The DLS measurements were
performed using a Malvern Instruments particle sizer (Zetasizer
Nano ZS, Malvern Instruments, UK) equipped with a He-Ne laser
( ) 632.8 nm). The scattering data were recorded at 20 1 C
in backscattering modus at a scattering angle of 2 ) 173, which
corresponded to a scattering vector of q ) 4n/ sin (0.02636
nm-1). The aqueous sample solutions were placed into a square
10 10 mm disposable polystyrene cuvette. Prior to measurement, the samples were filtered with a 0.45 m Millipore
syringe filter to remove dust particles. The hydrodynamic
radius, Rh (of a hydrodynamic equivalent sphere), was obtained
from the diffusion coefficient using the Stokes-Einstein relation, Rh ) kT/(6D).
Dispersions of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
form ferrofluids23 and have been widely used as a diagnostic agent
for magnetic resonance imaging.19 The synthetic nanoparticles
(21) Glatter, O. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 1977, 10, 415421.
(22) Kline, S. R. J. Appl. Crystallogr. 2006, 39, 895900.
(23) Holm, C.; Weis, J. J. Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 2005, 10, 133140.

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 1, January 1, 2009


Figure 1. Experimental SAXS curve of nonfractionated Resovist

nanoparticles (solid line) and simulated curves from particles with radii
of 17 and 5 nm (dashed and dotted line). Polydispersity is 0.05. The
Porod region (1 < q < 4 nm-1) is indicated by a straight line.

contain magnetite (Fe3O4), maghemite (-Fe2O3), or both.24

Primary particle sizes in the range of 6-15 nm are assumed
to be the optimum for MRI applications.25 All superparamagnetic contrast agents contain nanoparticles, which are typically
coated with large quantities of polymers, such as dextran,
carboxydextran, starch, silicones, albumin, or polyethylene
oxide (PEO, polyethylene glycol, PEG) for colloidal stability.
Examples for clinical used nanoparticles are products under
the trade names Lumirem (radius, Rh ) 150 nm), Endorem
(Rh ) 40-75 nm), Sinerem (Rh ) 10-20 nm), and Resovist
(Rh ) 30 nm).26 Surprisingly, little data has been published on
the size distributions of the nanoparticles, probably because
these type of particles produce highly different results when
different analytical methods are applied. As an example, the
radii of the primary iron oxide nanoparticles of Resovist are
roughly 2.5 nm as deduced from TEM pictures.18 This is much
smaller than the hydrodynamic radius of Resovist nanoparticles
(30 nm).18 The difference between 2.5 and 30 nm is attributed
simply to the carboxydextran coating18 or resulting from
carboxydextran-coated aggregates of multiple primary particles.26 One may assume that the carboxydextran, which is
surface-active to the nanoparticles, camouflages the TEM
pictures by inducing diffuse aggregates.18 This is in agreement
with the literature, where it has been reported that surfaceactive compounds can produce strong artifacts in TEM pictures
of nanoparticles.27 Therefore, TEM alone is not sufficient for
the determination of the particle size distribution. In this
context, SAXS could provide valuable information to solve this
Size Determination of Nonfractionated Nanoparticles. The
SAXS pattern of Resovist was therefore measured in situ without
sample preparation. The resulting scattering is displayed in Figure
1 (solid line). It can be seen that the nanoparticles produce a
strong signal where the scattering intensity scales with q-4 in the
range of 1 < q < 4 nm-1. This is in accordance with Porods
law, which reveals that the density transition between a particle
(24) Thunemann, A. F.; Schutt, D.; Kaufner, L.; Pison, U.; Mohwald, H. Langmuir
2006, 22, 23512357.
(25) Chatterjee, J.; Haik, Y.; Chen, C. J. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2003, 257, 113
(26) Wang, Y. X. J.; Hussain, S. M.; Krestin, G. P. Eur. Radiol. 2001, 11, 2319
(27) Kreuter, J. Int. J. Pharm. 1983, 14, 4358.


Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 1, January 1, 2009

and its surroundings is sharp (absence of fractal structures).28

Furthermore, the polymer coating is invisible for SAXS in the
presence of iron oxide, as expected from the very low electron
density difference between carboxydextran and water, as
compared to that of iron oxide and water. A reasonable method
for shape and size determination of nanoparticles from SAXS
data is the direct fitting of model curves to experimental
scattering curves. A detailed review is given by Pedersen.29
The scattering intensity from noninteracting individual particles
is determined by their form factor. We attempted to tentatively
interpret the scattering by fitting the SAXS curve to the
scattering from different particle sizes with varying size
distributions and shapes. As expected, we were not able to fit
the curve using reasonably simple models. Nevertheless, if we
assume spherical particles, we can estimate that the largest
particles have radii of approximately 17 nm and that the radii
of the smallest are roughly 5 nm (compare the dashed and
dotted lines, respectively, in Figure 1). In it, we used Gaussian
size distributions with a fixed polydispersity of 0.05 for reasons
of simplicity. The use of very broad size distributions did not
provide any meaningful information. A bimodal size distribution
of superparamagnetic nanoparticles is indicated by the measured
SAXS curve, but without additional, more detailed information, it
is clear that this assumption is highly speculative. To improve
the analytical situation, we performed a detailed analysis by
coupling A4F particle fractionation with SAXS shape analysis.
Nanoparticle Sizes from Online Fractionation. The nanoparticle analysis by A4F-SAXS coupling is based on the strategy
that the fractionation process of the A4F provides nanoparticles
with a narrow polydispersity ideal for SAXS analysis (performed
online with the help of a flow cell). A sketch of the experimental
setup is shown in Figure 2. In addition, a UV detector is positioned
between the A4F and SAXS. We found that a linear decrease in
the A4F cross-flow between separation times of 0 and 1200 s
results in an optimum of nanoparticle separation, as indicated by
the UV detectors signal (time-dependent cross-flow and UV-signal
intensity are displayed in Figure 3). It can be seen that the first
(smallest) nanoparticles are detected at a separation time of 270 s.
Distinct maxima of the UV signal are at 490 and 1380 s, with a
minimum at 900 s. The last (largest) nanoparticles which were
eluted are detected around 1800 s, and no signal is subsequently
A A4F-SAXS setup similar to that in Figure 2 was implemented
recently at a synchrotron (BESSY), which allows the monitoring
of SAXS curves of iron oxide nanorods at time intervals of one
second or less.17 Instead of a synchrotron, the source of radiation
in the present work is a commercial copper X-ray tube. This has
a priori the consequence that the time required for recording a
single SAXS curve of comparable data statistics increases by 2-3
orders of magnitude. Indeed, we found that SAXS data of
reasonable quality can be recorded for Resovist at 60-120 s
sampling time intervals when using the same injection volume
and iron oxide concentration (see the Materials and Methods
Section), as in the A4F-SAXS synchrotron study.17 Typical SAXS
curves at three different fractionation times (300, 540, and 1500 s)
(28) Ruland, W. Carbon 2001, 39, 323324.
(29) Pedersen, J. S. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 1997, 70, 171210.

Figure 4. Experimental SAXS pattern of nanoparticle fractions

collected at retention times of 300, 540, and 1500 s (solid gray lines,
a-c). The fit curves (black solid curves) correspond to spherical
particles with radii of 4.7 nm (a), 6.9 nm (b), and 13.8 nm (c) of
Gaussian particle size distributions with a polydispersity of 0.05.
Intensities are multiplied by a factor of 102 (b) and 104 (c) for clarity
of presentation. The radii are fit parameters but not the polydispersities, which are constant at a value of 0.05, to avoid ambiguous fit
Figure 2. Sketch of the experimental setup of the A4F (top) and
SAXS (bottom) coupling. Particle fractionation is performed in the A4F.
Particles leave the outlet of the A4F consecutively as small, mediumsized, and large particles. The stream of the fractionated particles is
first detected by UV absorption at 300 nm and 1 min later in a flow
cell by SAXS (shortest possible detection time interval is 60 s).

Figure 5. The mean radii of the nanoparticles as a function of the

A4F fractionation time (circles). The increase in the radii with elution
time is approximated as a linear function in the interval from 400 to
1600 s.

Figure 3. Fractograms of the asymmetrical field-flow fractionation

of Resovist samples with UV detection at 300 nm for two experiments
(solid and dotted line). The maximum of the first peak is normalized
to one. A linear decay of the cross-flow rate from 2.5 mL min-1 to
zero was applied in the range from 0 to 1200 s (dashed line); no
cross-flow was applied thereafter. The flow rate was constant with
0.5 mL min-1.

are displayed in Figure 4 (solid gray lines). Note that the particles
are already diluted when injected into the A4F (iron content 7.1
g/L, nonfractionated) and further diluted by a factor of about 100
during fractionation. In contrast to the nonfractionated Resovist
(Figure 1), the shape of the curves of the fractionated particles is
typical for spherical particles.29 For a quantitative description, we
used the model of polydisperse spheres with a Gaussian distribution as given by eq 2. Examples of best fit curves with particle
radii of 4.7, 6.9, and 13.8 nm are given in Figure 4 (black solid
lines). The polydispersities were held constant at a value of 0.05
for all fits to avoid ambiguous results. The radii and their
uncertainty values from the curve fittings (error bars) are summarized as a function of the fractionation time in Figure 5. It can
be seen that the first particles with radii of 5 nm were detected at
a fractionation time of 300 s and the last with radii of 19 nm, at
1740 s, which is in agreement with the first and last particle

detection times from UV. The values of the radii of the smallest
and largest particles are close to those derived from the nonfractionated samples.
The increase in the radii with fractionation time can be
approximated by a linear function as R(t) ) 1.99 nm + (6.06
10-3 nm s- 1)t for times between 400 and 1600 s (solid line in
Figure 5). This linear increase is in accordance with the theoretical prediction of A4F separation of spherical particles.14,30 Note
that the two first and last data values are not used for approximation because of the very low SAXS intensities of the fractions at
the shortest and largest fractionation times.
Bimodal Size Distribution. The quantitative determination
of the size distribution, which is bimodal, as seen in the UV trace,
is of great interest. Unfortunately, the UV signal intensity of the
nanoparticles (Figure 3) allows no quantitative frequency scaling
of the radii (Figure 5) for determination of their size distribution
(Lambert-Beers law is not valid for particles). The necessary
information is given by the scaling factor of the SAXS intensity
fits, which is directly proportional to the volume fraction of the
nanoparticles (cf. eq 2). The resulting volume-weighted frequency
of the particles as a function of their radii is displayed in Figure
(30) Thielking, H.; Roessner, D.; Kulicke, W. M. Anal. Chem. 1995, 67, 3229

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 1, January 1, 2009


Figure 6. (Left) Volume-weighted frequency distribution of the nanoparticles as a function of their radii (circles). A sum of two Gaussian
distributions with maxima at R ) 5.0 and 9.9 nm with width of ) 1.2 and 1.6 nm were used for approximation (dotted line). The radii-weighted
ratio of small to large particles is 1:2. (Right) Frequency distribution of the nanoparticles as a function of their volumes (lower x-axis) and their
molar mass (upper x-axis). The volume-weighted ratio of small to large particles is 1:7.

6. An approximation by two Gaussian distributions has maxima

at R ) 5.0 and 9.9 nm with widths of ) 1.2 and 1.6 nm,
respectively (solid line in Figure 6). As can be seen, the frequency
ratio of the smaller to larger nanoparticles is about 1:2. It can be
further seen that the majority of the particles (>99%) are in a range
between 4 and 13 nm. A small quantity (<1%) of larger particles
with radii up to 21 nm was detected after lengthy elution. Due to
the fact that the scattering intensity scales with R,6 SAXS is very
sensitive to larger particles (see eq 2), even in very small
concentration regimes. In addition to the radii, the volume and
molar mass distribution can be determined (Figure 6, right figure).
The latter is calculated by multiplying the nanoparticles volumes
by the bulk density of maghemite (4.89 g cm-3) and Avogadros
number (upper x-axis). It can be seen that the smallest
nanoparticles have a volume of 230 nm3, which contains
approximately 8500 iron atoms and a molar mass of M ) 0.68
106 g mol-1. The largest particles have a volume of 8260 nm3
(3.0 105 iron atoms, M ) 24.3 106 g mol-1). The bimodality
of the size distribution, which is approximated by two Gaussian
distributions (dotted line) with maxima at volumes of 566 nm3
(M ) 1.7 106 g mol-1) and 4330 nm3 (M ) 12.8 106 g mol-1),
is again clearly visible. The widths of the distributions are 180
and 890 nm3, respectively. The ratio of the weights of the
smaller to the larger nanoparticles is about 1:7.
Comparison with Dynamic Light Scattering. The reported
mean hydrodynamic radius of Resovist nanoparticles18 is 30 nm,
which is significantly larger than the radii determined by SAXS.
Therefore, we collected fractions of the nanoparticles at the SAXS
outlet and measured them with DLS. The resulting volumeweighted hydrodynamic radii and the DLS intensities are summarized in Figure 7. It can be seen that the hydrodynamic radii
increase from about 5 to 50 nm in the fractionation time interval
from 400 to 1800 s. A first weak intensity maximum is visible at
approximately t ) 700 s, which corresponds to Rh ) 15 nm. An
intense second maximum is found at a fractionation time
around 1500 s, where Rh is 31 nm. The radius at the intense
maximum agrees well with the Rh ) 30 nm of the nonfractionated Resovist.18,26 A comparison of DLS and SAXS data shows
the Rh values to be larger than the R values from SAXS at all
fractionation times. This is in agreement with the assumption

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 1, January 1, 2009

Figure 7. Volume-weighted hydrodynamic radii (circles) and scattering intensities (squares) from dynamic light scattering of Resovist
nanoparticles as a function of the fractionation time. The arrow
indicates the maximum of the light scattering intensity at a hydrodynamic radius of 31 nm.

that the presence of a polymeric shell contributes significantly

to Rh but not to R (the SAXS contribution of the carboxydextran
is negligibly small, as already mentioned). We tentatively
calculate the thickness of the polymeric shell, Rshell, as the
difference between Rh and R. Using this assumption, we
determined thicknesses of approximately Rshell ) 10 and 20 nm
for the carboxydextran layer of the smaller and larger particle
populations, respectively. As a trend, it can be said that the
thickness of the shell increases with increasing size of the iron
oxide core. The thickness of the shell is not constant, which a
priori would also have been a reasonable possibility.
The online coupling of asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation
with small-angle scattering (A4F-SAXS) is a suitable instrument
for the characterization of commercial superparamagnetic nanoparticles. The presence of a bimodal size distribution can be
quantified with respect to the sizes and frequency of the nanoparticles. In cases in which the separation conditions of the fieldflow fractionation are of reasonable quality, the A4F-SAXS could
be used as a standard analytical method for characterizing different
nanoparticle batches either for scientific research or quality control
in commercial production. The time required is 30 min. It must
be said that standard X-ray tubes are sufficient for strongly

scattering nanoparticles, such as metals or metal oxides, but

intense synchrotron radiation will be required for weak X-ray
scatterers, such as proteins and water-soluble polymers.

H. Schnablegger and R. Bienert for working with the SAXSess

and helpful discussions.

The financial support of the Federal Institute for Materials
Research and Testing is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank

Received for review September 22, 2008. Accepted

November 5, 2008.

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 81, No. 1, January 1, 2009


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