This document contains 9 problems related to refrigeration systems. The problems involve determining properties like cooling capacity, COP, refrigerant flow rate, compressor power requirement, etc. for various refrigeration cycles operating between different temperature ranges and using refrigerants like R12, R134a, R22, NH3. The last problem involves a multi-evaporator refrigeration system and calculating compressor power requirements for single compressor vs individual compressors cases.
This document contains 9 problems related to refrigeration systems. The problems involve determining properties like cooling capacity, COP, refrigerant flow rate, compressor power requirement, etc. for various refrigeration cycles operating between different temperature ranges and using refrigerants like R12, R134a, R22, NH3. The last problem involves a multi-evaporator refrigeration system and calculating compressor power requirements for single compressor vs individual compressors cases.
This document contains 9 problems related to refrigeration systems. The problems involve determining properties like cooling capacity, COP, refrigerant flow rate, compressor power requirement, etc. for various refrigeration cycles operating between different temperature ranges and using refrigerants like R12, R134a, R22, NH3. The last problem involves a multi-evaporator refrigeration system and calculating compressor power requirements for single compressor vs individual compressors cases.
This document contains 9 problems related to refrigeration systems. The problems involve determining properties like cooling capacity, COP, refrigerant flow rate, compressor power requirement, etc. for various refrigeration cycles operating between different temperature ranges and using refrigerants like R12, R134a, R22, NH3. The last problem involves a multi-evaporator refrigeration system and calculating compressor power requirements for single compressor vs individual compressors cases.
A Carnot refrigerator using R12 as working fluid operates between 40
C and -30 C. Determine the work of compression and cooling effect produced by the cycle. 2. An ideal refrigeration cycle operates with R134a as the working fluid. The temperature of refrigerant in the condenser and evaporator are 40 C and -20 C respectively. The mass flow rate of refrigerant is 0.1 kg/s. Determine the cooling capacity and COP of the plant. 3. A R-12 plant has to produce 10 tons of refrigeration. The condenser and evaporator temperatures are 40C and -10C respectively. Determine: a. Refrigerant flow rate b. Volume flow rate of the compressor c. Operating pressure ratio d. Power required to drive t he compressor e. Flash gas percentage after throtting f. COP
4. A NH3 refrigerator produces 100 tons of ice from water at 0 C
in a day. The cycle operates between 25 C and -15 C . The vapor is dry saturated at the end of compression. If the COP is 50% of theoretical COP, calculate the power required to drive the compressor. 5. In a refrigerator the power rating impressed on the compressor is 1.2 kW. The circulating wire in evaporator is 5 kW and the cooling water took away 10 kW from condenser coil. The operating temperatures range is 18 C and 0 C and their corresponding latent heats are 170 kJ/kg and 230 kJ/kg and the difference between the liquid energy is 35 kJ/kg. Find the actual COP of the system (2) relative COP, assuming the vapor is just dry and saturated at the end of the compression.
6. A water cooler using R12 refrigerant works between 30 C to 9
C. Assuming the volumetric and mechanical efficiency of the compressor to be 80 and 90% respectively, and the mechanical efficiency of motor to be 90% , and 20% of useful cooling is lost into water cooler, find: 1) The power requirement of the motor 2) Volumetric displacement of the compressor Given Cp (saturated vapor at 30 C) = 0.7 kJ/kg K The properties of F12 at 30 C and 2 C are:
7. A SSS vapor compression refrigeration system based on
refrigerant R 134a operates between an evaporator temperature of 25o C and a condenser temperature of 50o C. Assuming isentropic compression, find: a) COP of the system b) Work input to compressor c) Area of superheat horn (additional work required due to superheat) Throttling loss (additional work input due to throttling in place of isentropic expansion) assuming the isobar at condenser pressure to coincide with saturated liquid line.
8. In a R22 based refrigeration system, a liquid-to-suction heat
exchanger (LSHX) with an effectiveness of 0.65 is used. The evaporating and condensing temperatures are 7.2o C and 54.4o C respectively. Assuming the compression process to be isentropic, find: a) Specific refrigeration effect b) Volumic refrigeration effect c) Specific work of compression d) COP of the system e) Temperature of vapor at the exit of the compressor
9. The required refrigeration capacity of a vapor compression
refrigeration system (with R-22 as refrigerant) is 100 kW at 30o C evaporator temperature. Initially the system was single-stage with a single compressor compressing the refrigerant vapor from evaporator to a condenser operating at 1500 kPa pressure. Later the system was modified to a two-stage system operating on the cycle shown below. At the intermediate pressure of 600 kPa there is intercooling but no removal of flash gas. Find a) Power requirement of the original single-stage system b) Total power requirement of the two compressors in the revised two-stage system. Assume that the state of refrigerant at the exit of evaporator, condenser and intercooler is saturated, and the compression processes are isentropic.
The figure given below shows a multi-evaporator, vapor
compression refrigeration system working with ammonia. The refrigeration capacity of the high temperature evaporator operating at 6.7o C is 5 TR, while it is 10 TR for the low temperature evaporator operating at 34.4o C. The condenser pressure is 10.8 bar. Assuming saturated conditions at the exit of evaporators and condenser, ammonia vapor to behave as an ideal gas with a gas constant of 0.4882 kJ/kg.K and isentropic index (cp/cv) of 1.29, and isentropic compression: a) Find the required power input to compressor in kW b) Find the required power input if instead of using a single compressor, individual compressors are used for low and high temperature evaporators. Use the data given in the table: