Topic 2 Refrigeration Notes
Topic 2 Refrigeration Notes
Topic 2 Refrigeration Notes
Topic 2
1. Introduction
Refrigeration - method of reducing the temperature of a system below that of
the surroundings and maintaining it at the lower temperature by continuously
extracting the heat from it.
The principle of refrigeration is based on second law of thermodynamics. It
states that heat does not flow from a low temperature body to a high
temperature body without the help of an external work.
1. Introduction
In refrigeration process, the heat is
continuously removed from a system
at lower temperature and transfer it
to the surroundings at a higher
temperature. This operation
according to second law of
thermodynamics can only be
performed by the aid of the external
Therefore in a refrigeration system,
power is to be supplied to remove
heat continuously from the
refrigerator to keep it cool at a
temperature less than the
1. Introduction
Direct and reverse heat engines
1. Introduction
Direct and reverse heat engines
2. Fundamental terms
Refrigerant diagram
The characteristics of a refrigerant can be illustrated in a diagram using the
primary properties as x- and y-axis. The primary properties are normally
chosen as energy content and pressure (P-h diagram).
Energy content is represented by the thermodynamic property of specific
enthalpy - quantifying the change in energy content per mass unit of the
refrigerant as it undergoes processes in a refrigeration system.
typically applicable interval for pressure is large. Therefore, diagrams use a
logarithmic scale for pressure.
2. Fundamental terms
The diagram is arranged
so that it displays the
liquid, vapour and
mixture regions for the
refrigerant. Liquid is
found to the left (with a
low energy content) vapour to the right (with a
high energy content).
In between its the
mixture region which are
bounded by a curve called the saturation
curve. The fundamental
processes of evaporation
and condensation are
2. Fundamental terms
4. Refrigeration effect
The change in enthalpy that occurs in
the evaporator is called the
refrigeration eect.
This is the amount of heat that each
kg of liquid refrigerant will absorb
when it evaporates.
In comparison, the same system
without subcooling produces less
refrigeration eect.
4. Refrigeration effect
Superheating occurs inside the final length
of tubes at which temperature dierence
between refrigerant and air is highest
Such large temperature dierence
increases the rate of heat transfer and the
refrigerant vapor absorbs much heat.
Liquid refrigerant completely evaporated
Superheating shifts from the liquid/vapor
region to vapor
It ensures the refrigerant vapor is
completely free liquid before entering the
5. Heat pumps
A heat pump extracts heat from a heat
source and rejects heat to air or water at a
higher temperature.
Usually it is a packaged air conditioner or a
packaged unit with a reversing valve or
other changeover setup, in which the
refrigerant flow to the condenser is changed
to the evaporator.
Alternatively, air passage through the
evaporator may be changed over to
passage through the condenser.
A heat pump has all the main components
of an air conditioner or package unit: fan,
filters, compressor, evaporator, condenser,
and a throttling device.
Example 1
Consider a vapour compression refrigeration cycle using R-134a based on
the following conditions:
Condenser temperature = 45C
Evaporator temperature = 10C
Sub-cooling at condenser = 3C
Superheating at evaporator = 3C
Compressor eciency = 90%
Plot the refrigeration cycle for the single stage compression.
Find the refrigeration eect and the COP.
Example 1 (solution)
Note that x is also the dryness fraction of the liquid-vapor mixture in the flash
cooler at the inter-stage pressure. This equation could be expressed as
Work input Win to the compressor (first and second stages) could be
expressed as:-
Example 2
Consider a vapour compression refrigeration cycle using R-134a based on
the following conditions:
Condenser temperature = 45C
Evaporator temperature = 10C
Sub-cooling at condenser = 3C
Superheating at evaporator = 3C
Compressor eciency = 90%
Plot the refrigeration cycle for the two-stage compression.
Find the refrigeration eect and the COP.
Example 2 (solution)
No leakage
Smaller in size
Larger in size
Example 3
A heat pump uses a vapour compression cycle with refrigerant 12. The
compressor is driven by a heat engine with a thermal eciency of 40%. Heat
removed from the engine in the cooling system is recovered. This amounts to
40% of the energy supplied in the fuel.
The heat pump cycle uses an ideal cycle with an evaporator at 5oC and a
condenser at 12.19 bar. The vapour is dry saturated at inlet to the
compressor. The condenser produces liquid at 45oC.
Calculate the thermal advantage (Coecient of Performance) for the heat
The plant is to deliver 40 kW of heat with fuel power input of 14.14 kW.
Determine the mass flow rate of refrigerant.
Example 3 (solution)
Example 4
The power input to the compressor of an ammonia vapour compression plant
is 8.2 kW. The mechanical eciency is 85%. The ammonia is dry saturated at
-6oC at inlet to the compressor. After compression the vapour is at 11.67 bar.
The compression has an isentropic eciency of 90%. The condenser
produces saturated liquid.
Calculate the following.
i. The flow rate.
ii. The coecient of performance for the refrigerator.
iii. The coecient of performance for the heat pump.
Example 4 (solution)
Example 5
A practical refrigerator using ammonia as the refrigerant operates with an evaporator
pressure 1.902 bar and condenser pressure of 15.54 bar. The refrigerator uses 2stage compression and expansion to improve eciency. The refrigerant enters the
low pressure (LP) compressor with a dryness fraction of 0.8 at 1.902 bar and enters
the high pressure (HP) compressor at 6.149 bar. The refrigerant at entry to the HP
expansion valve is sub-cooled to 38oC and entry to the LP expansion valve is wet
saturated at 10oC. The refrigerant expands in the HP expansion valve to a pressure
6.149 bar into a separator where the vapour is returned to the entry of the HP
compressor. The liquid refrigerant is expanded again in the LP expansion valve
before entry to the evaporator.
Evaluate the Coecient of Performance (COP) of the refrigerator.
Example 5 (solution)
Example 6
20 lbm/min of liquid water-ammonia solution at 150 psia, 220 F and
concentration of 0.25 lbm ammonia per lbm of solution is mixed in a steadyflow adiabatic process with 10 lbm/min of saturated water-ammonia solution
at 150 psia and 100F. Find the enthalpy, concentration and temperature of the
Example 6 (solution)
Example 7
Consider an aqua-ammonia absorption system and the following given data:
condenser pressure 200 psia
evaporating pressure 30 psia
generator temperature 240 F
temperature of vapour leaving dephlegmator 130 F
temperature of strong solution entering rectifying column 200 F
The heat exchanger lowers the temperature of the liquid, leaving the condenser at
10 F. States 1,3,4,7,8 and 12 are saturated. Pressure drop in components and
connecting lines is negligible. The system produces 100 tons of refrigeration.
(a) properties P, t, x and i for all state points of the system
(b) mass flow rate for all parts of the system
(c) power required for the pump, assuming 75% mechanical eciency
(d) system coecient of performance (COP)
(e) system refrigerating eciency.
Example 7
4 Weak liq. solution
Strong liq.
Example 7 (solution)