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Institut de Recherche Pour le Dveloppement, UR 128 CoRUs, BP A5, 98848 Nouma cedex, New Caledonia
Institut de Recherche Pour le Dveloppement, UR 128 CoRUs, CBETM, Universit de Perpignan, 66860 Perpignan cedex, France
Institut de Recherche Pour le Dveloppement, UR 070, BP 70, 29280 Plouzan, France
a r t i c l e
Coral reef
Remote sensing
Spatial scale
i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Understanding spatial variations in a, b, and c coral reef sh diversity, as well as both local community
and regional metacommunity structures, is critical for science and conservation of coral reef ecosystems.
This quest implies that shhabitat relationships are characterized across different spatial scales. Remote
sensing allows now for a routine description of habitats from global-regional to detailed reef scales, thus
theoretically offering access to hierarchical spatial analysis at multiple scales. To judge the progress in
using remotely sensed habitat variables for reef sh study, existing peer-reviewed papers on the subject
are reviewed. We tabulated the signicant shhabitat relationships given the different study sites, sh
and habitat variables, statistical analysis, sampling efforts and scales. Studies generally do not corroborate each other. Instead, the exercise provides a diversity of thematic results from which lessons remain
equivocal. It is thus justied to recommend more systematic and hierarchical remote-sensing based
research in the future. We advocate the use of remote-sensing early in the design of the sh study, as part
of a coherent conceptual scheme spanning all spatial scales.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Understanding how species assemblages are structured in space
is a central goal in ecology and provides the guarantee that conservation efforts are usefully assigned (Gaston 2000; Fisher and Lindenmayer 2008). In coral reef ecosystems, the relationships
between sh assemblages and their habitats depend on the spatial
and ecological scale considered, ranking from coral colonies up to
entire reef complexes (e.g., Chittaro, 2004). The Holy Grail thematic
goal that has led to characterize sh-habitat relationships is to unravel the processes that shape the spatial variation in a, b, and c
diversity. The total pool of species within a region, namely c diversity, is an important determinant of the diversity observed on a
local scale (a diversity) as indicated by both theory (e.g., Hillebrand
and Blenckner, 2002; Harrison and Cornell, 2008) and observation
(e.g., Findley and Findley, 2001; Kulbicki et al., 2005). However, a
diversity is modulated by bottom-up local natural and anthropogenic factors, including those related to habitat. Therefore, the
spatial variation in a diversity (or b diversity) also constrains c
diversity. It is thus necessary to consider the entire continuum of
scales given the top-down and bottom-up inuences, and to assess
the scales and factors (including habitat features) that inuence
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 8303 6711; fax: +61 8 8303 4347.
E-mail address: camille.mellin@gmail.com (C. Mellin).
0025-326X/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Table 1
Synthesis of relationships between remotely-sensed habitat characteristics and reef sh assemblages for each considered study. S: species richness, or the total number of species, N: total abundance, B: Biomass, relat.: relationship,
regr.: regression, std dev: standard deviation.
Mapping/habitat complexity
Habitat variables
Data analysis
Friedlander et al.
11 Marine Life
+1 Marine Lab
1:60 000
Percent cover of
substrate categories
Area protected
Management regime
Benthic cover (video)
and rugosity (chaintransect method)
Grober-Dunsmore et al.
St John, US Virgin Islands
Aerial photograph
Altitude 5000m
life stage
Stepwise multiple
according to the
amount of adjacent
Grober-Dunsmore et al.
St John, US Virgin Islands
20 patch reefs 12 ha
820 stations per reef,
depending on reef size
1 station = 5 or 7.5 m radius
area for point-count sh surveys (80 or 177 m2)
Aerial photograph
1: 48 000
Rugosity (measured
in situ for each patch
Patch metrics (n = 3)
and landscape metric
(n = 11) (estimated by
life stage
(total 30
Variable reduction
using PCA
Stepwise multiple
regr. with principal
components and
with individual
habitat features
Kendall (2005)
Buck Island Reef
Monument St
US Virgin
Shallow-water habitats
including patch reefs
(1 ha), seagrass beds etc.
Stratied sampling, hard vs.
soft bottoms (total: 461 sh
1 station = transect
25 m 4 m (100 m2)
Aerial photograph
Simple linear
regress. (for S)
Rank (Spearman)
correlation analysis
for diversity
Kuffner et al.
Park, FL, USA
Simple linear
2-way ANOVA with
rugosity levels (low,
medium or high)
Mellin et al.
New Caledonia
lagoonal islets
Shallow-water habitats
including patch reefs, seagrass beds, macroalgae
Stratied sampling (total 12
1 station = 5-m radius area
for point-count sh survey
(80 m2)
Aerial photograph
(1.5-m resolution)
Mapping unit = 1 ac
Independent mapping:
26 habitat classes, condensed
into 9
9 geomorphologic units
Main results
Table 1 (continued)
Reef type/spatial scale
Mapping/habitat complexity
Habitat variables
Data analysis
Main results
Aerial photograph
1:10 000
(35 cm 35 cm
Landsat (30-m
N of
Variable reduction
using PCA
Cluster dening
Landscape Structural Types
Path analysis
Shallow-water habitats
including patch reefs,
seagrass beds, mangroves
Stratied sampling, hard
vs. soft bottoms (total:
2130 sh surveys)
1 station = transect
25 m 4 m (100 m2)
Depth data
acquired from
GEODAS and by
scuba divers
NOAAs benthic
habitat maps
max. size
rugosity (Kuffner et al., 2007; Pittman et al., 2007; Grober-Dunsmore et al., 2007; Purkis et al., 2008). For rugosity, Kuffner et al.
(2007), Pittman et al. (2007) and Purkis et al. (2008) computed
maps at different scales and from different techniques. For 12
mid-shelf patch reefs (25-m depth) in Florida, Kuffner et al.
(2007) pioneered an original approach, by estimating local bathymetric variance at 2, 5 and 10-m spatial scales and associated topographic complexity (rugosity) using a airborne bathymetric laser,
namely the NASA Experimental Advanced Airborne Research Lidar
(EEARL). This technology allows the remote assessment of shallow
subtidal topography by collecting laser elevation soundings at a
spatial density of 1 m-2 for an aircraft altitude of 300 m. Around
Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands, Pittman et al. (2007) calculated
the standard deviation of depth across seven spatial scales (225 m2
up to 416 025 m2) using a bathymetric model built from a Triangulated Interpolated Network of depth point data. At a ner spatial
scale, rugosity was also estimated in situ and assigned to each
5 m cell. In Diego Garcia (Chagos Archipelago), a bathymetric
DEM of shallow areas (<15 m) could be directly derived from IKONOS satellite imagery and was calibrated/validated using acoustic
bathymetry (Purkis et al., 2008). Rugosity was then computed
using two methods, (1) as a triangulated rugosity-index dened
for each benthic assemblage mapped using satellite data, and (2)
as the variance of bathymetry within a circular kernel expanding
from 4 to 400 m around each sh sampling station.
3.3. Landscape spatio-temporal variables
Landscape ecologys paradigm is that size and conguration of
habitat patches inuence assemblage connectivity and population
dynamics (Turner et al., 2001). This seems especially relevant in
coral reef ecosystems where suitable habitats (e.g., shallow patch
reefs) may be dispersed within deeper soft bottom areas (GroberDunsmore et al., 2008). However, despite the well-known inuence
of reef size and connectivity on sh population dynamics (e.g., Roberts, 1997; Sale, 2004), only a handful of studies used landscape
ecology concepts and remote sensing to study sh-habitat relationship (Pittman et al., 2004; Grober-Dunsmore et al., 2007, 2008). In
these studies, landscape ecology indices were estimated for different patches of a same habitat type using GIS tools. Structural indices
included for example mean patch size and the ratio patch perimeter: area (Grober-Dunsmore et al., 2007, 2008). Friedlander et al.
(2007) estimated also using GIS the area of each habitat type under
different management regime (marine reserve, sheries management area or open access). Ecological indices, such as habitat diversity within a given spatial neighbourhood, were estimated through
an index of dominance similar to ShannonWiener index in Purkis
et al. (2008) and Grober-Dunsmore et al. (2008).
It is worth noting that the spatial scale considered for habitat
description in our compilation ranged from 4 m2 (Kuffner et al.,
2007) up to 416 000 m2 (Pittman et al., 2007). However, most studies examined variables estimated at four or ve spatial scales in order to identify the scale(s) at which shhabitat relationships were
most signicant. For instance, the Atlantic Ocean studies have
quantied the area of the different benthic habitats around sh
sampling stations for different neighbourhood (kernel) sizes (Kendall, 2005; Pittman et al., 2007; Grober-Dunsmore et al., 2007,
2008). The most continuous and complex habitat description included three scales (Pittman et al. 2004): (1) whole landscape
mosaics (10s of hectares; e.g., patch richness, Shannons evenness
index), (2) habitat type (100s m2 to hectares; e.g., total area of all
patches of a same habitat, percentage area occupied by a given
habitat) and (3) within-patch scale (cm2 to m2; e.g., number of seagrass species, leaf length, and shoot density).
Finally, only one study examined the temporal variations of the
sh assemblages, considering dynamic forcing variables, such as
hydrodynamics and temperature. This juvenile sh study considered mean monthly wind speed and direction, and mean monthly
temperature in combination with exposure to dominant winds and
distance to coast and to barrier reef (Mellin et al., 2007).
3.4. Fish variables
In parallel to habitat and landscape descriptions, the different
studied sh variables and sampling strategy may largely constrain
the results obtained and need to be considered. The sh sampling
unit (i.e., station) were either a 57.5-m radius circular area (80
177 m2), possibly replicated (e.g., Purkis et al., 2008) when sh
were sampled using the Bohnsack and Bannerot (1986) pointcount method, or one or two replicated 25 4 m or 25 5 m transects (100250 m2). The total number of stations varied substantially, ranging from 7 (Purkis et al., 2008) up to 2 130 stations
(Pittman et al., 2007).
Fish variables were generally much more consistent between
studies than habitat variables. Among the nine major studies reviewed, all considered the species richness (i.e., total number of
sh species), six considered the total abundance, two considered
species diversity (e.g. Shannons indices) and two considered sh
biomass. Only three studies considered the distribution of these
variables among sh functional groups (e.g. according to diet and
size or mobility) and/or among ontogenetic stages (juveniles or
3.5. Data analysis
The joint examination of sh and habitat variables were carried
out using different statistical multivariates approaches. However,
the analysis was often preceded by the logarithmic transformation
of faunistic response variables in order to normalize their distribution (Clarke and Warwick 2001). A reduction of the number of
studied variables was undertaken according to their multicolinearity (Pittman et al., 2004; Mellin et al., 2007; Grober-Dunsmore
et al., 2008) which was assessed using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA; McGarigal and Marks, 1995).
Spearman rank correlation coefcient was applied when
assumptions for parametric tests were not met (e.g., normal distribution of response variables; Sokal and Rohlf, 1995). Analysis of
similarities (ANOSIM; Clarke and Warwick, 2001) were used to test
for signicant differences in sh assemblages associated with different habitats, as well as non-metric multi-dimensional scaling
(MDS; Clarke and Warwick, 2001) to visualize distance between
sh assemblages (Grober-Dunsmore et al., 2007; Friedlander
et al., 2007).
Parametric methods generally included analysis of variance
(ANOVA; e.g., Kuffner et al., 2007) and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA; e.g., Friedlander et al., 2007), simple regression (Kendall,
2005; Kuffner et al., 2007) and multiple regression (Pittman
et al., 2007; Grober-Dunsmore et al., 2007, 2008). These methods
quantied the proportion of variability in the response variable
(e.g., sh species richness) that could be explained by a single or
combination of habitat characteristics. In addition, principal components dened by PCA could be used as explanatory variables in
multiple regressions instead of habitat characteristics (GroberDunsmore et al., 2008). Diagnostics of regression outputs were performed considering residual plots (Sokal and Rohlf, 1995).
Pittman et al. (2004) used a straightforward extension of multiple regression, named path analysis, which allowed a decomposition of correlations into their causal (direct) and non-causal
(indirect) components (Mitchell, 1992; Shipley, 1997, 2000). Path
analysis generated diagrams representing the relationships between variables at different scales, their causal link and its significance. Purkis et al. (2008) pointed out one limit of linear
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