GURPS Rituals An Expanded List of Rituals For Use With GURPS Voodoo

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GURPS Rituals

An expanded list of rituals for use with

GURPS Voodoo

Compiled by Mike Monaco

Some rituals gathered from other online documents circa 1995-1996, from sources I no
longer know; most are original
This document assumes familiarity with the rules for ritual magic in GURPS Voodoo by
C.J. Carella. My GURPS Magick styles document also references this list of rituals.

The Paths:

The Path of the Dead consists of rituals that deal with corpses, ghosts, and death
in general. The Path of the Dead is not inherently evil, although most of its rituals should
not be performed without considerable caution. Indeed, the judicious mage will hardly
ever use these rituals.
*Animate Corpse (-8)
Animate Head (-6)
Bury the Dead (-0)
Ghost Empathy (-0)
Hand of Glory (-10)
Lay Ghost (-2)
Mastery (-3)
Necromancy (-0)
*Pulverize (-5)
*Reincarnate (-10)
*Resurrection (-20)
Ritual of Banishment (-4)
Spirit Searcher (-4)
Soul Zombie (-6)
Summon Ghost (0/-4/-7)
Turn the Dead (-2)

The Path of Dreams is ideal for the reflective, inward-looking mage. These rituals
all deal with the Dream-world, which is separate from, but dependent on, waking reality.
Dream Oracle (-2)
Dream Sanctum (-3)
Dream Shackles (-8)
Dream Visitor (-2)
Dreamwalk (-0)
Night Terrors (-5)
Shared Dream (-3)
*Temptation (-10)

The path of elements harnesses forces of nature in its rituals.
*Bind the Winds (-6)
*Bolt from Heaven (-10)
Cloak (-0)
*Earthquake (-8)
Fireproofing (-2)
Kindle (-4)
Rainmaker (-5)
Storm (-8)
*Summon Elemental (-0/-4/-7)

The path of glamoury is a path of deception and illusion. The mage's will is
focused to cloud the senses of others.
*Disguise (-0)
Enchanted Sleep (-5)
*Fanfare (-0)
Hand of Glory (-8)
*Invisibility (-4)
*Magelight (-2)
Maze (-4)
*Mirage (-7)
*Privacy (-4)
*Thought-Form (-10)

The path of health works with the life-force. These rituals can heal or kill.
Conception (-2)
Dose (-0)
Ease ( -0)
Evil Eye (-7)
Malaise (-5)
Poisoning (-1)
Ruin Crops (-5)
Strike Barren/Impotent (-2)
Succor (-4)
*Resurrection (-20)
Torment (-2)
Vitality (-3)

The Path of Journeys focuses on rituals for aiding travel.
Dream Walk (-2)
Fair Winds (-2)
Fairy Road (-10)
Guidestar (-0)
Prisoner's Charm (-4)
Shadow Walk (-6)
Walk Among the Brambles (-2)
The Path of Luck uses magic to influence and cause chance events. The effects
often seem to be mere luck to the uninitiated.
Black Fast (-3)
Chaperone (-3)
Curse (-2)
Doom (-10)
Ghost Shirt (-7)
Journeyman's Curse (-3)
Lost and Found (-5)
Money Maker (-2)
Malediction (-8)
Rain Maker (-5)
Raise Storm (-8)
Ruin Crops (-3)
Stroke of Luck (-1)
Sword Blessing (-0)
Vision of Luck (-5)

The Path of Nature works with natural processes and forces.
Cornucopia (-0)
Drought (-5)
*Earthquake (-8)
Gardener/Green Thumb (-0)
Hunter (-5)
Plague (-8)
Rainmaker (-5)
Ruin Crops (-3)
Storm (-7)
*Swarm (-5)
Talk to the Animals (-3)
True Aim (-6)
Walk Among the Brambles (-2)

The Path of Passions deals with human emotions and the mind.
Aura (-0)
Command (-8)
Curse of Hatred (-5)
Enchanted Sleep (-5)
Enthrallment (-10)
Geas (-6)
Love Charm (-2)
Love Magnet (-5)
Raise Zombie (-4)
Sleep (-4)
Soul Zombie (-6)
Summon Person (-8)
Talisman of Truth (-6)

The Path of Protection contains rituals for defense against hostile magic, spirits,
and other supernatural forces, as well as providing protection from physical dangers.
Chaperone (-3)
Cloak (-2)
Curse Sanctum (-0)
Dream Sanctum (-6)
Fireproofing (-3)
Ghost Shirt (-7)
Magic Circle (-0)
Poison Burner (Alicorn) (-4)
Reversal of Fortune (-3)
Sanctuary (-4)
Soul Cleansing (-4)
Sword-proofing (-7)
Turn the Beast (-6)
Turn the Dead (-4)
Turn the Spirit (-5)
Vitality (-4)

These sacraments are practiced as part of a clergyman's religious office, and are
included here because they are in fact rituals which can produce magical effects. Some
rituals are of purely spiritual significance, but a few have effects in the physical world.
Any priest should know most of these rituals, although only Bishops and Archbishops can
perform Investment, and only the Pope may perform the Interdict ritual.
Baptism (-0)
Bury the Dead/Funeral Rites (-0)
Confession (-0)
Chaperone/Benediction (-2)
Curse/Malediction (-8)
Excommunication/Interdict (-0)
Exorcism (-3)
Final Absolution (-0)
High Mass (-2)
Marriage (-0)
Mass (-0)
Ordination/Investment (-3)
Purification of water or materials (-0)
Preaching (-0)
Veneration of image or relic (-2)

While most magical rituals involve the invocation of spirits, this Path specifically
works with spirits as the object of the rituals' effects. This Path deals with all rituals
related to the spirit world.
*Animate Golem (-10)
Binding (-8)
*Call the Beast (-10)
Exorcism (-5)
Mastery/Dominion (-3)
Raise Zombie (-4)
Reincarnate (-10)
Ritual of Slaying (-5)
Ritual of Banishment (-4)
Soul Zombie (-6)
Spirit Searcher (-4)
Summon Angel (0/-4/-7)
Summon Demon (0/-4/-7)
Summon Devil (0/-4/-7)
Summon Loa (0/-4/-7)
Summon Olympic Spirit (-7)
Turn the Beast (-3)
Turn the Dead (-2)
Turn the Spirit (-2)

This is the Path of mystics, seers, and shaman. The Path of Visions is used for
gaining knowledge and insight into both practical and magical affairs.
Dream Oracle (-2)
Ghost Empathy (-4)
Guidestar (-1)
Lost and Found (-0)
Scrying (-4)
Seeking (-4)
Seek the True Love (-2)
Vision of Luck (-5)
Magical Rituals:
The following is a complete listing of available magical rituals. Any ritual
without a description can be found in GURPS Voodoo. Note that the Summon ritual is
Animate Corpse: Re-animates a dead body. For the duration the corpse obeys a simple
instruction given during the ritual - typically something like 'walk that way' or 'kill anyone
entering the tomb'. Fresh corpses retain the physical stats they had just at death, corpses
dead for longer are less capable. None have IQ or skills, and any attacks are at default.
Corpses are destroyed at -10 x HT, and many will already be part of the way there from
the cause of death or later decomposition.

Animate Golem: Allows magician to impart a kind of artificial life in a clay image. A
golem will have the stats listed in the Bestiary of Spirits.

Animate Head: This ritual traps a spirit in a severed head. While bound to the head, the
spirit may be called on to answer questions and travel as per the Spirit Searcher ritual.
This binding lasts one day; use duration modifiers to maintain. To the initiated, the head
appears to speak; to the uninitiated, it just appears to be a mummified head.

Aura: The subject radiates an aura that modifies reactions to him up or down by 1 per 2
points of success. On a critical failure, he gets the inverse modifier for the intended
duration. The size of the population influenced modifies the difficulty: everyone -10, a
large group (all children) -8, a small group (the royal court) -4, a very small group (my
fiancee's relatives) -0. The traditional aura is one of subtle power, but kindliness,
competence, viciousness or other auras should be allowed and will color the reactions
differently. This can be resisted, in which case it counts as a hostile ritual and requires
a roll to avoid backlash.

Baptism: Recognizes a person's admittance to the Church. Will dissolve any Pact. Can
only be performed once on any given person.

Binding: Binds a spirit to an item, such as a talisman, sword, gem, etc. Some aspect or
ability of the entity will be thereby imparted in the object. For example, if a fire
elemental is bound to an object, it could be made to burn continually. The ghost of a
murderer, bound to a candle (the legendary "hand of glory") could impart the spirit's
ability to paralyze with fear (viewers roll a fright check at some penalty).

Bind the Winds: Controls the winds in a half mile radius. They may blow from any
direction at up to gale force, form columns of rising or falling air of similar speeds, or go
still (which will calm rough seas as well). The effect can even still convection currents,
which will put out fires quickly and limit gas flows to diffusion (millimeters per hour! the
'diffusion' demonstration involving opening scented bottles at the front of the classroom
is a fake, the transfer mechanism there is bulk flow). Altering the winds takes 5 minutes
per mph vector shift, which rarely produces hazardous shear, but with a little planning
this effect can seriously threaten ships or aircraft.
Black Fast: This ritual is used to recover stolen property. The mage fasts and
concentrates on the return of his property. The thief must resist (Contest of Wills) or
suffer the effects of two day's starvation, no matter how much he eats. The thief will be
able to tell that his illness is tied to the stolen item, whether through dreams of the mage,
an evil aura about the item, or whatever. The Black Fast will continue to starve the thief
until he dies or returns the item. Roll for backlash.

Bolt From Heaven: Calls down a bolt of lightning (or beam of light, or pillar of fire,
exact appearance varies with tradition) which blasts everything in the target area for 30d
damage. If the area includes an intelligent being this counts as a hostile ritual allowing a
resistance roll and requiring a second roll to avoid backlash. A backlash is usually less
visually dramatic - a bright flash and the magician is incinerated. Evil magicians suffer
such a failure at the climatic confrontation in many tales, accompanying odor of
brimstone optional.

Bury the Dead: This Ritual is intended to guide the spirits of the dead to the afterlife,
preventing them from becoming ghosts. Any spirit whose body has had the benefit of a
Christian (Wiccan, Voodoun, etc.) burial will be at an additional -5 to be Summoned or
consulted by Necromancy.

Call the Beast: Summons an In-Betweener. The mage has no special control over it, so
he had better hope the in-betweener's aims will be similar to his own! The in-betweener
will remain until destroyed or banished. This ritual is occasionally used as a last-ditch
method of revenge, as many in-betweeners simply go on a killing rampage when
unleashed on the world.


Cloak: This is a simple ritual which is often maintained continuously. The subject is
insulated from his environment: he can walk barefoot in the snow comfortably, is
immune to cold or heat, sunburn, glare, wind chill, and the harmful effects of
precipitation or blowing dust (he still ends up wet or dirty, but only mildly discomforted.)

Command: The adept speaks a command. If the target fails to resist he must do his best
to obey it. The command must be understood, so language matters and commands too
complex to be easily remembered or digested will not work very well. This is a resisted
hostile ritual, though the GM may modify resistance to commands the subject would want
to obey or find exceptionally objectionable. The default casting time is the time to speak
the command and the default duration is only 10 minutes. Longer casting times (to
reduce the penalty) usually mean the command is phrased more as a seduction than a
forceful command.

Conception: The subject of this ritual is more likely than normal to produce a child. Add
the success margin to pregnancy rolls made by the target or their sex partner(s). The
usual unmodified odds are a 5- for a single sexual contact, 7- for a month of regular
sexual activity, -4 for typical birth control precautions. The minimum duration is 1
month, compute duration modifiers from that point rather than normally. For an
additional -2 to skill the caster can specify features desired in the child (usually sex, but
sometimes elements of appearance). If that outcome is at all possible and the modifier
makes the difference to the conception roll, the baby has the desired feature, otherwise
ordinary chance determines the results.

Confession: Cleric hears and absolves sins, and may assign penance.

Cornucopia: This ritual has a minimum duration of one season, penalties for longer
durations are computed from that. Plants within the target area grow as if conditions
were better than they actually are. To determine the effects on crops, find the expected
yield under the actual conditions, and increase it by 5% per point of success margin.
Notice this is a multiplier, not an added yield, if nothing will grow under the actual
conditions, cornucopia will not help.

Curse: A less dramatic form of Malediction which torments but does not kill its victim.
After one week of bewitchment from a curse, the victim will perform at -1 IQ due to
stress and fatigue. After a full month, take -1 IQ and -1 DX. Each additional month
increases this penalty until a maximum of -4 is reached. The victim may vomit strange
objects or find pins emerging from his or her body, have seizures, etc.

Curse of Hatred: This ritual is the reverse of "Love Magnet". Usually invoked as a curse
against an enemy, this ritual causes its target to inspire enmity in those around them. For
1d3 days, the target is at -4 to all reaction rolls. Furthermore, no reaction roll towards
him can ever receive a better result than Fair.

Curse Sanctum

Disguise: The subject looks and sounds exactly like someone else for the duration. It's a
handy substitute for makeup, and since it includes the illusion of clothing, for tailoring.
The magic itself is flawless, but is limited to the caster's idea of what the disguise should
look like - IQ rolls may be needed to disguise yourself as someone you are not very
familiar with, or Artist if you are making up the image. Disguise does not grant any
abilities of the original, and disguising yourself as something of a different shape or size
won't stand up to physical contact.

Doom: The caster fixes the cause and circumstances of the victim's death! Anything the
GM agrees to is allowed and will come to pass -- eventually. Until it does, nothing else
will slay the target, though awful things can still happen to him in the meantime. Dooms
don't necessarily hasten death, but they lean that way -- the more obscure the doom the
more often bizarre coincidences offer a chance to meet it. A doom must be announced in
the presence of the target to take effect, although he may not immediately understand the
pronouncement. This is a resisted ritual. It can backlash, in which case the GM assigns a
doom to the caster, but doesn't tell him what it is. Doom is a death spell with the actual
death delayed to a dramatic moment. Players who don't want to play a character the GM
will eventually take control of and railroad into the forecast doom should be allowed to
hand over the character as an NPC and reenter the game as if they had died. It's more fun
to keep the character for a while, especially if the GM allows the first couple approaches
of the doom to have a way out, but he should NEVER allow the doom to be avoided


Dream Oracle: After completing this ritual and going to sleep, the mage will have a
prophetic dream. The GM will need to handle the details of the dream, but any messages
should be veiled in the surrealistic language of dreams. The magician can formulate a
specific question or simply ask for guidance.

Dream Sanctum
Dream Shackles
Dream Visitor
Dream Walk

Drought: As the Rainmaker ritual, but decreases the chance of rain.

Earthquake: This ritual causes an earthquake. While it effects a broad area, it does not
use the area effect modifiers. Rather, a more powerful quake effects a larger area. If the
ritual succeeds, consult the following chart to determine the quake's power at the center.
Success by Effect
1-2 Very slight shaking, no damage, can knock
over precariously poised objects and trigger
avalanches in susceptible areas.
3-4 Slight shaking, will knock over small
objects and knock pictures from walls.
5-6 Weak shaking, may knock over cabinets
and other tall pieces of furniture.
7-8 Moderate shaking, will cause cracking in
stronger walls, light buildings may
collapse. DX+3 roll to remain standing.
9-10 Strong shaking, light buildings will
collapse, weaker parts of strong structures
(towers, roofs, etc.) may collapse. DX roll
to remain standing.
11+ Very strong shaking, most structures will
collapse or suffer severe damage. DX-3 roll
to remain standing.
The most powerful effect produced will be felt over an area with a radius of about a
quarter mile. The next less powerful effect will be felt for a half-mile or so beyond that,
the next another mile farther out, and so
on. If the ritual is cast in an area where earthquakes are particularly unlikely (say, Kansas
or Moscow), the GM may impose an additional penalty of up to -10.

Ease: Removes the symptoms of an illness for the duration of the effect. It does not cure
the illness, though if the ailment is one people naturally recover from and the duration
outlasts the recovery time it appears to. The symptoms begin to fade immediately, most
vanish within an hour, though severe symptoms may take a few days to be completely

Enchanted Sleep: A classic fairy tale curse, applied either to a number of targets or an
area. Those who fail to resist drop into enchanted sleep within 3d minutes. Victims of
enchanted sleep will not awaken, but do not age, need food or water, and are not harmed
by the natural environment. The fairy tale version has a built in mechanism for breaking
the spell early, if the caster wants one it can be built into the ritual at no penalty;
otherwise the effect lasts for the full duration or until someone improvises a counterspell.

Enthrallment: Transforms the target into a willing slave of the caster. Remove any
advantages or disadvantages that cause the thrall to resist his new lot, and add Slave
Mentality (limitation: only accept orders from the caster or those he commands you
obey). This is the most useful variant, since Slave Mentality allows the thrall to use his
skills and initiative in the caster's service. Variants that transform the victim into an
obedient idiot or automaton may be easier; Raise Zombie (VO p80) can be considered
one. In some traditions the effect ends when the caster dies, but it doesn't always - in
some tales the thralls continue to obey standing orders, or become slaves of the caster's
slayer, or the first person to give a forceful command, or particularly in the automaton
variants stand still and starve to death. This is a resisted hostile ritual. If it backlashes
the caster acquires the unlimited form of Slave Mentality. The GM may require a PC that
uses this a lot to spend points to buy the resulting Ally Group.

Evil Eye

Excommunication/Interdict: Expels a person from the Church. Interdict expels a whole

group or even nation, but this is the prerogative of the Pope alone.

Exorcism: Casts a spirit out of the body it animates or possesses. This ritual takes about
two hours; during the first hour of the ritual the exorcist may ask questions of the spirit
(contest of Wills to get true answer). At the end of the ritual, roll a contest of Wills
between the spirit and exorcist; the exorcist gets a +1 per two points of success at the
ritual. Other modifiers: +2 if the spirit's name in known; +1 per assistant (max +2). If the
exorcist wins, the spirit is cast out.

Fairy Road: Allows rapid travel to anywhere familiar to the adept. Upon completing the
ritual he must begin moving, and soon passes into unfamiliar surroundings (traditionally a
misty forest, but twisting caverns appear in some tales and strange back alleys work just
as well). After several hours (if anybody times the trip, every timekeeper measures a
different result) he sights the desired destination, arriving just at sunset (if traveling by
day) or sunrise (by night). Ordinarily the one following the moment of departure, but if
the trip normally takes weeks the GM may declare several days passed in the mortal
realm during the trip. Anyone who can keep up with or track the adept can follow.
Usually nothing encountered will interfere with the journey, but anybody who goes off to
chase pretty floating lights deserves whatever happens to him, and anyone who stops
moving or loses track of the adept emerges wherever (and whenever!) the GM likes. If
the campaign allows travel to other worlds or times, this effect can reach them as well -
but unless you have been there, or have incredible directions from someone who has
traveled there this way, the best you can do is wander around randomly.

Fair Winds: For the duration semi-random events arrange themselves to minimize the
subject's travel time. Winds are always favorable, traffic signals change as he
approaches, traffic jams melt before him, public transit runs right on schedule, his
luggage is always the first off the plane and his standby seats always become available.
The trip won't set a new speed record, but may only miss by enough to avoid delays
caused by publicity.

Fanfare: Produces a brief familiar sound centered on the caster. It is usually cast in
quick form at a penalty to generate trumpet fanfares, thunder cracks, the roar of a dragon
or other dramatic announcement of the caster's presence.

Final Absolution: Recognizes imminent death of subject and absolves of sins.

Fireproofing: An area protected by this ritual is less susceptible to accidental fires. For
each point of success margin subtract 1 from any rolls to set something not intended to
burn on fire - this includes fuel fire numbers, spell skill rolls and chances of secondary
fires from explosions. For every two points of success margin the damage done by
flames is reduced by 1, which reduces the chance a fire spreads and increases the chance
it goes out (see VE p194).

Gardener/Green Thumb: This ritual has two variants: (1) Causes a particular plant to
thrive unless someone actively tries to harm it. The plant can be considered to have
proper light, water and soil nutrients, and is immune to frost, heat, pests, parasites,
random grazers, accidental forest fires or similar hazards. (2) As an area-effect ritual (see
Voodoo p. 73 for modifiers) ensures that the land, if cultivated, will produce a bountiful
crop regardless of soil quality and weather conditions unless active steps are taken to
destroy the plants. The ritual must be recast every growing season. In a low-tech setting,
it takes about an acre of land to support one person (radius 118 yards, -11 to skill). This
merely ensures that crops will grow and does not produce more crops than usual, see

Geas: This Ritual places a magical compulsion on the subject; see "Gesas" in GURPS
Celtic Myth for ideas as to what is possible with a Geas. Note also that the GM can apply
further penalties to this Ritual based off of how potent the Geas is; if it is likely to either
result in the death of the character ("You must go into battle unarmed"), or to make him
effectively unkillable ("You can only be killed by a man not born of woman"), the GM
would be justified in applying a further penalty.

Ghost Empathy: Reveals the reasons a ghost has not passed on to the afterlife.
Sometimes the reason will be something the magician can resolve, though some ghosts
are remaining voluntarily, and some situations will be beyond resolution.

Ghost Shirt

Guidestar: The subject always knows the direction to go to reach a specific destination.
The special effect can manifest as anything from a warm feeling when traveling the right
direction to an actual guide -- often a small distant light -- which may or may not be
visible to others. The Guidestar may point anywhere the caster knows well, to any more
or less public place he can uniquely name, or to any person or object present at the casting
(including the caster, casting a pointer to yourself on a distant subject is an excellent way
to get anyone vaguely curious to seek you out).

Hand of Glory: This ritual enchants the (severed, mummified) hand of an executed
murderer to make it paralyze all who see it. Everyone who sees it must make a fright
check at -8.

High Mass: A more formal service than Mass, High Mass can be performed only on a
Sunday or Holy Day (there were a lot of holy days in the Middle Ages, though).
Celebrants gain +3 vs. hostile magic for the entire day. High Mass takes no less than 1
1/2 hrs. to perform.

Hunter: This ritual has two variants: (1) Attunes the subject to the nearest example of a
type of plant or animal. He knows in which direction it lies, but not how far. Once
attuned, the guide points to the same target even if it is no longer the nearest. The casting
fails if the duration wouldn't be long enough to walk to the target. The type can be a bit
narrower than species (adult male horses is a legal type), or much broader (anything with
blue flowers). Possible effects include causing a pointer to always fall in the right
direction, always chancing onto tracks pointing the right way at moments of decision, or
being actually led by a guide, typically a small bird. (2) This ritual allows the caster to
unfailingly follow the path of a chosen prey. Within an hour of performing the ritual, the
caster must chose one target while he is looking at it. Thereafter, he will be able to follow
the exact path taken by the target without hesitation even if he loses sight of it. He will
not know where the prey is, only which direction it went from the last place he saw it.
This allows the character to track the target across covered tracks, up elevators, even if it
teleports. The spell ends if the target dies or is destroyed, or if the caster ceases actively
following the target for a day.

Invisibility: A successful ritual will allow the mage to enjoy the full benefits of the
Invisibility Art skill (see MA p. 38)
Journeyman's Curse

Kindle: Any desired flammable objects in the target area burst into flame. Candles, oil
lamps, loose paper, dry thatch or grass ignite normally, more difficult materials like
firewood, cloth bales or house walls, require a success of 2, the traditional water soaked
pile of wood requires a success by 4 or better.

Lay Ghosts: Guides a spirit to the afterlife. Spirits trapped in the mortal realm seldom
resist, but those with a reason to stay resist with ST + Will. In some traditions this ritual
is performed at every death to help the spirit reach the proper afterlife, or as insurance
against it troubling the living. If a Ghost Empathy ritual has been successfully performed,
apply a +5 bonus to the ritual (if unresisted) or to the magician's Will (if resisted).

Lost and Found

Love Charm: The target is sexually attracted someone specified. The GM may modify
the resistance roll from -4 (the target already likes the intended person) to +4 (despises
the intended, or prefers another sex or species). If not resisted, the target will act on the
emotion as dictated by his personality. Persistent
seduction attempts, a proposal of marriage, or an attempted rape are the most likely
outcomes, but spending everything he owns to send 4 tons of roses, or killing himself on
her doorstep as a gesture of devotion are not out of the question. The induced emotion
ends with the duration, but if the target now feels something naturally he may never
realize the emotion was once artificial. This is a resisted hostile ritual. Should it
backlash those performing the ritual suddenly desire someone they ordinarily wouldn't
even consider.

Love Magnet: For one day after performing this hour-long ritual, the mage becomes
extremely attractive to the opposite gender. All reaction rolls made by members of the
opposite gender towards the mage are at +4. Any members of the opposite gender with
the Disadvantage "Lecherousness" automatically fail their roll vs. the mage.

Magelight: A light source, and any reflected light from it, is visible only to a specific
class of people, perhaps just the caster, more often also his companions, potentially
everyone. In fact the light source is simply a symbol, the magelight uses no fuel and
burns for the ritual effect duration. By accepting an additional -3 for lack of the symbol it
could appear as a glowing globe atop the mage's staff, a flame hovering over his cupped
palm etc. The symbol also has the advantage the light can be turned on and off in the
usual way the source is controlled.

Magic Circle: This ritual creates an area of protection from spirits of all kinds. Normal
area effect rules apply. Spirits cannot harm those inside a circle in any way so long as
they stay within the circle. This includes hostile magic and poltergeist effects. A contest
of (mage's skill vs. spirit's IQ) can be made to see if the spirit finds a flaw in the circle and
can thereby gain entry.

Marriage: Gives the Church's recognition to a union of a man and woman.

Mass: The weekly services of the Church. All celebrants will be at +2 to resist hostile
magic for 2 hrs. following Mass. A Mass takes at least 45 min. to perform.


Maze: An area under this ritual can't be found on purpose unless the seeker was
specifically exempted during the casting or wins a contest of Will with the ritual skill
each time he wishes to locate the place. It is most effective when applied to a travel
chokepoint -- a doorway, the only path to a cliff top tower or something similar -- denying
access to the entire area without the difficulty of enspelling the whole thing.

Mirage: Produces an illusion of anything the caster can clearly imagine. It looks exactly
as specified, produces appropriate sounds, light, heat or cold, and at higher TLs radar,
sonar, magnetic or any other energy returns. Energy emissions (beams, flame heat etc.)
will never inflict more than 1 point of damage, odors or flavors are not produced, and the
mirage won't stand up to physical contact if the underlying reality is of a different shape.
It can be laid over existing items as a mass disguise, and persists even if the items move
out of the original area. Traditionally the most common uses are to convert a ruin to a
fine manor or to conceal an army.

Money Maker

Necromancy: Calls up a spirit from the dead by name. The spirit may make one speech
or answer one question per 2 points of success margin, but is not compelled to do so. The
presence of a descendant of the spirit gives a +3 bonus, and may encourage the spirit to be
more truthful or cooperative.

Night Terrors

Ordination/Investment: A ceremony to officially recognize one's initiation. Any

character buying Clerical Investment will need this ritual performed. Investment is
reserved for ordaining Bishops and higher ranks.

Plague: This ritual inflicts an area similar to that of Rainmaker (Initiation Level/2 miles)
with a plague. For every point by which the caster makes the roll, .5% of the population
in the area is afflicted with a temporarily debilitating and possibly lethal disease, which
will take its course naturally. As a rule of thumb, the GM may assume that 5% of those
afflicted will eventually die per point by which the roll was made. The plague cannot be
targeted at specific individuals. To determine if any given individual is afflicted by the
plague, convert the percentage to a 3d6 roll using the chart on p. B45. While generally
directed at people, it may be directed at any one species with which the caster has a
passing familiarity (cattle, wheat, etc.) to cause famines. Non-human intelligent species
must likewise be attacked separately, unless they are subject to the same diseases as
humans. A similar effect can be obtained with Malaise, but this is a more efficient means
of visiting one's wrath on an offending area.

Poison Burner: The target becomes non-toxic, usually accompanied by a visible effect
that verifies a poison was present: unicorn horn or a gem changes color, harmless blue
flames erupt from the item burning the poison off in wisps of vile smoke etc. If used on a
poisoning victim it halts further damage, but won't reverse harm already suffered.

Poisoning: This ritual is used to insure that a poisonous preparation finds its intended
victim. A successful ritual will mean that the victim will have to make appropriate HT
rolls to resist or mitigate the poison's effects. The mage may use any available poison in
this ritual. Use the Basic Rules to determine effects of poison.

Preaching: Ceremonial preaching about God's glory and the need for salvation through
the Church. Game effects are left to the GM; certainly a reaction bonus from believers is

Prisoner's Charm: The subject can easily escape restraints or circumvent barriers to his
passage. He can free himself from bonds, handcuffs, straight jackets and similar
restraints in 1d seconds, squeeze through narrow passages without risk of becoming
stuck, locked barriers prove to be unlocked when he tries them, and traps or security
systems will be inactive or go off slightly too late to hinder him. The charm doesn't
conceal him from sensors, has no effect on living guards, and only opens barriers to
passage -- locked containers he isn't planning to crawl into, or in which he won't fit, will
not open at his touch.

Privacy: The area is isolated from the outside. Sounds, odors and light sources within
the area will not leave it. Outside light sources can illuminate things in the circle, but
even in broad daylight the contents appear hazy, dull and background colored -- treat
anything within as if it were camouflaged.

Pulverize: Reduces a corpse to dust (ash in some traditions accompanied by a flash of

fire). Animated dead resist with HT, but there is no risk of backlash (unless the caster
himself is dead...). It is fairly rare in traditional tales, though sometimes used to destroy
vampires or other walking dead. In modern fantasy it is more common, handy for
removing evidence and sometimes used as a regular form of cremation.

Purification of water or materials: Consecrates materials to be used in rituals. Makes

"holy water." Casts out Bound spirits in objects.

Rain Maker
Raise Zombie
Reincarnate: This ritual is used to direct a spirit into a new body. The spirit in question
should be the ghost of a dead person. The body could be either a fetus in utero or a
mature body. If mature, the body should be either newly dead or separated from the soul
by a Soul Zombie ritual. This ritual could also be used to transfer one's own spirit into a
new body. Attempts to reincarnate into an 'occupied' body gives the target a resistance
roll, and backlash indicates that the spirit in question is cast into the abyss.

Resurrection: Restores a relatively intact corpse to life. The spell will perform minor
repairs, but it wont work on those killed by more than -2 x HT wound damage. The
target must be recently dead (no more than a couple of days) or still nearby (as a ghost or
bound spirit). This ritual may be resisted if the soul is happy where it is, and would count
as a hostile ritual - on a backlash the caster joins the soul in the afterlife.

Reversal of Fortune
Ritual of Banishment
Ritual of Slaying

Ruin Crops: This ritual will cause grain to wither, fruit or vegetables to rot, or milk to
turn sour. Crops can ruined on two scales: Use the listed penalty to ruin a cow's milk for
one week, fifty pounds of fruit, or a half-acre of wheat. To spoil an entire herd's milk,
fifty acres of grain, or a season's harvest of potatoes, double the penalty.


Scrying: The caster has a vision of a specific person, place or object as it is now, or by
taking a penalty equal to the duration modifier for the same period, at a moment in the
past. The vision lasts only a minute or two, covers only the immediate surroundings of
the target (the room it's in, or a few dozen yards if it is in the open), and provides no
special insight about where the target is. A success margin of 2 or more shows the scene
in good illumination even if the light there is (was) poor. A margin of 4 or more also
transmits sound. Many variants use a crystal, but a mirror, reflecting pool, fire, smoke,
inkblots, dancing shadows or sunlight or even purely mental vision can work.

Seeking: The caster can home in on a specific person or object (a general class of objects
is at -2, and points to a random nearby example). It usually works as a tool drawn to the
target -- a pendulum, dowsing rod, compass needle.... The default form simply gives
direction from the direction of the pull, but at -4 it can be worked to search a symbolic
space -- a map, phone book etc. Intentionally hidden targets are found at -1 to -5,
depending on how strongly the person concealing it wanted it hidden.

Seek the True Love: One of the most common forms of divination, the subject sees a
brief vision of his true love (or in some variants future spouse). It provides no additional
information -- though the vision often shows someone the subject recognizes. In some
variations instead of a vision the next eligible person met will be the true love. Like any
precognitive vision this requires quite a bit of GM judgment and willingness to finesse
the future to pull off.

Shadow Walk: Allows the adept to move instantly to any familiar location within a mile.
His passage must be unobserved. A puff of smoke or recessed doorway is sufficient
cover to depart, but the destination must be unobserved for several minutes before he
arrives. He appears at the next moment in the future it meets that requirement, jumping
somewhere under constant security surveillance can take the adept out of circulation for a
long time.

Shared Dream: This ritual allows the mage to participate in the dreams of others. The
other dreamers must be willing – any attempt to resist automatically succeeds. This ritual
is often practiced by entire covens of witches at certain times of the year in order to
celebrate the Sabbat, but Shared Dreams could be used in many beneficial ways too, such
as allowing several initiates to gather in the Dreamworld to exchange information, fight a
hostile Dream Visitor or Night Terrors, etc.

Sleep: This ritual may target individuals (use number of target modifiers) or an area
(targets anyone who spends the 3d minute induction time in it). Targets who fail to resist
drop into deep natural sleep within 3d minutes. Small disturbances do not wake them,
though major ones will. Otherwise they sleep for the duration (maximum 24 hours), plus
any further time they need to awaken fully rested. As a targeted ritual it can backlash and
put the caster to sleep. It's safe as an area effect.

Soul Cleansing
Soul Zombie
Spirit Searcher

Storm: Same effects as Rainmaker, but produces storm conditions appropriate to the
area. This may be a hurricane, blizzard, tornado, etc. For the purposes of the spell, assume
a minimum 2% chance of a storm (3 or less on 3d6). The effects of the ritual take place
in two days, with the same penalties as Rainmaker for quicker effect.

Strike Barren/Impotent: Prevents the target from producing offspring for one month
(minimum duration, compute modifiers from that point rather than normally). Thus
females are rendered barren and males are made impotent. This is an evil ritual requiring
backlash checks, unless the subject consents.

Stroke of Luck

Summon: Summoning is the attempt to invoke the presence of a sentient being. This
includes humans, ghosts, demons, angels and elementals. Summoning is possible at three
degrees -- minor, moderate, and major. Each ritual must be learned separately for each
kind of spirit. Thus, a mage might have points on Summon Demon, Summon Angel, and
Summon Elemental, etc. A minor manifestation can be summoned at skill; moderate is at
-4; major manifestations are at -7. Some examples of the specializations possible follow:
Summon Elemental: Summon an undine, a gnome, a salamander, or a sylph. The
elemental may be asked for answers to (success margin/2) questions or may be assigned a
simple task. For example, a gnome could be ordered to disinter a body, or a fire
elemental to throw a fireball. It is also possible to Bind an elemental. The elemental
lords can be summoned at -7, as they are considered major manifestations.
Summon Demon : Summon an entity from the dark reaches of the universe. The
summoner needs to know the true name of the entity he desires to call and control. Once
summoned, he may order the demon (1) to perform one complicated action, or (2)
converse with the wizard so as to increase his knowledge in the demon's area of
knowledge, or (3) the magician may conduct a binding ritual. Note that this is probably
the most dangerous sort of summoning. Demons typically use aliases so that they come
when summoned by the summoner and he finds he has no control over the entity. The
names of demons are often contained in grimoires or constructed with Cabalism.
Summon Devil : Invokes the evil incarnate. The magician has no chance to
control Satan, but he may enter into a Pact or celebrate a Sabbat with a coven of witches
using a Shared Dream ritual. Pacts set terms where the magician sells his soul in return
for treasure, power, prestige, etc. A typical pact may set a twenty to sixty year term. A
successful Summon Devil ritual is required before an initiate may take the Pact
advantage. Note that the magician may summon the devil in order to induct a new person
into a pact, and the devil often requires that a number of converts be made as part of the
Summon Angel : Summon a being from a higher spiritual plane. Angels will only
perform deeds congruous to their natures. They will not harm good Christians, Moslems,
or Jews. They can perform powerful miracles when invoked against evil foes. The
names of Angels are contained in Grimoires and constructed with Cabalism.
Summon Person : Compel a person to come to the summoner – true name is
required. This ritual is only available at -7; a person has only one manifestation!
Summon Ghost : Call the discarnate spirit of a dead person. At +1 if the dead
body is present, -3 if no possessions or body parts of the deceased are available. Ghosts
can be asked to perform a simple task or compelled to answer questions.
Summon Olympic Spirit: Calls an Olympic Spirit. Note that they have only Major
manifestations (-7).
Summon Loa: Summons a Voodoun Loa or Santeria Orisha. (Included for
reference only.)

Swarm: This ritual has two possible effects: (1) The target individual or area attracts all
animals of a particular type within up to 1/2 mile per point of success. Animals failing a
will roll travel there and try to remain nearby, roll daily for ongoing effects. The 'plague'
only shifts animals around, surrounding areas actually have fewer than normal. Usually
this isn't noticed, but it can be used as a Pied Piper effect.(2) This area-effect ritual will
call up a swarm of small animals appropriate to the region. This may be mosquitoes in a
swamp, locusts or gnats in farmland, or rats or cockroaches in a city. The swarm will
persist for an hour or so, then disperse.
Sword Blessing: For every two points of success, anyone using the blessed object can re-
roll one result involving it. For a sword this includes to hit, damage, or parry rolls, but
the ritual will work on any object and allows re-rolls of anything plausibly connected to
its use. A result can only be re-rolled once, and you are stuck with the second result, so it
isn't usually a good idea to re-roll marginal successes, but it is allowed.

Sword Proofing: This ritual protects the subject from hand-to-hand attacks much like
Ghost Shirt's protection from missiles.

Talisman of Truth: Allows the caster to ask 1 question per 2 points of success, which
the target must answer truthfully and in reasonable detail. The traditional form is a jewel
or other talisman placed against some personal part of the anatomy of a sleeping woman
to be asked about adultery, but this reflects the interests of compilers of such sources
rather than a limitation on the ritual. This ritual can backlash, forcing the caster to answer
the next however many questions directed toward him by anybody other than himself.

Talk to the Animals: This ritual allows the caster to call an animal of a desired type and,
if desired, converse with it, perhaps even asking a favor of it. For instance, a hunter
might call up an animal if he is having trouble getting meat, or an initiate with a need to
communicate secretly might call up a bird to carry a message for him. The ritual will call
up the closest animal of the desired type. It will head towards the caster at a reasonable
speed, although if there is no such animal within a mile or so, none will appear. Once it
arrives, it will be willing to spend a few minutes conversing with the caster, although the
caster must phrase questions carefully if he wants a useful answer. Animals are more
likely to remember scents than overheard conversations, and will completely overlook
many things, like piles of gold and arms caches, that humans would find extremely
important. If the animal has a Good reaction or better to the caster, it might perform a
favor for him, such as carrying a message or briefly doing surveillance.

Temptation: The target must win a contest of Will against the ritual or immediately drop
into a dream state (sleepwalking if he is moving when this happens) for several minutes
and dream about a temptation selected by the caster. The GM sums the point costs of any
advantages and disadvantages the he thinks incline the target toward or away from the
temptation. The target must make a Will roll modified by that sum (and you thought that
-15 point Lecherousness would never be a serious problem...). If it fails, he surrenders to
the dream temptation, and will never awaken, eventually wasting away (GM option:
magic or ultratech may awaken him with a blank mind)

Thought-Form: This ritual produces an illusionary creature, usually human-like. The

thought-form will effect behaviors appropriate to what it represents (a pious nun, a
mischievous child, etc.) and eventually it will gain full autonomy. An autonomous
thought-form will have to Banished. The thought-form is not physical, but it can speak,
move, etc.
Torment: Uses an image (often wax) that the magician pierces with needles or melts to
inflict pain on the person it represents. The image will certainly need hair, blood, or other
intimate trappings of the person to be tormented. Attempting to kill by this method
requires, in addition, an Evil Eye ritual.

True Aim: This ritual, often used in conjunction with Hunter, allows uncanny accuracy
with a weapon. The recipient of the ritual must be present at the casting holding the
weapon he will use (the GM may rule that artillery, missiles, and other large weapons are
too large to "hold" properly). If the ritual is successful, the next attack the recipient
makes with that weapon gets a bonus equal to the amount the ritual was made by. The
target may, if circumstances allow it, get an active defense. While this ritual
may be used on automatic weapons, the bonus applies only to the first shot, not the first
burst or first turn of automatic fire.

Turn the Beast

Turn the Dead: Much like Turn the Spirit and Turn the Beast, this ritual banishes
Ghosts and destroys the Undead.

Turn the Spirit

Veneration of image or relic: Intense prayer/meditation focused on some religious

image or relic. A flat +1 bonus to any other Sacrament or Path of Spirits rituals
performed that day.

Vision of Luck

Walk Among the Brambles: The subject can travel through any vaguely passable
vegetation at his normal walking pace. Vines will not trip him, thorns never scratch and
contact with poison oak is harmless. He will not need a machete to penetrate dense
jungle or thick gloves to reach into a thorn bush. It does not erase a trail, but often makes
it harder to follow, and Tracking rolls will be needed where others would leave an
obvious slashed trail.
Grimoires are books of occult knowledge and rituals. The term "grimoire" often
refers specifically to works of black magic, but here any occult book is a grimoire. After
each grimoire's name there is a short explanation of the paths or skills taught in it. All
grimoires are dated to the earliest possible date, and in fact most are younger than they
claim. Some are spurious or even fictional, but the list of grimoires should be useful to
the GM.
The Black Pullet (8th C) -- path of spirits, path of glamoury, path of journeys
Grimoire Verum (The Red Book)(16th C) -- ritual magic (goetia)
True Black Magic -- path of spirits, demonology
Key of Solomon (1st C?)-- theology (demonology), ritual magic (hermetic), path
of spirits
Lemegeton/Lesser Key of Solomon (12th C)-- path of spirits, path of passions,
path of luck, demonology
The Book of Shadows -- theology (pagan), path of health, path of nature, path of
The Egyptian Book of the Dead -- path of the dead
The Necronomicon -- path of spirits, theology (cthulhu)
The Sacred Magic of Abremalin the Mage -- ritual magic (goetia), demonology,
path of spirits
The Zohar (Mss. 2nd C or earlier; 13th C) -- theology (Judaism), ritual magic
Sefer Bahir (12th C) -- ritual magic (Cabalism)
Sefer Yetsira (2nd-5th C, MS only; pub 16th C) -- ritual magic (Cabalism)
The Little Albert -- path of elements, path of nature
The Black Raven -- path of spirits
De Occulta (Agrippa, 15th C) -- occultism
Hieroglyphic Monad (John Dee, 16th C) -- occultism
Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trimegistos -- ritual magic (hermetic)
The Book of Amulets (Khalid, 8th C) -- alchemy
The Composition of Alchemy (12th C) - alchemy
The Secret of Secrets (Michael Maier, 16th C) -- alchemy
Theatrum Chimicum (15th C) -- alchemy
Tetrabiblios (Ptolemy, 2nd C) -- astrology
Tractatus Visionum (13th C) -- path of dreams
Grimoire of Pope Honorius (7th C) -- path of spirits, path of luck
Arbatel of Magic (16th C) -- path of spirits
Heptameron or Magical Elements (13th-14th C) -- path of elements, path of
Picatrix -- path of spirits, path of passions, path of glamoury, path of elements,
path of luck
Enchiridion of Pope Leo -- path of protection, path of luck
The Grand Grimoire -- ritual magic (necromancy), path of the dead, path of spirits
Versus Jesuitarum Libellus -- path of luck

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