GURPS 4e - Martial Arts - Gladiators PDF
GURPS 4e - Martial Arts - Gladiators PDF
GURPS 4e - Martial Arts - Gladiators PDF
GURPS System Design ❚ STEVE JACKSON Managing Editor ❚ PHILIP REED Director of Sales ❚ ROSS JEPSON
GURPS Line Editor ❚ SEAN PUNCH Art Director ❚ WILL SCHOONOVER Errata Coordinator ❚ WARREN
e23 Manager ❚ STEVEN MARSH Production Artist & Indexer ❚ NIKOLA VRTIS MacLAUCHLAN McKENZIE
Page Design ❚ PHIL REED and Prepress Checker ❚ WILL SCHOONOVER GURPS FAQ Maintainer ❚ –––––––
The word “gladiators” immediately conjures up a host of
violent images. The net and trident. Fans screaming for blood. GURPS MARTIAL
Patrician Romans sitting disdainful of the slaves who fight for
the crowd’s amusement.
The world of the gladiator is more than just slaves, swords, This work is a supplement for GURPS Martial Arts. It
and death. Gladiators were well-trained athletes competing in expands on the descriptions of the gladiators from that book
a most lethal sport. They were pampered and cared for like by offering a background history of the arena, several
racehorses, driven mercilessly like boot-camp recruits, and templates and template variations, and the equipment
then sent out to kill and die splendidly for the crowds. necessary for gladiators.
GURPS Martial Arts: Gladiators takes you inside the
world of the gladiator. You’ll enter the ludus, where raw slaves
and desperate freemen were transformed into cunning and art- PUBLICATION HISTORY
ful martial artists. You’ll go inside the arena, where they put on Gladiators drew on material in GURPS Martial Arts for
the show they trained for. You’ll travel to the Roman streets GURPS Fourth Edition and GURPS Imperial Rome for
and beyond, where gladiators were famed for their fighting GURPS Third Edition. Although Imperial Rome proved
skills, envied for their physical prowess, and wooed by their inspirational, the history, the styles, and the templates were
social betters. generated from the latest research and archaeological data
Now enter the arena, where the blood-soaked sand available. Where these books differ, it is intentional, revising
reveals the skills of some of the most renowned martial out-of-date information about the arena.
artists in history . . .
Steve Jackson Games is committed to full support of GURPS players. Volker Bach is a relative latecomer to role-
Our address is SJ Games, P.O. Box 18957, Austin, TX 78760. Please playing, starting at age 24, though by now he
include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) any time you write us! has accumulated far more experience in it
We can also be reached by e-mail: Resources include: than he will admit to in polite company. He
holds a degree in ancient history with a spe-
New supplements and adventures. GURPS continues to grow – see cialization in Roman studies. His personal
what’s new at experience in combat is limited to being bul-
e23. Our e-publishing division offers GURPS adventures, play aids, lied in school. Volker has written several arti-
and support in PDF form . . . digital copies of our books, plus exclusive cles for Pyramid magazine, but this is his first
material available only on e23! Just head over to GURPS book. He lives in Hamburg,
Pyramid ( Our monthly PDF magazine Germany, with numerous books, and he
includes new rules and articles for GURPS, systemless locations, adven- works as an English teacher and translator
tures, and much more. Look for each themed issue from e23! while pursuing an education degree. Aside
Internet. Visit us on the World Wide Web at for from roleplaying, his interests include history
errata, updates, Q&A, and much more. To discuss GURPS with our staff (both real and counterfactual), reenacting,
and your fellow gamers, visit our forums at The reading, and the culinary arts.
GURPS Martial Arts: Gladiators web page can be found at Peter V. Dell’Orto started roleplaying in 1981, with Dungeons & Dragons, and has
Bibliographies. Many of our books have extensive bibliographies, played GURPS since Man to Man. He has
and we’re putting them online – with links to let you buy the resources been active as a GURPS playtester, editor,
that interest you! Go to each book’s web page and look for the “Bibliog- and contributing author since 1996, and he
raphy” link. has written many GURPS articles for
Errata. Everyone makes mistakes, including us – but we do our best to Pyramid magazine. He is also the co-author of
fix our errors. Up-to-date errata pages for all GURPS releases, including GURPS Martial Arts with Sean Punch. Peter
this book, are available on our website – see above. is an enthusiastic martial artist. He currently
Rules and statistics in this book are specifically for the GURPS Basic fights amateur MMA, holds a shodan rank in
Set, Fourth Edition. Page references that begin with B refer to that book, Kendo, and trains Kachin Bando. His other
not this one. hobbies include fitness, reading, painting
miniatures, Japanese culture, and music.
Peter likes movies about gladiators.
The myth and legends of the gladiatorial games intertwine makes for good gaming. (A glossary of terms found in this sup-
with the facts of history. Whether the information is deduced plement is on pp. 48-49.)
from inscriptions, graffiti, drawings, or literature, all of it
Like most of the more baffling Roman customs, gladiator- cheering crowd. As these events became politicized, their reli-
ial combat has its roots in religious practices. The Campanian gious character increasingly fell behind their function as crowd-
tribes may have been the first in the region to force condemned pleasers, and aristocrats vied with each other to provide the
men to fight to the death in funeral games, perhaps as a form most spectacular entertainment. For example, at the funeral of
of human sacrifice, and the Campanians are still remembered Publius Licinius in 160 B.C., 60 pairs of gladiators fought in the
in Roman times as the most enthusiastic gladiatorial fans. It is Forum Romanum before huge crowds. By the first century
most likely from them that Roman aristocrats adopted the B.C., the munera (literally “gifts,” originally referring to the cer-
habit of including ritual combat to the death in their funerals. emonial handouts at funeral feasts) were often held at arbitrar-
Initially, these games were rare and small scale, part of the ily chosen memorial days for long-dead relatives during
elaborate ceremonies that accompanied the funeral of a power- election season and were regarded as something ambitious
ful man. In addition to distributing gifts of food and holding a politicians had to provide the electorate with. Laws were passed
lavish feast in honor of the deceased, a handful of fighters – intermittently to limit the expense permitted to candidates seek-
known as bustuarii (pyre men) – would kill each other before a ing office, but the upward spiral proved unstoppable.
At the same time, the haphazard system of Republican
munera was brought under a system of strict rules. Games PROVINCIAL GAMES
continued to be held in improvised or adapted venues until While the games in Rome turned from rowdy electioneering
Titus opened the Colosseum in 79 A.D., but the audience was into imperial spectacle, gladiator fighting spread into the
now allotted seats according to rank and status. Front rows provinces. It had always been popular in Central Italy, but now
were reserved for senators and knights (equites), while women arenas sprang up from Gaul to Syria. Wealthy town councilors
were banished to the rear. Gladiator classes (known as and newly rich freedmen mostly financed these munera; the
armatura) were standardized, their armament regulated, and upper class used them to boost their prestige and electability.
the pairings of fighters formally fixed. All this was probably The scale of these games was far more modest than in Rome,
simply the outcome of imperial control over the great gladiato- with even a rich city like Pompeii considering 35 pairs of fight-
rial schools (which independent provincial establishments ers a lavish display.
copied). It eventually created an empire-wide gladiatorial cul- Provincial munera continued to be arranged by lanistae,
ture with its own rules, traditions, and fan culture. private ludus entrepreneurs who rented out their gladiators
Gladiatorial shows were rare. No more than a handful and animals for pay. The lanistae purchased or hired and
occurred in a year – sometimes none at all. Despite this fact, an trained their troupes at their own risk and expense, and they
impressive capital outlay went into them. The Colosseum often traveled long distances to their shows. Few provincial
(properly called the Flavian Amphitheater after the dynasty aristocrats would have had the money to maintain their own
that built it) was one of the largest buildings in the city and the fighters, but when they hired in, they were prepared to spend
greatest arena in the Roman world. The compounds of the large amounts. Being tight-fisted on such occasions was a
imperial gladiatorial schools surrounded it, a permanent naval major faux pas, and the lanistae would offer all manner of
detachment was kept on hand to operate its canvas sunroof, attractions to impress the public.
and large numbers of wild animals were brought in from all A gladiatorial munus was announced months in advance
over the Empire and kept in readiness for the great day. This and drew spectators of people from the surrounding country-
was partly a display of imperial patronage, the kind of luxury side and neighboring towns. If everything went well, the spon-
only the greatest power in the world could offer its citizens, but sor (known in Latin as the editor) could bask in the adoration
it also reflected the immense popularity of the munera. For of the cheering multitude. The memory of particularly suc-
something this important, nothing less would do. Provincial cessful games could buoy a political career for decades. This
cities that could easily have improvised a venue for the one or also meant that unsuccessful munera could seriously damage
two small games they held each year often built expensive not only the sponsor, but also the reputation of a town.
amphitheaters for much the same reason.
A particularly disastrous example took place in Pompeii in 59 image of the Roman as conquerors and civilizers, triumphing
A.D., when local rivalry with the nearby town of Nuceria trig- over wild animals and savage tribes alike. It also showed off
gered riots in which several spectators were killed. A less-than- the near limitless wealth of the Empire with hugely expensive
amused emperor banned games in Pompeii for 10 years. novelties such as ivory fences to protect the audience, per-
Nevertheless, even nonviolent urban crowds could be fume dispensers, and raffles of valuable prizes for spectators.
volatile and hard to please. Modern event and marketing man- For the grandest kinds of games, artificial lakes were used to
agers would not find the world of the provincial arena strange. stage naval battles with hundreds of men fighting on ship-
board. The arena of the Flavian Amphitheater could be
flooded for this purpose.
THE DECLINE AND Eventually, though, economic decline and political crisis
FALL OF THE GAMES caught up with the games. Emperors spent less and less time
in the capital, and money was in ever-shorter supply. The
Throughout the first and second centuries and well into the munera dried up until, in the course of the fourth century,
crisis-ridden third, emperors threw lavish munera featuring they disappeared from the Roman scene. Under Emperor
thousands of gladiators along with barbarian captives to be Honorius, all gladiatorial games were prohibited throughout
executed and wild beasts for the hunt. All of this reinforced the the Empire.
4th century B.C. – First depictions of gladiatorial fights in 42 B.C. – Gladiatorial fights are first organized by the state, not
Campania. private donors.
264 B.C. – First recorded gladiatorial fight in Rome at the 36 and 31 B.C. – Augustus holds huge naumachiae to cele-
funeral of Didius Iunius Brutus Petra. brate naval victories.
206 B.C. – Scipio Africanus has deserters killed by wild c. 0-30 A.D. – Development of the formal gladiator types
animals. (armaturae).
186 B.C. – First lion hunt in the arena in Rome organized by 14-37 – Reign of Tiberius; collapse of the wooden amphithe-
Fulvius Nobilior. ater at Fidenae said to kill 10,000 spectators.
166 B.C. – First gladiatorial fights in Asia Minor under 37-41 – Reign of Caligula; he causes a scandal by having wild
Antiochus IV. animals fed on the meat of executed criminals.
105 B.C. – Marius recruits gladiatorial trainers to drill Roman 59 – Riots at gladiatorial games in Pompeii; the city is banned
levies for the war against the Cimbri and Teutones. from holding munera for 10 years.
80 B.C. – Amphitheater in Pompeii is built. 80 – Emperor Titus opens the Flavian Amphitheater in Rome.
73-71 B.C. – Spartacus’ Rebellion. 109 – Emperor Trajan celebrates his victory over the Dacians
50 B.C. – Pompey neutralizes Caesar’s gladiatorial bodyguards; by having 10,000 gladiators fight on 123 days of festivities,
5,000 men are disarmed and arrested. the largest such event ever.
46 B.C. – Caesar organizes the first naumachia (staged battle 177 – The prices of gladiators are capped by Senate decree.
on an artificial lake). 180-192 – Reign of Commodus; the emperor fights personally.
438 – Emperor Valentinian outlaws gladiatorial games.
Little is known about the career of any gladiator, but a thraex named Severus (himself a veteran with 13 victories to
handful of them are commemorated in gravestones, depictions his name); the bout ended in death.
of fights, and fan graffiti. One even came from the ranks of the Albanus’ career likely began as a slave – young, in good phys-
emperors of Rome. ical shape, and with the necessary aggressiveness and drive –
purchased by one Scaurus for Pomponius Faustinus, a local
powerbroker who owned the Pompeii ludus. (As he was a freed-
ALBANUS, SEASONED man, he cannot have been a volunteer initially.) After rigorous
Encountered Encountered
Fighting on the provincial circuit in south Italy, Albanus Physically – contrary to recent Hollywood depictions –
probably still works for Pomponius Faustinus and holds a high Commodus is a very handsome, well-muscled young man, tall,
rank in his ludus. His 19 victories – one of the best records blond, bearded, and supremely fit (he devotes much of his time
known – means his reputation is considerable. A match to physical exercise and combat training). Vain, self-centered,
between Albanus and an equally seasoned veteran would and a coward, he overcompensates for his weakness by fright-
almost certainly represent the high point of the day. Scurrilous ening people around him, and he enjoys being feared. With his
graffiti found elsewhere in Pompeii suggest not everyone friends, he is trusting to the point of naiveté, but vengeful and
rooted for him, and some supporters of his opponent ruthless with real or perceived enemies.
expressed their dislike in strong words. As a star, Albanus earns
large sums for every fight and, now free, shares them with his
lanista on an equitable basis. Soon enough – prompted by the GALEN, GLADIATORIAL
onset of old age, an injury, or simply to enjoy his wealth – he
may retire and become a doctor, training young gladiators. As PHYSICIAN
of now, he enjoys his status and earning power. He is probably Gladiators represented considerable investment and needed
too old to move to Rome and play on the biggest stage, though to be in peak form if they were to recoup the outlay by winning
a sufficiently large sum might tempt him to try a new venue. If fights. The ancient world had a long tradition of sports medi-
he stays in Pompeii long enough, he may be unfortunate cine, developed mostly in Greece, that the Roman schools
enough to be caught in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius . . . could tap into. Any ludus worth its salt had a medical profes-
sional to supervise training and diet, treat injuries, and keep
the troupe healthy. Modern scholars do not know much about
COMMODUS, these men, but it so happens that one of the most influential
physicians of antiquity worked in a gladiatorial school: Galen.
IMPERIAL AMATEUR Born in 129 A.D. as the son of a Greek architect, Galen
Everybody remembers Commodus from the silver screen – received an education in technical and mathematical subjects.
the poster child for depravity and decadence. Unusually for He then went on to study medicine under teachers in Smyrna,
Hollywood, this comes pretty close to being right. Commodus Corinth, and Alexandria.
was one of the worst emperors Rome ever had.
Unlike Nero, who fancied himself an artist, or
Elagabalus, who was into religious mania,
Commodus was crazy about the arena. This infatu-
ation went so far that some contemporaries specu- Modern Gladiators
lated his father was not emperor Marcus Aurelius, Although the gladiators of ancient Rome may seem distant from
but a gladiator his mother had had an affair with. modern day, combat sports are alive and well. Modern fans flock to
Amateurs were nothing new to the world of the professional boxing, professional wrestling, and more recently,
gladiator. Bored rich men trained with them and mixed martial arts events.
sometimes – scandalously – even fought in public. Much of the atmosphere of an ancient day at the games remains
Nonetheless, most of them were relatively harmless. in these events. Fighters enter to fanfare and music, and wave, bow,
Commodus was far from that. He was known for or otherwise salute the crowd before they engage in combat. Rules
training with real weapons and injuring or killing emphasize safety, but not at the expense of a good choke, a bone-
his sparring partners, and anyone facing him in the crunching body slam, or a bloody broken nose. Scantily clad ring-
arena could only hope to survive by surrendering. girls mark the rounds as they go by, corporations looking to sell to
Fighting as a secutor (left-handed, as he proudly the crowds sponsor fighters, and teams eagerly show their best
emphasized), the emperor also favored this fighters to their advantage. The stretch from the trappings of a mod-
armatura in his games, often rigging contests ern fight to the sandy Colosseum is not such a long one, after all.
against opponents. He also played the role of a Many modern fighters hearken back to the gladiators for inspi-
venator, killing animals in inventive ways (often to ration, or consciously draw a parallel to their ancient counter-
the distaste of the audience). Fittingly, he eventually parts. Unlike in the past, though, these fighters are not slaves
fell victim to a court intrigue, strangled by a fighting to the death. In fact, very few participants suffer serious
wrestler he trained with. or life-threatening injuries.
The political career of Commodus was undis- One current event has a close resemblance to ancient Roman
tinguished: He rose to power in 180 A.D. at the gladiator fights: The Spanish bullfights replicate the atmosphere
young age of 19 by virtue of being the son of an and challenge of the venatores, fighting trained animals for the
emperor. He spent most of his reign indulging his entertainment of the crowd. The torero replaces the slave gladiator,
bloodthirsty hobbies. In political matters, he was but the spectacle and the bloody death of the bull are still the same.
naive and depended on corrupt and sycophantic In addition, some modern reenactment groups put on gladiator
advisers, chief among them his freedman shows. The combat is not real, and there is controversy over how
Cleander. His reign saw rebellions in the provinces accurate they represent the real games. Nevertheless, for a GM,
and riots in the capital. In the last years before his reenactors, bullfighters, and modern combat sports all provide a
death in 192 A.D., he developed into a megaloma- potential source of inspiration for their own munera.
niac, identifying himself with the demigod
Hercules and renaming Rome in his own honor.
After his return to his hometown of Pergamum at age 28, he of a ragtag army numbering tens of thousands of escaped
became physician to the local gladiator school. A young medical slaves and disaffected paupers. He bested Roman armies in the
man would not consider this a desirable position, but it seems to field, and he besieged and took the city of Thurioi. He only
be an acceptable starting point, and it did not hinder his mete- went down in defeat to a vastly superior force of battle-hard-
oric career later in life. After four years at the ludus, he left ened legionaries under the command of Crassus, one of
Pergamum to settle in Rome, where he became imperial physi- Rome’s most powerful men at the time. It is thought that he
cian to Marcus Aurelius and a medical writer whose texts died in battle, but his body was never found.
shaped Western medical thought for many centuries. Much of
the experimental work they are based on was done on gladiators. Encountered
Spartacus at the time of his rebellion is likely in his late 20s
Encountered to late 30s, in good physical shape, and a competent fighter. If
Galen at the Pergamum ludus is a young man on the make, he were a Thracian, he would have looked like an average
strikingly intelligent, well-read, inquisitive, and combative. His Greek or Roman. Early in the course of the war, he probably
treatment of the gladiators is often unconventional – and usu- wears gladiatorial gear taken from Capua, but later, he could
ally effective. In keeping with the Hippocratic tradition, he be equally dressed in captured military equipment or even the
pays particular attention to diet and lifestyle, but he is an finery of Roman officers. He must have been an inspiring fig-
equally competent surgeon and can suture wounds, set frac- ure, easy to trust and like, and able to impress his authority on
tures, and restore patients to health and fitness. his followers. It is his personality above all that holds together
a disparate assembly of angry men and instills in them the dis-
cipline, training, and esprit de corps that turned them into an
SPARTACUS, army capable of defeating Rome’s legions.
The next occasion was the cena libera, the gladiators’ pre- During the venatio, exotic or aggressive beasts were made
fight feast. The public was invited to watch. Spectators tried to to fight against each other or against trained venatores, or sim-
pick up clues from the behavior of the men: too little appetite ply slaughtered for the amusement of the public. The Roman
indicated fear, while a gladiator who ate and drank too heavily stereotype has lions, leopards, and bears fill this role, and in the
might already have despaired of his survival chances. Winners grand spectacles of the Flavian Amphitheater, they did. Smaller
ate and drank sparingly, but sufficiently, it was believed, trying munera often had to make do with less exotic bulls, boars,
to avoid hunger, lethargy, or hangovers. In films and novels, the wolves, and dogs. Inscriptions from Pompeii mention only bulls
cena libera has been depicted as anything from a demeaning in one event, and bulls, boars, and bears in another.
display with the gladiators behind bars and a gaping public The demand for wild animals was such that an entire indus-
outside, to an orgy where jaded noblewomen threw themselves try dedicated to their supply sprang up. Bears and aurochs
into the arms of seasoned killers for animalistic sex. Very likely were brought from the forests of Germany. Lions, crocodiles,
neither is true, but since there are no good sources on what the and elephants came from Africa. Even more exotic tigers,
event really looked like, GMs are free to use either, both, or rhinoceroses, and polar bears were transported thousands of
something in between. miles to be shown off and often killed. For more details, see
Animal Show: Venatio and Executions (below).
Finally, along with the prolusio and venatio, there could be
THE MORNING PROGRAM other acts. Just about anything that could wow the audience
The organizers of gladiatorial games were well aware of the was possible – acrobats, trained animals, music, dance, even
value of good showmanship. Munera never began with the gladiator clowns and dwarves. Provincial arenas probably were
main event but slowly built up to a crescendo, starting the a bit more intimate than the Flavian Amphitheater with its
morning with lighter entertainment. The early show included audience of 50,000, but the entertainment tended toward phys-
several elements: the entrance of the fighters, the prolusio ical comedy and large-scale showmanship. Individual comedi-
(mock combat), the venatio (wild animal fights), executions, ans, singers, or mimes would have seemed lost on a stage
and assorted other entertainment. where many in the audience could barely see, let alone hear,
A typical show – and there were plenty of atypical ones – the action, and the Romans had neither microphones nor cam-
began with a procession of the gladiators. All fighters scheduled eras to bring them closer. This phase was also when public exe-
for the day marched into the arena to be inspected and admired. cutions could be scheduled. Roman criminal justice believed in
This was also the opportunity for a speech by the editor and deterrence, and a delinquent sentenced to death ad bestias was
cheering (or booing) by the populace. Wild animals, too, were executed publicly and spectacularly in the arena, usually being
paraded at this point if the organizers thought they would draw killed by wild animals.
attention. Boars or wolves were too commonplace, but bears,
lions, or beasts that are even more exotic generally qualified. Animal Show: Venatio and Executions
In the prolusio, the fighters would entertain the crowd with
Animal fights and the execution of convicted felons pro-
mock combat using wooden practice weapons. This gave them
vided part of the entertainment of munera. Serious fans might
the opportunity to show off their skill and technique, impress
deliberately miss it and only come for the gladiators.
the audience, and build up the popularity that could save a
Animal handlers and beast-fighting venatores took care of
defeated gladiator’s life in the real bouts. No doubt it was also
the animals used in the arena, trained them, and where the
used to develop their “stage personalities” – daring or cautious,
show called for it, killed them. No proper games were consid-
vicious or chivalrous. Spectators often bet large sums on the
ered complete without the deaths of at least some animals.
outcome of fights based on their observations here.
Gladiator Fandom
All the girls sigh for Celadus the Thraex. line among these fans was not along different troupes or
– Graffiti in Pompeii individual fighters (though it appears some could attract a
following), but by fighting styles. Parmularii fans preferred
The Romans knew a business opportunity when they
gladiator classes that used small shields, while scutarii sup-
saw one. Archeologists have unearthed what can only be
porters cheered for those who carried the scutum. Tradi-
described as fan articles all over the Empire. Perfume
tional pairings often pitted these types against each other,
flasks shaped like helmets; toy figures; lamps; water flasks;
and the rumor that an editor favored one over the other
and tableware decorated with scenes of gladiatorial fights
could lead to angry outbursts.
and arena hunts have al been found. On one oil lamp, the
The success of gladiators with women was a stock theme
wick extended from the gladiator’s oversized erect penis,
of Roman satire and humor. A great deal of exaggeration
neatly combining usefulness and smutty humor. As far as
was likely involved, but no doubt, arena groupies did exist.
anyone knows, there were no restrictions on names or
Sometimes a wealthy and respectable woman actually
designs. Anybody could make and sell these items.
eloped with a fighter. Popular culture certainly held up glad-
Gladiators, much like many modern athletes, also
iators as symbols of virility and sexual prowess. The fact that
attracted a dedicated fan base that studied their sport in
a woman’s skeleton was found in the gladiator barracks at
detail and enjoyed talking about it at length. The dividing
Pompeii has only fuelled this particular stereotype.
Trainable ones often were deliberately made aggressive while fight for their lives. These unfortunates could, by dint of skill
less biddable ones were simply starved, hurt, and goaded into and luck, sometimes win a reprieve and become gladiators.
fighting. Often, they were tied together or penned into narrow Most of them, though, did not survive their first fight. The rest
confines to force them to fight. Much of this was not very dif- of the delinquents were simply offered up to the animals to be
ferent, except in scale, from medieval bear baiting or modern killed. The lanista who received the prisoners would decide
dog fighting. For the animal handlers involved, these fights who was merely killed and who fought as venatores.
were incredibly dangerous as their job was to control and goad Arena executions were cruel and creative, with the aim of
the terrified, enraged, and often injured beasts into providing providing entertainment as much as deterrence. Far from the
the best possible entertainment. Venatores armed with bows or somber spectacle of the gallows or guillotine, they often relied
spears were kept ready in case anything went wrong. on technological gadgets or decorative surroundings to create
Not all beasts – especially expensive, exotic ones – were killed a sense of novelty. Prisoners were dressed as Orpheus to be
as part of the show. Roman audiences especially hated to see ele- torn to pieces by wild animals, dropped from cranes as Icarus,
phants harmed (trained ones were a staple of arena shows). or raped to death by bulls as Pasiphae. Less imaginative set-
tings included tying victims to stakes – sometimes on
small carts ready to wheel into the arena – and having
predators take bites out of their bodies. The handlers also
Female Gladiators had to cage the animals again after the last victim was fin-
ished – the training was too valuable to waste.
Female gladiators – gladiatrices – are one option for female
characters in a historical Roman gladiatorial campaign. Glad-
iatrices certainly existed – Roman authors who mention them
usually profess themselves shocked and appalled at this
offense against morality and tend to associate them with At the heart of every arena show were the bouts
decadence and bad emperors. Juvenal even mentions – with between gladiators. These fights with actual weapons
disgust – wealthy women who practiced gladiatorial fighting could end with participants being injured or killed
as a hobby in the first century A.D. (though they probably did (though that was far from always the case). Except in very
not perform in the arena). large and extravagant shows (the kind that emperors
What no one knows is whether gladiatrices were accorded could occasionally lay on), these matches were between
the same status as men. Some historians believe that they individuals or small groups that followed specific rules;
were only part of the morning show, a curiosity like fighting they were not the free-for-all melees shown in some
dwarves or counting elephants. The only surviving image of movies. There were fixed pairings of gladiator types (mur-
gladiatrices (a relief from Ephesus) shows two of them – their millo fought thraex and hoplomachus, secutor fought
stage names are Achillia and Amazon – in the pose of regular retiarius, provocator fought provocator) and traditional
fighters. That makes it believable that women fought as regu- setups for group combat.
lar contestants in the arena, although they were only paired Fights were scheduled in increasing order of
with other women. The practice was hardly common, if an importance. The later in the afternoon (and the closer to
inscription from Ostia – in which an editor boasts that he had the great dramatic finish of the day) a fight was sched-
women fight for the first time since the founding of the town uled, the more prestige it brought. The more dangerous
– can be believed. and experienced the opponent, the greater the rewards
of victory. The larger the city and the grander the occa-
sion, the more important the victory and the more dam-
aging the defeat.
In addition to animal-animal fighting, so-called hunts The summa rudis and his assistant, the secunda rudis, ref-
were arranged in which venatores battled with beasts. These ereed all fights. Dressed in white tunics and equipped with long
fights – more slaughter than contest – symbolized the tri- staves, they were easily recognizable in the arena and could
umph of man over nature, but the risk to the fighters stop bouts if any rules were broken. They stood close to fight-
nonetheless was great. Some of them faced bears, wolves, or ing pairs, ready to intervene much like the referee in a modern
lions with nothing more than a sword or spear. Usually the boxing match. Before the beginning of each fight, the referees
chances were more unequal, and the show focused on the ele- checked weapons and armor. The area within which the fight-
gance and skill with which the gladiators dispatched wild ers were allowed to move was then designated (they could not
creatures. In extreme cases, animals were simply run into the roam around the arena at will) and the opponents announced.
arena and killed by archers from the safety of the audience – Refereeing was apparently not considered demeaning to the
a sport that Emperor Commodus (p. 7) is said to have honor of good citizens the way actual fighting was, and some
enjoyed greatly. However, when the fighters were down in the very respectable people worked as referees.
arena, measures were taken to protect the men.
Naturally, the danger of working with animals specifically
taught to maim, rape, and kill humans was considerable. Even
Individual Fights
so, the life of a venator was nowhere near as dangerous as that On a signal from the summa rudis, the fight began. This fol-
of a main-event gladiator, probably more akin to that of a mod- lowed certain rules. Strikes to the groin were not allowed (exca-
ern torero. vated gladiator remains show no wounds there). Immediately
Additionally, animals were used in executions. Some con- lethal strikes were permitted, but they were discouraged. They
victs were offered a slim chance by being armed and trained to cut short the fight without giving the audience a chance to judge.
Longer bouts were interrupted by breaks during which ers were killed. However, being too free with pardons opened the
wounds were bandaged and drinks were provided to refresh the editor to the suspicion of parsimony. The death of a gladiator
fighters. If a bout went on too long, though, the gladiators could was expensive, but the audience expected it. Especially during
have their shields taken away by the referees to produce a quick the Late Republic, killing a large number of fighters was seen by
result. The crowds did not like overly defensive fighting, and the some as a sign of generosity. Even in the much less competitive
organizers aimed to give the people what they wanted. political atmosphere of the Empire, some fights were expressly
If a gladiator was too badly injured or too exhausted to con- sine missione, without the option of mercy. Emperor Augustus
tinue fighting, he surrendered to his opponent by throwing away forbade the practice, but that didn’t make a lasting impression.
his weapon and raising his hands or kneeling down. The win-
ner now had to wait while the editor decided the fate of the
loser. See Asking for Mercy (pp. 22-23). Killing a surrendering
opponent outright was a severe breach of the rules (difficult
to avoid for characters with Bloodlust), as was resuming the Defending the Bridge
fight after surrendering. Traditionally, a thrust to the neck or In addition to regular bouts, organizers tried to offer the
chest ended the life of the loser mercifully quickly. audience creative twists on the theme. The most popular
If the audience spared him, the loser was allowed to and best documented of these was the pons (bridge). A
leave the arena to cheers and applause. The winner then retiarius was placed on a man-high platform (the pons)
received his due from the editor’s servants: a palm frond as with two ramps leading up to it. Two secutores attacked
a sign of victory and a sum of money as his prize (much of him from below, trying to force their way onto the platform.
which would eventually go to his lanista). If he fought par- The defender was given a supply of stones to throw at the
ticularly well, he also accepted a corona (laurel wreath, also attackers along with his regular weapons (the secutores
called a victory crown) in recognition of skill and bravery. were not allowed to throw them back). Some gladiators
After a lap of victory through the arena, bathing in the roar- seem to have specifically trained for this scenario, and it is
ing applause, he left the ring to the next fighters. expressly mentioned in some inscriptions.
If both parties had fought well, the editor could end the Some evidence exists of other variations. Gladiators
fight during a break by declaring a draw – the Latin phrase could defend gates or hurdles or fight blindfolded, shield-
for this was stans missus (dismissed while standing). It less, or otherwise impeded. Inventive lanistae needed to
was a great boost to the reputation of both gladiators. See remember, though, that the public expected primarily to see
Stans Missus (p. 23). single combat matches.
The fate of a defeated gladiator rested in the hands of the
editor who had paid for the games (and would have to fully
reimburse the lanista for all gladiators who were killed). The
audience would not be denied its say, though, and a sponsor Mass Fights
would be a foolhardy to neglect their opinion. Traditionally, they If a sponsor wanted to give the public something truly spec-
signaled their preference by gestures, though it is unclear what tacular (and he had the money for it), a mass fight could be laid
they were. The “thumbs up, thumbs down” beloved of on. These melees dispensed with many of the usual rules, pitting
Hollywood is unlikely, given that the sign had to be unambigu- one group of fighters against another without referees or bound-
ous across a large arena. Stabbing the thumb toward the throat aries. They could be crowd-pleasers, though they were hugely
may have signaled death, and lifting the hand high, mercy, but more expensive than regular fights given that they used 10 or 20
all such reconstruction is speculation. However it was expressed, (in extreme cases, hundreds of) gladiators in the time that a sin-
the public expected its decision to be respected, and the editor gle fight would normally take. Established stars were unlikely to
usually would prefer even financial ruin to countering them. take part in such organized slaughter, but beginners had the
A loser who impressed the crowds was pardoned (missus – opportunity to get their first taste of real combat, while con-
literally, “dismissed”). (The crowd’s reaction would depend on victed felons were sometimes sentenced to participate. The
his previous reputation, his showing during the prolusio, how largest such events – held by the emperors in Rome – depended
well he had fought and how popular his opponent was.) He on a supply of prisoners of war that were effectively free.
could leave the arena to fight another day. If he had displeased
the audience, his life was forfeit, and the last test of his courage Naumachiae
would be how he received the killing blow. It fell to the winner
The ultimate in extravagance was a naumachia, a staged sea
to slay him with a stab to his neck or chest. A man who could
battle. The cost and scale of such a show meant that this was
muster the strength to take the blade to his exposed neck with-
out of reach of anyone but the likes of Caesar and Pompey or
out flinching could draw cheers. His body was carried out of
– after Augustus – the emperors. Even they could not afford
the arena and buried respectfully – at least if he or his friends
them with anything approaching regularity. The first challenge
and family could afford the funeral.
was usually an engineering one – getting a body of water to
Exactly how many fights ended in death is unknown, but it
where the audience was. Augustus had an artificial lake dug
seems to have been less common that many writers and
near Rome and facilities built for the audience to hold his
moviemakers think. Gladiators recorded their careers in the
games. Later, the Flavian Amphitheater could be flooded for
numbers of victories and pardons they received (much like mod-
the purpose. Ships had to be built (full-size warships were too
ern win-loss records for professional fighters). A man could eas-
big for these venues), and hundreds, sometimes thousands, of
ily rack up as many of the latter as the former! Especially in the
fighters kitted out. They usually represented historic sea bat-
early Empire, professional gladiators could hope for reprieve
tles. The sources mention 10 such events in over 200 years, so
regularly. Some academics think that as little as one in four los-
seeing a naumachia was a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Gladiator styles were specialized by a specific set of other in as evenly balanced – and exciting – a match as possi-
weapons, armor, and tactics. The origins of this tradition prob- ble. The traditional distinction of classes – probably going
ably lie in the Roman habit of having prisoners of war fight in back far into Republican times – was between defensive,
the arena in their native weapons and armor, as the names of heavily armed scutarii (“large-shielders”) and aggressive,
the most traditional gladiator types – the thraex (Thracian) and more mobile parmularii (“small-shielders”). Fans also
samnes (Samnite) – suggest. It seems, though, that until the roughly divided along those lines (it appears that the scutarii
end of the Republic, a certain amount of leeway was allowed were usually more popular) and cheered for their favorite
in the equipment of many arena fighters. The influence of the style. The Republican-era samnes, the murmillo, the secutor,
great imperial gladiator schools then led to the standardization and very likely the essedarius counted among the scutarii,
of the armaturae that was to hold true, with only small varia- while the thraex, the hoplomachus, and the retiarius (despite
tions, until the end of the munera in the fifth century. having no shield at all) were parmularii. Provocatores, equi-
The point to arming gladiators in different fashions was a tes, and the more exotic types are harder to class and may
sporting one – to pit fighters with different styles against each simply never have fit the scheme.
The five most common types of gladiator styles are There is no body of legend surrounding the hoplomachus.
described here, as well as several versions that are more exotic. Therefore, cinematic hoplomachi should be much like realistic
Fighters usually trained in one armatura only, though there are stylists, only more so. Higher skill, ST, and better movement
gravestones of rare individuals who fought professionally in will be their mainstays in combat.
two or three.
Skills: Knife; Shield (Buckler); Spear.
Techniques: Feint (Spear).
Cinematic Skills: Immovable Stance; Power Blow.
HOPLOMACHUS Perks: Style Adaptation (any other gladiator style); Sure-
4 points Footed (Sand).
The name of the hoplomachus refers to the classical Greek
fighting style of Hoplomachia (see GURPS Martial Arts, Optional Traits
p. 161). This armatura likely goes back to Republican tradi- Secondary Characteristics: Improved Basic Speed.
tions and was already well established as an opponent for both Advantages: See Typical Gladiator Advantages (p. 18).
the thraex and murmillo by the early Empire. The hoplo- Disadvantages: See Typical Gladiator Disadvantages (p. 19).
machus, like the thraex, was armored with a crested helmet, Skills: Brawling; Performance; Shield Art; Shortsword;
long greaves on both legs, and a manica on the sword arm. He Spear Art; Wrestling.
carried a thrusting spear as his main weapon and a small, Techniques: Retain Weapon (Shield or Spear).
deeply dished round shield on his left arm. His secondary Perks: Naval Training; Off-Hand Weapon Training (Spear).
weapon was a dagger or very short sword.
The hoplomachus, like all parmularii, depends on superior
mobility in his confrontation with scutarii. Stylists keep their MURMILLO
small shield held chest high, ready for active blocks, and use 3 points
their spears to exploit openings in their opponent’s defenses. The murmillo was one of the most common armaturae,
This is best represented by Defensive Attacks with the spear, usually paired off against a thraex. His weapon was the short
coupled with Deceptive Attack. Hoplomachus will use long, sword, and he wore a short metal greave on his left leg, a man-
overhand stabs (Committed Attack or All-Out Attack (Long)), ica on his right arm, and a crested, broad-brimmed helmet
or try to lure his opponent into exposing himself in an unwise with a fully enclosed faceplate. His shield was the large scu-
attack or shield strike (a Feint). The dagger is mainly intended tum. The murmillo, as a scutarius, was the more powerful and
for the deathblow, but it could also be used to defend the less agile part of his traditional pairings.
hoplomachus if he loses his main weapon.
Murmillones rely on the cover of their large shield to
protect themselves as they move near to their oppo-
nents. These scutarii prefer to use the shield offensively
to block attacks and deliver shield bashes and Beats.
Murmillo Variations
There are two notable variations of the murmillo: the samnes
Murmillones move aggressively behind a slam or shield and the secutor.
bash, trying to punish their typically less-armored oppo-
nents with explosive strikes, charges, and sudden stabs
of the sword using Attack maneuvers. These combatants
Samnes (Samnite)
often fight in a deep crouch. The strength of the mur- Evidence for the samnes is scanty. They seem to have been
millo is in superior defense and carefully timed, over- almost identical to murmillo except that they wore an open-
whelming attacks. The fighter uses Attacks, counting on faced helmet and some type of torso armor. A samnes was prob-
his shield and armor to protect himself. Committed ably originally equipped like a Samnite warrior, with the scutum
Attacks are used to finish opponents. and gladius, and may be the ancestor of both murmillo and secu-
The murmillo style rewards a strong fighter; a suc- tor. There is some evidence that, in Republican times, samnites
cessful murmillo will often be large and physically were paired off against each other and used javelins before mov-
powerful. High ST and HP are very useful for practi- ing in for close combat.
tioners. Cinematic Murmillones should emphasize Samnite gladiators will fight with the same tactics as a mur-
high ST, HP, and Springing Attack. Power Blow will millo. Early representatives of the type may have Thrown Weapon
further enhance the murmillo’s advantage. (Spear), but even in the Late Republic, this is uncommon.
Skills, techniques, etc. are identical to the murmillo (pp. 12-13).
Skills: Shield; Shortsword.
Techniques: Close Combat (Shortsword); Feint Secutor
(Shield); Low Fighting (Shield or Shortsword). The secutor was a subtype of the murmillo who specialized in
Cinematic Skills: Immovable Stance; Kiai; Power fighting the retiarius. He, too, used short sword and scutum and
Blow. wore greave and manica, but his fully closed helmet had neither
Cinematic Techniques: Dual-Weapon Defense crest not brim, giving his opponent’s net nothing to catch on.
(Shield); Springing Attack (Shield or Shortsword). Emperor Commodus (p. 7) fought as a secutor.
Perks: Shield-Wall Training; Shoves and Tackles Skills, techniques, etc. are identical to the murmillo (pp. 12-13).
(Shield); Special Exercises (Striking ST 1); Style Adap-
tation (any gladiator style); Sure-Footed (Sand);
Technique Adaptation (Springing Attack).
Unlike most other armaturae, provocatores fight with each
Optional Traits other. Their weaponry and fighting style are balanced midway
Secondary Characteristics: Improved ST or HP. between those of the defensive, static scutarii and the aggres-
Advantages: See Typical Gladiator Advantages (p. 18). sive, mobile parmularii. In a fight between two provocatores,
Disadvantages: See Typical Gladiator Disadvantages (p. 19). neither has the advantage in speed, reach, or defense. Both
Skills: Brawling; Knife; Performance; Shield Art; fighters keep their distance, looking for an opening to strike
Shortsword Art; Wrestling. home or go into close combat.
Techniques: Counterattack (Shortsword). Cinematic provocatores will use the full versions of Dual-
Perks: Naval Training; Off-Hand Weapon Training Weapon Attack, striking with both their shield and sword. They
(Shortsword). should develop Immovable Stance to resist charges, and Kiai
and Power Blow to stun and then overwhelm their foes.
Optional Traits
RETIARIUS Secondary Characteristics: Improved Basic Speed or Basic
4 points Move.
The retiarius appeared in the first century A.D. – possibly Advantages: See Typical Gladiator Advantages (p. 18).
originally in naumachiae – and quickly became one of the most Disadvantages: See Typical Gladiator Disadvantages (p. 19).
popular armaturae. He was unusual in being very lightly Skills: Brawling; Performance; Net Art; Spear Art; Wrestling.
armored and wearing no helmet – retiarii had to rely on their Perks: Naval Training; Style Familiarity (Murmillo or
agility and speed to fight better-protected opponents. Their Thraex).
main weapons were a throwing net and a heavy trident, with a
dagger carried as a secondary weapon. The only protection
they had was a long manica with a galerus metal plate THRAEX (THRACIAN)
mounted on the left shoulder that protected the face when it 3 points
was turned toward the opponent. The thraex goes back to Republican traditions. He is usually
Almost unarmored, the retiarius needs speed and reach to paired off against the scutum-wielding murmillo as a more agile
defeat his usual opponent, the secutor. Stylists use the net to and aggressive opponent. The distinctive, small, square parma
tangle, trip, distract, or disarm their better-protected foe. The and curved sword (sica) make him easily recognizable. Thraeces
retiarius relies on the trident to deliver crippling blows when- wear long greaves on both legs (usually with fabric armor under-
ever an opening presents itself. With the net, the fighter can neath), a manica on their sword arm, and a fully
entangle the opponent, Feint, or spread it out to deny the enclosed helmet with a high crest and broad brim.
opponent a place to move unhindered. If the The thraex depends on his speed and
opponent does step on the net, the retiarius tries to agility to exploit openings in the defense
trip up his foe; see GURPS Martial Arts, p. 221. of his opponent. Unlike gladiators
Once a foe is entangled or feinted out of armed with long weapons, like the
position, the attacks the body or vitals hoplomachus, he has to move in
with the trident. close to do so. A thraex tries to stab
Despite having a weapon in each with his curved sword around the
hand, practitioners do not Dual- shield of his opponent (a Deceptive
Weapon Attack – the pattern is to Attack). He moves into and out of
use the net to disadvantage the range of his opponent’s strikes,
opponent and then strike with the depending on quick footwork. The
trident, not to attack with both at stylist tries to avoid staying in
once. The gladiator keeps his dis- place, launching Attacks until the
tance and avoids close combat opponent leaves an opening for a
where his lack of protection opens finishing attack. When near the
him to easy defeat. The dagger is opposition, the thraex often drops
held in reserve for a killing blow or into a low posture, such as
as a last, desperate line of defense. crouching or kneeling.
The retiarius uses the trident Cinematic thraeces emphasize
as the main weapon from the start their speed and agility. Increased
of his career. Because of this Basic Speed, Basic Move, and DX,
training, practitioners may learn and Extra Attacks, are more
the Exotic Weapon Training perk suited to the style than especially
as soon as they have a point in high ST or cinematic abilities.
Spear (instead of the usual 10
points in skills and techniques). Skills: Shield; Shortsword.
Cinematic retiarii should emphasize their speed advantage. Techniques: Feint (Shield or Shortsword); Low Fighting
Increased Speed and Move are very useful to a retiarius, as are (Shield or Shortsword).
FP to keep up the fight. A truly cinematic retiarius may want to Cinematic Skills: Power Blow.
replicate the trident-throwing feat of Draba from Spartacus. Perks: Style Adaptation (any other gladiator style); Sure-
This would require both Thrown Weapon (Spear) and the Footed (Sand).
Exotic Weapon Training perk.
The exotic laquearius style uses a lasso, but otherwise is the Optional Traits
same as a retiarius.
Secondary Characteristics: Improved Basic Speed, Basic
Skills: Knife; Net; Spear. Move, and DX.
Techniques: Armed Grapple (Net); Counterattack (Net or Advantages: Enhanced Dodge; also see Typical Gladiator
Spear); Hook (Spear); Sweep (Net); Targeted Attack (Spear Advantages (p. 18).
Thrust/Neck); Targeted Attack (Spear Thrust/Vitals). Disadvantages: See Typical Gladiator Disadvantages (p. 19).
Cinematic Skills: Power Blow. Skills: Brawling; Shield Art; Shortsword Art; Wrestling.
Perks: Exotic Weapon Training (Trident); Grip Mastery Techniques: Retain Weapon (Shield or Shortsword).
(Spear); Off-Hand Weapon Training (Knife or Net); Technique Perks: Naval Training; Off-Hand Weapon Training
Mastery (any Net-based technique). (Shortsword); Style Familiarity (Murmillo).
lighter armor, but they use their heavy armor to allow them to
EXOTIC TYPES attack with a degree of impunity. These strikes are typically
In addition to the more common gladiator styles, a number Attacks and Committed Attacks.
of exotic ones also fought in the arena. Even cinematic crupellarii will be slow and ponderous, but
they should make up for it with high ST and HP and by pour-
Andabata ing points into Immovable Stance. Lifting ST is also useful to
carry the extra weight of the armor!
2 points
Little is known about the equipment of this armatura Skills: Shield; Shortsword.
except that they, uniquely, fought blind. Very likely, their hel- Techniques: Feint (Shield or Shortsword).
mets shut off all vision. Cicero mentions that andabatae used Cinematic Skills: Immovable Stance; Power Blow.
swords, but gives no further detail. They may have fought Perks: Special Exercises (Lifting ST 1); Style Adaptation
unarmored, for the bloody spectacle, or heavily armored, to (any gladiator style); Sure-Footed (Sand).
encourage their wild swinging.
Andabatae are greatly handicapped by their helmets. Optional Traits
Stylists move about, attempting to hear their opponent – a Secondary Characteristics: Improved ST.
challenging prospect in a crowded arena – and probe the dark- Advantages: Lifting ST; also see Typical Gladiator Advantages
ness with quick attacks, trying to locate a target. Defensive (p. 18).
Attacks are the rule, and Wait, simultaneously listening with Disadvantages: See Typical Gladiator Disadvantages (p. 19).
Hearing rolls (see p. B394 for details on combat Hearing rolls). Skills: Brawling; Performance; Shield Art; Shortsword Art;
Andabatae who sense their opponent go for a quick, hard, crip- Wrestling.
pling strike to win their fights. Perks: Naval Training; Off-Hand Weapon Training
Cinematic andabatae are masters of Blind Fighting. Using (Shortsword).
their honed senses, they locate their opponents and then
launch a spectacular Power Blow to finish them off. Unlike the
realistic stylists, cinematic andabatae will be far from poten-
tially bloody comic relief. Instead, they will be masters of a
very specialized style.
You stab in the dark like an
Skills: Shortsword. andabata!
Cinematic Skills: Blind Fighting; Power Blow.
Perks: Style Adaptation (any gladiator style); Sure-Footed
– Cicero, Virgilii
(Sand). Maronis 5.210
Optional Traits
Secondary Characteristics: Improved Per.
Advantages: Acute Hearing; also see Typical Gladiator Dimachaerus (“Two-Sword Fighter”)
Advantages (p. 18).
Disadvantages: See Typical Gladiator Disadvantages (p. 19). 2 points
Skills: Brawling; Performance; Wrestling. The dimachaerus is poorly documented and may not have
Perks: Naval Training; Off-Hand Weapon Training been a specific type at all. A relief from Turkey that shows a
(Shortsword). fighter with a round, enclosed helmet, short greaves on both
legs and curved short swords in both hands. Little is known
about the fighting style of the dimachaerus.
Crupellarius Equipped with two swords but no shield, dimachaeri use
3 points both blades for attack and defense. Stylists emphasize mobility
Crupellarii are mentioned in the first century A.D. as a specif- and seeking openings in an opponent’s defenses. Close-in com-
ically Gallic armatura, notorious for their extremely heavy bat with two blades and no torso armor is too lethal to be dra-
armor. A statuette from France shows a pot-shaped helmet and matically satisfying to the crowd! Instead, dimachaeri rely on
what appears to be segmented metal armor over the upper torso, Defensive Attacks and Evaluate. Feints are also popular, and
arms, and legs. The crupellarius probably carried a shield, fighters use retreats to move away from opponent’s attacks,
though the type is unknown. Tacitus mentions crupellarii fight- only to try to sweep back into range and Counterattack.
ing in a Gallic revolt in 21 A.D. where Roman soldiers used pick- Cinematic stylists apply Dual-Weapon Attack to strike their
axes to break through their armor. He also writes that the foes, using one sword to Feint and the other to Attack!
soldiers pushed over their enemies to render them helpless, but
Skills: Shortsword.
that may be hyperbole. However, putting a crupellarius off bal-
Techniques: Feint (Shortsword).
ance, disarming him, or knocking him over to make him vulner-
Cinematic Skills: Power Blow.
able to an attack in the abdomen seems a promising approach.
Cinematic Techniques: Dual-Weapon Attack (Shortsword).
Crupellarii depend on their extremely heavy armor, which
Perks: Off-Hand Weapon Training (Shortsword); Style
covers everything except the abdomen. Much like the
Adaptation (any other gladiator style); Sure-Footed (Sand);
Murmillo, stylists center their tactics on their overwhelming
Unusual Training (Dual-Weapon Attack; Both attacks must tar-
armor advantage. Fighters work to protect their vulnerable
get the same foe).
abdomen from opponents with longer-reach weapons or
Optional Traits while using Feint and Defensive Attacks to create an opening
Secondary Characteristics: Improved Basic Speed or Basic for a finishing shot.
Move. Cinematic equites should be both masters of their weapons
Advantages: Enhanced Dodge; Enhanced Parry and masters of the horse. Animal Friend, which gives Riding
(Shortsword); see also Typical Gladiator Advantages (p. 18). bonuses, is certainly useful.
Disadvantages: See Typical Gladiator Disadvantages (p. 19). Skills: Shield; Shortsword; Spear; Riding (Horse).
Skills: Brawling; Performance; Shortsword Art; Wrestling. Techniques: Back Strike (Spear); Combat Riding; Hands-
Techniques: Spinning Strike (Shortsword). Free Riding; Staying Seated.
Perks: Naval Training. Cinematic Skills: Power Blow.
Perks: Grip Mastery (Spear); Style Adaptation (any
gladiator style).
Cinematic Skills: Power Blow. in the right hand and a metal tube that ended in a half-moon
Perks: Style Adaptation (any gladiator style). blade over the left hand. Unlike most traditional armaturae,
scissores used no shields, but they were heavily armored. They
Optional Traits wore mail on their torso; round, fully enclosed helmets;
Advantages: Enhanced Block; Enhanced Dodge; see also greaves on both legs; and a manica on their sword arm. Their
Typical Gladiator Advantages (p. 18). usual opponent was the retiarius.
Disadvantages: See Typical Gladiator Disadvantages (p. 19). Heavily armored, but without the protection of the shield,
Skills: Brawling; Performance; Shield Art; Shortsword Art; the scissor’s tactics are hard to reconstruct. The left, encased in
Wrestling. protective metal, is primarily used for defense, parrying with
Perks: Off-Hand Weapon Training (Shortsword). the bladed glove. The sword is used offensively to stab and cut.
Outranged and without the superior defense of the scutarius,
the scissor needs to keep his distance from the terrifying trident
of his typical foe. The main road to victory of the scissor is a
sudden, aggressive move into his opponent’s space. A scissor
relies on Attacks, but when an opportunity presents itself, the
stylist uses Committed Attack to try to launch a finishing blow.
Cinematic scissores should invest heavily in Power Blow
and improved ST to make their sudden strike a telling one.
Like most gladiator styles, there isn’t a body of cinematic
legends to draw on. Cinematic scissors should do all of the
same things realistic stylists do, only better and faster!
Skills: Boxing; Shortsword.
Techniques: Close Combat (Shortsword).
Cinematic Skills: Power Blow.
Perks: Style Adaptation (any other gladiator style); Sure-
Footed (Sand).
Optional Traits
Secondary Characteristics: Improved ST.
Advantages: Enhanced Dodge; Enhanced Parry (Short-
Scissor (“Cutter”) sword); see also Typical Gladiator Advantages (p. 18).
3 points Disadvantages: See Typical Gladiator Disadvantages (p. 19).
The scissor was one of the creative armaturae that showed Skills: Boxing Art; Brawling; Performance; Shortsword Art;
up in the early Empire. Although not an absolute certainty, Wrestling.
good evidence exists that his main weapons were a short sword Perks: Naval Training; Style Familiarity (Retiarius).
Some components of the martial-arts styles of the gladia- legal penalties, he may choose to administer his own punish-
tors merit special discussion. ment later. All slave gladiators will have an owner, of course,
but that owner may not necessarily act as a Patron.
A typical lanista will be a 10-point Patron, with a
ADVANTAGES frequency of appearance as high as 15 or less (for a game set
Certain advantages are especially common in a gladiatorial almost entirely within a ludus) or as low as 6 or less (for a
campaign. campaign with lots of activity outside the ludus). While the
ludus provides equipment for a gladiator, it is only for use in
the arena. Free gladiators who live and train outside a ludus,
Patron or former gladiators, are unlikely to have their lanista as a
see p. B72 Patron. Doctores, with their greater duties and importance,
Gladiators, whether slave or free, may have a Patron. In the are more likely than regular gladiators to have the lanista as
Late Republic and into the Empire, a sufficiently wealthy a Patron.
owner or employer can get a gladiator out of a lot of trouble (as A lanista also may have a Patron. During the Republic, this
serious as assault, theft, or other crimes). Roman law occasion- may be a rich benefactor willing to intercede on the lanista’s
ally makes direct reference to defendants being too rich to behalf. During the Empire, imperial lanistae are required to
prosecute. However, even if a Patron saves a gladiator from have a Patron – the emperor.
Extra Option†
The rules are full of advanced and optional rules
Typical Gladiator that change how the game works in particular situa-
tions. Usually, these don’t cost points because they’re
Advantages campaign options – either everybody uses them or
Certain advantages are typical or useful for gladiators and oth- nobody does. However, the GM may allow certain
ers associated with the ludus. To save space on each style, these are rules that normally aren’t used in the campaign on a
listed here. Advantages marked with a * are exotic or cinematic PC-by-PC basis. Access to each of these is a perk.
advantages; GM approval is required to include these with a PC. Options that cost FP or character points to exer-
Luck is especially useful for a gladiator. Not all gladiators will cise are the fairest. For instance, each aspect of
have it, but those that do will have much longer careers than Influencing Success Rolls (p. B347) and Extra Effort
those that don’t! in Combat (p. B357), as well as Flesh Wounds and TV
Action Violence under Cinematic Combat Rules (p.
Appearance; Charisma; Combat Reflexes; Extra Attack*; Fear- B417), could be an Extra Option perk in a campaign
lessness; Fit or Very Fit; Gladiator Rank; Hard to Kill; Hard to Sub- where those rules don’t universally apply.
due; High Pain Threshold; Lifting ST*; Luck*; Patron; Rapid Rules that inflict penalties are usually fine, too.
Healing; Reputation; Striking ST*; and Wealth (for successful For example, the GM may not want to use the com-
gladiators!). plicated new hit locations in GURPS Martial Arts –
or his campaign might be set before medicine knows
about those locations! In this instance, an Extra
Option could enable a warrior familiar with one of
Gladiator Rank those locations to target it at the standard penalty. Indeed,
see p. B29 many optional rules in Martial Arts could work this way, with
A special form of Rank is important in a Gladiators access to them becoming attractive special abilities for skilled
campaign. fighters.
If either kind of rule expands the spectrum of an advantage,
Gladiator Rank: Gladiators, doctores, and lanista may have cinematic skill, or spell, the GM should require a separate Extra
some level of Gladiator Rank. This is a form of Courtesy Title Option perk for each trait that can benefit from the added
(see GURPS Power-Ups 2: Perks, p. 18). Characters may option. The same goes for cinematic or supernatural rules
purchase up to 5 levels of Gladiator Rank. However, only a options available for mundane skills, like the most extreme cin-
lanista can have Gladiator Rank 5; this is functionally equiva- ematic rules in Martial Arts; specialization by skill is advisable.
lent to, and requires, Status 1. Gladiators generally cannot pro- For certain types of gladiators, individual rules make sense.
mote to Rank 5; gladiators do not become lanista during the For example, the minimally armored retiarius might acquire
course of a normal career. For details of these ranks, see Extra Option (Bulletproof Nudity), while any cinematic gladia-
Ranking System (p. 29). 1 point/level. tor might benefit from Extra Option (Cannon Fodder) to allow
him or her to quickly overcome any no-name arena opponent.
PERKS Naval Training
Certain perks are especially useful for gladiators. Perks Gladiators trained to fight in naval engagements (see p. 11)
marked with a † require specialization. may acquire this perk. Note that not all combatants in such
engagements have this perk. Gladiators deemed unlikely to
Style Familiarity survive might not be singled out for special training. Star glad-
iators and those with potential surely get it, to keep them alive
see GURPS Martial Arts, p. 49
through the action! Naval actions were sufficiently rare, how-
All gladiators will be familiar with a specific gladiatorial style
ever, to preclude this from being standard training.
(see pp. 12-17). Many also learn the Style Familiarity perk of
their usual opponents. Such training is commonly available in
Off-Hand Weapon Training†
the ludus. The lanista wants his gladiators to know the tricks of
Many gladiators learn to fight with their off-hand.
their opponents, in order that they may put on a better show!
Familiarity with a recognized gladiatorial style is enough
for a Claim to Hospitality at your own particular ludus but not
Shoves and Tackles†
necessarily in another ludus. It all depends on the relationship You’ve trained at using a melee weapon to press and over-
of your owner to the owner of that ludus. bear the enemy. Whenever you make an armed shove or slam
– whether a shield rush (p. B372) or one of the long-weapon
options in GURPS Martial Arts – add a damage bonus similar
Style Perks that that which Sumo Wrestling gives unarmed shoves and
see GURPS Martial Arts, pp. 49-52 slams: +1 per die at skill DX+1, or +2 per die at DX+2 or bet-
Several style perks need further discussion for gladiator ter. You must specialize by Melee Weapon skill.
Exotic Weapon Training† Gladiators who must regularly fight on unusual surfaces
The retiarius uses the trident, which requires this perk to will benefit from this perk. Arena sand was likely hard packed
remove its inherent skill penalty. (but see Shifting Sands, p. 22), making this perk unnecessary.
Nevertheless, gladiators may learn it anyway, to deal with
improperly maintained sand, overly wet spots (from
blood or water), or deliberately treacherous spots meant
to spice up a fight.
Typical Gladiator
DISADVANTAGES Gladiators were stereotyped; Roman literature paints
them as vain, greedy, lecherous, arrogant, and violent bullies!
Several disadvantages need more discussion for a glad- All slave gladiators have Social Stigma (Valuable Property),
iatorial campaign. and all free gladiators have Social Stigma (Second-Class Citi-
zen) – this is a required disadvantage. This list offers common
Code of Honor disadvantages for gladiators, free or slave, and others associ-
ated with ludi.
see p. B127
While all free gladiators took an oath to be “whipped, Appearance (from scars and battle injuries, if not actual natu-
burned, and killed with iron,” this was more of a waiver ral ugliness!); Bully; Callous; Compulsive Behavior (Fighting);
than a code. Slaves had little choice in the matter, and Compulsive Carousing; Duty (Extremely Hazardous; possibly
volunteers gave the oath to subject themselves to these with Involuntary – see below); Enemy (a rival gladiator); Greed;
acts normally forbidden by law. Some gladiators, Lecherousness; Odious Personal Habit (Arrogance or Vanity);
however, may have felt bound by a personal code of Overconfidence; Reputation; Social Stigma (optional for every-
showmanship and fair play. This would never have been one except gladiators); Status; Stubbornness; Wealth (for poor,
common, but it is especially appropriate in heroic, starting gladiators.)
cinematic gladiators.
Former gladiators who survived the arena may have any
Code of Honor (Gladiator’s): Never willingly show fear, number of physical disabilities, such as Lame or One Eye.
pain, or pity; accept death with courage; and give a good Many of those so injured, however, would have asked for (and
show above all else. -5 points been granted) a clean death in the arena.
see p. B133 In addition, many gladiators will have an additional stigma,
Almost all members of a ludus, from the lanista down to the over and above this required stigma. These commonly include
lowliest tiro, have a Duty. Several modifiers apply to this duty. Minority Group or Subjugated.
Esoteric Medicine Sex Appeal
see p. B192 see p. B219
Gladiators were treated by physicians, who watched over Roman gladiators were legendary figures of virility and sex
their physical training and tended them after injury. This skill is appeal. Some gladiators may specifically develop this skill, both
used in place of Physician in low-tech societies for treatments for out-of-arena use and for wooing the crowd in the arena.
not based on herbs or other medicinal substances. It’s not mag-
ical or mystical; it includes purely physical methods such as Surgery
bleeding and purging, dietary regimens, or massage. At the GM’s
discretion, these may have useful effects. In particular, massage see p. B223
can relieve pain from strained muscles; pain decreases by one Surgery is one of the main skills used by physicians
level on a success (see p. B428) and by two levels on a critical employed by the ludus. In low-tech societies, Physician skill is
success. Herbal preparations (prepared with Pharmacy skill) normally unavailable. Surgeons are at -5 to effective skill for
may count as good- or fine-quality equipment for massage. operations other than field-expedient surgery (setting broken
bones, treating wounds, extracting arrowheads or bullets).
Many surgeons may make a virtue of necessity, with an
Games optional specialty in trauma surgery that exactly covers the
see p. B197 procedures of field-expedient surgery. Trauma surgeons are
The gladiatorial games have their at -2 to effective skill for general surgery and have the stan-
own rules, ceremonies, and etiquette. dard -5 penalty. See GURPS Low-Tech for more detailed
All gladiators learn these basics in the rules.
ludus. The appropriate specialization is
Games (Roman Gladiator).
Performance One technique is worth special discussion for gladiators.
see p. B212
While combat skills are vital to Targeted Attack
survive the fight, Performance is essential see GURPS Martial Arts, p. 68
to thrill the crowd before and after the match. The difference Common Targeted Attacks are included for the various
between successfully impressing the masses might be the gladiator styles. Additionally, individual combatants may train in
difference between calls for mercy and calls for the sword. other specialties of this technique. GMs may consider allowing
gladiators to develop almost any Targeted Attack for their style’s
Savoir-Faire (Ludus) weaponry. This will allow for much more efficient killing or
crippling blows against new fighters . . . but any gladiator with a
see p. B218 Targeted Attack will quickly have it recognized by the crowd and
The ludus is a place of training, pain, and preparation for by any potential rivals! A Reputation for using that “signature
death. It is also its own society, with a pecking order and attack” is thus appropriate for a fighter with more than a few
standards of behavior. This skill covers knowledge of the matches. In such a case, the bonus to defend against the
written and unwritten rules of the ludus. While slight varia- gladiator’s Targeted Attack should apply from the first attempt,
tions from ludus to ludus exist, the “rules” are similar enough not just on the second and subsequent uses. For this reason,
to be covered with one skill. gladiators favor variety over specialized targeting.
Gladiatorial games call for some additional rules for advancement, and more. Many options in GURPS Martial
defending in combat, resolving matches, pleading for mercy, Arts come in handy for replicating the gladiatorial experience.
Vindex felt the urge to swallow despite the dust coating the The servants were gone. The referees stepped back. Anthrax
inside of his dry mouth. The heat of the dazzling sun felt unbear- weighed the viciously curved sica in his hand and stepped back
able on his bare, oiled skin, and the sand under his feet suddenly and forth with mocking nimbleness. Cold sweat ran into Vindex’s
appeared treacherous and slippery. Cold fear spread through his eyes, and he blinked to clear his vision. His left held the weight of
stomach as the applause washed around him. He wanted to turn the scutum more easily now as he felt long-drilled reflexes take
and run, run back to the safety of the dark vault that he had left over. The Thracian recoiled as the sword flashed forward in a
his comrades in. He bit his lip and kept walking, slowly, meas- probing attack. Breathe – step – keep facing the opponent. This
ured step by measured step, toward his waiting opponent at the was easy. Oh, gods of the underworld, let him survive this!
center of the arena.
Everybody knows the line “We who are about to die salute
As the referee carefully checked the weapons, the young gladi-
you!” Not a lot of people know prisoners sentenced to death, not
ator felt the time crawl, silently praying for the wait to be over.
professional gladiators, spoke it. Then again,
The words of the announcer still echoed through his
Roman law itself was never quite sure whether
mind: “Anthrax, thraex, once dismissed, one victory!
the arena should be considered a career or a sen-
Vindex, murmillo, tiro!” The swarthy fighter opposite
tence. Life in the cramped quarters of the ludus
him slipped on his helmet, and Vindex could have
had condemned criminals and rebellious slaves
sworn he saw a wolfish grin. Harenarii fixed his own
rub shoulders with the flamboyant, wealthy stars
greaves and helmet and handed him the sword and
of the arena. A consummately professional sup-
the reassuringly large, deep scutum. The young man
port team – servants and cleaners; musicians and
curled into the hollow as though trying to escape driv-
clowns; physicians, martial-arts trainers, animal
ing rain. Distant, nagging memories brought back the
handlers, and choreographers – put on the show.
lessons of his doctor: You are a scutarius. The crowds
Even in the days of the Roman Empire, there
love scutarii. The scutum is a weapon. Always keep a
was no business like show business.
hand’s breadth between you and your shield.
Gladiators could be either slaves or free men (auctorati).
Most were slaves. Some of them, especially in Republican times, THE SELECTION PROCESS
were prisoners taken in war. These were men deemed too dan- Gladiator recruits were selected along much the same lines
gerous for chattel slavery or too competent fighters to waste. as military ones: young men aged between 16 and 25, well-
Others were slaves sold to a lanista as punishment. (In the built and without serious health problems, not over- or seri-
Empire, owners were forbidden from doing so without a proper ously underweight, and preferably from the countryside
court hearing.) Still others were prisoners sentenced to possible where they had been used to an active lifestyle. City-bred
or certain death. A sentence ad bestias meant facing wild ani- slaves usually had other marketable skills anyway, but a for-
mals; see The Morning Program (pp. 9-10). A sentence ad judos mer athlete or upper-class youth might be considered suitable
meant gladiatorial training and the real chance of victory. Judges for the arena. The recruits were by definition above average
could specify that the delinquent should only be freed after a cer- physically (average slaves went into average jobs). Lanistae
tain number of fights, or even never. Finally, free men (and looked for different profiles to match different armaturae –
women) voluntarily chose the life of a gladiator as a career in especially strong men for murmillones or secutores; quick,
pursuit of fame and money. Upper-class writers often express mobile ones for retiarii; and small, agile fighters as equites –
shock at the thought, but the lower classes seem to have been and candidates had no choice in the matter. Attractiveness
much less discriminating. The gladiators themselves, whatever played a role, too, but it was a secondary consideration – a
their origin, were united by their common status of infamia, the breathtakingly handsome slave who could not fight was a bet-
stigma that excluded them from public office for life. ter investment for a brothel keeper than a lanista.
Security at the ludus could vary widely, but it would themselves did day-to-day guard work. This would be the
never have been lax. The imperial gladiator schools most job of hired or slave guardsmen. These might be former
likely were guarded by regular soldiers, as were the prisons gladiators or, especially during the Republic, ex-soldiers.
that housed condemned men. Private operations, on the Most of the time, a lax routine would be sufficient to
other hand, might get help from the authorities in unusual ensure no despairing prisoner or promising tiro escaped.
circumstances, but otherwise they would have depended Nevertheless, a large consignment of new slaves or delin-
on their own arrangements. Having a private ludus quents might strain the system to the breaking point.
guarded by soldiers would have been the high-prestige Records exist of occasional group suicides and escapes, but
thing, securable most likely only with bribes or in excep- only Spartacus (see p. 5) succeeded at staging a mass
tional cases. revolt. PCs trying to stage (or prevent) a breakout will need
A gladiator school would have no shortage of fighting to find out if the guards can be distracted or bribed . . . or
men in an emergency, but it is unlikely the gladiators if they must be removed otherwise.
Disadvantages: Duty (School; 12 or less) [-10]. • Either Bully Advantages (p. 18). You must take either Trained by a Mas-
(12) [-10], for a mean doctor, or any two of Code of Honor ter or Weapon Master! • Add 40 points in your style’s cine-
(“Fight fair”) [-5], Sense of Duty (Students) [-5], or Vow matic skills, optional skills, and prerequisites – preferably
(Look after your gladiators) [-5], for a pleasant one. • A fur- all of them.
ther -20 points chosen from among Bad Temper [-10*],
Enemy (Members of rival school; Rival; 9 or less) [-5], Stub- Customization Notes
bornness [-5], Workaholic [-5], and Typical Gladiator Disad- Every style in a ludus has a doctor that teaches it. Some doc-
vantages (p. 19). tores may teach more than one style, but all of them will know
Primary Skills: Games (Roman Gladiator) (E) IQ [1]-12; at least two – their own style and the main style that opposes it
Savoir-Faire (Ludus) (E) IQ+2 [4]-14; and Teaching (A) in the arena! The doctor may not teach both styles, but he is
IQ+2 [8]-14. • 40 points in the skills and techniques of any certainly familiar enough with it to keep his charges alive
gladiator style or styles. against it.
Secondary Skills: One of Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]-12, Intimida-
tion (A) Will+1 [4]-13, or Leadership (A) IQ+1 [4]-13. • One
of Body Language (A) Per+1 [4]-13 or Psychology (H) IQ LANISTA
[4]-12. 110 points
Background Skills: Any three of First Aid/TL2 (E) IQ+1 [2]-13;
You are the owner and manager of a ludus, a gladiatorial
Administration, Public Speaking, or Writing, all (A) IQ
entrepreneur. You manage its business, acquire contracts for
[2]-12; Expert Skill (Hoplology) or Philosophy (Stoic), both
games with editores, negotiate fees and premiums, and put
(H) IQ-1 [2]-11. • One of Breath Control (H) HT-1 [2]-11,
together programs. You are very probably a rich, influential
Lifting (A) HT [2]-12, or Running (A) HT [2]-12.
Roman from the upper classes (even of equestrian rank),
* Multiplied for self-control number; see p. B120. although a rare few come from the ranks of the arena. You
regard your ludus as business ventures to generate profit. You
Lens may be a fan and love the game for its own sake, or you may
Cinematic (+125 points): Add 85 points chosen from among squeeze every sesterces out of their investment with little
Enhanced Block 1-3 [5/level], Enhanced Dodge 1-3 regard for the health and well-being of your animal and
[15/level], Enhanced Parry 1-3 [5 or 10/level], Enhanced human property.
Time Sense [45], Extra Attack 1 or 2 (Multi-Strike, +20%) The emperor owns the great ludi in Rome during the
[30 or 60], Heroic Archer [20], Trained by a Master [30], Empire, and procurators run them on his behalf. Their tasks
Weapon Master [20-45], Wild Talent (Focused, Martial Arts, are similar to those of a lanista, but they are salaried employ-
-20%) 1-4 [16/level], and traits from Typical Gladiator ees rather than independent businessmen.
The Ludus
Detailing the total cost of a ludus, from its buildings and
equipment, to its staff and salaries, is beyond what’s needed for 100 points
most campaigns. Instead, it’s more convenient to treat the Unlike other gladiators, you fight animals for a living. You
ludus as representing the 80% of starting wealth normally tied engage in combat more often and to less acclaim. Only the
up in fixed assets – see Starting Wealth (p. B26). This would foolish underestimate your martial prowess, however – you,
include a normal complement of property, gladiator gear, too, fight for your life – but when you go into battle, the odds
trainers, etc. Gladiators themselves, and any exceptional gear are stacked in your favor. You assist in executions ad bestias
(ornate or fine quality weapons, for example), should be where required.
There are also many supporting players in the drama of the their food, clean and repair their costumes and props, and haul
arena. Some NPCs have stats expressed as a range. The GM out the dead and wounded on biers. It is a lowly job, but it’s a
should select an approriate number. way into show business.
ST 10; DX 10; IQ 10; HT 10.
ANIMAL HANDLER/TRAINER Damage 1d-2/1d; BL 20 lbs.; HP 10; Will 10; Per 10; FP 10.
Basic Speed 5.00; Basic Move 5; Dodge 8.
Most animal handlers are slaves or freedmen who receive
their training on the job, in informal apprenticeships with Advantages/Disadvantages: Duty (Arena owner;
skilled handlers and trainers. Their careers usually begin early Nonhazardous).
in life, at the low end of the hierarchy, mucking out cages and Skills: Professional Skill (Stagehand)-10.
fetching feed and water. Masters of their profession are on par
with the trainers of modern-day circuses, and they command
great respect and high salaries. LUDUS GUARD
Roman methods of training animals are sophisticated but Security at a private ludus fell to professional guards. These
often cruel. While such men could be empathetic, patient, and might be armed slaves, retired gladiators, or former soldiers,
loving with their charges, there is no guarantee that they will but all are skilled and experienced. No lanista would entrust
be. Bear in mind that managing wild animals for executions is his life and property to lower-quality guardsmen. The template
no job for a sensitive soul. below reflects a typical guard. Soldiers, who would be even
more skilled and experienced, might guard imperial ludi.
ST 11; DX 10; IQ 10; HT 10.
Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11; Will 10; Per 10; FP 10. ST 11; DX 11; IQ 10; HT 11.
Basic Speed 5.00; Basic Move 5; Dodge 8. Damage 1d-1/1d+1; BL 24 lbs.; HP 11; Will 10; Per 10; FP 11.
Basic Speed 5.50; Basic Move 5; Dodge 8; Parry 9; Block 9.
Advantages/Disadvantages: Animal Friend; Duty (Arena
owner); Social Stigma (Valuable Property). Advantages/Disadvantages: Duty (Ludus).
Skills: Animal Handling (specialize in a particular animal)-12; Skills: Brawling-11; Shield-12; Shortsword-12 or Spear-12;
Running-10. Wrestling-10.
The harenarius (arena-man) is the general gopher of the The arena, like any good piece of drama, needs a musical
ludus. These servants carry weapons and armor for display in score. Smaller ludi hire entertainers to supply the background
the pompe, bring cool drinks to the fighters in the arena, serve music, while major establishments employ their own.
The fearful trainers long goaded the rhinoceros and the great animal’s anger was
slow in coming . . . Then it tossed a heavy bear with its two horns like a bull tosses
straw puppets.
– Martial, Book of Spectacles 22
The gladiators relied on many unique sorts of equipment Some weapons may be ornately decorated (see p. 39), although
to fight and train. They had special weapons, armor, and this is much more common for armor.
other items to make their work look more spectacular.
Gladiators used a variety of weapons. Some of these are the entangle his opponent. Striking with the weights can dis-
typical weapons of the Roman military (with the conspicuous tract and confuse an opponent; treat this as a Beat or Feint.
absence of the pilum). Others are more unusual, giving the It can also be used to block at 3+(skill/2). It provides no DB,
audience the treat of watching a real combat with exotic and as it is Diffuse (p. B380), it will only stop 1-2 points of
weaponry. Weaponry is listed along with the gladiators who damage if used to block a missile.
used it most. Quadrens (p. 34) – Various. An unusual four-spiked weapon
Page references marked MA refer to the appropriate page in that replaced the dagger at times. Instead of a single blade, it
Martial Arts; thus, MA225 is p. 225 of Martial Arts. Names in has four thin thrusting spikes arranged in a square pattern.
small caps refer to a functionally equivalent weapon that can Used with Jitte/Sai skill, it can disarm like a jutte (p. MA217).
be referenced for statistics. Larger quadrentes sometimes replaced the gladius (above) or
sica (below) as the main weapon of sword-armed gladiators.
Bow (pp. B275, MA213) – Venatores. Venatores (and some-
It was long assumed to be a ceremonial device, but recent
times gladiators, though not as a regular class) used com-
excavations prove it was used in the arena.
posite recurve bows. Treat as a COMPOSITE BOW.
Scissor Glove (p. 34) – Scissor. The scissor’s glove combines
Dagger (pp. B272, B276, MA215) – Hoplomachus, retiarius.
defense and attack. Its metal tube encloses the lower arm
Short, doubled-edged daggers were used as secondary
and can be used for parrying. The blade that protrudes from
weapons. These were usually quite large. Gladiatorial
it is crescent-shaped and can be used to thrust or slice. The
knives are nonthrowable. Treat as a SMALL KNIFE or a LARGE
tube provides DR 5 to the forearm of the wielder.
KNIFE, depending on size.
Sica – Thraex. The sica is a sword blade about 20-25” in length
Gladius (p. 34) – Various. The typical sword used by gladiators
and curved or angled. It is designed to thrust around the
is the same sword used by contemporary soldiers. It is 20-
edge of the opponent’s shield, but it can be used to cut and
25” long, double-edged, and designed to thrust and cut.
thrust like a regular sword blade. Treat it as a FALCHION
Javelin (pp. B273, B276, MA217) – Essedari, venatores. The
(pp. MA215, MA227), or for smaller versions, as a KUKRI
javelins relied on by gladiators are the light variety typically
(pp. MA219, MA228).
used by the cavalry, ranging in length between 4’ and 5’, and
Spear (pp. B276, MA225) – Eques, hoplomachus. A gladiator
tipped with iron heads. Treat as a JAVELIN.
spear has a short thrusting point. They are designed for use
Lariat (pp. B276, MA219) – Laquearius. Laquearii likely fought
with one hand.
with lariats in the arena, and animal handlers certainly car-
Trident (pp. MA225, MA229) – Retiarius. The trident carried
ried them.
by the retiarius is about 6’ in length and ends in three metal
Net (pp. B276, MA221) – Retiarius. A MELEE NET. The retiarius
thrusting tips. They are designed to deliver thrusting blows,
carries a small, lead-weighted throwing net to catch and
but they can also hook the top of a shield.
Equal in the fight, the men ended the bout as equals. To both, the Caesar
granted the wooden sword of freedom and the palm of victory. Thus were bravery
and prowess rewarded. Under no emperor before you has this occurred: two men
fought, and both were victorious!
– Martial, Epigrams 31 (with considerable hyperbole)
Melee Weapon Table
Each melee weapon in the table below appears once per Reach: The weapon’s reach in yards. “C” indicates a
skill that can be used to wield it. Weapons capable of sev- weapon for close combat (see p. B391). A weapon with mul-
eral different attacks get one line per basic attack. In all tiple reaches (e.g., “C, 1”) can strike at any of those reaches.
cases, “–” means the statistic doesn’t apply. All other terms Parry: The modifier to parry when using the weapon
and notation are as defined in Weapon Statistics (pp. B268- with the indicated skill.
271), but for quick reference: Cost: The price of a new weapon, in $.
Weight: The weight of the weapon, in lbs.
TL: The tech level at which the weapon became wide-
ST: The minimum ST needed to wield the weapon
spread in the real world.
properly; fighters with lower ST are at -1 to skill per point
Weapon: The name of the specific weapon.
of ST deficit. Effective ST for damage purposes can’t
Damage: The ST-based damage that the weapon inflicts.
exceed triple the listed ST.
Weapons that are poor at penetrating armor have an armor
Notes: Any special notes, including applicable footnotes
divisor of (0.5), which multiplies DR by 2.
at the end of the table.
[1] This attack receives Boxing, Brawling, or Karate damage bonuses.
[2] Gives the hand and lower arm DR 5. If the arm is struck, the armor protects on 1-3 on 1d. Gloves cannot be worn
While gladiators during the Republic often wore the campaign, merely worn for a short and extremely dangerous
same types of armor that soldiers did, the transition to the arena combat.
Empire saw the development of specifically gladiatorial
Andabatae Helmet – This helmet covers the entire skull, face,
armor. Typically, it was designed with the specific needs of
and eyes. It completely lacks any slots for vision but leaves
arena combat where the torso was often left bare, but the
the ears open. Combatants wearing this helmet must fight
head and fighting arm heavily protected. Armor was often
blind. Treat this as a murmillo, provocator, or thraex hel-
decorated (see p. 39).
met, but it also protects the eyes. Cost and weight are iden-
See the Armor Table (p. 37) for statistics for helmets and
tical to the basic helmet.
other armor (except shields).
Crests and Plumes – Most helmets were fitted to carry deco-
rative crests or plumes or both. Being elaborate garb, they
HELMETS give -1 to break free from a hold. The secutor helmet (p. 36)
deliberately omits the decoration to avoid getting it caught
Gladiator helmets typically were heavier and stronger
in the net of the retiarius. Cost $20 or more; weight 1 lb.
than military examples. They didn’t need to be carried on
Crupellarius Helmet – This is a cylindrical, flat-topped hel- defense reaching up the thigh (DR 1). If the leg is struck
met enclosing the entire head, much like a medieval great from the front, roll 1d: On a 1-4, the greave is hit; on a 5-6,
helm. It has vision slits, and holes to ease breathing. it hits the DR 1 cloth. From the rear, no protection is pro-
Hellenistic Military Helmet – This broad-brimmed helmet vided. Cost and weight is for one leg.
covers the skull and cheeks, leaving the face and neck Greave, Short – The short greave protects the front and sides
unprotected. Republican combatants often wore this type of the lower leg to below the knee. The upper leg remains
of headgear. bare. If the leg is struck from the front, roll 1d: On a 1-3, the
Murmillo Helmet – This helmet covers the entire head and greave is hit; on a 4-6, the unarmored knee or thigh is
face, with a broad brim. Includes a crest. struck. From the rear, no protection is provided. Cost and
Provocator Helmet – This helmet covers the entire head and weight is for one leg.
face. It has no brim, but a broad neck guard flares over the Linothorax – A linothorax is a many-layered fabric body
shoulders. armor stylized in the Greek fashion. Sometimes it was rein-
Republican Military Helmet – An open-faced helmet that forced with scales (treat as lorica squamata, p. 37). The dou-
protects the skull. Many variations existed, but this basic ble-breasted linothorax provides DR 3 from the front only
model was common in Republican times for gladiators and and DR 2 from the flanks and rear, but it is heavier and
in Imperial times for venatores. more costly. Worn only in Republican times, the linothorax
Secutor Helmet – This headgear covers the entire head and was not issued to any Imperial-era armatura.
face. It features a shallow brim and small neck guard. The Lorica – Includes the following armor types: mail (lorica
secutor helmet is undecorated and smooth to give the net of hamata), scale (lorica squamata), segmented (lorica segmen-
the retiarius no purchase. tata), and muscled breastplate (lorica musculata).
Thraex Helmet – This helmet covers the entire Musculata is made of bronze and only protects the front of
head and face, with a broad brim. This helmet typically is the torso (areas 9-10, 17-18). Hamata and squamata cover
fitted with a distinctive, large crest, included in the cost the entire torso including the stomach and groin (areas 9-
and weight. 11, 17-18). Segmentata only covers the upper torso (areas 9-
10, 17-18) except for the version worn by the crupellarius,
whose armor only covers the upper chest (areas 9, 17-18).
On a strike to the torso, roll 1d: On a 1-2, the upper chest
(area 9) is hit; on a 3-4, the blow hits the mid-section (area
10); on a 5-6, the strike hits the abdomen (area 11). This
adds extra complication to combat, and GMs may wish to
treat any strikes to the torso as hitting the armored portion.
An attacker may specifically target an unprotected area,
either of which has a hit location penalty of -1.
Manica – An armored sleeve that protects the weapon arm.
Manicae were typically made of quilted fabric, but metal
versions of overlapping bands existed and may have been
used in the arena. Cost and weight is for one arm.
Lorica Squamata Leggings – Leggings of cloth or leather,
OTHER ARMOR covered with rows of small plates laced to each other in
overlapping rows.
Like gladiator helmets, greaves, and other armor pieces were Spongia – The small metal breastplate of the provocator. It is
often heavier than military pieces and more decorated. a rounded metal plate that covers the upper chest and
Gladiatorial armor was often designed for only partial encloses the neck in a hinged, padded collar. It protects only
protection, covering one arm, part of the torso, and so on. Even the neck (5), upper torso (9), and vitals (17-18), from the
vital areas were left unprotected, allowing for spectacular death front only. Use the rules for lorica (above).
strokes while shielding other parts of the body from minor
wounds. This results in different weights and protectiveness
than the armor in the Basic Set and requires additional die rolls.
For GMs and players who do not wish to use partial covered
rules, it is suggested that similar armor from the Basic Set be Maximus: “I am required
used instead. For more details, see GURPS Low-Tech.
to kill, so I kill. That is
Galerus – This piece covers the left shoulder with a metal plate
projecting upward that protects the neck and face from enough.”
blows from that direction. Protects against any attack to the
face (5), torso (9-10), or neck (17-18) that a shield could aid Proximo: “That’s enough
against. On a battle map, this means blows from the front
or shield side; otherwise, the GM must adjudicate. Roll 1d:
for the provinces, but not
On a 1-2, the armor’s DR protects the face and neck; a 1
means it also protects the torso. Used in combination with
enough for Rome.”
a manica (p. 37).
Greave, Long – A long greave protects the front and sides of
– Gladiator (2000)
the lower leg to above the knee. Worn with a quilted fabric
Armor Table
The table gives the following information for each item “*” means the armor is flexible. Flexible armor is eas-
of armor: ier to conceal or wear under other armor, and quicker to
don or remove, but it is more vulnerable to blunt trauma
TL: The tech level at which the armor is commonly
“F” means the DR only protects against attacks from the
Armor: The item’s name.
Location: The area the armor protects on a humanoid
Cost: The item’s price, in $.
wearer. Individual locations are skull (top of the head), face
Weight: The item’s weight, in pounds.
(the face, excluding the eyes), neck, arm, torso (the
Notes: Many items have special features or restrictions;
abdomen and chest), groin, and leg.
see the notes at the end of the table.
DR: The amount of Damage Resistance the item gives.
2 Hellenistic Military Helmet skull 4 $250 3 3
2 Crupellarius Helmet skull, face, neck 6 $400 7 3 [1]
2 Murmillo Helmet skull, face 4 $620 4.5 3 [1]
2 Provocator Helmet skull, face, neck 4 $250 6 3 [1]
2 Republican Military Helmet skull 4 $200 2.5 3
2 Secutor Helmet skull, face, neck 4 $550 3.5 3 [1]
2 Thraex Helmet skull, face 4 $620 4.5 3 [1]
Body Armor
2 Galerus torso 3 $40 2.5 3 [2]
2 Linothorax torso 2* $120 8 3 [2]
2 Linothorax, Double Breasted torso 3F $180 12 3 [2, 3]
2 Lorica Hamata torso, groin 5/3* $550 15 3 [4]
2 Lorica Squamata torso, groin 4* $525 28 3
2 Lorica Segmentata, Crupellarius torso 5 $1000 24 3 [2]
2 Musculata torso 4F $680 8 3 [2]
2 Spongia torso 3F $50 1.5 3 [2]
Limb Armor
1 Lorica Squamata Leggings legs 4/3 $900 30 3 [4]
2 Greave, Long leg 3F $225 2.25 4 [2]
2 Greave, Short leg 3F $150 1.5 4 [2]
2 Manica, Cloth arm 1 $12 1 4 [2]
2 Manica, Metal arm 4 $225 5.5 4 [2]
[1] Helmet gives wearer the No Peripheral Vision disadvantage (p. B151) while worn.
[2] Partial coverage. For details, see individual descriptions.
[1] Listed DR is front only. Provides DR 2 from the flank and rear.
[4] Split DR; use the lower DR against crushing attacks.
Titus had the same theater flooded suddenly and had horses, bulls, and other
domestic animals brought in who were trained to move in the water just like on
land. He then had people enter on warships to stage a naval battle.
– Cassius Dio, History 66.25
Thraex Shield – The thraex carries an odd shield: made of ply- kit with instruments of good or fine quality (p. B345) can grant
wood and curved, it measures about 20” ¥ 20” square and is additional bonuses to skill. Roman surgeons commonly had
used in a mobile, aggressive blocking style. Treat as a good instruments, and most ludi will have a large surgeon’s kit
MEDIUM SHIELD. on hand for treating injured gladiators.
Venator Shield – Venatores carry different types of gladiator
Small Surgeon’s Kit (TL1). A typical kit has forceps, hooks,
shields, but they are also sometimes shown using a large
needles, probes, scalpels, thread or sinew for stitching up
(about 36” ¥ 25”), flat, oval shield together with a spear or
wounds, and material for bandages. Basic equipment for
javelins. Treat as a LARGE SHIELD; users suffer a -2 to hit
Surgery skill. $300, 15 lbs.
(p. B547).
Large Surgeon’s Kit (TL1). A typical kit includes the equiva-
lent of two small kits, with more specialized forms of the basic
OTHER EQUIPMENT instruments, plus specula, arrow spoons, bone chisels, small
hammers, cauteries, and catheters. Good equipment for
A few other pieces of equipment made up the kits of some
Surgery skill, giving +1. $1,500, 40 lbs.
Eques Tunic: Unlike most other gladiators, the eques wore a
thin cloth tunic. It is not heavy enough to provide DR, but it FIGHTING KIT
does cover the torso and groin. $10, 0.5 lb. Here is what each standard gladiator carries into the arena.
Loincloth: A simple cloth to cover the groin. $5, negligible. This gear is not personal gear that the gladiator can use how-
Gladiator Belt: The symbol of the gladiator was the broad, ever he likes; it’s provided for combat in the arena. That said,
metal-plated belt that all types wore in the arena. Often, this fictional gladiators always seem to find a way to acquire simi-
consisted of a single strip of decorated sheet bronze closed lar gear, and gladiator-like warriors may want to match their
with hooks. It served no protective function, but distin- kit to the standard arena loadout.
guished the arena fighter from the civilian (who wore an These loadouts assume ordinary equipment. Higher-quality
undecorated cloth or leather belt) and the soldier (whose mil- equipment costs extra, see Custom Equipment (p. 39).
itary belt was metal-studded, with pendants dangling from it).
Most gladiators wore it over a loincloth when fighting, leaving Andabata
the rest of the torso bare. $50, 1 lb.
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; andabata helmet (provocator
style); gladius. $705, 9 lbs. Some andabatae may have some form
MEDICAL GEAR of torso armor (cost and weight varies) and a manica ($12, 1 lb.)
Surgeons’ kits come in two sizes: small, portable kits; and
larger kits kept in an infirmary or a surgeon’s house. A surgical Crupellarius
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; crupellarius helmet;
crupellarius lorica segmentata; metal manica (both
arms); long greaves (both legs); hoplomachus shield;
gladius. $2,555, 47 lbs. Sometimes scale leggings
were worn instead of long greaves; cost and weight
changes to $3,005 and 72.5 lbs.
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; provocator hel-
met; lorica hamata; short greaves (both legs); two
gladii. $1,905, 29 lbs.
Eques tunic; metal gladiator belt; thraex or provo-
cator helmet; cloth manica (weapon arm only);
parma equestris shield; spear; gladius. With a thraex
helmet, $1,152, 17 lbs.; with a provocator helmet,
$782, 18.5 lbs.
Essedarius scutum; gladius. $957, 33.5 lbs. Some samnes may have some
form of torso armor (cost and weight varies) and/or two to
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; provocator helmet; cloth
three javelins (each +$30, +2 lbs.).
manica (weapon arm only); scutum; two javelins; gladius.
$867, 37 lbs.
Hoplomachus Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; secutor helmet; lorica
hamata; metal manica (weapon arm only); long greaves (both
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; thraex helmet; cloth manica
legs); scissor glove; gladius. $2,430, 36.5 lbs.
(weapon arm only); long greaves (both legs); hoplomachus
shield; spear; dagger. $1,222, 17.25 lbs.
Murmillo Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; secutor
helmet; cloth manica (weapon arm only);
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; murmillo helmet; cloth
short greave (off leg); scutum; gladius.
manica (weapon arm only); short greave (off leg); scutum; gla-
$1,257, 34 lbs.
dius. $1,327, 35 lbs.
Provocator Thraex
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; thraex
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; provocator helmet; spongia;
helmet; cloth manica (weapon arm only);
cloth manica (weapon arm only); long greave (off leg); scutum;
long greaves (both legs); thraex shield;
gladius. $1,082, 38.75 lbs.
sica. $1,597, 29 lbs.
Retiarius Venator
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; cloth manica (weapon
Loincloth; metal gladiator belt; helmet (a variety were
arm only); galerus (trident arm); melee net; trident. $207,
worn); shield (any). $55, 1 lb., plus the cost and weight of the
14.5 lbs., plus either a dagger (+$20, +0.25 lbs.) or quadrens
helmet and shield. Include one weapon or set from each of the
(+$200, +2 lbs.).
following groups:
Custom Equipment
Unlike military gear, gladiatorial gear did not need to be Ornate: Decorated with jewels, gold, etc. modifies reac-
created for routine battlefield use and portability. Exotic, tions from buyers, gullible hirelings, and especially from
attractive gear that would give interesting and spectacular the crowd! It does affect crowd reaction rolls when Asking
shows was the order of the day. High-quality gear may for Mercy (pp. 22-23)! Applies to all weapons except impro-
appear in the hands of especially successful gladiators. vised weapons, projectiles, and sticks: +1 to reactions for
Better-than-usual gear is given an increased cost factor. +1 CF, +2 for +4 CF, and +3 for +9 CF.
Each modifier has a “cost factor” (CF); to find final cost,
simply multiply list cost for a good-quality weapon by (1 + Armor and Shields
total CF). These are “stackable” unless noted otherwise, but Gladiatorial armor was often lavishly decorated.
some are restricted to specific weapon or armor types. Helmets sported crests or plumes, ornate decorations, and
bright colors.
Fine: Expertly fitted, with no waste material. Armor
Gladiatorial weapons could be higher quality or
only, not shields. Offers full DR at 3/4 the usual weight.
especially ornate. This was less common than decorated
Only fits wearers whose height and weight match the orig-
armor; simply put, it’s more difficult to appreciate from up
inal owner’s! Any armor: +9 CF. Very rare for gladiatorial
in stands!
armor, which is usually re-used once the previous wearer
Fine: -1 to odds of breakage, and +1 to damage for any has been slain . . .
cutting or impaling weapon, or +20% to range for a blow- Ornate: Dress to impress, exactly as for the weapon
pipe, bow, or crossbow. Projectiles (arrows, bolts, etc.) and modifier. Includes details like precious materials,
crushing- or impaling-only melee or thrown weapons: +2 CF. scrollwork, and designs with visual impact. Affects reac-
Fencing weapons, swords, blowpipes, bows, and crossbows: tion rolls exactly like ornate weapons. Any armor or shield:
+3 CF. Other cutting melee or thrown weapons: +9 CF. +1 to reactions for +1 CF, +2 for +4 CF, and +3 for +9 CF.
Marcus Gavius Ferula sighed contentedly. His day was going might one day fall out of his toga – damnably itchy, heavy, imprac-
well. His customer’s day was going splendidly, which helped tical thing – and embarrass him before all the councilmen, but he
immensely. Right now, the quinquennialis Aulus Gavinius was loved the taste of chickpeas at the games. The cheers subsided.
standing up from his curule chair to receive the carefully coached Maternus ran the last of his victory lap and disappeared into the
cheers as servants handed the victorious provocator Maternus a maw of the stage gate. Ferula turned and saw one of his harenarii,
bulging moneybag (filled with more sesterces than silver denarii dressed in immaculate white tunic and Greek cloak, nervously
to make it look bigger). “Glory to you! Glory to your Family!” the fidgeting by the door. “What is it?” he asked the man, a bit more
crowd cried. “This is true wealth! This is true generosity!” The harshly than he had intended to. Ferula was a careful man and did
audience was eating it up. Another day, another 15 pairs of fight- not believe the Fates ever gave breaks. At least, not to Ferula. The
ers, and his position as first man in town would be secure for messenger swallowed hard and whispered, “Sir, it’s the tiger . . .”
decades. Moreover, Myron, the loser, had been spared – Ferula
Gladiators are attractive PCs for a campaign set in Rome.
had already resigned himself to losing one of his stars.
They combine martial skills and mystique with a freedom of
Slowly, almost surreptitiously, the lanista raised a roasted
movement that soldiers do not enjoy. They lend themselves to
chickpea to his lips. A guilty pleasure, entirely unfitting food for a
adventures by virtue of their profession.
man of his standing and wealth. He dreaded the thought they
Aside from the arena itself, many opportunities
exist for sideline adventures that draw the PCs into
Walk the Walk
amorous entanglements, criminal affairs, or the
minefield of Roman politics. Munera were rare –
and Talk the Talk
Having gladiator character sound and act convincing is not
even an unusually busy gladiator could not expect to difficult, though it may take some adjusting of modern sensibili-
perform more than once a month – and most fight- ties. Gladiators had a reputation as foul-mouthed, impertinent,
ers were happy to escape the tedium of drill and and oversexed. Among the Romans, famous for their direct earth-
exercise that filled most of their days. iness, that means a lot. It is also plausible. The arena was a world
Slave gladiators, especially early in their career, where manliness was at a premium. A gladiator had every reason
were kept under lock and key. Veteran fighters had to fear loss of reputation if he didn’t play by its rules.
greater freedom of movement. They could easily The Roman world was a great deal more cavalier about human
embark on activities outside the ludus. This can life than modern society. To have somebody die in the arena was
include romantic affairs with wealthy women who not shocking per se; it only was scandalous if he died badly. Many
showered their boy toys with gifts (while dodging Latin authors even believed watching gladiatorial games was good
their husbands and fathers), or a more respectable for boys because they offered an object lesson in courage along
marriage and family. Training and sparring with with entertainment. Romans in general lived with the possibility of
young men of the upper crust offered opportunities having their lives cut short by disease or violence. Some were fatal-
to earn some regular extra money, while larger sums istic about it, some cynical and some defiant, but nobody could do
were available for more dangerous and sometimes anything about it. Enjoying life while it lasted was far preferable to
illegal work as bodyguards and enforcers. During troubling your conscience over the death of people you didn’t know
the Late Republic, gangs of gladiators fought for or care much about.
their political masters in the streets of Rome, leading When it came to language, Roman culture did not have a taboo
mobs or picking off opposing musclemen (killing against obscene language like the modern world. Everyday Latin
nobles was frowned upon except when public enemy generally was crude anyway, so inventiveness and breadth of
lists were proclaimed). Of course, there were also vocabulary rather than mere shock value distinguished the master
odd jobs for the ludus – picking and training of profanity. As today, obscenities were considered inappropriate
recruits, guarding shipments of wild animals, trans- by the upper classes but worn as a badge of machismo by many.
porting money, trying out new routines, or making Generally, sex in the Roman world was a remarkably straight-
appearances in towns where games are scheduled. forward matter. Gladiators in this setting played the role of “manly
men,” and many enjoyed trying to live up to the stereotype. Roman
STARTING CHARACTERS women enjoyed enough liberty in everyday life that a discreet affair
with a gladiator was technically manageable. Scandalous elope-
A typical PC will start as either a tiro or a veteran ments of patrician wives with arena stars were rare, but no famous
gladiator. Both are full of role-playing opportunities. gladiator would ever want for female company.
These aspects of a campaign can be played up or down to the
Tirones degree the gaming group is comfortable with. Nonetheless, to the
In this setup, the PCs start as tirones, recruits Romans, this was merely normal.
with potential but untrained and completely
unknown. Tirones were typically young men (not
boys – around age 20 is realistic) selected for excellent are just as possible as a backdrop as hard training and good
health, martial attributes, and (in the case of free men) their camaraderie.
willingness to risk life and limb in the arena. In other words,
ideal PCs! The power level of a tirones campaign could be as
low as 25-50 points for realistic games or as high as 75-100
points for games with cinematic heroes-in-the-making. In this type of campaign, the gladiators are experienced.
A tirones campaign works well with PCs starting with their They’ve fought their first matches, and established a reputation
initial training. Each PC must work his way up through the and a following . . . or maybe built enough skills in the
training regime, improving his physical shape and learning the provinces to make a move to the big show in Rome. As
combat skills he needs to survive in the arena. The experienced gladiators, starting points should be at least 75-
Improvement Through Study and Quick Learning Under 100, but to use the templates on pp. 28-32 they’ll be better off
Pressure rules on p. B292 are very helpful here! In a cinematic with at least 100-200 points. Cinematic gladiators may be
campaign, this can be compressed to a “training sequence” worth many, many more points.
(Martial Arts, p. 147), although the training itself is often the Adventures can focus on individual matches or on
focus of a tirones campaign. adventures during the downtime between the matches. The
Older gladiators and doctores provide teaching and PCs may work together as a team, or they may be rivals for
comradeship to incoming tirones. However, the competition influence within the ludus! If the game is entirely centered on
between gladiators of the same school is intense, and not all the ludus and the games, the potential lethality of the matches
old hands like rising competitors. Intrigue and backstabbing might be better suited for a ludus campaign (see pp. 44-45).
The kid is no bad seed, but he needs to be taught a lesson, and
ADVENTURE SEEDS the PCs are just the people to set his head straight.
Here are a few adventure possibilities for gladiator adven-
tures, both in and out of the arena.
Justice Before Dawn
It is night. The city is asleep, and so is a gladiator PC in the
The Great Escape arms of the pretty, young wife of a jealous, rich, old husband.
It is the first century B.C., and the PCs find themselves in Unnoticed, a gang of thieves manages to enter the house
the cramped, stinking dungeons of a Capuan ludus. Gaulish through the same backdoor that admitted the lady’s lover and
and Iberian warriors, Anatolian and Greek prisoners of war, rob valuable jewelry and silverware. A slave discovers the theft
captured pirates, field hands sold off some nobleman’s estate, and alerts his mistress, who falls into deep despair. Her husband
or unlucky victims of slavers, they all face the same dreadful is due back tomorrow, and if he is alerted to the theft, he will
fate: the arena. Trained hard under close supervision, can bring the matter to the law. Her slaves are keeping silent about
they muster the resourcefulness and strength to escape their her affair, but they will tell the truth under torture in court. She
captors? Once they are out of the ludus, can they hope to faces divorce and ruin, and her lover may lose his head – or other
make it home, out of Italy, unnoticed? Or should they think valuable parts – to the cuckold. He and his friends have just one
bigger and call on the slaves to rise up against their masters? night to hunt down the thieves in a mad chase through danger-
If it worked for Spartacus . . . ous back alleys and teeming slums. They need to recover the loot
by force, stealth, or bribery, and keep the husband away long
enough to return his valuables to their rightful place.
No Heart of Stone
The gladiators are sent to collect outstanding payments for
the patron of their lanista. Their first call is to a freedman arti-
san keeping a small shop; he is several months late paying rent
to his former master. The man begs for mercy, explaining that he
cannot meet the payments because two competing gangs are
fighting over his street, so he has to come up with double protec-
tion money, suffers vandalism, and had to pay extra to protect
his daughter from rape. What are the gladiators to do? There is
little point beating up the unfortunate man or abducting his
daughter as a warning. Getting involved in a local turf war might
not be the brightest idea, but it could be unavoidable. Surely, one
or the other of the underworld bosses can be persuaded to see
reason by a judicious application of real fighting skill.
First tests are disappointing, to put it mildly. Trapdoors sud- owner are used to sob stories from slaves. Nonetheless, the
denly open under fighters, pulleys get stuck, the creaking lanista may seek to add some exotic excitement to the games
machinery scares the animals, and a bear gets seasick on the and decide this might be a good way to get some bonus money
revolving stage. It will take a lot of effort to make sure this out of such a venture. If they are sent, the heroes are looking at
genius does not end up killing them, and the fight itself is liable a long and dangerous journey across the sea to Antioch or
to be interesting. This adventure can be played straight, but it Alexandria, through the tangled politics of the Levant and the
has great potential for comic relief. mountains and deserts of Syria and Arabia, to the hostile fron-
tier of the Parthian Empire. Their charge may try to give them
Meet Daddy at the Games the slip in the meantime – Rome is full of Greek con men try-
ing to make money off gullible citizens. Even if they make it to
Palumbus the Murmillo has it all: fame, money, success, a
his home safely and he told the truth about his parentage, the
loving wife, and an adorable little son. He fights for large fees
real story may be quite different. Should he really have been
as a free rudarius, and he has signed on with the PCs’ troupe
abducted and sold, powerful men want to prevent his return
as the main attraction, billed to face a rising star. On the day
home, and the adventurers must now fight them on their turf.
before the fight, he gets a letter informing him that his son has
They may need all their strength and wits before the day is out.
been kidnapped and will be released unharmed – provided he
loses tomorrow’s bout. Defeat against a weaker opponent will
likely mean the crowd demanding his death, but a shaken Blacklist
Palumbus will sacrifice himself for his child – unless, of course, The civil wars of the Late Republic brought out the worst in
the heroes can get him back in time. The boy was abducted people. Victorious parties proscribed their defeated enemies,
by the owner of Palumbus’ opponent, a banker whose invest- declaring their property forfeit and putting a high price on
ments have gone sour and who faces bankruptcy unless he can their heads (delivery with the body attached was optional).
sell his gladiator at a hugely inflated price. A victory against a Today, this fate has befallen the PCs’ patron and owner, for
star would do it. So tomorrow, Palumbus enters the arena to whom they’ve fought many a street brawl in the past. They are
die – unless his son’s face greets him in the crowd, safe in the now impounded property, to be auctioned off to the highest
company of his daddy’s friends. bidder and used as arena fodder, while their former master and
his family face torture and death. The only chance is to get
Bait and Switch everyone out of Rome to Tuscany, where loyal clients are will-
ing to hide the group or smuggle them out of Italy until the
How a senator’s son came to fall madly in love with a slave
tides turn again. It is a mad venture – departing the city under
girl should be clear to anyone who sees her. How she ended up
cover of night in disguise, crossing a countryside teeming with
sentenced to death ad bestias can be explained through the
informers and enemy soldiers, evading pursuers, and bribing
arcana of political intrigue – perhaps rivals wanted to punish his
their way past suspicious innkeepers and ferrymen. The heroes
father through him, a competitor for her affection has turned
also need to shepherd through this nightmare a family of
vindictive, or the young man made a powerful enemy. Now, a
nobles used to soft living. If they succeed, the fighters will be
desperate lover approaches the adventurers with a large sum of
made men. If they fail, they will die in shame.
money and an impossible request – protecting his beloved.
Protecting her in the dungeons should be easy enough – if all else
fails, they can simply pretend to claim her for their own enter- Sergeant Whatsisname
tainment (no jailer will argue with gladiators). However, keeping Gaul in the third century A.D. is a frightened place. Cities
her from being executed may require an entirely different level used to centuries of peace and prosperity suddenly face the
of deception, and smuggling her out of the ludus won’t be easy. prospect of marauding German war bands, with the armies of
Rome far away and locked in fruitless civil war. The youth of
New Kid on the Block the town have taken up arms to fight the invaders, but the
defenses are woeful, their training is poor, and their discipline
It’s auction time, and the lanista is out to recruit for the
is hardly worth mentioning. The only able fighters around are
school. He takes along a few gladiator PCs to inspect the mer-
the gladiators and trainers in the ludus. Now is the time for the
chandise and advise him on who has potential. One young
PCs to test their mettle on a greater battlefield: train the towns-
slave looks suitable, and he is bought at a reasonable price. On
people, improvise defenses, and organize a fighting force from
the way home, stumbling over broken Greek and rudimentary
a frightened rabble before the column of Alamannic raiders
Latin, the young man manages to make his new owner under-
descends on them. The reward is their freedom and the grati-
stand that he is the son of a powerful Parthian noble and his
tude of the good people who used to look down on them; the
father will reward them handsomely if they return him. He
price of defeat is death.
may manage to convince the lanista, but men like the ludus
Thrust this [sword] into another man’s flesh, and they will applaud
and love you for that. You may even begin to love them.
– Proximo, Gladiator (2000)
Another way of structuring a gladiator campaign is by bas- to his patron. There would be invitations to dinner parties at
ing it on the ludus. Instead of centering the action on individ- which connections were created and business deals closed.
ual gladiators, the actor of the story is a gladiatorial school Sometimes, a lanista might be asked to provide entertainment
whose fighters are important but ultimately disposable figures. for such a party, perhaps in the form of trained animals, musi-
Given the lethality of their profession, this may well be a more cians, clowns, or even a private gladiator fight.
satisfying approach for a realistic campaign.
The goal in a ludus campaign is to make the school prof-
itable, keep its combat strength up, improve its repertoire, and NO BUSINESS LIKE
gain patronage, reputation, and money. A ludus campaign can
be run either cooperatively, with the players all running several SHOW BUSINESS
characters belonging to the same organization, or adversarial, Ultimately, a ludus campaign is about putting on an
with each player running his own ludus. entertaining show. To do so, a ludus must also be balanced. It is
The ludus campaign is also well suited for “troupe play,” not enough for a school to have good fighters; it needs a quality
where players will have several characters. One possibility is to mix of top performers to avoid boring the public. Having the
allow each player one or two non-gladiator characters and sev- best retiarius in the world but no good secutores would cause
eral gladiator PCs. A player could, for example, run a doctor the outcome of his fights to be predictable. The only chance to
and several gladiators, or the lanista and several gladiators, or survive in business might be to sell him to someone with a big-
similar combinations. As gladiator PCs are slain, new PCs can ger stable, or buy a top-flight secutor, if the owner could afford
be generated (in the game, purchased or recruited). This one! At the same time, the trainers had to ensure a steady sup-
arrangement permits a more realistic callousness toward glad- ply of gladiators in the pipeline to replace losses. The animal
iators, while letting each player to participate in decisions that handlers must maintain the animals (and find exotic new ones).
affect the ludus as a whole. The musicians and stagehands must be kept happy and their
needs met to ensure no mistakes. The show must go on!
For those who want to play the show out in that kind of
detail, how the games are organized can matter significantly.
In the ludus gladiatorius, you live The basic outline of morning program, noontime executions,
together with the very men you fight against. and afternoon fights is fixed (see The Morning Program, pp. 9-
10), but plenty of leeway exists for individual decisions. Not all
– Seneca, On Anger 2.8.2 audiences are the same: In some towns, the bear playing a flute
and the clowns with wooden swords will go down well. In oth-
ers, Greek boxers and shooting ostriches with arrows are sure-
fire crowd-pleasers. If the weather is particularly hot, people
THE CUSTOMER may go home at midday or fall asleep, so a canopy is needed.
Taking account of these things is important because it pleases
IS EVERYTHING the editor – who pays the bills – and it pleases the audience –
One important part of the ludus campaign is customer rela- who may be more merciful. Putting the crowds in a sour mood
tions – socializing, making contacts, and activating connec- is gambling with the lives of your gladiators . . .
tions. The major ludi of the Empire (both the imperial ones in
Rome and the stationary outfits in big cities like Ephesus or
Antioch) were practically public enterprises and had a monop- THE COOPERATIVE LUDUS
oly on local games, while provincial schools had to scramble for A ludus campaign needs to keep track of many aspects that
gigs. Getting venues involved maintaining good contacts with the individual-gladiator campaign can disregard. The goal is not
the local dignitaries who would be expected to provide munera just to give a good fight; it is to hold good games, keep your best
after being elected to public office in their hometowns. The ludi fighters alive, and get the next contract. Historically, the business
also need to ensure that the politicians were aware what the was not terribly competitive – there were not that many ludi –
school could bring to the shows. but the lanista could still lose contracts if the prices were too
The Roman upper classes were held together by a tight high or (more likely) the offerings not exciting enough.
mesh of patronage relationships without which nobody would Thus, the focus of the ludus campaign is not victories
stand any chance of getting anywhere. An effective operator and reputation, it is money. To keep a successful school
ensured he had a powerful patron to open doors for him. If a afloat, a lanista has to be willing to invest heavily in buy-
lanista was on the good side of a city councilor, the politician ing and training fighters, importing wild animals, hir-
could introduce the ludus owner to his patron – maybe a sen- ing artists and entertainers, and buying props and gadgets.
ator. Should the lanista manage to impress him, he would rec- Gladiatorial shows were about conspicuous spending and it
ommend the school to other people under his patronage. would not do to look poor. At the same time, the ludus owner
Managing such relationships was hard work: the clients had to negotiate fees for shows, promote his program, put
(clientes in Latin) were expected to pay regular morning visits together games for various occasions, and – especially in
to their patron to greet him after rising, exchange small gifts, smaller provincial settings – cooperate with other ludi to stage
and sometimes accompany him on his business or on the way big events (large outfits had everything under one roof).
When it comes time for the games, most of the gladiators perhaps a small group of players, if the GM has many
fighting are from the same ludus. That meant that of all its participants) controls a ludus. Instead of a single ludus
fighters had to be ready to face – and, if it came to that, kill – organizing a munus, competing ludi are asked to contribute
each other. While rivalries with other ludi may occur, they will fighters. The event is run as a competition – anyone may enter,
be business rivalries. Historical ludi do not function like sports and the records of the surviving gladiators are compared to
teams. There are no fans of one or the other school, only of spe- determine the standings. It may also involve maneuvering for
cific armaturae or individual gladiators. Furthermore, being the editor’s favor in order to get the choicest slots. In such a
part of the same ludus doesn’t make everyone friends or campaign, the goal is to have the best ludus. Not only does the
eliminate rivalry. The post of primus palus, the respect of the school need to be the wealthiest, but also the most renowned.
doctores, the ear of the lanista . . . all are potential sources of Money is only one measure of success in a world where
rivalry. A good lanista will encourage some intra-ludus reputation, showmanship, and control of successful gladiators
competition, to keep the fighters vying for prestige and the are more respected . . .
choicest outside jobs. If multiple players control one ludus, each may take different
roles within it. The owner, the lanista, the doctores, and the
prime gladiators are all good choices. If players run multiple
COMPETITIVE LUDI PCs, they may wish to control several gladiators, or a gladiator
An ahistorical campaign might feature ludi that do compete or two and one nonfighting character. That will allow for direct
like sports teams. In this type of campaign, each player (or action in both planning munera and competing in them!
Hermes – proud fighter with the warlike spear
Hermes – threatening with the trident of Aquarius
Hermes – fearsome even with his helmet drooping
Hermes – glory of the warlike world
Hermes – the only one to be three altogether
– Martial, Epigrams V 24
In many fantasy settings, magic will be part of the games as fantastic races and beasts make for diverse games. Similarly,
a show element (mages can create spectacular scenery and the arena may pull ideas from knightly jousts and melees,
fireworks) and in the hands of spell-slinging gladiators. Magic pitting mounted lancers against one another or encouraging
– in the form of Charm and Enslave spells – can go a long way winner-take-all massed battles. Magical gladiators are
to compelling reluctant gladiators to fight. Controlled animals equally possible – although these are unlikely to be slaves,
can provide exciting elements – a human mind-controlling a simply due to the danger and difficulty of keeping them.
hideous creature is a special challenge for even the best gladi- Mystical aid – using buffing spells, magical items, or elixirs
ators. Monsters and strange races, too, will be popular as oppo- – might be discouraged, allowed in certain duels, or forbid-
nents for the more normal (most likely human) fighters. den outright, depending on the location or even the match.
Parties of hunters will set out to search for the last surviving However, this is Megalos, and what the crowd likes, and the
cockatrice or an adult male manticore to sell to their world’s money-holders like, sets the rules. Magic will almost cer-
lanistae. The hunters could see this either as a high-risk busi- tainly be used to mark gladiators to prevent their escape, and
ness opportunity or as a source of enemies that ravage their to track them if they do.
pristine forests and peaceful villages. Not all gladiators are vol-
unteers, and an unscrupulous hunter is not above kidnapping Dungeon Fantasy
an unwilling candidate.
Roman-style gladiators make an excellent addition to a
group of delvers. Simply take the Gladiator template (p. 28)
Roma Arcana and apply either the Cinematic or Tough Guy lens, and then
The Roman civilization of Roma Arcana (detailed in add another 50 points in the preferred martial arts style and
GURPS Fantasy) has spread its love of the sport along with its Typical Gladiator Advantages (p. 18) to bring the template up to
borders. Rome, of course, has the Colosseum, but each outpost the 250-point Dungeon Fantasy starting total. Venatores also
of civilization will have its own arena. The Games are much make superior critter-killers, especially with the option of
like those of historical Rome, but magic expands the possibili- Hidden Lore to cover knowledge of strange monsters.
ties of match-ups. Execution ad bestias can feature amphisbae- Unlike their arena-based compatriots, dungeon-delving
nas, megalogryphons, or other strange beasts. Skin-turners gladiators should wear better armor or use the Extra Option
might be prized captives for special exhibitions – they would perk (p. 18) to access the Bulletproof Nudity rule.
provide an especially interesting challenge to a venator. Besides including gladiators themselves, groups may find
Gladiator surgeons can use magic to heal the injuries of prized great amusement subjecting a normal Dungeon Fantasy
fighters, making each fight less of a financial risk to the owner. squad to some arena fighting. Some dungeons may feature are-
Mages might try to subtly aid gladiators they favor during a nas, tossing delvers into a team gladiator event. This is espe-
tight contest. Of course, such fight rigging is likely against the cially true for arenas created by mad wizards, lost civilizations,
rules . . . requiring magistrates to investigate corruption and and forgotten gods of war. Opponents may be Roman-style
cheating among the ludi. Magical rituals to prevent such cheat- gladiators, crazed monsters, or worse.
ing would be customary for large and small games alike.
Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian Futures ad bestias. Unscrupulous lanistae or fighters could easily pro-
vide souls for powerful creatures from beyond in return for
In the future, sports may become so violent they hearken
good fortune, success, and glory. If a real monster exists, an
back to ancient gladiatorial games. Bloody kills are as impor-
animal trainer could well try to capture and train it for display.
tant to the game’s entertainment value as scoring points. Not
If there is no such thing, turning captives into horribly disfig-
all of these worlds feature the violent death of society before
ured freaks for the sideshow might still make a profitable side-
the blood sports arrive, but some do, leading to post-apoca-
line for an enterprising surgeon.
lypse gladiators. What these games lack of the refined opulence
Playing horror inside the ludus could involve gladiator PCs
of the Colosseum and the classic murmillo vs. retiarius combat
finding out that something is amiss at their school. It could be
is made up for with a spike-lined pit and a foaming mutant foe.
the strange habits of the new physician, the inexplicable deaths
The game Car Wars is a post-apocalypse gladiator game
of prisoners or new recruits, or the unsettling behavior of wild
where the weapons used to fight in the arena are armed cars.
beasts. What terrors they uncover are up to the GM, but to
The Car Wars setting shares a lot with ancient Rome. Poor
scare men who kill for a living, they must be truly horrendous.
people scrabble to get by, while the wealthy entertain them
Another option is to use the entire gladiatorial world as a mon-
with death sports. The “bread” is algae-based, the “circuses”
strous entity: The ludus is a death factory, its gladiators, ser-
are televised vehicular combat . . . and the gladiators them-
vants of evil. The doctores and lanistae are its high priests. Its
selves fight on the roads against marauding warriors.
executioners and physicians are twisted, sadistic fiends. The
The movie Rollerball (Norman Jewison, 1975, and John
restless spirits of its numberless victims haunt its corridors.
McTiernan, 2002) depicts one such violent sport. Other
Freeing a friend or lover from the clutches of a ludus may be
movies with gladiatorial-style arenas include the combative
challenge enough for all but the most intrepid PCs.
game of the Juggers in The Blood of Heroes (David Webb
Furthermore, considering that the masses blindly stream into
Peoples, 1989), the fighting ring of Escape from New York
the amphitheaters to cheer this horror, the implications are
(John Carpenter, 1981), and the free-for-all Thunderdome
staggering. What will arise from the Flavian Amphitheater
from Mad Max – Beyond Thunderdome (George Miller and
when the stars are right?
George Ogilvie, 1985).
ad bestias: “To the beasts”; court verdict sentencing the guilty gladius (pl. gladii): Roman short sword used by some
party to be devoured by wild animals in the arena. gladiators.
ad judos: “To the gladiator school”; court verdict sentencing habet: “He’s got it”; cheer of the audience when a blow strikes
the guilty party to become a gladiator. home.
andabata (pl. andabatae): Gladiator specializing in fighting harenarius (pl. harenarii): Servant in the arena.
blind. hoplomachus (pl. hoplomachi): Gladiator class that fights
armatura (pl. armaturae): Class of gladiator that fights with with small shields and spears.
specific weapons. hydraularius (pl. hydraularii): Musician playing the
auctoratus (pl. auctorati): Free volunteer gladiators bound to hydraulis water organ.
their employers by an oath. infamia: Lesser legal status enforced on gladiators, perform-
bestiarius (pl. bestiarii): Another name for a venator (see ers, and other “dishonorable” professions.
p. 49). iugula: “Cut his throat”; demand by the audience for the death
bustuarius (pl. bustuarii): Early gladiator who fought in of a defeated fighter.
funeral games. iuventus: “The youth”; civic organization of young men. Mem-
cena libera: Publicly held last meal of the gladiators before the bership often included basic weapons training provided by
games. gladiator trainers or during militia duties.
cornicen (pl. cornicines): Musician playing the cornu (a kind lanista (pl. lanistae): Owner-manager of a gladiator stable.
of trumpet). laquearius (pl. laquearii): Gladiator specializing in the use of
corona (pl. coronae): Victory crown awarded to gladiators the lasso.
who proved themselves especially brave or skilled in the ludus (pl. ludi): Gladiator stable providing fighters and per-
arena. formers for games.
crupellarius (pl. crupellarii): Gladiator class that fights in manica (pl. manicae): Arm armor, usually made from padded
especially heavy armor. linen, though metal examples also existed.
dimachaerus (pl. dimachaeri): Gladiator specializing in missio: Reprieve for a defeated gladiator.
fighting with two swords. missus: Losing gladiator who received a reprieve.
doctor (pl. doctores): Gladiator trainer. Usually, there is one munus (pl. munera): Gladiatorial games.
doctor for each gladiator class: doctor secutorum, doctor murmillo (pl. murmillones): Gladiator class that fights with a
retiariorum, doctor murmillorum, etc. large shield and sword.
editor (pl. editores): Wealthy sponsor of gladiatorial games. naumachia (pl. naumachiae): Staged sea battle with gladia-
eques (pl. equites): Gladiator class that fights mounted. tors on ships.
essedarius (pl. essedarii): Gladiator class that fights with paegnarius (pl. paegnarii): Arena clown who pretended to be
javelins, a large shield, and a short sword. Essedarii may a gladiator, armed with sticks and whips.
have fought riding in chariots. palus: The wooden post used for training fencing moves; also,
galerus (pl. galeri): Metal plate mounted vertically on the a gladiator ranking.
shoulder to protect the head from sideways blows. Worn by parma (pl. parmae): A small shield.
the retiarius instead of a helmet. parma equestris: Small round leather shield used by the
gladiatrix (pl. gladiatrices): A woman gladiator. eques.
[This is a form of entertainment that] is well suited to
arouse admiration for honorable wounds and instructs
people to view death with disdain when they see how even
criminals and slaves demonstrate love of glory and desire
for victory.
Pliny the Younger, Panegyric 33.1ff
parmularius (pl. parmularii): General term for all gladiators sine missione: “Without reprieve”; fights where the loser is
that fight with a small shield. always killed.
pompe: Parade of the gladiators before the games. spongia (pl. spongiae): Small metal breastplate worn by the
pons (pl. pontes): Fighting platform defended by one gladia- provocator. It only covers the upper chest.
tor against others. stans missus: “Dismissed while standing”; both gladiators are
primus palus: “First post”; highest-ranking gladiator in his released from a fight without a loser. A particularly honor-
class in a gladiator school. able event.
prolusio: Display fight with wooden weapons before the actual summa rudis: Senior referee in gladiatorial fights.
bout. Usually part of the morning program, with real fights tertius palus: “Third post”; third-highest-ranking gladiator in
scheduled in the afternoon. his class in a gladiator school.
provocator (pl. provocatores): Gladiator class that fights with thraex (pl. thraeces): Gladiator class that fights with a small
swords and large shields. shield and a curved sword.
pugilist: Athlete trained in Greek-style boxing or pankration. tibicen (pl. tibicines): Musician playing the tibia (a kind of
quadrens (pl. quandrentes): Four-pronged stabbing weapon. flute).
rete (pl. retae): Weighted throwing net used by the retiarius. tiro (pl. tirones): Recruit.
retiarius (pl. retiarii): Gladiator class that fights with a trident trident (Latin, tridens; pl. tridentes): Three-pronged spear
and a net. used by the retiarius.
rudarius (pl. rudarii): Freed gladiator no longer under obliga- venatio (pl. venationes): Fight between wild animals or ani-
tion to fight. mals and humans in the arena.
rudis (pl. rudes): Wooden staff; also, the wooden sword that venator (pl. venatores): Fighter who faces wild animals in the
signifies a gladiator’s freedom. arena.
samnes (pl. samnites): Republican-era
gladiator class that fights with a large
shield and sword, and possibly javelins.
scissor (pl. scissores): Gladiator class that
fights with a sword and special armored
bladed glove.
scutarius (pl. scutarii): General term for all
gladiators that fight with a large shield.
scutum (pl. scuta): Large, curved, rectan-
gular or oval shield used by some gladia-
secunda rudis: Assistant referee in gladia-
torial fights.
secundus palus: “Second post”; second-
highest-ranking gladiator in his class in a
gladiator school.
secutor (pl. secutores): Gladiator class that
fights with a large shield and short
sica (pl. sicae): Curved or angled sword
used by the thraex.
This list offers especially useful reference material and
inspirational media for those who want to use Gladiators in
campaigns. This is not an exhaustive list, but it’s a great start To the spirit of the secutor
for more detail on the subject.
and primus palus Urbicus
BOOKS (NONFICTION) from Florence, who fought 13
Connolly, Peter. Colosseum: Rome’s Arena of Death (BBC
Books, 2003). A look at the inner workings of the Flavian
times and lived for 22 years.
Amphitheater from a technical point of view by one of the fore-
most experts on archeological reconstruction. Written for non-
The stone was set by his
scholarly readers and beautifully illustrated.
Ewigleben, Cornelia, and Köhne, Eckart. Gladiators and
daughter Olympias, aged 5
Caesars: The Power of Spectacle in Ancient Rome (University of
California Press, 2000). This exhibition catalogue places the
months, and his daughter
gladiator in his context of the Roman world of entertainment. Fortunensis and his wife
Renowned scholar and reenactor Marcus Junkelmann wrote
the excellent chapter Familia Gladiatoria. Lauricia, to her good husband
Futtrell, Alison. A Sourcebook on the Roman Games
(Blackwell, 2006). This scholarly reference book collects of seven years. I admonish you
quotes from ancient sources on all forms of Roman games,
including gladiatorial combat. that if you defeat someone, you
Meijer, Fik. Gladiator: History’s Most Deadly Sport (Dunne
Books, 2005). This Dutch expert on the entertainment world of must kill him.
ancient Rome looks at the arena as a sporting venue.
Wiedemann, Thomas. Emperors and Gladiators (Routledge, – Gravestone from Milan
1995). Still one of the best scholarly treatments of gladiatorial
games in their broader context, with vivid descriptions of how
(and why) they were staged.
Wisdom, Stephen. Gladiator 100 BC – AD 200 (Osprey, Fast, Howard. Spartacus (North Castle Books, 1996). A
2001). A short but lavishly illustrated book looking at the novel that dramatizes the Spartacus rebellion by tracing the
equipment, training, and life of Roman gladiators. rise and fall of its leader. It has some very good descriptions of
ancient warfare.
Ad bestias, 9, 25, 48. Crupellarii, 48; helmet, 35, 37; “Friends Like These” adventure Johnson’s Rome, 47.
Ad judos, 25, 48. loadout, 38; style, 15. seed, 42. “Justice Before Dawn”
Advancement, 23-24, 26. Current Affairs skill, 19. Galen (physician), 7-8. adventure seed, 42.
Advantages, 17-19. Custom equipment, 39. Galeri, 36, 37, 48. Killing in the games; see Death
Adventure seeds, 42-43. Cutters, see Scissores. Games skill, 20. in the Games.
Albanus (gladiator), 6. Daggers, 34. Games, gladiatorial; see Lanistae, 5, 11, 17, 25-27, 48;
Andabatae, 48; helmet, 35; Day at the arena, 8-11. Matches, Munera. rewards, 24; template, 29-30;
loadout, 38; style, 15. Day-to-day life, 26-27. Gladiator belt, 38. see also Ludi.
Animal handler/trainer, 32. Death in the games, 4, 9, 11, Gladiator Rank advantage, 18. Lariats, 34, 48.
Animal shows, 9-10. 22, 23, 25, 40, 49; armor Gladiator template, 28. Latin, pronouncing, 48.
Animals, 9-10, 32. and, 36. Gladiators, famous, 6-8; female, Linothorax, 36, 37.
Arena surface, 22. Decline and fall of the games, 10; modern, 7. Loadouts, 38-39.
Arena-match awards, 24. 6.
Armaturae, 5, 6, 12-17, 48. Defending the bridge, 11.
Armor, 35-38; custom, 39; table, “Diabolus Ex Machina”
37. adventure seed, 42-43. A good body with a dull brain is
Asking for mercy, 22-23. Diet of gladiators, 27.
Auctorati, 25-27, 48. Dimachaeri, 48; loadout, 38; as cheap as life itself.
Awards for adventures, 23-24. style, 15-16.
“Bait and Switch” adventure Disadvantages, 19. – Batiatus the Lanista,
seed, 43. Doctores, 4, 26, 27, 45, 48;
Banestorm as setting, 46. template, 28-29.
Spartacus (1960)
Barley crunchers, 27. Dungeon Fantasy setting, 46.
Bestiarii, 48; see also Venatores. Duty disadvantage, 19.
Bibliography, 50. Dystopian futuristic settings, 47. Gladiatrices, 10, 48. Loincloth, 38.
“Blacklist” adventure seeds, 43. Economics of munera, 45. Gladii, 34, 35, 48. Lorica, 36, 37.
Blood on the sands, 21. Editores, 5, 9, 44, 45, 48; fate of Glossary, 48-49. Lorica squamata leggings, 36,
Body weight, 26. loser and, 11, 22-23. Good-show awards, 24. 37.
Bows, 34. Elephants, 10. Got You Covered rule, 22. Losing a match, 11, 22-23.
“Brawl Too Far” adventure Equipment, 34-39; custom, 39. “Great Escape” adventure seed, Ludi, as character equipment,
seed, 42. Equites (sing. eques), 48; 42. 30; campaigns in, 44-45;
Build of gladiators, 26. loadout, 38; style, 16; Greaves, 36, 37. definition, 4, 48; life in, 26-
Bustuarii, 4, 48. tunic, 38. Guards, 27, 32. 27; security of, 27, 32.
Campanian tribes, 4. Esoteric Medicine skill, 20. GURPS, 24; Banestorm, 46; Ludus guards, 32.
Campaigns, gladiator, 40-43; Essedarii, 12, 48; loadout, 39; Dungeon Fantasy, 46; Manicae, 36, 37, 48.
ludus, 44-45. style, 16-17. Fantasy, 46; Imperial Marcus Licinius Crassus, 5.
Car Wars, 47. Example character, 31. Rome, 3; Low-Tech, 20, 36; Mass fights, 11.
Cena libera, 9, 48. Executions, 9-10. Martial Arts, 3, 12, 14, 18, Match awards, 24.
Characters, example, 31; Exotic fighting styles, 15-17. 20-22, 24, 29, 30, 34, 41; Matches, 10-11, 21-23, 40, 41,
templates, 28-32. Exotic Weapon Training perk, Power-Ups 2: Perks, 18. 44, 45; awards for, 23-24; see
Charioteer; see Essedarii. 18. Habet, 48. also Munera.
Cheers, typical, 11, 48. Extra Option perk, 18. Harenarii, 26, 32, 48. Medical gear, 38.
Clown, 9, 26, 33, 48. Failure awards, 24. Hellenistic military helmet, 36, “Meet Daddy at the Games”
“Cock of the Walk” adventure Families, 26, 27, 41. 37. adventure seed, 43.
seed, 42. Famous gladiators, 6-8. Helmets, 35-37; custom, 39. Melee weapons, 34, 35.
Code of Honor disadvantage, Fandom, 4, 8, 9, 12, 22, 26, 29. Helping other gladiators in Mercy for losers, 11, 22-23.
19. Fantasy settings, 45-46. fights, 22, 23. Missus, 11, 48.
Colosseum, see Flavian Feat awards, 24. Historical overview, 4. Modern gladiators, 7.
Amphitheater. Female gladiators, 10. Hoplomachi, 48; loadout, 39; Monetary awards, 27.
Combat Art skill, 19. Fighting kits, 38-39. shields, 37; style, 12. Morning program, 9-10.
Commodus (gladiator), 7. Fine-quality equipment, 39. Horror settings, 47. Munera, format of, 8-11; history
Competitive ludi, 45. First fight, 27, 40. Horseman, see Eques. of, 4-6; see also Matches.
Complementary skills, 22, 23. Flavian Amphitheater, 5, 6, 9, Hunts, 10. Murmillones, 48; helmet, 36,
Compositio, 8. 11. Ignominious-failure awards, 24. 37; loadout, 39; styles,
Cooperative ludus, 44-45. Focused defense, 21. Imperial patronage of the 12-13.
Corona, 11, 29, 48. Food, 27. games, 4-5. Musicians, 8, 26, 32-33, 48, 49.
Crests on helmets, 35, 39. Free men as gladiators, 25-27, Impressive-feat awards, 24. Naumachiae, 6, 11, 48.
Criminals as gladiators, 25. 48. Infamia, 25, 48. Naval Training perk, 18.
Crowd’s reaction, 11, 22, 24, Freedom, 49; gaining, 25-27, Infinite Worlds settings, 47. Nets, 34.
29, 39, 48. 40. Iugula, 48. “New Kid on the Block”
Javelins, 34. adventure seed, 43.
“No Heart of Stone” adventure Ranking system, 29. “Sergeant Whatsisname” Supporting cast, 26, 32-33;
seed, 42. Reaction of crowd, 11, 22, 24, adventure seed, 43. see also Ludi.
Oath of gladiators, 26, 30. 29, 39. Servile wars, 5. Sure-Footed perk, 18-19, 22.
Off-Hand Weapon Training Records of fighting results, 29. Settings for the games, 45-47. Surgeon’s kits 38.
perk, 18. Referees, 10, 33, 49. Sex Appeal skill, 20. Surgery skill, 20.
Ornate equipment, 39. Republican military helmet, 36, Sexual prowess of gladiators, 9, Targeted Attack technique, 20.
Paegnarius, see Clown. 37. 41. Teamwork, 22, 23.
Palus, 48; ranking system, 29. Reputation advantage, 20, 22, Shields, 37-38. Techniques, 20.
Parmae, 48; equestris, 37, 48. 40. Shifting sands, 22. Third Servile War, 5.
Parmularii, 9, 12, 49. Retiarii, 12, 48; loadout, 39; Shoves and Tackles perk, 18. Thraeces (Thracian), 12, 49;
Patron advantage, 17. style, 14. Sicae, 34, 49. helmet, 36, 37; loadout, 39;
Patronage of the games, 4-6. Retirement, 27. Signals from crowd, 11, 48. shield, 38; style, 14.
Performance skill, 20. Roleplaying tips, 41. Sine missione, 11, 49. Timeline, 6.
Perks, 18-19. Roma Arcana, 46. Size of fighting area, 21. Tirones, 26, 27, 29, 40, 41, 49.
Physicians, 7-8, 20, 26, 27, 33. Rome Aeterna, 47. Skills, 19-20, 23. Titles and reputation, 29.
Plumes on helmets, 35, 39. Rome-7, 47. Slaves as gladiators, 25. Training, 26, 41; see also
Politics of the arena, 4-6. Rudarii, 29, 49. Social Stigma disadvantage, 19. Doctores.
Pompe, 8, 49. Rudes (staff), 27, 49; see also Spartacus (gladiator), 4-6, 8. Transplanting the games,
Pons fights, 11. Summa Rudis. Spears, 34. 45-47.
Post-apocalyptic settings, 47. Samnites, 12, 49; loadout, 39; Spongiae, 36, 37, 49. Tridentes, 34, 49.
Prices of gladiators, 24. style, 13. Sponsors of games, see Two-Sword Fighter, see
Primus palus, 29, 45, 49. Savoir-Faire (Ludus) skill, 20. Editores. Dimachaeri.
Prisoners as gladiators, 25. Science-fiction settings, 46-47. Stage engineer, 33. Typical gladiator advantages,
Progress of a gladiator, 23-24, Scissores, 49; gloves, 34, 35; Stans missus, 11, 22, 23, 49. 18.
26. loadout, 39; style, 17. Starting characters, 41. Typical gladiator
Prolusio, 9, 11, 23, 40, 49. Scuta (sing. scutum), 37, 49. Style Familiarity perk, 18. disadvantages, 19.
Pronouncing Latin, 48. Scutarii, 9, 12, 26, 49. Style Perks, 18-19. Venatio, 9-10, 49.
Provincial games, 5-6. Secunda rudis, 10, 49. Styles of gladiator fighting, 5, Venatores, 16, 49; loadout, 39;
Provocatores, 49; helmet, 36, Secundus palus, 29, 49. 6, 48; descriptions, 12-17, . shield, 38; template, 30-32.
37, loadout, 39; style, 13. Security, 27, 32. Sufficient space to die, 21. Victory crown, 11, 29.
Publication history, 3. Secutores, 12, 49; helmet, 36, Summa rudis, 10, 33, 49. Vindex the Murmillo, 31.
Pugilist, 30, 49. 37 loadout, 39; style, 13. Supers settings, 47. Virility of gladiators, 9, 41.
Quadrentes, 34, 35, 49. Selection process, 25-26. Weapons, 34-35; custom, 39.
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