Week 6
Week 6
Week 6
Fundations Guidelines
Please make sure you are reinforcing
the proper lowercase letter formations
on homework and when your child is
writing their name. Some children are
struggling with their t, b, f, m, & n
formations when we review on dry
erase boards here at school. The more
they can hear and review the correct
terminology, the better success and
confidence they will have! If you ever
have any questions regarding specific
letter formations, please do not
hesitate to contact me!
Calvary Christian
Philadelphia, PA
Newsletter Date
October 3rd-7th, 2016
Spirit Week
This upcoming week is Spirit Week in
the high school, and they invited us to
participate along with them to
celebrate our school spirit!
Today is Made in America Monday.
Please have your child wear red,
white, blue, etc.
Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday!
Your child may have wacky hair,
wacky clothes, etc.
Friday is Blue and White Day! Please
have children wear our school colors!
Reminders to Parents
Page 2
Upcoming Events
No School
Monday & Tuesday October 10th &
Field Trip- Styers Farm
Thursday, October 13th
Mrs. Fauskes Last Day
Friday, October 14th