Maximum Power Extraction From Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

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Chapter 8

Maximum Power Extraction from

Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines
Ali M. Eltamaly, A. I. Alolah and Hassan M. Farh
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
Wind energy is one of the most promising renewable energy resources for producing electricity
due to its cost competitiveness compared to other conventional types of energy resources. It
takes a particular place to be the most suitable renewable energy resources for electricity
production. It isn't harmful to the environment and it is an abundant resource available in
nature. Hence, wind power could be utilized by mechanically converting it to electrical power
using wind turbine, WT. Various WT concepts have a quick development of wind power
technologies and significant growth of wind power capacity during last two decades. Variable
speed operation and direct drive WTs have been the modern developments in the technology
of wind energy conversion system, WECS. Variable-speed operation has many advantages
over fixed-speed generation such as increased energy capture, operation at MPPT over a wide
range of wind speeds, high power quality, reduced mechanical stresses, aerodynamic noise
improved system reliability, and it can provide (10-15) % higher output power and has less
mechanical stresses in comparison with the operation at a fixed speed [1, 2]. WTs can be
classified according to the type of drive train into direct drive (DD) and gear drive (GD). The
GD type uses a gear box, squirrel cage induction generator (SCIG) and classified as stall, active
stall and pitch control WT and work in constant speed applications. The variable speed WT
uses doubly-fed induction generator, (DFIG) especially in high power WTs. The gearless DD
WTs have been used with small and medium size WTs employing permanent-magnet
synchronous generator (PMSG) with higher numbers of poles to eliminate the need for gearbox
which can be translated to higher efficiency. PMSG appears more and more attractive, because
the advantages of permanent magnet, (PM) machines over electrically excited machines such
as its higher efficiency, higher energy yield, no additional power supply for the magnet field
excitation and higher reliability due to the absence of mechanical components such as slip

2013 Eltamaly et al.; licensee InTech. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
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rings. In addition, the performance of PM materials is improving, and the cost is decreasing
in recent years. Therefore, these advantages make direct-drive PM wind turbine systems more
attractive in application of small and medium-scale wind turbines [1, 3-4].
Robust controller has been developed in many literatures [5-15] to track the maximum power
available in the wind. They include tip speed ratio (TSR) [5, 13], power signal feedback (PSF)
[8, 14], and the hill-climb searching (HCS) [11-12] methods. The TSR control method regulates
the rotational speed of the generator to maintain an optimal TSR at which power extracted is
maximum [13]. For TSR calculation, both the wind speed and turbine speed need to be
measured, and the optimal TSR must be given to the controller. The first barrier to implement
TSR control is the wind speed measurement, which adds to system cost and presents difficul
ties in practical implementations. The second barrier is the need to obtain the optimal value of
TSR, this value is different from one system to another. This depends on the turbine-generator
characteristics results in custom-designed control software tailored for individual wind
turbines [14]. In PSF control [8, 14], it is required to have the knowledge of the wind turbines
maximum power curve, and track this curve through its control mechanisms. The power
curves need to be obtained via simulations or off-line experiment on individual wind turbines
or from the datasheet of WT which makes it difficult to implement with accuracy in practical
applications [7-8, 15]. The HCS technique does not require the data of wind, generator speeds
and the turbine characteristics. But, this method works well only for very small wind turbine
inertia. For large inertia wind turbines, the system output power is interlaced with the turbine
mechanical power and rate of change in the mechanically stored energy, which often renders
the HCS method ineffective [11-12]. On the other hand, different algorithms have been used
for maximum power extraction from WT in addition to the three method mentioned above.
For example, Reference [1] presents an algorithm for maximum power extraction and reactive
power control of an inverter through the power angle, of the inverter terminal voltage and
the modulation index, ma based variable-speed WT without wind speed sensor. Reference [16]
presents an algorithm for MPPT via controlling the generator torque through q-axis current
and hence controlling the generator speed with variation of the wind speed. These techniques
are used for a decoupled control of the active and reactive power from the WT through q-axis
and d-axis current respectively. Also, reference [17] presents a decoupled control of the active
and reactive power from the WT, independently through q-axis and d-axis current but
maximum power point operation of turbine system has been produced through regulating the
input dc current of the dc/dc boost converter to follow the optimized current reference [17].
Reference [18] presents an algorithm for MPPT through directly adjusting duty ratio of the dc/
dc boost converter and modulation index of the PWM- VSC. Reference [19] presents MPPT
control algorithm based on measuring the dc-link voltage and current of the uncontrolled
rectifier to attain the maximum available power from wind. Finally, references [20-22] present
MPPT control based on a fuzzy logic control (FLC). The function of FLC is to track the generator
speed with the reference speed for maximum power extraction at variable speeds. The MPPT
algorithms can be divided into two categories, the first one is MPPT algorithms for WT with
wind speed sensor and the second one is MPPT algorithms without wind speed sensor
(sensorless MPPT controller). Wind speed sensor normally used in conventional wind energy
conversion systems, WECS [10, 23] for implementing MPPT control algorithm. This algorithm

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

increases cost and reduces the reliability of the WECS in addition to inaccuracies in measuring
the wind speed. Therefore, some MPPT control methods estimate the wind speed; however,
many of them require the knowledge of air density and mechanical parameters of the WECS
[88-92]. Such methods require turbine generator characteristics result in custom-design
software tailored for individual wind turbines. Air density, on the other hand, depends upon
climatic conditions and may vary considerably over various seasons. Therefore, this technique
is not favorite in modern design of WT and a lot of research efforts are focused on developing
wind speed sensorless MPPT controller which does not require the knowledge of air density
and turbine mechanical parameters [1, 9-11, 22-25]. Therefore, the cost and maintenance of the
power control system is decreased and implementation of the power control system is not
difficult compared to the sensored MPPT controller.

2. Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS)

Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the variable-speed wind energy conversion system
based on a synchronous generator. This system is directly connected to the grid through power
conversion system. There are two common types of the power conversion systems, the first
configuration is a back-to-back PWM-VSC connected to the grid. This configuration has a lot
of switches, which cause more losses and voltage stress in addition to the presence of Electro
magnetic Interference (EMI). The presence of a dc-link capacitor in PWM-VSC system provides
a decoupling between the two converters, it separates the control between these two convert
ers, allowing compensation of asymmetry of both on the generator side and on the grid side,
independently [16]. The second configuration consists of a diode-bridge rectifier, a boost
converter and a PWM-VSC connected to the grid. This configuration is, simple, less expensive,
robust, and rigid and needs simple control system. But, with this configuration the control of
the generator power factor is not possible, which in turn, affects generator efficiency. Also,
high harmonic distortion currents are obtained in the generator that reduce efficiency and
produce torque oscillations [22].

Generator side



Power converter
Turbine rotor

collecting point

Figure 1. Wind energy conversion system based on a synchronous generator [26].

Wind turbine converts the wind power to a mechanical power, which in turn, runs a generator
to generate electrical power. The mechanical power generated by wind turbine can be
expressed as [15]:



New Developments in Renewable Energy

Pm = C P ( l , b ) r Au3



Cp : Turbine power coefficient.

: Air density (kg/m3).
A: Turbine sweeping area (m2).
u : wind speed (m/s).
: tip speed ratio of the wind turbine which is given by the following equation [1];


rm wr


Where rm is the turbine rotor radius, r is the angular velocity of turbine (rad/s).
The turbine power coefficient, Cp, describes the power extraction efficiency of the wind turbine.
It is a nonlinear function of both tip speed ratio, and the blade pitch angle, . While its
maximum theoretical value is approximately 0.59, it is practically between 0.4 and 0.45 [15].
There are many different versions of fitted equations for Cp made in the literatures. A generic
equation has been used to model Cp(, ) and based on the modeling turbine characteristics
as shown in the following equation [27]:

C P ( l , b ) = 0.5176 116 * - 0.4 b - 5 e li + 0.0068l


li l + 0.08 b 1 + b 3



The Cp- characteristics, for different values of the pitch angle , are illustrated in Figure 2.
The maximum value of Cp is achieved for = 0 degree and for opt. The particular value of
is defined as the optimal value (opt). Continuous operation of wind turbine at this point
guarantees the maximum available power which can be harvested from the available wind at
any speed.

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines



Figure 2. Aerodynamic power coefficient variation against and .

2.1. Wind turbine arrangement with back-to-back PWM-VSCs

In this arrangement both the generator and the grid-side converters are PWM-VSCs as shown
in Figure 3. The output voltage of the generator is converted into dc voltage through a PWMVSC. As the previous model the dc-link voltage is converted to constant frequency voltage
using grid side PWM-VSC. The dc-link voltage is controlled by the modulation index (ma) and
power angle (). Controlling the dc-link voltage and the bitch angle of the blades of WT will
track the maximum power of WT in the case of variable pitch angle control. In the case of fixed
pitch angle control the maximum power extraction is achieved by tracking the optimum shaft
speed. The grid side PWM-VSC can be used to enhance the stability of the dc-link voltage and
controls the active and reactive power from WT by controlling ma and . The generator can be
directly controlled by the generator side converter (controller-1) while the grid-side converter
(controller-2) maintains the dc-link voltage at the desired value by exporting active power to
the grid. Controller-2 also controls the reactive power exchange with the grid [26]. So, the main
target of controller-1 is to track the maximum power available from the WTG and the function
of controller-2 is to control the dc-link voltage and the reactive power injected to the electric
2.2. Wind turbine arrangement with diode-based rectifier
Figure 4 shows the wind turbine with a diode-based rectifier as the generator-side converter.
The diode bridge rectifier converts the generator output ac power to dc power and the PWMVSC converts the dc power from the rectifier output to ac power. One method to control the
operation of the wind turbine with this arrangement (assuming a PMSG) is illustrated in Figure
4. A dcdc converter is employed to control the dc-link voltage (controller-1), the grid side
converter controls the operation of the generator and the power flow to the grid (controller-2).
With appropriate control, the generator and turbine speed can be adjusted as wind speed varies
so that maximum energy is collected [26]. On the other hand, in most PMSG wind systems,



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Controller -1

Controller -2

Figure 3. Wind turbine generator with back-to-back PWM-VSCs [26].

the output voltage of the generator is converted into dc voltage via a full-bridge diode rectifier
and this dc voltage is adjusted to control the maximum power of turbine. The grid side
converter is controlled by grid injected active and reactive power control method. The ac power
output from PMSG is fed to a three-phase diode bridge forward by boost converter to
effectively control the dc voltage level through the duty ratio of boost converter. The PWMVSC is used to interface the WTG with the electrical utility also to track the maximum power
available from PMSG. The modulation index of the PWM-VSC is controlled to enhance the
stability of the dc link voltage as shown in Figure 4.


Controller -1

Controller -2

Figure 4. Wind turbine generator with a diode-based rectifier as the generator-side converter [26].

3. MPPT control strategies for the WECS

WECS has been attracting wide attention as a renewable energy source due to depleting fossil
fuel reserves and environmental concerns as a direct consequence of using fossil fuel and
nuclear energy sources. Wind energy varies continually as wind speed changes throughout

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

the day, even though abundant. The Amount of power output from a WECS depends upon
the accuracy of tracking the peak power points using the MPPT controller irrespective of the
generator type used. The maximum power extraction algorithms can be classified into two
categories. The two categories are MPPT algorithms with wind speed sensor and MPPT
algorithms without wind speed sensor (sensor-less MPPT controller). These two algorithms
have been discussed in the following sections.
3.1. MPPT algorithms for a WT with wind speed sensor
3.1.1. Tip Speed Ratio (TSR) technique
The TSR control method regulates the rotational speed of the generator to maintain an optimal
TSR at which power extracted is maximum [13]. The target optimum power extracted from
wind turbine can be written as [14]:
Pmax = Kopt * wopt

WhereK opt = 0.5 * A *

( )

* CP max, and opt =



The power for a certain wind speed is maximum at a certain value of rotational speed called
optimum rotational speed,opt. This optimum rotational speed corresponds to optimum tip
speed ratio, opt. In order to track maximum possible power, the turbine should always operate
at opt. This is achieved by controlling the rotational speed of the WT so that it always rotates
at the optimum rotational speed. As shown in Figure 5, for TSR calculation, both the wind
speed and turbine speed need to be measured, and the optimal TSR must be given to the
controller. The first barrier to implement TSR control is the wind speed measurement, which
adds to system cost and presents difficulties in practical implementations. The second barrier
is the need to obtain the optimal value of TSR, this value is different from one system to another.
This depends on the turbine-generator characteristics results in custom-designed control
software tailored for individual wind turbines [14].


Wind Speed



Wind Energy


wg * R

Figure 5. The block diagram of the tip speed ratio control of WECS [15].

Generator Speed, w g




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3.1.2. Power Signal Feedback (PSF) control

In PSF control [14], it is required to have the knowledge of the wind turbines maximum power
curve, and track this curve through its control mechanisms. The maximum power curves need
to be obtained via simulations or off-line experiment on individual wind turbines or from the
datasheet of WT which makes it difficult to implement with accuracy in practical applications.
In this method, reference power is generated using a maximum power data curve or using the
mechanical power equation of the wind turbine where wind speed or the rotational speed is
used as the input. Figure 6 shows the block diagram of a WECS with PSF controller for
maximum power extraction. The PSF control block generates the optimal power command Popt
which is then applied to the grid side converter control system for maximum power extraction
as follow [15]:
Popt = Kopt * wr 3


The actual power output, Pt is compared to the optimal power, Popt and any mismatch is used
by the fuzzy logic controller to change the modulation index of the grid side converter, PWMVSC as shown in Figure 6. The PWM-VSC is used to interface the WT with the electrical utility
and will be controlled through the power angle, and modulation index, ma to control the
active and reactive power output from the WTG [15].
Lookup Table




Wind Energy


Turbine power, Pt
Rotational Speed , w r

Figure 6. The block diagram of power signal feedback control [15].

3.1.3. Optimal torque control

The aim of the torque controller is to optimize the efficiency of wind energy capture in a wide
range of wind velocities, keeping the power generated by the machine equal to the optimal
defined value. It can be observed from the block diagram represented in Figure 7, that the idea
of this method is to adjust the PMSG torque according to the optimal reference torque of the
wind turbine at a given wind speed. A typical wind turbine characteristic with the optimal
torque-speed curve plotted to intersect the CP-max points for each wind speed is illustrated in
Figure 8. The curve Topt defines the optimal torque of the device (i.e. maximum energy capture),

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

and the control objective is to keep the turbine on this curve as the wind speed varies. For any
wind speed, the MPPT device imposes a torque reference able to extract the maximum power.
The curve Topt is defined by [26]:
Topt = Kopt * w 2 opt



Kopt = 0.5 * r A * m * C P - max

K opt



Wind Energy



Generator Torque

w g2

Generator torque

Figure 7. The block diagram of optimal torque control MPPT method.

Maximum torque
curve (Topt )

14 m/s

12 m/s

10 m/s

8 m/s
6 m/s

Generator speed

Figure 8. Wind turbine characteristic for maximum power extraction [26].

3.1.4. Load angle control

The load angle control can be explained by analyzing the transfer of active and reactive power
between two sources connected by an inductive reactance as shown in Figure 9. The active



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power, PS, and reactive power, QS, transferred from the sending-end to the receiving-end can
be calculated from the following equation [26]:
Vs V R
sin d
X gen


Vs2 Vs VR
X gen
X gen


Ps =

Qs =

Psgen V d

Vs 0

X gen


d =



Qsrge ef n = 0


X gen

V R = VS -

Qsgrefen X g en

V R = Vs


Figure 9. Load angle control of the generator-side converter [26]. Load angle control of the generator-side converter

The operation of the generator and the power transferred to the dc-link are controlled by
adjusting the magnitude and angle of the voltage at the ac terminals of the generator-side
converter. This can be achieved using the load angle control technique where the internal
voltage of the generator is the sending source (Vs0), and the generator-side converter is the
receiving source (VR). The inductive reactance between these two sources is the synchronous
reactance of the generator, Xgen, as shown in Figure 9 [26].
If it is assumed that the load angle is small, then sin and cos 1, Then the voltage
magnitude, VR, and angle magnitude, , required at the terminals of the generator-side
converter are calculated using Equations (7) and (8) as shown [26]:


X gen


VR = VS -

X gen




Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines
Where PSgen
is the reference value of the active power that needs to be transferred from the
generator to the dc-link, and QSgen
is the reference value for the reactive power. The reference
value PSgen
is obtained from the characteristic curve of the machine for maximum power

extraction for a given generator speed, r. As the generator has permanent magnets, it does
not require magnetizing current through the stator, thus the reactive power reference value
can be set to zero, QSgen
= 0 (i.e. VS and VR are equal in magnitude). The implementation of this

load angle control scheme is illustrated in Figure 9. The major advantage of the load angle
control is its simplicity. However, as the dynamics of the generator are not considered it may
not be very effective in controlling the generator during transient operation [26]. Load angle control for the grid-side converter

The objective of the grid-side converter controller is to maintain the dc-link voltage at the
reference value by exporting active power to the grid. In addition, the controller is designed
to enable the exchange of reactive power between the converter and the grid as required by
the application specifications. Also, the load angle control is a widely used grid side converter
control method, where the grid-side converter is the sending source (VS), and the grid is the
receiving source (VR0). As known, the grid voltage is selected as the reference; hence, the
phase angle is positive. The reactance Xgrid is the inductor coupling between these two sources
, that needs to be transmitted to the grid
[26]. The reference value for the active power,PSgrid

can be determined by examining the dc-link dynamics with the aid of Figure 10.

Ps gen




Ps grid
to the grid

Figure 10. Power flow in the dc-link [26].

This figure illustrates the power balance at the dc-link [26] as shown in the following equation:
PC =PSgen -PSgrid


where PC is the power across the dc-link capacitor, C, PSgen is the active power output of the
generator (and transmitted to the dc-link), and PSgrid is the active power transmitted from the
dc-link to the grid.
The dc-link voltage Vdc can be expressed in terms of the generator output power, PSgen, and the
power transmitted to the grid, PSgrid, as shown in the following [26]:



New Developments in Renewable Energy

Vdc =

- PSgrid dt
C Sgen


Equation (12) calculates the actual value of Vdc. The reference value of the active power,
, to be transmitted to the grid is calculated by comparing the actual dc-link voltage, Vdc,

with the desired dc-link voltage reference, Vdc-ref. The error between these two signals is
processed by a PI-controller, whose output provides the reference active power PSgrid
, as shown

in Figure 11. Figure 12 illustrates the implementation of the load angle control scheme for the
grid-side converter with unity power factor [26].


Ps gen



Ps grid



VDC ref

Figure 11. Calculation of active power reference,PSgrid
, (suitable for simulation purposes) [26].



d =

X grid



Vs =VR +


Figure 12. Load angle control of the grid-side converter [26].


X grid



V s=VR


Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

3.2. MPPT algorithms for a WT without wind speed sensor

3.2.1. Hill-Climb Searching (HCS) Principle of Hill-Climb Searching (HCS)
The HCS [11], control algorithm continuously searches for the peak power of the wind turbine.
The maximum power can be extracted from WTG without requiring information about the
wind and generator speeds (Hill-Climb Searching, HCS) [1, 11]. It can overcome some of the
common problems normally associated with the other two methods, TSR and PSF. The tracking
algorithm depends on the location of the operating point. According to the changes in power
and speed the desired optimum signal has been computed in order to track the point of
maximum power. Figure 13 shows the principle of HCS control where the operating point is
moving toward or away from the maximum turbine power according to increasing (down-hill
region) or decreasing the dc current, Idm (up-hill region). The down-hill and up-hill regions are
named according to the trend of the system output power with respect to the inverter dc-link
voltage, Vdc for a wind energy system. If an increase of Idm leads to an increase of the system
output power, the HCS method considers the turbine running in the down-hill region, and Idm
should keep increasing toward the maximum power point; otherwise, the turbine is considered
as running in the up-hill region, and Idm decreasing will be the choice of the HCS method towrds
the maximum power point [11].

Figure 13. HCS control principle [11]. Advanced Hill-Climb Searching (HCS) method

Reference [11] introduces an advanced hill climb searching, AHCS which has been proposed
to maximize Pm, through detecting the inverter output power and inverter dc-link voltage. The
authors use a diode rectifier to convert the three-phase output ac voltage of a generator to Vdc
as shown in Figure 14.



New Developments in Renewable Energy

Variable speed
Wind Turbine

Power Electronic converter




Electrical loads

Maximum Power Control System

Wind Power Generation System

Figure 14. Typical wind power generation system connected to a utility grid [11].

Vdc is related to the generator angular rotational speed (r) by a function of the generator field
current (If) and the load current (Ig) as shown [11]:
Vdc = k( I f , I g ) * wr


The algorithm uses the relationship between the turbine mechanical power (Pm), and the
electrical system output power (Pout) given by Equation (14). By differentiating Equation (14)
to get a relationship for Pm, Equation (15) is obtained:
Pm = Pload + T f * wr + wr * J

DPm =


dwr Pout
+ T f * wr + wr * J r

+ T f * Dwr + D(wr * J




Authors noted that if the sampling period of the control system is adequately small then the
term k(If, Ig ) can be considered as a constant value k during a sampling period. Tf * and can
also be considered as constant values in the same sampling period. Based on the above
assumptions, Equation (15) leads to Equation (16) for digital control purposes.
DPm =


+ JK 2 * D(Vdc *



In order to establish rules to adjust the systems operating point, this method evaluates the
values of Pout and (Vdc*dVdc/dt) (which represents (r*dr/dt) ) based on Equation (14).
Depending on the values of Pout and (Vdc*dVdc/dt) the polarity of the inverter current demand
control signal (Idm) is decided according to Equation (16). There are three basic modes for this
method, i) initial mode, ii) training mode, and iii) application mode as shown in Figure 15.

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines





Mode Swich Rules

Initial Mode
Max-Power Error
Driven Control

Training Mode


Memory Updating Rules

Application Mode
Direct current
Demon control
(Memory access)

I dm
Figure 15. Structure of the intelligent maximum wind power extraction algorithm [11].

During its initial mode, before the algorithm has been trained, the magnitude of Idm is deter
mined by the maximum power error driven (MPED) control. MPED control is the implemen
tation of the conventional HCS method in terms of wind energy system characteristics. During
its training mode, the algorithm continually records and updates operating parameters into
its programmable lookup table for its intelligent memory feature. Since this method is trainable
with its intelligent memory, it allows itself to adapt to work with different WT. As a result, it
is a solution to the customization problems of many algorithms. Another advantage of this
algorithm is that it does not require mechanical sensors (like anemometers) which lowers its
cost and eliminates its associated practical problems. However, it can be seen in [11] that the
algorithm is relatively slow and complex as it has three different modes of operation. Another
drawback is that the algorithm cannot take into account of the changes in air density, which
affects the power characteristics quite significantly.
3.2.2. MPPT algorithm by directly adjusting the DC/DC converter duty cycle and modulation index
of the PWM-VSC
MPPT Algorithm by Directly Adjusting the dc/dc Converter duty ratio, D, and Modulation
Index of the PWM-VSC, ma, is shown in Figure 16. In this direct drive converter, the mechanical
power from the WT model is fed to the PMSG. The three-phase output voltages of the PMSG
are fed to the three- phase diode bridge rectifier. There is no control on the output voltage of
the diode bridge rectifier so it cannot be connected directly to the PWM because the PWM
inverter needs constant dc voltage. So, a dc/dc converter should be used to control the dc-link
voltage. Depending on the dc output voltage required from the dc/dc converter, boost or buck
converter can be used. In this study, the dc output voltage, Vd,out is required to be higher than
input dc voltage, Vd,in, so the boost converter is used. By controlling the dc voltage to be constant
by controlling of D the boost converter and ma the maximum available power from the wind
can be extracted. The main drawback of this system is the diode bridge and boost converter
are unidirectional power flow devices, so the PMSG has to work only in generator mode which
may affect the stability of the system at abnormal conditions. A high capacitance of the dc link
capacitor can remedy the effects of this drawback [18].



New Developments in Renewable Energy

Wind turbine






collecting point

Figure 16. Modelling of wind turbine driving permanent magnet synchronous generator.

The active and reactive power can be obtained in terms of ma and D of the boost converter as
shown in Equation (17) and Equation (18), respectively [18].

Pout =

Qout =

3 ma Vd ,in VLLU * sin d

2 2 (1 - D)Xs

3 maVd ,in
3 maVd ,in
VLLU * cos d
2 2 (1 - D)Xs
2 2 (1 - D)



: torque angle at the electric utility side.
Xs: synchronous reactance of the electric utility.
It is clear from Equation (17) and Equation (18) that the active and reactive power can be
controlled by controlling modulation index, ma of the PWM inverter and duty ratio of the boost
3.2.3. Maximum power extraction and reactive power technique Decoupled control of the active and reactive power, dependently
This method presents an algorithm for maximum power extraction and reactive power control
of an inverter based variable-speed wind-turbine generator without wind speed sensor. The
algorithm does not require information about the wind and generator speeds or the inverter dclink voltage and thus, is dependent of specifications of the wind turbine generation system [1].
Consider the wind-turbine generation system of Figure 17. The turbine mechanical power Pm
and the generator output power Pg are related by
Pm = Pg + wr * J

dwr Pout
+ wr * J r


Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

where Pout is the converter output power, r is the generator speed, J is the combined turbine
and generator moment of inertia and is the overall system efficiency.

Wind Turbine






Figure 17. Grid-connected wind-turbine generation system [1].

A. Real power
This part shows how a maximum power can be extracted from a WTG without requiring
information about the wind and generator speeds. In the system of Figure 17, the converter
dc-link voltage is proportional to the generator speed, Vdc = Kr, since the generator terminal
voltage is proportional to the speed. Thus, Equation (19) can be expressed in terms of Vdc as [1]:
Pm =






Taking the derivative of Equation (20), we deduce

DPm =






Vdc is proportional to the inverter terminal voltage Vinv divided by the inverter amplitude
modulation index, ma. Thus,V dc = (V inv / ma).To extract maximum power from the wind, a
small perturbation is applied to the angle of the inverter terminal voltage, . Pout and

(V inv / ma) are estimated and their signs determine whether the operating point is moving

toward or away from the maximum turbine power, Figure 18. Depending on the operating
point direction of movement, the decision is to increase or decrease the angle or to keep it
constant. Table 1 describes the decision that is made based on the sign of the inverter output
power variation Pout and that of the ratio of the inverter terminal voltage to the amplitude
modulation index(V inv / ma). With the proposed algorithm for maximum power extraction,

only voltage and current at the inverter terminal need to be measured, and no information
about the wind and generator speeds and the dc-link voltage is required [1].


New Developments in Renewable Energy

Turbine power




Turbine shaft velocity

Figure 18. Wind turbine output power versus speed [1].


V inv










No change



No change

Table 1. Maximum power tracking algorithm [1].

B. Reactive power
The inverter should be able to regulate its output reactive power to provide the reactive power
demand of the utility system, Figure 17. The inverter output reactive power must be controlled
so as the maximum real power extraction is not violated. The real and reactive power compo
nents (Pout, Qout ) at the inverter output terminals are [1]:
Pout =

Qout =

Vinv Vsys

Vinv Vsys

sin(d )


(V )
cos(d ) -




Vsys is the utility system voltage and XT is the reactance between the inverter and the utility
system. It is seen from Equation (22) and Equation (23) that Vinv and can be controlled so as
Qout is regulated at a desired value while Pout is kept constant at its maximum corresponding
to the wind speed. Substituting Vinv in Equation (22) by
deduced as follow:

2 2

ma Vd, This equation can be

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

Pout =

3 ma Vdc Vsys
2 2 XT

sin(d )


Assuming that Vdc does not change over the small sampling period T, Pout corresponding to the
sampling time nT and (n +1)T is

Pout ( n) =

Pout ( n +1) =

3 ma( n) Vdc Vsys

2 2 XT

sin(d n )

3 ma( n +1) Vdc Vsys

2 2 XT

sin(d n +1 )



To keep the real power constant, i.e., Pout (n+1) = Pout (n), while providing a desired reactive power,
Equation (23), the inverter voltage angle must satisfy the following condition.
ma( n)

d n +1 = sin -1
sin(d n )
ma( n +1)


Figure 19 shows a flowchart of the proposed algorithm for maximum power extraction and
reactive power control of a wind-turbine generator. The inputs are the three-phase voltages
and currents at the inverter output terminals and the outputs are the required amplitude
modulation index and the voltage angle of the inverter. Decoupled control of the active and reactive power, independently
In this study [17], simple ac-dc-ac power conversion system and proposed modular control
strategy for grid-connected wind power generation system have been implemented. Grid-side
inverter maintains the dc-link voltage constant and the power factor of line side can be
adjusted. Input current reference of dc/dc boost converter is decided for the maximum power
point tracking of the turbine without any information of wind or generator speed. As the
proposed control algorithm does not require any speed sensor for wind or generator speed,
construction and installation are simple, cheap, and reliable. The main circuit and control block
diagrams are shown in Figure 20. For wide range of variable speed operation, a dc-dc boost
converter is utilized between 3-phase diode rectifier and PWM-VSC. The input dc current is
regulated to follow the optimized current reference for maximum power point operation of
turbine system. Grid PWM-VSC supply currents into the utility line by regulating the dc-link
voltage. The active power is controlled by q-axis current through regulating the dc-link voltage
whereas the reactive power can be controlled by d-axis current via adjusting the power factor



New Developments in Renewable Energy


Poutan d Q out


DPout = DPout (n) - DPout (n -1)

V inv

D inv = D inv( n) - D inv( n -1)
m m

a ( n) a ( n -1)

if (Qout Qdesired )
decrease ma

Table I

if (Qout Qdesired )
inccrease ma



d(n+1) = sin-1 a(n) sin(d(n) ) + Dd


d (n + 1)


Figure 19. Flowchart of the proposed maximum active power and reactive power control [1].

of the grid side converter as shown in Figure 20. The phase angle of utility voltage is detected
using Phased Locked Loop, PLL, in d-q synchronous reference frame [17].





















I dc*




Figure 20. Block diagram of system control [17].

Vq *


CCdc :dc Current Control

CCq :q-axis Current Control
CCd :d-axis Current Control
VC :Voltage Control
PFC :Power Factor Control

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

4. Co-simulation (PSIM/Matlab) program for interconnecting wind energy

system with electric utility
In this study, the WECS is designed as PMSG connected to the grid via a back-to-back PWMVSC as shown in Figure 21. MPPT control algorithm has been introduced using FLC to regulate
the rotational speed to force the PMSG to work around its maximum power point in speeds
below rated speeds and to produce the rated power in wind speed higher than the rated wind
speed of the WT. Indirect vector-controlled PMSG system has been used for this purpose. The
input to FLC is two real time measurements which are the change of output power and
rotational speed between two consequent iterations (P, and m). The output from FLC is
the required change in the rotational speed m-new*. The detailed logic behind the new
proposed technique is explained in details in the following sections. Two effective computer
simulation software packages (PSIM and Simulink) have been used to carry out the simulation
effectively where PSIM contains the power circuit of the WECS and Matlab/Simulink contains
the control circuit of the system. The idea behind using these two different software packages
is the effective tools provided with PSIM for power circuit and the effective tools in Simulink
for control circuit and FLC.




Generator - side

Grid- side

Utility grid

Figure 21. Schematic diagram of the overall system.

4.1. Wind energy conversion system description

Figure 22 shows a co-simulation (PSIM/Simulink) program for interconnecting WECS to
electric utility. The PSIM program contains the power circuit of the WECS and Matlab/
Simulink program contains the control of this system. The interconnection between PSIM and
Matlab/Simulink has been done via the SimCoupler block. The basic topology of the power
circuit which has PMSG driven wind turbine connected to the utility grid through the ac-dcac conversion system is shown in Figure 21. The PMSG is connected to the grid through back
to-back bidirectional PWM voltage source converters VSC. The generator side converter is
used as a rectifier, while the grid side converter is used as an inverter. The generator side
converter is connected to the grid side converter through dc-link capacitor. The control of the
overall system has been done through the generator side converter and the grid side converter.



New Developments in Renewable Energy

MPPT algorithm has been achieved through controlling the generator side converter using
FLC. The grid-side converter controller maintains the dc-link voltage at the desired value by
exporting active power to the grid and it controls the reactive power exchange with the grid.




SimCoupler Block
(Power circuit)

(control circuit )

Figure 22. Co-simulation block of wind energy system interfaced to electric utility.

4.1.1. Wind turbine model

Wind turbine converts the wind power to a mechanical power. This mechanical power
generated by wind turbine at the shaft of the generator can be expressed as:
Pm = C P ( l , b ) r Au3


where is the air density (typically 1.225 kg/m3), is the pitch angle (in degree), A is the area
swept by the rotor blades (in m2); u is the wind speed (in m/s) and Cp(, ) is the wind-turbine
power coefficient (dimensionless).
The turbine power coefficient, Cp(, ), describes the power extraction efficiency of the WT and
is defined as the ratio between the mechanical power available at the turbine shaft and the
power available in wind. A generic equation shown later in Equation (3) is used to model
Cp(, ). CP is a nonlinear function of both tip speed ratio, and the blade pitch angle, . The
tip speed ratio, is the ratio of the turbine tip speed, m*R to the wind speed, u. This tip speed
ratio, , is defined as [28]:


wm * R

Where m is the rotational speed and R is the turbine blade radius, respectively.


Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

For a fixed pitch angle, , CP becomes a nonlinear function of tip speed ratio, , only. According
to Equation (29), there is a relation between the tip speed ratio, and the rotational speed, m.
Hence, at a certain wind speed, the power is maximum at a certain m called optimum
rotational speed, opt. This speed corresponds to optimum TSR, opt [15]. The value of the TSR
is constant for all maximum power points. So, to extract maximum power at variable wind
speed, the WT should always operate at opt in speeds bellow the rated speed. This occurs by
controlling the rotational speed of the WT to be equal to the optimum rotational speed. Figure
23 shows that the mechanical power generated by WT at the shaft of the generator as a function
of the rotational speed, m. These curves have been extracted from PSIM support for the wind
turbine used in this study. It is clear from this figure that for each wind speed the mechanical
output power is maximum at particular rotational speed, opt as shown in Figure 23.

Mechanical output power

Locus of Pmax

Figure 23. Typical output power characteristics.

4.1.2. PMSG model

The generator is modeled by the following voltage equations in the rotor reference frame (dq
axes) [29]:
- wr lsq
vsq = Rs isq +
+ wr lsd
vsd = Rs isd +


Where sq, and sd are the stator flux linkages in the direct and quadrature axis of rotor which
in the absence of damper circuits can be expressed in terms of the stator currents and the
magnetic flux as [29].

lsd = Ls isd + y F
lsq = Ls isq




New Developments in Renewable Energy

Where F is the flux of the permanent magnets.

The electrical torque Te of the three-phase generator can be calculated as follows [29, 30]:
Te =

P [lsd isq - lsq isd ]


Where P is the number of pole pairs. For a non-salient-pole machine the stator inductances Lsd
and Lsq are approximately equal. This means that the direct-axis current isd does not contribute
to the electrical torque. Our concept is to keep isd to zero in order to obtain maximal torque
with minimum current. Then, the electromagnetic torque results:

Te =

Py F isq = Kc isq


Kc is called the torque constant and represents the proportional coefficient between Te and isq.

4.2. Control of the generator side converter (PMSG)

The generator side controller controls the rotational speed to produce the maximum output
power via controlling the electromagnetic torque according to Equation (33), where the indirect
vector control is used. The proposed control logic of the generator side converter is shown in
Figure 24. The speed loop will generate the q-axis current component to control the generator
torque and speed at different wind speed via estimating the references value of i, i as shown
in Figure 24. The torque control can be achieved through the control of the isq current as shown
in Equation (33). Figure 25 shows the stator and rotor current space phasors and the excitation
flux of the PMSG. The quadrature stator current isq can be controlled through the rotor reference
frame (, axis) as shown in Figure 25. So, the references value of i, i can be estimated easily
from the amplitude of isq* and the rotor angle, r. Initially, to find the rotor angle, r, the
relationship between the electrical angular speed, r and the rotor mechanical speed (rad/
sec), m may be expressed as:

wr =

2 m


So, the rotor angle, r, can be estimated by integrating of the electrical angular speed, r. The
input to the speed control is the actual and reference rotor mechanical speed (rad/sec) and the
output is the (, ) reference current components. The actual values of the (, ) current
components are estimated using Clark's transformation to the three phase current of PMSG.
The FLC can be used to find the reference speed along which tracks the maximum power point.

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines





abc / ,



CC: - axis current controller
CC: - axis current controller




i *




Figure 24. Control block diagram of generator side converter.

Figure 24. Control block diagram of generator side converter.











i sq








CCq : q- axis Current Controller

CCd : d- axis Current Controller
VC : Voltage Controller


ir = I rf F

d (rotor direct-axis)

Figure 28. Control block diagram of grid-side converter.

s (stator

direct -axis)

Figure 25. The stator and rotor current space phasors and the excitation flux of the PMSG [29].



New Developments in Renewable Energy

4.3. Fuzzy logic controller for MPPT

At a certain wind speed, the power is maximum at a certain called optimum rotational
speed, opt. This speed corresponds to optimum tip speed ratio,opt [15]. So, to extract maximum
power at variable wind speed, the turbine should always operate at opt. This occurs by
controlling the rotational speed of the turbine. Controlling of the turbine to operate at optimum
rotational speed can be done using the fuzzy logic controller. Each wind turbine has one value
of opt at variable speed but opt changes from a certain wind speed to another. From Equation
(29), the relation between opt and wind speed, u, for constant R and opt can be deduced as

wopt =



From Equation (35), the relation between the optimum rotational speed and wind speed is
linear. At a certain wind speed, there is optimum rotational speed which is different at another
wind speed. The fuzzy logic control is used to search (observation and perturbation) the
rotational speed reference which tracks the maximum power point at variable wind speeds.
The fuzzy logic controller block diagram is shown in Figure 26. Two real time measurements
are used as input to fuzzy (P, and m*) and the output is (m-new*). Membership functions
are shown in Figure 27. Triangular symmetrical membership functions are suitable for the
input and output, which give more sensitivity especially as variables approach to zero value.
The width of variation can be adjusted according to the system parameter. The input signals
are first fuzzified and expressed in fuzzy set notation using linguistic labels which are
characterized by membership functions before it is processed by the FLC. Using a set of rules
and a fuzzy set theory, the output of the FLC is obtained [22]. This output, expressed as a fuzzy
set using linguistic labels characterized by membership functions, is defuzzified and then
produces the controller output. The fuzzy logic controller doesn't require any detailed
mathematical model of the system and its operation is governed simply by a set of rules. The
principle of the fuzzy logic controller is to perturb the reference speed m* and to observe the
corresponding change of power, P. If the output power increases with the last increment, the
searching process continues in the same direction. On the other hand, if the speed increment
reduces the output power, the direction of the searching is reversed. The fuzzy logic controller
is efficient to track the maximum power point, especially in case of frequently changing wind
conditions [22].
Figure 27 shows the input and output membership functions and Table 2 lists the control rule
for the input and output variable. The next fuzzy levels are chosen for controlling the inputs
and output of the fuzzy logic controller. The variation step of the power and the reference
speed may vary depending on the system. In Figure 27, the variation step in the speed reference
is from -0.15rad/s to 0.15rad/s for power variation ranging over from -30W to 30W. The
membership definitions are given as follows: N (negative), N++ (very big negative), NB
(negative big), NM (negative medium), NS (negative small), ZE (zero), P (positive), PS (positive
small), PM (positive medium), PB (positive big), and P++ ( very big positive ).

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines






m-new *


Figure 26. Input and output of fuzzy controller.















Input membership functions








Output membership functions

Figure 27. Membership functions of fuzzy logic controller







New Developments in Renewable Energy






































Table 2. Rules of fuzzy logic controller

4.4. Control of the grid side converter

The power flow of the grid-side converter is controlled in order to maintain the dc-link voltage
at reference value, 600v. Since increasing the output power than the input power to dc-link
capacitor causes a decrease of the dc-link voltage and vise versa, the output power will be
regulated to keep dc-link voltage approximately constant. To maintain the dc-link voltage
constant and to ensure the reactive power flowing into the grid, the grid side converter currents
are controlled using the d-q vector control approach. The dc-link voltage is controlled to the
desired value by using a PI-controller and the change in the dc-link voltage represents a change
in the q-axis (iqs) current component. Figure 28 shows a control block diagram of the grid side
The active power can be defined as;

Ps =

v i + vqsiqs
2 ds ds



The reactive power can be defined as:

Qs =

v i - vdsiqs
2 qs ds

By aligning the q-axis of the reference frame along with the grid voltage position vds=0 and vqs=
constant because the grid voltage is assumed to be constant. Then the active and reactive power
can be obtained from the following equations:

Ps =

v i
2 qs qs


Qs =

v i
2 qs ds




Figure 24. Control block diagram of generator side converter.

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines














CCq : q- axis Current Controller

CCd : d- axis Current Controller
VC : Voltage Controller



Figure 28. Control block diagram of grid-side converter.

Figure 28. Control block diagram of grid-side converter.

4.5. Simulation results

A co-simulation (PSIM/Simulink) program has been used where PSIM contains the power
circuit of the WECS and Matlab/Simulink has the whole control system as described before.
The model of WECS in PSIM contains the WT connected to the utility grid through backtoback bidirectional PWM converter. The control of whole system in Simulink contains the
generator side controller and the grid side controller. The wind turbine characteristics and the
parameters of the PMSG are listed in Appendix. The generator can be directly controlled by
the generator side controller to track the maximum power available from the WT. The wind
speed is variable and changes from 7 m/s to 13 m/s as input to WT. To extract maximum power
at variable wind speed, the turbine should always operate at opt. This occurs by controlling
the rotational speed of the WT. So, it always operates at the optimum rotational speed. opt
changes from a certain wind speed to another. The fuzzy logic controller is used to search the
optimum rotational speed which tracks the maximum power point at variable wind speeds.
Figure 29 (a) shows the variation of the wind speed which varies randomly from 7 m/s to13
m/s. On the other hand, Figure 29 (b) shows the variation of the actual and reference rotational
speed as a result of the wind speed variation. At a certain wind speed, the actual and reference
rotational speed have been estimated and this agree with the power characteristic of the wind
turbine shown later in Figure 23. I.e. the WT always operates at the optimum rotational speed
which is found using FLC; hence, the power extraction from wind is maximum at variable


New Developments in Renewable Energy

wind speed. It is seen that according to the wind speed variation the generator speed varies
and that its output power is produced corresponding to the wind speed variation. The fuzzy
logic controller works well and it gives the good tracking performance for the maximum
output power point. The fuzzy logic controller makes WT always operates at the optimum
rotational speed. On the other hand, the grid-side controller maintains the dc-link voltage at
the desired value, 600v, as shown in Figure 29 (c). The dc-link voltage is regulated by exporting
active power to the grid as shown in Figure 29 (d). The reactive power transmitted to the grid
is shown in Figure 29 (e).






Figure 29. Different simulation waveforms: (a) Wind speed variation (7-13) m/s. (b) Actual and reference rotational
speed (rad/s). (c) dc-link voltage (v). (d) Active power (watt). (e) Reactive power (Var).

Maximum Power Extraction from Utility-Interfaced Wind Turbines

5. Conclusions
Wind energy conversion system has high priority among the various renewable energy
systems. Maximum power extraction from wind energy system became an important research
topic due to the increase in output energy by using this technique. Wind speed sensorless
MPPT control has been a very active area of research. In this study, a concise review of MPPT
control methods has been presented for controlling WECS. On the other hand, there is a
continuing effort to make converter and control schemes more efficient and cost effective in
hopes of developing an economically viable solution of increasing environmental issues.
Wind power generation has grown at a high rate in the past decade and will continue with
power electronic technology advanced. The survey of MPPT algorithms have been classi
fied into MPPT algorithms with wind speed sensor and MPPT algorithms without wind
speed sensor. A co-simulation (PSIM/Simulink) program has been proposed for WECS where
PSIM contains the power circuit of the WECS and Matlab/Simulink has the control circuit of
the system. The WT is connected to the grid via backto-back PWM-VSC. The generator side
controller and the grid side controller have been done in Simulink. The main function of the
generator side controller is to track the maximum power from wind through controlling the
rotational speed of the turbine using fuzzy logic controller. The fuzzy logic algorithm for the
maximum output power of the grid-connected wind power generation system using a PMSG
has been proposed and implemented above. The PMSG was controlled in indirect-vector
field oriented control method and its speed reference was determined using fuzzy logic
controller. The grid-side converter controls the dc-link voltage at a desired value, 600V, for
the proposed system. Active and reactive power control has been achieved by controlling qaxis and d-axis grid current components respectively. The d-axis grid current is controlled
to be zero for unity power factor and the q-axis grid current is controlled to deliver the power
flowing from the dc-link to the grid. The simulation results prove the superiority of FLC and
the whole control system.


Wind turbine
Nominal Output Power


Rs (stator resistance)


Wind speed input

7:13 m/s (saw tooth)

Ld (d-axis inductance)


Base Wind Speed

12 m/s

Lq (q-axis inductance)


Base Rotational Speed

190 rpm

No. of Poles P


Moment of inertia


Moment of inertia


Blade pitch angle input

Mech. Time Constant

Table 3. Parameters of wind turbine model and PMSG



New Developments in Renewable Energy

The authors acknowledge the National Plan for sciences and Technology program (Project No.:
ENE226-02-08) by King Saud University for the financial support to carry out the research
work reported in this chapter.

Author details
Ali M. Eltamaly, A. I. Alolah and Hassan M. Farh
Department of Electrical Engineering, College of Engineering, King Saud University,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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