Van Mahotsav
Van Mahotsav
Van Mahotsav
Habitat conservation is important in maintaining biodiversity, an
essential part of global food security. There is evidence to support
a trend of accelerating erosion of the genetic resources of
agricultural plants and animals.[13] An increase in genetic similarity
of agricultural plants and animals means an increased risk of food
loss from major epidemics. Wild species of agricultural plants
have been found to be more resistant to disease, for example the
wild corn species Teosinte is resistant to 4 corn diseases that
affect human grown crops.[14] A combination of seed banking and
Wildlife Conservation is the practice of protecting wild plant and animal species
and their habitats. The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure that nature will be
around for future generations to enjoy and also to recognize the importance of
wildlife and wilderness for humans and other species alike.[1] Many nations have
government agencies and NGO's dedicated to wildlife conservation, which help to
implement policies designed to protect wildlife. Numerous independent non-profit
organizations also promote various wildlife conservation causes
Climate change: Global warming is making hot days hotter, rainfall and flooding heavier,
hurricanes stronger and droughts more severe. This intensification of weather and climate
extremes will be the most visible impact of global warming in our everyday lives. It is also
causing dangerous changes to the landscape of our world, adding stress to wildlife species and
their habitat. Since many types of plants and animals have specific habitat requirements, climate
change could cause disastrous loss of wildlife species. A slight drop or rise in average rainfall
will translate into large seasonal changes. Hibernating mammals, reptiles, amphibians and insects
are harmed and disturbed. Plants and wildlife are sensitive to moisture change so, they will be
harmed by any change in moisture level. Natural phenomena like floods, earthquakes, volcanoes,
lightning, forest fires.[6][7]
Unregulated Hunting and poaching: Unregulated hunting and poaching causes a major
threat to wildlife. Along with this, mismanagement of forest department and forest guards
triggers this problem.
Pollution: Pollutants released into the environment are ingested by a wide variety of
organisms. Pesticides and toxic chemical being widely used, making the environment
toxic to certain plants, insects, and rodents.
Perhaps the largest threat is the extreme growing indifference of the public to wildlife,
conservation and environmental issues in general.[8] Over-exploitation of resources, i.e.,
exploitation of wild populations for food has resulted in population crashes (over-fishing
and over-grazing for example).
Over exploitation is the over use of wildlife and plant species by people for food,
clothing, pets, medicine, sport and many other purposes. People have always depended
on wildlife and plants for food, clothing, medicine, shelter and many other needs. But
today we are taking more than the natural world can supply. The danger is that if we take
too many individuals of a species from their natural environment, the species may no
longer be able to survive. The loss of one species can affect many other species in an
ecosystem. The hunting, trapping, collecting and fishing of wildlife at unsustainable
levels is not something new. The passenger pigeon was hunted to extinction, early in the
last century, and over-hunting nearly caused the extinction of the American bison and
several species of whales.