Centre For Environment Education
Centre For Environment Education
Centre For Environment Education
About CEE
The Centre for Environment Education (CEE) in India was established in August 1984
as a Centre of Excellence supported by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. The
organization works towards developing programmes and materials to
increase awareness about the environment and sustainable development. The head
office is located inAhmedabad.[1][2] The Centre has 41 offices across India
including regional cells
in Bangalore (South), Guwahati (NorthEast), Lucknow (North), Ahmedabad (West)
and Pune(Central); state offices in Delhi, Hyderabad, Raipur, Goa, Coimbatore; and
several field offices. It has international offices in Australia and Sri Lanka.
To educate the youth about the environmental issues on climate change through
training workshops, summits and seminars.
To promote and support eco-tourism and use it as a tool for creating awareness
among the public on environmental conservation.
Passive techniques, which reduce fuel consumption by 60%, help to mitigate global
warming, keep the inner air smokeless, reduce cold-related illnesses, and enable
income generation via indoor activities like handicrafts. - Promoting renewable
energy options like Solar Geysers, Solar Passive Baths, Cookers and Lanterns, to
reduce fuel-wood consumption and carbon emissions, enabling local homes and
traveler accommodations to be more eco-friendly and improving hygiene levels.