Dungeons & Dragons Followers: by Michael M. Barakofsky

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The key takeaways are about how different character classes can attract followers in Dungeons & Dragons based on their level and other factors like building strongholds.

Followers differ in that they are not paid and share similar goals to the character, starting with higher loyalty. However, both followers and henchmen/hirelings require provision of necessities and loyalty can increase over time based on shared treasure and gifts.

For a druid to attract followers, they must perform a ritual to become connected to a certain area of terrain. The size of this terrain depends on the druid's level. They can then attract animal followers that live in the terrain types they are connected to, up to their level.

Dungeons & Dragons

By Michael M. Barakofsky

The concept of high level characters

attracting followers is nothing new to the
world of Dungeons & Dragons, however
the method and means by which these
followers were attracted and by which
class varied. The PHB had a set this is
how it is done method that specific
settings like Forgotten Realms,
Spelljammer, Dark Sun, etc. would then
tweak to better fit that specific setting.
As one could notice in my first document
titled the New Players Handbook I
took those old varied settings and placed
them into a single massive setting where
they were different continents on the
same world, through Spelljammer that
could easily evolve into different planets
in the same solar system or farther as
desired by the DM and his/her players.
This document now attempts to provide a
generalized method for the attraction of
followers by class. I feel as though some
classes in the original AD&D and AD&D
2nd edition rules were unfairly treated
where the acquisition of followers, and
to a slightly lesser degree the
construction of strongholds, is
concerned. While this document will
address to a limited degree the
construction of strongholds it will mainly
focus on the gaining of followers by
class and the effect, if any, the presence
of a stronghold has on attracting
Rules for the construction of strongholds
can be found in the AD&D 2nd edition
book The Castle Guide. A reprint of
these rules may be included in this
document if there is room after
discussing follower attraction.
Followers vs. Henchmen/Hirelings
There are some distinct differences
between a follower and a
henchman/hireling, the first being you
dont pay a follower to join you in your
cause. Followers are people and beings
that share similar goals to the character
that attracts them so the character does
not have to pay out gold to hire them.
Second is loyalty, followers start out
being at least 75% loyal to the character,
maybe more depending on the game, the
characters reputation and the DM.
Similarities between followers, henchmen
& hirelings include the following: Food,
clothing & other necessities: It is the
characters responsibility to provide for
his/her followers this can be done either
by buying what they need for them or by
giving them a standard monthly salary

sufficient to cover their needs, of course

difference of followers vs.
this varies on a case by case basis and is
henchmen/hirelings. However the
heavily influenced by the current
follower could be asked to leave an
campaign. Loyalty is another area
assigned guard post for a time, unlock a
shared, follower loyalty is not as likely to
specific door, provide travel information
drop off when the character hits a rough
and similar indirect methods of harming
patch unlike henchmen or hirelings but
the character.
this doesnt mean the character can
If the loyalty check is failed the followers
mistreat and abuse his followers because
loyalty base is reduced by the amount
while they will stick through the tough
of the penalty that was applied to it.
times if they are not well treated they too
Should the loyalty ever drop to 0% or
will eventually abandon the character.
less the follower will leave the character
Loyalty can increase for every 100 GP
taking everything he had been given by
value of acquired treasure shared with
the character up to that point.
followers their loyalty base increases by Absolute loyalty, while considered a myth
1%, providing their gear for them also
is attainable this does not apply to an
increases their loyalty by 2% or 3%,
entire unit or stand of followers however.
sharing magic items with followers, even
This degree of loyalty must be gained on
if only a hand-me-down, increases
an individual, case by case basis. As
loyalty for that specific follower by 2%
stated earlier loyalty is expressed as a %
to 15% depending on the power level of
however 100% is not the maximum score
the item. There are other actions that
loyalty can reach. Loyalty can go as high
characters can take to improve the
as 1,000% technically 1,001%. At a
loyalty of their followers through the
1,000 loyalty the follower is deemed to
course of role playing, taking the time to
be of impeccable character and what they
know each follower by name, learn a
tell the character is accepted at face
little of who they are and where they
value no matter how strange it may
come from, celebrating birthdays,
sound. Breaking a follower with this
attending special events for the follower
level of loyalty, while possible, is
such as weddings, child birth (especially
incredibly difficult because while the
if its the 1st born), lending aid to the
score remains over 100% no loyalty
families of followers when needed, etc.
check is made the follower automatically
all these actions and many others players
remains loyal to the character. When the
could think of will have an effect on the
loyalty score hits 1,001% the follower is
loyalty of followers, both the specific
absolutely loyal to the character and will
follower benefiting from the special
never betray the character no matter
treatment and to all other followers
what. Even divine influence, Gease,
(lesser degree naturally) as they see their
wishes and similar means of controlling
leader is willing to take time to recognize
an individual cannot force this follower
them on an individual basis.
to take up arms against the character,
though theft of property might be
manageable, the follower at the last
Loyalty is expressed as a % for game
moment is granted a dual save both vs.
mechanics. When a follower is
Death, if either save is made the follower
tested/tempted to betray his leader, aka
will commit suicide rather than attack or
the player character, the method of
kill the character, if both saves are made
temptation is weighed by the DM and
the controlling influence is thrown off
assigned an appropriate % value. This
and the follower is free to confess what
value is then used as a penalty vs the
has happened to the character and return
followers current loyalty score, then
to normal activities. However if both
percentile dice are rolled if the roll is
saves fail the follower still WILL NOT
equal to or less then the followers
kill the character, instead he/she will run
adjusted loyalty score he/she remains
away never to be seen again (unless the
loyal to the character, if the % roll is
character mounts a quest to track down
higher than the adjusted score the
their missing follower and free them
follower has been persuaded to betray
from the influence).
his/her leader. NOTE: Unless the
follower has been severely mistreated by
the character no amount of bribery or
threat will make the follower take up
arms against the character, another

Table 1: Loyalty Modifiers

% Adjustment
Gold, per 100 GP
Magic Items
Rings of Protection, per magical + +1%
Rings minor power (warmth)
Rings major power (regeneration) +5%
Rings Greatest Power (wish)
Other Items minor use
Other Items great use
+2% +1% per magical +
Weapons cont. minor power/ammo+2%
Weapons cont. major power
Weapons cont. sharpness power +10%
Weapons cont. vorpal power
3% +1% per magical +
Armor cont. minor power
Armor cont. major power
Any magic item
if specifically crafted for the follower
Successful w/ few to no casualties +15%
Successful w/ moderate casualties +10%
Successful w/ heavy casualties
Successful w/ 90% or more loss +0%
Failed w/ few to no casualties
Failed w/ moderate casualties
Failed w/ heavy casualties
Failed w/ 90% or more loss
Found Treasure
No cut given
-5%* (+0%)
Minor cut given
+0%* (+1%)
Given a partial share
+1%* (+2%)
Given a full share
+2%* (+3%)
Given a choice of the spoils +5%* (+8%)
*Unless a standard salary is provided or the
followers are directly paid in gold, then
use the number in ().
Good Roleplaying**
Minor interest
Learning names
Major interest
Learning some background
Being Involved
Attending weddings
Attending child birth
1st born +2% subsequent births
Celebrations (any kind)
Assisting family through hardship +10%
Honoring for deed performed well+2%
**These are usually one time awards but
could be given multiple times depending
on the situation.
Bad Roleplaying
No interest
Shown as not even giving the follower
the common courtesy appropriate to his
rank and position
Indirectly rude or disrespectful
Directly rude or disrespectful
Stealing from the follower: as per above
for gold or items but at twice the value

lost (ie. each 100 GP stolen = -2%).

Rape of the follower -1/4 total loyalty
Rape of followers mate -1/3 total loyalty
Rape of followers offspring -all loyalty
and the follower becomes an enemy

the entire unit but if the DM and Player

want more diversity the rolls can be
applied to individual stands within the

Table 2-2: Unit Race

2D12 Race
Aquatic Elf
Gaining Followers by Class
Dark Elf
All classes eventually gain followers the
specific means by which those followers 6
are gained however varies as follows.
Grey Elf
A fighter is entitled to gain followers at
Name or 9th level ONLY if he/she builds 11
a stronghold, however the reputation of
Halfling, Hairfeet
the fighter is such that even without a
Halfling, Stout
stronghold he will start to attract
Halfling, Tallfellow
followers at 10th level. These followers
High Elf
are formed into groups called Stands.
Hill Dwarf
The first unit or units attracted by the
fighter will be of the same race, class,
history/background and have the same
Mountain Dwarf
goals as the fighter. All further stands
Snow Elf
attracted at subsequent levels will vary as 21
determined by random die rolls.
A Stand consists of 10 people or beings,
unless otherwise noted, all members are 24
Wood Elf
of the same race, level, and equipment
when they first arrive. Fighters will
Table 2-3 Class
attract stands as their fame increases as
4D4 Class
shown on the following table:
Other Profession*
Table 2-1: Units
Level # Stands Stand lvl % Special
1D10+2 1D2+1 0%
1D10+4 1D3+1 5%
1D3+2 10%
1D12+2 1D4+1 15%
1D12+4 1D4+2 20%
1D6+1 25%
1D20+2 1D6+2 30%
1D20+4 1D8+1 35%
1D20+6 1D8+2 40%
*Other professions are support oriented
1D20+8 1D10+1 45%
professions such as smiths, tailors,
20** 1D20+10 1D10+2 50%
cooks, even ladies of the night which can
*Only if a stronghold has been constructed.
double as bath maids and spies.
**Each additional level, 21st, 22nd, 23rd etc.
will gain this same entry rolled at each new Table 2-4 Equipment
1D12 Gear*
Padded, Hand Ax & Buckler
After the first unit or units are gained
Leather, Short Sword & Small
future units have some questions that
need answering. What is the units Race, 3
Studded Leather, Short Sword or
Class, Equipment and if its special what
Hand Ax, Buckler, Short Bow
makes it special. Even the first unit needs
& 20 arrows
the equipment question answered. The
Chain or Scale Mail, Long Sword
following series of tables answer these
& Small Shield, Dagger
questions. Usually the rolls will apply to 5
Chain or Scale Mail, War Hammer
Other awards and penalties can be
determined based on this table.

& Small Shield, Dagger

Chain or Scale Mail, Polearm,
Chain Mail, Long Sword, Long
Bow & 20 Sheaf Arrows,
Plate Mail, Long Sword &
Medium Shield, Hand Ax,
Plate Mail, Battle Ax & Medium
Shield, Hand Ax, Dagger
Field Plate, Long Sword
&Medium Shield, Hand Ax
Field Plate, War Hammer &
Medium Shield, Hand Ax
Full Plate, Long Sword & Small
Shield, Hand Ax or Morning
*DMs are free to swap out listed gear for
something more appropriate to the rolled
race as they see fit. Though magical gear
should be kept to a minimum.

Table 2-5: Special: A special unit may

have unique skills such as an engineering
team, they could be a siege unit and
come with their own siege engines,
mounted units are considered special
whether they ride a horse or a griffon,
special units may also consist of unusual
creatures such as Ents, Lycans, even
Special units roll for standard gear from
table 2-4 above as normal however some
units come with additional gear which
will be noted with each unit entry below.
1D20 Unit Type
Cavalry (1D5)
1 Riding light warhorse add a light
2 Riding medium warhorse add a
light lance
3 Riding heavy warhorse add a
medium lance
4 Riding light warhorse add a short
bow and 36 arrows
5 Riding unusual mount* add a
light lance or short bow and 36
Air Cavalry (1D4)
1 Riding Griffons, add short bows
and 36 arrows
2 Riding Pegasai, add short bows
and 36 arrows
3 Riding Rocs, add short bows and
36 arrows
4 Riding unusual mount**, add
short bows and 36 arrows
Dragon: Roll 3D4 for age bracket,
only 1 dragon no matter how
many stands are in the unit



Engineers (1D3)
1 Miner/Sappers
2 Siege Weapon Construction
3 Defensive Fortifications
Siege Engine (1D8)
1 Light Catapult Unit, 1 light
catapult w/ draft horse for
every 2 members in the unit
2 Medium Catapult Unit, 1
medium catapult with draft
horse for every 4 members in
the unit
3 Heavy Catapult Unit, 1 heavy
catapult (trebuchet) with either
4 draft horses or 2 elephants
per 6 members in the unit
4 Light Ballista Unit, 1 light
ballista for every 2 members in
the unit
5 Medium Ballista Unit, 1 medium
ballista w/ draft horse &
wagon for every 3 members in
the unit
6 Heavy Ballista Unit, 1 heavy
ballista w/ draft horse &
wagon for every 5 members in
the unit
7 Bombard Unit, 1 bombard w/
draft horse & wagon for every
4 members in the unit
8 Great Bombard Unit, 1 bombard
w/ 8 draft horses or 4 elephants
& transport carriage for every
6 members in the unit
1 Werewolf (infantry)
2 Werebear (infantry)
3 Weretiger (infantry)
4 Werefox (spy)
5 Werebat (spy, night assault)
6 Wererat (scouts & spies)
7 Wereraven (aerial assault)
8 Wereboar (berserker infantry)
Beholder, only 1 per stand in the
unit if rolled as a whole
Genie (1D5), only 1 per stand in the
unit if rolled as a whole
1 Djinni
2 Dao
3 Efreeti
4 Marid
5 Jann
Giant (1D10)
1 Cloud, only 1 per unit
2 Desert, only 1 per stand
3 Firbolg, only 1 per 5 in a stand
4 Frost, only 1 per unit
5 Jungle, only 1 per unit
6 Mountain, only 1 per stand
7 Stone, only 1 per unit
8 Storm, only 1 per unit


9 Wood, only 1 per 5 in a stand

10 Titan, only 1 per unit
Ki-rin, only 1 per unit
Lizard Men
Naga, Guardian, only 1 per unit
Ogre Mage
Phoenix, only 1 per unit
Sirine, only 1 per stand family unit
Swanmay (healers)

*The mount should be something

appropriate for the race if possible like
stags for elves, war ponies or war boars
for dwarves & gnomes, Dire Wolves for
Dwarves & Halflings, elephants, bears,
oxen just about any large land animal can
be used as a unusual mount even
dinosaurs. NOTE: Centaurs, Wemic &
Thri-Kreen NEVER ride mounts and
Half-Ogres & Half-Giants will need
exceptionally large mounts to carry
**In this case, as above, but the unusual
mount must be able to fly. NOTE:
Dragons are NOT available for this entry.
A note about level, while it is plainly
shown what level each unit or stand will
be on table 2-1 above the table does not
show command structure. Looking at a
unit from the stand position and moving
up each group of 10 people will have a
sergeant that is 1 level higher than the
rest of the stand, every 4 stands (of the
same type from the same level
acquisition) will have a lieutenant that is
2 levels higher than the sergeants finally
in cases where there are 16 or more
stands (again of the same type from the
same level acquisition) there will be 1
captain that is 2 levels higher than the
When forming stands and units into armies
older units even though they might have
lower levels should have seniority over
newer units simply because they have
been in the service of the PC longer,
however the PC can make assignments
and arrange their burgeoning army in any
style or fashion they choose with some
understandable exceptions: Dragons hate
grunt work, Genies make poor
commanders, Swanmay will never lead a
charge into battle, and Treants will not
tolerate excessive destruction of forests.
While rangers can build a stronghold like

every other class the stronghold has

special result roll on the following table
absolutely no bearing on the rangers
otherwise all followers are fellow
acquisition of followers. At 10th level a
gladiators. Additionally unlike fighters
ranger will attract 2D6 followers from
followers where each unit or stand is the
the table below. A ranger can attract a
same rolled type if an attracted group of
maximum of 12 followers if the roll is
followers is indicated as being special
less than 12 1D2 additional followers are
each individual while special should
acquired with each new level until the
have their profession rolled for
ranger has reached the 12 maximum.
Please note that rangers of the
Beastmaster Kit have special rules
Table 4-1: Gladiator Special Followers
regarding followers and how they can be 1D12 Profession
Table 3-1 Ranger Followers
1D% Follower
01-10 Bear, Black
11-20 Bear, Brown
Armor Smith
Weapon Smith
22-26 Cleric, Human
Animal Handler/Trainer
27-38 Dog or Wolf
39-40 Druid any possible race
41-50 Falcon
51-53 Fighter, Elf
54-55 Fighter, Gnome
Sage (sporting special)
56-57 Fighter, Halfling
58-65 Fighter, Human
Fighter/Mage, Elf*
67-72 Great Cat (lion, tiger, etc)*
Wagoneer (w/ wagon & team)
76-80 Ranger, Half-Elf
81-90 Ranger, Human
91-94 Raven
Unlike other warriors paladins never attract
large groups of followers, their strict
Thief, Halfling
codes of conduct and rigid belief systems
Thief, Human
are just not attractive to most people.
That being said paladins do attract some
Lycanthrope (selected by DM)*
individuals with their fame.
Other Wilderness Creature
Starting at 4th level a paladin has a chance
(selected by DM)
to attract a mount. This mount will be a
*If the ranger already has a follower of this
Heavy War Horse of the best quality
type re-roll.
(90% chance) or something special (10%
chance). For every level the paladin
refrains from summoning his mount
Gladiators attract followers by reputation
adjust the % by 5 points in the favor of
alone. Use table 2-1 above but the
attracting a special (ie. 5th level 85% &
number of stands rolled for each
15%, 6th 80% & 20%, 7th 75% & 25%
attracted unit is treated as individual
etc. See the table below to determine
beings not groups of beings. For example
what kind of special mount is
a 13th level fighter attracts 1D12+2
summoned.) Once the mount is
stands for 30 to 140 total beings while a
summoned the paladin cannot attempt
gladiator would simply attract 3 to 14
another summoning until 1 year or 1
level gained after losing his current
The followers a gladiator attracts are for
mount by death. If the mount leaves the
the most part always going to belong to
paladin due to mistreatment or neglect
only a few types they will either be other
the paladin may never again summon a
gladiators seeking to learn tricks of the
mount unless an atonement is performed.
trade from a recognized master or those At 9th level whether the paladin constructs
who wish to be in the service of someone
a stronghold or not s/he attracts 1
who is famous. If the % roll indicates a
follower that acts as a squire, each

subsequent level 1 additional squire will

be attracted. These squires will always be
of the same alignment and faith as the
paladin and possess the minimum
attributes (Str 12, Con 9, Wis 13, Chr 17)
required to qualify for being a paladin.
Squires start out as 0th level NPCs with the
maximum health possible (4 HP) when
first gained, with the next squire gained
the previous squire gains an additional 4
HP. When the paladin gains his 3rd squire
(and subsequently every 3rd squire
thereafter) the 1st squire (and
subsequently the 1st squire from each
grouping of 3) makes a series of attribute
checks rolling on the required attributes
for the paladin class. If each check is
successful the squire graduates to being a
full paladin of 1st level if any or all of
them fail the squire becomes a fighter of
1st level. At no time can a paladin have
more than 2 squires at the same time.
The paladin will begin to accrue a small
force as his squires graduate from their
training. All of the squires that graduate
to the class of fighter will remain in the
service of the paladin until either
discharged or slain in the line of duty or
the paladin falls from grace. The squires
that graduate to the rank of paladin
continue to gain 1 level as a paladin for
every 2 levels the paladin gains, as each
former squire attains 4th level they one by
one leave the service of the paladin to go
out and make a name for themselves.
Table 5-1 Paladins Special Mount
Dinosaur (1D5)
1 Ankylosaurus
2 Diplodocus
3 Pteranodon
4 Stegosaurus
5 Triceratops
Dire Wolf
Lizard, Giant
Scorpion, Giant
It is rare for a barbarian to actually build a

stronghold but whether they do or not the

only followers a barbarian acquires are
those individuals gained through the
course of actual game play. The reason
for this is the barbarians 8th level class
ability to summon a barbarian horde.
This horde more than makes up for a
lack of available followers.



The college will attract 1D6 students per

teacher for the first 4 years it is active. If
in these years there are no problems, the
dean makes all important appointments,
bills are paid without fail or being late,
any special situations are handled
without undue difficulty, etc. The
enrollment will boost to 1D6+4 for the
next 3 years. Than if all continues to go
well enrollment will increase again to
2D4+4 for the next 3 years. Assuming
the college has met all requirements as
detailed above for the full 10 year trial
phase it will be considered an established
college and will have an enrollment of
1D4+10 per teacher from here on. At this
point the PC can hire an assistant dean to
cover for him and once again take up
adventuring on a limited basis but must
return to his college at least once every 4
years or risk losing his claim to his own
Once established not all of the students that
come to study will actually be studying
to become bards. A bardic college is an
excellent place for peoples of other
stripes to come and expand their
education. There is a 3 in 8 chance (a roll
of 1-3 on 1D8) that any given student
will be of something other than an
aspiring bard. Of those 2 in 6 will be
sages studying various lore that the
college has collected over the years.
Enrollment, as detailed above, is done on a
year by year basis with it taking 4 years
of college to successfully become a 1st
level bard. Each additional 4 years spent
in the college the bard may add 1
additional level until reaching 5th level.
Alternatively an adventuring bard may
enroll in any bardic college he finds for 4
years worth of study to gain an
additional level, this may be done a total
of 4 times (assuming the character is a
graduate of a college to begin with) and
can be done anytime during the bards
career as long as the college has at least
1 teacher that is higher level than the

Bards unlike most other classes DO NOT
attract what are considered to be
A thief will begin to attract followers at 9th
followers in this writing due to
level this will work in 1 of 2 ways.
reputation. All bards, especially
1) The thief does not construct a stronghold
successful ones, have a reputation that
in which case 1D3+1 followers, all being
spans a number of cities at least equal to
1st level thieves themselves, will seek
their current level if not more. This
training from the PC in the art of being a
reputation can and does attract followers
of the Fan or Adoring Public
2) The thief builds the stronghold which
persuasion, these are NOT the type of
will become a future thieves guild. In
followers being addressed here and it is
this case the thief attracts 1D6 thieves
left to individual DMs to handle
each level starting at 10th level (this
situations involving these types of
assumes 9th level was spent building the
new guild house/hideout).
In order for a bard to attract true followers
1st the bard must be 10th level and 2nd he
Table 6-1 Rogue Followers
must have built a stronghold. A bard
1D% # of Classes Level
stronghold is called a College and it is
01-60 Thief
in these Bardic Colleges where one
61-90 Thief / ?
learns how to become a bard.
91-00 Thief / ? / ?
After the college is constructed the bard
will attract 1D2 followers that are 3
Table 6-2 Additional Class*
levels lower than he is and an additional
1D20 Class
4D3 followers that are 2 levels lower
than that. These initial followers make up
the colleges teaching staff with the bard
13-15 Ranger
him/herself being seen as the head
15-17 Cleric
master/mistress of the college, other staff
18-19 Barbarian
members need to be hired separately
(think in terms of modern day centers for
*If the same class is rolled twice re-roll.
higher learning). Once a bard constructs
a college the time available for grand
Table 6-3 Race
adventures is rather limited as the
headmaster MUST be present for several
functions through the course of a year
the 2 most important being graduation
and introduction of new students.
Elf (1D6)
The PC is allowed to set whatever policies,
1 High
enrollment fees, and requirements he
2 Grey
wants for his college but the more strict
3 Wood
the rules the fewer students there will be
4 Snow
and too few students will result in the
5 Dark
closing of the college. A college costs
6 Aquatic
money to operate generally 50,000 GP
Under normal circumstances ninja never
plus 100 GP per staff member that lives
gain followers, generally they never
Dwarf (1D2)
on college grounds plus 250 GP per
build a stronghold either, to do so would
1 Mountain
student attending per year! This is why
insult their clan and possibly lead to their
2 Hill
colleges charge tuition fees. What the
exile from the clan or even death.
actual fee is, is determined by the player That having been said there are 2 ways that
Halfling (1D3)
but it should be enough for the college to
a ninja can build a stronghold thereby
1 Stout
be able to set a little back after operating
gaining followers. 1) If the ninjas clan
2 Tallfellow
expenses are paid to help offset lean
were wiped out save for the ninja in
3 Hairfeet
times or provide special budgets for
question then a new dojo could be
special occasions.
constructed and a new clan could be

formed, usually from the ninjas own

family if any. 2) If the ninja is in a
strange land and never likely to return to
his land of origin he can build a dojo. In 6.
this later event the ninja attracts would
be followers in a similar fashion as a
fighter, refer to table 2-1 above for
number of stands only, only humanoid
races are accepted. These stands form the
initial recruits of the dojo, training weeds
out the weak and inferior until only 1
member from each stand remains. These
1st year graduates then pass on to the next 7.
grade and begin training as true ninja.
Any of these students found to not be
100% loyal to the clan will either be put
to death (90%) or exiled to be slain if
ever encountered again (10%).

4 priests
1 curate
1 abbot
1 year later the population advances
A. Church population
6 acolytes
8 adepts
5 priests
2 curate
1 abbot
1 canon
1 year later again 8 acolytes arrive,
the population advances and the
hierarchy leaves.
A. Church population
11 acolytes
7 adepts
6 priests
3 curate
At 9th level a cleric can build a stronghold
1 abbot
often called a church or temple dedicated
1 canon
to the clerics chosen faith. Once this has
1 lama
been accomplished the cleric will attract 8. 1 year later the population advances
2D6 acolytes (1st level clerics) to help
A. Church population
run the church. Each year of the
6 acolytes
current church population will gain 1
9 adepts
level. Every 2nd year a new batch of
6 priests
acolytes arrive to begin training the
5 curate
higher ranking population (3rd level &
1 abbot
higher) makes room for the new arrivals
1 canon
by sending their number out into the
1 lama
world to spread the word. This is done in
1 patriarch
an ascending & descending manner as
9. 1 year later 8 more acolytes arrive,
shown below.
the population advances and leave
Example (assuming an average roll of 8):
A. Church population
1. Church is built and 8 acolytes arrive.
11 acolytes
A. Church population
8 adepts
8 acolytes
6 priests
2. 1 year later the population advances
5 curate
A. Church population
2 abbot
4 acolytes
1 canon
4 adepts
1 lama
3. 1 year later 8 more acolytes arrive,
1 patriarch
the population advances again
1 high priest
A. Church population
B. At this point the shifting church
10 acolytes
population will steady itself with
4 adepts
the main area of shifting being in
2 priests
the acolytes to priests as the
4. 1 year later of the population
remaining positions are basically
advances again
A. Church population
NOTE: The above example assumes a
5 acolytes
smooth and steady growth rate in areas
7 adepts
where the church in question has strong
3 priests
support this might well indeed be the
1 curate
case in other areas the number of new
5. 1 year later 8 more acolytes arrive,
acolytes entering a church can vary
the population advances again and
drastically. This example was merely
of the hierarchy leaves
intended to show how a new church
A. Church population
might grow. Some things to remember:
11 acolytes
1) Always round down when advancing
6 adepts
levels or removing population.

2) When removing population never leave

a formerly filled position empty.
3) If there is only 1 person filling a position
instead of leaving they advance to the
next position.
When the other classes build a stronghold,
if they choose to do so, it is usually a
grandiose affair even a poor fighters
simple keep is a structure of some
strength and a symbol of that fighters
ability. Druids are completely different,
when attaining 9th level a druid has the
option of building a stronghold but if
chosen to do so this stronghold is
designed to blend into its surroundings
and be nearly undetectable if one doesnt
know what to look for unlike a fighters
keep which stands out like a sore thumb.
A druid doesnt need to build a stronghold
to attract followers what a druid does
need to do however, is lay claim to an
area of land. The terrain can be of any
kind even mixed is possible the only real
limit is how large the terrain can be and
should be. At the minimum the square
mileage of the terrain should equal
(round down) the druids level at the time
the ritual of connection is performed. At
maximum the terrain can be no larger
than twice the druids level. Once the
ritual is performed the druid sees himself
as the keeper of that area of land and
most believe that even kings should bow
to their authority where the druids land is
specifically concerned (most wise kings
will at least listen and take a druids
counsel under advisement).
A druid cannot attract followers until he is
connected to the land. Once connected
the maximum number of followers varies
from 1 druid to the next and is a factor of
the druids level and the terrain types the
druid has laid claim to. Druids only
attract animals as followers and then
only animals that live in the terrain types
the druid has bonded himself to.
When attracting followers compare the
druids level to the followers HD. So long
as the druid has a higher level than the
HD of the animal it can be attracted in
some cases multiples of an animal type
can be attracted as a group counting as a
single follower (ie. a flock of song birds
each individually only has a HD so a
12th level druid could collect 24 of them
and count that as 1 single 12 HD
follower. This can be done with any
animal that has a herd/flock/pack/school
nature.) The maximum number of
followers a druid can acquire is equal to

their level at the time of performing the

ritual of connection. There are no tables
to roll on for followers the player and
DM should talk about what followers are
wanted, and how many in some cases,
compared to what is available in the
selected terrain and work things out from
At 9th level any mage that wants to attract
followers must build their stronghold.
This stronghold can be a simple manor
house in a large city or a lonely tower
atop a mountain or anything in between.
Grand or small once construction is
finished the mage will attract 4
followers, these followers will be
beginners (1st level mages) and will do
everything their teacher instructs them to
so long as the wizard does spend time
teaching them the arts arcane.
Alternately the wizard can build a wizards
school instead of or in addition to a
stronghold. The school works exactly as
the bardic college detailed above except
the operating costs are double.
The monks in AD&D are akin to Shao-Lin
monks from the real world. They are
masters of the martial arts yet they are
simple folk that try to live in harmony
with the world around them. Most never
build a stronghold and only gain a single
student at level 10. Some however do
build strongholds called monasteries,
these are usually built in secluded out of
the way locations yet are near enough to
local towns to trade for supplies if the
area selected wont allow the monastery
to be self-sufficient.
A monk that elects to build a monastery
will attract followers in a manner similar
to the ninjas dojo above.
A psychic character can build a stronghold
if desired and at any level once they can
afford to do so, it has no bearing on the
acquisition of followers.
At 9th level a psionicist will gain 2 1st level
students that travel with the psychic
wherever he goes. For every additional
level the psychic gains he will gain 1D2
additional 1st level students. Once he has
10 students his first 2 if they are still
alive will be seen as his personal aids
making room for 2 more students,
assuming they are at least 7th level. At
this point as new students are gained the
older students no matter what level they

are move on to make their own way in

life unless the psychic selects others to
be aids or comes up with new positions
for them to fill. At no time can a psychic
have more than 5 special assistants
including his starting 2 students now
become aids and a psychic can never
have more than 10 total followers at any
one time including students, aids & other
possible special assistants.

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