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low-cost sustainable

housing, materials +
building technology in
developing countries
shelter initiative for climate change mitigation (SICCM)

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing


Table of Contents
shelter initiative for climate change mitigation


01 environmental impact
Carbon Emissions and Environmental Impacts Caused by

Informal Settlements
Green House Gas Emissions in the Built Environment
Manufacturing of building materials and components/

choice of building materials
Transportation of materials
Construction process/technology of the building
Operational phase upon completion (ie: energy consumption)
End of life for building demolition/ recycling

02 sustainable low-cost housing

Overview, Barriers and Lessons Learned

03 Climates
Climatic Regions
Tropical/ Sub Tropical

04 Design
Design Consideration for Climatic Regions
Passive Solar Design
Building Materials
Position and Size of Glazing
Roof Overhang
Ventilation/ Heating
Shading/ Light Filter

05 Materials
Adaptations/ Alternatives

06 Technology
UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

Table of Contents
shelter initiative for climate change mitigation

07 Typologies/Prototype

08 Database

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing


UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

00 Introduction
UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

00 introduction
The World Bank identified 152 developing countries as
of the year 2007, of which it is reported one in three
people are without adequate shelter. 1 UN-Habitat is
working to lower the statistic through the provision
of low-cost, sustainable building materials and technologies while recognizing the Adequate Shelter for
All agenda, committing to, Access to safe and healthy
shelter and basic services recognized as essential to a
persons physical, psychological, social and economic
well-being and should be a fundamental part of our
urgent actions for the millions of people in the world
without decent living conditions. 2

Lack of housing worldwide is not restricted to certain
parts; both rural and urban areas with unsafe or inadequate shelter produce negative impacts resulting in
the proliferation of informal settlements and are a major cause of environmental pollution with little or no
resource to sewage, garbage disposal and sanitation.

communities that tend to contribute least to global climate

change and yet are effected most becoming involved in,
and influencing, housing and environmental policies both
locally and nationally. The most efficient measures to reduce GHG emissions fall into three categories, of which
it is important to focus on just one for the most effective
results. Categories include: reducing energy consumption
and embodied energy in buildings, utilizing low-carbon
fuels for a higher share of renewable energy or controlling the emissions of non-CO2 green house gases. When
considering new-build, the most viable choice is the controlling of non-CO2 green house gas emissions - through
material selection, construction technique and essential
transportation of goods required - while an integrated
design approach is required to ensure an effective combination of architectural and engineering systems. The environment is where we live and development is what we all
do in attempting to improve our life within that abode, and
as a result the two are inseparable. The built and natural
environment has a huge impact on the quality of life. 4

The pragmatic term sustainability has many definitions, adaptations and applications. The most common and widely accepted meaning was created by the
Brundtland Commission, formally the World Commission on Environment Development (WCED), Sustainable development is meeting the needs of the present
without compromising the ability of future generations
to meet their own needs. 3 Building on this definition,
the Declaration of Rio on Environment and Development identified that sustainable development was the
balance of three things: environmental protection,
economic growth and social development. Environmental protection can be narrowed to produce specific ways of reducing green house gas (GHG) emissions
through the built environment. It is the disadvantaged
1 www.unicef.org
2 www.unescap.org
3 www.unngocsd.org
4 Akintoye, A. (2006) A Public Partnership for Sustainable Development of Infrastructure in Developing Countries Covenant
University, Nigeria Pg. 433
UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

Maria de la Guardia

The increasing demand of housing required, coupled

with informal settlements constantly expanding, is
underlined by the crucial necessity to research new
methods of design and material technologies as the
manufacturing and transport poses threat to substantial environmental damage with additional energy
consumption and waste production once occupied. It
is possible, and necessary, for the design of low-cost
housing to confront environmental issues and propose
opportunities to reduce carbon emissions and greenhouse gases through a choice of materials, construction technologies and the influence design dictates on
how energy is sourced and consumed.

02 sustainable low-cost

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

02 sustainable low-cost housing

The link between sustainability and urban housing has been an ongoing global debate for more
than two decades, failing to gain the depth of attention necessary until the late 1990s. Sustainable housing remains a relatively new concept to
developing countries. While there have been different approaches and conceptions of sustainable
models for development internationally, specific to
climatic circumstances, addressing the major shift
in the distribution between rural and urban migration and exploring stages of implementation, there
remains definitive barriers. In most developing
countries, the mindset regarding sustainable development is limited to an understanding of economic
growth, while to the north the focus emphasizes
ecological issues. The Habitat Agenda underlines
the importance of developing new approaches in
managing and planning rapid urban growth and human settlements.
Problems associated with urbanization differs relative to location, making it impossible to develop an
overall approach to sustainable housing. The overall concept should be a compilation of energy and
environmental energy issues in the built environment. It is also necessary to define the judging criteria associated with sustainable housing.
The definition of low-cost, in a housing sense, depends greatly on the economic capacity of the target group. One concept of affordability may prove
to expensive in other instances of country implementation. Economic models should be interwoven
to include financial schemes, reducing the problem
of affordability. Creating jobs through labor models, workshops and capacity building is critical to
the long-term objectives and direct community
benefit, particularly focusing on women.
Sustainable materials are key to limiting the impact
on the ecological system. Local techniques and
technology, resources and materials are a good
starting point when researching or implementing
projects. Housing models should determine the
sustainability of the building materials through lifecycle analysis, and occupational use of building including renewable energy, water, land and use of
Appropriate technology goes hand in hand with the
design and building materials. It should correspond
to local conditions, reflect and respect climatic conditions and demand a minimum of maintenance.

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

Local sensitivity with regards to status can greatly impact

the success of projects. When introducing new low-cost
housing developments and design it is important not to be
labeled as homes only for the low-income families and individuals.
Organization and elements of implementation must become the responsibility of the Local Government, with environmental and energy issues incorporated into all levels
of planning and decision making.
Sustainable housing is a relatively new concept in developing countries - producing and leading to an assortment of
barriers when researching past projects and planning for
future developments. Common obstacles were discovered
throughout the research stages of sustainable low cost
housing in development projects: most models concentrate
on one or two elements of sustainability, rather than incorporating it as a whole; there is a lack of, or difficulty in gaining, access to sufficient information about project and programs in developing countries; low-cost housing projects in
an urban context are few.

06 Materials
UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 rubber

01 // Tire Veneer


Tires are essential globally, at all levels of development.
Millions are discarded annually as they wear out relatively
fast this product makes use of recycling the material into
a usable material for various types of applications.
How it is used:
The most common application is as an environmentally
responsive flooring material resilient both indoors and
out. Areas of use extend to areas such as sports and recreation, animal housing and high traffic areas outdoors and
a variety of consumer products, vibration dampeners and
furniture surfaces internally.
How it is made:
In the retreading process, the old tread is removed by
grinding and the resulting dust is termed buffings. These
buffings are non-laminated polymerically bound black
SBR rubber. To give more aesthetic appeal to the material, colorful virgin EPDM rubber granules are added along
with a urethane binder. The homogenized mixture is approximately 80% black rubber and 20% colored rubber although this percentage can be varied. The percentage of
black rubber indicates the post-consumer content.

02 // acousticel


UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 insulation
01 // Straw and Resin Panels
Informal settlements in northern Pakistan have become
the pilot site of a new technology created at MIT to provide
much needed insulation and sound absorption for existing
housing. Using agricultural waste, such as straw, a binder
is applied that is made up of local resins to form insulating panels that can be easily installed under and between
existing corrugated metal sheeting and lightweight corrugated iron currently being used as roofing by over one
million people in Pakistan alone. The technology and construction method also mitigates added deaths when the
region experiences earthquakes, as heavy earthen roofs
often collapse and bury those inside. With the manufacturing is able to be carried out locally with already available materials to meet the growing needs, there is an opportunity for business creation and income generation.

Understandably, tin shacks and typical materials

used to construct informal settlements are extremely inefficient thermally. Inhabitants can end
up spending as much as 20% of their disposable
income on space heating throughout the winter
months, using bio-fuels such as wood, coal and
paraffin. The gasses released lead to heavy indoor
pollution levels that are up to 10 times higher than
prescribed by the World Health Organization. An
easy and effective solution is to make a house more
energy efficient is to address different, low-cost
types of insulation.

Pilot manufacturer: Ghonsla (Pakistan)

02 // Flax Insulation


Flax is a plant native to the region extending from the eastern Mediterranean to India and China, and was once extensively cultivated in Egypt today flax fibers are amongst
the oldest fiber crops in the world. The fiber has is soft,
flexible, stronger than cotton but not as elastic. Natural
insulation can be made from 100% flax fibers by matting
them together into a non-woven process and then utilizing
their properties for insulation in lofts or wall cavities. The
material has very low embodied energy and the thermal
conductivity of flax insulation is 0.037 W/mK, making it
ideal for breathable constructions.


03 // Wood Fiber Insulation


Wood fiber insulation panels are made from 100% pulped
wood fiber with no added harmful chemicals or materials, using the dry manufacturing process there is no water
treatment necessary and energy costs are low. There are
various types of wood fiber insulation for different uses
and purposes floor and roof insulation and internal/
external wall insulation. The thermal conductivity values
range from 0.04 0.05 W/mK. They protect against cold in
the winter and heat in the summer.

04 // Warmcel

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

Warmcel is an insulation are cellulose fibers extracted
from 100% recycled newspaper with natural mineral additives that make it insect, rodent and fire resistant. The
lifecycle proves more than acceptable as it consumes mini-

06 insulation
mal energy to manufacture, is non-toxic and can be disposed up without any biodegradability problems. Thermal
insulation performance is excellent, with a k value of 0.035
and a U value dependant on thickness: 100mm, U=0.35;
200mm, U=0.175; 250mm, U=0.14; 300mm, U=0.12.

05 // Corkoco
The material is a panel made of combination cork and
bioecologic coconut fiber, mainly used for acoustic insulation.
How it is used:
The performance is specialized in providing acoustic insulation and insulation for installation in attics, gaps, between rooms or apartments.
How it is made:
There are two levels of performance panels available. One
is simply a coconut fiber panel; the other is a sandwich of a
corkpan panel between two sheets of coconut fiber.

06 // Grancrete
Greensulate is a low-cost, biodegradable rigid insulating
composite. At the end of its life-cycle, the material biodegrades, rapidly breaking down and enriching the surrounding soil even accelerating the rate of breakdown for surrounding and nearby waste.
How it is used:
It can be used as an insulating composite for packaging or
industrial use in housing, to retain heat easily and costeffectively as it is cheaper than foam products (between
0.50-3.00 USD per cubic foot). Greensulate acts as a biodegradable replacement for polystyrene and Styrofoam.
How it is made:
There are no energy inputs, including heat and light since
the material is grown from renewable agricultural waste
resources using both agricultural and industrial waste

07 // Thermafleece
Thermafleece is an alternative type of home insulation,
for applications in roofs, walls and floor construction. Only
14% of embodied energy is used in comparison to common fiberglass insulation.
How it is used:
The material is intended for use as an insulator in home
How it is made:
The material is made from wool, offering a naturally higher
fire resistance than cellulose and plastic insulates. Instead
of burning, it rather melts away from the source of ignition

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06 insulation
and extinguishes itself.

08 // Natural touch cotton fiber insulation


UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

The insulation is a different type of composite, offering excellent performance qualities with regards to heating and
sound absorption for residential applications.
How is it used:
The material comes in rolls, and is applied directly to walls,
roofs and floors in homes.
How is it made:
The insulation contains 85% post-industrial recycled natural fibers, most of which are sourced from denim manufacturers giving the blue color.

06 Concrete/ cement
01 // Rice husk ash/ Pozzolanas
Cement based building materials consume vast
quantities of natural resources and contribute to
a large proportion of construction, demolition and
similar waste. The production of cement, the primary component of concrete, accounts for 5-10
percent of the worlds total carbon dioxide emissions. If the manufacturing of cement could be altered to reduce the carbon emissions by just 10%,
it would accomplish one-fith of the Kyoto Protocol
goal of a 5.2 percent reduction in total carbon dioxide emissions. There are currently available multiple alternatives or additives that can help reduce
waste and CO2 emissions when applied correctly
and suitably to location specifications.

Pozzolanas are materials containing reactive silica and/or
alumina, which in their own right have little binding ability.
Yet, when mixed with lime and water it will set and harden
like cement. They are important ingredients in alternative
cement compounds, making a significant contribution towards low-cost materials.
Rice husks are a large by-product one ton is produces per
five ton of rice paddies, and it is estimated that 120 million
tons of husk could be available annually on a global basis.
Rice is a major crop in many third world countries including China and the Indian sub-continent, South-east Asia
and in some regions of Africa and South America.
While once considered as a waste by-product, it has now
been successfully implemented as a Pozzolanas in the
commercial production of cement in several countries
including Colombia, Thailand and India including several
pilot projects underway in most of the major rice-growing
countries worldwide leaving considerable opportunity
for expansion into small and large scale production. Environmental aspects are deeply incorporated into the manufacturing process, as low-heat is necessary for the burning
of the husk and carbon quantities of the ash over 10% will
adversely affect the strength. Simple incinerators can be
made of fired clay bricks capable of controlling lower carbon quantities, used in banks of 3-4 they may produce one
tone of ash per day.



Weight for weight, rice husk contains an energy value

about half that of coal, and is therefore an important energy source, though it must be consumed close to natural production as transportation is a very unviable option.
Only 20% of its weight may be utilized as a pozzolana.
The success of using rice husks depends on the self construction of individual ovens. With the ovens, this method
would be sufficient and successful, making rice husk ash
an affordable and sustainable alternative to cement.

02 // Recycled materials in concrete

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

Despite obvious environmental and cost advantages, there
is limited development and research regarding the inclusion of waste or industrial by-products in the makeup of
concrete building materials. One risk of incorporating recycled materials into the compound is a lack of homogeneity and the chance of contamination that in general lower
the quality of the product. There is evident opportunity for
further engineering and research testing of new cement
products containing waste, focusing on durability and the
binding capability crucial for their viability.

06 Concrete/ cement
03 // Concrete canvas
Concrete canvas is exactly what its name says canvas impregnated with concrete power. With a wide range of applications, it is an extremely valuable solution to both short
term emergency response and long term installations.


The material is a 3-dimensional fiber matrix containing a

specially formulated dry concrete mix. A PVC backing on
one side of the surface ensures the material is completely
waterproof, while hydrophilic fibers on the opposite surface
help aid the hydration by drawing water into the cement.
The material can be pulled, slightly stretched, draped and
so forth fixing in place is done by nails, staples or coated
with an adhesive for easy attachment to other surfaces.
Once fixed, the material may be hydrated either by spraying or being fully immersed in water. The water activated
the concrete powder and the canvas concrete hardens to
become strong, durable, waterproof and fireproof. Fresh
water and sea water may be used to hydrate. Once wet,
the material remains flexible and workable for 4 hours.
Once set, the fibers help to reinforce the concrete and
prevent cracking.

04 // Magnesium oxide cement

Magnesium oxide cement is often referred to as eco-cement as it has been engineered to incorporate a large proportion of waste materials while retaining highly durable
qualities for construction. Magnesium deposits are found
worldwide and cover roughly 8% of the earths surface and
phosphates are available from rock, animal wastes and fermented plants.
Depending on where they are mined, magnesium oxide
and magnesium choloride cements require only 20-40%
of the energy required to produce Portland cement. MgO
uses reactive magnesia that is able to be manufactured
at a lower temperature than Portland cement, and utilizing a large portion of Pozzolanas by-product and producing
environmentally friendly, non-toxic cement. This makes it
more recyclable than Portland cement and is expected to
improve the durability while being capable of high propensity for binding waste materials. Studies are ongoing, currently producing positive results.
Magnesium-based cements are proven exceptional in promoting the health for occupants of homes in which they
are used as the prime building material. The natural compound binds exceptionally well to other cellulose materials, such as plant fibers, wood chips, Styrofoam, and stone,
unlike Portland cement that repels cellulose. The compressive strengths are many times stronger than conventional
concrete. When combined with clay and cellulose results

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing


06 Concrete/ cement
in a cement that can breathe water vapors electro-magnetically as the clay enhances the movement of moisture
and will never rot because it always expels moisture.
Natural Source: India and China

05 // Fly Ash Technology - Flash Bricks

Fly ash is a fine, toxic powder produced as a byproduct
from coal-burning power plants.
In India alone, approximately 100 million tones are generated per year, while 200 million tones are produced in China. The Indian Government took action in 2005, requiring
25 percent of the fly ash to be used in the manufacturing
of clay bricks for construction within a 50 km radius of the
original coal plant source.
Coal fired power plants are not as common world wide
such as in the Middle East where acute shortages of durable and natural building materials mean importation at
considerable financial and environmental cost.


Bricks can be manufactured entirely from waste fly ash,

formally referred to as Flash Bricks. The manufacturing
process traps any harmful chemicals to reduce generated
greenhouse gases. The materials properties include being
28 percent lighter and 24 percent stronger than comparable clay bricks. A separate aggregate called Flashag, a
concrete can be made that is 22 percent lighter and 20
percent stronger than standard products.
The construction technique and process is improved as
the material allows for lighter structures, shallower foundations, less expensive transport costs with environmental
benefits as fewer emissions are produced and the speed of
setting is quicker for comparative standard bricks, and less
usage of cement and steel reinforcement.


Natural Source: India and China

06 // Cannabrick


UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

Cannabrick is derived from the cannabis plant using the
woody inner core as a material element for construction.
This part of the plant is free of THC and used primarily for
construction in the housing sector. Performance is excellent against fire and water, as silica leached from the soil
through the plant, combined with unabsorbed lime makes
a chemical bond similar to cement and cannabis cement requires lime. The material is 100% natural, 100%
fireproof and conforms 100% to the Kyoto carbon credit

06 Concrete/ cement
07 // Syndecrete
Syndecrete is a version of concrete that uses natural minerals and recycled materials as aggregate. Fly ash is also
part of the compound, an environmental material that
conserves natural resources and prevents the production
of typical concrete contents by resourcing waste from coal
How is it used:
There are a variety of domestic applications tiles, sinks,
countertops and slabs.
How is it made:
The manufacturing process utilizes fly ash, which is a byproduct of coal when it is consumed in a power plant, and
then combines lime to form the cementitious compound.
This method requires less water and gives better durability
and workability when compared to typical concrete.


08 // TX Active
TX Active has been described aspollutant-eating cement.
It is a photocatalytic cement that works to reduce organic
and inorganic pollutants present in the air. A case study
illustrates the Milan example, where if by 15% of the visible urban surfaces was a material containing TX Active,
it would cause an approximate reduction in pollution by
50%. Scientific laboratory results have shown that three
minutes of sun exposure is sufficient to obtain a reduction
of polluting agents up to 75%.


09 // Bendable Concrete
A new type of concrete has been developed by the University of Michigan. The fiber-reinforced bendable concrete is
500 times more resistant to cracking, and weighs 40 percent less. The compound is made up of 2 percent fiber,
designed for maximum flexibility. The costs and overall
emissions are estimated to be lower as a result of its long

10 // Grancrete
Grancrete is a spray applied to Styrofoam walls, of which
it adheres to and cures within 15 minutes. With properties proven to perform better than concrete, such as it being stronger, fire resistant, able to withstand both tropical
and sub-freezing temperatures and ideal for a range of
geographic locations, this is ideal for the construction of
low-cost housing. The Styrofoam remains in place after the
spray is applied, acting as an insulator although woven
fiber mats may be substituted and reduce the raw materials required. It is important to source materials and labor

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing


that is as indigenous as possible Grancrete makes use of

the natural resources such as soil and ash found in nearly
every village, it is made of 50 percent sand or sandy soil,
25 percent ash and 25 percent binding material the binding material consisting of magnesium oxide and potassium
phosphate, with the latter being a biodegradable element
in fertilizer. After two days of training on how to control and
calibrate the machinery, the house may be fully assembled
in another two day period. The cost of an approximately
400 square feet home would cost roughly $6,000 US for labor and materials considerably less than the same dwelling constructed with conventional materials.
(developed in USA/ can be manufactured and applied worldwide)

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 Textiles
01 // ZeroFly
Zerofly, manufactured through Vestergaard Frandsen, is a
plastic sheeting deployed in complex disasters to provide
immediate shelter with an added insecticide proven to
protect against disease vectors such as malaria mosquitoes. The strategy driving the development of such materials incorporates the Millennium Development Goals of
combating diseases, improving maternal health, reducing
infant mortality rate and establishing global partnerships
for development. Environmental importance is also critical
Zerofly works to assure the protection and minimization
possible adverse effects on the environment through reducing waste and emissions into the air, ground and water,
recycling and reusing materials and products where ever
possible and implementing environmentally friendly technologies.



02 // EnkaRetain + Drain
The product provides an all-in-one drainage and water retention matting. The material has several important qualities; among them is high strength, a durable composite
inert to biological degradation and naturally encountered
chemicals, extreme resistance to punctures and tears.
Where LEED sustainability recognition is given, the product can contribute up to 2 points when used in conjunction
with other recycled content products.
How it is used:
The material can be used in a variety of ways; some of the
most popular are green roofs and roof gardens, reducing
storm water runoff, heat islands and energy consumption.
The water retention factor allows plants to root and keep a
continuous source of moisture, while filtering and draining
any excess.
How it is made:
Made of 50% post-industrial recycled polypropylene, the
composite comprises a fused drainage core, entangled
filaments and specially formulated water retention fabric bonded to one side. Other elements include post consumer recycled non-woven polyester fabric mechanically
bonded to a layer of synthetic hydrophilic (water) absorbent mat designed to hold between 10 and 12 times its
unit weight of water.

03 // Green cell foam (GCF)

Green cell foam, developed at Michigan State University,
is an environmentally friendly, bio-based and bio-degradable foam designed to perform best in short-term use as
it holds a short-term, typically single use, lifespan. It acts
a solution to waste generated in packaging when transporting materials, components and articles. The material

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing



06 Textiles
provides protection during the shipping, and then can be
easily discarded, composted, recycled, dissolved or even
How it is used:
The main purpose of this material is for protective, water
resistant packaging of industrial and consumer items, also
having the ability to act as an insulator for shipping coolers.
How it is made:
There is a one-step green extrusion process that uses nonGM, high-amylose cornstarch to produce the resilient and
flexible foam.

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 plastic
01 // Durat
Durat is a solid polyester based material used for custom
made interior surfaces and molds. The content includes
recycled plastics and is itself 100% recyclable. The product
is very durable, resistant to wear, humidity, chemicals and
can be renewed by slight sanding.
How is it used:
The material is manufactured in sheets typically, but can
create sink models and custom made sanitary units. Often
sheets are used for counter surfaces with seamless joints.
How is it made:
The manufacturer collects raw plastic waste in Scandinavia
and transforms it into high quality products, using modern
technology and flexible molding systems.


02 // NatureWorks



Cargill Dow has invented a new technology to produce
performance polymers entirely from annually renewable
resources. Using a patented technology, they start with
natural sugars derived from plants such as corn, wheat,
beets and rice and use fermentation to create lactic acid
(a food additive) and some simple refining steps to create
polylactide polymers (PLA). The result is the only commercially viable polymer to combine performance and cost
competitiveness with outstanding environmental benefits.
NatureWorks clear plastic polylactide PLA can be shaped
into a variety of bottles, containers, trays, film and other
packaging. NatureWorks LLC operates a global-scale facility in Blair, Nebraska, USA, capable of producing more than
140,000 metric tons (300 million pounds) of NatureWorks
PLA per year. From cradle to resin, the production of NatureWorks PLA uses 68 percent less fossil fuel resources
than traditional plastics (PET) and it is the worlds first
greenhouse-gas-neutral polymer.

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 other
01 // FlexForm High Density Hardboard
FlexForm is a blend of natural fibers and fiberized thermal
plastic polymers either polypropylene or polyester. The
fiber compositions can be custom blended to meet a variety of needs. The finished product is available in rolls or
sheets, in any length for specific applications.
How it is used:
FlexForm can take the replacement of many materials and
applications, as its properties are so flexible and adaptable.
How it is made:
The material is 100% recyclable after use, created with
natural fibers. FlexForm produces no toxic VOC emissions,
and can reduce a manufacturers total emissions of volatile
chemical while helping improve the environment through
bettering interior air quality, lessening trim waste through
the process of recycling and reducing land fill.


02 // hyperbranched amino silica [HAS]

Hyperbranced amnino silica [HAS] product is unique, in
that it address the problems of existing CO2 capture techniques involving a solid material that is unable to be
used repeatedly, or liquid adsorbents that are expensive
and require significant amounts of energy. HAS is capable
of absorbing 5 times as much carbon dioxide as the best
existing materials currently available. Studies and tests are
ongoing, at the Georgia Institute of Technology, by Jeffrey
How it is used:
HAS is a new low-cost material for capturing carbon dioxide directly from the smoke stacks of coal-fired power
plants and similar generators of the GHG.
How it is made:
The material has a high capacity for absorbing carbon dioxide, produced with a simple one-step chemical process,
and may be reused several times. By adding CO2-adsorbing amine polymer groups to a solid silica substrate using
covalent bonding the material was formed and works to
perform. The amine polymer is initiated on the silica surface which creates solid material that can be filtered out
and dried. This chemical bond makes it possible to be used
and reused many times.


(HAS http://www.gatech.edu/newsroom/release.html?id=1746

03 // Eco Paint

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

Ecopaint is a new paint has been developed, to act as a
sponge for some of the most noxious gases (NOx) released
in vehicle exhaust that can lead to respiratory problems
and triggers smog. Only available in Europe, it is currently

06 other
undergoing further testing.
How it is used:
It is envisioned this can be used by architects and designers in a more urban context and at large scale.
How it is made:
The paints base is polysiloxane, a silicon-based polymer.
Embedded are 30 nanometre wide spherical nanoparticles
of titanium dioxide and calcium carbonate being so small
makes it possible for the paint to appear clear, with the
possibility to add pigment for desired effects.
04 // Abaca
This Material uses the residues produced from banana
harvesting and recycles them into a high-pressure decorative laminate. Available in ten neutral hues, and is suitable
for horizontal and vertical applications. The recycled banana fiber in the product comprises of approximately 40%
post-industrial recovered content.



05 // Reapor
The material Reapor is developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics. It is fiber-free, waterproof,
fireproof and resistant to acid attack. While being light in
weight, it is stable and performs well, insulating against
heat and cold and absorbs sound. The environmentally
friendly aspect is evident in the 90% recycled glass content,
and it can be recycled entirely. Construction and manufacturing is made easy through simple machinery, and ease
to saw or drill. The basic compound is an expanded glass
called Liaver, a spherical and lightweight building material
made from recycled glass. The material can be used as an
additive to mortar or plaster to reduce the density and
weight. As glass only melts at the point of contact, no additional binders are required. The size and distribution of
the pores are entirely customer/project controlled giving
a determinable degree of thermal and acoustic insulation
as well as weight requirement.

01 // Claytec Reed Boards

Claytec reed boards are manufactured from renewable
sources mainly derived from plants, bound using zinc coated wire and held in position with dabs of plaster before an
outer surface coat application. There has been a proven
performance which rates above standard under European
regulations in areas of global warming and mineral extraction.
How is it used:
They are primarily used for the base construction in walls,
ceilings and roofs. Alternatively, they may be incorporat-

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing



ed into internal timber framed construction before being

coated in plaster.
How is it made:
A level surface may be accomplished by laying them crossways. Fixings include reed board pegs, screws or pressed
into freshly applied plaster. The construction may be carried out easily, requiring minimal tools. All cutting work is
done through a metal blade jigsaw, or side-cutter for portions with metal binding wires.

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 paper
01 // Shetka Stone


ShetkaStone is an innovative product produced from recycling all types of paper (including glossy, waxed and
magazines) and combining it with plants and cloth fibers.
The result can be made into anything from countertops,
benches and molding. The company is based in the USA,
where paper currently accounts for 40% of the total solid
waste produced.
How is it used:
The patented process is created by making slurry of pre
and post consumer waste, which is formed and hardened.
This is ideal for interior fittings, such as counters, cabinets
and so forth.
How is it made:
The material offers a 100% sustainable life cycle due to the
recycled content as the waste created in the manufacturing process, as well as products that have become damaged or reached the end of their use, can go back into the
manufacturing procedure.
02// cardboard

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 Earth/ adobe/ clay

01 // Earth blocks
Material production requires approximately 75% of the
energy used in construction. The brick industry in India
produces 22% of the CO2 emissions by the construction
sector and requires about 27% of the energy used in building material production. Combinations of factors lead to
the continuing of inappropriate, poor environmentally
sound materials and building standards.

Clay is commonly presumed to be a sustainable material. Yet, the environmental impact is most devastating throughout the production process as the
energy consumption for firing bricks and the quarrying of raw materials is great. The overall impact
must also include the transport and production of
the raw materials, while limiting the use of primary
raw materials results in a smaller environmental
footprint for the production process. The lifecycle
of a brick generates very minimal waste, equating
to approximately 1.2g per kg of the product. Other
benefits include high thermal mass with balanced
and responsive conditions for cold and hot periods,
good sound insulation properties, and ability to absorb and diffuse water vapor and absorb odors.

The production of simple earth blocks only requires around

one thousand of the energy needed to fire bricks, and even
in cases where earth is stabilized with cement it is no more
than a sixth per kg of material.
02 // Ecobrique
The Ecobrique is a French revolution in brick making by
vBc 3000. It is a ceramic product made from partially dried
sewage sludge by incorporating waste treatment plant residue in the clay matrix. The lightweight material is just as
durable as the traditional counterpart being fired in traditional kilns or rotary furnaces. Throughout this process,
the organic matter creates porosity and expansion in the
material, this is where it lightens and gives good properties of heat insulation and soundproofing.


03 // Claytec
Claytec bricks are comprised of clay, sand and straw. As
they are hand pressed and unfired, they are unsuitable for
load bearing walls. Benefits do include good acoustic properties, thermal qualities that help regulate temperature
and humidity, the clay absorbs and diffuses water vapor,
absorbs odors and have a low embodied energy.



UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 Wood
01 // Accoya Wood



Accoya is a new type of wood species, well researched with
repeatedly demonstrated high performance qualities. The
properties exceed some of the best tropical hardwoods,
while the manufacturing process utilizes a non-toxic process after sourcing wood from certified and sustainable
How it is used:
The material is suitable for several housing purposes, such
as cladding, siding and facades requiring infrequent
maintenance and offering durability and insulation. More
detailed applications include doors, window frames, decking and furniture.
How it is made:
The technical properties of the wood have been improved
based on a process of acetylation, studied by scientists
for more than 75 years. The process alters the actual cell
structure of the wood by transforming free hydroxyl groups
into acetyl groups hydrogen, oxygen and carbon already
present in all wood types. The compounds can be derived
independently from acetic acid. Therefore, the process
does not introduce anything to the wood that does not
naturally occur in it.
02 // Dakota Burl


Dakota Burl composite is a unique bio-based material,
which exhibits the same aesthetic qualities of traditional
burled woods.
How is it used:
The material is primarily for interior use, such as tables
and counters, cabinetry, furniture and similar architectural
How is it made:
The material is created from an agricultural fiber and sunflower hulls and can be worked using standard woodworking tools.
03 // Palm Fiberboard
Palm trees are dense throughout most tropical and subtropical regions. Stripped palm stalks, palm leaves and the
tree trunk are made waste in vast quantities after harvesting oil takes place.
How is it used:
The Wilhelm Klauditz Institute [WKI] has developed ways
of manufacturing fiberboard with the fibers for use in the
construction and furniture industry.
How is it made:
By optimizing various stages of the process for pulping the
fibers they may be made into materials. Other residues
are crushed and pulped in a thermomechanical process.

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 Wood
Steam heats the fibers and the soft raw material is ground
into a refiner. Finally, an adhesive is added to the material, and hot-pressed to create the desired density of the
04 // Arboform


The Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology is developing a thermoplastic wood material, based on natural
resources that have properties allowing it to deform under heat. Although the material holds similar properties
to wood, it can be easily and cheaply injection-molded like
a plastic. The rigidity is a result of the raw material lignin,
the second most frequently occurring polymer in nature.
Because of the properties, the material may be used as
a base material. With regards to furniture, the lignin replaces traditional synthetics such as polyamide.
05 // Eco-shake
Eco-shake is an innovative roofing material replacing common wood shake shingles. It is manufactured with 100%
recycled material, reinforced vinyl and cellulose fiber. Performance excels in extreme weather conditions, suitable
for all climates. The UV protected, lightweight shingles
require no maintenance, are wind, fire and impact resistance installed easily.
How it is used:
The shingles are designed for suitability in both commercial and residential roofing applications, suitable for all climates.
How it is made:
The product is made from two recycled materials reinforced vinyl and cellulose fiber. Through the process of
manufacturing, it dramatically reduces the amount of materials that would otherwise end up in landfills, and benefits the environment through preserving natural forests
by using only waste wood products.

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

06 Metal
01 // CoreTough
CoreTough is a honeycombed composite wall, sandwiched
between a rivet free, one seamless piece of thick outer
facing and thin inner facing. Pound for pound, the material
is lighter than aluminium and stronger than steel. The performance addresses and solves four common problem areas with metallic materials and construction: leakage, rust
and corrosion, dents and dings, and weight management.
The manufacturing process starts with a plastic sheet material, the core material is formed through a process of
heat and convection, the core sheet is expanded to the
desired honeycomb thickness and geometry. The outer
layer is then mated, giving a high degree of rigidity.

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

05 Design
UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

05 design
Passive Solar design
Passive solar building design was developed on
the basis of combining climatology, thermodynamics primarily focusing on heat transfer and human
thermal comfort, achieving heating and cooling
methods independent of, or infrequently requiring, active systems. The aim performance is to capture and steadily release heat through convection,
conduction and radiation during cooler periods,
while blocking sun and cooling in warmer months.
Specifics tailored to individual applications with
careful integrations of the following principles are
crucial for controlled implementation: considered
site and location of the shelter, prevailing climate,
design and construction, solar orientation, the size,
placement and orientation of glazing and shading
elements and defined thermal mass. Computer
modeling can be used in conjunction, making refinements and testing applications of various other
technologies - deriving significant energy savings
without compromising the functionality or aesthetics. While passive solar design is one part of improving the green performance of buildings, a step
towards cost-effective zero energy building and
does not impact the life cycle analysis.

to the south of buildings can help achieve partial effects

of passive solar design. The summer months are shaded
by full foliage, preventing excessive and unnecessary heat
gain. While winter months cause a loss of leaves, allowing
an increase of solar heat gain on the colder days.
It is important to create adaptable design options for changing seasonal patterns and temperature irregularity caused
by thermal lag - where the sun remains at the same altitude
for the 6-week period before and after solstice, although
the heating and cooling requirements are significantly different. Thermal lag incorporates the period of time a material requires to absorb and then re-release the heat, or
for heat to be conducted through the material. Influential
factors include: the temperature difference between each
face, exposure to air movement and air speed, texture and
coatings of surfaces, thickness of material and the conductivity of the material. There are several mechanisms that
help control temperature severity during different hours of
the day, such as interior insulated drapes, shutters, exterior
roll-down shade screens or retractable awnings.
Window Placement
Natural Ventilation

Sun Path
Seasonal variations and climate zones depend greatly on daily sun paths specific to the hemisphere and
latitude. Generally the sun rises in the east and sets
in the west. Though, in equatorial regions located
at less than 23.5 degrees, the position of the sun at
solar noon oscillates from north to south and back
again, throughout the year. During six of the summer months, in regions closer than 23.5 degrees
from either the North or South Pole, the sun traces
a complete circle in the sky without setting while
it remains below the horizon for the six months
constituting winter. In the non-tropical latitudes
of the Northern Hemisphere, farther than 23.5 degrees from the equator the sun reaches its highest
point toward the south, and operates more rigidly
through the seasons. Daylight hours are shortened
as the sun rises and sets progressively further south
as winter solstice approaches. Summer generates
reversed patterns, with the sun rising and setting
further north, creating longer daylight hours. The
contrary is observed in the Southern Hemisphere,
while both regions see the sun follow east to west
By positioning rooted deciduous trees or bushes

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

Direct Gain and Thermal Mass

Direct gain is the simplest form of natural heating by exposing thermal mass to direct sun exposure, capturing and
storing the passive heat gain for slow and gradual release.
Some of the most effective thermal mass materials are
dense, heavy and dark in color - include concrete, stone
and masonry retaining heat even in the absence of direct sunlight. Thermal mass controls its properties on the
cycle of climate temperatures. In warmer months the mass
is prevented from receiving direct sunlight through design
mechanisms such as roof overhangs, and so absorbs excess
indoor heat, lowering the internal temperature.
Indirect Gain
Indirect gain uses the same materials and methods as direct
gain systems, with an adaption to design principles. Thermal mass is positioned between direct sun exposure and
the space to be heated with the methodology of inducing
a separation of warm and cool air flows using natural pressure systems. Examples of performance systems include
trombe walls, water walls, roof ponds and deep-cover
earthed roofs.
The suns heat is collected and trapped in a narrow space
between the window and the thick masonry wall after it
passes through the windows. This heats the air, which rises

and spills into the room through vents at the top

of the wall. Cooled air then moves to take its place
from vents at bottom of the wall. The heated air
circulates throughout the room by convection. The
thermal mass continues to absorb and store heat to
radiate back into the room after the sun has gone.
Louvers can be placed in the vents to prevent warm
air from escaping through them at night.
Passive Cooling
Passive cooling uses design features or technologies to stimulate air flow and cool the environment
without reliance on energy sources or power consumption. The stack effect can be utilized in tall
buildings incorporating a solar chimney to draw
out the hot air that rises.
Isolated Solar Gain
Isolated solar gain segregates the direct area of heat
absorption to later redistribute elsewhere using air
or liquid, such as water, either directly or through a
thermal store. The design and passive concept becomes more flexible with the establishment of a
convective loop. Alternative options to capture an
isolated heat gain in air are through sun-spaces,
greenhouses or conservatories.
Day Lighting
Energy consumption is costly in several ways, therefore it is important to provide alternatives where
possible. Day lighting is a better, natural quality of
light source as opposed to artificial lights which increase energy demand. To maximize the gain there
are standardized design techniques: detailing large
south-facing windows the size at least 15% of the
rooms floor area in all cases, keep the main orientation of the building within 30 degrees of the
south and situate the most frequently used rooms
to the south side of the shelter, while rooms with
minimal use should have smaller window sizes and
be positioned to the north.
Angle of Incident Radiation
Incident radiation in more technical terms is the
amount of solar radiation hitting a surface per unit
of time and area. The amount of solar gain transmitted through glass is dependant and effected by
the angle of penetration. The majority of sunlight
hitting glass within 20 degrees of perpendicular is
transmitted, while light is mainly reflected at more
than 35 degrees from perpendicular.

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

Air Tightness

07 Technology +

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

07 technology + Construction
01 // Moladi formwork systems



The system allows a whole house to be cased and built
in one day, using plastic formwork or cimbras. With the
labor of unskilled employment, time is reduced along with
waste and cost. The final product is a wall stronger than
brick using a technology that far outweighs poorly designed concrete-block and masonry structures that are far
more costly.
How it is used:
The system is a developed construction technology. Moladi creates a steel-reinforced concrete structure that is
able to withstand natural disasters such as hurricanes and
earthquakes, while providing thermal insulation and moisture resistance.
How it is made:
Using on-site plastic molds, concrete is poured to create
flatting raft foundations, high strength walls and leaves the
option for any roof material to be applied.
(developed/manufactured in South Africa - successfully used in
South Africa, Kenya and Botswana)

02// Carbon Cast

Carbon Cast is a pre-cast technology uses a carbon-fiber
grid as a secondary, corrosion free, reinforcement or shear
transfer depending on the scenario. The technology works
to require less concrete, adding to the durability and producing a lighter structure. Insulation may be easily integrated into a more compact wall make-up and improving
the thermal performance given its low thermal conductivity. Cladding panels also benefit, weighing less than conventional precast panels.

03 // Insulating Concrete Formwork (ICF)


Insulating concrete forms are hollow blocks or a panel
that is made of expanded polystyrene insulation, or other
types of insulating foam, that builders can use to stack and
form walls (Similar to Lego bricks). They can create a cavity
wall, or become a mould for the structural walls of a building when concrete can then be pumped in to form the
structural element of the walls. The structure is basically
a sandwich consisting of a heavy, high-strength material
between two layers of light and highly insulated material
to create air tightness, strength, and insulation, mass and
sound attenuation.
Advantages of this system include:
- Minimal air leaks, if any which provide a consistent
comfortable balance and less heat loss
- Extraordinary energy performance
- Fast and simple construction

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing

07 technology
- Competitive costs
- High sound absorption for locations prone to high traffic,
circulation or is densely surrounded
- Little waste and the opportunity to utilize local materials
- Time-tested structural integrity
- Resistance to forces of nature and climate change providing a superior lifespan and low embodied energy values
- Low maintenance and high durability
- Lower whole life cost and higher resale value
- Flame-retardant EPS will only burn while the flame is directly applied to the foam, the smoke that results is less
toxic than wood smoke from ordinary timber
- During construction, the walls and floors form one continuous surface that keep insects and vermin out
- A healthy indoor environment actual ICF homes have
shown an almost complete absence of any emissions
03 // Cordwood
This type of constructions demands additional space as the
walls typically range between 12 24 inches thick, with
pieces of wood slightly proud of the mortar and are best
for round floor plans. Thermal mass helps to average the
interior temperature throughout different seasonal periods. The make-up is dominated by wood, accounting for
approximately 40-60% of the wall system; the remaining
consists of mortar, and only three to four inches deep on
each side with insulating fill. Different combinations and
mixtures of mortars and insulation fill impact on the overall R-value or resistance to heat flow. The wood is derived
from the ends of fallen trees or left over log ends, even
split firewood, utility poles, split rail or fence poles. It is
best to use rot-free wood. The costs are significantly less
than standard timber frame housing, it requires less longterm maintenance and is less expensive to construct. Due
to the thermal mass, this type of construction is more ideal
for colder climates.

UN-HABITAT low cost sustainable housing


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