Salman Jack
Salman Jack
Salman Jack
technical article
For decades, the main use of seismic data has been to delineate sedimentary bodies and tectonic features in the subsurface. The mission of exploring inside the geological body is a
relatively recent development. Mapping porosity, lithology
and other reservoir bulk properties inside the geological body
has become possible due to the recent dramatic improvement
in seismic acquisition, imaging and inversion quality, as well
as the accompanying advances in rock physics.
Rock physics provides transforms between a reservoir's
elastic properties and its bulk properties and conditions,
including porosity, lithology, pore fluid and pore pressure.
Such transforms are known as trends. Trends are built from
controlled experiments where both the elastic and bulk prop-
Figure 1 The seismic section (full stack) between two vertical wells. The reservoir is located between reflectors A and B.
Reflector C marks the transition from gas to oil.
* Stanford Rock Physics Laboratory
2004 EAGE
technical article
Figure 2 Well-log data for Well 1 (left) and Well 2 (right). The well-log curves are (from left to right): gamma-ray (API);
hydrocarbon saturation (fraction); measured P-wave impedance (km/s g/cc); total porosity (fraction); P-wave impedance
(km/s g/cc) calculated for 100% water saturation. The porosity and impedance frames also show the upscaled curves that
are the running mean average for porosity and the Backus average for impedance with one-quarter wavelength used as an
averaging window.
identify the pore fluid from P-wave data only, without using
offset information. As a result, we map both pore fluid and
porosity, using only stacked seismic data.
Seismic data
The seismic line under examination (Fig. 1) connects two
vertical wells and was extracted from a 3D seismic volume in
the North Sea Troll Field. The data were sampled at 2 ms
intervals and stacked at all offsets. The two wells are located
at CDP gathers 3 and 190. The two-way traveltime window
of interest is between 1400 and 1900 ms. The reservoir is
located between two seismic horizons (A and B in Fig. 1).
The gasoil contact is located at the flat reflector C. The
relief of the reservoir changes abruptly in the middle of the
section, which is typical for the step-like offshore sediment
topology in the Troll Field.
2004 EAGE
technical article
The seismic wavelength is usually much larger than the scale
of rock-property variation observed in well-log data. Let us
assume that the average P-wave velocity is 2.5 km/s and the
dominant frequency is 50 Hz. Then the wavelength is 50 m
and the quarter-wavelength is 12.5 m. In order to understand
how the rock properties observed from seismic are related to
those derived from well logs and also how the rock-physics
transforms relevant to well-log data hold at the seismic scale,
we conduct upscaling using the quarter-wavelength as an
averaging window.
The two rock properties to be linked to each other are (a)
the total porosity and (b) the P-wave impedance. Therefore,
for both wells, we (a) calculate the average porosity by applying the running mean filter to the data and (b) calculate the
effective impedance by using the Backus (1962) average. These
Figure 3 Impedanceporosity crossplots of water-substituted well-log data at the original log scale as well as upscaled. The
curves in the crossplots are from effective-medium models. The red curves are from the uncemented sand model with clay
content of 0%, 10% and 20%. The black curve is from the constant cement model. In the models, the critical porosity is
0.4, the coordination number is 8 and the cemented porosity is 0.375.
2004 EAGE
technical article
2004 EAGE
technical article
the flat reflector that marks the gasoil contact. The impedance dramatically increases across this contact.
Next we apply the impedanceporosity transform functions, given by equations (1) and (2), to the impedance section. The resulting total porosity section is shown in Fig. 5
(bottom). The predicted porosity curves at the wells are compared to the upscaled well-log data in Fig. 6. The seismic
porosity curves closely track the upscaled well-log porosity
curves. The mismatch present in some sections of Well 1
is probably due to the scatter of data around the impedanceporosity transform curves (Fig. 4).
Note that the porosity section is qualitatively different
from the impedance section, i.e. it does not reflect the sharp
horizontal impedance contrast at the flat gasoil contact
reflector (about 1680 ms two-way traveltime). This is
because before using the impedanceporosity transforms, we
identified the pore fluid and then applied the transforms
selectively, according to equations (1) and (2).
Model-based rock physics analysis of well-log data combined with seismic impedance inversion allows us to see
inside a reservoir and, by producing reservoir property volumes, to go beyond outlining geobodies and mapping lithofacies. In the framework of this approach, it is paramount to
understand the factors that affect the trends present in the
data and to describe these trends by an effective-medium
model rather than by a direct statistical fit.
We have shown that, in soft sand, it is possible to discriminate gas-saturated intervals from liquid-saturated intervals by using only P-wave data. This result, however, does
not eliminate the need for AVO analysis as the primary tool
for hydrocarbon detection. The reason is that in certain environments, water-saturated shale may be as soft as gas-saturated sand and the latter can only be delineated on the basis
of a low Poissons ratio.
The resolution of reservoir properties produced by integrating rock physics and seismic still does not exceed seismic
resolution. As a result, it should not be expected that, without additional stringent assumptions, reservoir properties
can be mapped at sub-seismic resolution. By using the deterministic approach described here, we only can image average
properties, such as average porosity.
Laura Piontek
Tel.: +31 30 635 40 55
Fax: +31 30 634 35 24
The data and technical advice, as well as part of the funding
for this study, were supplied by Norsk Hydro. This study
was also supported by the Stanford Rock Physics Laboratory
and Saudi Aramco.
Avseth, P., Dvorkin, J., Mavko, G. and Rykkje, J. [2000]
Rock physics diagnostic of North Sea sands: Link between
microstructure and seismic properties. Geophysical Research
Letters 27, 27612764.
2004 EAGE