Pita Vs CA
Pita Vs CA
Pita Vs CA
Court of Appeals
G.R. No. 80806, October 5, 1989
Pursuing an Anti-Smut Campaign, members of the Metropolitan Police Force of Manila seized
and confiscated from dealers, distributors, newsstand owners and peddlers along Manila
sidewalks magazines, publications and other reading materials believed to be obscene,
pornographic and indecent. Said materials were burned in public, including Pinoy Playboy
whose co-editor and publisher is the petitioner, Leo Pita.
plaintiff filed a case for injunction with prayer for issuance of the writ of preliminary injunction
against Mayor Bagatsing and Narcisco Cabrera, as superintendent of Western Police District of
the City of Manila, seeking to enjoin and/or restrain said defendants and their agents from
confiscating plaintiffs magazines or from otherwise preventing the sale or circulation thereof
claiming that the magazine is a decent, artistic and educational magazine which is not per se
obscene, and that the publication is protected by the Constitutional guarantees of freedom of
speech and of the press.
plaintiff filed an Urgent Motion for issuance of a temporary restraining order. against
indiscriminate seizure, confiscation and burning of plaintiff's "Pinoy Playboy" Magazines,
pending hearing on the petition for preliminary injunction. Such restraining order was granted.
defendant Mayor Bagatsing admitted the confiscation and burning of obscene reading materials,
but claimed that the said materials were voluntarily surrendered by the vendors to the police
authorities and that petitioners establishment was not raided.
Whether or not petitioners Pinoy Playboy is considered obscene
To test whether a material is obscene, as to constitute a clear and present danger, which would
be a valid ground for restraining the freedom of expression:
(a) whether the average person, applying contemporary standards would find the work, taken
as a whole appeals to the prurient interest.
(b) whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct
specifically defined by the applicable state law.
(c) whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.