Petroleum Webquest
Petroleum Webquest
Petroleum Webquest
In this webquest you will be looking at the how, what, when, why and where of oil
refining. The How Stuff Works Website has an abudance of information that you will
search through. Go to the website, read through the information, and answer these
2. List at least 4 items that are produced by petroleum.
Crude Oil
This section corresponds with page 2, all about Crude Oil.
3. What is crude oil?
4. What are hydrocarbons?
5. Why are hydrocarbons exciting to chemists?
9. List the 8 products that come from crude oil and their boiling points.
13. How do oil companies make enough gasoline without continuously distilling large
amounts of crude oil? (they use chemical processes to turn some of the other fractions
into gasoline.)
We make many things from oil. More than just gasoline, diesel, and tar. Use Google and
look up petroleum products. List at least 10.