Six Healing Sounds
Six Healing Sounds
Six Healing Sounds
SixSyllable Secret or the Six Basic Soundless Sounds for Health. Kenneth Cohen says the practice is attributed
to a six-century Buddhist hermit. Craig Reid quotes a fifth century description of the system by a famous
physician, Tao Hung-jing (perhaps the same as Cohen's hermit?):
One should take air in through the nose and let it out slowly through the mouth... There is one
way of drawing breath in and six ways of expelling breath out. The six ways of expelling breath
are represented by the syllables hs, her, hoo, sss, chway, shee. The six ways of exhalation can
cure illness: to expel heat, one uses chway; to expel cold, one uses hoo; to relieve tension, use
shee; to release anger, use her; to display malaise, use hs; and to regain equilibrium, use sss.
The benefits described are thus more physical than spiritual per se, but to the extent that the Taoist tradition
values balance and physical health, they could perhaps be considered a foundational practice for Taoist
students. In comparison to Indian yoga techniques, the six healing sounds could be said to be more similar to
pranayama than to mantra.
In addition to the benefits listed previously, each sound is associated with an organ (sometimes more than
one) and with a phase from the Five Phases system of Chinese metaphysics. Ni Hua-Ching states: "Each of
the six vibrations has a psychic influence on its corresponding organ sphere which prompts the expulsion of
impurities from the sphere and its manifestations, and the gathering of fresh energy into each system."
Although a number of different modern masters teach the six sounds technique, there are differences, both
small and large, in the sounds that they describe:
The pronunciation of the sounds varies. Most of the apparent differences seem to arise from the
difficulty of representing these sounds phonetically in print. Comparing the descriptions given by
different teachers can help give you insight into the correct production of the sound. However, the
sound for the kidneys really does vary significantly, and is given by different teachers as Foo,
Chway, or Chrroooeee.
The degree of vocalization varies. In many cases, the sounds are apparently just the sound of your
breath exhaling, with such variations as can be caused by different positions of the tongue, lips, and
teeth. However, some teachers pronounce some of the sounds as if they include a vowel, so the vocal
cords in your throat are actively vibrating. Sat Chuen Hon vocalizes each of the sounds, which
greatly shortens the consonant part of the sound the emphasizes the vowel instead. At the other
extreme, Ni Hua-Ching says that each vibration must be inaudible: "If the sound is coarse and
audible it will hurt the chi of the body."
The order of the sounds varies from teacher to teacher. In most cases, the order follows the
productive cycle of the Five Phases. However, different teachers begin from different points in the
cycle. And Ni gives an order that doesn't relate in any obvious way to Five Phase theory.
The following table lists the sounds as explained by several teachers. The account given here is somewhat
simplified. For example, some teachers suggest visualizations to accompany the sounds. Also, some of the
teachers below (Cohen, Davis, and Reid) provide suggested movements to perform while making the sounds.
For full details, refer to the works cited under Sources later in this article.
Heart, Small
Lungs, Large
Joy (Excitement)
3. Shhhhhhh,
4. Hawwwwwww,
5. Whoooooo, 1. Ssssssss,
"made subsubvocally.
vocally and
felt in the
2. "Round the
lips and
silently make
the sound one
makes in
blowing out a
6. Heeeeeee,
3. Sh, "as
though saying
'Hushhh, be
quiet.' At the
end of the sh,
form your
mouth into the
U shape."
2. Chrroooeee,
"low chant"
6. Seeee
making the
sound, form
the mouth
into a smiling
1. Xu
2. Ho (vocalized)
3. Shoo (same
as sound for
Metal, but with
lips rounded)
3. Fu
4. Xi
5. Chu
See, vocalized) Chew,
6. Hey
rhymes with
4. Khe (initial
6. Hoo (like
consonant is
blowing out a
between K and H, candle)
with lips shaped as
if to make the "uh"
sound in "put")
1. Shhh (like
someone to be
2. Chway
5. Sssssss
1. Shoo
2. Haa
3. Hoo
4. Sss
5. Foo
6. Shee
4. Shu
1. Ho
2. Hu
3. Szz
6. Fu
5. Shi (relates
to gallbladder
rather than
triple burner)
1. Hs, "as
'shoo,' with
lips pursed, but
softened by the
umlaut over
the vowel."
3. Hoo,
"'who,' with
the lips
rounded and
the tongue
suspended in
as if blowing
out a candle."
4. Sss, "as in
'hiss,' without
the initial 'hi-,'
with your
tongue behind
the lower teeth
and the upper
and lower lips
5. Chway, "as
in 'way' with a
'ch' in front.
Lips slightly
pursed on the
initial 'ch,' then
relaxed and
open on the
final 'way'."
6. Shee,
"'she,' with
the teeth
parted and
lips formed
in a small
Additionally, Jou, Tsung Hwa states: "The Taoists use a Mantra of Who, Shoe, Foo, Way, Chemmy, She,
which not only trains the concentration, but strengthens the body through the correspondence of each sound
with an internal organ. If in a group, this is usually done by chanting the same syllable over and over, or it
can be done by chanting prayers." It is difficult to tell how to fit these syllables into the table above, but they
evidently form a variant of the same system of six healing sounds.
1. In the Organs list of above chart, the Triple Burner is probably unfamiliar to most Westerners. Beinfeld
and Korngold define it as "an integrating function that ties together and harmonizes the physiologic
processes of the primary Organ Networks."
Beinfeld and Korngold: Harriet Beinfeld and Efrem Korngold, Between Heaven and Earth: A Guide to Chinese Medicine. New
York: Ballantine Books, 1992. This is a good book to consult if you want further information on the Five Phase theory in Chinese
Chia: Spafford C. Ackerly, "Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds Practices: As taught by Master Mantak Chia," Universal Tao
Center, Thailand. At Based on Mantak Chia, Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into
Vitality: The Inner Smile * Six Healing Sounds, Huntington, NY: Healing Tao Books, 1986.
Cohen: Kenneth S. Cohen, The Way of Qigong: The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing. New York: Ballantine Books, 1999.
Pp. 165-166. Also his videotape, Qigong : Traditional Chinese Exercises for Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit Qigong: Traditional
Chinese Exercises for Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit. Sounds True Video, 1996.
Dantao: Dantao Center of New York, "6 Healing sounds" at An audio clip of the six
sounds is at The same school has issued the book, Taoist Qigong for Health and Vitality:
A Complete Program of Movement, Meditation, and Healing Sounds, by Sat Chuen Hon.
Davis: Deborah Davis, The Spirit of Qi Gong (videotape). Deborah Davis Productions, PO Box 31944, Santa Fe, NM 87594. Also
Jou: Jou, Tsung Hwa, The Tao of Meditation: Way to Enlightenment. Scottsdale, Arizona: Tai Chi Foundation, 1983. P. 111.
Ni: Hua-Ching Ni, Tao: The Subtle Universal Law and the Integral Way of Life. Santa Monica, California: Seven Star Publications,
1979. Pp. 67-70. Small correction: the labels are reversed on the diagram of the Competitive Order on p. 17 and the diagram of the
Creative Order on p. 19.
Olson: Stuart Alve Olson, Tao of No Stress: Three Simple Paths. Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press, 2002. Pp. 33-37.
Reid: Daniel Reid, The Complete Book of Chinese Health & Healing: Guarding the Three Treasures. New York: Barnes & Noble
Books, 1998. Pp. 218-234.