033 Aze Iee 05

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Appendix 4

Initial Environmental Examination

Project Number: 42408-033

September 2011

Republic of Azerbaijan: Water Supply and Sanitation Investment

Program Nakhchivan City Wastewater Treatment Plant Project
(Tranche 2)

Prepared by SAWMC, Government of Republic of Azerbaijan for the Asian Development Bank.

Appendix 4

(as of 8 September 2011)
Currency Unit Manat (AZN)
AZN 1.00 = $0.7865
$1.00 = AZN 1.2714









Asian Development Bank

Autonomous Republic
European Council
Environmental Control Official
Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Management Plan
Environmental Management Unit
Environmental Protection Act
Glass Reinforced Plastic
Initial Environmental Examination
Cubic meter
Membrane Bioreactor
milligrams per liter
Million liter per day
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources
Monitoring and Evaluation
Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic
Public Household Survey
Project Implementation Unit
Project Management Facility
Project Management Office
Nakhchivan City Water Treatment Plant
State Amelioration and Water Management
The State Ecological Expertise
Construction Norms and Regulations of
Terms of Reference
Wastewater Treatment Plant
World Health Organization

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in

Appendix 4

Appendix 4



The Asian Development Bank (ADB) funded Azerbaijan Water Supply and Sanitation
Investment Program is intended to optimize social and economic development in selected
secondary towns through improved water and sanitation (WSS) services. This Investment
Program is in continuation to the ADB assistance in WSS Sector (Loan 2119 and 2120 Azerbaijan Water and Sanitation Improvement Project), and will cover: (i) WSS infrastructure
development in the towns of Agdash, Goychay, Nakhchivan, Aghjabedi, Beylagan, Balakan and
other developing urban centers, and the peripheral areas of Baku; (ii) Management Improvement
and Capacity Development of WSS agencies; and (iii) a Program Management Facility (PMF)
that will oversee the Program development, implementation and management. This will be
implemented through multi-trance financing facility of ADB over a period of 8 years (2010-2018).
The State Amelioration and Water Management Committee (SAWMC) of Nakhcivan AR is the
Executing Agency for Nakhcivan subprojects. PMF, created at SAWMC, is responsible for
project implementation, and is supported by international and national consultants. At the field
level, a Project Implementation Review Committee will review progress and ensure timely
resolution of operational issues.
ADB requires the consideration of environmental issues in all aspects of the Banks
operations, and the requirements for Environmental Assessment are described in ADBs
Safeguard Policy Statement (2009). This states that ADB requires environmental assessment of
all project loans, program loans, sector loans, sector development program loans, loans
involving financial intermediaries, and private sector loans. Accordingly, this Initial Environmental
Examination (IEE) Report has been prepared for Nakhcivan City Waste Water Treatment Plant
Works, to be implemented in Tranche 2. The Works will involve construction of a membrane
bioreactor type waste water treatment plant where the treated effluent will be used for irrigation
purposes. Subproject is currently in preliminary design stage. Construction is likely to start in II.
Quarter of 2012 and will be completed in 18 months.
The subproject site is located in government-owned land and are clear of human
habitation. There are no protected areas, wetlands, mangroves, or estuaries. There is no need
for land acquisition and relocation of people. Vegetation in the subproject site is mostly shrubs
and grasses. The geological structure of the area is stable and no potential land subsidence is
Regardless of these various actions in locating and designing waste water treatment
plant during the IEE process, there will still be impacts on the environment when the plant is built
and when it is operating. This is mainly because of the invasive nature of earth and concrete
works during construction; and because the treatment plant will produce wastes during
operation. Because of these factors the considerable impacts are on the physical and human
The Nakhcivan subproject involves straightforward construction and low-maintenance
operation, in an environment that is not especially sensitive, so it is identified that there will be no
major adverse impacts. The likely impacts are mostly short-term, localized and can either be
easily avoided or mitigated. Most of the predicted impacts associated with the construction
works, involve excavation, concrete and asphalt works and other ground disturbance. The
routine nature of the impacts means that most of the impacts can be easily mitigated. There are
well developed methods suggested for their mitigation. These include: (i) Measures to

Appendix 4

reduce/control dust generation; (ii) Measures to handle solid waste and hazardous materials; (iii)
Measures to prevent soil erosion and soil contamination; (iv) Taking noise reduction measures;
and (v) Following standard and safe procedures for public and worker safety.
The impacts associated with the operational phase involve typical WWTP operational
issues and can be easily mitigated by measures including: (i) Measures to handle and dispose
sludge, (ii) Measures to handle solid waste and hazardous materials; and (iii) Measures to
reduce/control possible odor issues. The impacts and mitigation measures are provided in detail
in the IEE report.
The major impacts of the implementation of waste water treatment plant subproject will
be beneficial to the citizens of Nakcivan as it will provide constant and safe sewage disposal,
which will serve the entire City. This will improve the quality of life of people as well as benefiting
both individual and public health as the improvements in hygiene should reduce the incidence of
disease associated with poor sanitation. This should lead to economic gains as people will be
away from work less and will spend less on healthcare, so their incomes should increase.
An Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is proposed as part of this IEE which
includes (i) mitigation measures for significant environmental impacts during implementation, (ii)
environmental monitoring program, and the responsible entities for mitigation, monitoring, and
reporting; (iii) public consultation and information disclosure; and (iv) grievance redress
mechanism. Mitigation measures have been developed to reduce all negative impacts to
acceptable levels. A number of impacts and their significance have already been reduced by
amending the designs. Mitigation will be assured by a program of environmental monitoring to be
conducted during construction stages. The environmental monitoring program will ensure that all
measures are implemented, and will determine whether the environment is protected as
intended. It will include observations on- and off-site, document checks, and interviews with
workers and beneficiaries. Any requirements for remedial action will be reported to the ADB.
The stakeholders were involved in developing the IEE through discussions on site and
public consultation after which views expressed were incorporated into the IEE and the planning
and development of the project. The IEE is made available at public locations and will be
disclosed to a wider audience via the ADB website. The consultation process will be continued
and expanded during project implementation to ensure that stakeholders are fully engaged in the
project and have the opportunity to participate in its development and implementation.
Therefore, the components proposed under this water and sewerage subproject in
Nakhcivan are unlikely to cause significant adverse impacts. The potential impacts that are
associated with design, construction, and operation can be mitigated to standard levels without
much difficulty through proper engineering design and the incorporation/application of
recommended mitigation measures and procedures. Based on the findings of the IEE, the
classification of the Project as Category B is confirmed, and no further study or detailed EIA is
required to comply with ADB SPS (2009). As per Law of Environmental Protection, 1999, an EIA
study was conducted and was duly approved by the MENR.

Appendix 4



Environmental Laws and Institutions



There are four principal environmental institutions (or Ministries in the NAR) who handle
water resources protection, management and operation. These include (i) MENR, (ii) the Ministry
of Health, (iii) the Ministry of Emergency Situations (which implements construction safety
supervision and standards and regulates safe sewage discharges and WSS operations), and (iv)
State Amelioration and Water Management Committee (SAWMC) who will manage the WSS in
their respective areas under the Investment Program:
Table 1. Principle Environmental Institutions / Ministries in Azerbaijan

Leading Exercise

Ministry of Ecology and Natural

This ministry upholds all natural resource protection

laws. The State Ecological Expertise (SEE) acts within
this agency on the Program level in reviewing IEE

Ministry of Health

Sanitary and hygienic safety is the responsibility of the

Ministry of Health. Its main function is the
implementation of control over meeting the sanitary
and epidemiological rules and standards as well as
hygienic standards. This entity implements antiepidemiological measures throughout Azerbaijan and
NAR by legal and physical persons through application
of laboratory and sampling controls.

Ministry of Emergency Situation
And CES (Commission of
Emergency Situation in NAR)

supervision and standards. This department will
involve to the Project through the Commission of
Emergency Situation (CES) in NAR. Their main
involvement in this Program will be to regulate leakage
from sewer lines, safe discharges from the sewage
treatment system, and safe operation of the
wastewater treatment plant and water treatment units.

(State Amelioration and Water
Management Committee in NAR)

SAWMC, the implementing Agency of the Water

Supply and Sanitation Projects in Nakhchivan
Autonomous Republic. They manage and operate the
water and wastewater infrastructure such as the
delivery of potable water and the collection of
wastewater. They also manage and operate the water
and wastewater treatment plants.



Laws affecting the Project which have been incorporated into the Environmental
Management and Monitoring Plan include the followings. These laws have been adopted by the
Nakchivan Autonomous Republic.

Appendix 4

Table 2. List of Related Laws and Regulations


Environmental Protection and Utilization of Natural Resources

Environmental Protection
State Ecological Expertise, SEE
Environmental Safety
Water Code of the Azerbaijan Republic
Water Supply and Wastewater
Health Protection
Sanitary-Hygienic state, part of GOST
Water quality, air and noise standards: GOST (various years)
Program on Strengthening Financial Discipline in the Water
Construction Norms and Regulations: SniP
Rule for Use, Protection and Preservation of Trees and
Bushes,No 173
The Land Code
EU Council Directive, 91/271/EEC, UWWTP directive
EU Council Directive, 98/83/EC, Drinking Water Standards


Detailed information on the most pertinent aspect of the laws to be applied for this Project
are explained below:
Table 3 . The Laws of Azerbaijan with respect to environmental aspects


Law on Environmental
Protection, 1999

State Ecological Expertise,

SEE, 1996

This Law establishes the main environmental

protection principles, and the rights and obligations of
the State, public associations and citizens regarding
environmental protection. According to Article 54.2 of
the Law, IEE/EIA is subject to SEE. This also explains
that the MENR is responsible for the review and
approval of IEE/EIA reports submitted by developers.
Furthermore, in Articles 81 and 82 of the Law on
Environmental Protection (1999), the Law specifically
provides for the application of international agreements
in case an international institute or body has provisions
that are different from those of the Azerbaijani
The State Ecological Expertise (SEE) mandates an
IEE/EIA for infrastructure development projects. The
objective of the SEE is to identify impacts on the
environment caused by construction projects, examine
the results of such impacts and propose mitigation
measures to prevent adverse effects on the natural
environment and peoples health. It is essentially a

Appendix 4
stand-alone check of compliance of the proposed
activity with the relevant environmental standards (e.g.
for pollution levels, discharges, and noise).

The Law on Sanitary-Hygienic

State, 1992

The Water Code, 1998

SNIP, Construction Norms and


Rule for Use, Protection and

Preservation of Trees and
Bushes,No 173, 2005

Article 22 of the Land Code,


EU Counsil Directive, 98/83/EC,

Drinking Water Standards

The Law on Sanitary-Hygienic State is GOST This law serves as a basis for drinking
water quality standards and mandatory implementation
of sanitary-hygienic expertise regarding chemical and
biological standards for water quality. Similarly, noise
standards are described in GOST 12.1.003-83.
However, the GOST does not specify regulations on
permitted effluent discharge levels post wastewater
treatment. As such, Azerbaijan has adopted Directive
No 91/271
from the European Environmental Commission (EEC)
in GOST. This regulation identifies the allowable
biological and chemical levels for sewage effluent.
The Water Code (1998) regulates legal relations
concerning the protection and use of water bodies
(surface, subsoil, and boundary water bodies) in
Azerbaijan. The Law details the obligations of the State
with respect to the use and protection of water bodies
in terms of monitoring and protection schemes as well
as the supervision over the use and protection of water
bodies. The items most relevant to the Project include
the outlining of;
The use of water bodies as potable and service water;
The use of specially protected water bodies; and
The use of water bodies for the discharge of
The Construction Norms and Regulations are identified
in SniP which details how to carry out noise reduction
measures to assure compliance with the relevant
sanitary norms (section 3.9) and it details regulations
on the dumping of excess materials (section 3.12).
SNIP III-4-80 also details regulations on construction
workers health and safety. Chapters 2 and 5 provide
organizational procedures of construction work sites
and material transport. SNIP specifically claims that
workers need to be informed and trained about
sanitation and health care issues and the specific
hazards of their work.
The Rule for Use, Protection and Preservation of Trees
and Bushes (2005) is a regulation that details the way
to protect trees and shrubs in case of necessary
cutting or replanting. These trees are excluded from
the Forestry Fund of the Azerbaijan Republic.
Article 22 of the Land Code (1999) stipulates that the
state is required to establish protection zones with a
special (restrictive) regime for the purpose of
construction and operation of industrial facilities.
Water quality sampling must be conducted to meet the
frequency and methods stipulated in European Council

Appendix 4

EU Council Directive,
91/271/EEC, Urban Wastewater
Discharge directive*


EU Council Directive

Directive 98/83/EC and Section 7. The treated water

should comply with the EU Directive 98/83/EC, and
parameters are below;
Parameters Council Directive
Aluminum (only if used as flocculents) 0.2 mg / l
Ammonium ..0.5 mg / l
Color ...Record observation
Clostridium perfringens (if water originates from
Surface water) ...0 per 250 ml
Escherichia coli .0 per 250 ml
Hydrogen ion concentration 6 9
Iron (only if used as flocculent).....0.2 mg / l
Nitrite (only when chloramination is used
as a disinfectant) ....0.5 mg / l
Odour .Record observation
Taste ..Record observation
Effluent quality discharge shall meet
Council Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Wastewater
Treatment Plants (UWWTP),
Parameters Max. Effluent Standards
BOD5, biochemical oxygen demand.25 mg / l
COD, chemical oxygen demand 125 mg / l
TSS, total suspended solids . 35 mg / l
TN, total Nitrogene ..... 15 mg / l
TP, total phosphorus .... 2 mg / l
Regulation of the use of sludge in agriculture

* As there are no specific water effluent discharge sampling requirements and limits specified under Azerbaijan
regulations, the EU Directive 91/271/EEC (UWWTP- Urban Wastewater), has been adopted by the Ministry of Health
(MoH) of Azerbaijan to regulate the urban effluent discharges.


Governments Environmental Assessment and Review Procedures

Environmental assessment and review procedures in Azerbaijan in accordance with the
SEE do not include the categorization of projects. The project is either initially approved with few
mitigation conditions if necessary, or the project must undergo a full EIA. If the activity is
assessed to result in major potential impacts, a full EIA is automatically required.
Since categorization is absent under Azerbaijan environmental regulations and Articles
81 and 82 of the Law on Environmental Protection (1999) specifically provides for the application
of international agreements in case an international institute or body has provisions that are
different from those of the Azerbaijani legislation, the ADB guidelines were adopted for project
categorization under the Investment Program.
The procedure for IEE/EIA in Azerbaijan includes the following: During the first stage of
the environmental examination process, an initial examination of the application of the proposed
activity is made by the SEE within the MENR and the expected impacts of the proposed activity
are considered. This may include preliminary consultations with other agencies, NGOs, experts
and initial public inquiries. On the condition that the activity is likely to cause only minor impacts
on the environment, the application may be approved with some conditions. If the activity is

Appendix 4

assessed to have more than minor impacts, a full EIA is required. A decision on processing
charges is taken and a scoping meeting of representatives of the applicant, invited experts and
invited members of the public is organized and chaired by the MENR. Based on the outcome of
this meeting, the SEE will notify the Program Management Offices (PMOs) on the required
scope and depth of the investigation and on the results of public consultation during the EIA
For the current project, this IEE report was submitted to MENR as part of initial
examination. An environment review expert group, chaired by MENR, carried out the
investigations and consultations. Finally, a written approval was given, which can be found in the


Type of the Project

This project consists of construction of a new wastewater treatment plant with a capacity
of approximately 53,000 m3/day. It is classified as part of Azerbaijan Water Supply and
Sanitation Investment Program Project 2 and is categorized as Category B, based on the set
criteria in OMF1 (paras 6-7).
Nahkcivan AR State Amelioration and Water Management Commitee (SAWMC) is
implementing the Project, jointly financed by the ADB and by the government of Azerbajian. The
main objective of the Project is to provide safe, reliable and sustainable wastewater treatment
services in the Nakhcivan city until year 2034.

Need for Project

Because of rapid population growth, excessive industrialization, increased drought and
excessive consumption, freshwater bodies are globally exhausted. Accordingly, wastewater
treatment gains importance. Recently, this problem has become more important in the Balkans
and in the Middle East. Thus, water resources have become one of the main elements of the
strategic relations and bargains between the countries. As renewing and enhancing the fresh
water sources is technically and economically limited in terms of meeting the increasing demand,
different and practical solutions which ensure the sustainable development are required. In this
regard, Nakhchivan Wastewater Treatmant Plant with Membrane Bioreactor System is being
planned so as to regain the treated wastewaters and reuse them for a plenty of purposes with
the idea of at the first step of protecting the clean water sources, regaining the wastewaters take
Currently no wastewater treatment is available in Nakhcivan. The effluent is being
discharged to local streams and canals without any treatment. As a consequence of that,
untreated wastewater which reaches to the ground waters, rivers and lakes pose danger for both
environment and public health.
Agriculture is one of the sectors of which water demand is high in Nakhchivan. For this
reason, reuse of the treated wastewaters in agricultural irrigation is very important in terms of
reducing the fresh water demand. In this regard, advanced treatment technologies have the

Appendix 4

capacity to not only produce treated effluent reliably and appropriately for agricultural irrigation,
but also compete in terms of the initial investment and cost of the operation. A typical and best
example for that technology is membrane bioreactor (MBR) system which is developed within
the last decade. MBRs are considered to be the most appropriate treatment method for
agricultural irrigation due to the water it produces nearly at the quality of drinking water.

Location and Accessibility

The new waste water treatment plant for Nakchivan City is planned to be located on the
south side of the City, as the City slopes north to south. The total area of the proposed treatment
plant site is approximately 14 ha, located approximately 3 km north of Araz River dam. The
access is through the Haydar Aliyev Street Exit on E002 highway.

Proposed Schedule for Implementation

The main activities of assignment were planned to be handled in four main phases.
These main phases are:
Phase I: Design
Phase II: Tendering
Phase III: Construction
Phase IV: Post Construction

Appendix 4

Figure 1. Location of Nakhchivan City

Phase I design tasks are being planned to last for 3 months. Expected date of completion
is end of December 2011.
The Phase II consists of preparation of contract documents, announcements of bidding,
preparation of terms of references, standards and bidding documents, evaluation of bids,
awarding of the contract. It is being planned that this phase will end in March 2012.
After signing of the contract between the Contractor and Client for designing and
construction works for water treatment plant, Phase III will be commenced, which is being
planned to last for 18 months.
The Phase IV, After end of construction works, the post construction support will be
provided throughout the Defects Liability Period. This phase will also include trainning local staff
on safe, reliable and efficient operation of the plant.


Appendix 4


Description of the Project

The plant will have 3 major treatment steps. These will be pretreatment, membrane
bioreactor treatment and disinfection. MBRs are the suspended growth biological treatment
systems in which liquid/solid disintegration is performed by low pressured membrane filtration
concept in wastewater treatment.

The Flow Chart of Wastewater Treatment Plant










Process Explanation

The Citys wastewater conveyed by the gravity will be collected at the balancing pond at
the entrance of the Treatment Plant. Then the prescreened water will go through the Membrane
Bioreactors. After the MBR, the water will be chlorinated and the treated effluent will be collected
in the effluent storage tank. From this point on, the treated effluent will be pumped / discharged
to agricultural sites for irrigation.

Appendix 4




It is a pretreatment process carried out to protect the mechanical equipment in the plant,
prevent physical damages and inhibit the reduction of the operation efficiency. Trash racks with
mechanical cleaning retain the particles physically separated and reduces the congestions in the
MBR unit. Generally, rotating drum trash racks which have smaller diameter (0,11 mm) and
higher retaining capacity are preferred in MBR systems instead of conventional trash racks.

Balancing Pond

Main purpose of the flow rate balancing period for domestic waste water treatment plants
is to inhibit the oscillations caused by the leakage and other flow rates as well as reducing the
daily variations. Second purpose of the balancing is blending the concentration due to the
mixture created in the balancing pond with pollution loads and obtaining relatively constant

Membrane Bioreactors

MBRs are the biochemical oxidation (such as active sludge) processes in the mod of
suspension growth in which water treated via membrane equipments and biomass are physically
disintegrated by filtration. Biochemical oxidation (in the air tank) and water/biomass
disintegration (in the settlement tank with sedimentation) are performed in two different tanks in
conventional active sludge process but in one tank in MBRs. In this tank, activated sludge is
formed by aeration, treated water is withdrawn by performing vacuum from the relatively small
pores of the membrane fibers embedded in the water in the tank or flat layer membranes and
biomass used for the carbon removal by bio-oxidation is retained in the tank.
Generally, microfiltration (approximately 0,2 m pore size) or ultra filtration
(approximately 0,01 m pore size) membrane units are used in the MBRs. During the treatment,
foulant layer which occur on the fibers over time makes these pores smaller and increases the
disintegration of water/biomass and efficiency of suspended soil and microorganism removal. In
order to disintegrate the large-diameter materials (cloth, plastic, pieces of paper etc.) likely to
congest the membranes in the wastewater, wastewater which pass through the coarse and fine
trash rack (1-2 mm diameter) enters directly into the MBR tank without preliminary settling.
Water withdrawn from the fiber pores by vacuum is of pretty good quality in comparison to the
conventional systems. Resulting sludge is processed for ultimate disposal such as the same way
in the other conventional systems.


Due to the fact that the treated wastewater shall be used for irrigation, it may be used for
direct irrigation after a final disinfection (so as to dispose the remaining viruses and prevent the
microbial growth likely to occur later).


Appendix 4


Sludge Treatment Processes

There is relatively less sludge production in MBR systems when compared to the other
treatment alternatives. Owing to the fact that the sludge operation and removal comprises a
significant portion of total operation cost, less sludge production is an advantage for MBRs.
In order to prevent the harm of these sludges to the environment and the human health,
stabilisation (corrosion) is needed. With an aim to reduce the sludge capacity to be corroded,
sludge intensifiers are used. Thick sludges up to %5 solid concentration can be taken to sludge
intensifier tanks. After the sludge is intensified and corroded, it is exposed to dewatering
process. Thereby, sludge cake is attained and this material is easily transported to the ultimate
disposal sites.


The alternatives analysis of the project in terms of project location and treatment
processes have been studied and analyzed. Similarly, comparison between with and without
project or the No action option is also studied and analyzed.

Alternatives in Project Location

The proposed WWTP will be located within a SAWMC owned area, surrounded by
agricultural lots. The selected area is approximately 14 Ha and is currently partially fenced with
barbed wire. This location was in fact selected as a WWTP site during the Soviet Union time.
Initial construction works for a WWTP had been started approximately 25 years ago, but had to
be stopped due to the dissolution of the Soviet Union. No significant adverse environmental
impacts are found with present location of project. The proposed WWTP site location is also
topographically suitable since the City is sloping towards to the proposed site. No better sites
than proposed have been found. The anticipated impacts due to location of the treatment plant in
environment are very small and insignificant.

Alternatives in Treatment Processes

Conventional systems (activated sludge, extended aeration systems etc.) can be
alternatives of the MBR systems.
Due to the fact that the biological suspended material concentrations can reach to 12001500 mg/L values in MBRs (MLSS is approximately 2000-4000 mg/L in conventional activated
sludge), hydraulic retention time (HRT) required for the treatment is less compared to the
conventional systems. As HRT is the basic parameter for the volume design of the aeration
basin, low HRT requirement decreases the necessary basin volume, reduces the initial
investment cost and provides ease of operation. In addition to that land requirements also
There is no need for final settlement tank in the conventional sludge systems and this is a
reducing factor for the cost of initial investment and operation.

Appendix 4


Operation may be performed by excessive sludge age (solids retention time, SRT) due to
the high MLSS concentrations in the MBRs. When operation is carried out by SRT over twenty
days, various advantages come out. The first one of these advantages is that the new biomass
(yield) which is formed due to the increased internal respiration decreases and as the amount of
the waste biomass decreases, the cost is also reduces. Secondly, nitrification is performed more
efficiently by high SRT values and the possibility of the negative contagion of the nitrification
from various ambient conditions reduces. The third advantage is that the special microorganisms
which provide the biological disintegration of the synthetic toxic organic materials perform more
efficiently by high SRT values. When operation is carried out by high MLSS concentrations,
organic loading to the system may be excessive. This high biomass concentration is also more
resistant to the shock toxic loadings.
One of the most important advantages of the MBRs is that the biomass/water
disintegration is independent from the settlement property of the biomass. The reason of that is
the fact that this disintegration process is performed by not settlement principle but physical
filtration. Therefore, biomass (due to the formation of the flocks with filaments and Nocardia type
microorganisms) which cannot settle and causes serious problems in the final settlement basin
of the conventional system is out of question for MBRs.
As disintegration to relatively small pores process is performed in MBRs by microfiltration
and ultra filtration, whole of the biomass is retained. Accordingly, total suspended material value
which is one of the discharge standards is generally pretty low (approximately 1-3 mg/L) in
MBRs. On the other hand, for well-operated conventional systems, this value is at the range of
10-30 mg/L. Turbidity also decreases to low values (<0,5 NTU) in MBRs due to the filtration and
effluent seems so clear.
Because of the fact that good quality water produced by MBRs, wastewaters treated by
this process are regained and used for irrigation (agricultural, reaction, civil works etc.) industry
and other sectors (process waters, fire extinction, pissoir etc.) especially in the USA. In that way,
drinking water sources are underused and protected and treated wastewaters are utilized.
During the operation in MBRs, SRT is controlled more effectively in comparison to the
conventional systems because the condition of the presence of suspended solid materials
leaking from the sluices due to the biomass not well-settled on certain conditions in final
settlement tanks is out of question in MBRs. The only exit of biomass from the system is the
sludge discharged for disposal in MBRs.
As well as the physical biomass disintegration, a high grade physical disinfection is also
ensured in MBRs. It is observed in the pilot or real plants in USA that nearly all protozoans, 5-6
log (logarithmic or %99,999-%99,9999) bacteria and 1-2 log virus are removed by MBRs.
Cryptosporidium and Giardia which are among the pathogenic protozoans resistant to
disinfection by chlorine are easily retained in MBRs. These numbers are expected numbers
considering the 0,1 m pore size in the membrane. In this regard, as well as the low turbidity,
treated water with so low pathogenic water can be used for agricultural irrigation conveniently.
Wastewaters treated in MBRs are relatively more reliable in terms of environmental
health and microbial content compared to the conventional systems. According to the standards
in USA, wastewaters treated by MBRs can be used for agricultural irrigation directly under the


Appendix 4

condition of performing a final disinfection (so as to remove the remaining viruses and prevent
microbial growth likely to occur later).
There is less sludge production in MBR systems in comparison to the other treatment
alternatives. Owing to the fact that the sludge operation and removal comprises a significant
portion of total operation cost, less sludge production is an advantage for MBRs.


The above assessments showed that the MBR Sistem is the most feasible option to
provide the adequately treated water for the irrigation.

No Project Option

The analysis has also been done with and without project scenario. Implementation of
proposed project will create lot of positive impacts on health and hygiene of people, public
environment and socio-economic status of community as well. Provision of good quality
wastewater treatment facilities will help to enhance the quality of life of the people. The project
will also help to create job opportunities to considerable number of people during construction
and to few people during operational phase. During the implementation of the proposed project,
treated effluent will be utilized for irrigation purposes. The implementation of the proposed
project will produce only negligible and insignificant environmental impacts.
On the other hand, if the project is not implemented, the people of the project area will
still have to suffer from various problems they are facing today. There is no waste water
treatment system in the existing sewerage system. Currently the untreated effluent is being
discharged to canals and streams causing significant environmental and health problems. Due to
polluted water bodies and unhygienic environment, the community is facing high level of related
disease incidences every year.
The No Project option alternative would see the continued release of untreated sewage
into the canals and hence into the Araz river reservoir, exacerbating the deterioration of the
ecosystem.The Nakhcivan Wastewater Treatment Plant is seen as a long awaited option for the
treatment of sewage for the Nakhcivan area.


The proposed wastewater treatment plant will be located south of Nakchivan City, which
will serve and affect the entire city. Hence environmental baseline survey area was extended to
the entire City in terms of physical, ecological, economical and social and cultural environments.

Appendix 4



Physical Resources


Winters are too cold and summers are hot in Nakhchivan City and the proposed project
area. Annual average temperature is 14,260 and average temperature of the hottest months is
about 26,6. Sometimes temperature reaches to 40-43 during the hot months.
The average temperature in winter is - 5,50. The average temperature of the coldest
months is 24, however sometimes lower temperatures can be observed.
Frost depth of the rocks is 0,6 m but it reaches to 0,8 m on severe winter seasons. North
and north-west winds prevail on the field. Maximum wind speeds in the territory is about 20 km
per hour. Average monthly precipitation is about 280-330 mm on the treatment plant area.
Surface steaming is about 1200-1400 mm which is 3-4 times more than the precipitations. Rate
of humidity in the air is % 10-20.

Topography and Soils

Nakhchivan City is laid out across the elevated part of the flood plain of the river Aras,
which is dammed just below, and forms a large reservoir lake, for hydropower production. The
City is bounded to the east by the right bank, lower slopes of the river Nakhchivan-cay. The
alluvial gravels of Nakhchivan cay are the main source of potable water supply.
The City lies on three ground levels; a plateau above the 900m contour, land between
this contour line an almost continuous cliff running more or less north-south through the city and
the land below the cliff, that slopes to the banks of the Aras.
The field on which the construction works to be carried out is slightly inclined plain area
and its maximum elevation and minimum elevations are about 790 m and 788 m respectively.
The proposed treatment plant field is composed of silts with sand, clays and sands. Its
geography is simple and there is nothing that makes the construction harder.

Water Recources

The current source of the water for Nakhcivan City is from a new infiltration gallery placed
in the bed of the river Nakhchivan-chay. Located 11km from the City, the raw water is transferred
to the new reservoir area with a new transmission main. However, once the water is delivered to
the town, some consumers do not receive the water due to the old WSS network. These
consumers therefore rely on other informal and sometime unhygienic sources within the town.
The Investment Program Project 2 also aims to replace all WSS network of the City.
Hydrogeological situation of the region is poor and simple. Precipitations, creeks and
waters coming from the artificial dams play a significant role on the existence of ground waters.
Depth of the ground waters is about 1,8-25 m. Water level is 1,0-3,0 m in some places,
especially in erosion plains of Aras River. Ground waters observed in the field are poor and


Appendix 4

Ground waters in the proposed treatment plant area are found beginning from the depth
of approximately 1,5 - 2 m. Waters are in the class of waters with hydrocarbonate- sulphatecalcium-magnesium. There are open agricultural collectors and canals around the project site,
which discharges to Araz water reservoir approximately 3 km downstream of the WWTP project
site. The Citys all untreated waste waters are also discharging to these collectors and canals
that flow to the Araz water reservoir.

Geology and Seismology

Geological structure of Nakhchivan City including the plant site is composed of SherurCulfa and Zengezur anticlinorium and Ordubad synclinorium. Sediments of Third (QIII) and Forth
(QIV) Age are widespread in geological structure around the plant site. Sediments of third age
are composed of Sarmatian age layers. Thickness of these sediments reaches to a hundred
Thickness of these old sediments is a few hundreds meters. Due to their lithological
structure, these sediments are composed of clays similar to argillite, argillites, alevrolites and
sands. Fourth Age alluvium-prolluvial, prolluvial-deluvial sediments are widespread over Third
Age sediments. General thickness of Fourth Age sediments is no more than 20-50 m.
Earthquakes have the most damaging effect among the natural geology processes in
Nakhchivan field. Sometimes severe earthquakes occur here. A significant part of the
earthquakes result from the hypocenters of Zanzegur Mountains, Aras River shores and Mount
Agri. The region was shown in the part of 8 magnitude depending upon the General Seismic
Regional Map of Azerbaijan field which was prepared in 1981 and accepted as technical
regulation. Having realized after Hamaml Earthquake in 1988 that the seismic of the region
shown in the previously prepared GSR (General Seismic Regional) Map does not reflect the
truth; general seismic of the region was shown as 9 magnitude by adding 1 in accordance with
TN-Q-II-7-81 and HH-02/3-, 16/1191 numbered and 11.09.1991 dated decision of State
Construction and Architecture Directorate of Azerbaijan.
Significant hypocenters in the region are on Zanzegur Mountains and Mount Agri which
are so far away from the lines of the project. WWTP project area is out of the region to be
damaged in case of an earthquake.

Ecological Resources

Seven climate zones out of 11 existing in the world are met in Nakhchivan Autonomous
Republic. There are about 3000 plant species, 373 animal sorts, 226 bird kinds in Nakhchivan
Autonomous Republic.
The flora of Nakhchivan is rich compared with other botanic-geographic regions of
Azerbaijan. 2782 kinds of supreme plants are met in this region. They in their turns assembled in
773 species and 134 families. 68 of these kinds are cultivated. Wild plants possess 123 families
and 697 species. 732 kinds flora are met in the lowlands along the Aras river, 1326 kinds in the
middle mountainous and 640 kinds in the highest mountainous areas. The following plants and
their types in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic divide into deserts and semi-deserts; friganoid

Appendix 4


and bozgir plants; high pasture, subalp and Alp meadows, Alp piles; woods, oasis, along river
small woods; deposit and rock plants, water march plants.
The territory of Nakhchivan is distinguished from the other regions of Azerbaijan
according to its natural condition and richness of fauna. The kinds of animals and its number
comprise 60-80% percent of the Azerbaijan fauna. The fauna of the autonomous republic has
been investigated since the second half of the 19th century. The scientists have defined 813
butterfly kinds, 134 kinds of sovca, 4 kinds of insects, 3 kinds of runaways, 4 kinds of praying
mantis, 67 kinds of straight wings, 75 kinds of grasshoppers, 480 kinds of halfhardwings. There
are 6 kinds of amphibians and 19 kinds of reptiles in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. 218
kinds of birds live in the Nakhchivan territory. 61 kinds of mammals are known in the area. 40
kinds of vertebral animals out of 350 kinds living in the autonomous republic were included to the
Red book.
The proposed treatment plant area has semi-desert type vegetation and no forestation
exists within the limits of the proposed site boundary. Semi-deserts are generally found in dry
habitats that have stony, fine earth and mildly salinated soil variants. Semi-desert vegetation
does not form a thick cover (typically, 30-50 percent vegetation cover). Annual plants that
develop during spring and/or autumn under comparatively high precipitation are most common.
The pictures of the proposed plant site can be found in Appendices.
The wildlife resources in the project area are scarce. The present vegetation cover,
together with human disturbances, provides very few or no habitat variations in terms of feed,
shelter, and protection. No rare species exists in the project area.

Economic Development


The total rate of the industrial production in 2007 rose 17 times in comparison with 1995.
The perentage share of the non-state sector in the total output of the industrial product
constituted 69%. The perentage share of the industry in the gross domestic product reached
22,5 % in 2007, compared with 10,1% of 2000.
Late years the industrial enterprises producing bread and rolls buns, flour, meat and milk
productions, chicken, macaroni, tea, sugar, salt, sweets, fruit juice, alcoholic drinks, condensed
and packed honey, roasted and packed agriculture products, mineral waters, decorative stones,
travertine faced stones, plastic materials, lime, gypsy, marble, furniture of various sorts, metal,
cast iron and precious metal and output of other products were established and used in the
autonomous republic.
The minerals output of Nakhchivan are of great importance. The rock salt of industrial
importance, dolomite, travertine, tuff, the marbled lime stone, gyps, clay, sand, mergel, zink-lead,
molibden, copper-molibden, gold and mineral waters rich Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic has
a very available atmosphere in extracting different kinds of building materials of which,
ferconcrete items, brick, travertine, marble and other products to expand their production and
deliver to the world market.


Appendix 4

The numbers of unemployed have remained stable, and up to 60% of the work force of
about 41,150 is employed in state enterprises and in the many private SMEs.


All required drinking water are supplied from the sub-artesian wells, and capitations on
the rivers in the Region, but most of sub-artesian wells have lack of maintenance and/or
unhygenic conditions, and from Capitations on the river basins, but they are no sufficient to meet
long time water demand, because, holes of the infiltration pipes on the capitation area are ever
so often covered by sedimented silty layer carried with water flow.
The feasibility study has shown that the demand for reliable WSS services is very high; in
apartment blocks the demand is for water as it does not reach them without pumping. There are
many unconnected households using stand pipes or water from keherises. Due to institutional
overlaps, some residents resent the perception that they need to pay for WS. In multi storey
apartments, the payments for WS&S are collected by the Housing Department, with an
additional charge of 20%.
The sewerage system is failing, and pipes are clogged and broken. During heavy rains
raw sewage floods the streets and house compounds, and there is no sewage treatment facility.
River pollution increases, and stagnant sewage threatens health conditions. There is no
functional sewage treatment facility.


The infrastructure improvement is of great significant together with the role of the key
production fields in the development of economy. From this point of view, to improve the
transport sector in the autonomous republic which has been living in blockade condition for a
long time, is much more important. Mainly, the services at the motor transport, air and railway
transports are used in the autonomous republic.
The motor transport is the main in passenger and goods transportation inside the
autonomous republic. Mostly, all villages and region centers of the autonomous republic were
supplied with the fixed route buses.
For the purpose to simplify the visit with the main land of Azerbaijan, the regular fixed
Nakhchivan Baki Nakhchivan bus routes passing the territory of Iran have been working
since the ends of 2007.
The development of the motor transports mainly depends on the condition of the existing
roads. The Motor Roads State Company of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic services the
motor roads of 1473 km distance. 274 km of these roads are of the republic importance, but
1199 km of local importance. The measures to standardize the motor roads to the modern world
standards are being continued at the present moment.
The railway transport is of great importance in the autonomous republic. There is a
railway junction in the part of Julfa in the direction of Tabriz of the Islamic Republic of Iran. As a

Appendix 4


result of the occupation policy of Armenia, the railway line connecting the autonomous republic
with Azerbaijan was completely cut at the beginning of 1992.
The goods transportation in the transport sector rose 11,2 times but the passengers
transportation 1,9 times in 2007 compared with 1995.

Land use and Agriculture

The available climate-soil condition of the autonomous republic gives an opportunity to
develop the agriculture here. As the major part of population live and engage with the agrar
sector, it needed to pay a great attention to the promotion of this filed. The population are mainly
busy with grain-growing, fruit-growing, potato-growing and cattle breeding.
For the purpose to develop the agriculture the land reform was completed in Nakhchivan.
As a result of the agrarian reforms, 10,5% of the total land plot of the autonomous republic was
given to the private property, 56,3% to the municipal property and 33,2% was kept under a state
property. Only 176,9 thousand ha or 33% out of 536,3 thousand ha of the total land are available
for the agriculture. 14,5 thousand ha or 8,2% of the available lands for the agriculture fall to the
share of yard plots.
The proposed project site is owned by SAWMC. Agricultural areas exist around the
proposed 14 Ha site. These agricultural areas will be positively effected by the treated effluent of
the plant. The site will include the plant and administrative buildings and will be surrounded by a
fence wall for no trespassing.


Social and Cultural Resources



The population of Nakhchivan is young and dynamic, with an average age of 26. The age
distribution shows that 56% of the total population is of active working age; thus it has the human
resources potential for development based on peoples priorities, ascertained through the 2004
Project Household Survey (PHS) the top three problems are water supply, economic hardships
and sewerage. They are followed by heating problems. The water difficulties are exacerbated by
low water pressure and the related lack of access to water. Unemployment, high prices, lack of
favourable business environment makes life strenuous. Sewerage related problems relate to the
lack of centralized sewerage, blocked pipes, overflowing sewage, which all threaten social
wellbeing. Households also stressed lack of electric power during the -30oC conditions.
People have developed coping strategies to alleviate the severe impact of low cash
income such that subsistence living is possible. There are 14915 households, made up of family
dwellings, majority of which have a plot of land for growing vegetables, and of 5593 households
in multi story apartment blocks. In the more rural parts of the city, many also own some livestock,
cows, chicken & sheep. The PHS also found that a large proportion of the males work outside
the country and send important remittances that are not declared as income.


Appendix 4


Health facilities

Today 2 hospitals of 2799 beds, the Diagnostic-Treatment Center, 72 out-patients
clinics, 1 FirstAid Medical Center, 7 firstaid departments, the Court Medical Expert and
Pathology Anatomy Union, the Nakhchivan city Infants House, 9 Hygiene and Center of
Epidemiologies, 74 chemists shops and chemists shop stations act in NAR.
Today per 10 thousand persons there are 72,8 beds of hospital of the population of the
autonomous republic. At present 739 doctors, 2794 middle medical personals work in the public
health institutions of the autonomous republic. The average number of doctors per 10 thousand
persons is 19,2 doctors and 72,7 middle medical personals.

Education facilities

The Nakhchivan branch of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences was
established on the basis of the scientific institutions acting in the autonomous republic and
joining them such as: Nakhchivan Regional Scientific Center, Nakhchivan Scientific-Investigation
base, the Batabat station of the Shamakhi Astrophysics Observatory. The branch embraces 6
scientific investigation institutions History, Ethnography and Archaeology, Art, Language and
Literature, Natural Reserves, Bioresources Institutions, the Manuscripts Foundation and Batabat
Astrophysics Observatory.
In the Nakhchivan branch of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences acting since
January, 2003 there are 34 departaments and laboratories, areas for experiment, seismological
center, scientific library, publishing house and department of postgraduate. 274 employees work
in the Nakhchivan branch (2008).Among the scientific workers there are two full members of the
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 5 associate members, 6 doctors of sciences, 21
candidates of sciences. Among the young personnals 30 are post graduate students, 40 are
candidates for a degree.
Today 221 day time secondary schools act in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. 205 out
of them are middle schools. 12 are basical schools and 4 are primary schools. Also there are 44
out of school educational institutions, Children-Youth Sport and Chess school, 18 preschool
educational institutions.

Cultural heritage

There are 1162 historical-cultural monuments in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. 58
monuments are of the world importance, 455 monuments are of the country importance and 649
monuments are of the local importance. No cultural heritage was found within 750m radius of the
proposed plant site.

The followings are included to the historical-cultural monuments.

The archaeological monuments -663
(ii) The architectural monuments - 285
(iii) The monumental art monuments -31
(iv) The historical monuments -36

Appendix 4



The places for pilgrimage-140

The nature monuments -7

100. The proposed Nakhchivan Wastewater Treatment Plant is a project to be put into
practice so as to meet the effluent quality of the Citys wastewater healthfully and thus enhance
the quality of life. Activities to be performed within the scope of the Project were examined in 2

Construction Phase

101. Pre-construction activities such as contractor office set ups and necessary equipment

Construction of the Treatment Plant per tender drawings

103. Environmental effects likely to occur during the construction of the Project are noise,
dust, solid and liquid wastes. Effects likely to occur during the construction phase are short term
effects and they can not deteriorate the existing conditions.

Operational Phase


Commissioning and Operation of the Wastewater Treatment Plant


Use of treated effluent for irrigation

106. Possible environmental effects during operational phase arise from effluent discharge,
solid and hazardous wastes, sludge disposal and odor and do not include any adverse
environmental effects as long as monitoring and mitigation measures, if needed, are executed.

Possible Environmental Impacts of the Project

107. Considering the worst-case scenarios, contaminant sources and environmental units to
be affected are anticipated separately for both construction and operational phases. Data
showing the units to be affected according to the worst-case scenario are given in Table 4 and
Table 5.
Table 4. Construction Phase Contaminant Sources and Environmental Units to be

Contaminant Sources

Environmental Units Likely to be Affected

Emission Arising from Equipments used for the

Excavation and Filling Works
Dust Released from Excavation and Filling

Air, Flora and Fauna, Socio-Economic


Waste Water Arising from the Workers

Surface and Underground Waters

Air and Visual Effects


Appendix 4

Construction Wastes
Packaging etc. Wastes Released from the
Construction Materials to be Used
Noise to Occur During the Operation of the
Construction Vehicles

Surface Waters, Soil, Flora and Fauna, Visual

Surface Waters, Soil, Flora and Fauna, Visual
Socio-Economic Environment Flora and Fauna

Table 5. Operational Phase Contaminant Sources and Environmental Units to be Affected


Contaminant Sources

Environmental Units Likely to be Affected

Effluent Discharge for Irrigation purposes

Surface Waters, Flora and Fauna

Solid and Hazardous Wastes

Soil, Flora and Fauna, Visual Effects

Sludge Disposal

Soil, Flora, Fauna, Visual effects, SocioEconomic Environment

Use of Natural Sources

108. During the construction phase the use of natural resources consists of the elements such
as land use, water use of the workers and use of diesel source for construction vehicles. In the
operational phase, natural gas and fuel will be used for heating the administration building.
There will also be electrical consumption for the operation of the WWTP and consumption of the
personnel in the administration building.

Environmental Impact Assessment of the Project

109. Proposed wastewater treatment plant project will certainly produce some environmental
impacts in project area. But it must be kept in mind that the impacts of project activities are not
always negative, it may be positive as well. The attempt should be to minimize the negative
impacts by applying necessary mitigation measures and to maximize the positive impacts.
Based on the severity and extent of impacts, the impacts may be classified as high, medium and
low. The environmental impacts during various stages have been predicted. These impacts are
described below.

Impact Assessment on the Air Quality

110. This section discusses the impact of construction and subsequent operation on the
ambient air quality around the Project direct impact area.
111. Construction activities have the potential to generate a substantial amount of air pollution.
In some cases, the emissions from construction represent the largest air quality impact

Appendix 4


associated with the Project, even though, the generation of construction-related emissions is
temporary in nature.

The emissions generated from common construction activities include;

Exhaust emissions of particulate matter (PM) and of nitrogen oxides (Nox) from fuel
combustion for mobile heavy-duty diesel- and gasoline-powered equipment,
portable auxiliary equipment, material delivery trucks, and worker commute trips,
(ii) Fugitive PM dust from soil disturbance and demolition activity,
(iii) Evaporative emissions of reactive organic compounds from paving activity and the
application of architectural coatings. The application of architectural coatings is
typically the largest source of reactive organic compounds emissions during
construction activity,
(iv) Exhaust emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) such as carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O),
(v) Air quality will be affected by fugitive dust and emissions from construction
machinery, concrete/asphalt works, and vehicular traffic during the construction
phase. Emissions may be carried over long distances, depending on wind speed
and direction, the temperature of the surrounding air, and atmospheric stability.

113. There are no residences, places of work shops, schools, hospitals and the civic cultural
and other heritage sites within a radius of 800m of the project site. However, in case some
residences are disturbed by dust, water is available in the study area to suppress dust.
114. The critical sources of air pollution during the construction phase are listed below:
Concrete and asphalt plants that generate toxic emissions containing unburned carbon
particulates, sulfur compounds, and dust from aggregate preparation,
Quarry areas that generate fugitive dust during rock blasting and crushing,
Earthen haulage tracks that generate dust, particularly during loading and unloading processes.
115. However, emission and dust effects of the construction activities are temporary, and will
come into being in low level. This impact will discontinue once the construction is completed. No
negative impact will come into being in the operation phase of the Project.

Impact Assessment on the Water Quality

116. This section explains how the Project service area will be affected in terms of water
resource use, water supply, water body contamination, and alterations in drainage pattern.
117. Water is a critical resource for the local community and resources will be protected during
construction and operation. The surrounding lands drainage system, water resources and
treated water quality may be affected by construction and operational activities as follows:

Surface and subsurface water resources in the Project area may be contaminated
by fuel and chemical spills, or by solid waste and effluents generated by the
kitchens, by toilets at construction campsites.
Natural streams and irrigation channels may become silted by borrow material
(earth) in the runoff from the construction area, workshops and equipment
In the operational phase, the treated effluent may flow to the open canals and
streams arund the WWTP site.


Appendix 4

118. However, the treatment plant design included several steps to provide sufficient
treatment and irrigation quality effluent. The quality of the effluent will be within the EU Effluent
Discharge Standards, and hence in case of an unexpected flow of treated effluent to the nearby
water bodies will have no or minimal effects to the receiving bodies. Plus, typical effluent
discharge characteristics of advanced MBR treatment is significantly better that the EU Effluent
Discharge Standards.

Appendix 4


Table 6. Typical effluent qualities in MBRs which increase the domestic wastewaters
(Aldham and Gagliardo, 1998; Adham vd., 2000)
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOI5)
Total suspended soil (SS)
Total phosphore (TP)
Total nitrogen (TN)
Total nitrogen (TN)
Silt density index (SDI)
Protozoans (Cryptosporidium and Giardia)

Typical Values
< 2,0 mg/L
< 2,0 mg/L
< 1,0 mg/L (in the nitrified plants)
< 0,1 mg/L (via alum contribution as
biolaogical or chemical)
< 10 mg/L (in mean temperature climates)
< 3,0 mg/L (in hot climates)
< 3,0
< 0,5 NTU
56 log removal
12 log removal
Total removal

119. Overall, this impacts magnitude will come into being in low level. However, a series of
mitigation measures identified in the following section should take place to minimize and/or avoid
the potential negative effects of the construction and operational activities on water quality.

Impact Assessment of Noise

120. Potential noise impact arising from the Project would be the construction noise. This
section presents the assessment on noise impact during construction. The representative noise
assessment points to be affected by the Project and potential noise impacts are identified and
121. Powered mechanical equipment such as generators, excavators, trucks, stabilizers and
concrete-mixing plant can generate significant noise and vibration. Whereas various modern
machines are acoustically designed to generate low noise levels there is not much evidence that
acoustically insulated plant is available in Azerbaijan. The cumulative effects from several
machines can be significant and may cause significant nuisances.
122. The noisest construction activities associated with the Project would likely be excavation
or exterior finishing, which can generate the noise levels upto 89 dBA from a distance of 5m, per
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Noise from Construction Equipment and operations,
1971. Applying the attenuation of point source method and without taking into account of such
attenuation by sound barriers or atmospheric absorptions, noise generated by powered
construction machinery and subsequently by vehicular traffic during the construction phase, is
likely to affect sensitive receptors located within about 50 to 75 m of the Project direct impact
area. This impact will be temporary, the impact will disappear upon completion of the Project.
Plus, the closest living area is approximately 800m away from the project site. Hence the noise
effect will come into being low level.


Appendix 4


Impact Assessment on Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Disposal

123. Solid wastes will be generated mostly during the construction operations, such as
dumping base, sub-base and fine sand for building construction and embedding operation of the
pipes, filling back the excavated soil, paving roads, and other anciliary works within the Project
activities. Scrap metals, rocks, asphalt and concrete chunks, remaining gravel and sands will
cause the piled up solid wastes.
124. Solid wastes during construction and operational phases include wood and paper from
packaging, sanitary wastes, rubber, plastic and glass. Food containers, cigarette packages,
leftover foods, and aluminium foil also contribute solid wastes.
125. Construction chemicals, chemical compounds, such as paints and acids, cleaning
solvents and chemicals to be used for wastewater treatment will also cause the negative effects
in respect of the hazardous impact when they dispose without taking preventing measures to the
earth in the workplace and construction site.
126. These impacts will be temporary, and its magnitude will be in the medium level. The
construction related impacts will discontinue once the construction is completed. A series of
mitigation measures identified in the following section is recommended to minimize and/or avoid
the potential negative effects of the solid waste and hazardous waste disposal during the
construction and operational phases.

Impact Assessment on Sludge Disposal

127. As explained in the treatment process section, Membrane bioreactors (MBR) will be used
in the WWTP. One of the key benefits of MBR systems is that they effectively overcome the
limitations associated with poor settling of sludge in conventional activated sludge processes. In
MBR systems, less sludge is produced compared to conventional systems, (see Table below).
Once the sludge is drained and dry, it will be gathered by mechanical means and removed to the
nearby Nakhcivan City Solid Waste Disposal site.
Table 7. Sludge Production for Different Treatment Processes
(Mayhew ve Stephenson, 1997)
Treatment Process
Submerged type MBR
Ordered media bioaerated filter
Trickling fitler
Conventional activated sludge
Granular media bioaerated fitler

Sludge Production(kg/kg BO5)


Impacts of Sludge Disposal will come into being in low level. A few mitigation mesures identified
in the following section is recommended to minimize and/or avoid the potential negative effects.

Appendix 4



Impact Assessment on Odor

128. Potential source of odour in WWTPs is scum that is collected on ponds, basins, tanks
etc of conventional treatment plants.
129. Residents within a radius of 750m (Sources: Bradley, R, Buffer Zones; Newsletter of
ASEP, 1987, and Sacremento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District, CEQA Guide,
2009) may get affected with odor issues.
130. However the proposed WWTP will utilize MBR type treatment where much less ponding
will take place leading to fewer odors. In addition, no residential area exists within a radius of
800m of the site. Hence this impacts magnitude will come into being in low level. However, a
series of mitigation measures identified in the following section should take place to minimize
and/or avoid the potential negative effects of odor problem.

Impact Assessment on Land Use, Soil Erosion and Soil Contamination


Land Use

131. The land use classification system is not developed yet in Nakhchivan. However,
according to inspection and investigations in the Project area and its environment, the Project
will not cause the physical divide an established community, and doesnt conflict with any
applied and /or applicable habitat conservation plan and natural community conservation plan.
The Project has no-conflict with the Citys general land use plan including specific plans or
zoning ordinances.
132. However, the areas where will be used to acquire borrow material will be impacted most
significantly. Utilizing land for project activities, and the subsequent operation of increased traffic
on the Project corridor may induce temporary as well as permanent changes in the existing land
use pattern.
133. Temporary impacts during the construction in the Project area will be sourced from the
following activities, but not limited to:
(i) Trenching and excavation works for pipe laying and jointing,
(ii) Earth Works for plant building foundations, pipe bedding, encasing and trench
(iii) Cut and fill and grading activities,
(iv) Transportation of the materials from the excavation,
(v) Reinstating the road and sidewalk profile,
(vi) Activities for ancilliary works,


Construction Contractor Camp Site

The contractor(s) will require land for:


Appendix 4

(i) Contractors camps and facilities, ie, storage, equipment parking and washing
(ii) Sources of borrow material and earth-fill,
(iii) Aggregate quarries,
(iv) Access roads for haulage,
(v) Disposal sites and procedures for the safe disposal of surplus construction and
waste material.
135. Temporary impacts, which will be generated during the preparation of the constructor(s)
camp and facilities are;
(i) Excavation activities,
(ii) Trenching and construction of water pipelines for connecting the water to the
(iii) Erection of the site buildings,
(iv) Construction of fuel facility,
(v) Connections the electrical conduits and cabling,
(vi) Perimeter fencing,

Soil Erosion

136. Professional experience suggests that it will be typical for contractors to claim that there
is insufficient space to set up erosion control and sedimentation facilities along the working
areas. Based upon observation it is not credible that there is no space, and it is not acceptable
that there are no opportunities to use at least some form of sediment basin sediment traps.
137. Soil erosion may occur;
(i) In workshop areas as a result of unmanaged runoff from equipment washing-yards.
138. The soil erosion will come into being in the magnitude of Low level. Mitigation measures
to obviate these impacts are developed in the subsequent sections.

Soil Contamination and Surface Run-off

139. Scarified/scraped asphalt and concrete materials, if not disposed of properly, may
contaminate soil resources.
140. The possible contamination of soil by construction chemicals, i.e. oils and chemicals at
concrete application sites, workshop areas, and equipment washing-yards may limit the future
use of the land for agricultural purposes.
141. Other pollutants such as wash water from concrete mixers, acid and alkaline solutions
from exposed soil or rock, and alkaline forming natural elements, may also be presented.

Possible construction chemicals, which cause the soil contamination in the Project are
listed below;
Petrolium products used during construction include fuels, lubricant for vehicles, for
power tools, and for general equipment maintenance.

Appendix 4


Chemical pollutants such as paints, acids, cleaning solvents, soil additives used for
stabilization, and concrete curring compounds, may also be used on construction sites
and carried in runoff.
Pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides, and herbicides used on construction sites to
provide safe and healty conditions.
Nutrients, fertilizers used on construction sites, when re-vegetating graded and
disturbed areas.

142. The soil contamination and surface run-off will come into being in the medium level.
Mitigation measures to obviate these impacts are developed in the subsequent sections.

Impact Assessment on Flora and Fauna

143. For defining the effects of the project on fauna and flora, existence of the endangered
species, endemics and nationally or internationally protected species were examined but none of
them was encountered in the project site.
144. The noise and emissions generated by the construction activities can destroy habitat
used for nesting and migrating bird species. However, there is no nursery for nesting bird
species and/or aquatic community located closer than 800 m to the Project site. This impact can
be considered insignificant.
145. There are no trees necessary to fell and replant in the proposed location of the waste
water treatment plant.
146. There are open irrigation canals close to the Project site. Currently the untreated effluent
is being discharged to the main irrigation canal 3 km upsteam of its final discharge to Araz water
reservoir. Once the WWTP is in operation, no effluent will be discharged to these irrigation
canals, and hence this will have a positive effect on the water quality of the canal.
147. There are no forest and forest blades located in the Project area. There will be no impact
of the Project on the forests and forest blades. In addition, the project involves planting of
several trees within the proposed treatment plant boundary after the construction which will have
a positive impact to the immediate environment.

Impact Assessment on Socio- Economic Environment

148. While examining the effects in terms of socio-economic environment, construction and
operational phases were handled separately. Human groups to be effected negatively or
positively after the commissioning of the project were defined and profit and loss relationship
was examined.
149. Effects in terms of socio-economic environment are; positive effects on health,
employment opportunities, visual values, positive effects on life standards by enhancing the
quality of water bodies, recreation areas, and cultural structures. In this respect, the project
doesnt have any harmful effects on the environment. The project will brighten the economic and
social structure of the environment. Consequently, the project is a useful one and will not have
negative effects on physical, biological and social environment.


Appendix 4

150. Economic and social life will be affected positively by the Project. Health problems will be
removed by effluent treatment. Furthermore, employment opportunities will be provided during
the construction and operation phases of the project.

Mitigation Measures

151. As mentioned in the previous section, the project will have low / medium adverse impacts
on physical and biological environment. Some of the possible impacts are of temporary in nature
and insignificant in magnitude. Even though the negative impacts on environment are small and
insignificant, it will be better to implement some of the mitigation measures to minimize the
impacts. These mitigation measures will help to reduce the negative impacts at the same time it
will help to maximize the positive impacts. The proposed mitigation measures are listed below.

Air Quality

152. The following measures will be implemented to mitigate the impact of construction works
on ambient air quality, however, heavy equipment and machines to be used within the
construction phase should be mainly new and comply with all national and International
standards. Impact of emissions from ancilliary equipments (welding equipment, pumps etc),
construction mechanisms and lories on athmosphere will be minimal;




Emissions and Dust Control Measures

Quarry areas and asphalt plants if needed will be located at least 500 m
downwind from populated areas, wildlife habitats, and contractors camps, to
minimize the impact of dust emissions.
Asphalt, hot mix and batching plants will be equipped with dust control equipment
such as fabric filters or wet scrubbers to reduce the level of dust emissions.
The National Ambient Air Quality Standards applicable to gaseous emissions
generated by construction vehicles, equipment, and machinery, will be enforced
during construction works.
Heavy construction vehicles should be performed in compliance with their
exploitation standards.
Regular check of technical condition of all vehicles should be prepared and
carried out regularly by the contractors safety manager and approved by
30 km/h speed limit should be set for movement of heavy construction vehicles on
the dirt and service roads.
All excavation Works, building temporary service roads, and loading/unloading
operations should be stopped when wind speed exceeds 12 km/s.
If the working surfaces become dry and dusty, water will be sprinkled on.
No work will be carried out during the night (21.00hrs to 07.00hrs).
If works give rise to complaints over dust, the contractor shall investigate the
cause and review and propose alternative mitigation measures before works
Fuel-efficient and well-maintained haulage trucks will be employed to minimize
exhaust emissions. Smoke belching vehicles and equipment will not be allowed
and will be removed from the project.

Appendix 4




All diesel heavy construction equipment shall not remain running an idle for more
than five minutes.
Using alternative fueled equipment when feasible (such as biodiesel and electric).
All diesel-fueled engines used for on- and offsite construction activities shall be
fueled only with ultralow sulfur diesel, which contains no more than 15 ppm sulfur.
Water Quality

153. Measures to mitigate the adverse impact on water resources, surface drainage patterns
and treated effluent are discussed below:
o Where works are in progress, erosion control and sedimentation facilities
including sediment traps and straw bale barriers or combinations thereof will
remain in place and be maintained throughout the works to protect local water
o Lubricants, fuels and other hydrocarbons will be stored at least 100m away from
water bodies.
o Topsoil stripped material shall not be stored where natural drainage will be
o Solid wastes will be disposed of properly (not dumped in streams).
o Solid Construction material and spoil stockpiles will be covered to reduce material
loss and run-off and stockpiles will not be nearer than 100m to water bodies.
o Borrow sites will not be close to sources of drinking water in case of runoff.
o The contractors will be required to maintain close liaison with the local community
to ensure that any potential conflicts related to common resource utilization for
project purposes are resolved quickly.
o Guidelines will be established to minimize the wastage of water during
construction operations and at campsites.
o The water ways and drainage streams en-route of the project should not be
impeded by the works and the scale of the works does not warrant hydrological
o During construction, machinery and transport will be used by the contractor,
both have potential of causing contamination to under ground and above ground
water assets. There is need to compile temporary drainage management plan
before commencement of works.
o Proper installation of temporary drainage and erosion control before works within
50m of water bodies should be done.
o Borrow sites (if required) should not be close to sources of drinking water.
o The treated effluent quality sampling must be conducted to meet the frequency
and methods stipulated in European Council Directive 91/271/EEC, by WWTP
Personnel of SAWMC.
o In the operational phase, WWTP Management of SAWMC will be responsible for
monitoring and testing of the treated effluent discharge from the treatment plant to
the agricultural lots. In the unlikely case the effluent do not meet the EU
Standards, the poorly treated effluent will not be used for irrigation until the
problem is found and the EU effluent standards are met.


154. The Project is scheduled to commence in early 2012 and to be completed at the end of
2013. All construction tasks will be carried out during unrestricted hours (09.00 to 18.00 hour


Appendix 4

Monday to Saturday, excluding general holidays). There are not any residents near the project
site (with a radius of 0,8 km), so no adverse effects of the noise is expected. However, for good
construction practices, the following mitigation measures are recommended to minimize any
adverse effects of the noise:



Not operating the noisy powered mechanical equipments simultaneously, (i.e.

such as concrete pumper and road paver together);
Maintain machinery and vehicle silencer units in good working order. Offending
machinery and / or vehicles will be banned from use on site until they have been
Keep noise generating activities associated with construction activities to a
minimum and within working hours.
Notify the residents close to the Project area prior to commencement of the
construction phase.
Regular inspection and maintenance of all vehicles and construction equipment
working on-site.
Equipment used on site will be quietest reasonably available.
Best available work practices will be employed on site to minimize occupational
noise levels.
Locate equipment to minimize nuisances,
Mufflers of heavy vehicles should always be kept in good condition.
The scheduled daily working hours should be recommended by law between 9.00
AM and 6.00 PM.
Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Disposal

155. Constructors Equipment will be cleaned and repaired (other than emergency repairs) in
the dedicated facility or and area at the contractors site or at a repairshop in an industrial park.
All contaminated water, sludge, spill residue, or other hazardous compounds will be disposed of
outside the construction boundaries, at a lawfully permitted or authorized destination.
o Construction chemicals, chemical compounds, such as paints and acids, cleaning
solvents, chemicals used for waste water treatment during operational phase will
not be disposed at any place of a construction site, and dumped only in
demarcated waste disposal sites, designated by MENR.
o All solid wastes will properly be packaged, and disposed at a lawfully area.
o Contractors workers and WWTP Personnel shall employ the following measures
to minimize exposure to potential pathogens;
1- Wash hands regularly, especially before eating, drinking,
smoking, or using the restroom.
2- Wear gloves.
3- Cover wounds with clean, dry bandages.
o Petrochemicals, oils and identified hazardous substances shall only be stored
under controlled conditions.
o The Contractor will furthermore be responsible for the training and education of all
personnel on site who will be handling the material about its proper use, handling
and disposal for the first six months of operation.
o All hazardous materials will be stored in a secured, appointed area that is fenced
and has restricted entry.

Appendix 4




Storage of hazardous products shall only take place using suitable containers
approved by the ECO.
Hazard signs indicating the nature of the stored materials shall be displayed on
the storage facility or containment structure.
Thinners or solvents should not be discharged into sanitary or storm water system
when cleaning the machinary.
Any accidental chemical / fuel spills to be corrected immediately.
Exercise extreme care with the handling of diesel and other toxic solvents so that
spillage is minimized.
Sludge Disposal

156. Sludge disposal shall be inconsistence with Landfill of Waste article (1999/31/EC
directive) and Waste Framework article (75/442/EC directive).
157. The sludge that is removed from the wastewater must be properly treated. Once the
sludge is dried, it will be gathered by mechanical means and removed to the nearby Nakhcivan
City Solid Waste Disposal site.
158. The following list provides current, in-practice mitigation measures and management
practices for sludge drying beds of WWTP;
Install a cover or cap over the beds that can be used to cover the beds after operation
Install a negative and/or positive aeration system to control moisture and temperature and
provide oxygen for microbial decomposition.
Install a flare for treatment of methane gas prior to release.


159. Whereas one of the main sources causing odour is scum, overloading of the ponds,
basins or tanks will also result in odour problems because the treatment capacity will have been
exceeded. The design of the proposed WWTP will be for the 2034 demands of the City. Hence
no overloading is expected.
160. If for process reasons or others, scum does accumulate at a particular time, scum
removal systems will be in place including:
o High-pressure water spray to break up the scum so that it will settle.
o Boats and rakes to allow staff to break up the scum or remove it from the ponds,
o Preliminary treatment (screening) shall be added at the entrance of the plant,
thereby reducing one of the sources of odours.

An at least 20 m beautification zone from the perimeter fence of the WWTP is required.

162. In the unlikely event that the odor becomes an issue, following mitigation measures are
o Installing activated carbon filters/carbon adsorption in the aeration basin influent
channel, and /or all waste gas axhaust systems,
o Installing biofiltration/bio trickling filters for all waste gas axhaust systems,


Appendix 4


Installing hooded enclosures on grit dumpsters and primary clarifier weir covers,
and/or channel seals,
Installing wet and dry scrubbers on waste gas exhaust systems from treatment
Installing caustic and hypochlorite chemical scrubbers on waste gas exhaust
systems from treatment tanks,
Installing an ammonia scrubber on waste gas axhaust from treatment tanks,
Installing thermal oxidizer to oxidize all waste gas exhaust,
Caping and covering the storage basins the anaerobic ponds to avoid release of
odorous compounds,
Installing mixed flow exhaust system to dilute waste gas exhaust.
Land Use, Soil Erosion and Soil Contamination

163. Prior to the commencement of construction the contractor, all subcontractors and all his
workers will need to be trained on the requirements for environmental management. In order to
ensure that the contractor, subcontractors and workers understand and have the capacity to
implement the environmental requirements and mitigation measures there will be regular and
frequent training sessions and tool-box talks.
164. At the beginning of the project, the Contractor shall identify named staff to supervise and
responsible for mitigation measures for all works including but not limited to earthworks,
drainage re-provisioning, erosion control, materials management, noise and dust control, waste
165. Engineering controls will be designed by the contractor as mitigation measures and
approved by the EMU (supervising authority) prior to the commencement of the construction
works. No construction works will commence until all mitigation measures are in place and
approved by the supervising authority.
166. The Project was designed not to interfere with the drainage on adjacent lands and paths
and to prevent soil erosion.
167. The contractor(s) will be required to have an environmental engineer to check the
implementation of any temporary drainage mitigations on the site and make modifications on a
daily basis as necessary.
168. In addition, the following guidelines will be applied to minimize the impact on land used to
extract borrow material:

Land Use

169. Project facilities will be located at a minimum distance of 500 m from existing
settlements, built-up areas, wildlife habitats, or archaeological and cultural monuments.
170. As far as possible, waste/barren land ie, areas not under agricultural or residential use,
and natural areas with a high elevation will be used for setting up Project facilities.

Appendix 4


171. The excavation of earth fill will be limited to an approximate depth of 50 cm. This practice
will be applied uniformly across the entire extent of the farmland unit acquired for borrowing
earth material.
172. Where deep ditching is to be carried out, the top 1 m layer of the ditching area will be
stripped and stockpiled. The ditch will initially be filled with scrap material from construction and
then leveled with the stockpiled topsoil to make it even with the rest of the area.
173. Ditches or borrow pits that cannot be fully rehabilitated will be landscaped/converted into
fish ponds to minimize erosion and to avoid creating hazards for people and livestock.
174. The following restrictions or constraints should be placed on the contractors camp sites,
and construction staff in general:
- The use of welding equipment, oxy-acetylene torches and other bare flames where
veld fires constitute a hazard.
- Indiscriminate disposal of rubbish or construction wastes or rubble.
- Littering of the site.
- Spillage of potential pollutants, such as petroleum products.
- Collection of firewood.
- Poaching of any description.
- Use of surrounding veld as toilets.
- Burning of wastes and cleared vegetation.

Soil Erosion and Surface Runoff

175. Good engineering practices will help the control soil erosion both at construction sites,
particularly in excavation and borrow areas, and along haul tracks.
176. The contractors will be required to include appropriate measures and implement them
accordingly. These will include the following measures:
o Schedule work so clearing and grading are done during the time of minimum
o Temporary stabilization is required within 70 days, if the site will be inactive for
more than 30 days.
o Permanent stabilization is required, if the site will be inactive for more than one
o Clear only areas essential for construction.
o Perimeter control shall be installed, and temporary and permanent stabilization is
required for topsoil stockpiles, and other disturbing areas within seven calender
days of site disturbance.
o Highly erodible soils should be avoided.
o Protect natural vegetation with fencing, tree armoring, and retaining walls or tree
o Stockpile topsoil and reapply to re-vegetate the site.
o Cover and stabilize topsoil stockpiles.
o Use wind erosion controls.
o On long or steep, disturbed, or man-made slopes, construct benches, terraces, or
ditches at regular intervals to intercept runoff.
o Use seeding and mulch/mats, if necessary.
o Use turfing.


Appendix 4


Use wildflower cover.

Stockpiles should be covered before heavy rain to prevent wash out due to the
runoff. Stockpiles should not be located within 20m of the water courses and
there should be an intervening vegetated buffer to control any un-expected runoff.


The following practices will be adopted to minimize the risk of soil contamination:



Soil Contamination

The contractors will be required to instruct and train their workforce in the storage
and handling of materials and chemicals that can potentially cause soil
Soil contamination by asphalt will be minimized by placing all containers in
Solid waste generated during construction and at campsites will be properly
treated and safely disposed of only in demarcated waste disposal sites.
Debris generated by the dismantling of existing pavement structures will be
recycled subject to the suitability of the material.
Solid wastes generated in the contractors camp and other workplaces will be
managed as follows;
- Construction sites borders should be marked beforehand and signs sould be
erected warning people not to dump garbage and not to enter.
- Construction debris (sand, soil, rocks, asphalt, concrete) should be used as
an additional material for filling deep trenches when needed. If not needed,
they will be taken to the citys dump site.
- An adequate disposal facilities should be provided for solid wastes in or near
the contractors camp.
Construction chemicals will be managed as follows;
- Pesticides: Properly store, handle, apply and dispose of pesticides. Pesticides
storega areas in the construction sites should be protected from the elements.
Warning signs should properly placed in the areas sprayed or treated.
Persons mixing and applying these chemicals should wear use suitable
protective clothing (Personal Protective Equipment-PPE).
- Contractor(s) should submit a detailed PPE Policy for approval of the SAWMC
and EMU prior to commence the work.
- Petrolium Products: When storing the petrolium products, the following
measures should be taken;
- Creating a shelter around the area with cover and wind protection,
- Lining the storage area with a double layer of plastic sheeting or similar
- Clearly labelling all products,
- Keeping the tanks off the ground and stopping the source of the spill,
- Covering the spill with absorbent material

Special attention should be paid for construction of contractors fuel facility, and those

Appendix 4




Fuel tanks (diesel or oil) should be placed in a concrete pool which its perimeter
walls will be at least 1. 0 m high with the concrete or plastered masonry wall,
Fuel facility should be located at least 30 m far from the storage area and other
facilities of the camp, and should be protected with a separate wire fence wall,
The area of the fuel facility should be covered with a shed for the protective
measure against the sunshine and rain.
A proper floor drain should be installed on the slab of the concrete pool for safely
discharging the leakages,
Nutrients: The fertilizer and liming materials into the soil to depths of 10-15 cm.
Washouting from concrete trucks and mixers should be disposed of into a
designated area that can later be backfilled.
The Contractor will be required to instruct and train their workforce in the storage
and handling of materials and chemicals that can potentially cause soil
If waste oils or other contaminants are accidentally spilled on open ground the
waste including the top 2 cm of any contaminated soil shall be disposed of as
chemical waste to a disposal site acceptable to the SAWMC and agreed with the
local authority / community.
Control measures for oily residues, lubricants and refueling are prescribed in the
EMP. The maintenance yards that will be created will have dedicated drainage
which can capture run-off.
Oily residues and fuel should be captured at source and refueling and
maintenance should take place in dedicated areas away from surface water
Flora and Fauna

The mitigation measures on flora and fauna are described below.

Any existing vegetation should be preserved to the greatest extent possible.
The Contractor and his employees shall not bring any domesticated animals onto the
The Contractor shall ensure that the work site be kept clean, tidy and free of rubbish
that would attract animals.
No poaching of fauna and flora shall be tolerated by the Contractor or his personnel on
Site or elsewhere.
Contractors will be required to establish their campsites, crusher plants and concrete
batching plant (if needed) on waste/barren land rather than on forested or agriculturally
productive land.
Construction vehicles, machinery and equipment will remain confined within their
designated areas of movement.
Before ground disturbing activities begin, identify and locate all equipment staging

180. Where cut and fill cannot be avoided, slopes shall be designed for long term stability.
Permanent vegetation should be used as the priority approach to stabilization of cut and fill
areas where slopes are less than or equal to 3:1.
181. The contractor(s) shall provide the sand/gravel (crushed or naturally sieved and washed
material) for filling, underlaying the pipes, using of base and sub-base material, asphalt mixture,
and concrete mixture in all Project activities from the existing plants in NAR.



Appendix 4

Staff working on the project should be given clear orders, not to shoot, snare or trap any


183. In this part, informing studies carried out about the project for the public residing on the
settlements likely to be affected by the project will be explained.

Public Consultation Details

184. The proposed Nakhchivan City Wastewater Plant will be constructed at south side of the
City, approximately 3 km north of Araz Water Reservoir. The group to be affected most by the
project is expected to be the public residing in Nakhcivan City.
185. The public information and consultation was done to allay any fears of people and to
receive any objections/suggestions on the project. Public Consultation Meetings were carried out
in Nakhcivan City on 05-09.09.2011. By giving advertisements in advance, attendance of a wide
range of related people to the meetings was encouraged. Opinions, ideas and suggestions of
the locals and related people were received during the public attendance meetings and other
related studies.

Information Disclosure & Public Opinions

186. Concerning the activities performed in the Public Attendance Meetings; citizens were
informed about the studies to be carried out within the scope of the project, environmental
effects of the project and measures to be taken against these effects. The topics discussed

project awareness
expected start and end of the project
benefits of the project to society and state and as a whole
the environmental issues related to the project
any disadvantages and how these can be mitigated

187. Resident attendants were aware of the facts that the untreated effluent is a major health
and environmental problem and that the City is lacking a WWTP. The attendees liked the idea of
using the treated effluent for irrigation purposes. Some of the attendees asked if the sludge can
be used for agriculture. They are informed that the use of sludge in agriculture is vey likely, as
long as no heavy metals toxic to plants and humans are present in sewage sludge. The EU
Council Directive 86/278/EEC regulates the use of sludge in agriculture and SAWMC / MENR
will work together to regulate its use by following the mentioned directive once the WWTP is in


188. PIU of SAWMC has overall responsibility for project implementation and EMU of SAWMC
will have overall responsibility for environmental compliance. The Ministry of Ecology and

Appendix 4


Natural Resources (MENR) is the responsible administrative body from the protection of
environmental and natural resources. The affected population and stakeholders may send their
grievances, related to the project induced environmental impacts and nuisance to EMU or
directly to the MENR.
189. The MENR is obligated to respond to the grievances, which have been received from the
population or other interested parties in accordance with the rules of the Government of
190. However, the EMU will facilitate the response through implementing the following
grievance redress mechanism. During the ongoing public consultation process, the PIU will
inform the stakeholders and the public that an EMU within SAWMC will be responsible for
environmental compliance and grievance redress. EMU will continuously provide information on
the public consultation meetings and post on the media (i.e. wallpapers and or newspapers) the
contact details of the persons responsible for grievance collection and response.
191. Upon receiving the grievance (in written or oral form) the EMU will carry out the following
(i) send its representatives to check the claims and monitor the situation
(ii) involve SAWMC and MENR when and where appropriate
(iii) receive experts conclusion (from PIU personnel, consultant experts or MENR
(iv) submit an instruction on corrective measures to the construction company and the
operators during 10 days after receiving the grievance
(v) inform the affected person or persons about the experts decision and corrective
measures applied;
(vi) If the affected person is not satisfied by the decision, they may present further
information in support of new case. The subsequent decision of the EMU/MENR is
considered finally.
192. In case the affected stakeholder or person is not satisfied with the response, the
grievance may be the directed to the court.


193. EMP is a plan or programme that seeks to achieve a required end state and describes
how activities that have or could have an adverse impact on the environment, will be mitigated,
controlled, and monitored.
194. To implement the mitigation measures described in above chapter, an Environmental
Management Plan has been prepared. The Environment Management Plan should be
implemented strictly.
195. The EMP will address the environmental impacts during the construction and operational
phases of a project. Due regard must be given to environmental protection during the entire
project. In order to achieve this a number of environmental specifications/recommendations are
made. These are aimed at ensuring that the contractor maintains adequate control over the
project in order to:

Minimize the extent of impact during construction

Ensure appropriate restoration of areas affected by construction.


Appendix 4

Prevent long term environmental degradation.

196. The contractor must be made aware of the environmental obligations that are stipulated
in this document, and must declare himself to be conversant of all relevant environmental
legislation. The contractor should also be aware that the SAWMC / Environmental Management
Unit (EMU) and Environmental Control Official(s) (ECO) with the Supervisory Engineer will
monitor the implementation of the procedures.

Environmental Mitigation/Management Plan


Environmental aspects addressed in this EMP include;

For the Construction Management Plan,


Ambient Air and Dust,

Water Pollution,
Noise Pollution,
Solid Waste,
Hazardous Materials,
Improper Land Use,
Erosion Control,
Soil Contamination,
Flora and Fauna,

For the Operation Phase Management Plan,


Sludge Disposal
Effluent Discharge Quality
Solid and Hazardous Wastes
Odor Control

198. The EMP shall be attached in the bidding documents as guidance to the Bidders /
Contractors. The plan must be read in conjunction with the contract documents including the
relevant Bill of Quantities, Specifications and Drawings. When carrying out the Works, the
environmental objective is to minimize the footprint of damage, disturbance and/or nuisance (of
the social and biophysical environment), to properly manage use of water resources and to
prevent pollution. This is the responsibility of the Contractor.

Appendix 4


Construction Mitigation/Management Plan

Environmental Impact at the Construction Phase



Ambient Air and


Local Dust

Water Pollution


Mitigation Measures Recommended


Limit the production of dust and damage caused by Daily during

dust to the satisfaction of ECO.
Reschedule vegetation clearing activities or
earthworks during periods of high wind, if visible dust is
blowing off-site.
Regular watering and other treatment of exposed
construction areas subject to vehicle and machinery
Ensure that vehicles and equipment are appropriately
maintained or covered to minimize air emissions.
Vehicle speeds in construction shall be limited to a
maximum of 30 km/h.
Revegetate disturbed areas as soon as possible.
No open burning of wastes to be undertaken
Use erosion control and sedimentation facilities Daily during
including sediment traps and straw bale barriers or construction
combinations thereof
Store lubricants, fuels and other hydrocarbons at least
100m away from water bodies.
Topsoil stripped material shall not be stored where
natural drainage will be disrupted.
Solid wastes will be disposed of properly (not dumped
in streams).
Cover solid construction material and spoil stockpiles

Responsibility for
Implementation and for
Monitoring & Enforcement
Construction Contractor(s) / ECO,
Supervisory Engineer, and

Construction Contractor(s) / ECO,

Supervisory Engineer, and



Appendix 4

to reduce material loss

Noise Pollution

Solid Waste



Maintain machinery and vehicle silencer units to Daily during

minimize noise
Keep noise generating activities associated with
construction activities to a minimum and within working
Vehicles and machinery that are used intermittently
should not be left idling condition for long period of time.
Equipment used on site will be quietest reasonably
Best available work practices will be employed on site
to minimize occupational noise levels.
Provide adequate number of scavenger proof refuse Monthly
bins at the construction sites and at the construction during
Ensure that all personnel immediately deposit waste in
the waste bins provided.
Store all refuse and solid waste generated at all work
sites in appropriate scavenger proof containment
All waste must be transported in an appropriate
manner (e.g. plastic rubbish bags).
Do not dispose of any waste and / or construction
debris by burning, or by burying.
Discard all construction waste at a registered waste
management facility / landfill site
All soil contaminated, for example by leaking
machines, 42efueling spills etc. to be excavated to the
depth of contaminant penetration, placed in drums and
removed to an appropriate landfill site.

Construction Contractor(s) /
ECO, Supervisory Engineer, and

Construction Contractor(s) /
SAWMC/ECO, Supervisory
Engineer, and Contractor(s)

Appendix 4

Material wastes


Improper Land




Comply with all national, regional and local legislation Monthly

with regard to the storage, transport, use and disposal during
of petroleum, chemical, harmful and hazardous construction
substances and materials.
Establish an emergency procedure for dealing with
spills or releases of petroleum.
Storage of all hazardous material to be safe, tamper
proof and under strict control.
Petroleum, chemical, harmful and hazardous waste
throughout the site must be stored in appropriate, well
maintained containers.
Any accidental chemical / fuel spills to be corrected
Ditches or borrow pits that cannot be fully rehabilitated
shall be landscaped/converted into ponds to minimize Monthly
erosion and to avoid creating hazards for people and during
Apply following restrictions or constraints on the site
camp, and construction staff:
- Indiscriminate disposal of rubbish or construction
wastes or rubble.
- Littering of the site.
- Spillage of potential pollutants, such as petroleum
- Collection of firewood.
- Poaching of any description.
- Use of surrounding veld as toilets.
- Burning of wastes and cleared vegetation.
The natural vegetation encountered on the site to be
conserved and left as intact as possible.
Protect all areas susceptible to erosion and take

Construction Contractor(s) /
SAWMC/ECO, Supervisory
Engineer, and Contractor(s)

Construction Contractor(s) /
Supervisory Engineer, and



Appendix 4




measures, to the approval of the ECO.
During construction, areas susceptible to erosion must during
be protected by installing temporary or permanent construction
drainage works and energy dispersion mechanisms
Storm water drainage measures are required on site
to control runoff and prevent erosion.
Schedule work so clearing and grading are done
during the time of minimum rainfall.
Clear only areas essential for construction.
Avoid highly erodible soils.
Stockpile topsoil and reapply to re-vegetate the site.
Cover and stabilize topsoil stockpiles.
Use wind erosion controls.
Properly treat solid waste generated during Continual
construction and at campsites and safely dispose only during
in demarcated waste disposal sites.
Persons mixing and applying construction chemicals
should wear use suitable protective clothing (Personal
Protective Equipment-PPE).
Submit a detailed PPE Policy for approval of the
SAWMC and EMU prior to commence the work.
Keep chemical/fuel tanks off the ground.
Fuel facility should be located at least 30 m far from
the storage area and other facilities of the camp, and
should be protected with a separate wire fence wall.
Washouting from concrete trucks and mixers should be
disposed of into a designated area that can later be
Instruct and train workforce in the storage and

Construction Contractor(s) /
Supervisory Engineer, and

Construction Contractor(s) / ECO,

Supervisory Engineer, and

Appendix 4


handling of materials and chemicals that can potentially

cause soil contamination.
If waste oils or other contaminants are accidentally
spilled on open ground the waste including the top 2 cm
of any contaminated soil shall be disposed of as
chemical waste to a disposal site acceptable to the
SAWMC and agreed with the local authority /
Impact on Flora
and Fauna


Any existing vegetation should be preserved to the Continual

greatest extent possible.
The Contractor and his employees shall not bring any
domesticated animals onto the site.
The Contractor shall ensure that the work site be kept
clean, tidy and free of rubbish that would attract
No poaching of fauna and flora shall be tolerated by
the Contractor or his personnel on Site or elsewhere.

Construction Contractor(s) / ECO,

Supervisory Engineer, and

*Estimated Costs for implementation of mitigation measures described in the construction phase EMP are insignificant and are considered to be included in the Project Budget.


Appendix 4

2. Operation Phase Mitigation/Management Plan

Sludge Disposal

Effluent quality

Waste Implications
Solid and
Hazardous Wastes

Disposal Site

Discharge to

Plant Site

Environmental Impact During Operational Phase

Mitigation Measures Recommended
Routinely gather sludge by mechanical means Continual during
and remove to the nearby Nakhcivan City Solid operational phase
Waste Disposal site
Full compliance to 99/31/EC Directive and
75/442/EEC Directive
Daily sample analysis and testing of treated water Continual during
operational phase
Full compliance to EU council directive 91/271
If the effluent do not comply with the Directive, its
use for irrigation be stopped, until acceptable
quality test results and sufficient disinfection are
demonstrated as per the Directive.
Monthly control
Visual assessment during the Works;
during operational
- Field inspection,
- Report of waste volumes generated
- Report and record all leakages and spills
All solid wastes will properly be packaged, and
disposed at a lawfully area.
All hazardous materials shall be stored in a
secured, appointed area that is fenced and has
restricted entry.
Storage of hazardous products shall only take
place using suitable containers.

Responsibility for
Implementation and for
Monitoring & Enforcement
WWTP Management /

WWTP Management /

WWTP Management /

Appendix 4

Hazard signs indicating the nature of the stored

materials shall be displayed on the storage facility
or containment structure.
Any accidental chemical / fuel spills to be
corrected immediately.

Plant Site

Continual during
Visual assessment
operational phase
High-pressure water spray to break up any scum
so that it will settle.
Keep at least 20 m beautification zone from the
perimeter fence of the WWTP

WWTP Management /

*Estimated Costs for implementation of mitigation measures described in the operational phase EMP are insignificant and are considered to be included in WWTP normal
operational expenses.




Appendix 4

Institutional arrangements

199. Supervision and monitoring are fundamental to the successful implementation of an

Environmental Management Plan. Therefore, it is vital that monitoring of the extent to which the
mitigation measures of this project, which are adhered to by consultants and contractors, takes
200. All of the issues described and discussed in this document will require monitoring, and it
will be the responsibility of SAWMC to undertake this monitoring according to the specifications
of the monitoring plan.
To draft and implement a monitoring programme to assess compliance with the EMP.
To establish an Environmental Management Unit (EMU) during the Construction Phases.
To undertake the monitoring of operations during the operational phase. Any problems that
are identified or encountered must be reported to SAWMC so that appropriate action may be
taken to rectify the situation.


201. SAWMC has already a Project Implementation Unit (PIU). This unit is typically a Fully
Integrated PIU, as the project implementing unit, which has taken the full responsibility and
implement the project using its own structure and staff. Because in such a case when he needs
an expert staff from other agencies or ministries, he will have all supports of them by
reassigning the expert staff to carry out project activities by releasing them from other ministry
functions. PIU of SAWMC may be supported by limited technical assistance for specific areas
that require additional skills or expertise (e.g. environmental specialist, health and safety
specialist and quality control experts experienced on the ADB financed projects).

Environmental Management Unit (EMU) of PIU

202. The SAWMCs PIU currently has few staffs and there will be a need for more human
resources. A substantial amount of training shall be undertaken in order to ensure that the EMU
officials are trained to understand how to apply the EMP. The training will ensure they have the
resources to apply the EMP and have the capacity to evaluate the environmental requirements
and contractors mitigation measures, and also to facilitate capacity building activities. This will
work towards the development of a strengthening plan for the environmental management
undertaken by EMU as the project moves from the detailed design to the construction and
maintenance phases. It is recommended that the proposed environmental staff within the
Construction on Nakhchivan City Water Supply Network and Sewage Collection System
subproject is also engaged on this WWTP subproject.

Duties of Environmental Control Officer

203. The Environmental Control Official shall ensure that the mitigation measures and other
requirements set forth in the EMP are adhered to.

Appendix 4



The following guidelines apply to the functions of an ECO:

The ECO should have the ability to understand the contents of the Environmental
Management Plan (EMP) and explain it to the contractor, the site staff, the supervisors
and any other relevant personnel.
The ECO would have to be on site on a regular basis, preferably daily to supervise
environmental actions associated with construction activities.
The ECO should be able to understand, interpret, monitor and implement the EMP.
This is his most important function.
The ECO must then give feedback of the monitorings to SAWMCs PIU/EMU and
Contractors. This must be in the form of a written report.
The ECO must ensure that the contractor understands what is to be done to rectify
and address any problems that have arisen from the monitoring.


Suggested Environmental Management Team for SAWMC

205. The environmental management team proposed to be constituted under the PIU of
SAWMC within the Construction on Nakhchivan City Water Supply Network and Sewage
Collection System Subproject is recommended to be assigned this WWTP Project too.
206. The team shall manage and monitor all environmental issues and shall provide full
control on the terms of EMP. An expat EMP manager should be employed for six months to
manage the team and to create training opportunity, and thus the team would specialize on the
environmental management at the end of the construction phase. A local ECO, a local
environmental specialist and a local clerical staff are the other minimum suggested team
members for EMU.

Estimated Costs for Environmental Management

207. The Estimated Cost for the Environmental management for construction period is
included in the Environmental management estimated cost of Construction on Nakhchivan City
Water Supply Network and Sewage Collection System Subproject. No additional cost is being

Feedback to SAWMCs PIU and EMU

208. Reporting to the SAWMCs PIU and EMU should take place during site meetings. In the
case of potential fatal flaws/crises developing due to implementation of the project, reporting
should be done immediately and the potentially adverse activities immediately halted in order
that corrective action can be taken.
209. Reporting on the status of implementation of the EMP and the results of the
environmental monitoring programme must be recorded and summarised in monthly and
semiannually reports by the EM/ECO and submitted to the SAWMCs PIU.



Appendix 4

Failure to comply with EMP

210. Outlined below are a number of steps, relating to increasing severity of environmental
problems, which will be implemented. The principle is to keep as many issues within the first few
steps as possible.
Step 1: The ECO discusses the problem with the contractor or guilty party, and they work out a
solution together. The ECO records the discussion and the solution implemented, and submits
to EMU (or EM).
Step 2: The ECO and Supervisory Engineer observe a more serious infringement, and notifies
the guilty party in writing, with a deadline by which the problem must be rectified. All costs will
be borne by the contractor.
Step 3: The ECO shall order the contractor to suspend part, or all, the works. The suspension
will be enforced until such time as the offending party(ies), procedure or equipment is corrected
and/or remedial measures put in place if required. No extension of time will be granted for such
delays and all cost will be borne by the contractor.
Step 4: Breach of contract One of the possible consequences of this is the removal of a
contractor and/or equipment from the workplace and/or the termination of the contract, whether
a construction contract or an employment contract. Such measures will not replace any legal
proceedings that SAWMC may institute against the contractor.

Environmental Monitoring and Supervision

211. The Employer (SAWMC) with its authorized environmentally sub-sections (EMU/ECO),
and the Supervisory Engineer (or Environmental Specialist of CMF) will monitor the
implementation of the EMP. Overall potential environmental and safety impacts are readily
avoidable and can be easily mitigated by adopting good engineering practices.
212. The Employer will ensure that the contract document include the relevant environmental
protection clauses. The Contractor that will perform the works will also follow the requirements
of the current Azerbaijan construction and environmental regulations. Compliance with the
Azerbaijan regulations and the terms of the EMP will be monitored and verified in the monthly
reports submitted to the SAWMC by EMU/ECO and the Supervisory Engineer, based on
consultations with the Contractor and site visits. The Supervisory Engineer will also look into
any new critical issues that may come up during the construction works and suggest actions for
various agencies.
213. All environmental measures will be monitored and enforced, together with health and
safety measures (accident prevention, etc.) applied by the contractor for his workforce to cover
all aspects of rehabilitation works, including control of pollution and wastes at work sites and
214. Various types of monitoring activity exists. Below are brief description of the types that
are included in the monitoring requirements of this study.
215. Impact Monitoring: The biophysical and socio-economical (including public health)
parameters within the project area, must be measured during the project construction and

Appendix 4


operational phases in order to detect environmental changes, which may have occurred as a
result of project implementation.
216. Compliance Monitoring: This form of monitoring employs a periodic sampling method, or
continuous recording of specific environmental quality indicators or pollution levels to ensure
project compliance with recommended environmental protection standards.
217. Monitoring should be regular and performed over a long period of duration. Interruptions
in monitoring may result in generating insufficient data to draw accurate conclusion concerning
project impact.

Environmental Monitoring

218. The objectives of carrying out Environmental Monitoring for the Project include the
Providing a database against which any short or long term environmental impacts of
the project can be determined.
Monitoring environmental compliance with the EMP.
Providing an early indication should any of the environmental control measures or
practices fail to achieve the acceptable standards.
Monitoring the performance of the Project and the effectiveness of mitigation
Taking remedial action if unexpected problems or unacceptable impacts arise.
219. Monitoring in this Project should be developed in two consequent phases, and those are
Construction Phase and Operation Phase.

Environmental Monitoring Requirements

220. The predicted monitoring requirements in the construction phase and operation phase
are below.


Appendix 4

Monitoring Plan for Specific Mitigation





Action Level

Response When
Action Level


during the Works

If dust levels are above

acceptable visual levels,
implement dust
suppression techniques
(wetting down area)
and/or assess weather
conditions and maybe
temporarily cease works
until conditions ease

Engineer and

If contaminant
conditions are
exceeded, review
disposal options and
decide on most
applicable. Report any
exceedences of licence
(of applicable) to issuing

Engineer and

Solid waste cycled as 0

% of movement of
solids or liquid waste
through the soil, rocks,
water, atmosphere.

Engineer and

If controls have failed or

are considered
inadequate, cease
works immediately and
repair to an acceptable

Engineer and

Required to ensure the

mitigation measures are
properly implemented.

Engineer and

Required to ensure the

mitigation measures are

Engineer and

Construction Phase

Ambient Air



Impact Monitoring




guideline / licence
(whichever is
Impact Monitoring


Storage and
transport of


during the Works;
- Field inspection,
- Report of waste
Report and record
all leakages and
Impact Monitoring


Soil Monitoring
and Erosion


Assess adequacy
of sedimentation/
controls on-sit
Impact Monitoring


Fauna andFlora


Minimal ecological
Impact Monitoring

and Visual

treatment of

Once at the
Completion of

disturbance of the
original landscape

Appendix 4

Impact Monitoring


properly implemented.



The Estimated Costs for Construction Phase Monitoring are included in Environmental Management Estimated
Cost of Nakhcivan City WSS Network Construction Costs.

Operational Phase



As per
1999/31 EC

Full compliance to
requirements of
Council directive
1999/31/ EC
Impact Monitoring

Cease the
treatment activity


remedial action




As per EU
91/271 EEC
Daily quality
check for use
in irrigation

- Report the
quantity of
discharge every
- Full compliance
to Council
Directive 91/271
- Sample analysis
comply with the

Cease the
discharge to water


remedial action

Solid waste cycled SAWMC,

as 0 % of
during the Works;
solids or liquid
- Field
waste through the
soil, rocks, water,
- Report of waste
generated Report
and record all
leakages and
spills Impact
The Estimated Costs for Operational Phase Monitoring are minimal and will be handled by SAWMC,
through WWTP operational expenses.


Storage and
transport of


221. Institutional factors determining the effectiveness of monitoring should not be

underestimated. There needs to be a firm institutional commitment by the agencies and/or


Appendix 4

ministeral departments responsible for the monitoring process (i.e. EMU, SAWMC, MENR),
particularly in regard to the following:
222. Willingness on the part of the institutions involved and organizational personnel to
support the monitoring process with the necessary level of resources and authority,
- Maintaining continuity in the monitoring programme,
- Technical capabilities of the personnel involved must be developed,
- Integrity or honesty of the process must be maintained,
- Decisions must be taken based on a thorough review of results,
- Monitoring information must be made available to all agencies and departments concerned,
223. Necessary institutional reforms need to be made within the planning and implementation


224. The Environmental Monitoring reporting shall be carried out in paper based plus
electronic submission upon agreeing the format with the MENR of NAR. All the monitoring data
shall also be submitted in CD-ROM.
225. Types of reports that the Environmental Manager (EM) should prepare and submit
include monthly Environmental Monitoring reports and semi annual Environmental Monitoring
reports. All Environmental Monitoring reports should be made available to the PIU of SAWMC.
In addition, semi annual monitoring reports shall be submitted to ADB, by the PIU of SAWMC.
226. The reports will be based on recurrent site inspections as described in Section 8.2.4 and
will report on the effectiveness of the mitigation measures; the Contractors compliance with the
environmental specifications; progress on the implementation of the EMP; measures
recommended in the events of non-compliance and recommendations for any other remedial
actions, etc.

Site Inspection

227. Site inspection provides a direct means to initiate and enforce specified environmental
protection and pollution control measures. These should be undertaken routinely to inspect
construction activities in order to ensure that appropriate environmental protection and pollution
control mitigation measures are properly implemented. The site inspection is one of the most
effective tools to enforce the environmental protection requirements at the works area.
228. The Environmental Manager (EM) of EMU of SAWMC should be responsible for
formulating the environmental site inspection, the deficiency and action reporting system, and
for carrying out the site inspection works. He/she should submit a proposal for site inspection
and deficiency and action reporting procedures to the Contractor for agreement, and to the
SAWMC for approval.
229. Regular site inspections should be carried out at least once per week. The areas of
inspection should not be limited to the environmental situation, pollution control and mitigation

Appendix 4


measures within the site, the site inspections should also review the environmental situation
outside the works area which is likely to be affected, directly or indirectly, by the site activities.
The EM should make reference to the following information in conducting the inspection:
230. The IEE and EMP recommendations on environmental protection and pollution control
mitigation measures (including dust control measures and good site practice measures for
ecological impact), Ongoing results of the Environmental Monitoring programme, Work progress
and programme, Individual work methodology proposals (which shall include proposal on
associated pollution control measures), Contract specifications on environmental protection,
Relevant environmental protection and pollution control laws.
231. The Contractor should keep the EM updated with all relevant information on the
construction contract necessary for him/her to carry out the site inspections. Inspection results
and associated recommendations for improvements to the environmental protection and
pollution control works should be submitted to the SAWMC and the Contractor within 24 hours
for reference and for taking immediate action.
232. The Contractor should follow the procedures and time-frame as stipulated in the
deficiency and action reporting system formulated by the EM to report on any remedial
measures subsequent to the site inspections.
233. The EM should also carry out additional site inspections if significant environmental
problems are identified. Inspections may also be required subsequent to receipt of
environmental complaint, or as part of the investigation work for environmental monitoring.



234. The screening process carried out in the IEE has not identified any significant negative
environmental impacts. It is concluded from the screening test that:
(i) The Project will not result in any unwarranted loss of natural resources and any adverse
impact on national heritage sites.
(ii) The Project will not cause any additional hazards to endangered species.
(iii) The Project will not require any resettlement of the people as there is no likelihood of
displacing the people.
(iv) The Project will not cause any increase in the affluent-poor income gap. Any potential
problems that might arise from untreated and hard water supply will be eliminated. This
will consequently have a positive impact on the economic conditions of the poor.


235. The Environmental Monitoring Plan developed to guide the specific environmental
assessment of schemes with structural measures and institutional arrangement and monitoring
shall be fully implemented during construction and operational phases.



Appendix 4


236. The proposed Nakhchivan Wastewater Treatment Plant is a project to be put into
practice so as to meet the sewerage treatment of the City healthfully and thus enhance the
quality of life. Wastewaters are released to the environment without any treatment in
Nakhchivan. As a consequence of that, untreated wastewater which reaches to the ground
waters, rivers and lakes pose danger for both environment and public health. Because of rapid
population growth, excessive industrialization, increased drought and excessive consumption,
freshwater bodies are globally exhausted. Accordingly, wastewater treatment gains importance.
237. Environmental impacts of the construction phase are short term factors and measures
will be taken to minimize these impacts. Possible environmental effects during operational
phase are also minimal and do not include any adverse environmental effects as long as
monitoring and mitigation measures, if needed, are executed.
238. Overall, the major social and environmental impacts associated with wastewater
treatment plant project are minimal and can be mitigated to an acceptable level by
implementation of EMP and recommended measures and by best engineering and
environmental practices.
239. As described within this IEE Report, the project will not have significant negative
environmental impacts and the project would help in improving the socioeconomic conditions of
this developing state. As per the findings in this IEE Report, no detailed EIA study is required.

Appendix 4

A- Project Location Map



Appendix 4

Appendix 4

B- Pictures

Proposed new waste water treatment plant site



Appendix 4

Looking south from the waste water treatment plant site

(View of Araz Water Reservoir from the site)

Appendix 4

Irrigation canal where the untreated sewage of the City discharges



Appendix 4

Team Meeting on WWTP environmental issues at SAWMC Office

Public Consultation at local park in Nakhcivan City

Appendix 4

Public Consultation in Nakhcivan City



Appendix 4

Public Consultation at an outside tea house in Nakhcivan City

Public Consultation at home visits in Nakhcivan City

Appendix 4

Public Awareness Campaigns (Representatives of ADB)

Public Awareness Campaigns (Olly Norojono, Resident Rep. of ADB)



Appendix 4

C- IEE Approval Letter of Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources

Appendix 4



Appendix 4

Appendix 4



Appendix 4

Appendix 4


English Translation of IEE Approval Letter by MENR

On state Ecological Expertise of Environmental Impact
Assessment Report prepared for Waste Water
Treatment Plant to be built in the area in Qarakhanbeyli
village, Nakhchivan City within The Multitranche Water
Supply and Sanitation Investment Program under the
Loan Agreement between The Republic of Azerbaijan
and The Asian Development Bank

The Environmental Impact Assessment Report prepared for Waste Water Treatment
Plant to be built in the area in Qarakhanbeyli village, Nakhchivan City, according to the letter No
241, dated 21 September 2011 from Nakhchivan AR State Amelioration and Water
Management Committee addressed to The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources,
Nakhchivan AR, was presented to the State Ecological Expertise of the Ministry of Ecology and
Natural Resources.
It was reviewed by the state ecological expertise within the Ministry complying with the
ecological legislations principals and requirements that include the most important ecological
demands in the Environmental Impact Assessment Documents due to the regulations of
Environmental Impact Assessment Process in Azerbaijan, Protection of the Environment law
of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The following are the conclusion:
Description of the area to be under construction:
The area to be under construction for the Waste Water Treatment Plant covers an area in the
Qarakhanbeyli Village in Nakhchivan City. The area under construction for the Waste Water
Treatment Plant is situated in the south-west part of the town of Nakhchivan, 780 m above sealevel. There is a 3 km distance between the Nakhchivan City center and the construction area.
The total plot of the area allocated for the treatment plant is 14ha. Reducing actions of
environmental impacts (especially for soil, water and air) as well as fauna and flora impacts
must be reflected in the Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
Following criteria & requirements were checked in the Environmental Impact Assessment
Requirements for the Waste Water Treatment Plant construction in Nakhchivan
The following criterias must be taken into consideration:
1. Current ecological situation in the area allocated for the construction of the Waste Water
Treatment Plant
2. Spesifications of the infrastructure objects to impact the environment because of the
construction works


Appendix 4

3. Amount of the required raw material (sand, gravel, soil), planned sources for this
material to be taken, and approval of the relevant executive organs.
4. In the treatment plant after the process of treatment the treated waste water will be
discharged into the natural water sources or the river Araz, after running 1000-1500m
through the open concrete canal of the treatment plant
5. After the treatment process the discharged household and farm waste water will be
reused with the rural and other purposes.
6. After the treatment process the wastewater must not be discharged into the underground
water collectors in the existing collector drainage networks. And it should be reflected in
the environmental assessment documents.
7. The area planned for the construction of the WWTP must be provided with a fence to
prevent the wild animals and birds
8. After the completion of the construction works the area should be recultivated, restored,
and supplied with green zones of phytosanitary importance
During the treatment process of the waste water discharged from the treatment plant
the following must be taken into consideration:
- Amount, composition and discharging conditions
- Sanitary state of the treatment plant in the area where the projected establishment is
situated must be shown in the environmental impact assessment document
Water sources near the construction area:
- During the construction works the water object (Araz river) will be used for household,
farm, drinkible water, cultural and welfare needs of the population, fish farming and other
purposes at the present time and in the future, so it must be also taken into
- For the beginning period of the project execution in case there are no appropriate norms,
to enable the water users to determine the waste water composition and the degree of
the harmful impact of its components, as well as to conduct water hardness analysis
depending on the water object type and category and all these matters must be covered
in the environmental assessment documents.
- Local conditions must be concidered during the treatment and discharging process of
household and farm waste water, also installation of sewerage system.
Reuse of waste water in the circulating water supply:
- Use of treated farm and household waste water in the wtare supply
1. in case bulk discharge of industrial waste water with sharply changing composition and
amount, also constant maximal hardness, special regulatory mechanism must be
2. discharging point of the waste water must be installed below the dwellings along the
river and the areas of all the watre users
3. appropriate equipments and tools must be considered to take water samples from the
waste water outlet to the water object and to determine the inlet waste watre amount. If
there is a need of constant control of waste water consumption, composition, and
properties, appropriate Automatic devices must be supplied
4. farm and household wastewater inlet to the treatment plant and discharge of it by means
of its own pressure must be taken into consideration

Appendix 4


Treated farm and household waste water may be discharged into Araz river and Araz
reservoir which is used with the purpose of fish farming only on the following conditions
according to the water composition and properties:
Hardness and chemical composition requirements for the treated waste water
discharged from the treatment plant must comply the folloving standards:

1. The amount of suspended substances must not exceed 5.0 mg/l and 10.0 mg/l. In
the medium level of water, for water areas with minerals more than 30mg/l
suspended substances must not exceed 5%.
Biological demand for oxygen must be 4.0-6.0mg/l in 20c, in the discharged waste
In the discharged waste water chemical demand for oxygen must be not more than 30
Mineral composition of the waste water must not exceed 1000mg/l and also, chlorids 350 mg/l and sulphate must be -500 mg/l
Total amount of nitrogen must not exceed 9.32 mg/l
Total amount of Phosphorus in the discharged waste water must not exceed 1-1.5 mg/l
2. Oil products, organic mixtures, grease, and other mixture spots must not be
observed on the surface of the water
If the sinkink speed of mixtures for the flowing water basins is 0.4 mm/sec, and for the
water reservoir more than 0.2 mm/sec, the waste water must be prevented from
discharging into the natural water sources
Water filthing must not exceed 2 points. The flesh of fish and other water animals must
not taste and smeel unpleasantly because of the water composition.
Water transparency must not be below 30 sm with snellen font.
Hydrogen must not exceed 6.5-8.5
Waste water must be clear from infectious composition and it must be treated by means
of biological method and all the farm and household waste water should be disinfected.
In this case 1 litre water must contain more than 100 koli-index, and remaining chlorine
must be 1.5 mg/l. Water must be clear of poisonous substances that may be dangerous
for fish and other water animals.

The following information was included in the documentation process of Environmental

impact assessment of Nakhchivan City Waste water treatment plant:
- depending on the activity type the ecological assessment has been prepared complying
with local, national and international legislations.
- It includes information about the resources to be used for the planned activities under
project implementation, amount of waste water, its physical-chemical spesifications,
technological devices and so on.
- The environmental impact assessment report also covers long and short-period impact,
its maximal diminution, its amount and activities to be conducted for diminishing possible
future damages.
- Environmental impact diminution, liquidation, mitigation or alternative actions have been
grounded. Here superiority reasons of the choosen methods have also been reflected
and explanatory descriptions of requirements to be implemented are shown.
Activities to be taken into consideration for diminishing the factors that impact and
change the soil and ground resources of the environment.


Appendix 4

During the construction of WWTP, the soil rich in humus will be carried away into a
specially planned place to be taken back to this area after the construction work for
using in recultivation of this area. During the construction not any waste will be emptied
to the valley bed, soil waste will be collected in an appropriate area, and part of the
removed plant layer will be used in the area.

Future impact to the flora and fauna resources and its diminution.
- It must be taken into consideration that 5-6 km away of construction area belongs to
State natural reservation along the river of Araz, this fact should be reflected in the
Environmental Impact Assessment Report if there are anticipated impacts to the
landscape, fauna, flora and biological resources of the hydroenvironment
- According to the surveys and existing literature, there are not any endemic plant species
in the plains along Araz river that cover the treatment process.
- During the survey not any extinct fauna species were observed in this area.
There will be no severe damage to the environment and soil layer of the construction area
during WWTP construction in Nakchivan City. Impacts to the plants and animals also
reptiles will be so scarce and short lasting in different construction areas that it will not be
even felt. During the works water environment will be directly impacted by no means.
As the construction area is far away the dwellings they will be out of any impact. It is
estimated that there will be only positive social and economical impacts.
Consequently, Nakchivan AR, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources doesnt object
construction of WWTP in Nakchivan City, complying with the regulations: about the
Environmental Impact Assessment along Araz river under the law of The Azerbaijan
Republic on Protection of the environment. And it is also recommended that environmental
protection requirements reflected in the Environmental Impact Assessment Report must be
seriously followed.

1. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Ministry of

Ecology and Natural Resources, Regulating the use
Of environment and natural resources
Department manager:
O. Quliyev.


Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Ministry of

Ecology and Natural Resources, Ecological Expertise
And Monitoring Department Director:
I. Ibrahimova

Appendix 4


Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Ministry of

Ecology and Natural Resources, Water Resources
Leading Adviser:
D. Hasanova

_23_ _September_2011


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