God's Plan For Marriage and Spousal Love: Fr. Matthew Habiger, OSB
God's Plan For Marriage and Spousal Love: Fr. Matthew Habiger, OSB
God's Plan For Marriage and Spousal Love: Fr. Matthew Habiger, OSB
of marriage.
Fol lowi n g clo sel y t h e te ac hi ng o f t he
Catechism of the Catholic Church, the
pastoral letter first discusses marriage as a
natural institution essentially linked to malefemale complementarity and ordered to the good
of the spouses and the procreation of
The letter views marriage as an institution facing
"fundamental challenges" from contraception,
homosexual unions, divorce and cohabitation.
"Deliberately intervening, by the use of
contraceptive practices, to close off an act of
intercourse to the possibility of procreation is
a way of separating the unitive meaning of
marriage from the procreative meaning. This
is objectively wrong and in and of itself and is
essentially opposed to God's plan for marriage
and proper human development."
On same-sex unions the bishops teach: "The legal
recognition of same-sex unions poses a
multifaceted threat to the very fabric of society,
striking at the source from which society and
culture come and which they are meant to serve.
Such recognition affects all people, married and
non-married: not only at the fundamental levels
of the good of the spouses, the good of children,
the intrinsic dignity of every human person and
the common good, but also at the levels of
education, cultural imagination and influence,
and religious freedom."
On cohabitation the bishops teach: "Social science
research finds that cohabitation has no positive
effects on a marriage. In some cases, cohabitation
can in fact harm a couple's chances for a stable
c o h a b i t a t i o n i n v o l ve s t h e s e r i o u s s i n o f
fornication. It does not conform to God's plan
fo r ma r r i a g e a nd i s al wa ys wr o n g a nd
objectively sinful."
higher i n c i d e n c e o f i n c a r c e r a t i o n , a n d
l o w e r performance in school.