Creation of Universes From Nothing
Creation of Universes From Nothing
Creation of Universes From Nothing
4 November 1982
A cosmological model is proposed in which the universe is created by quantum tunneling from literally nothing into a
de Sitter space. After the tunneling, the model evolves along the lines of the inflationary scenario. This model does not
have a big-bang singularity and does not require any initial or boundary conditions.
The standard hot cosmological model gives a successful description of many features of the evolution
of the universe. However, it is not totally satisfactory,
since it requires rather unnatural initial conditions at
the big bang. One has to postulate that the universe
has started in a homogeneous and isotropic state with
tiny density fluctuations which are to evolve into galaxies. Homogeneity and isotropy must extend to
scales far exceeding the causal horizon at the Planck
time. In addition, the energy density of the universe
must be tuned to be near the critical density with an
incredible accuracy of ~ 10- 55.
In the last few years there is a growing hope of
explaining these initial conditions as resulting from
physical processes in the very early universe. Guth [1]
has suggested that the homogeneity, isotropy and
flatness puzzles can be solved if the universe passed
through a de Sitter phase of exponential expansion
(inflation) in its early history. [a(t) = exp(Ht), where
a(t) is the scale factor.] Such a phase can arise in a
first order phase transition with strong supercooling.
It has been suggested [ 2 - 4 ] that extreme supercooling can occur in grand unified models with C o l e m a n Weinberg type of symmetry breaking. Initially it was
not clear how to end the exponential expansion and
get back to a radiation-dominated universe [ 1 - 5 ] .
A plausible answer has emerged quite recently
[3,4,6]. At some temperature TO the false vacuum
becomes unstable due to thermal [ 2 - 4 ] or gravitational [6,7] effects. The Higgs field ~b starts rolling
down the effective potential towards the absolute
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1982 North-Holland
will never be reached (assuming that the grand unification mass scale is much smaller than the Planck
mass, o ~ rap). In order to cool down to temperatures ~1014 GeV, the energy density at t ~ tp must
be tuned to be near the critical density with an accuracy of ~ 1 0 -10. This is just a milder version of the
same flatness problem that we faced before.
In this paper I would like to suggest a new cosmological scenario in which the universe is spontaneously created from literally nothing, and which is free
from the difficulties I mentioned in the preceding
paragraph. This scenario does not require any changes
in the fundamental equations of physics; it only gives
a new interpretation to a well-known cosmological
We shall consider a model of interacting gravitational and matter fields. The matter content of the
model can be taken to be that of some grand unified
theory (GUT). The absolute minimum of the effective potential is reached when the Higgs field ~ responsible for the GUT symmetry breaking acquires a vacuum expectation value, (qS) = o ~ mp. The symmetric
vacuum state, (~) = 0, has a nonzero energy density,
Or. For a Coleman-Weinberg potential,
Pv ~ g 4o4 ,
1 = ~TrGpv a2 ,
a(t) = H -1 cosh(Ht),
4 November 1982
a(t) = H -1 cos(Ht).
x 0=+[K 2+(t-
t0) 211/2,
( x - x o ) 2 + ( t - to) 2 =K 2.
space/., ,,'/
~E D
/ ;D
Fig. 1. A schematic representation of (a) birth of the inflationary universe and (b) pair creation in the electric field. In both
cases dashed semicircles represent the "under-barrier" part of
the trajectory. (Below the horizontal axis t is the euclidean
time.) The classical evolution starts at t = 0.
a compact instanton. The process of pair production
is symbolically represented in fig. lb. AB and DE are
classically allowed trajectories. AB describes an electron moving backwards in time, that is a positron. The
semicircle BCD represents the instanton (8). The
instanton solution (8) can be used to estimate the
semiclassical probability, P, of pair creation per unit
length per unit time: P = exp(-SE), where SE is the
euclidean action,
SE = f[m(1
+ ~2)1/2
4 November 1982
Note added: The possibility of spontaneous creation of closed universes has been first discussed by
Tryon [15]. Quantum tunneling of the universe as a
whole has been discussed by Atkatz and Pagels [16]
and Hawking and Moss [17].
1 wish to thank Malcolm Perry for an illuminating
discussion which helped me to put my thoughts on the
subject in order and which was instrumental in bringing
the ideas presented here to their final form. I am also
grateful to Larry F o r d and Alan Guth for very helpful discussions during the course of this work.
[1] A.H. Guth, Phys. Rev. D23 (1981) 347.
[2] E. Witten, Nucl. Phys. B177 (1981) 477;
K. Tamvakis and C.E. Vayonakis, Phys. Lett. 109B
(1982) 283;
A. Billoire and K. Tamvakis, Nucl. Phys. B200 (1982)
[3] A.D. Linde, Phys. Lett. 108B (1982) 389.
4 November 1982