sq3r Chap 7
sq3r Chap 7
sq3r Chap 7
SQ3R Chapter 7
In setting up the economy, the bill of rights was added to the constitution and Hamilton
set up an economic ground, setting up land to use for money glow, a national bank, and to
riffs to help money circulate. Jefferson, on the other hand worked to better agrarian
economy through trade with British. The French and Haitian Revolutions divided
America in its ideologies of neutralism or action and slaves or free blacks. All this gave
rise to Political parties, the federalists and the republicans. Relations with Indians grew
slightly better, but Indians still refused to assimilate into American culture. People moved
further westward to gain new land set open to them. The French attempted to take back
their land but ultimately failed as the Americans got the Louisiana Purchase, enter Lewis
and Clark who explored it all. The British team up with the French and Indians to hurt the
Americans. Americans defeat Indians and Britain defeats and takes over French (War of
1812). British were wining due to multiple reasons, but overused their resources and
slowly died off. John Marshall used jurisdiction to outdo multiple Republicans and
finally John Quincy Adams showed Federalist ability through hid negotiations of so many
1) Q: Why did Hamilton believe a national debt would strengthen the United States and
help to ensure its survival?
A: - To enhance public credit by taking over the states' war debts (states were no longer
responsible for paying them). They needed good credit to secure loans from Dutch and
British financiers, which strengthens the U.S.
2) Q: How did Jefferson's idea of an agrarian republic differ from the economic vision
used by Hamilton?
A: - Jefferson's idea of an agrarian republic was a democratic vision of a society of
independent yeomen farm families. Grain and meat from farms would feed European
nations, which lead to manufacturers and sending clothes and other things in exchange.
There was an international division of labor which profited from Europe's struggles.
Hamilton's economic policies/taxes led to a lower demand for corn whiskey the farmers
distilled and bartered for eastern manufacturers, this caused whiskey rebellion.
3) Q: How did events abroad during the 1790s increase political divisions in the United
A: The French revolution split the government into groups of people. This created
discourse about England and France's relationships with the United States. The French
revolution also sparked the Haitian revolution, which increased refugees to the United
States. This split United States politicians into a group that supported slavery and one that
didn't. Foreign policy and immigration led to lots of discourse and with it, disagreement,
two party system.
A: The War of 1812 was an armed conflict between the United States and the British
Empire. The British restricted the American trade since they feared it was harmful for
their war with France and they also wanted to set up an Indian state in the Midwest in
order to maintain their influence in the region. The British had native Americans and
Canadians on their side, While the Americans objected to the British Empire restricting
their trade and snatching their sailors to serve on British shipsin order to prove their
independence from the British Empire.
11) Q: How was asserting National supremacy achieved?
A: It was achieved by a couple of supreme court cases like the Maryland case where the
back of the United States was declared Constitutional and the states couldnt tax a federal
government agency.