Floriano vs. Delgado
Floriano vs. Delgado
Floriano vs. Delgado
unconditional, and no particular day had been fixed for its fulfillment of the same may be demanded ten days after it
is contracted.
From the liquidation of accounts that took place between the plaintiff and the defendants, there resulted a balance of
P1,352.80 which the debtors bound themselves to pay, without fixing a day therefor, with interest at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum until paid, just as if they had received said sum on loan at the time of the liquidation whereby they
became indebted. Not having paid it at the time, they executed a document by which they bound themselves to pay
the creditor without fixing a date for payment, or any other condition. Although in accordance with the old laws and
the doctrine or precept of article 62 of the Code of Commerce, the parties bound should have met their obligation at
the expiration of ten days after the 20th of January, 1907, nevertheless, under the provisions of Civil Code, the
payment of the obligation may be demanded at once, unless from nature and circumstances of the creditor to grant
the debtors some extension of time, in which case the duration thereof should be fixed by the courts. (Art. 128, Civil
It can not be inferred from the language of the said document that it was the intention of Urbano Floriano to grant the
defendants any extension of time in the payment, the duration of should be fixed by judicial authority; and inasmuch
as a complaint was filed in court twenty-seven days after the obligation was executed, after payment had been
demanded from the debtors, the latter have no right at all to claim an extension for the fulfillment of the obligation, the
existence and legality of which they have expressly recognized.
Article 113 of the Civil Code provides:
Every obligation, the fulfillment of which should not depend upon a future or uncertain event or upon a past
event, unknown to the parties in interest, shall be immediately demandable.
The document of indebtedness contains no term or condition whatever upon which depends the fulfillment of
obligation contracted by the debtors; therefore, there exists no motive or reason that would exempt them from
compliance therewith.
The judgment entered by the court below, sentencing the defendants to pay the plaintiff the sum that they owe him
together with interest thereon, must of course be understood as having been imposed upon them jointly in
accordance with the mutual character of the obligation contracted by the debtors, therefore the decision of the court
below is in accordance with the provisions of article 1137 and 1138 of the Civil Code, and it can not be contended
that each of them has been severally sentenced to pay the whole amount stated in the document of indebtedness,
and for said reason the fourth error attributed to the judgment appealed from is not true.
As to the first and second errors imputed by the appellants to the said judgment, it is unquestionable that the plaintiff
has made a material error in his writing of the 21st of March, 1907, by charging only the husband, one of the
defendants, with default; such error is explicable however in that the husband is the natural representative of his wife,
but it was no importance in view of the fact that the complaint was filed against both of them, and that they were both
summoned. The judge below having discovered the mistake held both defendants to be in default, thus amending, to
a certain extent, the erroneous charge of the plaintiff.
The order of default of March 22 was complied with, and upon the necessary evidence being offered by the plaintiff,
the judge below, without further formalities, since section 128 of the Code of Civil Procedure does not require any
other than those observed into these proceedings, rendered judgment on the 30th of the same month, after
proceedings is due form of law.
For the foregoing reasons, and as the judgment appealed from is an accordance with the law, it is our opinion that it
should be affirmed, with the costs against the appellants. So ordered.
Facts: On February 17, 1907, Floriano filed a complaint against Delgado and Bertumen, alleging that
the latter were indebted to the plaintiff in the sum of P1,352.80, who engaged to pay it together with
interest at the rate of ten percent per annum, as appears in their promissory note on January 20, 1907. The
said amount was not paid, not withstanding demand. Thus constitute this case.
Issue: Whether
Held: Yes. In accordance with the old laws in force in the Islands prior to the enactment of the
present Civil Code, when an obligation is pure, simple and unconditional and no particular day has been
fixed for its fulfillment payment payment of the same may be demanded ten days after it is contracted.
Article 1179
Floriano vs Delgado 1 Phil 154
On January 20, 1907, Esteban Delgado and Regina Bertumen issued a promissorynote to Urbano Floriano stating
that they promise to pay the sum of 1,352.80 pesos for the balance standing with an interest of 10% per
annum. Despite demands made by Floriano,
the amount has not been paid, for which reason the plaintiff asked the court to enter judgment against defendants
on 17th February 1907. The Court sentenced the defendants to pay the sum plus interest, with costs. The
defendants appeared but did not answer thecomplaint. On the 22nd of March 1907, the defendants held to be in
default and entered judgment ordering the defendants to pay the amount plus interests with costs. On 9th
of April, defendant Delgado, alone and on behalf of his wife, appealed said judgment askingthe court simply to
exempt themselves from said judgment, hence this certiorari.
Whether or not the judgment appealed from is in accordance with the law.
Yes.1. As to the nature and character of the obligation: When an obligation is pure, simple andunconditional and
no particular day had been fixed for its fulfillment of the same may bedemanded ten days after it is
contracted. The plaintiff filed his complaint 27 days after theobligation was executed. The payment had been
demandable, and the debtors have no rightto ask for further extension. The document of indebtedness is pure,
simple andunconditional; there exists no reason that would exempt the debtors from compliance.
2. According to the mutual character of the obligation: Sentencing the debtors to pay their obligation jointly is in
accordance with Article 1137 and 1138 of the Civil Code.
3. Theres no error charging only the husband in default. The plaintiff only made an error in his
writing. Complaint was filed against both of them, and they were both summoned.The husband is the natural
representative of his wife; therefore they are both in default.Judgment affirmed.