Ahmed 2002
Ahmed 2002
Ahmed 2002
Water International
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To cite this article: Mushtaque Ahmed , Walid H. Shayya , David Hoey & Juma Al-Handaly (2002) Brine Disposal from Inland
Desalination Plants, Water International, 27:2, 194-201, DOI: 10.1080/02508060208686992
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02508060208686992
Many communities around the world have witnessed
considerable growth in population. A number of such communities that suffer from limited availability of water resources have turned to desalination to meet the
ever-increasing demand for water. The production of brine
(also known as concentrate or wastewater) is an integral
part of the operation of desalination plants. Handling the
produced concentrate is very critical to the successful operation of these plants. The amount of concentrate as a
percentage of feed water varies depending on the choice
of method, initial salinity of feed water, and factors affecting the choice of disposal method. Awerbuch and Weekes
(1990) reported that brackish reverse osmosis (RO) plants,
in general, produced 25 percent of the total feed water
flow as reject brine. Thermal processes, such as multistage flash (MSF), have relatively low water recoveries.
The concentrate from thermal processes is typically mixed
with cold water prior to discharge. The dilution of concentrate results in a final discharged effluent that is rarely
more than 15 percent higher in salinity than the receiving
water (Mickley et al., 1993). The brine, however, is already in the simplest inorganic form and the reclamation
of the carrying water from the dissolved solids is not easy
(Koening, 1958). While the quantities of brine are very
large, these materials are not economically attractive.
Guidelines issued by the U.S. Federal Water Pollution
projects made these issues central to each addressed research area. The proposed alternative projects are discussed below.
Agricultural Use of Low Salinity Reject Brine
Irrigation with saline water to grow salt-tolerant (halophytic) plants is not a new concept. Numerous plant species can be used for this purpose especially in arid regions
where freshwater resources are under tremendous stress.
Many halophytes have already been identified as forage
crops, edible fruit trees, and oil producers for human consumption. Apart from conserving water resources, the use
of saline water for growing plants is very critical to solving
water shortage problems. Global evidence and experiences
demonstrate that waters of much higher salinities than those
customarily classified as unsuitable for irrigation can in
fact be used effectively for the production of selected crops
under the right conditions (Rhoades et al., 1992).
Salinity and sodicity affect soil structure. High sodium
levels can lower a soils permeability and decrease its infiltration capacity through the swelling and dispersion of
clays and the slacking of aggregates. Soil solutions composed of high solute concentrations (salinity), or dominated
by calcium and magnesium salts, are conducive to desirable soil physical properties. Conversely, low salt concentrations and relatively high proportion of sodium salts
adversely affect permeability and tilth (Rhoades et al.,
1992). However, a commercial market was found to exist
for the salt by-product (bitterns that are mainly magnesium chloride) that includes the use of these products as
road stabilizers, dust suppressants, and soil ameliorant.
In the Pecos Valley of West Texas, groundwater of
high salinity (6,000 mg/l or approximately 9.4 dS/m) has
been used successfully to irrigate 81,000 ha of lands for
three decades (Moore and Hefner, 1977). In Israel, saline
waters of up to 8 dS/m in electrical conductivity (EC) are
commonly used for agricultural production. Farmers in
Tunisia, Egypt, and India have extensive experience in
saline water irrigation.
Desalination plants that produce relatively less saline
reject water should be chosen for experiments with saline
water in irrigation. The tasks involved in this project should
ter media, and ion exchange. Since the mid 1970s, vapor
compression evaporation has been used extensively to
achieve zero-liquid discharge. Mechanical evaporators
also recover about 95 percent of wastewater as distillate
for reuse. Finally, waste brine can be reduced to solids in
a crystallizer/dewatering device. Rantenbach and Linn
(1996) describe a system where more than 97 percent
recovery of wastewater is achieved using a combination
of reverse osmosis (operating at 60, 120, and 200 bars)
with nano- and crystallizer-filtration.
Research involving the application of the concept of
zero-discharge from desalination plants is very critical. The
tasks of such a project should focus on identifying the technologies available for volume reduction of saline wastewater along with evaluating available technologies. A few
of these technologies ought to be identified based on cost,
ease of application, prevailing field conditions, and the likely
modifications needed for implementation of the technology. The research should also involve a design of a pilot
plant for field application along with performing a costbenefit analysis of implementing zero-discharge concepts
in desalination plants.
Enhanced Evaporation Mechanisms
The size of an evaporation pond is a function of evaporation rate from the pond. Different methods of calculating evaporation rates are available. If it were possible to
increase or enhance the rate of natural evaporation, it would
be possible to reduce the size of evaporation ponds. Such
a reduction would result in substantial savings in construction costs.
Experiments conducted by Bloch et al. (1951) showed
the addition of dye potentially maximizes the utilization of
solar energy thereby increasing the rate of evaporation
(colored solutions absorb more solar energy, therefore,
increasing the temperature that increases the kinetic energy of the molecules raises the saturation vapor pressure, lowers surface tension, and increases evaporation
rate). They recommended the addition of 3.5 grains of
dye per cubic foot of brine (with the volume being generated from the top eight inches of depth). Keyes (1966)
reported an increase in water evaporation from brine
through the addition of Methylene Blue dye at a rate of 15
mg/L. Winans (1967) observed that Naphthol Green was
the most stable in the presence of salt solution and sunlight. Several other methods can also be followed to enhance the rate of water evaporation using solar energy.
These include the spraying of brine, creating turbulence in
the pond, allowing the brine to pass over inclined rough
surfaces, and creating airflow over the pond.
It is obvious that pursuing research that focuses on
enhancing the rate of water evaporation from ponds will
be very beneficial in answering critical questions regarding this important technology. Tasks involved in such an
innovative research on evaporation enhancement should
include a comprehensive literature review on the topic of
This study was made possible through funding from
the Middle East Desalination Research Center (MEDRC)
under contract number 98-R-004.
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