IJTIR Article 201403009
IJTIR Article 201403009
IJTIR Article 201403009
A Survey of
Cryptographic based
Security Algorithms for
Cloud Computing
Mayank Patwaland Tanushri Mittal
loud computing is the outsourcing of IT communications by the
use of the Internet and maintaining own hardware and software
environment. Cloud computing facilitates computing assets on
demand by the use of a service provider. It is there whenever you
need it, as much as you need, and you pay as you go and only for what
you use. Security is a prim concern in the use of cloud computing.
In this paper, we have presented a survey of cryptographic based
security algorithms for cloud computing.
Cloud Computing, Security Issues, Cryptography, Security Algorithms.
M.Tech Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Graphic Era University,
Dehradun, India
Cloud computing is the outsourcing of IT communications by the use of the
Internet and maintaining own hardware and software environment. Cloud computing facilitates computing assets (processor compute time and data storage)
on demand by the use of a service provider. Comparisons of cloud services are
made by their nature and utilize services such as gas or electricity. It is there
whenever you need it, as much as you need, and you pay as you go and only for
what you use.
Now a days Security of data has become a big distress. High levels of data repositioning have off-putting implications for data security and data shield as well
as data availability. Thus the main worry regarding security of data residing in
the Cloud is: how to make sure the security of data which is at rest. Although,
consumers know the dimensions and location of web data high in no data
mobility, you can find questions associated with its security and confidentiality
of the USB ports. To be sure the Cloud Computing area happens to be larger
to its broad network access and flexibility. But reliability regarding a secure
and secure environment to the personal data and info on the user is still required.
NIST definition of cloud computing Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)
that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or
service provider interaction.
Cloud computing is a form of information technology which is being used
where lesser investment in efficient software is needed. Cloud computing consists of Access to applications and services is enabled over the network and it
also require only access to internet connection. Possibly one can get access of
the cloud with the use of an ordinary client simply anywhere and any-time and
one needs a certain information facility, without any special software. Cloud
computing also facilitates the clients for immediate access to pre-set common
but valuable information resources (as access to the network, hardware, storage
capacities, software, and special information services) that are eagerly available
without a wide agreement making process.
Here we also can describe cloud computing by four fundamental characteristics, three service models and four deployment models.
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A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.
Literature Survey
Rahul Bhatnagar et al. (2013) in Security in Cloud Computing [16] have
proposed an analysis of technical component and some research in threats for
cloud computing Users and threats for cloud service provider then provide
many security topics related for cloud security standardization(i.e. Storage
Security, Data and Privacy Protection, Virtualization Security, Security Architecture/Model and Framework, Security Management and Audit Technology).
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A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.
DES Algorithm
Data Encryption Standard (DES) also known as as the Data Encryption Algorithm. DES algorithm provides improvement over the RSA algorithm. The
speeds of DES encryption can be several M per second, It can be well suited
for encrypted numerous message. RSA algorithm will be based upon the issue
of factoring, and it is computing velocity is slower than DES,RSA algorithm is
merely well suited for encrypting a tiny bit of data, The RSA encrypt the data
essentially 117 bytes of once.
DES is really a block cipher. It encrypts the data in block height and width
of 64 bits each. Thats 64 bits are plain text goes as the input to DES, which
produces 64 items of cipher text. Same key and algorithm can be used as
encryption and decryption.DES uses 56 bit key but initial key is made up of 64
bits. Key is 56 items of 8, 16,24,32,40,48,56,64 are discarded (these bits may
be used for parity checking to make certain the true secret doesnt contain any
errors).Two fundamental features of cryptography Diffusion (Substitution) and
Confusion (Permutation) rounds. In each round key and data bits are shifted,
permuted, XORed and sent through, 8 round 64 bit plain-text is handed to
initial permutation (IP).Then IP generates two halves left plain-text (LPT)and
right plain-text (RPT).Each LPT and RPT goes through 16 rounds. At the
last LPT and RPT are rejoined. Decryption is same process perform rounds in
reverse order.
AES Algorithm
AES algorithm is symmetric and parallel structure. AES is gives the implementation of the algorithm many flexibility. AES is usually compares well against
cryptanalsis attacks. AES algorithm is is useful with modern processor and
deal with smart cards. AES key block size and length size from 128 and 256
bits inside the step of 32 bits. AES necessitates that the plain text block size
has to be 182 bits and key size should be 128,192 or 256 bits.In generally two
version of AES are widely-used: 128 bit plain text block joined with 128 bit
key block and 128 bit plain text block with 256 bit key block.
Digital Signature
Cryptographic digital signatures use public key algorithms to deliver data integrity. When you sign data which has a digital signature, other people can
verify the signature, and may prove that the data descends from you and hasnt
been altered after you signed it.
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A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.