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HCTL Open Int. J.

of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4

A Survey of
Cryptographic based
Security Algorithms for
Cloud Computing
Mayank Patwaland Tanushri Mittal

loud computing is the outsourcing of IT communications by the
use of the Internet and maintaining own hardware and software
environment. Cloud computing facilitates computing assets on
demand by the use of a service provider. It is there whenever you
need it, as much as you need, and you pay as you go and only for what
you use. Security is a prim concern in the use of cloud computing.
In this paper, we have presented a survey of cryptographic based
security algorithms for cloud computing.

Cloud Computing, Security Issues, Cryptography, Security Algorithms.

M.Tech Student, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Graphic Era University,
Dehradun, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Graphic Era

University, Dehradun, India. Email: tanushrimittal.86@gmail.com

Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal

Page 1 of 17
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4

Cloud computing is the outsourcing of IT communications by the use of the
Internet and maintaining own hardware and software environment. Cloud computing facilitates computing assets (processor compute time and data storage)
on demand by the use of a service provider. Comparisons of cloud services are
made by their nature and utilize services such as gas or electricity. It is there
whenever you need it, as much as you need, and you pay as you go and only for
what you use.
Now a days Security of data has become a big distress. High levels of data repositioning have off-putting implications for data security and data shield as well
as data availability. Thus the main worry regarding security of data residing in
the Cloud is: how to make sure the security of data which is at rest. Although,
consumers know the dimensions and location of web data high in no data
mobility, you can find questions associated with its security and confidentiality
of the USB ports. To be sure the Cloud Computing area happens to be larger
to its broad network access and flexibility. But reliability regarding a secure
and secure environment to the personal data and info on the user is still required.
NIST definition of cloud computing Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services)
that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or
service provider interaction.
Cloud computing is a form of information technology which is being used
where lesser investment in efficient software is needed. Cloud computing consists of Access to applications and services is enabled over the network and it
also require only access to internet connection. Possibly one can get access of
the cloud with the use of an ordinary client simply anywhere and any-time and
one needs a certain information facility, without any special software. Cloud
computing also facilitates the clients for immediate access to pre-set common
but valuable information resources (as access to the network, hardware, storage
capacities, software, and special information services) that are eagerly available
without a wide agreement making process.
Here we also can describe cloud computing by four fundamental characteristics, three service models and four deployment models.

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4

Fundamental Characteristics of Cloud Computing

1. Self-service on Requirement: The user possibly will make a decision
on the use of computing amenities such as server time and network storage
alone, based on of their current needs, with no excess communication with
dissimilar service providers.
2. Broad Network Access: Computing amenities possibly be accessed over
the network through the use of standardized mechanism that hold up
different clients, like mobile phones, tablets, laptops and work stations.
3. Combining of Computing Resources: Besides of classical virtualization,
cloud computing uses in addition the capabilities of automation of services
and multi-tenancy of users at common information resources. Common
use of the same technological resources is the central feature of cloud
computing. Before slideshow cloud provider had to establish divided
infrastructures for different users, however an upswing of multi-tenancy
mechanisms you are able to provide homogeneous configuration, uniform
control in the services, upgrading and simpler disaster recovery processes
and restoring from the data. Another essential feature is closely connected
- the info are certainly not necessarily linked with a precisely defined
strategic location anymore, simply because they can simultaneously be
located in several data centres, all over the world.
4. High Elasticity: The consumer may easily increase or decrease the computing capacities afforded using the current requirements. The capacities
are unlimited for the user.

Service Models of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing employs a service-driven business model. In other words,
hardware and platform-level resources are provided as services on an on-demand
basis. Conceptually, clouds offer services that can be grouped into three
categories: software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and
infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
1. Infrastructure as a Service: IaaS provide on-demand provisioning of
infrastructural resources and does not manage or control the infrastructure
and only manage and control the storage, application and selected network
components. The cloud owner who offers IaaS is called an IaaS provider.
Examples: Amazon EC2 .

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4
2. Platform as a Service: PaaS providing software development frameworks and platform layer resources including operating system support.
In PaaS user controls their application and does not manage servers and
storage. Examples: Google App Engine,Microsoft Windows Azure etc.
3. Software as a Service: SaaS providing on demand applications all
over the Internet. In SaaS user does not control or manage the servers,
storage, network and application. Examples: Rack space etc.

Deployment Models of Cloud Computing

The deployment models of cloud computing are the following:
1. Public Clouds are publicly accessible and in this types of clouds are
managed by third party.
2. Private Clouds are only accessible in private network. Private cloud
infrastructure made available only a specific member and managed by
organization itself or third party service provider.
3. Community Clouds are only accessible to a few numbers of clients with
known features.
4. Hybrid Clouds are composition of two or more clouds.
The cloud service providers submit to a number of advantages cloud computing
offers: from nominal costs because of the short of investment in, for example,
hardware, to higher and quicker adaptability to the requirements of the client
(you can obtain additional capacities when desired), and the suspected lower
costs of repairs, support and other services attached to the ICT human resources.
In some models, often all you require is access to the internet, a web browser.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

The following are the common advantages of cloud computing:
1. Lesser Cost: Pay as you go, negligible hardware investments or software
2. Added Performance: on demand processing time, even HPC, if required.
3. Fewer Maintenance: somebody else manages the servers along with core

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4
4. Extra Security: easily repair, enforcement of policies, centralized data.
5. Extra Wide Storage Capacity: Use it when you require it.
The most cited possible disadvantages of cloud computing are:
1. Dependency on Internet connectivity: Requires a regular connection.
2. Loss of control: The trouble of someone else hosting hardware, software
and data, which out come in security concerns.
3. Unpredictable cost: Pay as you go means that the price of computing will
be differ every month.

Data Security in Cloud Computing

Major concern is security of data. Data relocation on high level has negative
implications for data safety and data security as well as data availability. Thus
the main apprehension with reference to safety of data residing in the Cloud
is: at the rest how to safe security .Although, customers know the location of
data and there in no data mobility, there are question relating to its security
and secrecy of it. No confusion the Cloud Computing area has become bigger
because of its wide network access and flexibility. But we can also rely in terms
of a safe and secure atmosphere for the personal data and info of the user is
being required.

Data Security Issues in Cloud Computing

1. Privacy and Confidentiality: Once the client show data to the cloud
there should be some security that access to that data will only be incomplete to the authorized access. Inappropriate access to client sensitive
data by cloud staff is another risk that can create potential threat to cloud
data. The client is being provided assurance and proper practices and safe
policies and procedures should be in place to guarantee the cloud users of
the data safety. The cloud seeker must be assured that data propagate
on the cloud will be confidential.
2. Data Integrity: With getting the security of data, cloud service providers
should apply mechanisms to ensure data truthfulness and be able to tell
what happened to a definite data set and at what point. The client should
be aware by the data provider the origin and the integrity mechanisms
put in place

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4
3. Data Location and Relocation: Cloud computing offers a high amount
of data mobility. Consumers do not always know location of their data.
However, when an venture has some sensitive data thats reserved over a
storage device in the Cloud, they will often keep asking the career than
it. They will also aspiration to specify a chosen location (e.g. data being
trapped in India). This, then, needs a contractual agreement, between
your Cloud provider and also the consumer that data should live in a
certain location or reside on a given known server. Also, cloud providers
should take accountability to guarantee the security of systems (including
data) and gives robust certification to protect customers information.
4. Another concern is the progress of web data in one location completely
to another. Data is initially stored at a suitable location decide from the
Cloud provider. However, it is moved derived from one of destination to
another. Cloud providers have contracts jointly and in addition they use
each others resources.
5. Data Availability: Customer info is normally saved in chunk on different servers often residing in different locations or even in different Clouds.
In such cases, data availability becomes a major legitimate issue because
use of un-interruptible and seamless provision becomes relatively difficult.
6. Storage, Backup and Recovery: If you choose to maneuver crucial computer data for the cloud the cloud provider make certain adequate data
resilience storage systems. by the side of a minimum they need to be
able to present RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) storage
systems while most cloud providers will store the details in many copies
some independent servers. In adding to that, most cloud providers have
to be able to provide options on backup services which are definitely
important for those businesses that jog cloud based applications so that
in the occasion of a grim hardware failure and can roll back to an earlier

Security Advantages in Cloud Environment

Many large system are operated by current cloud service. They have complicated
processes and specialization for maintaining their systems, which tiny enterprises
may not have access to. As a result many direct and indirect security advantages
for the cloud users. Here we show some of the key protection advantages of a
cloud computing atmosphere.

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4
1. Data Centralization: In a cloud atmosphere, the service provider takes
care of storage issues and small business dont spend a extra money on
storage devices. Also, cloud based storage provides a technique to physical
centralize the data more rapidly and potentially cheaper and useful for
small businesses, which cannot spend money on security professionals to
monitor the data.
2. Incident Response: IaaS providers can offered a dedicated forensic
server which they can use at the moment basis. Every time a security
contravention occurs, the server could be brought online. In some investigation cases, backup with the environment can be simply made and hang
onto the cloud without having affecting the traditional span of business.
3. Forensic Image Verification Time: Some cloud storage implementations picture a cryptographic check sum or hash. For example, Amazon
S3 generates MD5 (Message-Digest algorithm 5) hash without human
intervention when you store an object. Therefore in theory, the need to
produce time consuming MD5 checksums with external tools is eliminated.
4. Logging: In a usual computing paradigm generally, logging is repeatedly
an afterthought. In common, insufficient disk space is allocated that
makes logging either non-existent or minimal. However, in a cloud,
storage require for standard logs is automatically solved.

Security Disadvantages in Cloud Environment

In spite of security advantages, cloud computing paradigm also shows some key
security challenges. Here we look at some key security challenges.
1. Data Location: In general, cloud users are not aware of the exact position
of the data center and also they do not have any power over the physical
access mechanisms to that data. Most famous cloud service providers have
datacenters around the globe. Some service providers also take benefit of
their global data centers. Though, in some cases applications and data
may be stored in countries, which can judiciary concerns. For example,
if the user data is stored in A country then service providers will be
subjected to the security requirements and legal obligations of A country.
This may also take place that a user does not keep the information of
these issues.
2. Investigation: Investigating an illegitimate movement may not be
possible in cloud environments. These investigations are hard by Cloud

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4
services because data for multiple clients may be co-located and may also
be increase across multiple data centers. Users have little information
about the network topology of the underlying environment. Service
provider may also enforce restrictions on the network security of the
service users.
3. Data Segregation: Data in the cloud is usually in a shared environment
together with data from other clients. Encryption cannot be understood
as the single solution for data separation problems. In some situations,
customers would not like to encrypt data because there can be a case
when encryption accident can demolish the data.
4. Long-term Viability: When changing business situation as mergers
and acquisition service providers must ensure the data safety. Customers
must ensure data accessibility in these situations. Service provider also
makes sure data security in harmful business conditions like prolonged
outage etc.
5. Compromised Servers: In a cloud computing situation, users do not have
a choice of using physical acquisition toolkit. In that situation, where a
server is compromised; they need to close their servers down till they get
a earlier backup of the data. This will more cause availability concerns.
6. Regulatory Compliance: External audits and security certification are
subjected by traditional service provide. If a cloud service provider does
not hold to these security audits, then it leads to a noticeable decrease in
customer trust.
7. Recovery: Cloud service providers make sure the data security in ordinary
and man-made disasters. Generally, data is virtual across multiple sites.
However, in the case of any such unnecessary event, provider must do a
comprehensive and quick restoration.

Literature Survey
Rahul Bhatnagar et al. (2013) in Security in Cloud Computing [16] have
proposed an analysis of technical component and some research in threats for
cloud computing Users and threats for cloud service provider then provide
many security topics related for cloud security standardization(i.e. Storage
Security, Data and Privacy Protection, Virtualization Security, Security Architecture/Model and Framework, Security Management and Audit Technology).

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4

Shivashankar ragi (2011) within a research thesis Security Approaches for

Protecting Data in Cloud Computing [19] have described the security
threats and identify the safety approaches for security in cloud computing and
measured the protection challenges and security methods of cloud computing
and lastly identified from research methods quite a few challenges and techniques
used now study plus in future research work in Cloud Computing.
Sanjana sharma et al. (2012) in Security in Cloud Computing [17] have
described the briefly details of cloud computing and type of services and security issues and some challenges for data security in cloud environment and
investigate the several approaches for security in cloud computing and finally
provide a reliable security in cloud computing for future work.
Odunayo O. Owopetu (2013) in a research thesis Private Cloud Implementation and Security [18] have provide the easiest way to developed a
private cloud for an enterprises using eucalyptus and possible ways of effectively
securing it. Thesis report is divided two part: In first part basic information
about cloud, cloud deployment model and cloud architecture. In second part
describe the implementing private cloud using the Eucalyptus.
Uma Somani et al. (2010) in Implementing the Digital Signature with
RSA Encryption Algorithm to Boost the Data Security of Cloud in
Cloud Computing [20] have described the cloud storage methodology and
proposed algorithm and Implementing the RSA algorithm through Digital
Signature. and proposed the gradually process consumed in Digital Signature
with RSA algorithm. If these implementing algorithms are combined in other
encryption techniques(i.e. DES,AES etc) then its became stronger and secure
for cloud computing.
Sanjana Dahal (2012) in a research thesis Security Architecture for Cloud
Computing Platform [1] have focused on derive the secure and generic architecture for cloud computing platform without knowing its services and models.
In this research paper most important object is delivering seamless access control,identity,authentication and service oriented architecture service to end user.
Sadia Marium et al. (2012) in Implementation of Eap with RSA for
Enhancing the Security of Cloud Computing [2] have focused on service
provider side security. In cloud computing data are protect from the unauthorized person, denial of services and misuse. In this paper highlights the cloud

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4
security policies and privacy issues and proposed the extensible authentication
protocol for authentication with RSA algorithm.
Rodrigo N. Calheiros et al. (2011) in CloudSim: A Toolkit for Modelling
and Simulation of Cloud Computing Environments and Evaluation
of Resource Provisioning Algorithms [3] evaluating the performance of
cloud policies, resource performance and application work load is very difficult
to achieve then he proposed CloudSim an extensible simulation toolkit whose
enable models and reproduction of Cloud computing systems.
Shucheng Yu et al. (2010) in Achieving Secure, Scalable, and Finegrained Data Access Control in Cloud Computing [4] have describe
cryptographic method provide better confidentiality and security of sensitive
data outsourced by user shared on cloud server. To achieve securing and secure
access control, we may use uniquely combining techniques of attributes based
encryption (ABE), proxy re-encryption and lazy re-encryption.
Ramgovind S et al. (2010) in The Management of Security in Cloud
Computing [5] have described and highlight the overall security concern whose
managed to realize the whole cloud computing and discuss about the Gartners
list on the cloud security issues. In this paper highlight each of security requirements of cloud computing and telling about the how to manage the cloud
computing security.
Qian Wang et al. (2011) in Enabling Public Audit Ability and Data
Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing [6] have described
security of data stored in cloud is a achieved by allowing a third party auditor(TPA), which verify the integrity of the dynamic data stored in cloud. TPA
can perform multiple auditing task simultaneously. Each operation on data is
attached with authentication tag. Here we use Merely hash tree construction
for blog tag authentication.
P. Syam Kumar et al. (2010) in Ensuring Data Storage Security in
Cloud Computing using Sobol Sequence [12] have focus on ensuring data
storage which is important of quality of services and proposed to address data
storage security in cloud computing which is effective and flexible distribution
verification protocol and describe the Sobol sequence using to check integrity of
erasure coded data in cloud data storage.
Farzad Sabahi (2011) in Virtualization-Level Security in Cloud Comput-

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4
ing [7] have summarize the cloud computing issues (i.e. Reliacbility, Availability
and Security) and gives the available solution for cloud issues. In this paper
summarize and telling step by step virtualization level of cloud computing
Jen-Shang Wang et al. (2011) in How to Manage Information Security in Cloud Computing [11] have described the key success factor whose
determine the management information security and evaluating the hierarchical
structure for key success factor. Based on these(external dimension, internal
dimension, technology dimension and execution dimension) have analysis and
categorization using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process.
Mohammed A. Alzain et al. (2011) in MCDB: using Multi-Clouds to
ensure security in Cloud Computing [9] have proposed a multi clouds
database model and present the architecture of multi cloud database model and
describe the layers and components.
Huaglory Tianfield (2012) in Security issues in Cloud Computing [10]
have discussed the taxonomy for security issues and discuss about all the
distinctive characteristic of cloud(i.e multi-tenancy, elasticity etc) and third
party control, then analyse the cloud security requirements(i.e. confidentiality,
integrity and availability) and finally summarize the security issues in cloud
computing based on the cloud security architecture.
Nelson Gonzalez et al. (2011) in A Quantitative Analysis of Current
Security Concerns and Solution for Cloud Computing [8] have identify
the main security problems and gives the solution in cloud computing. In this
paper propose the taxonomy architecture of security and privacy in cloud computing and divided the security problem and security solution with grouped map.
Mr. Prashant Rewagad et al. (2013) in Use of Digital Signature with
Diffie Hellman Key Exchange and AES Encryption Algorithm to
Enhance Data Security in Cloud Computing [13] have modified AES
encryption algorithm with digital signature and diffie Hellman key exchange
to protect the data stored in cloud computing. In this paper described the
three-way mechanism for protecting the data in cloud computing.
Hamid Banirostam et al. (2013) in A Trust based Approach for Increasing
Security in Cloud Computing Infrastructure [14] have proposed Trusted
Cloud Computing infrastructure whose inspired by Trusted Cloud Computing

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4
Platform and proposed User Trusted Entity (UTE) that manage of IaaS system
and UTE allows users to authenticate IaaS server. UTE are resolve the challenge
of confidentiality, accuracy and integrity.
Mohammed A. AlZain et al. in A New Approach Using Redundancy
Technique to Improve Security in Cloud Computing [15] have proposed
the security to adopt data confidentiality, integrity and availability. He proposed
a new model called multi-clouds database. This model uses multi cloud service
provider, like Amazon cloud service. In this model Shamirs secret sharing
approach is also proposed. In addition a Triple Model Redundancy techniques
(TMR) and sequential method to improve the cloud computing systems security
and reliability.

Some of the Existing Algorithms in Cloud Security

RSA Algorithm
RSA algorithm is public key encryption. This algorithm is brought to life by
Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adelman in 1977. It is hottest asymmetric
key cryptographic algorithm. It may well used to provide secrecy. Therein
algorithm uses the top number to come up with people key and key depending
on mathematical fact and multiplying huge numbers together. It uses the block
size data during which plain-text and cipher text are integers between 0and
n for a lot of n values. Size n is known as 1024 bits. The real challenge in
the case of RSA algorithm would be the selection and generation of the public
and private key. Within this two different keys can be used encryption and
decryption. As sender knows about the encryption key and receiver knows
about the decryption key, the way we can generate encryption and decryption
get into RSA. the whole process are made in below:
Choose large prime numbers p and q such that p=
Compute n = p q
Compute (pq) = (p 1) (q 1)
Choose the public key e such that gcd ((n), e) = 1; 1 < e < (n)
Select the private key d such that d e mod (n) = 1.
So in RSA algorithm encryption and decryption are performed as:
Encryption: Calculate cipher text C from plain-text message M such that:
C = M e mod n
Decryption: M = C d mod n

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4

DES Algorithm
Data Encryption Standard (DES) also known as as the Data Encryption Algorithm. DES algorithm provides improvement over the RSA algorithm. The
speeds of DES encryption can be several M per second, It can be well suited
for encrypted numerous message. RSA algorithm will be based upon the issue
of factoring, and it is computing velocity is slower than DES,RSA algorithm is
merely well suited for encrypting a tiny bit of data, The RSA encrypt the data
essentially 117 bytes of once.
DES is really a block cipher. It encrypts the data in block height and width
of 64 bits each. Thats 64 bits are plain text goes as the input to DES, which
produces 64 items of cipher text. Same key and algorithm can be used as
encryption and decryption.DES uses 56 bit key but initial key is made up of 64
bits. Key is 56 items of 8, 16,24,32,40,48,56,64 are discarded (these bits may
be used for parity checking to make certain the true secret doesnt contain any
errors).Two fundamental features of cryptography Diffusion (Substitution) and
Confusion (Permutation) rounds. In each round key and data bits are shifted,
permuted, XORed and sent through, 8 round 64 bit plain-text is handed to
initial permutation (IP).Then IP generates two halves left plain-text (LPT)and
right plain-text (RPT).Each LPT and RPT goes through 16 rounds. At the
last LPT and RPT are rejoined. Decryption is same process perform rounds in
reverse order.

AES Algorithm
AES algorithm is symmetric and parallel structure. AES is gives the implementation of the algorithm many flexibility. AES is usually compares well against
cryptanalsis attacks. AES algorithm is is useful with modern processor and
deal with smart cards. AES key block size and length size from 128 and 256
bits inside the step of 32 bits. AES necessitates that the plain text block size
has to be 182 bits and key size should be 128,192 or 256 bits.In generally two
version of AES are widely-used: 128 bit plain text block joined with 128 bit
key block and 128 bit plain text block with 256 bit key block.

Digital Signature
Cryptographic digital signatures use public key algorithms to deliver data integrity. When you sign data which has a digital signature, other people can
verify the signature, and may prove that the data descends from you and hasnt
been altered after you signed it.

Page 13 of 17
Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4


In public key cryptography, anything A encrypts with Bs public key may

be decrypted by B while using corresponding private key. A may encrypt a
message along with her private key, meaning that B can decrypt it with As
public key. Because public key is, because the name suggests, publicly available,
this is not good idea if A wishes to keep that message a secret. Eve could also
simply get a copy of As public key thereby also decrypt the material.
But because A keeps her private key to herself, B recognizes that only
A may have encrypted this message. B is now sure that this message was
compiled by A. A signature on a paper message may serve as proof that it
message was authored by the person who signed it. Encrypting having a private
key thus might be thought to be an the same as placing ones signature within
the message. For this reason this is whats called setting up a digital signature
to the message.

[1] Sanjana Dahal, Security Architecture for Cloud Computing Platform,
Master of Science Thesis Stockholm, KTH Industrial Engineering and
Management, TRITA-ICT-EX-2012:291, Sweden, 2012.
[2] Sadia Marium, Qamar Nazir, Aftab Ahmed, Saira hthasham Mirza Aamir
Mehmood, Implementation of Eap with RSA for Enhancing The Security
of Cloud Computing, International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,
177-183, 2012.
[3] Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Rajiv Ranjan, Anton Beloglazov, Cesar A. F. De Rose
and Rajkumar Buyya, CloudSim: a toolkit for modeling and simulation
of cloud computing environments and evaluation of resource provisioning
algorithms. Wiley Online Library, DOI: 10.1002/spe.995, 2011.

Shucheng Yu, Cong Wang, Kui Ren, and Wenjing Lou, Achieving Secure,
Scalable, and Fine-grained Data Access Control in Cloud Computing,
978-1-4244-5837-0/10,IEEE, 2010.

[5] Ramgovind S, Eloff MM, Smith E, The Management of Security in Cloud

Computing, 978-1-4244-5495-2/10, IEEE,2010.
[6] Qian Wang, Student Member, IEEE, Cong Wang, Student Member, IEEE,
Kui Ren, Member, IEEE,Wenjing Lou, Senior Member, IEEE, and Jin

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4


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HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4


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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

HCTL Open Int. J. of Technology Innovations and Research

HCTL Open IJTIR, Volume 8, March 2014
e-ISSN: 2321-1814
ISBN (Print): 978-1-62951-499-4


by the Authors. Licensed and Sponsored by HCTL Open, India.

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Mayank Patwal and Tanushri Mittal
A Survey of Cryptographic based Security Algorithms for Cloud Computing.

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