Unit 10
Unit 10
Unit 10
IT Business Startup
IT Business Models
IT Products
Bringing the first product to the market
Much of the focus of the entrepreneurship literature is on starting a new business,
so in this section we look at software start-ups, companies where the primary value
creation is achieved through writing software.
Giarratana mentions three types of entrepreneurs:
the innovator creates new products (our software is ground breaking and has
not been seen before)
the arbitrageur exploits market inefficiencies (there's only one company that
provides ecommerce solutions for local businesses and they're too expensive
for the region's small firms - we can provide a personalized, low-cost
the coordinator introduces an alternative use of resources (we will provide
weather presentation software based on open source components where
much of the development effort is free which will compete with the dominant
proprietary software providers such as Metra).
In each case the entrepreneur will have to understand something of the business
positioning of the new company. Cusumano suggests that there are some basic
questions that need to be answered:
do you want to be mainly a products company or a services (consultancy)
do you want to sell to individuals or enterprises, or to mass or niche markets?
how horizontal (broad) or vertical (specialized) is your product or service?
can you generate a recurring revenue stream to endure in good times and bad?
will you target mainstream customers, or do you have a plan to avoid "the chasm"
(the gap between early adopters - the rather few customers with specialised
interests who buy technically innovative products, and the early majority (the many
customers who want to buy a product that is technically sophisticated, but also
established and popular)?
IT Business Models
If you're starting a software business, what type of business will it be? What will it
offer in terms of products and services and how will it generate value? The most
common distinction is between companies primarily offering products, and those
primarily offering services. Product companies (Microsoft, Adobe, Apple) build
packaged proprietary software and sell it to customers on the open market. Service
(consultancy) companies (PricewaterhouseCoopers, Accenture, Cap Gemini Ernst
and Young) contract with customers to develop software tailored to their needs.
Many mature companies develop effective hybrid strategies, but start-ups,
according to Cusumano need to choose and continue to choose in their early growth
According to Rajala, a software business model consists of four elements (a
somewhat narrow characterisation compared to other writers on the subject):
They develop four generic software business models based on a matrix. The vertical
axis specifies how intensely the IT company collaborates with its customers and
users; the horizontal how much they focus on standardised products rather than
software custom-built for a particular situation.
Though they are useful to stimulate thinking about different forms of software
venture, its not clear these generic business models go to the heart of what leads
to competitive advantage in the software industry. For instance, Google, Microsoft
and Apple all fall in the 'standard offerings' group - but their business models are
radically different. A start-up positioning itself in the standardized offerings group
would need a radically different business model, probably with a highly specialized
market niche, in order to survive. Nor is it clear that one business model can
describe all the activities in these companies; they dont with the four examples I
used above.
What is clear is that engineering skills and the ability to develop software is
necessary, but not sufficient for survival as a start-up. Chesbrough argues that new
technologies open up many possibilities for exploitation, and that it is not the
technology itself, but the business model that exploits it which is the key ingredient
in success. Well look at open software business models later.
New software companies need to develop viable business models relatively quickly;
probably by thinking explicitly and acting proactively. They dont necessarily need to
have a strategy or a document called a business model, but they need to make an
explicit connection between the software applications and services they develop,
and revenue generation and value in the business.
10.2 IT Products
For many start-ups, the most important element is the software product. The really
good product idea is often the inspiration and primary motivation for starting the
company. The product needs to be differentiated from others in the market - you
can't usually make a business by copying an existing product unless you intend to
provide it much cheaper or for free (and derive income from another source). In
many cases the product will be innovative, maybe a spin-off from university
collaboration or industry experience. Often the survival of the firm is dependent, at
least initially, on the success of the product. Heirman and Clarysse argues that
delivery of the first product is important for
This also means that innovation speed - time to market - is important, especially
where the company is heavily indebted to banks and venture capitalists. The longer
a start-up works without income, the more difficult it is to achieve financial stability.
Case Study : Checkpoint
Checkpoint created an innovative process to build firewalls, security products that
could go directly off the shelf to a customer and that enforce the boundaries
between different networks and protect firms against unauthorised users.
Checkpoints programmers introduced a new language, Inspect, specifically for
directing the rapid inspection of communication packets and a compiler to translate
policy rules written in Inspect into assembly language. The program opens data
packets, checks the content and quickly inspects each data packet. The innovation
is that the program sends along the data in parcels after they are checked, rather
than waiting to reassemble them before the entire transmission. This methodology
increased dramatically the speed of data transmission, with the same level of
costly demands for redesign when they eventually meet with customers and users.
Engineers preoccupied with software design often neglect market involvement and
real experiences with customers. Those that are more successful involve customers
from the beginning and this improves speed to market. Neither is it automatic that
having a large bag of money helps - this encourages gold-plating and lack of focus.
Lean may be just as good. A good experienced partnership behind the software
collaboration also improves speed to market. However Heirmann also points out
that many software inventors have difficulty with shifting their mental models and
adapting their brainchild to changing needs and conditions. Sometimes it may be
important to believe in the original product concept and work at creating the market
for it, but at other times flexibility is required to meet practical demands of users
and customers, or react to competitor's products. Newly created small firms hardly
ever have the resources and experience to operate traditional standardised
development methods and are dependent on their ability to move flexibly forward
through improvisation and bricolage. Both the venture and its mode of working
need to be agile. The first customer can be a really important link in developing a
marketable product, providing much needed domain knowledge, input into
requirements, cash injections (sometimes) and the necessary motivation to finish a
working application. De Haan and Cohen point out that the traditional Systems
Development Lifecycle (SDLC) is impossible to follow in entrepreneurial
development. They suggest a 12 step process for off-the-shelf business software
incorporating the first customer, which they call Lead-Driven Development. In this
model the real development of the software is undertaken in cooperation with the
first customer, whilst the development firm also identifies the kernel of the system
which will be sold to a wider market. It is best-suited for the applied formats and
resource provisioning styles of software company.
initiation informal:
structuring the will and intent to begin the project,
giving the go-ahead, providing limited resources
for exploring the idea
basic idea and scope, business value, developed in
spare time sometimes with academic partners
help, some code, no documentation or testing
important milestone partly functional prototype
good interface clearly addressing the problem that
be solved, many missing features, many bugs and
engineering problem,
exploiting opportunities for showing and
application in non-commercial situations to achieve
develop complexity
tools, establish interface with
customer's software, find
benefit oriented projects,
organizational deliverables:
second sale licenses:
This kind of process will obviously not work for some other forms of software
entrepreneurship where there is a software tailoring (pure consultancy) or standard
offerings (generalized products for a broad market) business model.
1. Giarratana mentions how many types of entrepreneurs?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
2. Cusumano suggest how many basic questions need to be answered?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 6
d. 7
3. According to Rajala a software business model consists of how many
a. 1
b. 2
c. 4
d. 5
4. The most common distinction between companies are betweena. Products and services
b. Goods and services
c. Goods and products
d. None of the above
5. There are how many types of business model?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
6. A product strategy is a part of
a. Computer business model
b. Software business model
c. Hardware business model
d. None of the above
7. Building tailor made software for specific customers isa. Software tailoring
b. Hardware tailoring
c. Standard offering
d. Applied formats
8. Logica developing the clearing system is an example ofa. Hardware tailoring
b. Software tailoring
c. Computer tailoring
d. Standard offering
A revenue logic
A distribution model
None of the above
Customized solutions based on common platforms is known asSoftware tailoring
Applied format
Resource provisioning
Standard offering
Own products sold widely and used without customization is
known as
a. Software tailoring
b. Applied format
c. Resource provisioning
d. Standard offering
Companies typically starts with
a. An idea and concept
b. A software prototype
c. Finished product awaiting commercialization
d. All of the above
Answers: 1.c, 2.d, 3.c, 4.a, 5.d, 6.b, 7.a, 8.b, 9.a, 10.a, 11.c, 12.c, 13.a, 14.b,
15.d, 16.a, 17.b, 18.b, 19.d, 20.d