Nit 3

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Office of the General Manager,Sripur Area
P.O. Sripur Bazaar, Dist. Burdwan (W.B.)
NIT No.: ECL/GM/SA/GM(E&M)/Tender/2015-16/ 62.

Date: 12.01.2016.

1. Tenders are invited on-line on the website from the eligible Bidders having
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued from any agency authorized by Controller of Certifying
Authority (CCA), Govt. of India and which can be traced up to the chain of trust to the Root Certificate
of CCA, for the following work :Description of work

Updated Cost of
Work (In )
(Excluding Service
Tax) (Including
Provident Fund)

Fee (In )

Earnest Money
(In )



90 Days
(Ninety Days


alongwith accessories
Collieries/locations of
Sripur Area


Period of
Completion (In

2. Time Schedule of Tender:

Sl. No. Particulars

Tender e-Publication date

Document download start date


Document download end date

Bid Submission start date


Bid submission end date

Start date for seeking Clarification on-line
Last date for seeking Clarification on-line
Last date of receipt of Application Fee and EMD


Technical Bid Opening date




17:00 Hours
17:00 Hours
17:00 Hours
10:00 Hours


17:00 Hours
17:00 Hours
17:00 Hours


17:00 Hours
11:00 Hours

3. Deposit of Application Fee and EMD :

Application Fee and Earnest Money can be deposited in the form of Demand Draft (DD)/
Bankers Cheque (BC) /Bank Guarantee(BG)from any scheduled Bank drawn in favour of Eastern
Coalfields Limited Sripur Area - II Payable at Asansol preferably on State Bank of India.
The bidder has to furnish the DD/BC/BG Number, date of issue, expiry date, amount and name
of issuing bank, while submitting the tender on-line. The bidder has to deposit the original DD/BC/BG
against EMD in person or by postal means, which must be received in the office of the General

Manager , Sripur Area, ECL on any working day after e-publication of NIT and up to 3 (Three)
working days after the last date of submission of bid. The Company shall not be responsible for any
postal delay in receipt of EMD. In case the EMD is not received within the aforesaid period, the bid will
be outrightly rejected and the bidder will be debarred for 6 (Six) months from Participating in tenders in
ECL. Penal action will be enforced from the date of issue of such order. Earnest money may be
deposited in the form of irrevocable Bank Guarantee (from Scheduled Bank/) in the prescribed format,
where Earnest Money amount exceeds Rs.2,00,000.
Exemption of Earnest Money
The tenders shall be treated valid when it carries requisite earnest money and the tenders without Earnest
Money shall be rejected outright except in such cases where prior approval for exemption has been
granted by CMD of the Subsidiary Company or Chairman, CIL.

The bidders should submit MANDATE FORM for e-payment along with EMD, if not submitted earlier,
as per the format given in the bid document at Annexure III.


Clarification of Bid: The bidder may seek clarification on-line within the specified period. However,
the management will clarify as far as possible the relevant queries. The last date for seeking clarification
will be up to 4 (four) days before the last date of submission of bid and the last date of giving
clarification online will be up to 2 (two) days before the last date of submission of bid.

6. The bidders have to accept the on-line user portal agreement which contains the acceptance of all the
Terms and Conditions of NIT and tender document, undertakings and the e-Procurement system through in order to become an eligible bidder. This will be a part of the agreement.
7. Eligible Bidders : The invitation for bid is open to all bidders including an individual, proprietorship
firm, partnership firm, company or a Joint Venture having eligibility to participate as per eligibility
criteria stipulated in clause No.8 of NIT and having Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) issued from any
agency authorized by Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA), Govt. of India.
Note: Joint Venture shall be allowed for participate in the bid with estimated cost above 2 Crores.
8. Eligibility Criteria:
A. Work Experience : The intending tenderer must have in its name as a prime contractor experience of
having successfully completed similar works during last 7 (seven) years ending last day of month
previous to the one in which bid applications are invited (i.e. eligibility period) should be either of the
following:Three similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 40% of the estimated
Two similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to 50% of the estimated
One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to 80% of the estimated cost.
(In case the bidder is not a prime contractor but a sub-contractor, the bidders experience as subcontractor will be taken into account if the contract in support of qualification is a sub-contract in
compliance with the provision of such sub-contract in the original contract awarded to prime contractor.)
The work experience of the bidder for those works only shall be considered for evaluation
purposes, which are completed on or before the last day of month previous to one in which e-Tender has
been invited. The experience of incomplete/ongoing works as on the last date of eligibility period will
not be considered for evaluation.

While considering the value of completed works, the full value of completed works will
be considered whether or not the date of commencement is within the said 7 (Seven) years period.
The cost of completed works shall be given a weightage to bring them at current price level by
adding 5% for each completed year (total number of days/365) after the end date of experience (date of
completion of work) till one year before the last day of month previous to one in which e-Tender has
been invited.
The definition of Similar nature of work shall be as follows:
Similar nature of Work means Supply, installation, maintenance & repair of
CCTV Camera along with its accessories in during last 7 years ending on 31.12.2015 .
Special terms:
The bidder must have a dedicated & registered office in and around Asansol
/Durgapur/Sanctoria zone to cater to urgent service requirements within 2(two) hours
in case of any type of emergency. The Bidder shall provide required services within 2
hours of any reported problem. Documents relating to this along with declaration shall
be furnished to the concerned official offline and online separately while uploading
LOB failing which the bid for the concerned party will be cancelled.
Also the L1 bidder has to demonstrate their product as soon as the price and
document verification is completed. In case the bidder fails to produce his company
desired product his bid will be cancelled and necessary penal action as decided by the
company will be initiated against them.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following
information on-line:

Start date & end date of each qualifying experience (similar work).


Agreement Number/Work Order Number of each experience.


Work Order Issuing authority of each experience.


Percentage (%) share of each experience (100% in case of an individual/proprietorship firm

or a partner in a partnership firm).


Executed Value of work against each experience.

B. Financial Turnover: Average annual financial turnover of Works during the last 3 (three) years ending
31st March of the previous financial year should be at least 30% of the estimated cost.
(The Previous Financial Year shall be computed with respect to the date of NIT/e-publishing
If any bidder does not furnish the turnover value for any financial year out of the last 3 financial
years, the turnover for that financial year shall be taken as Zero and the average annual financial
turnover shall be calculated accordingly.
Financial turnover shall be given a weightage to bring them at current price level by adding 5%
in the financial turnover for the 2nd year and 10% for the 3rd year. No weightage will be given in the
turnover for the 1st year.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following
information on-line:
i). Annual financial turnover of each of the last 3 years ending 31st March of the previous financial year.

ii). Name of the Chartered Accountant issuing the Profit and Loss A/c or the Turnover certificate
iii). Membership Number of the Chartered Accountant
iv). Date of issue of financial turnover certificate by CA.
C. Permanent Account Number (PAN): The bidder should possess Permanent Account Number (PAN)
issued by Income Tax department, Govt. of India.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following
information on-line:
i) Confirmation regarding possessing of Permanent Account Number(PAN) issued by Income
Tax department, Govt. of India in the form of Yes / No.
D. VAT/Sales Tax Registration on Works Contract: The bidder should posses a VAT/ Sales Tax
Registration on works contract issued by Sales Tax department and of any Indian State.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following
information on-line:
i) Confirmation regarding possessing of VAT/Sales Tax Registration on Works Contract issued
by Sales Tax department of any Indian State in the form of Yes / No.
E. Service Tax Registration on Works Contract: The bidder should posses a Service Tax Registration on
works contract issued by appropriate department of any Indian State.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following
information on-line:
i) Confirmation regarding possessing of Service Tax Registration on Works Contract issued by
appropriate department of any Indian State in the form of Yes / No.
F. Registration No. under CMPF/EPF: The bidder should posses a valid Registration No. under
CMPF/EPF issued from the office of the Competent Authority.
In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following
information on-line:
i) Confirmation regarding possessing of Registration No. under CMPF/EPF issued to the bidder
from the office of the Competent Authority, in the form of Yes / No.
It may be noted that the tender will straightaway rejected in case the bidder is not registered under
CMPF/EPF. However, the bids of the bidders who have applied for CMPF/EPF Registration, but the
allotment has not yet been conveyed will be accepted on production of proof of applying for CMPF/EPF
Registration at the time of submission of confirmatory documents.
G. Net Worth: The Net Worth of the bidder based on latest audited annual accounts as on 31stMarch
(e.g. for tenders floated in the financial year 2014-15, this will be as on 31st March 2013) shall not
be negative.
The Net Worth shall be equal to: - Aggregate of the Capital + Free Reserve Accumulated
Offer of the bidder showing Negative Net Worth will be rejected (Net Worth provision applicable for
tendered works with estimated cost above 100 lakhs).

In respect of the above eligibility criteria the bidders are required to furnish the following
information on-line:
Confirmation regarding Non negative Net Worth, in the form of Yes / No.
The intending bidder must submit documentary evidence in support of above in the form of
certificate from Chartered Accountant based on latest audited Balance Sheet.
The qualifying criteria parameter e.g. financial resources (Networth) of the individual partners of
the J.V. will be added together, for the relevant financial year, and the total should not be less than as
spelt out above.
If the bidder is a subsidiary of a company, the experience and resources of the holding company
or its other subsidiaries will not be taken into account. However, if the bidder is a holding company, the
experience and resources of its wholly owned subsidiaries will be taken into consideration.
Even though the bidders meet the above qualifying criteria, they are subject to be disqualified:(i) if they have made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments
submitted as proof of the qualification requirements.
(ii) if they have record of poor performance such as abandoning the works, not properly completing the
contract, inordinate delays in completion, or financial failure etc
8.1. Submission of Bid:
a. In order to submit the Bid, the bidders have to get themselves registered online on the
e-Procurement portal ( with valid Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
issued from any agency authorized by Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA), Govt. of India and
which can be traced up to the chain of trust to the Root Certificate of CCA. The online Registration
of the Bidders on the portal will be free of cost and one time activity only. The prospective bidders
should register for availing the services through the option Online Bidder Enrollment on the
home page of The registration should be in the name of bidder, whereas
DSC holder may be either bidder himself or his duly authorized person.
b. The bidders have to accept unconditionally the online user portal agreement which contains the
acceptance of all the Terms and Conditions of NIT including General and Special Terms &
Conditions and other conditions, if any, along with on-line undertaking in support of the authenticity
of the declarations regarding the facts, figures, information and documents furnished by the Bidder
on-line in order to become an eligible bidder. No conditional bid shall be accepted.
c. Letter of Bid(LOB): The format of Letter of Bid(LOB) will be downloaded by the bidder and will
be printed/typed on his letter head. This document will be signed by the bidder or authorized person
of bidder or DSC holder bidding online with authorization from bidder and the scanned copy of the
same will be uploaded during bid submission in cover-I. This will be the covering letter of the bidder
for his submitted bid. The content of the Letter of Bid(LOB) uploaded by the bidder must be the
same as per the format downloaded from website and it should not contain any other information.
In case of any error / omission in scanning & uploading the cover-I document, i.e. Letter of Bid the
bidders will be allowed to re-upload the same within the specified time period of 3 days.
In case the Tender Committee finds that there is some error/omission in scanning & uploading the
cover-I document i.e. Letter of Bid by a bidder, the same will be specified on-line under shortfall
documents by Evaluator normally within 3 days of Technical bid (Part-I) opening, indicating the
start date and end date giving 3 days time for on-line submission by bidder. The bidders will get this
intimation on their personalized dash board under Upload shortfall document link. Additionally,
information shall also be sent by system generated e-mail and SMS, but it will be the bidders
responsibility to check the updated status/information on their personalized dash board at least once
daily after opening of bid. No separate communication will be required in this regard. Non-receipt of
e-mail and SMS will not be accepted as a reason of non-submission of documents within prescribed
time. The bidder will re-upload the requested documents within the specified period and no
additional time will be allowed for on-line submission of documents.

d. Price Bid: The Price Bid containing the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) will be in Excel format and will be
downloaded by the bidder and he will quote the rates for all items on this Excel file. Thereafter, the
bidder will upload the same Excel file during bid submission in cover-II. The Price Bid will be in
item Rate BOQ format and the bidder will have to quote on item rate basis and the L-1 will be
decided on overall quoted value. The Price Bids of the tenderers will have no condition. The Price
Bid which is incomplete and not submitted as per instruction given above will be rejected.
e. Additional performance security (applicable for item rate as well as percentage rate works):
Additional performance security shall be applicable if the bid price is below 15% of the justified
price finalized by the owner. The amount of such additional performance security shall be the
difference between 85% of the justified price finalized by the owner and quoted price. Justified price
shall be based on prevalent market rate of materials and labour, analysed as per standard analysis of
rate of CPWD/ NBO, and shall be binding on the bidder. Additional performance security shall be
furnished by bidder along with normal performance security. Failure to submit such additional
performance security may result into termination of the contract. This additional performance
security will not carry any interest and shall be released in the following manner:
i) 30% of Additional performance security will be released after 60% of the total work is completed.
ii) 50% of Additional performance security will be released after 80% of the total work is completed.
iii) 100% of Additional performance security will be released after total work is completed.
Additional performance security may be furnished in the shape of BG or any of the forms as
applicable for performance security.
9. In submission of tender on-line, the bidders will upload only the scanned copy of LOB in the technicalbid. No other document shall be uploaded by the bidder on-line in the technical-bid. The bidder will
download the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) on-line and will upload the same after quoting their rates, in the
10. All bids are to be submitted on-line on the website No bid shall be accepted
11. It is the bidders responsibility to comply with the system requirement i.e. hardware, software and
internet connectivity at bidders premises to access the e-tender website. Under any circumstances, ECL
shall not be liable to the bidders for any direct/indirect loss or damages incurred by them arising out of
incorrect use of the e-tender system or internet connectivity failures.
12. After receipt of EMD as stated in clause No.3, the Technical-bid will be decrypted and opened on-line,
on the scheduled date and after the pre-scheduled time by the Bid Openers with their Digital Signature
Certificate (DSC). Thereafter, the Technical-bid shall be evaluated by the system on-line based on the
information furnished by bidders on-line in accordance with clause No.8 (Eligibility Criteria). This online evaluation will be validated by ECL.
13. After evaluation of Technical-bid, all the bidders will get the information regarding their eligibility on
website. Thereafter, a system generated e-mail confirmation will be sent to all successful bidders
communicating the date and time of opening of Price-bid.
14. The Price-bid of the successful bidders (qualified in Technical-bid) will be decrypted and opened online, on the scheduled date and after the pre-scheduled time by the Bid Openers with their Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC). The bidders will get the information regarding the status of their financial
bid and ranking of bidders on website.
15. After opening of Price-bid on-line, the L-1 bidder will have to produce the Scanned Documents in
support of the information furnished by him on-line, for verification by Tender Committee, if required

along with one set of self certified copy of documents, as specified check list below, on any working day
within 7 (seven) days after the date of opening of price-bid.


Sl. Eligibility Criteria


Work Experience
(Ref. Clause No.8(A) of NIT)


Financial Turnover
(Ref. Clause No.8(B) of NIT)
Permanent Account Number
(Ref. Clause No.8(C) of NIT)
VAT/Sales Tax Registration
on Works Contract
(Ref. Clause No.8(D) of NIT)
Service Tax Registration on
Works Contract
(Ref. Clause No.8(E) of NIT)
(Ref. Clause No.8(F) of NIT)
(Ref. Clause No.8(G) of NIT)
(For Value more than 100
Legal Status of the bidder







Digital Signature Certificate


Scanned copy of documents (Self Certified and attested by

Notary Public) to be uploaded by L-1 bidder in support of
information/ declaration furnished online by the bidder against
Eligibility Criteria
Satisfactory Work Completion Certificate issued by the employer
against the experience of similar work containing all the information
furnished by bidder on-line along with work order and Bill of quantity
Financial Turnover certificate for last 3 (three) financial years issued
by a registered Chartered Accountant.
PAN card issued by Income Tax department, Govt. of India
VAT/Sales Tax Registration Certificate on works contract from any
Indian State
Service Tax Registration Certificate on works contract of any Indian
CMPF/EPF Registration Certificate issued by Competent Authority.
(As & when required)
Documentary evidence in the form of certificate from Chartered
Accountant based on latest audited Balance Sheet

Any one of the following document :

1. Affidavit or any other document to prove proprietorship
2. Partnership deed containing name of partners and details of
assets. (Partnership deed must be registered with Registrar of
firm. In case of change in Partnership deed intimation to Registrar
of firm is also required to be submitted)
3. Memorandum & Article of Association with certificate of
incorporation containing name of bidder.
If the bidder himself is the DSC holder bidding on-line then no
document is required.
However, if the DSC holder is bidding online on behalf of the bidder
then the Power of Attorney or any sort of legally acceptable
document for the authority to bid on behalf of the bidder


An UNDERTAKING on the letter head of the company by the Bidder or authorized officer having power of attorney
to sign on behalf of the bidder regarding genuineness of the information furnished by him on-line and
authenticity of the documents produced by him before Tender Committee in support of his eligibility, as per
the format given in the bid document at Annexure I.
10. Any other document to support the qualification information as submitted by bidder on-line.
The Tender Committee will examine the uploaded documents against information/declarations
furnished by the L-1 bidder online. If it conforms to all of the information/declarations furnished by the

bidder online and does not change the eligibility status of the bidder then the bidder will be considered
eligible for award of Contract.
In case the Tender Committee finds that there is some deficiency in uploaded documents or
documents have not been uploaded by L-1 bidder within the stipulated period then the same will be
specified online by Evaluator clearly indicating the omissions/shortcomings in the uploaded documents
and indicating start date and end date giving 7 days time for online re-submission by L-1 bidder. The L1 bidder will get this information on their personalized dash board under upload confirmatory
document link. Additionally, information shall also be sent by system generated e-mail and SMS, but
it will be the bidders responsibility to check the updated status/information on their personalized dash
board at least once daily after opening of Price-bid. No separate communication will be required in this
regard. Non-receipt of e-mail and SMS will not be accepted as a reason of non-submission of documents
within prescribed time. The bidder will upload the scanned copy of self certified and attested by Notary
public of those specified documents within the specified period of 7 days and in case of Declaration,
will simultaneously submit the original Declaration (as per Sl. No.15 above) in person to the Tender
Inviting Authority within 10 days of last date of online submission of documents. No additional time
will be allowed to the bidder for on-line submission of documents.
a. In case the L-1 bidder submits requisite documents online as per NIT, then the bidder will be
considered eligible for award of Contract.
b. In case the L-1 bidder fails to submit requisite documents online as per NIT or if any of the
information/declaration furnished by L-1 bidder online is found to be wrong by Tender Committee
during evaluation of scanned documents uploaded by bidder, which changes the eligibility status of
the bidder (for the first time), then the EMD of L-1 bidder will be forfeited and re-tender will be
done. In this re-tender, offer from this bidder will not be accepted. This penal action will be enforced
from the date of issue of such order.

If the L-1 bidder fails to submit the requisite documents online as per NIT or if any of the
information/declaration furnished by L-1 bidder online is found to be wrong by Tender Committee
during evaluation of scanned documents uploaded by bidder, which changes the eligibility status of
the bidder, in two tenders, floated by the same tender inviting authority, within a span of one year (to
be counted with respect to date of e-publication of NIT), then the EMD of L-1 bidder will be forfeited
and this bidder will be debarred for one year from participating in tenders in ECL and re-tender will
be done. This penal action will be enforced from the date of issue of such order.

d. The Tender Committee will make its recommendations based on the scanned copy of documents
uploaded online by L-1 bidder and the TCR will go through all stages of processing but before
approval of Tender Accepting Authority the receipt of original UNDERTAKING shall be ensured.
16. One Bid per Bidder: Each Bidder shall submit only one Bid, either individually, or as a partner in a
partnership firm or a partner in a Joint Venture or a public limited firm. A Bidder who submits or
participates in more than one Bid (other than as a sub-contractor or in cases of alternatives that have
been permitted or requested) will cause all the proposals with the Bidders participation to be
17. Refund of EMD: The Earnest Money will be retained in the case of successful tenderer and refunded to
the unsuccessful tenderer in due course and will not carry any interest. The unsuccessful bidder for this
purpose means the bidders who have not qualified for opening of Price-bid and those who have not
emerged as L-1 tenderer after opening of Price-bid. The Earnest Money deposited by the L-1 bidder in
the form of DD/BC shall be adjusted against Performance Security Deposit (PSD).
18. Every Tenderer is expected, before quoting his rates, to go through the requirements of
materials/workmanship under specification/requirements and conditions of contract and to inspect the
site/area of the proposed work at his own cost.
It shall be deemed that the tenderer has visited the site/area and got fully acquainted with the
working conditions and other prevalent conditions and fluctuations thereto whether they actually visited
the site/area or not and have taken all the above factors into account while quoting his rates.

19. All Duties taxes and other levies, payable by the contractor (Excluding Service Tax) under the contract
or for any other cause as applicable on the last date of submission of tender shall be included in the rates,
prices and the total bid price submitted by the bidder. All incidentals, overheads etc. as may be attendant
upon execution and completion of works shall also be included in the rates, prices and total bid price
submitted by the bidder
However, such duties, taxes, levies etc. which is notified after the last date of submission of tender
and / or any increase over the rate existing on the last date of submission of tender shall be reimbursed
by the company on production of documentary evidence in support of payment actually made to the
concerned authorities.
The company reserves the right to deduct/withhold any amount towards taxes, levies, etc. and to deal
with such amount in terms of the provisions of the Statute or in terms of the direction of any statutory
authority and the company shall only provide with certificate towards such deduction and shall not be
responsible for any reason whatsoever.
20. Cost of Bidding: The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his
bid and the Employer will in no case be responsible and liable for those costs.
21. The Tenderer shall closely study all specifications in detail, which govern the rates for which he is
22. Currencies of Bid and Payment:
Indian Rupees only.

The unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the Bidder entirely in

23. The work should be completed within the stipulated period which shall be reckoned from the 10th day of
issue of Letter of Acceptance/work order or from the actual date of handing over the site or handing over
reasonable number of working drawings to the contractor, whichever is later.
24. On completion of the work all rubbish, debris, brick bats etc. shall be removed by the contractor(s) at
his/their own expense and the site cleaned and handed over to the company and he/they shall intimate
officially of having completed the work as per contract.
25. The Tenderer(s) will deploy sufficient number and size of equipments/machineries/vehicles and the
technical/ supervisory personnel required for execution of the work.
26. Change in Constitution of the Contracting Agency: Prior approval in writing of the company shall
be obtained before any change is made in the constitution of the contracting agency, otherwise it will be
treated as a breach of Contract.
27. Canvassing in connection with the tenders in any shape or form is strictly prohibited and tenders
submitted by such tenderers who resort to canvassing shall be liable for rejection.
28. The Price-bids of the tenderers will have no condition. The Bill of Quantity (BOQ) for the tendered
work, as available in the website, is to be downloaded by the bidder and the same file after filling of the
quoted rates is to be uploaded during bid submission on-line. The Price-bids which are incomplete and
not submitted as per instructions given above will be rejected.
29. The Bidder, whos Bid has been accepted, will be notified of the award on-line and also by registered
post by the employer prior to expiration of the bid validity period. The L-1 bidder will get the
information regarding award of work on their personalized dash-board on-line. On receipt of Letter for
Acceptance (LOA)/Work Order of the tender issued by the Company, the successful tenderer shall
execute contract agreement in the company's prescribed form for the due fulfillment of the contract.
Failure to enter into the required contract within the specified period in the work order shall entail
cancellation of LOA/work order and forfeiture of the Earnest Money. The written contract to be entered
into between the contractor and the company, shall be the foundation of the rights of both the parties and
the contract shall not be deemed to be executed until the contract is signed by both the parties i.e.
Contractor and the Company.

30. Bid Validity: The validity period of the tenders shall be 75 (Seventy Five) days from the last date of
submission of bid.
In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original time limit, the Employer may request
the bidders to extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The employers request and
the bidders responses shall be made in writing. A bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting his
bid security. A bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify his bid but will
be required to extend the validity of his bid security/EMD (if submitted in the form of BG) for a period
of 28 days beyond the extended validity of the bid.
The Tenderer shall not, during the said period or within the period extended by mutual consent,
revoke or cancel his tender or alter the tender or any terms/conditions thereof without consent in writing
of the company. In case the tenderer violates to abide by this, the Company will be entitled to take action
as per clause No.31 (Modification and Withdrawal of Bid) of NIT.
31. Modification and Withdrawal of Bid:
Modification of the submitted bid shall be allowed on-line only before the deadline of submission of
tender and the bidder may modify and resubmit the bid on-line as many times as he may wish.
Bidders may withdraw their bids online within the end date of bid submission and their EMD
will be refunded. However, if the bidder once withdraws his bid, he will not be able to resubmit the bid
in that particular tender. For withdrawal of bid after the end date of bid submission, the bidder will have
to make a request in writing to the Tender InvitingAuthority. Withdrawal of bid may be allowed till
issue of work order/LOA with the following provision of penal action:
a. If the request of withdrawal is received before online notification for opening of price bid, the EMD
will be forfeited and bidder will be debarred for 6 months from participating in tenders in ECL. The
Price-bid of remaining bidders will be opened and the tender process shall go on.
b. If the request of withdrawal is received after online notification for opening of price bid, the EMD
will be forfeited and the bidder will be debarred for 1 year from participating in tenders in ECL. The
Price-bid of all eligible bidders including this bidder will be opened and action will follow as under:
If the bidder withdrawing his bid is other than L 1, the tender process shall go on.
If the bidder withdrawing his bid is L-1, then re-tender will be done.
i. In case of clause (a) & (b) above, a letter will be issued to the bidder by Tender Inviting Authority
with the approval of Tender Accepting Authority (in case Board is Tender Accepting Authority then
with the approval of CMD), stating that the EMD of bidder is forfeited, and this bidder is debarred for
six months (in case of clause-a) OR one year (in case of clause-b) from participating in tenders in ECL.
This letter will be circulated to all Areas and ECL, HQ and the updated list will be maintained
by all Tender Inviting Authority/Evaluators.
ii. Penal action against clause (a) & (b) above will be enforced from the date of issue of such order.
32. The Company reserves the right to postpone the date of receipt and opening of tenders or to cancel the
tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
33. The Company reserves its right to allow Public Enterprises purchase preference facility as admissible
under prevailing policy.
34. This Tender Notice shall be deemed to be part of the Contract Agreement.
35. No subletting of work as a whole by the contractor is permissible. Subletting of work in piece rated jobs
is permissible with the prior approval of the department.
36. If the Tenderer gets the work order he will have to submit VAT Registration certificate on works
contract from the state of West Bengal, before execution of agreement.

37. The quoted rate should be inclusive of all charges, on account of octoroi, terminal or sales tax and other
duties (excluding Service Tax).
38. The Tenderer shall have to ensure implementation of CMPF/EPF, in respect of the workers deployed by
him as detailed in the tender document.
39. The other terms and conditions of NIT not covered under this document will be as per the Manual of
Civil Engineering works of CIL and guidelines for e-Procurement for works and services in ECL, which
may be seen on and respectively.
40. Payment of wages including CMPF/EPF, ESI etc. to workmen as per Minimum Wages Act
(Relevant/Applicable) has to be made through Nationalized Bank only. The Service Tax will be
applicable as per extent rule.
41. The Company does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to reject any or all
the tenders without assigning any reasons whatsoever and to split up the work between two or more
tenderers or accept the tender in part and not in its entirety.
42. Other details may be obtained from the General Terms and Conditions and additional Terms and
Conditions, which also Uploaded along with NIT.
43. Matters relating to any dispute or difference arising out of this tender and subsequent contract awarded
based on this tender shall be subject to the jurisdiction of District Court, where the subject work is to be

General Manager (E&M)

Sripur Area, ECL.

D(T) P&P/D(T)OP/D(F)/D(P)-ECL, Sactoria

CVO-ECL, Sanctoria.
G.M (E&M)/HOD,G.M (SC)-ECL, Sanctoria
All CGM/GMs of the area of ECL.
Area Finance Manager,Sripur Area/Cashier ,Sripur Area
All Area Engineer (E&M),ECL
PRM,ECL,Sanctoria-with a request to arrange to post in website as per companys policy.
All T.C. Members, Sripur Area
Chamber of Commerce ,Asansol/Raniganj
Notice Board of Sripur Area.

Signature Not Verified


Digitally signed by SINHA PRASHANT

Date: 2016.01.12 15:07:56 IST
Location: ECL

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