Self Description
Self Description
Self Description
Self description is nothing but a presentation of ones personality his mind. If a person knows himself
well, hell perform better in the test.
As it is like a released question paper, ask you parents, friends, teachers about you and write it in
a paragraph.
Try to work on your weakness. Since the interviewer may ask you in the personal interview that
what are the things you are doing to overcome your weaknesses.
Think about the strengths and the weaknesses of your parents and your friends.
Parents opinion
Friends/colleagues opinion
Teachers/Seniors opinion
Self opinion
A candidate can prepare it in advance as the questions are already known and for that you can
refer to your parents, friends, etc and ask them what they feel about you.
Also ask them one or two bad points about you and make sure that you can justify it. Suppose
your parents say that you are extravagant then you can justify it by saying that I always go for quality
products thats why they think I am extravagant.
The best way to handle Self-Description test is to describe your character in less words but with
various qualities. E.g: you want to say I am a responsible boy. I am a funny loving and friendly
person. Instead of it write I am a responsible, loving and friendly person.
Also avoid writing the qualities that go against OLQs they need. E.g: My teachers say that I lack
counter it. In self opinion there is no need to tell about your negative points. IO will ask you
separately that what do you think what are your weaknesses? If you dont know about your
weaknesses then go for what your friends or teachers say about you.
It is certain possibility that whatever you write in your SD, the interviewing officer will ask
questions regarding that. Suppose you have written that My parents see me as a helpful child as I
help them in buying items from market. Then be sure that you know the current item rates in the
Suppose in you have written that you want to improve your physical stamina then there will be a
counter question. Okay, Ashish what you are doing to improve your physical stamina, what type of
exercises you do to keep yourself fit.
Last but not the least write as many points you can write in less words, maintain speed and keep
The answer totally depends upon your personality and presentation of ones personality
in his mind. If one will have a good understanding about his personality, he will definitely
perform better. The most important thing for a personality test to be remembered is one
should have a good introspection of his/her personality to know and understand your
strength and weakness much better. When you are writing your strengths make sure you are
mentioning all the strengths which you think is most comparable to officer like qualities.
Coming to your weakness, mention the weakness on which you are working on. If you have
some weakness that you think can be an impediment in your selection, work on it. Try to
talk to your parents, friends, and teachers and find out more about your weaknesses and
make them in your strengths.
them for their mistakes. The same thing goes with your friends. Try to write the positive
traits of your personality. To elaborate more, you can give examples How they helped in
winning your battles of personal failures to convert them into success? Why do you like
them? How you help them in achieving their aims. I would suggest that if you think that you
are friendly in nature then you must remember names of all the people in your group and
their likes and dislikes. Give examples how you help during their problem, during their ups
and downs.
Self Opinion:I am optimistic, candid, responsible boy. I want to do my things successfully. I am confident with my
thinking and analysis that i can able to convince my surroundings with my points. I used to do exercise
regularly to keep myself fit. The game now iam playing is table tennis. My hobbies are blogging. I want
to satisfy my surrounding people upto my extent and want to keep them happy.
Things i want to improve is , i want to develop my technical skills, also iam working on that now by
putting extra time.
Friends Opinion:My friends say me as practical person as i put forward my points as outspoken. They feel happy and
secured when iam with them, since i can able to handle situations easily. They like my helping tendancy
in education and all.
Teachers Opinion:My teacher say me as an above average student in studies and good at obedience. Also they like my
participating attitude in extra curricular activities. They say that iam good at mathematics and lovable
person at class as i have lot of friends.
Parents Opinion:My parents say me as responsible boy as i support my family after degree by going to job and also
they have a lot of affection over me for giving them a good name in the society. They have belief over me
that i wiill achive my aim to become a officer in armed forces, and they are giving full support for me to
achieve that.
Friends Opinion-My Friends think that I am very lively. They always take my advice
in important issues. We always discuss about our futures and plans what we would
do in life. They motivate me that I can achieve whatever I want. They always give
me a responsibility in important family functions. Sometimes there are differences
but we talk and come out with positive results. I have good bond with my friends.