Current Commutated Chopper Through Simulink

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Converting the unregulated DC input to a controlled DC output with a

desired voltage level. A chopper is a static device which is used to obtain a
variable dc voltage from a constant dc voltage source. A chopper is also
known as dctodc converter. The thyristor converter offers greater
Efficiency, faster response, lower maintenance, smaller size and smooth
control. Choppers are widely used in trolley cars battery operated vehicles,
traction motor control, control of large number of dc motors, etc.

Figure 1.1: General Block Diagram

This lesson provides the reader the following:

Practical significance of commutation

Limitations of line commutation

Ability to determine commutation interval


Insight to different methods of commutation

Consequences of the commutating methods on device stresses


The commutation process plays an important role in the operation and

control of both naturally commutated (or line commutated) and forced
commutated SCR based converters. These converters may be AC-DC, DCDC or DC-AC converters.

Figure 1.2 Top: A three-phase Phase Angle Converter; bottom: The input
three-phase voltage waveforms
The AC-DC Phase Angle Converter, (PAC) continues to be used in much
high power and very high power converters where the application is non-

critical or the non-state-of-the-art is preferred for operational advantages.

The following section discusses commutation with respect to this


A three phase PAC is shown in Figure 1.2. Nominally balanced three phase
voltages V , V and V are connected to the three legs of the converter
via three inductances LS, which can be considered to represent the leakage
reactance of the supply transformer. At any instant, two devices are
conducting, say SCR and SCR at the time instant indicated by the
dashed line in Figure, 1.2, bottom. At that instant, phase voltage V is
most positive and V most negative.

Figure 1.3 Significant voltage and current waveforms of a single phase

converter highlighting the overlap instants and the corresponding
converter terminal and output voltages

Subsequently, at the crossover point, V

becomes most negative and

SCR is more forward biased with respect to SCR . The incoming SCR
does not take the full load current I , nor does the outgoing SCR turn-off
immediately. There ensues an overlap period when three SCRs conduct
for a transient period. It is evident that with the simultaneous conduction
of SCR and SCR there is a short circuit at the converter terminals with
the short circuit current I
being limited by the per-phase series
inductances L Line voltage V
drives this current. With no delay in
triggering (as if the SCRs are all replaced by diodes) the SCRs, they would
be triggered 60 after the zero crossing of the corresponding line voltage.
The triggering on this line voltage is delayed by the trigger angle from
this 60 point.
There are a few significant effects of the commutation process when three
devices conduct. The voltage waveforms at the output and at the converter
input terminals reflect the commutation process. All-SCR (fullycontrolled) converters, which are capable of operating with trigger angles
between 0 to 180 ideally, are restricted in the inverter mode to operate
within the margin-angle. This angle is of the order of 160 and the output
voltage is limited.


A single-phase converter, Figure 1.3 is considered to illustrate this. A fourSCR fully-controlled converter operates into a load, which draws a
constant current. The AC source includes the series (leakage) inductance
L . Waveforms are shown for (i) no overlap case (when L = 0) and (ii)
for a finite value of L causing an overlap. It is evident from waveforms of
that they take a finite time to rise and fall. In the
SCR 1,1 SCR 2,2
intervening period all four SCRs are ON. The current in the incoming
device rises till it equals the load current I while that in the outgoing one
falls to zero. All conducting SCRs can be considered to be short circuits
and consequently the output voltage and thus also the input voltage is zero
during this period. The output voltage is diminished and a notch appears
across the input. The input distortion affects other equipment connected to
the same bus and protection must be provided against this cross-talk
between two converters through this type of line distortion. The input

voltage exhibits two notches in a single-phase converter both of which are

identical and reach down to zero.

Figure 1.4 Short circuit currents between incoming and outgoing SCRs
for various trigger angles


Switched-mode power supply (SMPS), DC motor control, battery Charger.




Choppers are of two types:

1) Stepdown choppers
2) Stepup choppers

In step down chopper output voltage is less than input voltage in step up
chopper output voltage is more than input voltage.



Figure 2.1 Step-down Chopper

Figure 2.1 shows a stepdown chopper with resistive load. The thyristor in
the circuit acts as a switch. When thyristor is ON, supply voltage appears
across the load and when thyristor is OFF, the voltage across the load will
be zero.


Figure 2.2 Step-up Chopper

Step-up chopper is used to obtain a load voltage higher than Vo . The input
voltage V. The values of L and C are chosen depending upon their
requirement of output voltage and Current. When the chopper is ON, the
inductor L is connected across the supply. The inductor current I rises and
the Inductor stores energy during the ON time of the chopper, tON. When
the chopper is off, the inductor current I is forced to flow through the
diode D and load for a period, tOFF. The current tends to decrease
resulting in reversing the polarity of induced EMF in L.


The output dc voltage can be varied by the following methods.
1. Pulse width modulation control or constant frequency operation.
2. Variable frequency control


TON is varied keeping chopping frequency f & chopping period T

constant Output voltage is varied by varying the ON time tON

Figure 2.3: Pulse width modulation Waveform

Chopping frequency f is varied keeping either tON or tOFF constant. To

obtain full output voltage range, frequency has to be varied over a wide
range. This method produces harmonics in the output and for large tOFF
load current may be come discontinuous.

Figure 2.4: Variable frequency waveform



Voltage Commutated choppers is widely used in high power circuits where
load fluctuation is not large. This chopper is also known as
1) Parallel capacitor turn-off chopper
2) Impulse Commutated chopper
3) Classical chopper.
To start the circuit, capacitor C is initially charged with polarity (with
plate a positive) by triggering the thyristor T2 Capacitor C gets charged
through Vs, C, T2 and load. As the charging current decays to zero thyristor
T2 will be turned off. With capacitor charged with plate a positive the
circuit is ready for operation. Assume that the load current remains
constant during the commutation process.

Figure 2.5: Circuit diagram of voltage commutated chopper

For convenience the chopper operation is divided into five modes:1) Mode-1

2) Mode-2
3) Mode-3
4) Mode-4
5) Mode-5
Choppers are classified as follows
1) Class A Chopper
2) Class B Chopper
3) Class C Chopper
4) Class D Chopper
5) Class E Chopper





DC-DC Choppers have also been categorized on the basis of their

commutation process. Three types of commutation are identified: i)
Voltage commutation, ii) Current commutation and iii) Load commutation.


In a voltage commutated thyristor circuit a voltage source is impressed
across the SCR to be turned off, mostly by an auxiliary SCR. This voltage
is comparable in magnitude to the operating voltages. The current in the
conducting SCR is immediately quenched; however the reverse-biasing
voltage must be maintained for a period greater than that required for the
device to turn-off. With a large reverse voltage turning it off, the device
offers the fastest turn-off time obtainable from that particular device. It is
an exposition of hard turn-off where the reverse biasing stress is
Figure 3.1 illustrates voltage commutation. Th

is the main SCR and

is the Auxiliary. As a consequence of the previous cycle, Capacitor

C is charged with the dot as positive. When the Main SCR is triggered, it
carries the load current, which is held practically level by the large filter
inductance, L and the Free-wheeling diode. Additionally, the charged
Capacitor swings half a cycle through Th , L and D ending with a
negative at the dot. The reverse voltage may be less than its positive value
as some energy is lost in the various components in the path. The half
cycle capacitor current adds to the load current and is taken by the Main
With the negative at the dot C-Th
When Th


is enabled to commutate Th .
is triggered the negative charge of the capacitor is impressed


onto Th

and it immediately turns off. The SCR does take the reverse
recovery current in the process. Thereafter, the level load current charges
the capacitor linearly to the supply voltage with the dot again as positive.

Figure 3.1 A voltage commutated DC-DC Chopper and most significant


The Load voltage peaks by the addition of the capacitor voltage to the
supply when Th
is triggered. The voltage falls as the capacitor
discharges both changes being linear because of the level load current.
When the Capacitor voltage returns to zero, the load voltage equals supply
voltage. The turn-off time offered by the commutation circuit to the SCR
lasts till this stage starting from the triggering of Th
. Now the
capacitor is progressively positively charged and the load voltage is
equally diminished from the supply voltage. Th
is naturally
commutated when the capacitor is fully charged and a small excess voltage


switches on the freewheeling diode. With the positive at the dot the
capacitor is again ready for the next cycle. Here Th
must be switched
before Th to charge C to desired polarity.
Voltage commutation may be chosen for comparatively fast switching and
it can be identified from the steep fall of the SCR current. There is no
overlapping operation between the incoming and the outgoing devices and
both currents fall and rise sharply. Stresses on all the three semiconductors
can be expected to be high here.



The circuit of Figure 3.1 can be converted into a current commuted one
just by interchanging the positions of the diode and the capacitor. Here the
Capacitor is automatically charged through D-L-L -Load with the dot as
positive. Any of the SCRs can thus be switched on first. If Th is
triggered first, it immediately takes the load current turning off D . When
ThAux is triggered, it takes a half cycle of the ringing current in the L-C
circuit and the polarity of the charge across the capacitor reverses. As it
swings back, Th
is turned off and the path through D-C-L shares the
load current which may again be considered to be reasonably level. The
Current-share of TH is thus reduced in a sinusoidal (damped) manner.
Turn-off process is consequently accompanied by an overlap between
Th and the diode D in the D-C-L path. Once the main SCR is turned off,
the capacitor current becomes level and the voltage decreases linearly. A
voltage spike appears across the load when the voltage across the
commutating inductance collapses and the capacitance voltage adds to the
supply voltage.
The free-wheeling diode also turns on through an overlap with D when the
capacitor voltage just exceeds the supply voltage and this extra voltage
drives the commutating current through the path D-Supply-D -L. Thus
there is soft switching of all devices during this period.
Further an additional diode may be connected across the main SCR. It
ensures soft turn-off by conducting the excess current in the ringing L-C
circuit. The low forward voltage appearing across the SCR causes it to
turn-off slowly. Consequently switching frequencies have to be low. Note


that such a diode cannot be connected across the Main SCR in the voltagecommutated circuit.

Figure 3.2 A current commutated DC-DC Chopper and most significant




The circuit in Figure 3.3 is called a load-commutated chopper. Conduction

paths are alternately through the diagonal SCR pairs. Conduction patterns of
these two groups are symmetrical. Each pair of SCRs conduct with the
capacitor in series. The current thus automatically is extinguished when the
capacitor achieves supply voltage level and the free-wheeling diode is turned
on. Any value of capacitor will suffice for commutation. In fact it is chosen to


satisfy the load current requirement. This commutation method permits

fastest switching of the SCRs. Currents through the SCRs rise and fall
sharply without any inductance regulating it. The freewheeling diode current
also behaves similarly and all devices are stressed by sharp di/dt. The load
voltage is of triangular shape with a peak equal to double the supply voltage
(average equal to supply voltage for the conduction interval). The capacitor
has a symmetric trapezoidal voltage across itself.

Figure 3.3 A load-commutated DC-DC Chopper and most significant




In electronics, a chopper circuit is used to refer to numerous types of

electronic switching devices and circuits used in power control and signal
applications. A chopper is a switching device that converts fixed DC input
to a variable DC output voltage directly. Essentially, a chopper is an
electronic switch that is used to interrupt one signal under the control of
In power electronics applications, since the switching element is either
fully on or fully off, its losses are low, and the circuit can provide high
efficiency. However, the current supplied to the load is discontinuous and
may require smoothing or a high switching frequency to avoid undesirable
effects. In signal processing circuits, use of a chopper stabilizes a system
against drift of electronic components; the original signal can be recovered
after amplification or other processing by a synchronous demodulator that
essentially un-does the "chopping" process.


Choppers may be classified on several bases.

On basis of input and output voltage levels:

Step-down chopper

class A

class C


class D

class E
Step-up chopper

Class B *explanation of class A ,C,D,E chopper

Table 4.1 : Different parameters of Step down and Step up choppers




Step up chopper

output voltage

0 to V volts

V to + volts

chopper switch

In series with

In parallel with load

Expression for
output voltage

VL dc = D x V

Vo = V/ ( 1 D )


Not required

boosting the output


For motoring
operation, for
motor load

braking for motor







Single quadrant

Single quadrant

1st quadrant

1st quadrant




On basis of circuit operation:

First quadrant

Two quadrant

Four quadrant
On basis of commutation method:

Voltage commutated

Current commutated

Load commutated

Impulse commutated

Most modern uses also use alternative nomenclature which helps to clarify
which particular type of circuit is being discussed. These include:

Switched mode power supplies, including DC to DC converters.

Speed controllers for DC motors

Class D Electronic amplifiers



Switched capacitor filters


Switched mode power supplies, including DC to DC converters.

Speed controllers for DC motors

Class D Electronic amplifiers

Switched capacitor filters

Variable-frequency drive

D.C. motor speed control

D.C. voltage boosting

Battery operated electric cars

Battery operated appliances

Battery chargers



One classic use for a chopper circuit and where the term is still in use is
in chopper amplifiers. These are DC amplifiers. Some types of signals that
need amplifying can be so small that an incredibly high gain is required,
but very high gain DC amplifiers are much harder to build with low offset
and 1/ noise, and reasonable stability and bandwidth. It's much easier to
build an AC amplifier instead. A chopper circuit is used to break up the
input signal so that it can be processed as if it were an AC signal, then
integrated back to a DC signal at the output. In this way, extremely small
DC signals can be amplified. This approach is often used in electronic
instrumentation where stability and accuracy are essential; for example, it


is possible using these techniques to construct pico-voltmeters and Hall

The input offset voltage of amplifiers becomes important when trying to
amplify small signals with very high gain. Because this technique creates a
very low input offset voltage amplifier, and because this input offset
voltage does not change much with time and temperature, these techniques
are also called "Zero-Drift" amplifiers (because there is no drift in input
offset voltage with time and temperature). Related techniques that also
give these Zero-drift advantages are Auto-zero and Chopper-stabilized
Auto-zero amplifiers use a secondary auxiliary amplifier to correct the
input offset voltage of a main amplifier. Chopper-stabilized amplifiers use
a combination of auto-zero and chopper techniques to give some excellent
DC precision specifications.
LTC2050, MAX4238/MAX4239 and OPA333.






1. DC Voltage Source
2. Diode
3. Diode1
4. Diode2
5. Ideal Switch
6. Multimeter
7. Pulse Generator
8. Pulse Generator1
9. Series RLC Branch
10.Series RLC Branch1
11.Series RLC Branch2
12.Series RLC Branch3




Figure 5.1: Block Diagram of a Current Commutated Chopper



Chopper is used to change the dc level of voltage, it is dc/dc converter. In

current commutated chopper , as the name suggests, chopper is commutated
by current pulse.
Following events take place when the current commutated chopper
1. At first the T2 is turned on - T2 is fired through gate and turned on
2. Capacitor C is charged to -Edc - As T2 is on, the capacitor indutor
series circuit is shorted and so the capacitor is charged to negative
voltage - Edc
3. The capacitor C is fully charged, and current reverses, and so T2 is
turned off - When the capacitor is charged, it provides -Edc voltage
reverse bias to T2 thyristor, so T2 is turned off. So we can say that T2
was turned on to charge thyristor to negative voltage
4. Now the current flows opposite through the thyristor T1 - The
capacitor, charged to negative Edc, pushes current ic opposite to T1.Why
doesn't ic not flow through diode, because the forward voltage of diode
is more than that of drop accross thyristor T1. Meaning, the current can


reverse bias thyristor because thyristor provides lesser impedance than

compared to diode.
5. T1 is turned off- Now the ic turns off T1. So now the impedance
offered by T1 is more than diode, and the current ic flows through
6. The D1 is reversed biased - The current ic slowly decrease, and when
ic =io, the diode d1 is no longer forward biased. So the diode is turned
7. C is charged to + Edc The diode being turned off, the capacitor is
charged to + Edc.
Now the commutation period is complete. The T1 is turned on by gate pulse.
And again T2 is turned on, capacitor charges to negative potential and cycle



Figure 5.2: Output waveform of the Current Commutated Chopper



In this paper we successfully studied the simulation of Current

Commutated Chopper and Voltage Commutated Chopper on Matlab. We
also studied the control strategies of Current & Voltage Commutated
Chopper. The discharging and charging time of commutation capacitor are
dependent on the load current and this limits high frequency operation,
especially at low load current Chopper cannot be tested without connecting
Chopper is used to change the dc level of voltage, it is dc/dc converter. In
current commutated chopper, as the name suggests, chopper is
commutated by current pulse. The input offset voltage of amplifiers
becomes important when trying to amplify small signals with very high
gain. Step-up chopper is used to obtain a load voltage higher than Vo . The
input voltage V. The values of L and C are chosen depending upon their
requirement of output voltage and Current.
The commutation process plays an important role in the operation and
control of both naturally commutated (or line commutated) and forced
commutated SCR based converters.


Power electronics is the application of solid-state electronics to the control
and conversion of electric power. It also refers to a subject of research in
electronic and electrical engineering which deals with the design, control,
computation and integration of nonlinear, time-varying energy-processing
electronic systems with fast dynamics.
The first high power electronic devices were mercury-arc valves. In
modern systems the conversion is performed with semiconductor
switching devices such as diodes, thyristors and transistors, pioneered
by R. D. Middle brook and others beginning in the 1950s. In contrast to
electronic systems concerned with transmission and processing of signals
and data, in power electronics substantial amounts of electrical energy are
processed. An AC/DC converter (rectifier) is the most typical power
electronics device found in many consumer electronic devices,
e.g. television sets, personal computers, battery chargers, etc. The power
range is typically from tens of watts to several hundred watts. In industry a
common application is the variable speed drive (VSD) that is used to
control an induction motor. The power range of VSDs start from a few
hundred watts and end at tens of megawatts.
The power conversion systems can be classified according to the type of
the input and output power

AC to DC (rectifier)

DC to AC (inverter)

DC to DC (DC-to-DC converter)

AC to AC (AC-to-AC converter)

1A History
Power electronics started with the development of the mercury arc
rectifier. Invented by Peter Cooper Hewitt in 1902, it was used to convert
alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). From the 1920s on,
research continued on applying thyratrons and grid-controlled mercury arc
valves to power transmission. Uno Lamm developed a mercury valve with
grading electrodes making them suitable for high voltage direct
current power transmission. In 1933 selenium rectifiers were invented.
In 1947 the bipolar point-contact transistor was invented by Walter H.
Brattain and John Bardeen under the direction of William Shockley at Bell
Labs. In 1948 Shockley's invention of the bipolar junction transistor (BJT)
improved the stability and performance of transistors, and reduced costs.


By the 1950s, higher power semiconductor diodes became available and

started replacing vacuum tubes. In 1956 the Silicon Controlled
Rectifier (SCR) was introduced by General Electric, greatly increasing the
range of power electronics applications.
By the 1960s the improved switching speed of bipolar junction
transistors had allowed for high frequency DC/DC converters. In
1976 power MOSFETs became commercially available. In 1982 the
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) was introduced.

2A Devices
The capabilities and economy of power electronics system are determined
by the active devices that are available. Their characteristics and
limitations are a key element in the design of power electronics systems.
Formerly, the mercury arc valve, the high-vacuum and gas-filled diode
thermionic rectifiers, and triggered devices such as the thyratron and
ignitron were widely used in power electronics. As the ratings of solidstate devices improved in both voltage and current-handling capacity,
vacuum devices have been nearly entirely replaced by solid-state devices.
Power electronic devices may be used as switches, or as
amplifiers. An ideal switch is either open or closed and so dissipates no
power; it withstands an applied voltage and passes no current, or passes
any amount of current with no voltage drop. Semiconductor devices used
as switches can approximate this ideal property and so most power
electronic applications rely on switching devices on and off, which makes
systems very efficient as very little power is wasted in the switch. By
contrast, in the case of the amplifier, the current through the device varies
continuously according to a controlled input. The voltage and current at
the device terminals follow a load line, and the power dissipation inside
the device is large compared with the power delivered to the load.
Several attributes dictate how devices are used. Devices such
as diodes conduct when a forward voltage is applied and have no external
control of the start of conduction. Power devices such as silicon controlled
rectifiers and thyristors (as well as the mercury valve and thyratron) allow
control of the start of conduction, but rely on periodic reversal of current
flow to turn them off. Devices such as gate turn-off thyristors, BJT and
MOSFET transistors provide full switching control and can be turned on
or off without regard to the current flow through them. Transistor devices
also allow proportional amplification, but this is rarely used for systems


rated more than a few hundred watts. The control input characteristics of a
device also greatly affect design; sometimes the control input is at a very
high voltage with respect to ground and must be driven by an isolated
As efficiency is at a premium in a power electronic converter, the losses
that a power electronic device generates should be as low as possible.
Devices vary in switching speed. Some diodes and thyristors are suited for
relatively slow speed and are useful for power frequency switching and
control; certain thyristors are useful at a few kilohertz. Devices such as
MOSFETS and BJTs can switch at tens of kilohertz up to a few megahertz
in power applications, but with decreasing power levels. Vacuum tube
devices dominate high power (hundreds of kilowatts) at very high
frequency (hundreds or thousands of megahertz) applications. Faster
switching devices minimize energy lost in the transitions from on to off
and back, but may create problems with radiated electromagnetic
interference. Gate drive (or equivalent) circuits must be designed to supply
sufficient drive current to achieve the full switching speed possible with a
device. A device without sufficient drive to switch rapidly may be
destroyed by excess heating.
Practical devices have non-zero voltage drop and dissipate power when on,
and take some time to pass through an active region until they reach the
"on" or "off" state. These losses are a significant part of the total lost
power in a converter.
Power handling and dissipation of devices is also a critical factor in
design. Power electronic devices may have to dissipate tens or hundreds of
watts of waste heat, even switching as efficiently as possible between
conducting and non-conducting states. In the switching mode, the power
controlled is much larger than the power dissipated in the switch. The
forward voltage drop in the conducting state translates into heat that must
be dissipated. High power semiconductors require specialized heat sinks or
active cooling systems to manage their junction temperature; exotic
semiconductors such as silicon carbide have an advantage over straight
silicon in this respect, and germanium, once the main-stay of solid-state
electronics is now little used due to its unfavorable high temperature
Semiconductor devices exist with ratings up to a few kilovolts in a single
device. Where very high voltage must be controlled, multiple devices must
be used in series, with networks to equalize voltage across all devices.
Again, switching speed is a critical factor since the slowest-switching
device will have to withstand a disproportionate share of the overall
voltage. Mercury valves were once available with ratings to 100 kV in a
single unit, simplifying their application in HVDC systems.


The current rating of a semiconductor device is limited by the heat

generated within the dies and the heat developed in the resistance of the
interconnecting leads. Semiconductor devices must be designed so that
current is evenly distributed within the device across its internal junctions
(or channels); once a "hot spot" develops, breakdown effects can rapidly
destroy the device. Certain SCRs are available with current ratings to 3000
amperes in a single unit.

3A Solid-state devices
Table A1 : Different devices and their descriptions with ratings




Uni-polar, uncontrolled, switching device used

in applications such as rectification and circuit
directional current control. Reverse voltage
blocking device, commonly modeled as a
switch in series with a voltage source, usually
0.7 VDC. The model can be enhanced to
include a junction resistance, in order to
accurately predict the diode voltage drop across
the diode with respect to current flow.

amperes and 5000
volts in a single
requires multiple


This semi-controlled device turns on when a

gate pulse is present and the anode is positive
compared to the cathode. When a gate pulse is
present, the device operates like a standard
diode. When the anode is negative compared to
the cathode, the device turns off and blocks
positive or negative voltages present. The gate
voltage does not allow the device to turn off.

volts in a single
silicon device.


The thyristor is a family of three-terminal

devices that include SCRs, GTOs, and MCT.
For most of the devices, a gate pulse turns the
device on. The device turns off when the anode
voltage falls below a value (relative to the
characteristics. When off, it is considered a


reverse voltage blocking device.

The gate turn-off thyristor, unlike an SCR, can
be turned on and off with a gate pulse. One
issue with the device is that turn off gate
voltages are usually larger and require more
current than turn on levels. This turn off
voltage is a negative voltage from gate to
source, usually it only needs to be present for a
short time, but the magnitude s on the order of
1/3 of the anode current. A snubber circuit is
required in order to provide a usable switching
curve for this device. Without the snubber
circuit, the GTO cannot be used for turning
inductive loads off. These devices, because of
developments in IGCT technology are not very
popular in the power electronics realm. They
are considered controlled, uni-polar and bipolar voltage blocking.


The triac is a device that is essentially an

integrated pair of phase-controlled thyristors
connected in inverse-parallel on the same
chip. Like an SCR, when a voltage pulse is
present on the gate terminal, the device turns
on. The main difference between an SCR and a
Triac is that both the positive and negative
cycle can be turned on independently of each
other, using a positive or negative gate pulse.
Similar to an SCR, once the device is turned
on, the device cannot be turned off. This device
is considered bi-polar and reverse voltage

junction The BJT cannot be used at high power; they are
slower and have more resistive losses when
compared to MOSFET type devices. To carry
high current, BJTs must have relatively large
base currents, thus these devices have high
power losses when compared to MOSFET
devices. BJTs along with MOSFETs, are also


considered unipolar and do not block reverse

voltage very well, unless installed in pairs with
protection diodes. Generally, BJTs are not
utilized in power electronics switching circuits
because of the I2R losses associated with on
resistance and base current requirements. BJTs
have lower current gains in high power
packages, thus requiring them to be set up in
Darlington configurations in order to handle
the currents required by power electronic
circuits. Because of these multiple transistor
configurations, switching times are in the
hundreds of nanoseconds to microseconds.
Devices have voltage ratings which max out
around 1500 V and fairly high current ratings.
They can also be paralleled in order to increase
power handling, but must be limited to around
5 devices for current sharing.

The main benefit of the power MOSFET is that

the base current for BJT is large compared to
almost zero for MOSFET gate current. Since
the MOSFET is a depletion channel device,
voltage, not current, is necessary to create a
conduction path from drain to source. The gate
does not contribute to either drain or source
current. Turn on gate current is essentially zero
with the only power dissipated at the gate
coming during switching. Losses in MOSFETs
are largely attributed to on-resistance. The
calculations show a direct correlation to drain
source on-resistance and the device blocking
voltage rating, BVdss.
Switching times range from tens of
nanoseconds to a few hundred microseconds,
depending on the device. MOSFET drain
source resistances increase as more current
flows through the device. As frequencies
increase the losses increase as well, making
BJTs more attractive. Power MOSFETs can be
paralleled in order to increase switching current
and therefore overall switching power.


Nominal voltages for MOSFET switching

devices range from a few volts to a little over
1000 V, with currents up to about 100 A or so.
Newer devices may have higher operational
characteristics. MOSFET devices are not bidirectional, nor are they reverse voltage
blocking. ||
These devices have the best characteristics of
MOSFETs and BJTs. Like MOSFET devices,
the insulated gate bipolar transistor has high
gate impedance, thus low gate current
requirements. Like BJTs, this device has low
on state voltage drop, thus low power loss
across the switch in operating mode. Similar to
the GTO, the IGBT can be used to block both
positive and negative voltages. Operating
currents are fairly high, in excess of 1500 A
and switching voltage up to 3000 V. The IGBT
has reduced input capacitance compared to
MOSFET devices which improves the Miller
feedback effect during high dv/dt turn on and
turn off.
The MOS-controlled thyristor is thyristor like
and can be triggered on or off by a pulse to the
MOSFET gate. Since the input is MOS
technology, there is very little current flow,
allowing for very low power control signals.
The device is constructed with two MOSFET
inputs and a pair of BJT output stages. Input
MOSFETs are configured to allow turn on
control during positive and negative half
cycles. The output BJTs are configured to
allow for bidirectional control and low voltage
reverse blocking. Some benefits to the MCT
are fast switching frequencies, fairly high
voltage and medium current ratings (around
100 A or so).
gate- Similar to a GTO, but without the high current
requirements to turn on or off the load. The
IGCT can be used for quick switching with
little gate current. The devices high input
impedance largely because of the MOSFET
gate drivers. They have low resistance outputs
that don't waste power and very fast transient


times that rival that of BJTs. ABB

Group company has published data sheets for
these devices and provided descriptions of the
inner workings. The device consists of a gate,
with an optically isolated input, low on
resistance BJT output transistors which lead to
a low voltage drop and low power loss across
the device at fairly high switching voltage and
current levels.
An example of this new device from ABB
shows how this device improves on GTO
technology for switching high voltage and high
current in power electronics applications.
According to ABB, the IGCT devices are
capable of switching in excess of 5000 VAC
and 5000 A at very high frequencies,
something not possible to do efficiently with
GTO devices.
4A DC/AC converters (inverters)
DC to AC converters produce an AC output waveform from a DC source.
Applications include adjustable speed drives (ASD), uninterruptable power
supplies (UPS), active filters, Flexible (FACTS), voltage compensators,
and photovoltaic generators. Topologies for these converters can be
separated into two distinct categories: voltage source inverters and current
source inverters. Voltage source inverters (VSIs) are named so because the
independently controlled output is a voltage waveform. Similarly, current
source inverters (CSIs) are distinct in that the controlled AC output is a
current waveform.
Being static power converters, the DC to AC power conversion is the
result of power switching devices, which are commonly fully controllable
semiconductor power switches. The output waveforms are therefore made
up of discrete values, producing fast transitions rather than smooth ones.
The ability to produce near sinusoidal waveforms around the fundamental
frequency is dictated by the modulation technique controlling when, and
for how long, the power valves are on and off. Common modulation
techniques include the carrier-based technique, or pulse width modulation,
space-vector technique, and the selective-harmonic technique.
Voltage source inverters have practical uses in both single-phase and threephase applications. Single-phase VSIs utilize half-bridge and full-bridge
configurations, and are widely used for power supplies, single-phase
UPSs, and elaborate high-power topologies when used in multicell
configurations. Three-phase VSIs are used in applications that require


sinusoidal voltage waveforms, such as ASDs, UPSs, and some types of

FACTS devices such as the STATCOM. They are also used in applications
where arbitrary voltages are required as in the case of active filters and
voltage compensators.
Current source inverters are used to produce an AC output current from a
DC current supply. This type of inverter is practical for three-phase
applications in which high-quality voltage waveforms are required.
A relatively new class of inverters, called multilevel inverters, has gained
widespread interest. Normal operation of CSIs and VSIs can be classified
as two-level inverters, due to the fact that power switches connect to either
the positive or to the negative DC bus. If more than two voltage levels
were available to the inverter output terminals, the AC output could better
approximate a sine wave. It is for this reason that multilevel inverters,
although more complex and costly, offer higher performance.
Each inverter type differs in the DC links used, and in whether or not they
require freewheeling diodes. Either can be made to operate in square-wave
or pulse-width modulation (PWM) mode, depending on its intended usage.
Square-wave mode offers simplicity, while PWM can be implemented
several different ways and produces higher quality waveforms.
Voltage Source Inverters (VSI) feed the output inverter section from an
approximately constant-voltage source.
The desired quality of the current output waveform determines which
modulation technique needs to be selected for a given application. The
output of a VSI is composed of discrete values. In order to obtain a smooth
current waveform, the loads need to be inductive at the select harmonic
frequencies. Without some sort of inductive filtering between the source
and load, a capacitive load will cause the load to receive a choppy current
waveform, with large and frequent current spikes.
There are three main types of VSIs:
Single-phase half-bridge inverter
Single-phase full-bridge inverter
Three-phase voltage source inverter


Single-phase half-bridge inverter


Figure A1: The AC input for an ASD.

Figure A2: single-phase half-bridge voltage source inverter

The single-phase voltage source half-bridge inverters, are meant for lower
voltage applications and are commonly used in power supplies. Figure A2
shows the circuit schematic of this inverter.
Low-order current harmonics get injected back to the source voltage by the
operation of the inverter. This means that two large capacitors are needed
for filtering purposes in this design. As Figure A2 illustrates, only one
switch can be on at time in each leg of the inverter. If both switches in a
leg were on at the same time, the DC source will be shorted out.
Inverters can use several modulation techniques to control their switching
schemes. The carrier-based PWM technique compares the AC output
waveform, vc, to a carrier voltage signal, v. When vc is greater than v, S+
is on, and when vc is less than v, S- is on. When the AC output is at
frequency fc with its amplitude at v c, and the triangular carrier signal is at
frequency f with its amplitude at v, the PWM becomes a special
sinusoidal case of the carrier based PWM. This case is dubbed sinusoidal
pulse-width modulation (SPWM).For this, the modulation index, or
amplitude-modulation ratio, is defined as ma = vc/v .
The normalized carrier frequency, or frequency-modulation ratio, is
calculated using the equation mf = f/fc .
If the over-modulation region, ma, exceeds one, a higher fundamental AC
output voltage will be observed, but at the cost of saturation. For SPWM,
the harmonics of the output waveform are at well-defined frequencies and
amplitudes. This simplifies the design of the filtering components needed
for the low-order current harmonic injection from the operation of the
inverter. The maximum output amplitude in this mode of operation is half
of the source voltage. If the maximum output amplitude, m a, exceeds 1.1,
the output waveform of the inverter becomes a square wave.


As was true for PWM, both switches in a leg for square wave modulation
cannot be turned on at the same time, as this would cause a short across the
voltage source. The switching scheme requires that both S+ and S- be on
for a half cycle of the AC output period. The fundamental AC output
amplitude is equal to vo1 = vaN = 2vi/ .
Its harmonics have an amplitude of voh = vo1/h.
Therefore, the AC output voltage is not controlled by the inverter, but
rather by the magnitude of the DC input voltage of the inverter.
Using selective harmonic elimination (SHE) as a modulation technique
allows the switching of the inverter to selectively eliminate intrinsic
harmonics. The fundamental component of the AC output voltage can also
be adjusted within a desirable range. Since the AC output voltage obtained
from this modulation technique has odd half and odd quarter wave
symmetry, even harmonics do not exist. Any undesirable odd (N-1)
intrinsic harmonics from the output waveform can be eliminated.

Single-phase full-bridge inverter

Figure A3: single-phase voltage source full-bridge inverter

Figure A4: Carrier and Modulating Signals for the Bipolar Pulse width
Modulation Technique
The full-bridge inverter is similar to the half bridge-inverter, but it has an
additional leg to connect the neutral point to the load. Figure A3 shows the
circuit schematic of the single-phase voltage source full-bridge inverter.


To avoid shorting out the voltage source, S1+ and S1- cannot be on at the
same time, and S2+ and S2- also cannot be on at the same time. Any
modulating technique used for the full-bridge configuration should have
either the top or the bottom switch of each leg on at any given time. Due to
the extra leg, the maximum amplitude of the output waveform is Vi, and is
twice as large as the maximum achievable output amplitude for the halfbridge configuration.
States 1 and 2 are used to generate the AC output voltage with bipolar
SPWM. The AC output voltage can take on only two values, either Vi or
Vi. To generate these same states using a half-bridge configuration, a
carrier based technique can be used. S+ being on for the half-bridge
corresponds to S1+ and S2- being on for the full-bridge. Similarly, Sbeing on for the half-bridge corresponds to S1- and S2+ being on for the
full bridge. The output voltage for this modulation technique is more or
less sinusoidal, with a fundamental component that has an amplitude in the
linear region of ma less than or equal to one vo1 =vab1= vi ma.
Unlike the bipolar PWM technique, the unipolar approach uses states 1, 2,
3 and 4 from to generate its AC output voltage. Therefore, the AC output
voltage can take on the values Vi, 0 or Vi. To generate these states, two
sinusoidal modulating signals, Vc and Vc, are needed, as seen in Figure
Vc is used to generate VaN, while Vc is used to generate VbN. The
following relationship is called unipolar carrier-based SPWMvo1 =2 vaN1=
vi ma.
The phase voltages VaN and VbN are identical, but 180 degrees out of
phase with each other. The output voltage is equal to the difference of the
two phase voltages, and do not contain any even harmonics. Therefore, if
mf is taken, even the AC output voltage harmonics will appear at
normalized odd frequencies, fh. These frequencies are centered on double
the value of the normalized carrier frequency. This particular feature
allows for smaller filtering components when trying to obtain a higher
quality output waveform.
As was the case for the half-bridge SHE, the AC output voltage contains
no even harmonics due to its odd half and odd quarter wave symmetry.

Three-phase voltage source inverter


Figure A5: three-phase voltage source inverter circuit schematic

Single-phase VSIs are used primarily for low power range applications,
while three-phase VSIs cover both medium and high power range
applications. Figure 5 shows the circuit schematic for a three-phase VSI.
Switches in any of the three legs of the inverter cannot be switched off
simultaneously due to this resulting in the voltages being dependent on the
respective line current's polarity. States 7 and 8 produce zero AC line
voltages, which result in AC line currents freewheeling through either the
upper or the lower components. However, the line voltages for states 1
through 6 produce an AC line voltage consisting of the discrete values of
Vi, 0 or Vi.
For three-phase SPWM, three modulating signals that are 120 degrees out
of phase with one another are used in order to produce out of phase load
voltages. In order to preserve the PWM features with a single carrier
signal, the normalized carrier frequency, mf, needs to be a multiple of
three. This keeps the magnitude of the phase voltages identical, but out of
phase with each other by 120 degrees. The maximum achievable phase
voltage amplitude in the linear region, ma less than or equal to one,
is vphase = vi / 2. The maximum achievable line voltage amplitude is Vab1 =
vab 3 / 2
The only way to control the load voltage is by changing the input DC


AC/AC converters
Converting AC power to AC power allows control of the voltage,
frequency, and phase of the waveform applied to a load from a supplied
AC system. The two main categories that can be used to separate the types
of converters are whether the frequency of the waveform is
changed. AC/AC converters that don't allow the user to modify the
frequencies are known as AC Voltage Controllers, or AC Regulators. AC
converters that allow the user to change the frequency are simply referred


to as frequency converters for AC to AC conversion. Under frequency

converters there are three different types of converters that are typically
used: cycloconverter, matrix converter, DC link converter (aka AC/DC/AC

AC voltage controller:
The purpose of an AC Voltage Controller, or AC Regulator, is to vary the
RMS voltage across the load while at a constant frequency. Three control
methods that are generally accepted are ON/OFF Control, Phase-Angle
Control, and Pulse Width Modulation AC Chopper Control (PWM AC
Chopper Control). All three of these methods can be implemented not only
in single-phase circuits, but three-phase circuits as well.

ON/OFF Control: Typically used for heating loads or speed control of

motors, this control method involves turning the switch on for n integral
cycles and turning the switch off for m integral cycles. Because turning the
switches on and off causes undesirable harmonics to be created, the
switches are turned on and off during zero-voltage and zero-current
conditions (zero-crossing), effectively reducing the distortion.

Phase-Angle Control: Various circuits exist to implement a phase-angle

control on different waveforms, such as half-wave or full-wave voltage
control. The power electronic components that are typically used are
diodes, SCRs, and Triacs. With the use of these components, the user can
delay the firing angle in a wave which will only cause part of the wave to
be outputted

PWM AC Chopper Control: The other two control methods often have
poor harmonics, output current quality, and input power factor. In order to
improve these values PWM can be used instead of the other methods.
What PWM AC Chopper does is have switches that turn on and off several
times within alternate half-cycles of input voltage.


Matrix converters and cycloconverters:

Cycloconverters are widely used in industry for ac to ac conversion,

because they are able to be used in high-power applications. They are
commutated direct frequency converters that are synchronised by a supply
line. The cycloconverters output voltage waveforms have complex
harmonics with the higher order harmonics being filtered by the machine
inductance. Causing the machine current to have fewer harmonics, while
the remaining harmonics causes losses and torque pulsations. Note that in


a cycloconverter, unlike other converters, there are no inductors or

capacitors, i.e. no storage devices. For this reason, the instantaneous input
power and the output power are equal.

Single-Phase to Single-Phase Cycloconverters: Single-Phase to SinglePhase Cycloconverters started drawing more interest recently, because of
the decrease in both size and price of the power electronics switches. The
single-phase high frequency ac voltage can be either sinusoidal or
trapezoidal. These might be zero voltage intervals for control purpose or
zero voltage commutation.

Three-Phase to Single-Phase Cycloconverters: There are two kinds of

three-phase to single-phase cycloconverters: 3 to 1 half wave
cycloconverters and 3 to 1 bridge cycloconverters. Both positive and
negative converters can generate voltage at either polarity, resulting in the
positive converter only supplying positive current, and the negative
converter only supplying negative current.
With recent device advances, newer forms of cycloconverters are being
developed, such as matrix converters. The first change that is first noticed
is that matrix converters utilize bi-directional, bipolar switches. A single
phase to a single phase matrix converter consists of a matrix of 9 switches
connecting the three input phases to the tree output phase. Any input phase
and output phase can be connected together at any time without connecting
any two switches from the same phase at the same time; otherwise this will
cause a short circuit of the input phases. Matrix converters are lighter,
more compact and versatile than other converter solutions. As a result,
they are able to achieve higher levels of integration, higher temperature
operation, broad output frequency and natural bi-directional power flow
suitable to regenerate energy back to the utility.
The matrix converters are subdivided into two types: direct and indirect
converters. A direct matrix converter with three-phase input and threephase output, the switches in a matrix converter must be bi-directional,
that is, they must be able to block voltages of either polarity and to
conduct current in either direction. This switching strategy permits the
highest possible output voltage and reduces the reactive line-side current.
Therefore the power flow through the converter is reversible. Because of
its commutation problem and complex control keep it from being broadly
utilized in industry.
Unlike the direct matrix converters, the indirect matrix converters has the
same functionality, but uses separate input and output sections that are
connected through a dc link without storage elements. The design includes
a four-quadrant current source rectifier and a voltage source inverter. The
input section consists of bi-directional bipolar switches. The commutation


strategy can be applied by changing the switching state of the input section
while the output section is in a freewheeling mode. This commutation
algorithm is significantly less complexity and higher reliability as
compared to a conventional direct matrix converter.

DC link converters:

DC Link Converters, also referred to as AC/DC/AC converters, convert an

AC input to an AC output with the use of a DC link in the middle.
Meaning that the power in the converter is converted to DC from AC with
the use of a rectifier, and then it is converted back to AC from DC with the
use of an inverter. The end result is an output with a lower voltage and
variable (higher or lower) frequency. Due to their wide area of application,
the AC/DC/AC converters are the most common contemporary solution.
Other advantages to AC/DC/AC converters is that they are stable in
overload and no-load conditions, as well as they can be disengaged from a
load without damage.

Hybrid matrix converter:

Hybrid matrix converters are relatively new for AC/AC converters. These
converters combine the AC/DC/AC design with the matrix converter
design. Multiple types of hybrid converters have been developed in this
new category, an example being a converter that uses uni-directional
switches and two converter stages without the dc-link; without the
capacitors or inductors needed for a dc-link, the weight and size of the
converter is reduced. Two sub-categories exist from the hybrid converters,
named hybrid direct matrix converter (HDMC) and hybrid indirect matrix
converter (HIMC). HDMC convert the voltage and current in one stage,
while the HIMC utilizes separate stages, like the AC/DC/AC converter, but
without the use of an intermediate storage element.

Below is a list of common applications that each converter is used in.

AC Voltage Controller: Lighting Control; Domestic and Industrial

Heating; Speed Control of Fan, Pump or Hoist Drives, Soft Starting of
Induction Motors, Static AC Switches (Temperature Control,
Transformer Tap Changing, etc.)

Cycloconverter: High-Power Low-Speed Reversible AC Motor Drives;

Constant Frequency Power Supply with Variable Input Frequency;
Controllable VAR Generators for Power Factor Correction; AC System
Interties Linking Two Independent Power Systems.


Matrix Converter: Currently the application of matrix converters are

limited due to non-availability of bilateral monolithic switches capable
of operating at high frequency, complex control law implementation,
commutation and other reasons. With these developments, matrix
converters could replace cycloconverters in many areas.

DC Link: Can be used for individual or multiple load applications of

machine building and construction.

Simulations of power electronic systems

Figure A6: Output voltage of a full-wave rectifier with controlled

Power electronic circuits are simulated using computer simulation
programs such as PLECS, PSIM and MATLAB/simulink. Circuits are
simulated before they are produced to test how the circuits respond under
certain conditions. Also, creating a simulation is both cheaper and faster
than creating a prototype to use for testing.
Applications of power electronics range in size from a switched mode
power supply in an AC adapter, battery chargers, fluorescent lamp ballasts,
through variable frequency drives and DC motor drives used to operate
pumps, fans, and manufacturing machinery, up to gigawatt-scale high
voltage direct current power transmission systems used to interconnect
electrical grids. Power electronic systems are found in virtually every
electronic device. For example:

DC/DC converters are used in most mobile devices (mobile phones,

PDA etc.) to maintain the voltage at a fixed value whatever the voltage
level of the battery is. These converters are also used for electronic
isolation and power factor correction. A power optimizer is a type of
DC/DC converter developed to maximize the energy harvest from
solar photovoltaic or wind turbine systems.

AC/DC converters (rectifiers) are used every time an electronic device

is connected to the mains (computer, television etc.). These may
simply change AC to DC or can also change the voltage level as part of
their operation.


AC/AC converters are used to change either the voltage level or the
frequency (international power adapters, light dimmer). In power
distribution networks AC/AC converters may be used to exchange
power between utility frequency 50 Hz and 60 Hz power grids.

DC/AC converters (inverters) are used primarily in UPS or renewable

energy systems or emergency lighting systems. Mains power charges
the DC battery. If the mains fail, an inverter produces AC electricity at
mains voltage from the DC battery. Solar inverter, both smaller string
and larger central inverters, as well as solar micro-inverter are used
in photovoltaics as a component of a PV system.

Motor drives are found in pumps, blowers, and mill drives for textile,
paper, cement and other such facilities. Drives may be used for power
conversion and for motion control. For AC motors, applications
include variable-frequency drives, motor soft starters and excitation
In hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), power electronics are used in two
formats: series hybrid and parallel hybrid. The difference between a series
hybrid and a parallel hybrid is the relationship of the electric motor to
the internal combustion engine (ICE). Devices used in electric vehicles
consist mostly of dc/dc converters for battery charging and dc/ac
converters to power the propulsion motor. Electric trains use power
electronic devices to obtain power, as well as for vector control using pulse
width modulation (PWM) rectifiers. The trains obtain their power from
power lines. Another new usage for power electronics is in elevator
systems. These systems may use thyristors, inverters, magnet motors, or
various hybrid systems that incorporate PWM systems and standard


In general, inverters are utilized in applications requiring direct conversion

of electrical energy from DC to AC or indirect conversion from AC to AC.
DC to AC conversion is useful for many fields, including power
conditioning, harmonic compensation, motor drives, and renewable energy
In power systems it is often desired to eliminate harmonic content found in
line currents. VSIs can be used as active power filters to provide this
compensation. Based on measured line currents and voltages, a control
system determines reference current signals for each phase. This is fed
back through an outer loop and subtracted from actual current signals to
create current signals for an inner loop to the inverter. These signals then


cause the inverter to generate output currents that compensate for the
harmonic content. This configuration requires no real power consumption,
as it is fully fed by the line; the DC link is simply a capacitor that is kept at
a constant voltage by the control system. In this configuration, output
currents are in phase with line voltages to produce a unity power factor.
Conversely, VAR compensation is possible in a similar configuration
where output currents lead line voltages to improve the overall power
In facilities that require energy at all times, such as hospitals and airports,
UPS systems are utilized. In a standby system, an inverter is brought
online when the normally supplying grid is interrupted. Power is
instantaneously drawn from onsite batteries and converted into usable AC
voltage by the VSI, until grid power is restored, or until backup generators
are brought online. In an online UPS system, a rectifier-DC-link-inverter is
used to protect the load from transients and harmonic content. A battery in
parallel with the DC-link is kept fully charged by the output in case the
grid power is interrupted, while the output of the inverter is fed through a
low pass filter to the load. High power quality and independence from
disturbances is achieved.
Various AC motor drives have been developed for speed, torque, and
position control of AC motors. These drives can be categorized as lowperformance or as high-performance, based on whether they are scalarcontrolled or vector-controlled, respectively. In scalar-controlled drives,
fundamental stator current, or voltage frequency and amplitude, are the
only controllable quantities. Therefore, these drives are employed in
applications where high quality control is not required, such as fans and
compressors. On the other hand, vector-controlled drives allow for
instantaneous current and voltage values to be controlled continuously.
This high performance is necessary for applications such as elevators and
electric cars.
Inverters are also vital to many renewable energy applications. In
photovoltaic purposes, the inverter, which is usually a PWM VSI, gets fed
by the DC electrical energy output of a photovoltaic module or array. The
inverter then converts this into an AC voltage to be interfaced with either a
load or the utility grid. Inverters may also be employed in other renewable
systems, such as wind turbines. In these applications, the turbine speed
usually varies causing changes in voltage frequency and sometimes in the
magnitude. In this case, the generated voltage can be rectified and then
inverted to stabilize frequency and magnitude.

Smart grid


A smart grid is a modernized electrical grid that uses information and

communications technology to gather and act on information, such as
information about the behaviors of suppliers and consumers, in an
automated fashion to improve the efficiency, reliability, economics, and
sustainability of the production and distribution of electricity.
Electric power generated by wind turbines and hydroelectric turbines by
using induction generators can cause variances in the frequency at which
power is generated. Power electronic devices are utilized in these systems
to convert the generated ac voltages into high-voltage direct current
(HVDC). The HVDC power can be more easily converted into three phase
power that is coherent with the power associated to the existing power
grid. Through these devices, the power delivered by these systems is
cleaner and has a higher associated power factor. Wind power systems
optimum torque is obtained either through a gearbox or direct drive
technologies that can reduce the size of the power electronics device.
Electric power can be generated through photovoltaic cells by using power
electronic devices. The produced power is usually then transformed
by solar inverters. Inverters are divided into three different types: central,
module-integrated and string. Central converters can be connected either in
parallel or in series on the DC side of the system. For photovoltaic
"farms", a single central converter is used for the entire system. Moduleintegrated converters are connected in series on either the DC or AC side.
Normally several modules are used within a photovoltaic system, since the
system requires these converters on both DC and AC terminals. A string
converter is used in a system that utilizes photovoltaic cells that are facing
different directions. It is used to convert the power generated to each
string, or line, in which the photovoltaic cells are interacting.

Grid voltage regulation

Power electronics can be used to help utilities adapt to the rapid increase in
distributed residential/commercial solar power generation. Germany and
parts of Hawaii, California and New Jersey require costly studies to be
conducted before approving new solar installations. Relatively small-scale
ground- or pole-mounted devices create the potential for a distributed
control infrastructure to monitor and manage the flow of power.
Traditional electromechanical systems, such as capacitor banks or voltage
regulators at substations, can take minutes to adjust voltage and can be
distant from the solar installations where the problems originate. If voltage
on a neighborhood circuit goes too high, it can endanger utility crews and
cause damage to both utility and customer equipment. Further, a grid fault
causes photovoltaic generators to shut down immediately, spiking demand
for grid power. Smart grid-based regulators are more controllable than far
more numerous consumer devices.


In another approach, a group of 16 western utilities called the Western

Electric Industry Leaders called for mandatory use of "smart inverters".
These devices convert DC to household AC and can also help with power
quality. Such devices could eliminate the need for expensive utility
equipment upgrades at a much lower total cost



MATLAB (matrix laboratory)
a multi-paradigm numerical
computing environment and fourth-generation programming language.
A proprietary
language developed
by MathWorks,
MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data,
implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing
with programs written in other languages, including C,C+
+, Java, Fortran and Python.
Although MATLAB is intended primarily for numerical computing, an
optional toolbox uses the MuPAD symbolic engine, allowing access
to symbolic computing capabilities. An additional package, Simulink, adds
and model-based
design for dynamic and embedded systems.
In 2004, MATLAB had around one million users across industry and
academia. MATLAB
from various
of engineering, science, and economics.


Cleve Moler, the chairman of the computer science department at
the University of New Mexico, started developing MATLAB in the late
1970s. He designed it to give his students access to LINPACK and
EISPACK without them having to learn Fortran. It soon spread to other
universities and found a strong audience within the applied
mathematics community. Jack Little, an engineer, was exposed to it during
a visit Moler made to Stanford University in 1983. Recognizing its
commercial potential, he joined with Moler and Steve Bangert. They
rewrote MATLAB in C and founded MathWorks in 1984 to continue its
development. These rewritten libraries were known as JACKPAC. In 2000,
MATLAB was rewritten to use a newer set of libraries for matrix
manipulation, LAPACK.
MATLAB was first adopted by researchers and practitioners in control
engineering, Little's specialty, but quickly spread to many other domains.
It is now also used in education, in particular the teaching of
linear, numerical analysis, and is popular amongst scientists involved
in image processing.


The MATLAB application is built around the MATLAB scripting
language. Common usage of the MATLAB application involves using the


Command Window as an interactive mathematical shell or executing text

files containing MATLAB code.
Variables are defined using the assignment operator, =. MATLAB is
a weakly typed programming language because types are implicitly
converted. It is an inferred typed language because variables can be
assigned without declaring their type, except if they are to be treated as
symbolic objects, and that their type can change. Values can come
from constants, from computation involving values of other variables, or
from the output of a function. For example:
>>x= [3*4, pi/2]


Vectors and matrices

A simple array is defined using the colon syntax: init:increment:terminator.
For instance:
defines a variable named array (or assigns a new value to an existing
variable with the name array) which is an array consisting of the values 1,
3, 5, 7, and 9. That is, the array starts at 1 (the init value), increments with
each step from the previous value by 2 (the increment value), and stops
once it reaches (or to avoid exceeding) 9 (the terminator value).


the increment value can actually be left out of this syntax (along with one
of the colons), to use a default value of 1.
assigns to the variable named ari an array with the values 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5,
since the default value of 1 is used as the incrementer.
Indexing is one-based, which is the usual convention for matrices in
mathematics, although not for some programming languages such as C,
C++, and Java.
Matrices can be defined by separating the elements of a row with blank
space or comma and using a semicolon to terminate each row. The list of
elements should be surrounded by square brackets: []. Parentheses: () are
used to access elements and sub arrays (they are also used to denote a
function argument list).
Sets of indices can be specified by expressions such as "2:4", which
evaluates to [2, 3, 4]. For example, a sub matrix taken from rows 2 through
4 and columns 3 through 4 can be written as:
A square identity matrix of size n can be generated using the function eye,
and matrices of any size with zeros or ones can be generated with the
functions zeros and ones, respectively.


Most MATLAB functions can accept matrices and will apply themselves
to each element. For example, mod(2*J,n) will multiply every element in
"J" by 2, and then reduce each element modulo "n". MATLAB does
include standard "for" and "while" loops, but (as in other similar
applications such as R), using the vectorized notation often produces code
that is faster to execute. This code, excerpted from the function magic.m,
a magic
square M for
of n (MATLAB
functionmeshgrid is used here to generate square matrices I and J
containing 1:n).

MATLAB has structure data types. Since all variables in MATLAB are
arrays, a more adequate name is "structure array", where each element of
the array has the same field names. In addition, MATLAB supports
dynamic field names (field look-ups by name, field manipulations, etc.).
Unfortunately, MATLAB JIT does not support MATLAB structures,
therefore just a simple bundling of various variables into a structure will
come at a cost.


When creating a MATLAB function, the name of the file should match the
name of the first function in the file. Valid function names begin with an
alphabetic character, and can contain letters, numbers, or underscores.



Function handles
MATLAB supports elements of lambda calculus by introducing function
handles, or function references, which are implemented either in .m files or
anonymous nested functions.


Classes and object-oriented programming

MATLAB's support for object-oriented programming includes classes,
inheritance, virtual dispatch, packages, pass-by-value semantics, and passby-reference semantics. However, the syntax and calling conventions are
significantly different from other languages. MATLAB has value classes
and reference classes, depending on whether the class has handle as a
super-class (for reference classes) or not (for value classes).
Method call behavior is different between value and reference classes. For
example, a call to a method
can alter any member of object only if object is an instance of a reference
An example of a simple class is provided below.
Classedf hello
When put into a file named hello.m, this can be executed with the
following commands:


Graphics and graphical user interface programming

MATLAB supports developing applications with graphical user
interface features. MATLAB includes GUIDE (GUI development
environment) for graphically designing GUIs. It also has tightly integrated
graph-plotting features. For example, the function plot can be used to
produce a graph from two vectors x and y. The code:


produces the following figure of the sine function:

Figure B1 : Sine function output in matlab

A MATLAB program can produce three-dimensional graphics using the
functions surf, plot3 or mesh.

zlabel('{\bfsinc} ({\bfR})')
This code produces a wireframe 3D plot of the twodimensional unnormalized sine function:


Figure B2: wireframe 3-D plot



Simulink, developed by MathWorks, is a graphical programming

environment for modeling, simulating and analyzing multidomain dynamic
systems. Its primary interface is a graphical block diagramming tool and a
customizable set of block libraries. It offers tight integration with the rest
of the MATLAB environment and can either drive MATLAB or be
scripted from it. Simulink is widely used in automatic control and digital
signal processing for multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design.


MathWorks and other third-party hardware and software products can be

used with Simulink. For example, Stateflowextends Simulink with a
design environment for developing state machines and flow charts.
MathWorks claims that, coupled with another of their products, Simulink
can automatically generate C source code for real-time implementation of
systems. As the efficiency and flexibility of the code improves, this is
becoming more widely adopted for production systems, in addition to
being a tool for embedded system design work because of its flexibility
and capacity for quick iteration. Embedded Coder creates code efficient
enough for use in embedded systems.
Simulink Real-Time (formerly known as xPC Target), together with x86based real-time systems, is an environment for simulating and testing
Simulink and Stateflow models in real-time on the physical system.
Another MathWorks product also supports specific embedded targets.
When used with other generic products, Simulink and Stateflow can
automatically generate synthesizable VHDL andVerilog.
Simulink Verification and Validation enables systematic verification and
validation of models through modeling style checking, requirements
traceability and model coverage analysis. Simulink Design Verifier
uses formal
methods to
like integer
overflow, division by zero and dead logic, and generates test case
scenarios for model checking within the Simulink environment.
The systematic testing tool TPT is marketed as a way to perform a
formal verification and validation process to stimulate Simulink models
but also for use during the development phase where the developer
generates inputs to test the system. By the substitution of the Constant and
Signal generator blocks of Simulink, MathWorks claim that the stimulation
becomes reproducible.
SimEvents is used to add a library of graphical building blocks for
modeling queuing systems to the Simulink environment, and to add an
event-based simulation engine to the time-based simulation engine in



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