Bench - Window Seat PDF
Bench - Window Seat PDF
Bench - Window Seat PDF
7. Transfer the measurements onto a filler piece and cut it to size (figures H and I). You
may need to contour one of the corners to accommodate the base molding. The filler
piece should be the same height as the cabinet face (figure J).
8. Fasten the pieces to the sides of the cabinet using pilot holes and wood screws as
before. Be sure to keep the top and bottom of the filler pieces flush with the cabinet.
9. Get measurements for the toe kick trim, cut it to size, and nail it into place using small
finish nails. Drive nails until approximately 1/4" of the nail shows above the surface.
Use a nail set to drive nails just below the surface.
Mount seat onto cabinets
1. Measure the length along the face of the cabinet. Transfer the measurements to a
piece of shelving material, and cut it to size. Use shelving material that matches the
cabinets as closely as possible. The depth of the shelving material should be
sufficient to cover or slightly overlap the front of the cabinets.
2. Cut a piece of cabinet trim to the same length (figure K).
3. Using the cabinets as a work surface, pre-drill pilot holes through the edge trim and
the edge of the shelving material. Nail it into place using small finish nails, using a nail
set as before. Use clamps to hold the tops of the boards flush while nailing.
4. Remove the boards from the top of the cabinets, and run a bead of panel adhesive
along the cabinet edges (figure L).
5. Press the seat into place (figure M).
Finish the project
1. Replace the cabinet doors.
2. Fill any nail holes with caulk or matching fill material.
3. Caulk any voids along the wall, and use trim pieces to cover any large gaps that exist
between the seat and the wall (figure N).