International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance: Article Information
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance: Article Information
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance: Article Information
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To cite this document:
Patience Aseweh Abor Anton Bouwer, (2008),"Medical waste management practices in a Southern African
hospital", International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, Vol. 21 Iss 4 pp. 356 - 364
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Received 17 May 2007
Revised 4 August 2007
Accepted 17 August 2007
1. Introduction
Medical wastes are defined to include all types of wastes produced by health facilities
such as general hospitals, medical centres and dispensaries. Medical wastes represent a
small amount of total residues generated in a community. However, such residues can
potentially transmit diseases and present an additional risk to the staff of the
healthcare facilities, patients and the community when the wastes are not managed
properly (Baveja et al., 2000; Silva et al., 2005). Improper disposal of medical waste
including open dumping and uncontrolled burning for instance increases the risk of
spreading infections and of exposure to toxic emissions from incomplete combustions.
Medical waste management has become a critical issue as it poses potential health
risks and damage to the environment, which has taken a central place in the national
health policies of many countries. In developing countries, medical waste management
has not received sufficient attention. This is because, very often, health issues compete
for the very limited resources. In many countries, hazardous and medical wastes are
still handled and disposed together with domestic wastes, thus creating a great health
risk to municipal workers, the public and the environment. Medical waste must be
separated from municipal waste, but in many parts of Africa it tends to be collected
along with the rest of the waste stream (Kgathi and Bolanee, 2001; Taru and Kuvarega,
2005). Most hazardous and toxic wastes are placed on land sites with few safeguards to
protect those living nearby and water sources from contamination (Hardoy, 1992). A
number of empirical studies have therefore attempted to examine the medical waste
management practices in a number of hospitals (see Askarian et al., 2004; Rao et al.,
2004; Patil and Pokhrel, 2005; Silva et al., 2005; Taru and Kuvarega, 2005). This current
study also looked at the medical waste management practices in a Southern African
In Southern Africa, for instance, medical waste is seen as a mounting problem. In
recent times, there have been numerous press statements of medical waste being
disposed of in an incorrect manner. This situation has adversely affected the poor
disadvantaged members of society. The incineration of medical waste has also caused
much concern. Some studies (see Groundwork, 2002), have pointed out that
incinerators have been associated with a wide variety of health problems in Southern
Africa, such as disrupting the bodies hormonal, immune and reproductive systems,
and have caused cancers. It is estimated that about 45 per cent of health care waste
generated in the province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa alone, for instance cannot
be accounted for, indicating that it is being illegally dumped, buried or bunt
somewhere, thus affecting the health of the people and the environment (Leonard,
2004). There is often the lack of capacity to properly dispose of huge amounts of
medical waste being generated. There have been numerous instances where medical
wastes have been dumped in residential areas, thus posing serious health risk to the
community and environment. The illegal dumping of medical wastes in disadvantaged
residential areas has resulted in situations where children have been found playing
with medical waste materials such as syringes. For example, a hospital in South Africa
treated 48 children with AZT after some were pricked with needles and others ate
potentially lethal pills they found in a field in Elsies River.
In the light of all the above, this study sought to examine the medical waste
management practices in one major hospital in Southern Africa. For the case of
confidentiality, the hospital would be referred to as Kotuba Hospital. This current
study empirically examined the medical waste management practices of Kotuba
Hospital. The rest of the paper is organised as follows: the next section explains the
methodology employed for the study. Section three includes the results and discussion.
The conclusion and recommendations are covered in section four.
2. Research design and methodology
This study is a case study of a hospital in Southern Africa. The hospital used in this
research is a Southern African hospital, which for the sake of confidentiality would be
referred to as Kotuba Hospital. The Kotuba hospital is located in one of the oldest,
largest, most advanced, and comprehensive medical compounds in Southern Africa.
Therefore, it is expected that the level of awareness of the importance of the proper
handling of medical waste will be higher than other hospitals in the sub region. As a
teaching hospital, Kotuba hospital comprises of many departments such as the wards,
the casualty, the minor operating theatre, the major operating theatre, a maternity
section, the laboratory, X-ray section etc.
The methodology adopted for this study follows that used by Oweis et al. (2005).
This includes a two-stage strategy:
(1) Examining the rules, procedures, and regulations set forth by the hospitals
directory to be followed by the personnel regarding the management of medical
waste generated at the hospital.
Medical waste
(2) Spending enough time in the different departments of the hospital recording
observations and writing notes in the critical manner about the practices of the
medical waste management by staff responsible for waste management.
The researcher made frequent visits to the hospital, taking note of how medical waste
is managed. Regular visits were made to general medical wards, maternity wards,
surgical and critical care wards, operating theatres, and orthopaedic sections. Also,
based on the recommendations of the World Health Organisation for evaluation of
hospital waste management in developing countries, (Pruss et al., 1999; WHO, 2005) a
data form and questionnaire were developed. After taking into consideration specific
Southern African differences and the views of the environmental health specialists
regarding the present problems in the management of medical waste and the expected
results from the questionnaire, some modifications were made to the questionnaire
suggested by the WHO. The site visits were very helpful in obtaining information
about the common practices in the management of the wastes.
The results obtained were discussed to ascertain the extent to which the medical
wastes are handled in the light of written policies and the established international
standards in this regard (WHO, 1999). This is purely a case study and analysis is
essentially descriptive. Data for the analysis were extracted from the questionnaire
used and personal interviews carried out by the researcher.
3. Results and discussion
This section includes the results and discussion of the study. It begins by providing a
profile of the Kotuba Hospital used in this study.
3.1 Profile of Kotuba Hospital
Kotuba hospital, which is the leading health facility in it municipality for trauma and
other acute cases, was built during the time of apartheid. It was officially opened in
1976. Originally, one half of the hospital housed white patients and the other half
non-whites. Since 1994, and with the end of the apartheid regime, large parts of the
hospitals building have been left idle. The vast majority of patients using this state
facility are non-whites, with only a handful of white patients attending for
specialists outpatient services. Most wealthy people attend private hospitals. The
hospital was designed for 1,899 beds, but presently has 1,278 active beds, including 300
beds for its childrens hospital, day surgery unit and private patients units. The
hospital has about 50 wards, 28 theatres and 30 out patient departments.
Kotuba hospital, which serve as the teaching hospital for a university has a staff
strength of about 4,000 has as its mission the provision of affordable world class
quality health care to public and private patients within available resources, as well as
excellent educational and research opportunities. The hospital caters for all specialities
appropriate to a large academic hospital, such as general surgery and sub-disciplines,
e.g. orthopaedics, ophthalmology, etc, internal medicine and sub-disciplines, e.g.
cardiology and nephrology, as well as obstetrics and gynaecology. Over 2 million
people receive health care from Kotuba hospital either directly or through its secondary
Kotuba hospital plays a central role in the delivery of tertiary services and
secondary services in its municipality. The hospital makes significant contribution to
teaching and training of health professionals as well as research in partnership
primarily with some universities in Southern Africa.
Medical waste
3.2.4 Temporary storage. The place where the hospital waste is kept before
transporting to the final disposal site is termed as a temporary waste storage area. This
area must be well sanitised and secured in such a way that it should be accessible only
to authorised persons (Pruss et al., 1999). Kotuba hospital has a well secured but poorly
sanitised temporary storage area. The waste is retained in this temporary storage area
until it is time for off-site transport. The infectious and non-infectious wastes are kept
in the hospitals own temporary storage area. On the whole, the hospital maintains
three collections points for medical wastes.
3.2.5 Medical waste treatment. Waste treatment leads to a decrease in volume,
weight, and risk of infectivity and organic compounds of the waste (Pruss et al., 1999).
During the interview, it was indicated to the researcher that Kotuba hospital
outsources its waste management function to a waste management company.
Incineration is the main method for the treatment of medical waste especially infectious
and sharp wastes for the hospital. Autoclaves are used for treating part of the wastes.
3.2.6 Off-site transport of medical waste. Off-site transport of the hospital waste is
undertaken by a waste management company and waste is transported daily. Small
pickups are mainly used by the waste management company for off-site transportation
of waste. Johannessen et al. (2000) recommend that transportation of medical waste on
public roads must be carried out by trained staff in a dedicated vehicle with closed
containers. However, the waste is loaded directly into the pickup without putting it
first into closed containers. Given the small size of the pickups, the waste is usually
heaped resulting in it falling off on the roads during transportation. Hospital staff are
not involved in this function and therefore there is no supervision from the hospital.
There are instances where waste which falls from the pickup during loading at the
hospitals premises are left unattended to. This poses a serious health risk as well as a
nuisance to workers and patients.
3.2.7 Final disposal of medical waste. Diaz et al. (2005) identified some of the more
common treatment and disposal methods utilised in the management of infectious
medical waste in developing countries to include autoclaves and retorts; microwave
disinfection systems; chemical disinfections; combustions (incineration); and disposal
on land (dump site, controlled landfill, pits and sanitary landfill). The final disposal of
the medical waste is done by the private waste management company. The main
treatment method used in the final disposal of infectious waste is incineration. Waste
from hospital is transported to an off-site area, which has been dedicated for this
purpose. Non-infectious waste is disposed off using land disposal method. The final
disposal site for medical wastes is accessible only by authorised persons. Recycling of
the medical waste is not practiced in the hospital except white office paper and mixed
office paper and the use of empty containers of antiseptics for the collection and
temporary storage of sharps. The hospital during the time of the study did not have a
subcommittee to monitor how the final disposal of the medical waste is done.
Everything is left at the call of the waste management company.
It was also revealed during the interview that the hospital does not have a program
in place in eliminating the use of mercury-containing products. There is also no
programme in place to reduce, minimise the purchase and use of PVC ((3) plastic
packaging and containers.
3.2.8 Medical staff. The waste management function at the hospital is under the
general services department with a supervisor who reports to the Deputy Director of
Administration. The general services department is also in charge of security,
reprographics, typists, archives and messengers, transport, gardens, cleaning, pest
control, lift operators, pneumatic tube exchange, telephone exchange, porters and
mortuary. There is also a nurse in charge of medical waste at the ward level who
reports to the head of infection control department, who holds a professorship. Staff in
charge of the medical waste do not have any qualification in medical waste
management. In fact the supervisor has attended a short course on health care waste
management, organised by Technology Services International which was a two-day
course of eight hours each day.
The interview indicated that training was not provided to doctors and other
personnel about medical waste management and their potential hazards. Newly hired
waste management staff are not given any form of training. Staff members are also not
given training on the health and environmental effects of infectious waste annually.
The private waste management company workers who are responsible for the off-site
transportation of medical waste to the final disposal site are not cautioned about the
hazards associated with medical waste. The companys workers have not received any
formal training with regard to medical waste management, and are consequently
unaware of the environmental health impacts of medical waste. Lack of proper training
in the hospital poses serious risks to the personnel as far as the hazards of hospital
waste is concerned. The process of collection, segregation and disposal of hospital
waste are not performed according to recommended standards, hence patients, visitors,
society and the entire environment are exposed to the dangers of such waste.
In developed countries, training programs and educational classes are instituted
repeatedly for all personnel and the content of these programs are specifically designed
for different personnel. In the USA, part 1910, 1030 are related to Occupational Health
and Welfare (29 CFR part 1910, 1030 OSHA) and regulates the training needs for
different personnel who are employed in centres where hospital waste production
occurs (New York State, Department of Environmental Conservation, 1996).
3.3 Medical waste management policies and regulations
There is no clear policy and plan in place for managing medical waste at the Kotuba
hospital. There is no definite policy or plan for purchasing the necessary equipment
and for providing the facilities for the correct management of medical waste in the
hospital. The hospital has a medical waste management guideline prepared by the
head of infection control but this is not strictly followed. There are areas where medical
waste management at the hospital is not properly done. For instance, there is no
segregation of medical waste, particularly sharps. The hospital does not have a regular
report about how medical waste management is practiced and the process of
performing respective studies is also not reported. On the contrary, in developed
countries, definite rules and regulations exist at the national, regional and hospital
levels. For example, in the University Hospital of Freiburg, Germany, there are almost
36 rules at the national level, five rules at the regional level and 13 rules at hospital
level resulting in a total of 54 rules for the correct management of hospital waste
(Daschner, 2000). The interview however revealed that Kotuba hospital in the last three
years has carried out a waste management audit. There are, however, no policies and
guidelines regarding the recycling of medical waste products.
3.4 Problems of medical waste management
During an interview with the head of infection control unit and the supervisor in
charge of general services, it was revealed that the hospital currently has a number of
Medical waste
problems in managing its medical waste. The main problems facing the hospital in
terms of medical waste management include:
lack of necessary rules, regulations and instructions on the different aspects of
collections and disposal of waste;
intermingling of hazardous waste with domestic waste of the hospital
failure to quantify the waste generated in reliable records;
lack of use of coloured bags thereby limiting the bags to only one colour for all
the absence of a dedicated waste manager. the supervisor in charge of general
services has waste management as part of his job schedule;
the absence of a committee responsible for monitoring medical waste
management practices; and
lack of education and training on medical waste management.
4. Conclusion and recommendations
In the light of the above observations made during the research, a number of
recommendations are made with the hope of improving the management of medical
waste in hospitals in general and Kotuba hospital in particular. The following
recommendations could enhance the operating efficiency of the hospitals with regards
to medical waste management:
It is important to measure and quantify the amount of medical waste generated
in each unit of the hospital periodically to ascertain which unit or department
generates the highest and lowest amount of waste. This could have implications
for resource allocation in managing medical waste.
There is the need for proper segregation of infectious medical waste and
non-infectious medical waste. The provision of plastic bags and strong plastic
containers for infectious waste such as empty containers of antiseptics used in
the hospital is necessary. Bags and containers for infectious waste should be
marked with the Biohazard symbol. A standardised system of red colour coded
bags used for the segregation of risky waste should be used and rigidly followed.
Imposition of segregation practices within the hospital will result in a clean
waste stream which can be easily, safely and cost-effectively managed.
The hospital should institute an efficient Sharps Management System, including
proper equipment and containers at all sharps generating points, a secure
accounting and collection system for transpoting the contaminated sharps for
treatment and final disposal and the proper training of hospital staff on the
handling and management of sharps.
The hospital should institute regular training and education to all workers, from
doctors to ward boys, laborers, rag pickers and also workers of the private waste
management company. Proper training is necessary to develop awareness of
health, safety and environment issues. It is important for workers to know and
understand the potential risks associated with healthcare waste.
Medical waste should be transported in suitable dedicated wheeled leakproof
containers. They should be clearly marked and regularly cleaned. The waste
Medical waste must be separated from municipal waste, but in many parts of Africa it
tends to be collected along with the rest of the waste stream. Poor management of
medical waste has serious health implication to health workers, patients and the public.
Also, due to the toxic nature of medical waste, improper handling may lead to the
destruction of natural environment and disturb the balance of ecosystems. This study
examined the medical waste management practices in one major hospital in Southern
Africa. From the results of the study, it is obvious that medical waste management is
not practiced according to recommended standards. There are areas where medical
waste management at the hospital is not properly done. It is imperative for significant
investment in the proper management of medical waste in order to reduce the health
risk it poses. The researcher hopes that this study would create awareness regarding
the problem of medical waste management in hospitals and would generate interest for
systematic control efforts for effective medical waste management.
Following from the findings of the study, it would be useful to also consider the
following directions for future research:
the medical waste management practices of public and private hospitals in
Southern Africa; and
the health effects of medical waste disposal in Southern Africa.
Askarian, M., Vakili, M. and Kabir, G. (2004), Results of a hospital waste survey in private
hospitals in Fars province, Iran, Waste Management, Vol. 24, pp. 347-52.
Baveja, G., Muralidhar, S. and Aggarwal, P. (2000), Hospital waste management an overview,
Hospital Today, Vol. 5 No. 9, pp. 485-6.
Daschner, F. (2000), EU-Project: Reduction and Utilisation of Hospital Waste, with the Focus on
Toxic and Infectious Waste (LIFE 96 ENV/D/10). Final Report, Freiburg.
Medical waste