ERAD 2002: A Variational Method For Attenuation Correction of Radar Signal
ERAD 2002: A Variational Method For Attenuation Correction of Radar Signal
ERAD 2002: A Variational Method For Attenuation Correction of Radar Signal
ERAD 2002
Grup de Recerca Aplicada en Hidrometeorologia, Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Jordi Girona, 1-3 ed. D-1,
08034-Barcelona, Spain
J. S. Marshall Radar Observatory, McGill University, Box 198, Macdonald College, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, QC H9X3V9,
Abstract. Most operational radars in Europe, Canada and
Asia are C-band radars. Therefore, they are significantly affected by wet radome and precipitation attenuation, which
makes quantitative use of radars difficult.
Most of the proposed attenuation correction methodologies use different sources of information (ground-echo measurements, dual-radar systems . . . ) to constrain the correction. Here, using the equation of Hitschfeld and Bordan (1954) and rain gage data as constraints, a correction
based on the minimization of a cost function is suggested. In
this cost function, control variables are the corrected rainfall
field, a recalibration constant of the radar and the parameters of the DSD. The method can incorporate other sources
of information to further constrain the problem.
Here, errors due to C-band attenuation are analyzed by
simulating C-band data from non-attenuated S-band data.
The simulated C-band data are then compared with the Sband data to derive long-term statistics and the Path Integrated Attenuation (PIA) is compared with the Path Integrated Reflectivity. Wet radome attenuation is estimated
from the variation in the spatial average reflectivity over a
large area (assuming that it is more important than the natural variability of precipitation fields).
1 Introduction
Traditionally, the choice of the operating wavelength of a
weather radar has been faced up as a compromise between
the high cost of almost non-attenuated S-band and dealing
with moderate attenuation rates of C-band radars.
This is the reason why many operational radars in Europe,
Canada and Asia (both for meteorological and hydrological
uses) are C-band radars and, therefore, attenuation is an obstacle for quantitative use. To illustrate this, Duncan et al.
(1991) found that the signal attenuation by rain produced
Correspondence to: M. Berenguer (
20% underestimation of accumulated rainfall and a maximum value of area affected by total attenuation of 5% in a
study over 6 events. In a similar way, Delrieu et al. (2000)
studied attenuation statistics at different ranges on the south
of France, obtaining more than 5% of rainrate profiles exceeding a Path Integrated Attenuation of 3 dB at 50 km.
Historically, the studies by Atlas and Banks (1951) and
Hitschfeld and Bordan (1954) induced the progressive abandonment of most attenuated wavelengths ( <5 cm) because
of their high degree of signal attenuation and the difficulty
of correction. In 1954, Hitschfeld and Bordan derived the
analytical solution of the attenuation correction supposing a
potential Z-k relation. However, they also stated the high
instability of this expression (particularly with small errors
in the radar calibration constant) that makes the correction
useless unless the calibration error can be kept within extremely narrow limits. They already proposed the use of a
gage deep in the storm to reduce the radar calibration error.
However, the use of attenuated-frequencies for air or
satellite-borne radars promoted the development of different
methods to correct for attenuation (using single or doublefrequency, single or double-beam and single or doublepolarized radars). Most of the single-frequency methodologies (Meneghini et al., 1983, Iguchi and Meneghini, 1994,
Marzoug and Amayenc, 1994, Iguchi et al., 2000) are based
on the Surface Reference Technique (SRT) that consists on
constraining the Path Integrated Attenuation with the surface
return. In a similar way, Delrieu et al. (1997) proposed the
use of mountain returns to correct for attenuation of groundbased radars.
Here, a methodology to correct for attenuation (mainly in
C-band radars) is presented. It consists on the minimization of a cost function, that includes the equation derived
by Hitschfeld and Bordan (1954) and as many constraints as
available. In a preliminary form, it uses punctual measurements of rainfall as constraints.
From the radar equation (see e.g. Doviak and Zrnic, 1992),
the measured (attenuated) reflectivity at a range r can be written as:
Pr (r) r2
where Pr (r) is the received power and C is the radar constant that depends on radar paramaters such as peak power,
wavelength, antenna gain, beam width, pulse duration, . . . .
The measured reflectivity can be expressed as:
Zm (r) =
a, b: parameters of a power-law Z-R relationship.
c: estimation of the radar calibration error (in dB).
wi : weights associated to each term of the cost function.
nbins : number of bins where the reflectivity field is
measured by the radar.
Ri : rainfall rate at the bin i (i = 1, . . . , nbins ). This is
the field to be derived from the minimization of the cost
ng : number of gages.
Rg,j : rainfall rate measured at the gage j (j = 1, . . . , ng ).
Z(r): equivalent (non-attenuated) reflectivity factor
(mm6 m3 ).
A(r): path integrated attenuation factor at a range r.
k(s): specific attenuation (dB km1 ).
RiHB =
Hitschfeld and Bordan (1954) expressed (2) as (see the development of the current expression in Meneghini, 1978):
Zm (r)
Z(r) =
1 0.2 ln(10) 0 Zm (s) ds
3 Methodology
The presented methodology is conceptually very simple: it
combines information given by the analytical solution (4)
and measurements able to be used as constraints.
It consists on the minimization of a cost function (5). The
first part of the cost function (first summand) uses the corrected (non-attenuated) rainfall field as background. The second part (the rest) represents the observation term, constraining the result with observations from different sources. In
a first formulation, the cost function uses punctual measurements of rainfall rate (for instance, given by rain gages):
Rj Rgj
+ w3
RjHB Rgj
! 1b
Zm (rj )
10 10 0.2 ln(10) 0 j Zm
(s) ds
J(c, a, b, , , R) = w1
The first term in the cost function (5), accounts for the
similarity of the derived rainfall field and the solution of the
Hitschfeld and Bordan equation when it is applied to correct
the measurement of radar affected by a calibration error (7).
The second term constrains the rainfall with the measurements in the rain gages, while the third summand is redundant, useful to give more robustness to the solution.
It is important to state that the correction does not impose
the control variables to take a given value (for example, the
derived rainfall field in the gages should not take the gage
measurement), because it supposes that the different terms
may be affected by some uncertainties. However, the confidence in each term may be controlled with the weights wi
given to each term in the cost function. Another advantage
of this methodology is that additional constraints may be introduced very easily in the cost function.
Fig. 1. Simulation of the rainfall field measured by a C-band radar affected by a calibration error of +1.5 dB. (a) Accumulated rainfall
field estimated from the measurement of McGill S-band radar (the reference); (b) accumulated rainfall field estimated from the simulated
measurement of a C-band radar; (c) accumulated rainfall field estimated from the simulated measurement of a C-band radar affected by a
calibration error of +1.5 dB. In the lower part, scatter plots of the attenuated rainfall accumulations versus the reference field when the radar
is well-calibrated (d) and when it is affected by a bias of +1.5 dB (e).
measurements. A power-law Z-k relationship has been considered (3) using the coefficients proposed by Battan (1973)
for C-band wavelengths ( = 2.24 104 ; = 0.62).
After the simulation of the attenuated data, a bias of
+1.5 dB has been introduced in the radar system to simulate a calibration error (see Fig. 1), which is supposed to
be corrected by the proposed methodology. The rain rate
measurements made by a uniformly distributed network of
rain gages are also simulated (see Fig. 2a). To do this, an
unbiased random error (uniformly distributed in the interval
(100%,+100%)) is introduced in the estimates of rainfall
from the S-band over the gage locations to simulate the discrepancies between radar and rain gages measurements, normally observed in reality (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Simulation of rainfall measured by a network of rain gages (a), over the map of 1-hour accumulated rainfall. (b) Scatter plot of
the 1-hour accumulated rainfall simulated at the gage points versus the S-band radar estimate. (c) and (d) Comparison of the S-band radar
estimate of rainfall at two rain gage points (dotted line) and the simulation of the measurements at the gages (continuous line).
provement in the 1-hour accumulated rainfall field with respect to the estimate obtained from an attenuated radar (correcting the bias and reducing the scattering).
The proposed methodology has fixed the calibration error.
In spite of the discrepancies introduced between the gage
measurements of rainfall and the reference at these points,
the applied methodology seems to be little affected. However, it is important to point out that when there is a bias in the
measurements at the gages, it is reproduced by the estimated
calibration error that introduces this tendency in the derived
rainfall field. To avoid it and to increase the robustness of the
method, it is important to introduce additional constraints in
future developments. Another way to solve this may be to
consider the calibration error to be nearly constant and able
to be estimated working with more than one radar scan.
On the other hand, the hypothesis of knowing the parameters of the Z-R and Z-k relationships seems to be too hard,
and this may be a reason of the good results obtained.
Fig. 3. Comparison between the estimates of 1-hour accumulated rainfall field made from: (a) the reflectivity field measured by the McGill
S-band radar; (b) the simulated reflectivity field measured by a C-band radar affected by a calibration error of +1.5 dB; (c) the corrected
rainfall field. (d) Scatter plot of the estimation of accumulated rainfall made from the simulated C-band measurement versus the reference;
(e) scatter plot of the corrected accumulated rainfall field versus the reference.
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