Nose-Picking: Eindexamen Havo Engels 2012 - II
Nose-Picking: Eindexamen Havo Engels 2012 - II
Nose-Picking: Eindexamen Havo Engels 2012 - II
Tekst 2
In 2001, Chittaranjan Andrade and B.S. Srihari
of the National Institute of Mental Health and
Neurosciences in Bangalore, India, won an
IgNobel prize for their research into nosepicking. They reported that almost the entire
sample of 200 adolescents from four Bangalore
schools admitted they engaged in the habit, at
an average of four times a day. However, only
nine pupils 4.5 per cent owned up to eating
their nasal debris. Given the social stigma
attached to eating bogeys (also known as
boogers), this figure is probably an
underestimate. But even if numbers are lower
than experience suggests, this still begs the
question of why anybody should choose to eat
their own snot.
There isnt any significant nutritional
content in nasal mucus, says Andrade.
Moreover, he and Srihari found nothing to
distinguish the bogey-eaters from the others,
and they neglected to ask them why they did it.
It is possible that eating nasal detritus might
help build a healthy immune response after
all, researchers investigating the hygiene
hypothesis have built a large body of evidence
indicating that lack of exposure to infectious
material can increase one's susceptibility to
allergic diseases.
Unfortunately, it seems the only research on
the matter dates back to 1966, when Sidney
Tarachow of the State University of New York
found that people who ate their bogeys found
them tasty.
New Scientist, 2009
Tekst 2 Nose-picking
Geef van elk van de volgende beweringen aan of deze juist of onjuist is op
grond van de inhoud van het artikel.
1 De meeste leerlingen in het genoemde onderzoek peuteren regelmatig in
hun neus.
2 Slechts een beperkt aantal mensen geeft toe dat ze uit hun neus eten.
3 De inhoud van je neus heeft nauwelijks voedingswaarde.
4 Het onderzoek van Andrade en Srihari maakt duidelijk welke groepen uit hun
neus eten.
5 Het eten van je snot kan misschien bijdragen aan het versterken van je
6 De reden waarom mensen uit hun neus eten is in het verleden onderzocht.
Noteer het nummer van elke bewering, gevolgd door juist of onjuist.