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Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554


An arrangement of ideal zones with shifting boundaries as a way to model

mixing processes in unsteady stirring conditions in agitated vessels
J.-Y. Dieulota, , N. Petitb , P. Rouchonb , G. Delaplacec
a L.A.G.I.S., Laboratoire dAutomatique Gnie Informatique et Signal, UMR CNRS 8146, I.A.A.L Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille,

59655 Villeneuve dAscq-France

b Centre Automatique et Systmes, cole des Mines de Paris, 60 Boulevard Saint Michel, 75272 Paris Cedex 06, France
c I.N.R.A. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Laboratory for food Process Engineering and Technology, 369, rue Jules Guesde, B.P. 39,

59651 Villeneuve dAscq-France

Received 19 July 2004; received in revised form 2 March 2005; accepted 2 March 2005
Available online 28 June 2005

This paper investigates the way modelling mixing phenomena occur in unsteady stirring conditions in agitated vessels. In particular, a
new model of torus reactor including a well-mixed zone and a transport zone is proposed. The originality of the arrangement of ideal
reactors developed here lies in the time-dependent location of the boundaries between the two zones. This concept is applied to model
the positive inuence of unsteady stirring conditions on homogenization process: the model avoids a mass balance discontinuity when the
transition from steady to unsteady stirring conditions is performed.
To ascertain the reliability of the model proposed, experimental runs with highly viscous uids have been carried out in an agitated
tank. The impeller used was a non-standard helical ribbon impeller, tted with an anchor at the bottom. The degree of homogeneity in
the tank was observed using a conductivity method after a tracer injection.
It is shown that for a given agitated uid and mixing system, model parameters are easy to estimate and that modelling results are in
close agreement with experimental ones. Moreover, it would appear that this model allows the easy derivation of a control law, which is
a great advantage when optimizing the dynamics of a mixing process.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Mixing; Modelling; Nonlinear dynamics; Parameter identication; Unsteady stirring; Torus model

1. Introduction


1.1. Enhancement of mixing with unsteady ows

The rst one is to select, for a given mixing system, the

geometrical parameters (wall-clearance, shape of the bottom, bottom clearance, number of bafes) which optimize
the overall homogenization efciency. Of course, this has
already been largely covered in the literature. For example, one may mention papers concerning the determination
of power consumption and mixing times, under steady rotational speeds, for mixing systems equipped with close
clearance impellers such as screw or helical ribbon agitators (Tatterson, 1994; Delaplace et al., 2000a), which are
known to be the best suited to achieve mixing of highly
viscous media.

High viscosity mixing operations in agitated vessels are

commonly encountered in chemical and food industries.
Since batch mixing operations are both time and energy
consuming, their optimization remains an important challenge. Depending on whether the design of the mixing system is set or not, there are various possible ways to improve
Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 3 28 76 74 95; fax: +33 3 28 76 74 01.

E-mail addresses: jean-yves.dieulot@polytech-lille.fr (J.-Y. Dieulot),

delapla@lille.inra.fr (G. Delaplace).
0009-2509/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554

The second way is to consider that, for a given mixing system, the ability of a ow to homogenize viscous products
can be signicantly enhanced with the help of unsteady
time-varying stirring approaches. Efcient mixing in laminar regime has been shown to be related to the amount
of stretching and folding generated within the tank by the
agitator (Ottino, 1989; De La Villeon et al., 1998; Alvarez-Hernndez et al., 2002). When stirring conditions
are steady, initially designated uid material will follow
closed streamlines in the vessel and consequently the mixing efciency will be rather poor since such regular ows
will induce a linear evolution of intermaterial area with
time (Niederkorn and Ottino, 1994). However, when a
suitable perturbation is superimposed on the steady velocity eld, ows reorientations will appear, uid elements
will be no longer trapped by closed steady streamlines
and will become free to wander throughout chaotic ow
domains. As the stretching rate is higher in these ow regions, the inter-material area will grow faster (Niederkorn
and Ottino, 1994; Alvarez-Hernndez et al., 2002) and
higher than average values of the efciency will be obtained.
However, there is a lack of systematic studies that provide
us with quantitative information about the conditions under
which these chaotic ows are produced within a stirred tank
and their actual benets on mixing efciency. Consequently,
the design of a sequence of ows which involves a reorientation of material elements (for instance, when periodic or
co-reverse rotation of the impeller is performed) has yet to
be clearly identied.
Moreover, most unsteady stirring approaches used to improve laminar mixing in batch reactors (Nomura et al., 1997;
Lamberto et al., 1996; Yao et al., 1998) deal with smalldiameter agitators which are usually devoted to work in turbulent regime and not suited for the batch mixing of viscous uids; their purpose being to prevent the formation of
isolated mixed regions (Metzner and Taylor, 1960) with coreverse or periodic rotational speed sequences. Such a work
has not been carried out for systems equipped with efcient
closed-clearance impellers.
1.2. Flow modelling in batch reactors
From this survey, it would appear clearly that there is
a strong need for rational studies which quantify the efciency of a stretching process for a given mixing system
under unsteady operating conditions. Numerical studies using computational uid dynamics (CFD) methods allow the
determination of the whole velocity eld for laminar mixing within the tank at steady and unsteady rotational speeds
and thus point out the well-mixed and stagnant zones (e.g.
Zalc et al., 2002; Arratia et al., 2004; Harvey and Rogers,
1996; Campolo et al., 2003). However, these nite element
methods require a long computation time (e.g. for a vessel
with close clearance impeller, see de la Villeon et al., 1998


for details). With these models, one cannot extrapolate the

behaviour of the mixing device for a new rotational speed
sequence, and no quantitative indication is given as to what
rotational speed pattern should be used to optimize mixing
(Alvarez-Hernndez, et al., 2002). Consequently, one cannot design an optimal control that minimizes energy or time
expense to achieve a given degree of homogeneity.
It is, therefore, essential to design a proper and simplied
ow model for such mixing processes, incorporating the signicant features of partially chaotic phenomena and usable
to assess the combined effects of unsteady and steady stirring approaches on mixing efciency, thereby allowing fast
prediction and eventually the derivation of a control law.
Networks of ideal reactors have been used since the 1960s
to model mixing with steady stirring approaches. Khang and
Levenspiels (1976) model consists of a plug ow reactor
in series with a single continuous stirred tank reactor, with
total recycling, in which the uid ows with a constant ow
Assuming that both the volume of these two ideal
rate Q.
reactors (Vp for the plug ow reactor and Vd for the well
mixed zone) are constant and that the ow rate Q
appears in the model is proportional to the rotational speed of
the impeller N , it was possible by one experimental run (one
tracer injection) to determine the spacetime parameters of
each ideal mixers (time delay  for a plug ow reactor  =
and mean residence time T = Vd /Q
for a CSTR).
Vp /Q
This simple model has now been extended (Dieulot et al.,
2002) to unsteady mixing, along with an additional CSTR
in the recycle loop which represents the benet (due to additional stretching) of mixing at an unsteady rotational speed
which was observed experimentally. As has been previously
discussed (Dieulot et al., 2002), this model allows us to
use the same network of ideal mixers to simulate the mixing performances of the agitated vessel for both the steady
and unsteady approaches. The model allows fast prediction
and involves only three geometrical parameters that can be
easily determined from only two experimental runs (one at
constant impeller speed and the two others using unsteady
rotational speed experiments). However, the extension to unsteady ow is not straightforward: the expression of the time
delay in the plug ow zone is complicated and, moreover,
the introduction of the additional volume does not allow the
mass balance to be respected.
This has been the motivation for the model presented
in the next section. In order to respect the mass balance,
the decision was taken to add no further ideal reactors (as
the additional CSTR in the previous study) to account for
changes in mixing conditions when transition from steady to
unsteady stirring approaches is carried out. On the contrary,
an attempt was carried out to model the increase in mixing efciency due to unsteady stirring conditions both by
adapting the relative volume ratios of the ideal zones which
compose the nal model and by keeping the volume of each
ideal zone unchanged. This was achieved by using a juxtaposition of a plug ow zone and a well-mixed zone contained
in a torus volume with time varying boundaries. In the


J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554

following section, we will give more details about the

basis of the model and mathematical expressions of the
spacetime parameters for the ideal reactors contained in
the torus volume. Experimental mixing runs (for steady
and unsteady stirring approaches) were used to ascertain
the validity and to compare performances of this model
with those found in the literature. Note that the ultimate
framework of this scientic programme is to determine
an optimal controller, i.e., the rotational speed prole that
minimizes the mixing energy for a given mixing time.

2. Principle of the torus reactor model

Consider a torus of xed volume V divided into two ideal
reactors (a constant stirred tank reactor of volume Vd and
a plug ow zone of volume Vp = V Vd ) in which ows
a Newtonian uid with a uniform time-varying ow rate
in a clockwise direction (Fig. 1). y(t) refers to the uid
concentration (kg/m3 ) in component y (tracer) which varies
with time and space. It is assumed that the total material
quantity of the component y in the reactor remains constant.
The originality of the torus reactor arises from the timedependent position of the boundaries (S1 and S2 ) which
separate the two ideal ow zones. Indeed, it is assumed that
S1 and S2 move alternately in a counter-clockwise direction
to the ow rate uctuations. Consequently, when the ow
rate is non-steady, the volumes (Vd and Vp ) of the two ideal
reactors are time variant. In particular, it is assumed that
S1 (respectively, S2 ) move only when positive (respectively,
negative) variations in the ow rate occur in the torus volume
and is otherwise motionless. Note also, that when a variation
of ow rate occurs, not only the volume of the zones vary but
their location within the torus evolves counter-clockwise.

Assuming that at each time t the ow rate Q(t)

is proportional to the impeller rotational speed N (t) (via  (m3 ), a
= N (t)), the torus model proposed is likely
constant: Q(t)

Y (t)

to describe the response curve after a tracer injection, whatever the stirring approach adopted. Indeed, for steady approaches the network of ideal mixers used to simulate the
mixing process becomes similar to that of those used by
Khang and Levenspiel (1976) whose reliability have been
previously shown. Moreover, in the case of unsteady stirring, the model is also supposed to account for the experimental observation that an improvement in mixing occurs
when a positive variation in the rotational speed is enforced.
For example, in the case of a positive variation in impeller
rotational speed, the volume of the stirred tank reactor increases while that of the plug ow decreases. As the whole
volume of the torus loop is supposed to be unchanged, an
enhancement in mixing is expected.
Note that the model structure should not be confused with
real toroidal reactors (e.g. Benkhelifa et al., 2000).
Let us dene Vd+ (resp., Vd ) as the variation of volume Vd
due to the motion of S1 (resp., S2 ) in the torus, and let  be
the residence time of the particle leaving the plug ow zone
at time t. Using notations previously introduced, the whole
system can be characterized by the following differential
equations (see Appendix A):
V = Vd (t) + Vp (t),

) d = V Vd (Q(t


Q (t)


Y (t)

Fig. 1. Sketch of torus model proposed in this study.


Vd+ () d,


= (Q(t)
+ Vd+ )[y(t ) y(t)],
Vd (Q(t))

= N (t).


2.1. Theorem
The mass balance in the species y(t) within the torus
reactor dened by Eq. (1) is respected (see proof in
Appendix B).
In our study, it is assumed that in the case of steady mixing
(constant rotational speed), the volume of the well-mixed
zone does not depend on the amplitude of the rotational
speed and has a constant value Vd1 . Note that integrating
Eq. (1), we obtain

Vd (t) =
Vd dt
Vd dt + Vd1 ,


where Vd1 is the initial volume of the well-stirred zone.

Assuming that the total volume of torus reactor V corresponds to the volume of the agitated uid, the proposed system involves ve unknown variables or parameters , Vd1 ,
Vd+ (t), Vd (t) and y(t).
Providing two prerequisites, a simulation algorithm can
be used to predict the output y(t):
the two constant parameters ( and Vd1 ), which are not
inuenced by the time-dependent rotational speed, are
the effects of stirring conditions N (t) on boundary motions (S1 and S2 ) are established. Indeed, such knowledge

J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554


will allow Vd+ and Vd to be obtained at each time. Consequently, Vd and Vp can also be computed.
The assumptions used in this paper concerning evolutions
of Vd+ and Vd with stirring conditions are the following,
which requires a third constant parameter k for the model:
Vd+ = k
> 0, Vd+ = 0 if
< 0,
Vd = k
< 0, Vd = 0 if
> 0.


The simulation of a system involving an input-dependent

transport delay is not always trivial, since the delay is dened by an implicit equation. In particular, Zenger and Ylinen (1994) have shown that for most ow rate uctuations,
the expression of (t) cannot be obtained analytically but
must be computed by numerical methods. In this work, for
the sake of simplicity, it has been chosen not to deal with
this issue in detail. More information about the computational methods used in this work can be found in the original publication (Zenger and Ylinen, 1994) or in a previous
paper (Dieulot et al., 2002).
Finally, note that the simulation algorithm has been developed considering the torus model as a discrete automaton. First, the torus has been divided into a large number of
cells. At each simulation step, the values of the concentration should move from one cell of the plug ow zone to the
next one, using the denition of a plug ow reactor (pure
transport). The concentration in the well-mixed zone can
then be computed using a total mass balance and the fact
that the concentrations in each cell of the zone are equal.
The boundaries are then updated. The time step is variable
and corresponds to the residence time in a cell, which depends on the ow rate values (rotational speed).

3. Material and methods

3.1. Apparatus used to monitor mixing experiments
The mixing equipment used appears in Fig. 2. During all
the experiments, the level of the liquid at rest was maintained at a constant level of 0.402 m in height for a total
volume of 30 103 m3 . Experiments were carried out with
the helix pumping upward (counter-clockwise direction of
rotation). Additional information about the ow pattern produced by the mixing system is given elsewhere (Delaplace
et al., 2000a,b).
The agitated uid is an aqueous solution of glucose with
a viscosity of 1.8 Pa s at 26 C. A controlled speed rotational
viscometer (CONTRAVES, Rheomat 30) was used to determine the Newtonian viscosity of the viscous medium. The
shear rate ranged from 0.1500 s1 and the dependence of
viscosity and density on temperature was taken into account.
A conductivity probe (SOLEA-TACCUSSEL, type CD
78) was used to obtain the circulation curves in the vessel

Fig. 2. Picture and geometrical parameter of the mixing equipment investigated (other geometrical parameters of PARAVISC mixing system:
blade width, w = 0.032 m; impeller pitch, p = 0.560 m; impeller height,
L = 0.340 m; tank height, Hc = 0.443 m).

after a tracer injection. The signal was amplied by a converter (Type AT40, SFERE), and recorded with the help of
an I/O board (PCL-812 PG, ADVANTECH) plugged into a
PC. The sampling rate was 200 Hz.
The tracer pulse injected had the same physical properties as the uid in the tank (composition and temperature),
with an additional quantity of NaCl at a concentration of
100 g/l. The incorporation was performed with the help of a
pneumatic system with pistons (type DACO, PCM DOSYS)
equipped with a duct (DACC 48/40, DOSYS) which holds
the product at the end of the pipe. This device was able to
inject 72 ml (0.24% of the tank volume) of viscous tracer
into the tank with an accuracy of 2%. The injection duration is by a fraction of a second. It was checked, measuring
a sample of the injected uid before and after each injection, that the inuence of the addition of salt on density and
viscosity was negligible for a limited (40) number of successive trials. The volume of the tank was brought back to
30 103 m3 after each experiment. The conductivity probe
and the injection locations were kept unchanged throughout
the experiments (Fig. 2).
The I/O board allows the operating conditions to be accurately controlled, i.e., the injection time, the departure and
the magnitude of speed variations that were enforced on
the agitation system. The rotational speed and the conductivity signal were recorded throughout the mixing process.
Recording was activated 3 s before the tracer injection. Each
experiment (for one set of experimental conditions) was repeated four times to ensure repeatability.
The values of the rotational speed varied from 0.16 to
1.5 rev/s. Mixing and circulation times were determined
from the response signal recorded after tracer injection. The
mixing time is dened as the duration needed for the signal
to reach 95% of its nal value (Fig. 3). The circulation time
is dened as the signal period, when mixing at constant
impeller rotational speed (Fig. 3). When the conductivity


J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554


Signal (V)








Time (s)
Fig. 3. A typical probe response curve.

method was used, it is clear that the values of circulation

and mixing times depend signicantly on the location of
the injection point and measurement probe. Nevertheless,
for the experimental conditions tested, the local values
of axial circulation times obtained are in close agreement
with the global values obtained by following the movement
of freely suspended particles. Moreover, global values of
axial circulation times deduced from CFD velocity eld
(Delaplace et al., 2000a) were also in close agreement with
those obtained by the conductivity method.
The conductivity signals (axial circulation curves) were
particularly noisy, owing to recording problems and highfrequency environmental noise (Fig. 3). Filtering consisted,
rstly, in the elimination of scatters. Measuring points with
a derivative higher than a threshold value (empirically ve
times the signal derivative standard deviation) were replaced
by an average value of their neighbours. The sampling period
selected was 1 s. This choice was important for parametric
identication and has been already justied and discussed
elsewhere (Dieulot et al., 2002).
3.2. Operating stirring conditions tested
Table 1 shows the different types of operating stirring
conditions tested after tracer injection. Trials (1) and (2) refer
to well-known steady stirring approaches, whereas trials (3)
to (8) concern unsteady stirring approaches. In the context
of this paper, trials (3) to (4) will be called speed ramps,
trials (5) to (7) speed pulses and trial (8) speed step.
Note that for each type of perturbation, different operating
conditions were adopted (e.g. various lapses of time between
tracer injection and the start of the impeller rotational speed
uctuations (PS)). The various operating conditions tested
are also reported in Table 1.
3.3. Parameter identication: Vd1 , , k
The torus model proposed requires the estimation of three
constant parameters Vd1 , , k (dened by Eqs. (1)(3)),
which depend on the characteristics of the mixing device

and on the viscous media (which are maintained at a constant level in this study).
Parameters Vd1 and  have been estimated from one
tracer experiment when mixing at constant impeller speed
(0.667 rev/strial number 1 in Table 1). Using the values of the parameters Vd1 and  previously estimated, an
additional injection was performed with unsteady stirring
conditions (a speed pulsetrial number ve in Table 1) to
obtain the value of parameter k.
The set of model parameters were estimated using an
optimization algorithm (simplex method). The optimization
algorithm is based on the minimization of the mean absolute
error criterion dened in Eq. (4).

|(i.Te )|.



This criterion represents the sum of the absolute differences,

|(i.Te )|, between the experimental points and the estimated
points, Te is the sampling period (1 s) and M is the number
of samples required to describe the homogenization process.
The importance of this criterion was discussed by Dieulot
et al. (2002), where it was shown that it leads to a good compromise between minimizing the shifting between real and
modelling curves (due to time delay estimation mismatch)
and other errors due to unmodelled non-linearities.
3.4. Reliability of the model
Using different operating conditions (trials 24 and 68
in Table 2) to those adopted for parameter estimation (trials
1 and 5), the validity of the model was tested. The reliability
procedure consists of comparing experimental and predicted
mixing times (obtained with the help of estimated parameters). The mean absolute error between experimental and
model data was also computed and its value was compared
to those obtained for the trials used for tting.

4. Results
4.1. Efciency of mixing using unsteady stirring conditions
The positive inuence of unsteady stirring condition on
mixing efciency is recalled in Table 2. It can be observed
that the mixing work required for unsteady stirring is less
signicant than those calculated for those mixing procedures
which would give identical mixing times at constant RPM.
These values of energy consumed and their determinations
have already been discussed (Dieulot et al., 2002) and are
not the key consideration of this work. Note simply that,
as presented in previous works, depending upon the type
of unsteady stirring conditions adopted, the energy savings
vary from 30% to 60% and justify the interest of introducing
time-dependent perturbations for a homogenization process.

J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554


Table 1
Operating conditions (impeller rotational speed uctuations) adopted during the mixing process after tracer injection
Trial number

Name and type of impeller

rotational speed uctuation

N1 (rev/s)

N2 (rev/s)

parameters (s)
























4.2. Validity of the model

The predictive model developed in this study has been
tested on our mixing equipment. As mentioned before, one


trial at constant impeller speed (trial 1) and one run at

unsteady impeller speed (a pulsetrial 5see Table 3)
were necessary to determine the various ideal zone parameters. The values of the parameters estimated are Vd1 =


J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554

Table 2
Experimental mixing performances of the helical mixing system studied using various stirring conditions (starting impeller rotational speed = 0.667 rev/s
except trial 2)
Trial 1

Trial 2

Trial 3
(RD = 5 s)

Trial 4
(RD = 15 s)

Trial 5
(PS = 17 s)

Trial 6
(PS = 10 s)

Trial 7
(PS = 4 s)

Trial 8

mixing time (s)









mixing work (J)









Values of mixing
work (J) for the
mixing process
which would give
same mixing time
at constant impeller
rotational speed12









Energy savings







Table 3
Values of MAE and predicted values of mixing times obtained by the model for the helical mixing system studied using various stirring conditions
Operating conditions used for parameter identication

Operating conditions used for model validation

Trial 1
Trial 5
Steady stirring Pulse
N = 0.667 rev/s (PS = 17 s)

Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 4
Trial 6
Trial 7
Trial 8
Steady stirring Ramp
N = 0.833 rev/s (RD = 5 s) (RD = 15 s) (PS = 10 s) (PS = 4 s)

mixing time (s)
Predicted values
of mixing time (s)
Values of
criterion MAE (V)






















6.0 103 m3 ;  = 1.61 103 m3 ; k = 4.5 103 m3 s and were

then used with other stirring conditions (see Table 3) to validate the proposed model.
Examples of curve tting obtained by this approach are
given in Figs. 49. These gures show that the estimated
response curve after tracer injection is close to the experimental one, despite the high noise observed for the experimental curves and the non-linearities (such as the nonperiodicity of signals which sometimes occurs at constant
impeller speeds). Moreover, in order to test the accuracy of
the model, the values of measured mixing times and values calculated by the model are reported in Table 3. We can
note that there are close agreements between the experimental and predicted values of mixing times, whatever the stirring conditions adopted (mean error 6.8%). As previously
explained, another criterion has also been computed to estimate the validity of the model: the sum of the absolute
differences between the calculated and experimental outlet

Fig. 4. Predicted (-) and experimental (.) circulation curves for steady
speed at 40 rpm.

curves. Values of the mean absolute error (MAE) between

experimental and model data are also reported in Table 3.
The values of MAE deduced from trials used for model
validation (0.18, 0.28) are not signicantly different from

J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554

Fig. 5. Predicted (-) and experimental (.) circulation curves for speed
pulse from 40 to 80 rpm, starting at 17 s, duration 5 s (trial 5 in Table 2).

Fig. 6. Predicted (-) and experimental (.) circulation curves for speed
ramp from 40 to 80 rpm, starting at 17 s, ramp duration RD = 5 s (trial 4
in Table 2).


Fig. 9. Predicted (-) and experimental (.) circulation curves for speed
pulse from 40 to 80 rpm, starting at 4 s, duration 5 s. PS = 4 s (trial 7 in
Table 2).

those deduced from trial used for parameter estimation

(0.25), and show that the model is in accordance with the
experimental curves.
All these experimental results concerning modelling show
us that it is possible to describe the mixing process which
occurs under steady or unsteady stirring using the structure
of the proposed model. It is thus possible to perform fast
mixing time computations (less than 1 s on a PC) for any
rotational speed prole. One major interest of the torus reactor compared to previous studies (Dieulot et al., 2002) is
that the mass balance in the species within the batch reactor is respected. Note that the toroidal reactor model is not
a limited concept only applied for a specic mixing system
design. On the contrary, the proposed model can be generalized to describe other mixing processes at steady or unsteady rotational speeds in stirred tanks.
Another motivation to use the torus reactor relies on deriving a control law from mathematical equations (for the
rotational speed of the impeller) which thereby optimizes
mixing dynamics. Indeed, introducing the following change
in time-scale:

ds = (Q(t)
+ Vd+ ) dt,

Fig. 7. Predicted (-) and experimental (.) circulation curves for speed
ramp from 40 to 80 rpm, starting at 17 s, ramp duration RD = 15 s. (trial
3 in Table 2).


the mass-balance equations become

s(t) s(t ) = Vp


Vd (U (s))

= Y (s ) Y (s),

Fig. 8. Predicted (-) and experimental (.) circulation curves for speed
pulse from 40 to 80 rpm, starting at 10 s, duration 5 s. PS = 10 s (trial 6
in Table 2).


= U (s(t)); y(t) = Y (s(t)) and  is dened by

where Q
 = Vp (U (s )).
From Eqs. (5) and (6), it can be seen that, if Vd is an
increasing function of u, then there is a difference when
u > 0 (Vd+ = 0) and u < 0 (Vd+ = 0), and that for u > 0 the
new time s(t) passes faster. Mixing is thus more efcient
when the ow accelerates, which is consistent with experimental observations. This can be illustrated by considering
a ow with a saw tooth prole, for which the volumes will
return to their initial value after the saw tooth is completed.
In a rst instance, the boundary S1 moves and Vd expands.
When S2 moves in turn and Vp expands as u decreases, the


J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554

plug ow zone will move counter-clockwise and will overlap an area which was previously in the well-mixed zone.
The effect of u < 0 is thus more limited than in the case
where u > 0.
Finally, dening  by W =Vd (U ) as the control parameter
and using volume balance in the torus, it can be written
(s) = Y (s ) Y (s)
 + Vd (U (s )) = V .


By construction W [0, V ] and a positive solution for  always exists when W is a continuous function of s. When the
equation has several roots,  should be chosen as the smallest. Consequently, using the torus model, an optimal solution for the control should be quite simple to obtain using
algebraic methods. Preliminary results have been obtained
(Dieulot and Richard, 2001), which will be extended in future work.

5. Conclusion
A torus model has been developed to describe a mixing
process at unsteady rotational speeds. The combination of
ideal reactors proposed includes a well-mixed and a plug
ow zone contained in a torus volume. The boundaries between the two zones vary with the ow rate (proportional to
impeller rotational speed) and are supposed to represent the
enhancement of mixing efciency, experimentally observed
when using unsteady stirring conditions. Only the knowledge of three constant parameters Vd1 , , k is required for
the model proposed. Moreover, only two trials are necessary to estimate the three xed parameters (one at constant
impeller speed Vd1 , , and one at unsteady rotational speed
k). Finally, the model proposed gives a close agreement between predicted and experimental circulation curves and allows us to estimate the mixing times, for any kind of timedependent rotational impeller speed tested.
Of course, the model proposed fails to demonstrate that
the use of dynamic ow perturbations (time-dependent revolution per minute) contributes to generate a more global
chaotic ow which reduces segregated regions and enhances
mixing as Tanguy et al. (1998) and Lamberto et al. (2001)
have done with CFD applications. The model proposed does
not allow to obtain the time-dependent map of the segregated regions. However, our model is quite complementary
to CFD applications and very useful since according to us,
so far, there was no way to predict by an arrangement of
ideal reactors the enhancement of mixing when using timedependent stirring conditions. In this sense the model proposed succeeds in quantifying quickly the gain in mixing
time and energy provided by applying time-dependent RPM.
Moreover, this study has been conducted with a helical
ribbon impeller but the approach proposed is not limited to
this kind of agitators and can be extended to other mixing
systems. It would be even possible to propose a new classi-

cation of mixing systems based on their homogenization performances during unsteady stirring and would at last allow
to propose new mixers that have an appropriate behaviour
when mixing under such operating conditions.
Finally, the mathematical equations of the system are indeed easily tractable which allows to dene an optimal control strategy for the torus model. This will be tackled in a
future work. The optimal control would be a compromise between the additional energy required to damp down quickly
the degree of homogeneity and additional energy required
to create dynamic ow perturbations (unsteady rotational


S1 , S2

impeller diameter, m
tank height, m
liquid height, m
model parameters (see units in text)
impeller height, m
impeller rotational speed, rev/s
helical ribbon pitch, m
uid ow rate, m3 /s
moving boundaries for the torus volume, m2
time, s
mixing time, s
tank diameter, m
sampling period used for estimation, s
vessel or torus reactor volume, m3
volume of the well-mixed zone for the torus
volume, m3
volume of the plug ow zone for the torus
volume, m3
blade width, m
mixing work, J
tracer concentration, kg/m3

Greek letters

proportionality constant, m3
time-varying delay, s
viscosity of Newtonian uid, Pa s
uid density, kg/m

Appendix A. Derivation of the toroidal reactor model

A.1. Spacetime for the constant stirred tank zone in the
torus loop
Dening Vd+ (resp., Vd ) as the variation of volume Vd
due to the motion of S1 (resp., S2 ) in the torus, variation in

J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554

volume Vd with time can be written as

d[Vd (Q(t))]
= Vd+ Vd .


Using notations previously developed, the material balance

in the well-mixed zone is


At time t, the quantity A(t) of the species y inside the reactor

is the sum of that in the plug ow and the well-mixed zones,

y(t (z, t))S dz,
A(t) = Vd (t)y(t)
plug f low

where  is the residence time of the particle leaving the plug

ow zone at time t.
Another expression of material balance in the well-mixed
zone is

where S is the constant surface of the torus section and

(z, t) is the time delay of a particle whose position in the
plug ow zone is z. The abscissa z ranges from 0 to Vp (t)/S.
The particles which are at position z at time t have entered
the plug ow zone at time t (z, t). These particles had
to travel the distance z S1 t(z,t) Vd () d which yields
the following relation which in turn generalizes Eq. (12):
) d = Sz
Vd () d.

d[Vd (Q(t))]
d[Vd (Q(t))y(t)]

= Vd (Q(t))
+ y(t)

Now let us show that the derivative of A(t) is zero.

Deriving the equation above with respect to t and z, we
obtain the useful relations

combining Eqs. (8) and (9) with Eq. (10):

(z, t))
+ Vd (t) = (Q(t

(j(t (z, t), z))
+ Vd (t (z, t))) 1
j(z, t)
(Q(t (z, t)) + Vd (t (z, t))) = S.

d[Vd (Q(t))y(t)]

= (Q(t)
+ Vd+ (t))y(t )

+ Vd (t))y(t),

Vd (Q(t))


= (Q(t)
+ Vd+ )[y(t ) y(t)].



A.2. Spacetime modelling for the plug ow zone in the

torus loop
The particle which enters the plug ow zone at the instant
in a
t = t  and transported at non-steady ow rate Q
clockwise direction must go through the plug ow volume
ahead of it, before leaving at time t. The transport delay 
is dened by the implicit Eq. (12):
) d = Vp (Q(t
Vd+ () d.


Due to the clockwise ow direction, the plug ow volume

ahead of the particle can only decrease during the route. This
decrease corresponds to the second right term of Eq. (12).



First we calculate

y(t (z, t))Sdz
dt plug f low
 Vp /S
(z, t))
= Vp (t)y(t ) +

(j(t (z, t), z))
S dz,
which becomes, using previous equations,

y(t (z, t))S dz
dt plug f low
 Vp /S
= Vp (t)y(t ) +
(z, t))

Appendix B. Material balance in the torus reactor (proof

of the theorem)
Since Vd + Vp = 0,

Vp (t) Vp (t ) =



Vp () d

Vd () d
(Vd Vd+ ) d,

and Eq. (12) can be rewritten as

) d = Vp (t)
V () d.


+ Vd (t)

S dz
(z, t)) + V (t (z, t)))

plug f low

y(t (z, t))S dz

= Vp (t)y(t ) + (Q(t)
+ Vd (t))
 Vp /S
j(z, t)

(z, t))
S dz,
and, integrating the last equation

y(t (z, t))S dz
plug f low

= Vp (t)y(t ) + (Q(t)

+ V (t))(y(t) y(t (t))).



J.-Y. Dieulot et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 60 (2005) 5544 5554

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= (Q+
V )y(t)(Q+
V )y(t)+Vp (t)y(t)

+ (Q(t)
+ Vd (t))(y(t) y(t (t))),
= (V + V + Vp )y(t ) = 0,
which completes the proof.
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