Confined Mixing of Jet in Closed Space

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J . Fluid Mech. (1990),vol. 219, p p .

531-544 53 1
Printed in Great Britain

Molecular mixing via jets in confined volumes

Boeing Aerospace & Electronics, Seattle, WA 98124, USA

(Received 18 November 1988 and in revised form 2 January 1990)

A simple model is proposed to describe the molecular mixing characteristics of a two-

dimensional turbulent jet that is discharged into a confined volume. The model,
which is based on similarity and physical considerations of only the large-scale
motions, derives the characteristic time for the problem and identifies the regime for
which the mixing will be most rapid. Results are reported for experiments where
helium and helium/argon mixtures were injected into a cylindrical volume initially
containing air. Using an aspirating probe that measured transient helium
concentrations in the volume, the mixing time was determined as a function of the
size of the confining volume and the injection parameters. The experimental results
are in general accord with the model, and validate the use of the model for the
determination of the minimum mixing time.

1. Introduction
Pulsed chemical lasers require two reactive fluids to be brought together and
mixed sufficiently rapidly so that they do not prematurely react before the laser
pulse is initiated. Not only must the mixing be rapid, but it must be complete enough
so that the mixture is adequately uniform for the laser beam to form and to
propagate without excessive optical distortion. These constraints place a premium
on rapid and uniform mixing. Most internal combustion processes where fuels and
oxidizers must be mixed together also require rapid and uniform mixing.
For a system in which a strong chemical reaction occurs, mechanisms such as
propellers t o stir the two fluids together are generally not practical. An alternative
approach is t o rely on the injection process itself t o stir the fluids. It is possible to
inject one or both reactants through a symmetric array of nozzles into a circular
cylinder as sketched in figure 1 ( a ) ;Hartung & Hiby (1972) measured the mixing in
a steady flow version of this geometry, making axial measurements of mixing for
turbulent flow along a tube. I n this case, the independent variable is space instead
of time. The mixing rate, while high in the near field, soon declines in the far field
because the symmetry of the injection geometry precludes any strong, residual,
large-scale circulation. However, if the injection geometry is not symmetric, as in
figure 1 (b), a large-scale residual circulation can be expected to persist, thus stirring
the mixture continually, even in the far field. Edwards, Sherman & Breidenthal
(1985) demonstrated that the mixing rate is maintained at a higher level in the far
field with the non-symmetric injection of figure l ( 6 ) .
The practical advantages of such an approach have been demonstrated in
chemically reacting systems; using this injection geometry, Dreiling (1987) has
achieved sufficiently rapid mixing to avoid prereactions in fluorine-deuterium laser
mixtures that were previously unstable using other mixing techniques.
t Also affiliated with University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.
632 R. E . Breidenthal, V . R. Buonadonna and M . F . Weisbach

1. Injection strategies : ( a )symmetric injection ; ( b ) non-symmetric injection.


Gas source

Solenoid valves Y

2. Schematic of experimental set-up and flow geometry.

This mixing strategy may also have applications in the chemical process industry.
Conventional mixer geometries often consist of many small parallel jets issuing from
an array of tubes (Hill 1976),but this approach has no provision for generating large-
scale circulation in order to ensure the global uniformity of the mixture.
I n this paper we study the temporal problem of one fluid momentarily injected
through a linear array of circular nozzles into another fluid already residing in a
confined cylindrical volume, as illustrated in figure 2. We are interested in
determining the minimum mixing time for cylinders of different diameters and for
various fluids (both injected fluid and the final mixture). A model has been developed
to achieve this end, and experiments have been carried out that both support the
validity of the model and permit determination of the values of the empirical
constants used in the analysis.

2. Mixing theory
2. I . Background
Molecular-scale mixing ultimately occurs via molecular diffusion across the smallest
concentration scales. However, the magnitude of the molecular diffusivity coefficient
has a remarkably weak effect on the amount of turbulent mixing (Breidenthal 1981;
and Koochesfahani & Dimotakis 1986); the primary factor is the motion of the large-
Molecular mixing via jets in conJined volumes 533
scale global vortices (Konrad 1976). For example, a factor of lo3 variation in
Schmidt number only changes the amount of turbulent mixing in a plane shear layer
by a t most a factor of two. Physical reasons for this behaviour have been proposed
as follows. The timescale of the largest eddies is much greater than that of all
processes at the smallest scales (Marble & Broadwell 1977). It follows that the rate-
limiting process is the large-eddy rotation. The weak, residual effect of diffusivity is
explained in terms of a flame sheet model, where some of the mixed fluid resides in
a thin, diffusive sheet (Marble & Broadwell 1977 ; Broadwell & Breidenthal 1982).
The flame sheet thickness, and hence the amount of mixed fluid within the flame
sheet, depends on the molecular diffusivity. However, mixed fluid also resides in
larger scale, quasi-homogeneous regions, which are themselves the result of a
merging of flame sheets. The amount of mixed fluid in these large-scale regions is
independent of diffusivity. Thus only a fraction of all the mixed fluid resides in a thin
flame sheet a t any instant, and therefore the influence of diffusivity on the total
amount of mixed fluid is weak.
The effects of Reynolds number on mixing rates in turbulent shear layers were

values greater than -

investigated experimentally (Broadwell & Mungal 1988) and found to be weak for
lo4. Analysis of the flame sheet model (Broadwell &
Breidenthal 1982) also concluded that Reynolds-number effects were small for
sufficiently large values of Reynolds number. This weak dependency of Reynolds
number on mixing rates is consistent with the above discussion on Schmidt-number
and fine-scale motion effects. It is therefore sufficient to consider only the large-scale
global motions of the fluid to postulate a first-order model for turbulent molecular
mixing for the case of interest.
2.2. Self-similar mixing
The flow is assumed to be approximately two-dimensional. Quiescent fluid of density
p initially fills a cylindrical volume of length L and internal diameter D . Along the
top of the volume, another fluid is injected through a row of identical, equally spaced
nozzles for an injection period t j (see figure 2). The average nozzle thrust per unit
length of the tube is T.This short list of parameters can be used to formulate a theory
for the self-similarity of the turbulent mixing process.
When fluid is injected into a confined volume, the largest vortices grow until they
fill the entire volume, after which (if the injection is over) no pure fluid remains. I n
the analysis to follow, we postulate the simplest possible assumption : the mixing and
the turbulence are both self-similar.
Self-similar mixing of confined vortices implies that the concentration fluctuations
decline by a constant factor at each effective vortex rotation. We further assume that
this factor is the natural logarithm base e. Therefore

where c’ and c a r e the r.m.s. fluctuating and mean concentrations of an inert scalar
respectively. n is the effective number of global vortex revolutions occurring after the
pure fluid supply has been exhausted ; it is the integral of the effective rotation rate,


where Qi is the initial value of the effective rotation rate, 8,when the vortices first
fill the cylinder.
534 R. E. Breidenthal, V . R. Buonadonna and M . F . Weisbach

2.3.Self-similar turbulence
Self-similar turbulence implies that there is no externally imposed timescale on the
flow. Therefore, t,he only relevant timescale available to the global vortices is their
chronological age t (Broadwell & Breidenthal 1982).The effective vortex rotation
rate 52 then must be proportional to l/t. We further assume that the proportional
coefficient is unity. Therefore
Q ( t )= -.
t (3)

Evidence to support, the assumptions used in deriving (1) and (3)has been obtained
in earlier experiments of the analogous spatial problem of transverse jets in ducts
(Edwards et al. 1985; Breidenthal et al. 1986). The explicit, dependence of the
concentration fluctuations on time is obtained by combining (1)-(3),
c' 1
Q,t' (4)

This equation describes the rate a t which homogenization of the gas mixture occurs
after the initial rotation rate is established.
2.4. The initial vortex rotation rate
Following the arguments of Broadwell & Breidenthal (1984),if the injection period
is sufficiently short compared to the convection time across the volume, the total
impulse per unit length I determines the resulting flow. The impulse is the time
integral of the thrust, which for constant thrust is given by
I = Ttj. (5)
Besides the jet impulse, the only other parameters of the problem are the cylindrical
volume diameter D and initial density p of the fluid in it. Using these variables, an
initial vortex rotation rate Qi can be determined to within a dimensionless constant
Qi = K,52,, 52,tj 4 1. (6)
Here Qs is the characteristic rotation rate for short injection times. From the
physical parameters of this problem discussed above, dimensional considerations

The greater the jet impulse, the greater the initial vortex spin rate SZi. The time it
takes for this initial vortex to rotate will be proportional to 1/52,.
For long injection times, the jets inject fluid into the vortices during the course of
many rotations after the vortices have grown to fill the volume. Since a steady state
is achieved, the steady-state vortex rotation rate is determined by the steady-state
jet thrust rather than its impulse. In the limit of long injection times, the initial
rotation rate 52, is proportional to a characteristic long pulse rotation rate, Ql.
9 1, (8)

Q, = K,Q,, Q,tj

where 52, = 191

from dimensional arguments. The greater the jet thrust, the greater the spinning rate
of the vortices a t the instant the injection is complete.
2Molecula.r mixing via jets in conJined volumes 535


536 R . E. Breidenthal, V. R . Buonadonna and M . F . Weisbach

2.5. Mixing times

Based on the above equations for the initial rotation rates, it is now possible to write
the theoretical mixing rate for the two limits of short and long pulse injection. We
are interested in the total mixing time, tmix, from the beginning of injection to the
instant the fluids are mixed t o a specified level of uniformity c’/F. tmix is the
measurable parameter of interest in practical mixing devices. For the short-pulse
limit, tmix is just the initial vortex spin up time K3/Q,,plus the homogenization time
from (4) and (6);so

and (c‘/qS is the specified level of mixing.

For the long-pulse case, the vortices have grown t o fill the volume well before the
jets are turned off. Therefore, the total time the two fluids are in contact before
mixing is just the injection pulse period t j plus the time to mix the fluids after the
injection is over, as given by (4), (8), and (9). Thus

tmix = tj + 1
( C ‘ I W G Q l ’
Q,t, > 1 .

Note that tmix can never be less than t,, and approaches it as Q, increases.
Inserting the appropriate initial rotation rates as defined in (6)and (8),the mixing
time is given by

Examination indicates a characteristic time

equal to l/Q,. Normalizing (12) by t , and setting K 3 + l / ( c ’ / c ) , K ,= K4 and

l/(c’/c),K,= K , yields

(7j+K5r 7; > 1,
where 7j = tj/t, (15)
and 7mix = tmix/tc (16)
are dimensionless injection and mixing times, respectively.
The above results show that the dimensionless mixing time varies inversely with
the dimensionless injection time in the short injection pulse regime, and increases
linearly with it for long injection pulses. Furthermore, these relatively simple
equations require the determination of only two empirical constants, K4 and K 5 ,in
order to quantify the mixing rate.
Molecular mixing via jets in conJined volumes 537

3. Experimental results
The experiment, illustrated in figure 2 , consisted of injecting helium or
heliumlargon gas mixtures into a close cylindrical tube initially filled with air a t
atmospheric pressure. Two cylindrical tubes of 61 and 91 ern diameter, both having
a length of 183 ern were tested. The gas was injected through a single row of nozzles
which consisted of simple bulkhead-type gas fittings equipped with cap ends into
which an orifice was drilled. Each nozzle had a solenoid valve immediately upstream
to control the injection time. Care was taken to ensure that the flow rate,
simultaneity and injection time of each valve were identical. A simple gas blowdown
system was used for the gas supply. Near-two-dimensional behaviour for the largest
scales of the injection process was assured by spacing the nozzles every A@, which was
small enough that the individual turbulent jets could merge together before
impinging on the opposite wall. The injection nozzles were operated with either sonic
or subsonic conditions at the nozzle orifices. The mass flow rates and thrust of the
nozzles were varied by over a factor of 4,and the injection time ranged from 0.2 t o
10 s which resulted in injecting as much as 20% by volume into the cylindrical
vessels. The characteristic times, t,, varied from 0.1 to 1.0 s. The Reynolds number,
based on a characteristic global velocity D / t , and scale size D , ranged from 2 x lo4
to 5 x lo5. Uniformly spaced vent holes along both sides of the cylindrical tubes
allowed the experiments to be performed a t constant pressure in order to avoid
compressive heating effects, since changes in both pressure and temperature affected
the probes used for measuring the gas mixedness. For convenience, air was used as
the initial gas in the tubes. Before each test, the volume was flushed with air, and a
stilling time of several minutes allowed for any residual velocity from the flushing t o
3.1. Flow visualization
A 25 cm diameter version of our mixing apparatus was duplicated a t Los Alamos
National Laboratory, where flow patterns were observed with schlieren photography.
Figure 3 is a sequence of photographs showing the vortex pair from the starting jet.
Note that at the instant of impingement on the bottom wall, the vortex pair is small
compared with the cylinder diameter, so that most of the fluid initially in the
cylinder remains unmixed. The vortex pair continues to grow as it reverses,
eventually engulfing the entire volume of the cylinder.
3.2. Concentration measurements
Brown-Rebollo aspirating, hot-wire probes, sketched in figure 4 (Brown & Rebollo
1972), were used to measure the helium concentration fluctuations in the cylindrical
volume during and after gas injection. Helium and helium/argon mixtures were used
for the injected gases as they provided for a significant change in the thermal
conductivity and specific heat of the air initially in the volume, and the probes were
most sensitive to these properties. The probes are normally sensitive only to the
thermodynamic properties of the gas flowing past the hot wire, as long as the Mach
number of the external velocity field is much less than unity. However, at the level
of sensitivity required for this study (concentration fluctuations of a few percent),
the probes proved to be sensitive to the velocity fluctuations induced by the injection
process. The 3 m m diameter probes were consequently shrouded with a short
extension which was filled with acoustic foam (figure 4).The shroud length was
adjusted until no signal could be detected when air was injected into the volumes.
The shrouds increased the probe response time from a few ms to about 0.3 s. This
538 R. E . Breidenthal, V. R. Buonadonna and M . F . Weisbach
Electrical leads


4. Sketch of shrouded Brown-Rebollo aspirating hot-wire probe.

- ‘mix -
6 -
1 -


8 -
G- -
- I I I I I I I I

5 . Typical double-probe signals.

long response time was nevertheless adequate to detect the relatively low-frequency
fluctuations at the end of the mixing time in our large diameter tubes. The spatial
resolution was estimated to be about 1 mm.
A pair of closely spaced Brown-Rebollo probes sampled the fluid a t one of three
locations within the cylindrical volume: top, side and bottom, +D in from the wall
and between two nozzles centrally located along the length of the volume. No
significant differences were noted for the three locations. Two probes were used so
that their signals could be correlated to help remove the deleterious effects of probe
noise and drift.
Typical traces of the output of the probes as a function of time are shown in figure
5. The helium concentration rises irregularly with time, and the fluctuations
eventually decline as the fluid is mixed to the new composition. The indicated
concentration fluctuation level a t which we chose to consider the fluid ‘mixed’ was
arbitrarily set at c’/c= 0.025, high enough to be above the probe noise yet low
enough that the fluid had achieved approximate uniformity. This instant is indicated
by the arrow in figure 5.
The results of the experiments are shown in figure 6. They are presented in terms
of the dimensionless times, normalized by the characteristic time of equation (13).
The general collapse of the data is a good indication of the validity of the model. The
two curves shown in figure 6 are from (14) with the constants K , = 80 and K6 = 5.
Although there is considerable scatter for short-pulse injection, the data follow the
general trend of the theory in the two limits. Note that the restriction that 7j4 1 for
the short injection regime is overly conservative.
In order to confirm that the fluid motions were determined solely by the
Molecular mixing via jets in confined volumes 539






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

6. Experimental results and comparison with theory: 0 ,D = 91 em; 0 ,D = 61 cm.

Lines are from equation (14).

2.0 -
1.8 --
0 .

1.6 --
1.4 -- 0

1.2 --

To top n o
t, 8 .
1.0 -- 0
0.8 -- b 00.0

ob$: ,Or

0.6 --

0.4 --
. .
0.2 -- I. .a TObottom
= a m - .a I *I

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.o
t, (9
7. Arrival time of the injected fluid to the bottom and the top of the cylinder in the
long-pulse limit.

parameters given in (7) and (9) in the two respective limits, the arrival times of the
injected fluid a t the bottom and the top of the mixing chamber were measured as a
function of the injection parameters using both bare hot wires and unshrouded
Brown-Rebollo probes. Figure 7 shows that the arrival times t, a t the bottom and
the top are both proportional to the characteristic time; for this data set tj 2 t,.
18 FLM 219
540 R . E . Breidenthal, V . R. Buonadonna and M . F . Weisbach

0 0

8. Dimensionless arrival time of the injected fluid to the bottom and top of the
cylinder: e, D = 91 c m ; 0, D = 61 cm.

Figure 8 reveals that the arrival time is proportional to t, only for sufficiently large
7j ; the transition occurring at larger values of t j for arrival a t the top compared to
arrival a t the bottom of the cylinder. Note that the transition occurs a t about 7j =
1 for arrival at the top, where the vortices have grown to nearly fill the cylinder. For
all of these experiments, the injection was sufficiently vigorous that buoyancy effects
were small.
The magnitude of the scatter in the dimensionless mixing time (figure 6) a t low
values of the abscissa cannot be explained by experimental error. I n some cases the
experimentally observed mixing time varied by almost an order of magnitude when
a run was repeated. One possibility is that the scatter reflects the spatial fluctuations
in the concentration field, either throughout the volume or from the boundary layers.
We note that the scatter is diminished in the long-pulse regime, an observation
consistent with either possibility. I n that regime, the steady jet may be less sensitive
to any residual swirl. Also the vortices from the steady jet make many rotations
before the jets are switched off. All the injected fluid except that which is injected
near the end of the pulse has had many vortex rotations in which to mix. Therefore
C ' / E might be more spatially uniform. Also, the boundary layers would be more
thoroughly flushed in the long-pulse regime. Further experiments will be required to
identify the precise cause of the scatter.

4. Minimum mixing time

The above analysis and experiments show that the dimensionless mixing time,
7,ix, is a unique function of the dimensionless injection time, 7 j , and that this
function displays a broad minimum a t 7j x 4, is inversely proportional to 7 j for 7j <
4, and is proportional to 7 j for r j > 4. This unique dependence can be used to
determine the minimum mixing time, given a particular set of constraints. The
remainder of this section is a simple demonstration of how this can be done.
Molecular mixing via jets in confined volumes 541
For combustion applications, it is typical to fix the chamber diameter and final gas
composition. To proceed, we choose to specify the mass fraction, /3, of injected gas
desired in the final gas mixture, which is given by
p = m >
where pf is the final density of the gas mixture and m is the injected mass flow rate
per unit length. For simplicity, but without loss of generality, we assume that the
injection orifice nozzles are choked and pressure matched. Then the jet thrust per
unit span is ma*, where a* is the choked speed of sound of the injected gas. The
expression for the characteristic time, (13), becomes

t,= -

Combining (17) and (18) results in a simple relationship between t, and tj:
t: = C,Dtj, (19)
where C, is the gas composition parameter defined to be

Equation (19) indicates that the relationship between t, and t, is determined by the
cylinder diameter D and the gases being mixed, with a weak dependence on
temperature through the sound speed a*. We can now proceed to solve for the
minimum mixing time, given a final desired gas mixture and volume diameter; i.e.
holding C, and D constant. Application of (19) with (14) and (15) gives

This equation is equivalent t o normalizing time by a characteristic short injection

time equal to l/Qs.The data are replotted in this format in figure 9. The lines are
calculated using K4 = 40 and K , = 5. (Note that the value of K4 was changed from
80 in figure 6, to 40 in order to provide a better fit to the data displayed in the format
of figure 9 and figure 10 below.) Figure 9 shows that the minimum mixing time
x 40C, D . Theoretically, this minimum mixing time is independent of the injection
time in the short-pulse regime; however, as a practical matter, t o avoid large
variations in the mixing time (indicated by the large scatter in the data for the lower
values of tj), the optimal injection time is taken to be 16CgD. The corresponding
optimal characteristic time is given by 4C,D. Knowing the characteristic time, the
optimal gas injection system can then be designed. To summarize: the optimal
conditions (denoted by * ) for minimizing the mixing time for a pre-specified final gas
mixture and cylindrical volume diameter are given by
tA, = 4CgD, (22)
lj= 16C, D, (231
imix = 40C, D . (24)
542 R . E , Breidenthal, Ti. R. Buonadonna and M . F . Weisbach



0.1 1 10 100 1000


9. Comparison of theory and experiment with C,D normalization.

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14

c, (s/m)
FIGURE 10. Explicit dependence of minimum mixing time, imix,on composition parameter, C,, and
cylindrical volume diameter, D. Averaged data points: 0 ,D = 91 em; 0, D = 61 cm; lines are
from equation (24).

The most important result is that the minimum mixing time depends only on the
final mixture composition and the cylinder diameter D t o the first power. One might
have expected the diameter dependency to follow one of the characteristic rotation
times, which go as D3 and Dffrom (8)and (10)respectively, or as the volume per unit
Molecular mixing via jets in confined volumes 543
length, which goes as D2.Our result suggests that mixing in large cylinders can be
much more rapid than might have been anticipated.
A plot of experimentally measured minimum mixing time, tmix, as a function of C,
is shown in figure 10 for the two cylinder diameters investigated. The values for C,
are corrected for thrust effects due to either subsonic or sonic and overexpanded
injection nozzles. The data points are averages of about 5 runs each, with the typical
scatter from one run to another indicated by the extent of the vertical line. The
straight lines represent (24). The data generally agree with the model, although a
wider range in D would be desirable for a more rigorous test.

A simple model for gas species mixing in a circular cylinder via a row of transverse
jets has been developed which considers only the largest-scale global motions of self-
similar vorticity and turbulence. The fine-scale motions, while ultimately responsible
for the mixing a t the molecular level, are not the rate-limiting process, and can
therefore be ignored. Faster mixing is therefore promoted by investing the energy of
the jets in the large-scale motions. Because of the existence of an intrinsic
characteristic time for the large-scale global motions, two limiting mixing regimes
exist, depending on whether the gas injection time interval is much less or much
greater than the characteristic time. The minimum mixing time is shown to depend
linearly on the product of the cylinder diameter D and gas composition parameter C,.
Experimental results using a Brown-Rebollo aspirating probe are in accord with the
model, and permit determination of the appropriate constants so that the model can
be applied to practical mixing problems. The model can easily be modified for
application to other volume geometries and injector configurations.

The authors would like t o thank Los Alamos National Laboratory for suggesting
the problem. The mixing apparatus was designed by Harley Mann and Bob Bardon.
Glen Peterson helped in conducting the experiment and in optimizing the probe.
David Dowling contributed useful comments on the manuscript. The schlieren
photographs are courtesy of N. Roy Greiner and Richard Heaton of the Los Alamos
National Laboratory.

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