Cbse Ugc Net Paper 1 June 1998

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~ET c<>minLiun

1"1 All P'-"t-~ra,hruLc> c'n t:!l<e ::10 '.J[T

(d! "'lo n1i1er ge11cy i< condLJcun~ f'.~ l '""

Uire<!iono: ;his P"P"' ,o'""'''' ,liiH (JU)

''"d1 'l'"'"''hm <'lii'IT.'m~
"'"' '2! m~r!..r. Att'"'"f'' all r~) ''"""'
L rmrpiete the <erie<


7. '.\'hich ofthe

R1!;1lt, RI11L R1gh1. Loll, ldc !.<>1. Loll.

(d) Left, I dl, Righ1. !.ell, R.Ll,\11~ !.dt,
3. lt th tll1M rl~;e nf a month ;, Suudoy, "hot
dato "'Ill ~- three rlay< f:or lhc fnun 11
'<l'ednosday m th m<>nth'1
f'! 24
{CJ 29
iriJ lfl
4. rnx4-15.7,;~.wan0::6\.'~-"'h"
--.ill~ > 4 bi'
(") 24
1) 2fi
5. ! .t.rt wi!h L < whicl: m tfle following
sequence ,,f npc,.linn< will n:>t end -..Jth l:'i.
ra.J -35+6-0-2
rl!) -8+tx4~1i-+-~
rc) -2>3-+-6-5 >6
/d) x2-+-6 32-l
oi. Wluoh of' 1M follo,.ing mfcr<uoe ,.,;,-ed at
fmiTI !lie lnfotmanon ~rvcn ;, tcue~
Information: NET le>l ;, coHdtlc<ed fur postgraduote<.
J.S a po.<:t-~raduato, o hr should
ha>e takon the exanutlllUon
fb, Kon,alo is a gr.>duste. Sbe cam;lOt take the



'" !::'"""'

:I.DSIHJ" 2f0Up;

{a! 47 282
rb! 66 360
{c. n-182
!d! 51-0
8. '"LootJssOl.'lu< Dor<i" i; siruat<d at
(a! Low<r le~
rb) Thigh
(<I Ba'k
rd! l'pper .'um
q. The ResptWion of rh cell ;, .con/folk~ hy
M LimoiQm<
rb! Ne1deus
1<'1 Ga]g1
ra) Mitochondrb
W~!ch of 1he follo--.m~ ,; .:ailed 'n>O<lOT






'"' "

ofor_w~r ~roup





2. Wh<eh of tl1e followmg sequon1": !"Jrns Will

h:u<i <>LI< to end with fu'mg til< >omo du<tl!Ul1
., u,~ b<~aullng'.'
'a! R1ghc. Righi. Len. Lei\, R.Lpt. Lefl.
R1gh!, R;gil!
b! R!;h,, Tell, R~lll. LdL Loll, 1\igh<, Lett.


do not n,we tht c~rr.~wn ~rup<rtv shared b}

one parr< m tl1c que<tmn -~roup'
Qu.,.tlon 2roup:


>.Jo "'ot: _ )\'oble: Number

'"! '-loot
(h} Novel
i,_J .-..:U!l
(d! Nu"e

(, P1tu11a!)'
'r.fl ofth; .tOO\ e
1<1 llonod
II. Til< Lordom "alo oall<d
1~1 Ruc'Tid back
(hi Holle~ bad.
I~ l.ut"ral O."k
12. Ptllbulll L>
1"1 fh<: pam ol"on obJ<et pro10<tod mto fn"

Pmh of the ,>hJeCI fnnnd wLtl1 "" ,.,,_

r;J f'>llh of the <lhjCcl fali:n~ WrtlC!ifl~ duwn

from the air
(d) None of the ~>o<e
13. The terms l{e!l ;md Monon are sh1di<d under
(o) Btochemt&try
(b) .~n.atnmy

(ci B1omechanios

rd! All of the obow

J4_ ff all men are mortal. :111d 1f Rama " a man
R;una is '-.lso nwttll.
("} The P'"ml<e" m" ond lM conci!Js!On JS

(a) R<lnru wllh nn"th'" h""'

'"' I''""""">< Uue and lhe COIW:Iu"on ;,

1'.'1 He
fal -

]<;_ lfP i< toue, Q i< true_ lf"P is tb.l<e, Q" fol<e

Tloi< oclal"'" ill l''"l'"'-'ition L'

!h) equl\olent


it) '"r,."'"'""Y
Mj contndiotory
16. If DIG ;, 'eded "-' 49i, deoode the expre>Slon

/tiJ I F~F
fd Bl'.FF

rb) BEED
!d) fffiAD
17. Redollloe statomem ghen below

Lflhc "lalorncnl i< o foci

"Person,; eduoated through a fo,..ign longuage

"'" '""' 'v be unpatnotl<."' M:ttk ill the

rcspullse &l.,ct:


ibJ tflllc state"'-=';, an dio"


lei tf the sttJtommt is "TI opiniun

ld; <f the >t:Jtomr:nt is a prcjuolit<
IK Which of the fulluwin~ ;, '-:OT ihe oequi<e:nenl of a h)'l'othesis' !1 shmJIJ
Ia) be ba,.d on face;

be :on::etvablo
'<) contra<hct lh< knowloJgo uf nlmc
(d) ollow consequences to be deduced frum il
19. for a proposmon rob< lf1lC ''is




it <hould ha>< aU or !he follov.lllil ch;uactom


it nm." h:: objective


it mu.<' h:: in tunc wnh .ccepd behefs

(c/ it mu<t h:: con.<>31l:nt
rd! it must be r<lfollk
20. Sowal reform aims t
r~J Chang;,ng bask valu"" of the wctcty

("bngl!lg <he norms of the group


Chongmg the



(d) Chont"'8 the h>hil5 of the mdL>iduals

21 . . F""' chihloe., ore >lm.ed 0} a fLfth one. 11!1
rhc-., IUw ~loildie~ react Jlffeiently t(> oho
ub..,;e .md the wa;~ m whkh the) react arc
io<ted below. Which one of !he reoctions >hov."'

tlte m:mmum emonon'l marurity>

(0/ if the tJtcmem ;, a fact


(hi tf the ,l,lomcn' ;, an

(r) i r the '"''mcn< ;, @1 t>pi:l:ort
(./1 ,(the >l'ltrn>cn i! PITJL~:"
Si~lont<Jt!: D..dinc of tho B:Ltish omp"'
<honld hvc re><Jltd 1hc dec:'"' ,r [n~;;.h

H. 11te;e "~ t"-'" hwwhc' of b"'"" The llr,~

huncl1 ofh''""" ItO> um third'"''''" b"'"""'
tho\l the ""'""ml h.rmb l'lhc <cutdbuoch h>>
1 bon"""' ie thc.r.thc flf"31 ht,c;,, 1-.uw mo~



~~- B<luw ;, ~"'" n <tllOrnenl. M"~


(c) 'J'ho pronm< '-' fol<e >nd the t<>ntlomon"

(/,,' ilHn< """~ from h< >c-.:nc

(r") Kecr> >1knl
(rfl Git<5 wm t< tho >tluH!Jon wtlh humour







(b) The,; fal.'ie and U,. LOnt!USJOn


banana< ho:,
(OJ 0
(c) 12

r."' lwrwh"'

f/,J Q




J4. 1\ and !l
fi nm tl;c ;,m, pi"'" :"nr tlr<
dostina<in" ""'' thoy I~ :h. '"m' '""''" .
>ton> t 3 00 A.M 8nd he dri' c> " a >p<cd ._. f
40 km p<"T hour. B >'.am 1 I 0 t)(o ,\.M nl he
drive> "' u >pccc uf ;o k1cl 7r h.>Ur Wh>tt
<1-.oul,l he lite oli,<~n' h.twowo .0, ml ~ "'

II 30 A :'vl. 0
f{r) IHm
(b! 2< km
(c) 35 km
I<'! 1~ l<m
l5. A noJ F\>trl fcum <he '-'IIIIC plocx fur Ihe'""""

ond U:ey take the sante ro;<e ,\

starb at 8 00 A.M :rnd he dri>os a< a >;><od of

40 bn per hwr. JJ '~"" "~.\ill A.M. """ h

dnves ala speod of 50 hm per hu>:1. Hu.o totu<!J
t11ne will B :.k< t~ cu:ll up A".'
(o) .; he;;
i/o) ~ hr>
(c) ~liB
(d) 0 hr>
Zb. l.ommUJuco~ou \>olll 0< "llCctJ>c
(u) 1! 11 is Jdl\cml ;lowly om! clearly
(/;) 1f ll" Jch\-crctl m ~ e.<lm "'"atln~
(c) 1f ll I"-'<hc' rhc rocol\er r:o!Tpletely
[d) tf J! reache< the r<L<iver a> c:!<encterl h\ the


27. Corr=nioation m

~" ch<<~Of>m

.,.,,., lo:l'


tho students :uo ill:tt!em;oe

(b) the tcachcr '' :nonnUlH.>c> m Lichmm~

tlrc "'"'"'age

>ru~ont> ha>~ nu mlc-r<:>t m the \eon

bam of 0111pmcl c\"ldcnce

(OJ to accept bd!'my m the <eo~e lt.r tm-

k~L~ IRU~ht

much nni> in ;utd around t~IO

(CJ to accept o:; l>o finl trulh
(dJ oot to occept o.n~lhmg that "MT pet>Onal
I)" ><di'd

ZH. l'lw.:.h of~'"



,.;n mk comrrnnica-


(o! ( >Jning jokes tn berwom
11>1 t-""2 m11\n-.<en>or:: >ppe.l
~rknc "irh high uth<>rity
Telling what is useful to the lisr.Tiers
19. Teachi;,g will be effi:ctive if!M troch.r
lo.1 is ma<1or of the subject



3S_ lo lnsloer "'""'""" reoe:moh and "'

two dofte,enL ""'""'"'thai
(a.' cannot gu to~cLh<r
(b) can go, 1f at all, ""IY in >C'JUt"n!,al order
(c) can go togethe
(d) c"" go tugetl<eJ only I 1tw -cxpcmc of
eaclo ,,.),.,,

ib! hos much expenene< in teachlng the sut.-

Uirecti<>m: Rewl tOe)lllwM '"!! {'tmgrlJpit.< uJJ.i

ondic~!e lite 'w""''

"'"-K'"- "-' ,.,.,.;, c,J.I"' !!"""'''"

16 !O 19
Taxooomy can be de;.::"bd " '"" ~d,ly
clllssific"ion or orgonmm accn"lin~ to thm
presumed natural relaOO!L<Illp<.1inee ,li;tj,.l
are UJYOh'ed Ftr''- eoch sped" 1nu<1 b~ ioJ..'niLfic<l.
de<cnbed oru:l named_ Second, each 'I"";.,, ;, pl,.-d
m Lts correct phylogenellc po<itin" oel""" tu ulhcT





"""-'from what student< lalow alretldy

(dj o<e< many mstructional a;d.;
36. A college teacher will really help the students
when <be
(a) thctate; note< m the olM<
(b) is Obi<ollve in her evaluaMn
(c) rnoonmg sbldents to osk qnllnn<
(d,' covers the <yll>bn< romplt'tely rn the cia<<
31. 1;1.rmclt ;, "1h< mare demable Olll<:anle of teaching"' hi~heo educ01inn?
(a) lnore.,;e in studtmo; achOevement
(iJ) lno<ease in tl>e level of tndependent thinkill& ofstnd011o;
(c) Hi~ftor pc..-ccn~gc uf"-'"nlt
(di la"'""'" in the nJmhr of >tudent< wftu
upt fur tho >ubjt>et
32. 1N1llch uf tbo fulluwin~ >tat<mcuts l"'s tl1< !u~h
probabi~ty of berng correct "' applictl to
Ingber education"
Ia; All 'Indents cannot learn and so II do nol

Tiurd, keys or otl1e, '"""'" ,.1[.,,.;,~ :[,,

identificallnn of <f"'OIC' h~ lllln-t""""'mi>l> nee~ to
be prepared_ To <II'UL'e epro.l.,oihihty '""
generali7.atio, tha: fnrnt th< f,.omokion uf al: 50und
h>logical <tudie.. a sound '"'d''""'"liu~ "' "lllh:,e




I c)





(u) tit'"' ;,


(.:J Ill<

lbi Allotudents co.n learn but all do not learn

(c) All >tudtm"' oan loam arul >u U hm


(d) AU stndonts cannot loom

h"t It "'""' In

JJ, A teacher hos to h<

(aJ otto<! <hsciplillanau

{b) well """"'dIll tho sul>joc1
(C) a CottllDUO~S [oamer Ill tho >UbjO<l

(J) >}1ll)llhelic towards slow learners

34. Our'> <tlllude towards knowledge <hoold 1><

M to "'""~'' w!Jat LS p~o-ed by <~roce ou llle

"fil""" ,:cp; is rrquin::d

Ropn,.luo ihilily-1 e he poknt,al lor 1noth~r
"urlwr lu "1'""' , picl'' vf wmk-i; iimda~1er.:ol t~
,\\ "'"'"liftc n,corch. aoJ. wl.cthco lhe ..hs<:lplm< "
biud-.cmistry. ph:~~logy or occ]ogy th< tdentny u:
lhc >peclc> 51u&d is ""ennol LnformolloJ:.
Obm-vaioru. of themsehes, are of ltttl vo~uo t~
;;:ie~cc Onl: when fact> are !a:od 1n a prof>=r
'onlext <:'-'! generoltzOOOII$ t>< cr too tee:!. From
tho ubscr.-cd >imilaritics and difference borv,-eon the
<h.die<l 'P'CiO> nd dvoe!y rolotcd or dm""ll)"
oe\.r.,,1 >p<oi.,, llw 'ipullcm: of the obso:';od faciO
con he di<c'""''l "'"l nwrc on~~rlc gcnml=uon
dcvdupt>.J Sou~J loXQoorny. thrn. IS a "'IICOI
pronoqni,it< of th<: v.o'k of tl ~wlogicol memm>.

As w<il"

it>''""'""' functio11



phe; lhruu);h the ddmcil""" nf phylngenrtk reiaIIUIlup> "'lhm nol between ~mup<. the ~,;ic ~MC
lot develuprn~ ""d l~>lln~ '~'"' <>n paltem anrl



,>6. Hu" dno..-. Ta,ono>rny holr ;,. Rio~oo~rophy 0

(a) It ~uarmtoes proper in.dcntification of
(b; It discl!orges a ervioo function
(c) It '~pp~es the basic data for developing
ond testing specifi<: ideas
id; It helps in relating mao to the ph~~1cal


other focts

lo) they are not systemanc ond are therefore

not amenoble to SCientific interpretation


id1 they con be gtven meaning onlpfthey ore

ro!J.:cted b~ a sctennst
38. Wh1oh one of the foll0Wl11,1! ''the closest tatemont of the control Idea of lhe passage?
(oj J axonollllc clamllcotton ta n<""'Y for
the tdenttticol!<>n <>f the
{b) Reprt>dueiblliry and gener.>lizat:lon are th
h""ic criteria fur JUdg"'& me value of
'ckntific rnoard
I<) Taxonomy pro.,dcs the l<>r the
pl&ecmont of observations Ln me rightper-




speo::ti\e for gcncrol!7.anon

!d) Jt i very ne<:<SS>r)'to Lindentand well !he
'''T" in taxonomic dassificalmn in order

tu cunducl scie.,tific rc.<eard1 m ~inlngtcal

39. '.>'hal infunnation is cunside.-00 "''""ltial for

wl!bont munllil:t, rcligoon '""""' ,~-,,;,~, Jrue

rno<'lily ouv<ro rc'i~iun i'<>.r the- "''''' ~"" .'>~yon<
who ob'"""' Lho ]av.> m- mt=lLt; ~'" lm OI\'Tl sak<
arul nut ''" '".V il'lfi1h end '"'" ho; rcgard<d as
rchgwus There =men >n Ru" "'ho <ie<'cote the;r
liH> tc t'>c good of tha oounfr'.'- ~udt mon ore ttuly
moral. A man like]_ Uenth&rn. who d";o,ereC mo.ny
go<>d pnn01ples for "Eoglis!l leg,S:ton, mod ,.ery
hud to spread eduootiO!l among the ~-<lgllsO nd rook
a promonont pa:t tn tmpromg th< cond,ton o:
pnwno". m1y b< :-egardod os troll' non"'(
Be:OOes, ;, ;, 'mk of1de1l -nonh:' :bat It IS no I
~'OOu~h to follow lhc rroddo<J P"'' \\'L oHgb lC
follow Lho ~a.h which we know to hem". "'heti',e' !I
to fom1har or urtf:mtilior to "' Io ~t''" wot d;. wllon
we know a porttcutar path to b< th, ;.~ht on ""'
should'"' out on It w!thout feoc_ '''' oan progre"
only if we <>bsm ~'' lows of ntorolty t:1 :hLS waj,
Jhot"' why 11""< morol1ty, tme <"'lh?attnn ;;nO 1n1e
progr"' a!co al.,.ays to be found ;o;.gether
eJ<orlline our.,.,,.,., wo 5.11oll ""' thai \ICO ao
not w"lt for whot we hav already. Wo llwoys ,-olu<
""'"'thO< "'htoh we
bo. Llu< :lest"' or< o:
two ktnds: cne " the pC~Isu:r of mere >elt-mtemt. 1o
an~mpt to fu:fil !hi ktnd of des:re" tmmorol. 1 llc


37. "Obs<'rvlllwns, of them.;c!ves: ore of lntk

value to S<ience" bocausc
laj they""' 1vithout any purpo><:
lbj for generalizouonthey have tc be related


pmoe" ond m


ln !h~ ~voluMnory



r1:seanob [n Life Scion0<< 0

I<V Hypotheses regaroling species
I~! R"Jl'od..,cibility of specie<
Ic) G.:nomhzability of >pocies
(d) I axonomic cla,ifocanon of spe=s
IJ<Ircctlons: /lead tile. fo/lowmg [XJ><age ll!ld

l!idlcak lile <.Wi"<'CI answer ofrhe ques/lrm.< 40 w 4J:

'I be c\illent view of morali<y are not of o
hlgh order, some ~elieve !hot IIl()ralrty ts n.ot
someUung qwte essentiaL Other thllll; that ther< is
nn relnnn OClw""" rehg.ou and mmali'). But on
"'"nir.atinn of tho world'" rdig1om hm"' that



olher tmpels us constantly 10 imP'""' <>urSelvos rmd

ro do good to o-.bns. We h<>uld never be<Oll"
owerweenUll'; wnh any omour.t oo got>d thot we oc:uolly l<mgm~ 10 become bett<r and do mm<: gmd
True mo,..ll!)' cons;s!> '"our dli>rt to rcohz: >uoll
II we have r.o ltmm: or lal:<olv nl" uUL OWio, t'1a1 ''
tootl,ing to lx- ..J,.md of nnt i r ""],a,< a I ,,.nc ond
ah~> iL, or ov:n b<~,inn> >ud P"'-'"" fr.w<l- we
""Y '""" 11,. f">'lo ofm''"lit; \lor.lily co~"''' m
doing what we ou~k In Jo We ta~ pwvc ~'" need u'
murdlily thwuJ>h- ' few illu,lrotwns D.strucuan hJS
been tho lol of people or f=~l1es ju whtch L'le seed;
of unmoralj!y, such as dJS:m:ty OJ:ri llllTilllf, wetc
folllld. To Illke an exarnp!o fwm traJe aml bminc".
we do l!Ot <.'l>me acru" a >m~k pc1>un "~" -..ill <a)'
durt Ulilh should nN be JUIIowcd. 'I he d:cct ,-,+JUSOce and goodness "uat fd< frum v'""'"'" th"o
qualtne O<e in~eoem jn "'-!'our h~ndled yar> o~o.
much injustice il.lld unm-:1 ~reva~ej '" i:'u,up<, >u
tllal pmplc mniU nut rc" "' peace "'"" lur

mon>ent. The ''""'" of th" tate ofaffurs wa th.t

th people h>rl "" mo,l We r.nrl that th~ ""~mpt tn
do good to mankind is the higho<t morality. ff we
op;n the trea<ure-home of momlity ,..,,;, thi< l<ey, "'
shall find in it all the other princtplcs.
40. Aceordio~ to the author,"'" should follow



46. The urbm c>:iucgted and tonost poop I "' e '"'~

resemed by

Tbe trodd<n path



(b) Univctsal re!!~1oo

(c; The unt1nrul!arpath

(d) L3ond~
Uire<tioao: O'eo rl1~ graph '"""'" l>do,, ""
Infant Moral fly Rau"' India and mu"'"'' '''" liom
./7 M )0. based O!f rll!.! gapil.
I~C~NT "COT<" TV " " ' IN ONI>l< ,.. . . . . .

J ..

! "

ldJ Essence and hpenenco

4J. The author soy< that
raJ the good we do should dol be m""'""'" by


fbi we should not th!nk of evil

(c) we should gtve up our effort at a '""''"in


,, ' '

' '


cd by tho area


(d) 6









47. \11hich of tho followmg stolrn10nt about the

inf"'lt mortahty rnte m lnd" "<rue0
Ia) The rate uf lnd1a " a whok wa> the high""' in the }O:ar 19'lC
fb) The rrae of!rnita., a whole w
tho year 1996
1~! Th<: "'"' for tlto rural lnd1a ""' the lowost
in the year I W5
id) Th<: rot< fot the rurnl Indio hll remamed



44. Th< urban .00 cdu<:oted po-oplo

{<.) 3



!di we hould do a wo think
Dlrootions: SlUii)' rhe fo/Wwing _filfl<re canjUI!y
and""'"'"' the qu<rtiMS 44 10 46




,'" ''"



(d) 'lh< moe p31h

41. Dcsrre >< JJIIrnoraltf it><
(a) ; longm~ for wlm one hi!<
M a kongm~- fnr "'h"' one seos
(c) o P'"-'"it of 'elf-intere"
(dJ """"'"P""iod hy lack of self control
42. An appropriate tilk for the p>lso~e "ould h<
Ia) Monility anJ lrruno"'lil)'
fb) The Ideal Morality
lc) Good .00 Evil





45. The hcnesl ><~d edu<al<d ~eo pie "' e o<pn-s<:nteol by l~c """'
"'I I
ib) 4

1988 to 1996
4!1. Whiob of the followirlg stotcmerm can be
inferred ll-om the above graph'!
(i) Infant mortality rate '" highor m rural
;m"'s than iD urban areas.
fii} The hiJ;It<:r
<>lc w lwlt d> a
whole i> Uno tu t~e l1i~her mun,]ity !ilt< m




r(!) On oho whok <be "'" in urban lf<a "

gomg d<>"n


5D. Whioh of the follo"mg s!aoement" tnfemJ

from lhe abo,c GJoph'
(l) Infant mortality mtc JS :owor 1:1 urbon
orcas Ill= in rural""'"
(n) Tho morta~ty ra,. m lr.d~> ., o wltole
'' lower duo to moEallly '""' ~~ ru~al

''""I; is !ru<

(a! only


urbon """"
'"! (,
rb1 (0.'1 only
rc! Kcitbcr {1) :wr (Ill
rd! Uoth (!)and ''''
49. 1\olnch of the to!lowmg sta1oments about the
:uflnJ momlny race "dcfulltol~ wrong'
~'"' O>o:- Ihc ~can; th' rate Er. rural :u:<os ho
no: n:duc'd tc aS"" oxtmt
li" In the year 199: the ra in 1mb h"'
Jeccea..d oon"derobl)
(< 1 fiLe mfom mortalt: rate in urban area was
loW<>< tn the year 199;i

(b) only (!1/" true

(cJ both (JJ and (i!J ore true

(d) nciilier (l) nor (1.')" trur


l.]b): Wor& ore arranged m the order altho die


expla!lotl(]n "' given <'-flier m other





3. fd): Sunday" on J. hrst \~edr.:e"lay wtll boon

G. Fourth Wcdr.:<5day W!U boon 6 7 + 7"I =nth of 11< month 27 - .<- JO
4.(a): 5'(4-1)-15,



5. (-): Th~ ~""'""" ,. "ton~ beoouoe
'~ !II< lour re.pon>e 0115Wer5 does llOi
'urrli1 m the questton.
6. (c): t\ET LeO! " c-oudu"'"l (or aU post ~>aduates
occoJthll~ 10 ll.!e rnlorrnotton.
7.fd): All thcp.m.< m the quosnon group have
'>Omc conumm l~ur bul.e<w JS noi lilC

olpftabeticol order and :ht U >mal nnmkr>.

17. (d): SN: d1o pmviou3 quo,hcn P'P'""
18. {t): Hypothc>i' ,buuld be m "''"<>rcloncc -..,th
the known faots boelUS< tmaginaEY vari

abies of the bypothes13 nn not b<

19. (d): Te!lobtlity i> the charocterisoco of '

b}"pothe"' J>ot or a proposnion.
W. (a): W~en bom values of the W<Jety "'' Jl
stake ocwl !efo!l1le" come tmo ac1ion and
try ro bnn~ about some ome!eor.mon :n the

21. (c): See the previoll'i e:<annrumon paper..
22. (d): It ES a PK'""~:ce again>~ Eugl"h ];mguo~<
wtthout coru:1dering '" usefullness m

today, ,re.

23. (c): Suppooe second

ll buncll has '


ll. (d):





II., a


1st buncb-


8. ttl):
9. (tl):

12.fal: A bullet Hred lfom a gu~ goe ill o pa~o

ho;Lc patlr.
14. (a): It 1> the corrcot ml"cm:cc from tl1c prcmi>e>.
Sc-.: U1c pr<Vtou <XlWUilUllon pop<r olo.
15. (b): ,,.., pr<nou quest1011 paper>.
16. {r): 2 - B. 5 ~ and f - 6 aooordm~ to the





lbwJOh-9-> \2
Time fo' A - 11.)0- & ~ 3.30 brs
Time fot B - 11 30-9 = 2.30 hTS
Di>IOILCc covcrod b) A= j



-"l km>.


only 1>;. ympa!holto troatm'"' ~~ the

- 41l ~ I n kmih more


rime reqmred ro caleb-" =


10 = 4 hrs.

M. (d): If communiCator " able tu g~l .WI :mtlor

umk,tood to lhc n=ivcr what he intends
lo tlo he w1ll b<' d""cnbcd "' an oft"emve
27. (b):

28. (d): l'rilny and interest of the Ieamer hnuld

always be taken into account by teacher m
lh d ....
l9. (eli Kno"led.o,e of bock ground of students ts
very necessary m order to malo! the l<a<h
ing offecnve. Thi< ts tb pnnc1ple of Gestalt

30. (b): ObjeCI:IVJty <>f evoluatinn ts mor< ~mp<>rtant




!he rudcnt for quoJtioning bocaugc at




lllcmschcs ask




10 plead f'>r ttuth


moroUy bll>ed untruth and eiJie>Sno<s.

4Z. (b):

43. (d).
44. (d): llrban is ;., tho tnangl< and educarod " '"
the crrdc. The only f~ur< r<prcstnllng th<
tw<> ;, 6.
4S. (<): HOlieS! is tn the mangle ;;nd oducat<d "m
the cirde. The only tigur< repres.nting the
two;, only 9.
46. (a): I " the only fi~ure whtch IS m cude,
triangle and re<:tangle it.IL
4~. (b): Infant morta.!t;; tn lnda " o who:c wos

lowest in


48. (o): Morta.llt}' rate tn !lltal areas ;, htghct tb.,

that m urbon oreos thu tolol higher mntlAhry rate is du~ 1<> rural area
49. (b): Tbero is not a comtdcral>lc
mor1Aiicy rate in 1995. h ;, Ihe""'""' it was in
the prevtom )""'50. (a): 11 condnion cn not he <hwn r"'m tho


31. {b):
32. (b): Only tl><:>se who can !cam in higher cd"""
tion getadmi"ion in thoso: ds<> but 11 of
thom do IKII do "" becau.;e of vorioo> n:-son:;
)3. (d): Tho p[()bl<m of>low learning em be rolv.d

4(1. {d): The uthor ;,

<!age enoouragcment for qucsMrung is




m higher

le3Chlllg md re<oarch can go >!de by ;,de




J~. (o): A l!Ue 1eacher " alwa)> a '"'"""her So



= 125 l:ms.
Su lhe distan<e from/\ to .B = 140- 125
- 15 kms.
(b); B ;, 40 km behind A and hJS socod ;,

tea~her w the doss.

34. (a): Only that knowle<J~' >hould he arcep.ed
which .s ba.ed 011 >Cicntific and emv.rtcal



[)monee cm-crcd hy l'l- 22 50

de'"'""' '"

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