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Self Assessment Paper-3

run~ Allowtd , 3 houi,, Mwn,um M .ults: 80

8-1/ng n,,,,;, MJ/1io1,a/ rlf/lml .\11-

)l,c, - .0.-1..wliomtl frftr.,,, ,,,mu1ts:1,-,,. o,,11 rm;b,,g 1k "'""'""' ""'"'
~ 11utJI NOT ,Mrt 111rtlm,'<l lbnH.;,: feiJl't( lurittt..
/1" Jn.W 11,J,, tlmr -th»tr •"" Ir,,, u ,pati,,,,,t"' all
All 'I"'>'""'• nrr t1'ffl/ll1L1n~ A,,,a\"r •II ~l,ol-,.
s,,•//011 A M<.,,,,.,• ..,,,,.,., 11,lil<li urr ,,.,., j/(o,I u11-•w ll""'JICIO" Ea-I, lfW>/11111 (>J,r~ I ""1t
l~lrtlr IIUttrtptfJJ,f 1\111l tiptt. o.uitt Q»alioui It, Sdlldl• i\ IN" 1r,r ,i,qmrtd tJJ n-rikcttll1 ONE ,,pn,w tH, , ,.. lfU.RJ.ff
~/nu B '"'-• ds/,1- .,.,,,.b<>M1'lhJd, .,.. ,/~ti ,m,uw -,w,cliou, E..h ~ ,ffl'l'll> 4 t1Mfn
s«titm C 1-J-r ,p,,stlatu tdmh "1t lmi;g """"~ q,..,,_, &cit ,ptt,ban atm!!i. 3 w.rtb.
lulunnl ,lto1<0 l,m,"'"' ~ "' two tp1mloM m 5«11- B end m - qwstion Ju S«tmn C
11,, 1nlt11iltJ 11'iri.<}Of ~""'ll•ll• ""'~-in m1tl.m I/.

Sectloll•A L16ma rksl

1.. (l) B.k,:;,r h> tho ligutt ,,;vm bEl<iw md td,ruity lhe R')Oc!JI. <, luch II conk! ~ - t."" tollowin)\ opb""1 !!TI;
~ d l n g l (11
l•l J!it~
tbl Roi"•
It) Rdt4,•a11<11
(d) "nti<t1•"'
Ill/ Um;u,i; bo><lffhi l•• UUI<'~ ol ,,illtt wh<:11 th<- pria, QI rotte.. W<nl up IVbi<h
la..'Ult 0{1...-1,ng 1ho d"1m1N! c,,n~<liol»ffvcd In lhi> ._1 [Undentmdu,gJ 111
l•I l'utut~ Pri"' ~ 0 t. I q IH
tb) ln<tune ~I thc,mq,..,...
(c) l'tlreofS11b,;titute Coed..
{d) I ~ <•f Compldrlfflwy eo..ctt.
tlill JV. whn:h potnl \\'Ill ii>!' t»nAUXIO >ll.loln cquihl>num 11nd wl\y7
I•) /II pl!h\l 0 •• th<- M.lr),'in41 um~,. b "'!11•1 l u lh• Prl<r lhc « 1------- - - - --l'
tbl /11 f">lnl 8,.u II rut< U M , ~ Uhllt~ curw ln1u 1woh.,J,..,,.
le} "'-f"'ln!Ca>cll,.,mn,umerwillbehauns1ruuiim,umoonsumpuon
of 11,., a,mmodtly.
tJl Al. pain1 C: as 111<: co"'1lll>e Will ,;nc a t.lt or amoun1 tma1 his !--_ _ _ _ _ __ , . , _ ~ - -•
budl;,ll1. IAt1• l~J 111 M~u..rntllV
(lw) A.rplt> "'• i_upf'IIM' 11f.-wtdc ,d,lck,I In l,1..!ta, Obtll"'<' lh< plrw..-
~rn lk·low .,nd t.hoc»c- the: ml.Id otNJft.t1 dr.ds.it'llt Uuu A"f"t1, wur l.tU'..a•:. ~
,upplter. r1
@] fAppliutioftJ I '5':i~..;,,i'f
M si.., wl1I nu" nouupply - ..hidl!s OI "1L ~
tb) SJ,., will.Jn,n,,w, lbt suppl) oJ d«:tru: rcltlda
(c) Sh<·will~lhe.ul'f'I) ofrioctnc' • s ~
td) She- wllldult h~wppl)' I""" d«Jncvehid., 10 CN<.. •·ehada
s2 I Ot WML ISC Slffljllo !MIiian Papt11. ECONOMICS. C~I~
M l\hl.;h ~ lh,· folli,wlog lo fllUl ,1,.,ut ~,·nu, ,.,.<tlpt,? fAppllc,ollonJ Il l
, .. , lWlhR'(UI ri11x U1 f\1\httt tb) nlllY CN'!1h' u,rrt:'l~lnl) b.abiUt)•,
ft) J,, nut k,d ,., ,n tn<.'.l'CA.., In lwbJ.ty lJI u..-lud~ i...,., t,kn b1• tlw i-~v<rnn,rnl
1vO 1\11,ch of ,i,.. lllll~w•rv; t• r><t1 rho b<tw111 i>I ~ ~,.. er lrnd• ckticil• !Undmundl111t tll
la! I Mp 1hr ""lorn.\l ttotCWrb.il.t11<~ ,h<,-c, (bl Proj>'\q' the cumn, A«Uutll
tCJ lnctr.«<' the: &luicrui r.,1ru:t\l '"'"IN'" tJ) lm~ml' lhc C,lf'llAI .\,Q,unt ,ld1a1
f•II) l\'ht<l1 ol lhr l,~luwlnit llmll k • prttt ul<.,•r1 IRKAllf fll
l•I l'trfttt C'ompcllbvo J.,,rn (b) lldu11."f"'l1 fu.m
ft) \fonopt,IJJtl< Com~d-. Fun, [di O~flup..l\l Fam
t•illJ c:""'' li<•low ""' tw,1 ,,.,,.....,.,. ma,LrJ .u A,w,11,m ,nJ Ru'""' K,.J lh<- '''"'""'"t, •••••lhllv ,n.s ~~
tbt rorittt optlun tAiul).sbil Ill
"-'d"n (AJI T~ firm, In ,1 """"'l",h,1>.- mnipt,111 kin mAtl.cl ,di h,c,ogi'nnlU• £<>1.d>
~ • son (It), There Mt' • Lui;r numbcf OI buf1tr> Jnd ,..,u..,. ,n tho munc,poo_>I>< comp,,t0:1-, n\orh-t.
t•l Both "'5ertion ond l\c.bona,e lrUi' .llld R..,son ,. the <"'1'«1 ~ oc luotrtion
tb) 8oll1 A.ssertion ond ltchOtl arc Ink bti1 Re.bOn i:; not !ho, <llffffl np1.on.U,on ol """-'rt.on
1<1 A....,rtt"1l is lrut' 11nd Re><on • 1.:rl-c.
tJJ A:iRrttoin is f•l.te ond R.<.bm II tn11e.
('"'1 Coven l!,kiw •re tv.u JIUll<m<•ot• rn.ui.td :o N"'rtlol'I •nd k••><>n. R.-...1 di<" Jbll'lm·nt< e,rofully and c.....,.,
U\41 <'0rN:Ct opti(rl\. !i£j) (Anal)'~) II)
~lion IA): I 1-c.,I '1Ml,:i1 k m•-"-'•ntd lJ'l tmu.., ol b<,rn><>ini;-
11,ooln \ R); ~..,..-... t t,,.m,,"'1ng< Wtt..1 ... lht ~KQl J.-itdl
fa) llotl.A,,qr1lon Qnd 11,·oMI""' tnlt,..nd K,,,..,n l, lh<........-l<'>lfUnJl..,..ol ~ o l l
lbl &d,A,,mlon Qnd 11........... tnw. but «~~.on I Ml · ~ - 1 .-..pl.tnJl..,,.111 A,,..u..n
I<) A>><:rtlrn i. true ond Itta""'" l.lJ.<c
fd) A.,..,nlnn i. lol;.• AAJ ltt.-.,.Ouc
M N""'1.f lhc rrw~C'I »hlo.:h "'-• • l.rg., number o( b.iyQN ,,111 ••Ut" ><lln, h-,"""11'""''' g"'1J-. [ll«.111 Il l
t'Ci! I tu" c:m RI-I"' mt t,,, u...i tucwb tilt 11111.Aoo..,,~ ,;.op? (Undct1ic,,nJl,.I [I)
Nfl faplaltt th• >lgnlliana Ul i.. IHI• b> ~•Jan """no~ I U1tdt n<t,rull-n~I Ill
(dill 11.i,.,_ ... P."""'"'
•n:.. unl rtCurd, univ ..,>(JI, AnJ llnJ1<111 ul /;')'Id• Drfrnd •• ttlutc th• 'llt,fffil'fll
fl!vahut~lfl l
(,aq n.., tirm on uni~ nm no,m.;t f'll}l.i.. In th< l~ng run ,•vrh U II NOi ... pn norm.ti prohl In lhc ,1,...,,
lw.hly fUndftii•tt•U~lf
,.,,, ~ ~ h · l.h!m.ind cun.- •11<1 Gorlliumptlon curvo •"' p,111.alld to •adl DChtt Jllllld)• the ,vvtn , ,,.,,._,..._
aIJ 11/nde,.tlndu,gt tt1
CX,,i) \\db ttfotuncc tu sunpi. Kc,·-.n mu,M. gt,c the n1eonlni; ul .,......,.., J-..,id. fR=-111 Ill

Sec:tlon•B (32muks)
2. 111 Th• ,umm<r t-,.,,. nl>l ov~n "'' ,n. but the, •bo•'ll nonrw tttnpu.11.Urcs .., tu h.1,..- boo,;t<d ~u.i;o, pr.:& bt a<
n,uch .,, •.si Q,~r the 1.,,.. two~
lj )W hlll'l! & "'"""IJJO!h. t,,. P,,f'IU>'d tr> f'IY "''"" It) ,.11111.c- It
Sui;,,, r•~ ,~..... •pl~N fur A nu,nbn ot l<A;,lR, \\ 1111 th• '"'"'-',Y '""'" 001\f, t lw hl~h temp•r•turD "1r lhi.•
un11~ of ,h~ y-:.,,.
\\1th lh• rl<lng h,•.u. l<c == U..S i,..,.,..&,,. ,'\)ll>p,mte• r,.., c tr,a,r•.><d lh,,, proJutt..>11 ,;.1u,.lng J,,m.a..J la,
11... romnllldlly hi ,1 ... ,;g,ld••ndv lhk I• • p.,n,ln,1 I• lm\J
(S.~11•1'.r H1ml11illln r,,,....,
"'pi.tu lh< l:l<'hJvlt...rol dnn.uld ut ......... 111 h•pp,i,h duu lu ti><- allwtlon •hown In ''"' Oh(\\< .Ulk l, lll~•trAH'
tht ;,om• wtlh 11\l> hclp ul • dl.ltlQ'J'l\c IUrulonundl.n•I Ill
fill Tl,r -iuu11ltty ............... u/ I ..._.i~ t, •Ml '"''"' ... ~ p,,,:, 4" t JO ..... unit I',..., tl.Nlclt\' "' i'.lr!tll.noJ lo 2. f!;c,
I""" full, bv Q lllh.11 I, 11w ...... qu.u,lll\ .botn.indtd ~t lht tl<W po«' IApplk•UonJ Ill
>. 111 Ill\' §.1«1 mtoUni <>I C.llkl• Antis.,.,...,. la, ((:SI) Counal l> lll.dy 1-, wn,kltt • 11111111,,,1 vi 11,,.,...,,,,... •• tu
mo,.-uni; on Sllturdoy thal 41• "'f"('N '" M'I tllll li>rlt' /or b1t,adrr I•"-"''"'""' In th,• upc:omlng lull la•! 1><iJ!l'"I
Sam,(1 011ntlan P1p1t1 1 93
n,. cwndl ,. ·•~1,-d 1'1 d,><U.. 111<' - " ' t~r C<IO)J>"'M'tl..,, C"4 Amount (Oll«toJ Imm ,In &OQJ• - h ...
p.>n in.-.,t.,, ttl(on,lle,, ,·cc. wluo:h nu,r •tt111u nl IQ f ;,,JMl(t cr,,n-. (ltlwt d"""""""' m•r include lho a,ndl!Jond
W"-''11"' 01 \nrnm-1 or p<Nlt) "" ~, no-. lll<!Ued b.111- , , ~17 .mJ llJ'lll. b.uru\~ , _ 01 wilful dt1.1uk J11cl
,.,,,..,.. Of dlo d;:o-,on IO k•~• ZI> pn mu Q;T on th ~ lull v~Jue"' ~" for anlklt 114nun~ comp,1rucs.
,~,.,,..,. 'rh, ~u,.,,111, T;,..,.,
l ~I f)'pc "' n,vc,,...- .abu..- .uti<.k t.lllltni; owur' l!>pL>IA lh< noturc ui ,u,.h., rc«iplc
1> 1hr

!!li) tUnd•.sLlndi.fti;J Pl
(11) b{,l.1m the: ctilfc"''"" bmoct11 dlnod IA •nd illdlr.'<'t ..,_,,,, (.Und~1>t.nd1 olfll Ill
il. fQ lht- AV<'Mtte I b.crl COAi at? unit.JI k 1l l-1rht tht- rl>ti.tl Co11t .'Ind Avtt.i,, VJ.ri.tblr C,~t fMm lht• f~ lt'IWfftJ. d_.tl
IAppllc•UonJ 111

(Ill \\,lh 1M i1<•lp 01 A d1.1/\1.un, n.pWn !ht- rcl•lloruhlp t>et.wi:en AR •nd Mil u1 • !Im, und<r omp.-rl«t romp,ttuoon..
SD tUnd~tlil•t•,UnlSJ Pl
lo) Osllli!M'lllol< b<.'tW"""1 .......,,\Ju>j\
1:uw ~n,d t>lif>Ortu,\ 11\1 l'O<I. IUnd~ffbndln1'11%1
(ill Sludy II,~ ,lat,, Jll•·1m b<klw and ldcntii\ at wt,.,1 f'O~II 1h.- m.ukl wlll h<- in cqullibnum Jw.tolv }•"" .ans,.a
.....t •ku cxphlln lu1w lk ,...r1..eu11.ttn. IJII' ~11llibrh 11t1 tc,d. !!l] IA=I> -1>1 1%1
Od,nlib' Dtdl>lddcd OIUolllllV l>~<>nlu,<I
II.I 1111) ;,a

- :JI
,0 -
10 45 $1
50 i 211 11!1

l. ,11 ~pt.lio d-, fo.itu,e 'tt'I, llnn. .,ncl lb lmplJ..olkln• 111 "" 1111,:c,poly m.trul
[011J11SLD1rlU111l (11
(d i Ru.. WM <11nlu ,<'<I l,etw""" t,,~ • "'1•n point •nd ~hul 11111, n p,1111 b.pbtn IIJ hu by tk-MIV .W(...,..11.11u1g
Mtll.-,n 1h!: 1w11 "'""'pt,. tUndmundlngl 1!1
!>- (II The, llrm •ltoln, «!"lllbrnom •• the J'OIOI whm, the d lircrtnrc b<-•-cn llw 101,il ,.,..-.nuc •J\d lout root ot ""
ilnn to 1111' 11'1..imum bp!41n 1hr >llu•hOI> with lh.- help <>I • Jwgum fl)nlu:,1;,f f:ll
till M_.nl,h w,•11t l11 lh, v"f),•l.thlr m.ui.tt t r., .;,,..n,,•,1 llµt """Y""' ii ..U."I( ~nJ bu~11111 Ill, V"l\•l•bl,- .ti lhe
......,. pr!«> ldrnrlly >tld Jrii,... ti,. n•1ri..1 l11m'l. lllt.-llv "F'lilln th<-1•.tlUt\' at ti~• nurk1 hinn indk,;,1rJ In lhe
P'"" ol1uilll11n tUndcnun.11•• 1Ill
7. Ill \\'1'.141 llo you I.now ,bout t,v,..~ f.M:11.anjtl' '"'• •> ,11m11 fMtcalll Ill
(UI !}iltm,illll• between ~u•~-.... apll.il lluw 011J '"'"'"'""'J.t,n5 <.tr'W a...w. IUnll•11LuwlhoJll l2I
&. tll (.;i;.,jng v~l,d 0·11...,., nplwl he,.. lht. ~,lla,,1ng would b..· IR:•t.:d ,-·hlk ownatlng d1>mtttie lnronw.

lUndontandlng( @I! l?I

I• } l'Jaym.,111 moil< b y ~ - lvt ~ • p u ~ In l"'1la.
tb) T..,nwhle> grown b) M• Puj;> an hctkil<hen g;udcn.
(il) '"'C'ui.ul.ar fl(1\lltr ul in<'\1u,-.· u, "' t\\- u,,,t cdor 4,..'('.(J,f)w.hy Llt b;l.-d \Ill th._. .u.wn, th.lot untt':t t,;:pe:nd1tur(' "' IQll.hCTt
1nro"111 • Supp<>1 1wuran,,..,...w,th v•ld f'Cll.t<lmi !Undm undlngl Ill
(II ~'"'>' lwu dlff.....,,.t'.I bdw""" COP it con.111n1 prl«• ~ GDP •I runu,l p,Kt> tUr\llonrb.ndlngl Ill
t'-') nw ,vuwU1 ot t,,'1!1111 ~ r,oJu« 1~ l'lUl • wal tnd.11;\\tor u1 t"CQnoma: .._ ~11/~ut t">a,..,,.~"'- ''"'" tt..t~• t4,1
,1,1,1uy 1h, i;lnn ,1.1wnwnt JU11Jtn1>"4ln11I fll

94 I O:SWAAL ISG,.Simple ~sllOI) PapeFS, ECONOMICS. G,lass-12

,. ·&,... D;m,nJ c,usa lnfl>lliln.b)' ~ullion in tho <c1>110mv.· \\'h•I ..,., th<: GJU<t, Ill such • situation In an
otO>nomy? !;p) [Un.!U!Wld.l:ngJ fl )

Sectlon-c [3Zroadcs]
Ill. ti l n.._i.,., ot ,••noble pmp<>ruan cfMda lho pmduaum eye!, mw thmo ph,..,.,. "-" •nd whm 1'""1 p,mduo
lncn:.l.<t:Ui lhe v.uiablc l ; i m , r ~ Camnwnt [U n d ~ 161 sm
(ll) ., hi,S<""'nlm•nt lmpu.1in,g f"d' «ilini;,; nol •iw.,~ go<>W fo, lhum,.....,y; fu.UJ~ ih• 11,t.1t<n1cnL
[Un.!CDUtl<IJ.ngt 1?1
fl. (Q Ddcrul o,_ rcfuk 1hr t.ise ms ;bown In th, dbgr>m. givl'l1 ~ - S
fEv,lu.>t•J l?J 4!
(II) lhl.-rc b on lnVn<l! ft'lolloo..ttip bc-1wN:n th(, qu•ntlly dem.anJftl •nd C.
th, pritt C>I • <ull'fflllC!Jly, Eq,l.w\ thr fothD th~l att t<fpun,<il,i,, 1,,. IL
jUndnstancfini:J 161 r1
12. Oi Wkh thtc lldµ ,ti oppn,pn.u,, u.tmpk,. briclty dlS..-u,., Rr.~ GOP fflll
Numln.ll LOP. 1u...i ...w..tlngj 14) P:,,___ _..,.
llil C&kuf,,t,, GNI' •I ~C from 11-.· lolk....,n11 d.L, bv ,mn,; lncorn• n1<ll-.od •nJ
""{'CWllur. m<thod· W!J lAppUuilonJ141
SL l!lo, t'tn 0 Q Qu;inul\·
ll<ms CfOfU

" •Ul'll.llu (ro

tlll fan.vt, JO
(UII 1n1-u 60
IM f'th••lc IINI .:on,umt>l•m O'D<ndHw~ 1000
M Nel h,du«t u-. 60
t<il Comneh!,ation ul .,,,..i.,,,.,.., 91.111
fvU) Mixod inomw of >di <fflploy~ 16'1

,... ""°"'
11'1111 ~
.....,o1 li>m,.ulun.. ~

l•I N • t IM,,,.- ""'"""' Cwn; .>bru.lll l•W>

t•il C'•ll'I. fhul <Otl>Ull"'""" ...,.,n.i11.,.,., ,a,.

Iii C.kul.thng NotulNI ll>C'1me ltuM Ille V.1lur - "'1d1'll M1<llll>J only ln'1~,e< thr •l!Jlni; ol lhc ,•:iJu~ ..J1Ck'J u,
th., pr.odu(I> ond ~i<>,t prudWlri.l hy 01. Jil!<'tenl ,..,..,.. "'"'"' O•W\ln But .uu ~It\(' ol Ill• uun,:. ..... ""'
inCll<loJ ln tho akul.11""1 ol N.Jbo<Ul ln<ume In 1h I• 1t1<!1hod llilllf\, lUnd,.st.uidb>i;J ff)
(til Prom th• fullo"-·lni; cuta. alcuhu< CNP"'I' .and Noth>1"'1 lncoo•~ b\ u>Ulg, >luc- .id<l.'1 n><thud:
f.\J>plk•flonJ1' 1
St.!\,>. Uunt ' t'Ineni.n<>
I [J Gm,. ,-.Ju,: of 1>\lfpui In prlm>O,' tttt.c,, (Ol FC", 930
Iii) Gtu.. ..-alur uJ uull><tl ll\ Me'(Ond.uy__,.,, (~l fCJ ~ill
lllil Grns, ,-;itu,, 01 uutDUJ In 1edfon.• ""1m 1a1 FC) I SW
(lvt Vdlwe oflnterml!dl.>tr good>rn prlmllly- )60

M V ~ ul mlt-mlodi.lb,1,;ood., 111 ~ - ?00

(,-'I) v.iw. o1 !D.1nml!di.11r Mo<l<tn 1..twy s«to< 115
s11111111 011111io11 Papers I 95
t.tll 0.1>rcdolion 20
.!!!_d1ttet ,.,_,._
..!!!!!L lS
11.t) Sul>-ldv 10
(r) Net t.lctor mro- lrum 1btu.lJ 4

ll. Rud lh• p,...g, gln n b•Jow ••J ,uuw•r lM ciuntlo,u tl\JI (olluw,:
Al>°"' M.1rc:h-d 21124, 58 9 p,,r rent ul the ll'Tm d<p<>oib ol b.ank,' c,micd lnt.,..I uto ~....., 7 p;,r cent and 8
per Cffll (.Jg,tln>I 30.3 pc,r rent l!( fl),.•• •I M•nh..-nd :?112.JJ
The, sh>ro al t,nn d,po,ii. (l'Os) olttring 7 ptt <ml •nJ .abo!'° tnt,'f1'!1 rol< h'" fUmp<d tu W.4 p,r cent ol banks'
li>bl TDs .as at /o;Llrch-end 2024, •&•ln•t 33.7 per «nl ii> 11 M,,rch,end 21.123
A dti1l down ol RBI ~t.l •how thdt b at M.ir<lwnd 21lll, 58 9 por rtnl ul tht lttm dq,o<llll (TO:!) ol bank/
camrd inlt'tt11 rate bclwrrn 7 prr crnl and 8 per crnt (•11,1lru1 JIJJ per nn1 of 1 Ot u •• l.w-ch-md W23) Md .5.5
per ant ol 1hr TDs corri<d lntcre•I r.tt •""'• s per ,.,n, l•,i.,ln,t 3 4 fl'"
ernt or 1 t>, •• ot ~w-dl-<nd 20?3).
fore..unple, 1M hlghot ln1« ..1 role !hot Sutr &nlo. ol lndl.a (cuuntry'• Llrgat b.ankl b cvncntly otrulng ii 7 pe,
trnt on • Tl) ol ·2 y,on bl 1,,. thon 3 ~•-• dur.u...,._
Th• hlghe,-t lnt"1'al rote tho! HDFC &nk (l.uge<t pm•te ..ctur l,,\nk) lt <urr~ntli ull<nllj\ 1> 7.25 P<'• ccnt un •
TD ol 18 month. to 1..,, thon ?I months" dur.auon.
Tho lugh<st intfft'SI r.11cth,1 AU Small Finance 11.ltu.lLlrg.,.t >""'II fin.m« bo.nl..~l'lll b <urr~ntly ulfotlnjl i>ll pc,r
cent on • TO ol " 18 month5" dur,tion.
!>m.all (INl\tt b•nb •uch •• Ulllv•n •nd Sw yod.a, .,., ollmng 8 I"'' c.nt pha lnt<tt>I rat• un <crlJln mu1urltv
The hlghot lntett>t r>~ lh.ll UJJt,~n SFB and Suryod.ay SFB .,. <urrently ollcnng b 8.50 ptr Otnt (on• 1 D ol " 15
nwn1h>" dunt'°"I •nd 8.65 P'"
cent (on• lD cl ·2 )l'.ln & 2 day•• duration) .5ottnr. Tit, llmdu ll111/111Ys Un,
(I) ldtnhl) I.ht- lunct10n Iii.ii 1hr CumnlCl'Cl.l! &nks l)ftform u per the artic~. SUie 1b ,••flDII! w•~-
llnt• rp••t•ll ont Ill
fill 0.bnt f<rm 0.pu,li.. lll•c.alll Ill
(Ill) "Commcrd.11 8,inl., pL>y • huge role ln cre•llon ol credit· Expiilln. IUndeal•ndl ngl 121
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