Integrating Biomedical Ontologies - Obr-Scolio Ontology: Vanja Luković
Integrating Biomedical Ontologies - Obr-Scolio Ontology: Vanja Luković
Integrating Biomedical Ontologies - Obr-Scolio Ontology: Vanja Luković
Vanja Lukovi
Information technology
Danijela Miloevi
Information technology
Goran Devedi
Information technology
This paper analyses a broad scope of research papers dealing with the process of integrating biomedical
ontology with the FMA reference ontology. Namely, we want to investigate the capability of this process
appliance in development of the OBR-Scolio application ontology for the pathology domain of spine, rather
the scoliosis domen. Such ontology is one of the many objectives in the realization of the project named:
Ontological modeling in bioengineering in the domain of orthopedics and physical medicine.
Hence, the domain of the FMA is anatomy of pathological entity. The class Material anatomical
the idealized human body. FMA uses the hierarchy entity is subdivided into classes: Anatomical
of classes of anatomical entities (anatomical structure and Portion of canonical body substance,
universals) which exist in reality through their on the basis of the possession or non-possession of
instances. The root of the FMAs anatomy inherent 3D shape. Within the class anatomical
taxonomy (AT) is Anatomical entity and its structure OBR ontology make a distinction between
dominant class is Anatomical structure. Anatomical canonical anatomical structures, which exist in the
structure is defined as a material entity which has idealized organism, and variant anatomical
its own inherent 3D shape and which has been structures, which result from an altered expression
generated by the coordinated expression of the pattern of normal structural genes, without health
organisms own structural genes. This class related consequences for the organism. The class
includes material objects that range in size and Material pathological entity is subdivided into
complexity from biological macromolecules to classes: Pathological structure and Portion of
whole organisms. The dominant role of Anatomical pathological body substance, on the basis of the
structure is reflected by the fact that non-material possession or non-possession of inherent 3D shape,
physical anatomical entities (spaces, surfaces, lines too. Pathological structures are result from an
and points) and body are conceptualized in the altered expression pattern of normal structural
FMA, in terms of their relationship to anatomical genes, with negative health consequences for the
structures. organism.
The class Dependent organismal continuant is
4. OBR ONTOLOGY subdivided into classes: Immaterial anatomical
continuant, Immaterial pathological continuant and
Physiological continuant. Although the existence of
immaterial anatomical and pathological spaces and
surfaces and anatomical lines and points depends
on corresponding independent continuant entities,
they are dependent continuants. Besides them
classes: Function, Physiological state and
Physiological role and classes: Malfunction,
Pathological state and Pathological role also
belongs to Dependent organismal continuant,
because their entities do not exist without
corresponding independent continuant entities.
Functions are certain sorts of potentials of
Figure 1. Ontology of Biomedical Reality OBR independent anatomical continuants for
engagement and participation in one or more
The root of OBR is the universal Biological processes through which the potential becomes
entity (Fig. 1). A distinction is then drawn between realized. he function is a continuant, since it
the classes: Biological continuant and Biological endures through time and exists even during those
occurrent, the definitions of which are inherited times when it is not being realized.
from BFO [3]. The class Biological continuant is Whether or not a function becomes realized
subdivided into classes: rganismal continuant, depends on the physiological or pathological state
which includes entities that range over single of the associated independent anatomical
organisms and their parts and Extra-organismal continuant. Thereat, physiological and pathological
continuant, which includes entities that range over state is a certain enduring constellation of values of
aggregates of organisms. Accordingly, the class an independent continuants aggregate physical
Biological occurrent is subdivided into classes: properties. These physical properties are
rganismal occurent and Extra-organismal represented in the Ontology of Physical Attributes
occurent, which include processes associated with (OPA), which provides the values for the physical
single organisms and their parts i.e. processes properties of organismal continuants. Namely, the
associated with aggregates of organisms. states of these continuants can be specified in terms
The class Organismal continuant is subdivided of specific ranges of attribute values.
into classes: Independent organismal continuant The independent continuants that participate in
and Dependent organismal continuant. a physiological or pathological process may play
Extrapolating from the FMAs principles, different roles in the process (e.g. as agent, co-
Independent organismal continuants have mass and factor, catalyst, etc.). Such a process may transform
are material, whereas Dependent organismal one state into another (for example a physiological
continuant are immaterial and do not have mass. into another physiological, or into a pathological
OBR ontology distinguishes anatomical state).
(normal) from pathological (abnormal) material The class Organismal occurent is subdivided
entities. Accordingly, the class Independent into classes: Physiological process and
organismal continuant is subdivided into classes: Pathological process. Physiological process
Material anatomical entity and Material courses transformations of one physiological state
de novo approach, would involve a series of The hierarchical tree of the OBR ontology
deletion and addition of links (Figure 3, left) from class Pathological structure and also its subclasses:
the FMA reference ontology. For example, the is_a Subdivision of pathological organ system,
link of the class Anatomical structure is deleted Subdivision of pathological skeletal system and
from Material anatomical entity and then added Subdivision of pathological axial skeletal system,
directly to Anatomical entity. Both Physical from which all subclasses which are not relevant
anatomical entity and Material anatomical entity for the pathological domen of spine are deleted, are
are then deleted from the FMA taxonomy. Beside illustrated in Fig. 5, Fig. 6, Fig. 7 and Fig. 8.
that, FMA types representing microscopic entities
which are not relevant to radiology such as Cell,
Cardinal cell part, Biological macromolecule,
Cardinal tissue part, are also deleted from
Anatomical structure. These operations can be
carried out in all levels of the hierarchical tree.
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