PS Chapter 3
PS Chapter 3
PS Chapter 3
Research Design
The study utilized a research and developmental design, which intends to innovate and
optimize the existing machine. Fabrication of this project study will prove the workability of the
proposed design of the machine that is based on the conducted research and application of
engineering design calculation.
Project Development
Information Gathering
Project Design
Fabrication and Acquisition
Testing and Evaluation
Information Gathering
Information and data will be collected through reliable internet, sites, books,
engineering magazines and brochures. Mechanical engineering professors will be
consulted for their insights and suggestions that might aid the conceptualization of
the project also the design will be compared to the rotating sieving machine. All the
data gathered will be gathered and studied until the researchers come-up with the
final concept of the project.
The machine will be constructed primarily for the comparison of the
machines efficiency to the rotating sieving machine. The reciprocating sieving
machine will be design to operate on its optimum or maximum capacity. In its
design an attempt has been made to include operations illustrating the more
important factors in order to achieve the design goal results. Moreover, in this
machine a 3-layer of sand screener will be used.
Acquisition and Fabrication
This phase is the transformation of the design into functional prototype.
Based on the information gathered, the group decided to use angular steel bar for
the frames and supports will be assembled using screw fasteners and by welding.
The motor that will be used is a 1hp AC motor (60 cycles). The motor power will be
transmitted using a v-belt and sheaves that will be computed using engineering