Curing Diabetes in 7 Steps Cribbed
Curing Diabetes in 7 Steps Cribbed
Curing Diabetes in 7 Steps Cribbed
in Seven Steps
Take control of, and reverse
your type two diabetes using
Functional Medicine, naturally
Laurens Maas
B.Sc. Ost. DI.Hom.
G.Os.C & FBIH (UK)
Curing Diabetes in Seven Steps: Take control of, and reverse your type two
diabetes using Functional Medicine, naturally
Copyright 2013 Laurens Maas. All rights reserved. No part of this book
may be reproduced or retransmitted in any form or by any means without
the written permission of the publisher.
Published by Wheatmark
1760 East River Road, Suite 145
Tucson, Arizona 85718 U.S.A.
What Ive learned from God personally is that as soon as you get the lesson,
its over . . . thats what Grace is.
Oprah Winfrey
Rough seas make good sailors
Gratitudes ................................................................................................ xi
Medical Disclaimer .................................................................................. xi
About the Author ...................................................................................xiii
Foreword ................................................................................................. xv
Preface ................................................................................................... xix
Introduction .............................................................................................1
About Diabetes ........................................................................................8
Step 1: Learn about Carbohydrates.........................................................43
Step 2: Learn about Proteins ..................................................................50
Step 3: Burning Fats According to Your Metabolic Type ........................59
Step 4: Learn about Minerals..................................................................87
Step 5: Stress and the Side Effects ...........................................................90
Step 6: Learn about Exercise .................................................................104
Step 7: The Ultimate GoalStabilize the Blood Glucose and
Insulin Levels .................................................................................109
Conclusion ...........................................................................................114
Appendices ............................................................................................117
Useful Contacts ...............................................................................119
Glycemic Index of Foods...................................................................120
Results, Interpretation Charts, and Treatment Guides ........................125
Healthy Recipes ...............................................................................133
Gra tudes
Thank you to my wife Cath and my three children, Phoenix, Phoebe and
Cosmo, I am blessed to be with you all.
Thank you to a multitude of my diabetic patients, who helped me uncover, through careful observation and testing, how to get rid of type 2 diabetes. Thank you for allowing me to monitor your progress and for sharing
your experiences with me. Without you I would not be the physician I am
Many thanks to Dr. Bruce Shelton MD Di.Hom., Dr Joseph Mercola
DO, Dr Dicken Weatherby ND and Dr Dan Kalish DC for the knowledge
and guidance they share and impart so willingly to make humanity healthy. I
have found all of them to be a constant source of inspiration.
Special thanks goes to Dr Patrick Hanaway MD, Head of Genova Labs
for writing the foreward for the book in such a short space of time.
Thank you to all the scientists and staff at Genova diagnostic Labs USA
for all your support during my 19 years of practice especially with regards
to your excellent diagnostic testing in helping me solve so many patients
Medical Disclaimer
Patrick Hanaway, MD
Chief Medical Officer
Genova Diagnostics
and reverse the progression toward diabetes mellitus (DM). Through his
writings, he first creates a visceral awareness of the magnitude of the tremendous issues with diabetes via a series of startling statistics, then moves quickly
to the personal level with a provocative comparison between cocaine and
sugar forcing us to re-evaluate our relationship with sugar. Through this
heightened awareness, we learn of the progression of imbalance and disease
that arises from the diabetic domino effect. Fortunately, we also learn of the
tools and approaches that Dr. Maas has used successfully over the past seventeen years to reverse diabetes and induce weight loss.
The steps offered here are tried and true, embodying nutritional recommendations that are personalized to meet your specific needs; to identify
the optimal proportion and types of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates FOR
YOU . . . based upon your unique metabolic type. The process of personalized (or bespoke) treatments takes your biochemical individuality into account, for we are as different in our internal metabolic pathways as we are
in our external appearance. During our lifetimes we eat twenty-five to fifty
tonnes of food, both macronutrients and micronutrients. It is necessary that
this fuel is attuned to optimize the functioning of our metabolic machinery.
In reading this book, whose contents are familiar to me, I was impressed
by the pivot point in chapter three with discussions of the hormonal pathways and relationships that impact diabetes and weight gain, as well as the
deleterious, obesogenic effect of artificial hormone-like chemicals from our
environment. This awareness in the assessment and treatment of both obesity and diabetes provides an expanded view of the relationship between our
bodies and the environment. Here we learn about the effects of food, supplements, sleep and exercise, along with the hormones, on our metabolism.
Chapter five follows up quickly with emphasis on the role of stress and
the adrenal glands in overall health and well-being. Dr. Maas demonstrates
his deep understanding of the inter-relatedness of these metabolic pathways
in supporting individuals on the path to wellness. There is recognition that
a systems-based approach is necessary to provide the foundation for healing.
This is not a process of picking one from column A and two from column
B, as is seen with many other one size fits all approaches. In reality we recognize that one size fits all means that the size (or program) being offered
doesnt fit any real person, only the fictitious average person. Again, we see
the meritin fact the necessityof a personalized approach to our health
and well-being.
The cutting edge monograph makes laser-like points about the nature of
illness and healing using up-to-date analysis of the peer-reviewed literature.
The information presented can help you to share this powerful approach
with your health care practitioner, as you move in the direction of healing.
Even experienced health care practitioners can and will learn from Laurens
Maas experience, as I did reading about Goats Rue and its relationship with
the oft-prescribed metformin. Each person who opens these pages will be
changed by the information, knowledge, and wisdom embodied here. I invite you to open your mind on this journey towards healing, becoming more
whole, with Laurens Maas. . . and I offer great thanks to him for sharing his
journey of healing with us.
Dr. Patrick Hanaway, MD
July 8, 2012
our bodies, and it is clear that people today are unwittingly consuming more
of these due to estrogen and antibiotic residues working their way into our
food pyramid.
This estrogenization of our environment has taken its toll on the health
of the population and is in some way responsible for the accelerated rates of
diabetes, as well as cancer, weight-gain, heart diseases and death.
This book highlights that the main causes of diabetes in our environment are fungus, yeast, pesticides, and synthetic hormones, xenobiotics, xeno-estrogens and Obesogens. These are also combined with a serious decline
in the natural metabolic hormones that help burn fat and an increase in the
hormones that cause fat storage.
This book presents an effective way for you to scientifically reverse your
diabetes. Each day read one chapter - this will teach you one step towards
curing your diabetes. All together there are seven steps you need to follow to
cure your diabetes, and therefore seven chapters in this book.
If you are new to complementary health, please read this entire book
before you start the program so you can get an understanding of the seven
steps. Then read it a second time applying each of the steps over an appropriate period of time such as seven weeks. Alternatively, if you are familiar with
applied nutrition use the seven steps as you read through the material, applying the lessons learnt as you go. This will fast track the process.
Over many years of daily clinical practice and patient observation, time
and time again I have seen that these really are the best techniques for effectively
reversing diabetes and inducing weight loss. (Laurens Maas 2009)
Curing Diabetes
in Seven Steps
Introduc on
Curing Diabetes
Chewing coca leaves does induce euphoria but does not induce addiction whereas the pharmaceutical or pure cocaine can. Cocaine is the most
frequently reported illicit substance associated with drug abuse fatalities and
causes three times more deaths than any other illegal drug (Platt 1997)1.
Also, nearly 1/3rd of the deaths linked with cocaine use are caused by the
direct pharmacological effects of the drug itself.
Nearly 35.9 million Americans aged 12 and older have tried cocaine at
least once in their lifetime, according to a national survey, and about 2.1
million Americans are regular users2.
The vast majority of deaths related to cocaine are caused by homicide,
suicide, and motor vehicle collisions as a result of the drugs mind-altering properties3.
There are more than two million Americans that currently use cocaine,
just over 700,000 are users of freebase or crack cocaine4.
Cocaine kills 2,500 Americans a year.
Cocaine is a stimulant that can cause organ failure in the heart, kidneys
and lungs if taken in excessive quantities5.
Globally 14 million to 21 million people use cocaine6.
Introduc on
Curing Diabetes
Each chapters lesson builds on the previous chapters lesson and teaches
you about carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and your state of mind. The
information contained within the pages of this short book will create a shift
in your biology away from the disease of Type 2 diabetes.
You will need to be disciplined, and monitor your blood sugar measurements as you go through the steps. You will see the fasting blood sugar slowly
change to become better and better.
Take one day at a time, building and getting stronger until you have completed your first week. Calculate the percentage improvement and repeat another seven day cycle until the blood sugars are as close to optimal as possible.
Youll have to monitor your changes with blood sugar measurements.
One gold standard in blood chemistry is the HbA1c test, which tells you how
well your blood glucose is going. Well learn about that a little later in step
seven - the monthly carbohydrate evaluation of the body.
In other words, your HbA1c will tell you how well your bodys sugar
handling is going over a long period of time (over months) whereas daily
glucose testing tells you how your body handles sugar on a day to day, meal
to meal basis.
Did you know that 66% of African / American diabetics die of heart
attacks or strokes?13
Decades ago Type 2 Diabetes would usually be adult-onset but Type
2 Diabetes is such a pandemic problem now in America that younger and
younger children, on a pediatric level, are being affected at an alarming rate.
Below is a statement from the 2006 publication of The Council of State
Experts are also concerned that chronic diseases are appearing among younger adults, adolescents and children. For example, health care providers and
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are finding cases of type 2
(adult onset) diabetes among children. While no national trend data yet
exist, experts estimate that up to 45 percent of all new diabetes patients are
13 National Diabetes Education Program- CDC (USA)
14 Michael P. Fierro, for The Council of State Governments.
Introduc on
currently being identified in large pediatric centers. Twenty years ago, it was
unheard of for children or adolescents to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
Curing Diabetes
diabetes, which is sugar. Uncontrolled sugar consumption creates inflammation within the arteries and veins22. Furthermore, if you control the carbohydrates, you will control the level of inflammation or restrict the amount of
vascular damage within the body.
After completing the steps in this book, my patients say that they feel
cooler. Their body temperature feels as if it has lowered, but what has actually
happened is that they have changed the level of inflammation within their
blood vessels and tissues, giving their pancreas and body a chance to heal.
Excess sugar in the blood will easily turn into an alcohol-like effect in
the blood stream, especially if there is yeast overgrowth within the body. The
sugar-yeast-alcohol connection causes the body temperature to rise from systemic inflammation. More sugar equals more heat, and if its not burned off it
will heat the body (inflammation) and eventually turn to fat. The inflammation also irritates the nerves and 60-70% of people with diabetes have mild
to severe forms of nervous system damage23. As you control your sugars, you
will notice that your brain and muscles work better.
As you physically feel better, your blood chemistry will improve, reflecting the benefits of the implemented program. As you take each seven day cycle or week of the program, you will see your test results get better and better.
So enjoy the seven steps process and judge the results for yourself at the
end of your first month.
If youre a skeptic then all I can ask is for you to use science to prove your
recovery. This book tells you how to scientifically monitor your HbA1C24
levels and evaluate your recovery as well as uncover how to cure yourself. T2
Diabetes can be managed and reversed 2526 when you start to really treat it,
22 Jackson CA, Yudkin JS, Forrest RD. A comparison of the relationships of the glucose tolerance test and the glycated haemoglobin assay with diabetic vascular disease in the community. The
Islington Diabetes Survey. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 1992 Aug;17(2):111123. --http://www.
23 Diabetes Statistics, Diabetes .org; accessed April 2012.-
24 American College of Endocrinology Consensus Statement on Guidelines for Glycemic
Control Endocrine Practice Vol 8 (Suppl 1) January/February 2002 ; 7
25 Pehuet-Figoni M, Ballot E, Bach JF, Chatenoud L. Aberrant function and long-term survival of mouse Beta cells exposed to in vitro to high glucose concentrations. Cell Transplant 1994
Sep-Oct;3(5): 445-451 -
26 Gleason CE, Gonzalez M, Harmon JS, Robertson RP. Determinants of Glucose toxicity
Introduc on
and its revrsibilty in pancreatic islet Beta-cell line HIT-T15. Am. J Physiol Endcrinol Metab
20000;279: E 997-E1002--
About Diabetes
1. What is Diabetes?
Diabetes happens when the body loses control of its blood sugar levels,
usually causing the blood to have too much sugar in it. Sugar, as a molecule,
is very powerful because it has built into its structure a lot of stored energy.
That energy needs to be controlled. Its like handling gasoline, you have got
to be very careful how much is used otherwise, if control is lost, it can catch
fire and burn. Its similar to diabetes. When sugar remains in the blood it cannot be used for energy production, because that takes place in the cells of the
body. The pancreas is the organ that is responsible for controlling the blood
sugar levels. As the sugar stays in the blood, outside of the cells, its burning
the insides, inflaming the vessels.
The pancreas is situated just next to and below your stomach. The key
hormone that is produced by the pancreas is called insulin.
Special cells within the pancreas, called the beta cells, produce the insulin. Insulin causes the body to take the sugar out of the blood stream and put
it into the cells. Insulin is similar to the gasoline pump attendant, helping to
put the fuel into the cells.
If the gasoline pump attendant (insulin) doesnt do its proper job and
starts to spill gasoline all over the floor, it can pollute, do damage and even
catch alight. Inflammation is due to excess sugar/ excess energy and this spillage can really burn vessels, organs and nerves.
About Diabetes
There are two forms of diabetes in humans and possibly a third that is
now coming into recognition.
Type 1 diabetes is a situation when the beta cells no longer produce any
Of course, this type of diabetic has to use insulin to stay alive. This is
a clear case of insulin deficiency. This is usually diagnosed in children and
young adults and they must manage this kind of diabetes with daily insulin
injections. The cause of type 1 diabetes is usually due to the immune system
attacking the pancreas, typically as the result of a virus or autoimmune issue;
however, the mechanism is not yet fully understood by scientists.
Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, is when the pancreas still produces insulin, but the body and its cells fail to respond to the insulin. This is called Insulin
It commonly affects the age groups of 30 or above, and develops over
a long period of time - sometimes years. These patients can manage their
diabetes with diet and exercise and in certain situations with natural hormones as well. The cause of this type of diabetes is usually due to poor dietary
choices (excess carbohydrates) and the build-up of a lot of intra-abdominal
fat (potbelly.) This is also directly related to excess estrogen within the body
and a decline in testosterone and progesterone.
Conclusion: if weight gain is avoided then type 2 diabetes can be completely avoided.
Type 2 diabetes is much more common than Type 1.
Other causes of diabetes are:
Curing Diabetes
insulin is manufactured in the brain, and that lessened levels are linked to
Alzheimers disease.
What we found is that insulin is not just produced in the pancreas, but also
in the brain. And we discovered that insulin and its growth factors, which
are necessary for the survival of brain cells, contribute to the progression of
Alzheimers, says senior author Suzanne M. de la Monte, a neuropathologist at Rhode Island Hospital and a professor of pathology at Brown Medical
About Diabetes
If you cut out all your sugars, including those that are hidden in bad
food choices, and start eating better food choices then your pancreas has a
chance to heal. Thats the start, and slowly you will see your body becoming
healthier and all the symptoms of your diabetes will disappear.
Can you heal yourself from Diabetes type 2, with my guidance and your
will power and determination?
I know you can heal yourself from type 2 diabetes, and I have witnessed
this in thousands of patients in my over 19 years of practice. It starts with the
first ingredient in our diet, sugar; also known as glucose, sucrose, carbohydrates and starches.
Is there any modern scientific proof that going on a low calorie4, low
carbohydrate diet could possibly improve diabetes?
Yes. The evidence is strong that medical nutrition56 is an effective and
essential therapy in the management of diabetes and obesity whereby patients7 can change their carbohydrate intake using a low calorie approach,
use non-nutritive sweeteners, use Glycemic index control diets, and add
more fiber to their diets, balance protein intake, and thereby reverse the risks
of cardiovascular disease8, and weight/obesity issues.
The most recent astonishing research has come out of the UK from a
respected university.
4 Nielsen JV, Jonsson E, Nilsson AK. Lasting improvement of hyperglycemia and body weight:
Low-carbohydrate diet in type 2 diabetes (A brief report). Upsala J Med Sci. 2005;109:179184
5 Boden G, Sargrad K, Homko C, Mozzoli M, Stein TP. Effect of a low-carbohydrate diet
on appetite, blood glucose levels, and insulin resistance in obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Ann
Intern Med. 2005;142:403411
6 Turner-McGrievy G, Barnard ND, Cohen J, Jenkins DJA, Gloede L, Green AA. Changes
in nutrient intake and dietary quality among participants with type 2 diabetes following a low-fat
vegan diet or a conventional diabetes diet for 22 weeks. J Am Diet Assoc. 2008;108:16361645
7 Nadeau J, Koski KG, Strychar I, Yale JF. Teaching subjects with type 2 diabetes how to incorporate sugar choices into their daily meal plan promotes dietary compliance and does not deteriorated metabolic profile. Diabetes Care. 2001;24:222227
8 Jarvi AE, Karlstrom BE, Grandfeldt YE, Bjorck IE, Asp NGL, Vessby BOH. Improved
Glycemic control and lipid profile and normalized fibrinolytic activity on a low Glycemic index diet
in type 2 diabetic patients. Diabetes Care. 1999;22:1018
Curing Diabetes
About Diabetes
over 18 months so far, even though the average participant has regained almost seven lbs in that time frame.
Doctors from around the globe have claimed that this is not a diet, but
starvation and a very dangerous therapy for people with type 2 diabetes.
However, one can argue that the process of healing is a controlled fasting technique. As patients lost weight (body fat) their diabetes improved
greatly12. The MRI researchers have concluded that there is definitely a link
between how fat someone is, and the levels of fat surrounding their liver
and pancreas13. The MRI researchers concluded that fatty livers were closely
related to overall weight gain, especially in central obesity.
Yet, the research from Prof. Roy Taylor showed that an extremely lowcalorie diet prompted the body to remove the fat clogging the pancreas,
which was preventing it from making insulin. This fat is most likely a major
cause of type 2 diabetes.
After just one week on the low calorie diet, the pre-breakfast blood sugar
levels of the study group had returned to normal, and MRI scans showed
that the fat levels in the pancreas had started to disappear. This is good news
for type 2 diabetics, and in effect it means that it has now been medically
recognised that calorie restriction is an effective short-term strategy to reduce
fasting blood sugars and lower body fat %.
Prof. Roy Taylors ground-breaking study was recently revealed on a
more international level in the Guardian Newspaper, UK 14and his work was
presented at the American Diabetes Association conference 2011.
Considering the incredible results, the lack of any invasive surgery or
drugs required, and the short-term nature of the treatment, it is hard to
understand the outrage of the many doctors that have had to rethink their
understanding of T2 Diabetes.
12 Lim EL, Hollingsworth KG, Aribisala BS, Chen MJ, Mathers JC, Taylor R. Reversal of
type 2 diabetes: Normalisation of beta cell function in association with decreased pancreas and liver
triacylglycerol. Diabetologia 2011, 54(10), 2506-2514.
13 E L Thomas, G Hamilton, N Patel, R ODwyer, C J Dor3, R D Goldin, J D Bell, S D
Taylor-Robinson. Hepatic triglyceride content and its relation to body adiposity: a magnetic
resonance imaging and proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study- Int. J.of Gastro/ Hepatology. Gut 2005;54:122-127 doi:10.1136/gut.2003.036566
14 Sarah Boseley, Low-calorie diet offers hope of cure for type 2 diabetes. The Guardian, Friday
24 June 2011
Curing Diabetes
There are some medical Doctors that puzzle at what has been discovered.
Dr. Philip Schauer, professor of surgery and director of advanced laparoscopic & bariatric surgery at Cleveland Clinic, during a briefing at the American
Diabetic Association conference said15:
In my practice, I routinely see patients who have remission of their type 2
diabetes within days or hours of gastric bypass, but we dont know why this
He continued by saying:
Understanding how (bariatric) surgery has this effect has the potential to
unlock new mechanisms of treating type 2 diabetes and, potentially, how
to replicate the effect with less invasive procedures or even without surgery.
About Diabetes
Curing Diabetes
and their mycotoxins can be found in our food chain17. These mycotoxins
can cause many diseases because they are composed of molecules that can
block our human DNA function, damage our liver enzymes and burn our
blood vessels18, as observed by Prof. Costantini of retired head of the Centre
for mycotoxins at the WHO.
It is therefore, very important that we manage our diet and remove our
consumption of these fungi as much as possible. People also need to understand that fungi grow very slowly and it can take years before there are
enough fungi in the body to create a super-infection, such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, some forms of MS, rheumatoid arthritis, strokes or cancer1920.
As I wrote in my first book The Hidden Cure, if the first Law21 is followed, the result will be less chronic degenerative diseases. In my opinion,
all chronic diseases should be investigated on a fungal sugar level, and the
term chronic degenerative diseases should actually be reclassified as chronic
fungal degenerative diseases.
There are countless references that have associated fungi with weight
gain and diabetes. Although fungi can break down or eat anything through
their terrifyingly destructive mycotoxins, the key factor is that fungi like to
eat simple foods such as carbohydrates.
Long-term, bakers and brewers yeast can cause the body to start to feel
the effects of the mycotoxins2223, which can lead to atherosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes and weight gain to name a few.
The antibiotic mycotoxin cyclosporine, which is used routinely for
17 Sugar A. A practical Guide to Medically Important Fungi and the Diseases they Cause. Lippincot-Raven, Philedelphia,PA 1997
18 Costantini, AV, Fungalbionics Series; Etiology and Prevention of Atherosclerosis. Johann Freidrich Oberlin Verlag. Freiburg, Germany. 1998/99. Chp 1, pg 9-10
19 A A Stark. Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity of Mycotoxins: DNA Binding as a Possible
Mode of Action Annual Review of Microbiology Vol. 34: 235-262 (Volume publication date
October 1980)
20 Wainwright, Milton. Do fungi play a role in the aetiology of cancer? Reviews in Medical
Microbiology:January 2002 - Volume 13 - Issue 1 - pp 37-42
21 L. Maas B.Sc Ost, DI.Hom. The Hidden Cure. Wheatmark Pub. Chp. 5 pg 61. 2009
22 Costantini, AV, Fungalbionics Series; Etiology and Prevention of Atherosclerosis. Johann Freidrich Oberlin Verlag. Freiburg, Germany. 1998/99. Chp 9 pg 47-49
23 Ibid 43.Chp2 pg 28
About Diabetes
Curing Diabetes
About Diabetes
mately 0.5% of the bread content. After WW2 the yeast levels in bread rose
to 1.75%. The reason for this was the need for greater and faster amounts of
quick-rising bread among the baby-boomer generation. As the population
increased, massively, in Europe and North America so did the consumption
of cheap, mass-produced bread.
At the same time in history, antibiotics had been discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 33and were being used to treat patients, especially following WW2, when soldiers injured with shrapnel and bomb blasts needed
them to cure bacterial infections. The children of this age came to think of
antibiotics as a miracle. Very few people knew that antibiotics, such as Penicillin, were a refined form of fungal poison34. The only thing that can live in
a fungal poison is another yeast or fungus.
It is precisely this generation and the ones thereafter that suffer from the
most degenerative diseases such as Alzheimers35, cancer36, heart disease37 38
39 40
, obesity41 and diabetes42.The repeated introduction of fermented foods,
sugars, and beverages in an antibiotic-managed healthcare system has set up
most of the degenerative diseases we see today. This is a crucial piece of evidence in the etiology of all chronic diseases effecting this baby-boom gen33 Diggins, F. The true history of the discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming Biomedical
Scientist, March 2003, Insititute of Biomedical Sciences, London.
34 Penicillin,
35 Alzheimers Association. Alzheimers Disease Facts and Figures 2008. - http://www.alz.
org/national/documents/release_031808_2008_facts_and_figures.pdf 2008.
36 Baby-Boomer Cancer Epidemic forecast- University of South Florida, accessed April,
37 Baby Boom to Elder Boom: Providing Health Care for an Aging Population. Washington,
D.C. Watson Wyatt Worldwide, 1996
38 Sarah Worth, USF Health Communications, Baby Boomers & Heart Disease, January 14,
2008 @ 11:53 am Filed under Integrating USF Health
39 Sharon OBrien, Cost to Treat Heart Disease to Triple by 2030 as Baby Boomers Age,
Prevention urgently needed to lower incidence and cost of heart disease.
40 Jason C. Kovacic, Pedro Moreno, Vladimir Hachinski, Elizabeth G. Nabel, and Valentin
Fuster Circulation. Contemporary Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, Cellular Senescence, Vascular Disease, and Aging: Part 1 of a 2-Part Review.. 2011;123:1650-1660
41 J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci (2009) 64B (3): 369-377.
42 Suzanne G. Leveille, PhD, Christina C. Wee, MD, MPH, and Lisa I. Iezzoni, MD,
MSc, Trends in Obesity and Arthritis Among Baby Boomers and Their Predecessors, 19712002,
American Journal of Public Health, September 2005, Vol 95, No. 9
Curing Diabetes
eration. The BLT, The Lifestyle Tradeoff article43 in the Ecologist magazine
stated, The increase in yeast is now being linked to a dramatic increase in
yeast intolerance in the West.
Curing type 2 diabetes in Seven Steps aims to inform the reader of
the benefits of going yeast and wheat free. Dr. Alessio Fasano, director of
the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research, stated that 2.5 to 3
million people in the USA have celiac disease. Unbeknownst to the general
public, no more than 150,000 of them have been diagnosed, which in effect
means that more than 2.3 million Americans are walking around with wheat
and yeast allergies and dont know it. Not only is bread carrying more gluten
and yeast44, but so too is beer, beef, and bacon. So lets ask you some questions about yeast infections and wheat/ gluten allergies.
Are you sensi ve to yeast / Candida?
Scroll down the list and see if you suffer from any of the following symptoms.
43 Jon Hughes & Pat Thomas, BLT Sandwhich; The Big Lifestyle Trade-off, Ecologist Magazine, 22nd September, 2006
44 Food Sensitivities or Intolerance; Lawrence Wilson, M.D.; December
About Diabetes
Now count up how many yes answers you have and check your total against
the table below:
0 to 2: Likely you are not yeast sensitive.
2 to 5: There is the possibility of a small issue, which is ever-increasing
with each yes answer.
5 and over: Definite problem and recommended to cut out all yeast &
wheat and gluten foods for at least three months.
Are you sensi ve to wheat and gluten?
Take the quick test below by answering if you identify with any of these
Curing Diabetes
Now count up how many yes answers you have and check your total
against the table below:
0 to 4: Likely you are not gluten wheat sensitive.
5 to 10: There is the possibility of a small issue, which is increasing with
each yes answer.
11 and over: Definite problem and recommended to cut out all wheat
and gluten foods for at least 3 months.
About Diabetes
If you follow a gluten-free diet, you will be able to stabilize your blood
sugar45, gain improved liver function46 and energy levels, have less migraines
and neuropathies, less eczema48, reduce and remove cravings, have better bowel movements, get more sleep and also become slimmer. Some early
research shows that a gluten free / casein free diet has wonderful benefits for
Gluten sensitivity and Celiac disease are a known cause of scleroderma,
rheumatoid50, lupus and other auto-immune diseases. Even if other tests for
gluten sensitivity and Celiac disease are negative or inconclusive, trial of a
gluten-free and casein-free (GFCF) should be considered.
If you scored moderate to high numbers you should be gluten and wheat
free for two-three months. This will allow your guts to heal from the allergic
response to wheat within the gut lining.
Actually its not quite an allergic response, its more of an auto-immune
response whereby the immune systems start to become corrupted and confused by the wheat/gluten proteins. The friendly fire starts to damage
tissues, hence the link between auto-immune diseases, such as lupus and
rheumatoid, and the chronic consumption of wheat based foods year in and
year out.
Gluten intolerance is seriously under-diagnosed51 52. Gluten sensitivity
45 Marc Y. Donath, Joachim Strling, Kathrin Maedler and Thomas Mandrup-Poulsen.
Inflammatory mediators and islet -cell failure: a link between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINEVolume 81, Number 8 (2003), 455-470,
46 M.T. Bardella, L. Valenti, C. Pagliari, M. Peracchi, M. Far, A.L. Fracanzani, S. Fargion,
Searching for coeliac disease in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Digestive and
Liver Disease, Volume 36, Issue 5, May 2004, Pages 333-336, ISSN 1590-8658,
47 Grant EC (1979). Food allergies and migraine. Lancet 1 (8123): 9669.
48 Barnetson RS, Wright AL, Benton EC (1989). IgE-mediated allergy in adults with severe atopic eczema. Clin. Exp. Allergy 19 (3): 3215.
49 Elder JH (2008). The gluten-free, casein-free diet in autism: an overview with clinical
implications. Nutr Clin Pract 23 (6): 5838.
50 Hvatum M, Kanerud L, Hllgren R, Brandtzaeg P (2006). The gutjoint axis: cross
reactive food antibodies in rheumatoid arthritis. Gut 55 (9): 12407.
51 Charlene Laino, Celiac Disease Underdiagnosed? WebMD Health News. May 20, 2008
52 About Celiac Disease- accessed April 2012
Curing Diabetes
and intolerance appears to be more common in patients with insulin dependent diabetes53. Gluten can cause a wide range of symptoms from IBS to
chronic allergies and even cancer and lupus. Not everyone is gluten intolerant, but it is advised that a two to three month period of removing gluten/
wheat products from the diet will help everyone in so many ways.
As one removes wheat/gluten from the diet, the blood sugars will start
to stabilize.
Gluten based foods include wheat, rye, oats, bulgur wheat, spelt, durum
wheat, couscous, cream of wheat and semolina.
Starch based foods that are allowed in small amounts to replace wheat
are quinoa, wild organic rice, millet, amaranth and buckwheat. When eating
these grains make sure it is consumed with a good blood type protein as it
will slow down the migration of carbohydrates into the blood.
Many gluten intolerant patients also have allergies to soy and dairy.
These foods should also be avoided unless you knowingly understand that
there is no allergy to these products.
Eggs are allowed. However, milk intolerance / lactose sensitivity is commonly associated with wheat and gluten. Readers should omit dairy for at
least two weeks and then test the body with a piece of cheese or a glass of
milk and see if theres a gas reaction or an allergy flare-up (i.e. eczema, sinus
problems, headache or gastric reflux). In other words following a gluten-free
and casein-free diet is very helpful.
N.B. It is seriously important to get the protein, carb and fat ratios correct when going gluten and wheat free. This information will be covered in
the Chapter three/ Step three, which is all about metabolic type. Here you
will be asked to work out the necessary ratios of your food by using your
blood pressure levels, breath hold and taking the metabolic quiz in the book
or on our website, but more on that later.
53 Michael J. Rensch, MD; John A. Merenich, MD; Michael Lieberman, PhD; Brian D.
Long, BS, CRC; Dirk R. Davis, MD; and Peter R. McNally, DO. Gluten-Sensitive Enteropathy in Patients with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. Annals of Int Med.March 15,
1996, vol. 124 no. 6 564-567
About Diabetes
Inflammation not only causes higher cholesterol but also a lot of free
radicals. These free radicals can overpower our anti-oxidant reserve
and this then causes damage to the DNA (genes), cells, organs and tissues. This in itself can cause cancer and heart disease. Uric acid builds
up easily in a diabetic and is a major cause of arthritis and kidney disease. A low purine diet is essential to recover from this.
Oxygen is normally carried by the red blood cells, but these red blood
cells change and now preferentially remove the oxygen and carry the
glucose instead. This lowers the bodys oxygenation level. Low oxygen
leads to thicker blood and further disease; this usually manifests as
hypertension, low energy levels, arthritis, diabetic blindness, the development of gangrenous tissue and eventually to limb amputation.
Thicker blood- as the blood gets thicker the brain tries to remedy the
situation by making the host thirsty and of course the patient drinks
more water in order to dilute the blood. Increased water consumption
causes the body to urinate more and this causes the loss of precious
alkalizing minerals.
Weight gain and Obesity- its now well established that the greater
the insulin resistance, the greater the development of fat cells. These
Curing Diabetes
two are inextricably linked. To lose weight one must control the flow
of carbohydrates going into the body. You can do this by choosing low
GI foods.
Have your diabetes tests performed and evaluated by your MD, DO,
ND, DC or registered nurse (RN).
Start a gentle exercise routine with your personal trainer (30 mins - 45
mins per day, 3 -5 x per week).
Start eating a low Glycemic Index diet. ALLWAYS have carbs and pro-
About Diabetes
tein together. Never eat carb by itself. Think fruit and nut, e.g. apples
and almonds or vegetables and meat/ fish/ fowl.
Eat good fats like fish oils, flax and olive oil.
Increase your fiber to help regulate the flow of carbohydrates into the
Curing Diabetes
Lifestyle changes and treatment with Metformin both reduced the incidence of diabetes in persons at high risk. The lifestyle intervention was more
effective than Metformin.
About Diabetes
Curing Diabetes
About Diabetes
sitivity of cells to insulins signal. As we age or overload our body with excess
sugars, our cell membranes become less sensitive to the insulin signals. Goats
rue extract rejuvenates the cell membranes to the chemical insulin signal,
thereby allowing uptake of sugars by the cell and lowering the levels of blood
sugar. Goats Rue extract does not trigger hypoglycemia and is also known
to prevent blood clots, diabetic retinopathy as well as protects the kidneys.
Gymnema Sylvestre - otherwise known as a sugar destroyer, this is an
Ayurvedic herbal medicine used for thousands of years in India to treat hyperglycemia7374. Gymnema has also been used to treat sugar cravings by altering the taste sensation of sugar in the tongue receptors. Gymnema, like
Goats Rue extract, does not induce the hypoglycemia i.e. the hypoglycemia
reactions that are sometimes seen with the use of insulin or the sulphonylurea
drugs used to treat diabetes.
Gymnema can also be used to treat weight issues and obesity75. Gymnema is a very safe herb to take to help control type 2 diabetes and aids in the
recovery of insulin sensitivity in the body as it promotes the recovery of the
Curing Diabetes
About Diabetes
These oils from fish are, like olive oil, very protective to the heart and
cardiovascular system82. It is a well-known fact, that those people who consume regular doses of fish oils have less heart disease and strokes. Those patients also report having improved memory and brain function as the brain
and nerves are made from these oils.
In many fish oils there is also small amounts of Vitamin A and D and
these can help the immune system ward off viruses and improve eyesight and
bone density.
The oil actually protects the lining of the vascular system by making it
very smooth83 and therefore there is less friction in the flow of blood through
the blood vessels; this oil is therefore called an endo-protectant. endo means
inside and protectant means it shields the vessels. This oil works by reducing
inflammation84. Inflammatory substances such as cytokines, prostaglandins,
leukotrienes and thromboxanes cause the body to become irritated. This irritation can cause inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, asthma, irritable
82 Alexander Leaf, MD; Jing X. Kang, MD, PhD; Yong-Fu Xiao, MD, PhD; George E.
Billman, PhD. Clinical Prevention of Sudden Cardiac Death by n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids
and Mechanism of Prevention of Arrhythmias by n-3 Fish Oils. Circulation. 2003; 107: 26462652
83 HA Lehr, C Hubner, B Finckh, D Nolte, U Beisiegel, A Kohlschutter and K Messmer.
Dietary fish oil reduces leukocyte/endothelium interaction following systemic administration of oxidatively modified low density lipoprotein. Circulation. 1991; 84: 1725-1731
84 J E Kinsella, B Lokesh, and R A Stone. Dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and amelioration of cardiovascular disease: possible mechanisms. Am J Clin Nutr July 1990 52: 1-28
Curing Diabetes
bowel syndrome, eczema and psoriasis, diverticulitis and colitis. Fish oils prevent the build of inflammatory cytokines85.
Fish Oils can:
Reduce blood clots and therefore the risk of stroke86 as it thins the
blood naturally87.
Reduce blood pressure88.
Improve osteo-arthritis89 90.
Improve asthma, bronchitis and other lung conditions91.
Improve diabetes by allowing the cells to absorb more glucose and
thereby reduces blood sugar92.
Improve eczema both internally and externally on the skin93.
Help with multiple sclerosis94 (hardening of the nerves).
85 Calder PC. n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Cytokine Production in Health and
Disease, Ann Nutr Metab 1997;41:203234
86 Kirpal S. Sidhu, Health benefits and potential risks related to consumption of fish or fish
oil, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, Volume 38, Issue 3, December 2003, Pages
87 A.Leaf MD. Cardiovascular effects of fish oils. Beyond the platelet. Circulation 1990,
88 Howard R. Knapp, M.D., Ph.D., and Garret A. FitzGerald, M.D. The Antihypertensive
Effects of Fish Oil. N Engl J Med 1989; 320:1037-1043April 20, 1989
89 Vijitha De Silva, Ashraf El-Metwally, Edzard Ernst, George Lewith and Gary J. Macfarlane. Evidence for the efficacy of complementary and alternative medicines in the management of osteoarthritis: a systematic review. Rheumatology (2011) 50 (5): 911-920.
90 T Stammers, B Sibbald, P Freeling, Efficacy of cod liver oil as an adjunct to non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drug treatment in the management of osteoarthritis in general practice.
Ann Rheum Dis 1992;51:128-129
91 T Nagakura, S Matsuda, K Shichijyo, H Sugimoto and K Hata. Dietary supplementation
with fish oil rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in children with bronchial asthma.
ERJ November 1, 2000 vol. 16 no. 5 861-865
92 P Fasching, K Ratheiser, W Waldhusl, M Rohac, W Osterrode, P Nowotny and H
Vierhapper. Metabolic effects of fish-oil supplementation in patients with impaired glucose
tolerance. Diabetes May 1991 vol. 40 no. 5 583-589
93 Craig C Miller, Wilson Tang, Vincent A Ziboh and Mark P Fletcher. Dietary Supplementation with Ethyl Ester Concentrates of Fish Oil (n-3) and Borage Oil (n-6) Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Induces Epidermal Generation of Local Putative Anti-Inflammatory
Metabolites. Journal of Investigative Dermatology (1991) 96, 98103
94 Kenneth K. Carroll, Biological effects of fish oils in relation to chronic diseases. LIPIDS,
Volume 21, Number 12 (1986), 731-732
About Diabetes
Curing Diabetes
lesterol106 and improving eyesight107, heart disease108 and libido109110. Hormones work really well when given under the correct medical supervision
and dose.
However, I only encourage my patients to use bio-identical hormones at
my clinic and NEVER synthetic ones due to the associated negative side effects of them; and so I give you, the reader, the same advice as my patients.
Bio-identical hormones are much safer than synthetic hormones, especially if
the method of delivery is a cream or liposomal liquid. The advantage of this
is that they bypass the liver, which would normally break them down quite
It is not so well known amongst medical practitioners that low dose natural hormone replacement can help to reverse diabetes. We will cover this
area in the third lesson Step 3 / chapter 3.
I would strongly advise my patients to get accurate comprehensive blood
hormone panels and have the test results properly assessed by a competent
physician trained in natural hormone replacement therapy. Use only optimal
ranges when assessing the need for natural hormone replacement therapy.
Reassessing the hormones every three months is a good feedback technique until the hormones are all within balance.
About Diabetes
Curing Diabetes
About Diabetes
while people that have Type 1 diabetes can use the HCG diet protocol safely,
the health benefits are not as dramatic as the benefits for a person with Type
2 Diabetes.
The reason why Type 2 diabetics can gain greater benefits from the HCG
diet is because they are not insulin dependent. Instead, excessive weight is
one of the contributing factors to this form of diabetes (T2) so losing weight
is actually beneficial. Altering ones diet and getting ones weight under control is one of the disease management techniques used by many Type 2 diabetics. After speaking with a medically HCG trained physician about using
the HCG dieting plan, a diabetic can begin to lose weight quickly. Rapid
weight loss can lead to improved blood pressure control, less strain on the
heart, and improved blood sugar levels; all of which are of great concern to
the individual that suffers from Type 2 diabetes.
The HCG diet plan, when used correctly, can reduce blood glucose levels
in a matter of days. As the diet progresses, glucose levels continue to decline
until they eventually return to normal levels in the body: this can happen
over the course of 1- 2 weeks.
If you are interested in HCG diet plans please avoid homeopathic HCG
as this is a total fraud. I am a trained Homeopath and would not use homeopathic HCG to induce weight loss. When Dr Simeons was researching the
HCG protocol he used real HCG, not homeopathic HCG. There are many
businesses toting Homeopathic HCG for weight loss who give a free copy of
Simeons book to authenticate the sale. DO NOT trust homeopathic HCG.
Fortunately the FDA has now started proceedings to ban homeopathic HCG
for weight loss.
Only real HCG will work to raise the hormone levels of testosterone
and progesterone. Thats the key; the hormones raise the fat burn factor.
A good organization that deals with the training of physicians in the
HCG protocol is IAPAM of the USA. Having trained with them, I practice
the detail needed on a biochemistry level to guide patients precisely during
the fat reduction process through the HCG diet. Maxing the biochemistry to
create the best safe fat burn.
Diabetes goes into remission with the HCG diet due to the:
Curing Diabetes
Maintenance phase of the diet allows for a new set weight point.
Please find a local clinic to guide you through this process if you want
rapid weight loss at the same time as reversing your type 2 diabetes. Instructions for this are beyond the scope of this book and are covered in my other
book The Total Fat Cure, but the principle is that lower carbohydrates allow a good fat burn and diabetic recovery, particularly if you can boost your
own hormones. The massive fat burn unplugs all the fat residues around the
pancreas that inhibit the proper release of insulin.
This staged fat burn through lower calories (low Glycemic Index foods)
and extra natural hormones reboots the metabolism of the body.
About Diabetes
one can get this achieved then one can avoid all the diabetic complications
because exercise and diet are proven techniques to reduce blood pressure,
improve circulation and reverse Type 2 diabetes.
Remember a good nutritionist will help you remove unhealthy carbohydrates, wheat, and all sugars. If they do not do this you are in the wrong
nutritionists office.
Diabetic complications are frequently understated. The complications
are due to the person not drastically reducing the carbohydrate intake. Not
many people know the extent to which these complications ruin the quality
of life of a diabetic, the immediate family in terms of emotional stress and
society in general.
Diabetics do not die from diabetes but from their complications115. Diabetics endure high blood pressure, progressive blindness and heart problems;
and if thats not enough they also sometimes have to witness their toes or feet
being amputated. This is extremely stressful and can cause depression.
Even when diabetics are taking their medications so that the glucose
stays strictly within the reference range, a large percentage will still suffer
from complications such as heart disease, kidney disease, foot disorders, eye
disease and cancer. Whats more, in 2004 the American Diabetic Association
stated that over 68% of the complications that resulted in death are heart attack related and a further 16% resulted in stroke116.
It is the diabetic complications that end up killing the patient. Diabetes
is 90% preventable117118 and yet so many people end up with diabetes and
the associated complications due to a lack of education and discipline about
controlling their diet.
So the best thing you can do right now in order to lower the risk of
115 Saleh N, Petursson P, Lagerqvist B, Skladttir H, Svensson A, Eliasson B, Gudbjrnsdottir S, Eeg-Olofsson K, Norhammar A. Long-term mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes
undergoing coronary angiography: the impact of glucose-lowering treatment. Diabetologia.
2012 May 8.
116 Data from the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet (released Jan. 26, 2011). http://www. Accessed 2012
117 Summaries for patients. Improving each additional lifestyle factor further reduces the
risk for diabetes. Ann Intern Med. 2011 Sep 6;155(5):292-9.
118 Mozaffarian D, Kamineni A, Carnethon M, Djouss L, Mukamal KJ, Siscovick D.Lifestyle
risk factors and new-onset diabetes mellitus in older adults: the cardiovascular health study.
Arch Intern Med. 2009 Apr 27; 169(8):798-807.
Curing Diabetes
119 Zhu S, St-Onge MP, Heshka S, Heymsfield SB.,Lifestyle behaviors associated with lower risk of having the metabolic syndrome. Metabolism. 2004 Nov;53(11):1503- 1511------.
120 Costantini, AV, Fungalbionics Series; Etiology and Prevention of Atherosclerosis. Johann
Freidrich Oberlin Verlag. Freiburg, Germany. 1998/99. Chp. 17, pg 71-76
121 Mokdad AH, Bowman BA, Ford ES, Vinicor F, Marks JS, Koplan JP. The continuing
epidemics of obesity and diabetes in the united states. JAMA. 2001;286(10):1195-1200.
Step 1
Learn about Carbohydrates
Defini on of Diabetes
Diabetes is a medical disorder producing excessive urine and high blood
sugar levels.
Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose or sugar levels are too
high. Glucose comes from the foods that you consume.
Diabetes is as old as the hills and has been around for centuries. Ancient
1 Gannon M, Nutall F. Effect of A High-Protein , low carbohydrate Diet on Blood Glucose in people with Type 2 Diabetes. DIABETES, Vol.53 2375 2382, sept. 2004 2 Gannon M, Nutall F. Effect of A High-Protein , low carbohydrate Diet on Blood Glucose in people with Type 2 Diabetes. DIABETES, Vol.53 2375 2382, sept. 2004 -
Curing Diabetes
physicians both in Egypt and Greece were aware of this rare disease; however,
they did not recognize then that it was a disease related to a diseased pancreas.
The Greek physician Aretaeus coined the term Diabetes in the first century AD, which means, siphon due to the excessive urination. The early
physicians of Greece could not treat diabetes and so the patients slowly wasted away through over peeing.
Diabetes is today one of the fastest growing epidemics in the world and
is responsible for killing approximately 5% of the worlds population. Poor
diets can cause the body to over-produce insulin, which in turn creates the
deposition of fat cells.
The effect of high long-term insulin levels is weight gain and obesity. As
people get fatter they develop a chronic condition called Hyper-insulinemia,
which means that the pancreas secretes way too much insulin and the body
is unable to use it properly. This creates a constant feeling of hunger in the
body, and this in turn results in the development of a vicious circle.
Increased hunger causes more simple carbohydrates to be eaten, which
causes weight gain and further insulin dysregulation. Of course any latent
fungal infection will enjoy and reinforce this type of food behavior. (More
on this later.) Unfortunately diabetics are prone to yeast/fungal infections as
fungi love sugar, and these are usually higher in a diabetic human.
How does sugar cause diabetes?
Well the sensitivity of the fat cells that are storing the sugar as fat, get
progressively numb. They become less sensitive to the calling of the insulin
and they, therefore, let the sugars remain in the blood stream. This then sets
up a domino effect that causes the pancreas to secrete even more insulin.
As the blood levels of sugar remain high over time, the fat cells lose their
ability to respond to the insulin signal and the pancreas works harder and
harder to meet the demands of the sugar regulation; the fat cells reception
becomes more insensitive and the islet cells start to die. This is the start of
insulin resistance and, eventually, Type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes involves carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose, and sucrose.
The majority of our food choices revolve around these sugars in the form of
candy, bread, potatoes, milk shakes, chocolates, fruits and pastries. People
who eat too many of these foods are setting themselves up for problems in
years to come.
Curing Diabetes
to guide your sugar back to its optimum level. This is known as the Glycemic
Index (GI).
Before you eat a meal you must ensure that the GI of your food choice is
correct and falls under 50 on the GI scale.
There is a list of the GI indexes of foods in the appendix of this book.
With each low GI meal the blood sugar will stabilize lower and lower,
slowly moving lower, two-ten points at a time. You will know that the program is working because after a couple of meals / days your fasting blood
sugar levels will get closer to the optimal ranges of 80-100 mg/dl.
Ac on Steps:
Get organized and build your medical recovery team, with your MD
and Osteopath, dietician, and personal trainer.3
Obesity and Type 2 diabetes are at epidemic levels5 in the 21st century
and science is now telling us that in order to avoid serious degenerative diseases we should choose wisely as to what carbohydrate choices we make at
meal times and snacks.
According to the WHOs Prof. Costantini, the retired head of the WHO
Collaboration Centre for Mycotoxins in Foods, fungi exploit humans by
feeding off the sugars that humans consume. Today in our modern society many popular foods and snacks are laced with ever increasing amounts
of sugar or high fructose corn syrup (fast carbohydrates). These will cause
weight gain in an individual that does not exercise regularly.
5 Lee S Gross, Li Li, Earl S Ford and Simin Liu Increased consumption of refined carbohydrates and the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in the United States: an ecologic assessment. Am
J Clin Nutr May 2004 vol. 79 no. 5 774-779
Curing Diabetes
If you look at the above chart, the dashed line is the result of somebody
eating a high GI food. The blood sugar will rise sharply, causing weight gain
and then it is soon followed by a crash that induces hunger and sugar cravings.
This is a trap and a vicious circle. Up to the sugar mountain ( fat ) and
then a free gift pass down into the sugar valley (hunger). Get fat and then get
hungry. Get fat and then get hungry ! Thats a crazy disease inducing loop
that a lot of Americans and Brits and the rest of the world is caught in.
The food companies know it too. Sugar is addictive and it sells. Its like
legal crack. Whitney Houston said crack is whack so whats sugar?
Sugar is thwack. A really sharp blow to the body every time its is eaten
in excess levels. Punching that pancreas, bruising it for years until it can deal
with the onslaught no more. It tries to protect itself by turning sugar into fat
and deal with it another day.
Fast carbohydrates will cause your body to store the unused energy in
the food as fat. If that individual has a current yeast infection, a slow thyroid,
or sluggish adrenal glands, the effect is a huge escalation in weight. It is this
theory that accounts for the obesity levels we see today.
Xylose sugar or erythritol are natural sugar alcohols6, used as a sugar
substitute is well tolerated7, which has been approved for use in the USA
and throughout much of the world. Xylose sugar occurs naturally in fruits,
birch trees and corncobs. It has a low GI and is used successfully with Candida sufferers8, diabetics, cholesterol patients and patients who are concerned
with weight-loss or who are simply health conscious.
Xylose has a mild laxative effect (which is an advantage sometimes to
relieve constipation) whereas erythritol does not cause any loosening of the
bowels. The GI of Xylitol is seven. The GI of sugar is 100.
As I have stated in my first book The Hidden Cure, the GI value is im-
6 Mart, N.; Funes, L.L.; Saura, D.; Micol, V. (July 2008). An update on alternative
sweeteners. International sugar journal 110 (1315): 425429.
7 Mkinen, KK (1976). Long-term tolerance of healthy human subjects to high amounts
of xylitol and fructose: general and biochemical findings. Internationale Zeitschrift fur Vitamin
und Ernahrungsforschung Beiheft 15: 92104
8 Abu-Elteen, Khaled H. (2005). The influence of dietary carbohydrates on adherence
of four species to human buccal epithelial cells. Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 17
(3): 156162.
portant because if foods are chosen that are high on the GI scale, they will
cause the body to store excess sugar as fat.
In this day and age of abundant carbohydrates, the human ability to
store carbohydrates as fat is now effectively killing people through modern
degenerative diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, hypertension and
depression. Sadly, hundreds of thousands of lives will be wasted every year
because of excessive fat build up and the consequential diseases that ensue.
The wisest thing to do while we are all set in this backdrop of having
chronic degenerative diseases is to actively resist the fungis craving for fast
carbohydrates and move towards a healthier option of slow carbohydrate
Step 2
Learn about Proteins
When one starts to eat this way, one will experience an immediate shift
in metabolism and consequential weight loss especially in a T2 Diabetic4.
This will also happen in patients who are healthy and have no T2 Diabetes5.
Please see the appendix for a list of Paleo-blood type appropriate protein
Cornish hens
Lamb & mutton
Curing Diabetes
I share my observations of patients with you so that you might also see the
same trends.
In our clinic, the 2nd step to curing your diabetes is about the blood
type and how to get the right type and amount of protein as determined by
6 Voegtlin, Walter L. (1975). The stone age diet: Based on in-depth studies of human ecology
and the diet of man. Vantage Press. ISBN 0-533-01314-3.
7 DAdamo, P. (with additional material by Catherine Whitney) (1996). Eat Right 4 your
Type. Putnam. ISBN 0-399-14255-X
8 Lindeberg S, Eliasson M, Lindahl B, Ahrn B (October 1999). Low serum insulin in
traditional Pacific IslandersThe Kitava study. Metabolism 48 (10): 121619.
9 Eaton, S. Boyd; Cordain, Loren; & Sebastian, Anthony (2007). The Ancestral Biomedical Environment (PDF). In Aird, William C.. Endothelial Biomedicine. Cambridge University
Press. pp. 12934
10 Loren Cordain, S Boyd Eaton, Anthony Sebastian, Neil Mann, Staffan Lindeberg,
Bruce A Watkins, James H OKeefe and Janette Brand-Miller, Origins and evolution of the
Western diet: health implications for the 21st century. Am J Clin Nutr February 2005 vol. 81
no. 2 341-354
an individuals blood type and body weight, respectively. The theory is that
if one eats the wrong protein, it can create a shift in the pH of the blood
and this in turn creates allergies and lowered oxygen levels within the blood,
setting up a Rouleaux effect11. Rouleaux involves the stacking and sticking
of the red blood cells.
As one can imagine, this effect creates a sluggish flow and a lack of oxygen within the body. One can see this clearly under the microscope, where it
tells a fascinating story about ones diet and lifestyle choices. While healthy
individuals have great flowing blood, sick people have poor flowing blood.
Improvements can be seen when the patient follows the blood type protein
Step 2 ac on steps:
Please refer to the appendix for specific guidelines on blood type and
protein choices from the shopping list.
The Stone Age caveman diet suits O bloods the best, in my opinion.
The blood group O is the original hunter-gatherer bloodstock. This blood
type developed in a strong and tough environment and theoretically originates from Africa. Animal flesh, bird meats and fish were the predominant
protein source at the time, and through evolution, these blood types adapted
to the amount and type of protein, producing a lot of stomach acid to break
it down. O bloods historically have a high incidence of stomach ulcers and
gastritis from the over-secretion of gastric acid.
11 Iwona Cicha, Yoji Suzuki, Norihiko Tateishi, and Nobuji Maeda, Changes of RBC aggregation in oxygenation-deoxygenation: pH dependency and cell morphology, AJP - Heart June 1,
2003 vol. 284 no. 6 H2335-H2342
12 DAdamo, P. (with additional material by Catherine Whitney) (1996). Eat Right 4 your
Type. Putnam. ISBN 0-399-14255-X
Curing Diabetes
B vitamins
Iodine (thyroid)
Licorice (caution with high blood pressure; use instead deglycyrrhized
licorice DGL)
Calcium carbonate (to offset general acidity)
Vitamin K
Type-A Blood, 40 Percent of Global Popula on
The next in line on the evolutionary tree are the A bloods (agrarians),
and the general location for their development was the Middle East, India
and Southern Asia (all areas south of the Silk Road). These have adapted to
eating grains and beans especially soy and soy products, making soy very beneficial for this blood group. The DNA shift from O meat eating to A plant/
harvesting coincided with the agricultural revolution, and the controlled systematic planting of seeds for harvesting. A bloods are the agriculturists.
A bloods are the most vegetarian of the blood types, but they still benefit
from occasional fish, turkey, and chicken. This blood group produces less
stomach acid, because traditionally they did not eat complex proteins such
as red meat. Exercise should consist of calming, stretching exercises such as
walking, yoga, and Pilates.
General supplements for As:
Vitamin B12
Folic acid
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Milk thistle
Type-B Blood, 11 Percent of Global Popula on
Licorice or DGL
Gingko biloba
AB Blood, 5 Percent of Global Popula on
This is the youngest of the blood groups. This blood group evolved from
the mixing of B types and A types along the Great Silk Road, the major trade
route between the East and West in early human history. ABs are suited to
contemporary lifestyles and have very strong immune systems. They carry
the benefits of both As and Bs but should still avoid shellfish and chicken.
General supplements for ABs:
Vitamin C
Curing Diabetes
Milk thistle
Valerian root
Hawthorne berry
Curing Diabetes
is also true in that if you want to build fat, eat more carbohydrates and
less protein, and experience cravings.
Table of Protein/ day Quan es as Related to Height22
Note: 1 oz = 28 g
Male Adult
4-5-6 oz
6-7-8 oz
78-9 oz
Female Adult
4-5-6 oz
6.5-7-8 oz
What if?
If you apply this information about the correct protein choices you will
feel so much better as you will have less allergies and the start of a stronger
immune system.
If you dont apply this information then you can expect continued allergy
and inflammatory diseases in your life.
Step 3
Burning Fats According to Your
Metabolic Type
We have already covered the 1st law in chapter one; get the right carbohydrates into your body. The 2nd law is to select the correct proteins (type and
amount). Now its time to learn about the good fats in our diet and how we
can shift our fat metabolism by eating according to our metabolic type.
Good fats usually come in three forms:
Dairy - Consider using organic sources and follow the blood-type rules
for dairy, as it is considered a partial protein (dairy also contains fats). If you
are allergic to wheat or gluten, dairy will have to be omitted for at least two
weeks. After two weeks, have a piece of cheese or glass of milk and see if there
is a gas or bloating reaction. If there was a reaction then avoid consuming
Apply blood type rules well; for example, only B and AB are allowed
cows milk and O bloods must use dairy sparingly. If unsure, check for allergies by doing an allergy test both IgE and IgG.
Butter, ghee
Goats cheese
Curing Diabetes
Feta cheese
Yoghurt (live acidophilus)
Cottage cheese
Milk (organic cows or goats)
Milk beverages (soy or almond are replacements for dairy milk)
Fats and Oils Our Paleo blood type ancestors would eat approximately
30% fats and oils in their diet1.
Fish oils
Flax seed oil
Hemp oil
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Meat / animal fat
Egg yolks
Why metabolism?
To burn fat you need to understand what your metabolism is doing
and choose the appropriate food ratios of Protein & Fats Vs Carbs to match.
If you dont do this, then certain fatty foods that you eat could slow you
down or speed you up. No guesswork, find out what your metabolic type is
and then you can choose the right food ratios to help nudge your metabolism
for the better.
NB. Hydrogenated fats and trans-fatty acids as well as Canola oil are to
be avoided as they can harm the body.
1 Kuipers RS, Luxwolda MF, Dijck-Brouwer DJA, Eaton SB, Crawford, MA, Cordain L,
and Muskiet FAJ. Estimate macronutrient and fatty acid intakes from an East African paleolithic
diet. British J Nutr 104: 1666-1687 (2010)
Ea ng by Metabolic Typing
In this chapter, I will introduce you to the concept of metabolic type.
I had mentioned this in my previous book The Hidden Cure; however, I
correlated it to the basic functions of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland.
The adrenal glands and the thyroid gland both influence the rate at which
the body metabolizes fat.
Firstly, in this chapter, I will discuss the human nervous system a little
deeper and how it plays a role in our metabolism (i.e. how fast we burn off
fat). In 1919 Francis M. Pottenger, M.D. originally put this clinical model
forward. He explained that he thought all organs and glands in the body are
connected to the brain (hypothalamus) via the Autonomic Nervous System
ANS controls the involuntary activities of the body (i.e. heart rate, blood
pressure, digestion, restoring homeostasis, immune systems, metabolism etc.)
ANS has two divisions: Sympathetic and Parasympathetic systems.
I will also show you how, through our diets, we can influence our nervous system and metabolic rate. Subsequently, I will discuss the thyroid and
then the adrenals and how we can use certain supplements to help rebuild
our thyroid and adrenal glands in order to increase our metabolic energy.
2 Wiiliam Walcott & Trish Fahey, The Metabolic Typing Diet: Customize Your Diet to Your
Own Unique Body Chemistry- Three Rivers Press; 1st Bway Bks Tr Ppbk Ed 2002 edition
(January 2, 2002)
Curing Diabetes
If the difference is greater than > 46 you are sympathetic (a carbohydrate type). If the difference is less than < 37 you are parasympathetic
(a protein type)
If the difference is somewhere in the middle then you are a mixed balanced type.
These two types are listed below with their tendencies:
Sympathetic - large pupil, increased temperature, increased pulse, reduced appetite, unable to relax, feverish or cold sweats, gags easily,
usually a tendency to have higher blood pressure- Usually a CARBOHYDRATE TYPE.
Curing Diabetes
70% of the meal must be Protein and Fat, 30% low GI carbohydrates.
You must eat protein & fat with every meal and take snacks. This helps
to control blood sugar swings.
Eat protein sources such as red meats/ dark meats, nuts/ seeds/ eggs,