Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in Men With Diabesity: Sandeep Dhindsa, Husam Ghanim, Manav Batra, and Paresh Dandona
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in Men With Diabesity: Sandeep Dhindsa, Husam Ghanim, Manav Batra, and Paresh Dandona
Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism in Men With Diabesity: Sandeep Dhindsa, Husam Ghanim, Manav Batra, and Paresh Dandona
One-third of men with obesity or type 2 diabetes have subnormal free testosterone
concentrations. The lower free testosterone concentrations are observed in obese
men at all ages, including adolescents at completion of puberty. The gonadotropin
concentrations in these males are inappropriately normal; thus, these patients have
hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH). The causative mechanism of diabesity-
induced HH is yet to be defined but is likely multifactorial. Decreased insulin and
leptin signaling in the central nervous system are probably significant contributors.
Contrary to popular belief, estrogen concentrations are lower in men with HH. Men
with diabesity and HH have more fat mass and are more insulin resistant than
eugonadal men. In addition, they have a high prevalence of anemia and higher
mortality rates than eugonadal men. Testosterone replacement therapy results in
a loss of fat mass, gain in lean mass, and increase in insulin sensitivity in men with
diabesity and HH. This is accompanied by an increase in insulin-signaling genes in
adipose tissue and a reduction in inflammatory mediators that interfere with insulin
Cardiovascular Disease
Epidemiological studies have shown that
elderly men with low testosterone are
more likely to die of a major cardiovas-
cular event (65). Inverse association of
mortality with endogenous testosterone
concentrations has also been observed in
men with diabetes (66). However, no
randomized control trials have been con-
ducted to examine the question: “Does
TRT change cardiovascular outcomes in
men?” Cardiovascular outcomes have
been sporadically reported in random-
ized trials of TRT designed for other end
points (such as muscle strength and
glucose control), but these trials were
underpowered to look at cardiac events.
Meta-analyses of these trials do not
find a consistent effect of TRT on car-
diovascular events (67). A recently con-
cluded randomized placebo-controlled
trial in elderly men ($65 years of age,
790 subjects) by Snyder et al. (68) found
no difference in cardiovascular events
between men who received TRT or pla-
cebo for 1 year. A prospective cohort
Figure 4—A: Insulin sensitivity measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic insulin clamps in 94 men
with type 2 diabetes (44 men had HH, and 50 were eugonadal). Men with HH had greater BMI (40 vs. study in an endocrine clinic investigated
34 kg/m2; P , 0.001) but similar age (55 vs. 52 years; P = 0.08) and HbA1c (7.0 vs. 7.1%; P = 0.7) as the effect of TRT in 238 hypogonadal men
compared with eugonadal men. The glucose infusion rate during hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic with HH and type 2 diabetes on all-cause
insulin clamps was 36% lower in men with HH as compared with eugonadal men. The glucose mortality (66). Sixty-four hypogonadal
infusion rate between men with and without HH was, however, not different once adjusted for
men received testosterone (mean du-
BMI difference in the two groups. This suggests that obesity is the predominant determinant of
insulin resistance in men with HH. B: A total of 44 men with HH were randomized to intramuscular ration 42 6 20 months), and 174 men
testosterone or placebo injections every 2 weeks for 6 months. Insulin sensitivity (glucose uptake during were not treated. The mortality rate in
clamps) increased by 32% after 6 months. Data adapted from Dhindsa et al. (44). untreated hypogonadal men was 20%,
whereas hypogonadal men treated with
Bone Density bone density or fractures in men with HH testosterone had a mortality rate of
In epidemiological studies, estradiol con- and diabesity. The effect of TRT on bone 9.4% (P = 0.002). Most retrospective
centrations correlate more robustly with density or fracture rates in men with epidemiological studies have shown a
bone mineral density than testosterone diabesity has also not been studied. benefit on cardiovascular events from
concentrations in men (64). Free testos- long-term testosterone use in elderly
terone concentrations are positively asso- Lipid Profile men (69–71). In one of the largest studies
ciated with bone density in arms, ribs, and It used to be believed that testosterone conducted on this issue, Sharma et al. (70)
lumbar spine in men with type 2 diabetes treatment adversely affects cardiovascu- showed a 56% reduction in total mortality
(48). No study has evaluated the relation lar risk because it lowers HDL cholesterol and 24% reduction in myocardial infarc-
between free estradiol concentrations and concentration. However, that effect is tion with the use of TRT. Some reports
care.diabetesjournals.org Dhindsa and Associates 1523
have shown evidence of harm with short- especially in young men, may partially are visual symptoms, headaches, or other
term testosterone use. However, these explain the high prevalence of infertility pituitary hormone deficits. MRI is also
studieshadanumberofshortcomings(67). or oligospermia in these men. Studies advisable if the free testosterone is very
Large-scale prospective randomized con- comparing sperm parameters of men low (,50% of the lower limit of normal).
trolled trials on testosterone therapy, who are obese or have diabetes with
How Should Men Receiving TRT Be
focusing on cardiovascular benefits and and without HH have not been con-
risks, are clearly needed. ducted. TRT cannot be used in those
SHBG concentrations are decreased by
who desire fertility because it decreases
Prostate-Specific Antigen TRT. Hence, free testosterone should be
Men with type 2 diabetes have 20% lower used to titrate testosterone dosing during
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concen- PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS TRT. Hemoglobin and prostate should be
trations than men without diabetes. PSA FOR A CLINICIAN monitored as per guidelines (5).
concentrations are lower in hypogonadal These recommendations are opinions
Should Every Man With Diabesity Have
than in eugonadal men with diabetes based on the authors’ clinical experience.
His Testosterone Concentration
(0.89 vs. 1.1 ng/mL) (72). It is interesting
that the incidence of prostatic carcinoma CONCLUSIONS
The answer to this question is yes. The
is lower in men with diabetes. This is in HH is found in 25–33% of men with
high prevalence justifies screening for
contrast to the increased incidence of diabesity. Although the underlying mech-
HH. Limiting testing only to men who
cancer in diabetes in various organs in- anism is not known, neuronal insulin and
report symptoms is likely to result in
cluding the colon, kidney, breast, endo- leptin resistance may play a role at the
false negatives. Hypogonadal patients
metrium, and pancreas. Similar to type 2 hypothalamic level. Low free and bioavail-
may slide gradually into this clinical state
diabetes, obesity is also associated with able testosterone concentrations in these
without any overt symptoms, which may
10–30% lower PSA concentrations and men are associated with an increased
be revealed through direct questioning.
lower prostate cancer incidence (73). prevalence of sexual symptoms, obe-
Asymptomatic men may realize that they
Obese men are half as likely to have PSA sity, highCRPconcentrations,mildanemia,
had been symptomatic only after a trial
concentrations .4 mg/L. The lower PSA insulin resistance, and decreased bone
with testosterone. However, a complete
concentrations may not be a result of mineral density. In addition, these men
discussion of risks and benefits between
lower testosterone concentrations in obe- may have an elevated risk of cardiovascular
sity and type 2 diabetes, but may also be events and death. Short-term studies of
trial of TRT, and the decision about treat-
due to the larger plasma volumes and testosterone therapy have demonstrated
ment should be weighed carefully by the
hence hemodilution(74).Prostatecancer an increase in libido, insulin sensitivity, and
progression and mortality, however, are lean body mass and a reduction in inflam-
increased in obese men, possibly related What Test Should Be Used to Make a mation and fat mass. Men on TRT should be
to later detection due to lower PSA Biochemical Diagnosis of Testosterone monitored for the development of poly-
concentrations (75). Deficiency in a Man With Diabesity? cythemia or prostate complications. Trials
The PSA concentrations are lower in Free testosterone should be checked in of a longer duration are clearly required to
hypogonadal men than in eugonadal men. the morning (fasting) by accurate meth- definitively establish the benefits and risks
TRT may result in a modest increase in PSA odology, preferably equilibrium dialysis/ of TRT in these men.
concentrations (;30%). In most studies mass spectrometry. Studies have shown
of TRT replacement in men with diabesity, that testosterone has a diurnal variation,
there is no change in PSA concentrations and its concentrations also decline after Funding. This work was supported by the
after TRT (44,45,51,54). In this context, eating. Total testosterone should not be National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
it is important that the replacement of used to make diagnostic or therapeutic and Kidney Diseases (grant R01-DK-075877 to
testosterone in hypogonadal patients in decisions. P.D.) and American Diabetes Association (Junior
Faculty grant 110JF13 to S.D.).
general does not lead to an increased risk Duality of Interest. P.D. is on the speaker panel
What Workup Should Be Undertaken
of prostatic carcinoma, although the trials for and provides research support to AbbVie. No
in a Man With Diabesity and Subnormal
have been too limited in duration and other potential conflicts of interest relevant to
Free Testosterone? this article were reported.
number of patients (5).
Subnormal free testosterone needs to be Author Contributions. S.D. and P.D. wrote the
Spermatogenesis confirmed (at least once). Men with one manuscript and researched data. H.G. contributed
Some (but not all) studies have shown normal value and one low value are not to discussion and reviewed and edited the man-
uscript. M.B. reviewed and edited the manuscript.
that BMI is inversely related to sperm hypogonadal. Studies have generally
counts, sperm morphology, and sperm shown a lack of benefit of TRT in men
motility. Data are most consistent about with low normal testosterone concen- 1. Dandona P, Dhindsa S. Update: hypogonado-
the impact of morbid obesity on sper- trations. A man with confirmed hypogo- tropic hypogonadism in type 2 diabetes and
matogenesis. In a meta-analysis of 21 nadism should have LH concentrations obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2011;96:
studies, BMI .40 kg/m2 was associated measured. The majority have HH. MRI 2643–2651
with a doubling of risk of oligospermia of the pituitary is not beneficial in the 2. Dhindsa S, Prabhakar S, Sethi M, Bandyopadhyay
A, Chaudhuri A, Dandona P. Frequent occurrence
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or azoospermia (76). The high prevalence cidence of anatomical pathology. MRI of diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2004;89:
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