NASA NeMO Industry Day Presentation

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Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

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Mars Formulation

Conceptual Studies
for the
Next Mars Orbiter (NeMO)
Industry Day
May 2, 2016
Thomas Jedrey, Contract Technical Manager
Robert Lock, Systems Engineering
Mika Matsumoto, Subcontract Manager

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

Industry Day Ground Rules


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

All participants will be on mute, therefore no participant will

be heard on the audio connection
Send questions using the Chatbox within the WebEx
meeting window (bottom right) and address them ONLY to
the Host, Mika Matsumoto not Everyone
Responses to questions may be provided during this
teleconference or at a later time by email. Some questions
may not be addressed. If a question is addressed, both the
question and response will be provided to all participants
and/or interested bidders

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

Industry Day Agenda


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Next Mars Orbiter (NeMO) Mission Concept Overview

Introduction and Overview of the RFP

Questions and Answers

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Next Mars Orbiter (NeMO)

Mission Concept Overview
Robert Lock

Next Mars Orbiter (NeMO)

Capability to Enable Future Pathways

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation


Next Mars
Orbiter (NeMO)

Decadal Priorities

The Future

Aging Orbiter Missions

Resource Prospecting
for future Landing Sites

On-going and potential future Surface Missions need orbital support

Timely Renewal and Enhancement of Infrastructure is needed to Support Future Missions

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


Introduction to the NeMO Mission Concept

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

The NASA Mars Exploration Program is seeking to update its aging

orbital infrastructure with an orbiter, to be launched in the early 2020s
This Next Mars Orbiter will be capable of continuing and extending that
infrastructure and refreshing the critical capabilities necessary to
continue exploration of the Mars system and support future mission
The orbiter would:

Support increased bandwidth communications

Continue high resolution surface reconnaissance
Provide significant orbital flexibility for long term support of future missions
*Accommodate potential compelling investigations
*Validate challenging technologies for advanced communications
*Orbital Support for potential Sample Return

* Potential Objectives under consideration

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


Next Mars Orbiter (NeMO) Concept Overview

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Renew and Update Aging Communications
Provide Continuity of High Resolution Imaging
Potential additional objectives for:
Orbital Support for Sample Return
Remote Sensing

Payload Overview
High Resolution Imager (30 cm/pixel)
Potential for additional observational
instruments to be contributed by international
Potential for Rendezvous and Capture payload
Key Capabilities
High-rate RF direct-to-earth telecom system
X-band/UHF relay telecom system
Advanced solar electric ion propulsion system
Significant orbital flexibility for long term
support of future missions

Falcon-9 or
Atlas V-411

Flight System Characteristics

Moderate Size Spacecraft (6.5 yr life)
1250 kg Bus
50 kg Payload (High Resolution Imager)
600 kg Propellants (~14 km/sec)
Launch C3 = 15 km2/s2
20 kW Solar Arrays
NEXT-C Ion Engines (1 active, 1 spare)
Mission Phase
Mars Capture Spiral
Low Orbit Science
Extended Mission Start

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

Start Date
Jul 2022
Sep 2023
Jul 2024
Apr 2028

Notional Mission Timeline


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation











Earliest Planning
Date for NeMO
Earth to Mars


Low Mars Orbit Observing and Relay

- 2 Mars Years

Extended Observing & Relay

Deimos and Phobos Flybys

Earliest Relay

M2020 Primary (1.25 Mars Yr)

M2020 Extended Mission 1

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

Mission Design Concept


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Outbound (Earth-Mars) SEP Cruise

Mars Spirals
Capture Spiral Operations:
Near-continuous thrusting
Allow payload activities
(checkouts, cals, infrequent
Opportunistic Deimos and
Phobos flyby observations
Long range relay support

Arrive Low Mars Orbit

Altitude: 320km

Mars Arrival

Earth Launch
Sep 21 Sep 22

Continuous thrusting for long
Communicate while thrusting
Update thrusting once/month
No payload activities from
checkout to arrival

Imaging and Relay Orbit



Imaging and Relay Orbit

Low Mars Orbit Extended Mission
Similar orbit and observing/relay
activities (320 km)
Large V for orbit maneuvers
Large plane changes
Adjustments to orbit for
repeat timing
Access to multiple latitudes
and altitudes to optimize
relay contacts
Modify orbits for future

Next Mars Orbiter

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

Low Mars Orbit Primary Mission

320 km average orbit altitude
75 - 93 inclination
Nadir and 30 roll observing
Relay contact activities (landed
element contacts, orbiting
element contacts)


Strawman Instrument


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

For study purposes, assume the following straw man instrument list
High Resolution Imager
Support Reconnaissance for landing site selection and geologic context for
science and resource prospecting
6 km image width, 30 km length, 30 cm/pixel
50 kg mass, 60 W average power, 100 Mb/sec data transfer rate

Nadir pointing
S/C orientation to align ground-track velocity vector with instrument
Dayside operations
Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only



Operations Concept

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Operations concept based on heritage JPL SEP and Mars science missions

All nominal operations via stored sequences

1 month background sequence duration for engineering events

Relay forward link process allows late data uplinks
Additional flexible sequencing will be used (within sequences) to manage fine observation
time/pointing, relay passes, DSN weather outages, potential rendezvous operations

DSN Tracking: 2-3 passes per week Cruise tracking, 7 passes per week during
Mars operations

S/C contractor remote operations

Collaborative science operations from home institutions
Non-interactive instrument sequencing is independent of other instruments and S/C

DSN scheduling will be more dynamic due to Ka-band weather sensitivity

3x more data will flow through the system than MRO with moderate latency requirements
Relay operations require relatively low data latency (~10 minutes plus one-way light time)
95% of data return (standard for planetary missions)

No Critical Events after Launch

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


Telecom Payload Concepts


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Deep Space
Network (DSN )

X: ~0.01 Mbps

X: ~1 Mbps

Ka: 3-45 Mbps

X-band uplink


DTE Link

Real-time data

Orbiter Comm and Relay

Proximity Link
UHF-band fwd/ret
X-band fwd/ret

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only

UHF: 1 -10 Mbps

X: 10-100 Mbps



Estimated Mission Data Volume

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Data Volume Assumptions

One 34m DSN pass/day
Ka-band for high rate
X-band for command and
high reliability telemetry

50 800 Gb/day
Data Storage Sizing
1 Tb missed pass volume
margin for Ka-band
weather losses
2 Tb data storage needed
for daily operations and
missed pass margin

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only



Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Introduction and Overview of

the RFP
Mika Matsumoto

Tentative RFP Schedule


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

05/02/2016 Industry Day

05/04/2016 RFP Released and Posted Online
05/25/2016 Proposal Due Date
06/03/2016 Proposal Evaluation Complete

06/08/2016 Oral Discussions & Fact-Finding Complete

06/13/2015 Source Selection

06/23/2016 Subcontract Award

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


RFP Highlights


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

In order to access the RFP, each proposer must complete a Submission

of Company Contact Information form. Bidders may now email Mika
Matsumoto at to request the form.

JPL intends to award multiple Fixed-Price Research and Development

Conceptual Study Subcontracts in this study phase
In an effort to maximize the number of concepts achievable within our
funding profile, JPL intends to award each study subcontract with a total
fixed price of $400,000.00. JPL may reject proposals exceeding
$400,000.00 and would like to encourage proposers to propose a study
that meets the Specimen Subcontract requirements and offers JPL the
maximum benefit for the total price.
The following RFP information is subject to change.

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


RFP Highlights Continued


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Any exceptions to either the RFP and/or Specimen Subcontract (including its
exhibits), or a declination to provide Cost Instruction-requested rate information, may
make your proposal unacceptable for evaluation. For each and every exception or
declination you must provide a detailed explanation and associated full
rationale; place in a special section of your proposal entitled

If a proposer has any exceptions, JPL and each proposer will negotiate in good
faith. JPL does not plan to engage in negotiations for a duration in excess of
three (3) business days from the date the Subcontracts Manager indicates in
writing negotiations have commenced. JPL may at its discretion, discontinue
negotiations with the proposer after three (3) business days. If a mutually
agreeable resolution is not reached after three (3) business days, this shall be
considered a factor in evaluation and may make your proposal unacceptable
for award.

There will be a 20-page maximum limit for the Technical/Management

proposal, including mandatory qualifications
Proposers are encouraged to submit a completed Attachment A-14 Past
Performance 10 working days before the proposal due date
Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


Mandatory Qualifications


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Proposers must meet the following mandatory qualifications by time of

award in order to be considered a qualified source and thereby eligible for

MQ 1: Within the last 10 years, the proposer shall have successfully

developed and flown a spacecraft with a solar power system of at least
10KW at 1 AU.
MQ 2: Within the last 5 years, the proposer shall have successfully
developed and flown a spacecraft that operated in deep space (beyond
Earth orbit) or geosynchronous orbit (GEO).
MQ 3: The proposer (both the prime contractor and its major lower-tier
subcontractors for this effort) shall be a concern incorporated in the
United States of America.

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only



Criteria and Factors

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Criteria and Factors

T-1 Study Approach


Factor 1: Study Implementation Approach

Factor 2: Technical Risk Identification and Mitigation
Factor 3: Potential Cost Trades and Associated Risk

M-1 Personnel and Schedule


Factor 4: Study Personnel

Factor 5: Schedule

M-2 Related Experience


Factor 6: Related Institutional Experience

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


RFP Cost Instructions


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Partial/Milestone payments will be allowed under

this Subcontract
The anticipated start date for this effort will be June
23, 2016

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


RFP Attachments


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Group A - Complete and return as part of your


A-1 Acknowledgment (Form JPL 2384-A1)

A-14 Past Performance (Form JPL 0358-A14)
A-15 Cost Element Breakdown - Long Form (Form JPL 0549-A15)
A-21 Supplier Information Request (Form JPL 7255-A21)(Supplier to submit
if not in JPL's Supplier Data Base)

Group B - Are for use in preparing your quotation/proposal

B-1 Waiver of Rights to Inventions (Form JPL 62-301-B1)

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


SOW Background Material


Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Key Study Objectives

Balance significant NASA budget pressures with flexibility to accomplish
mission goals and accommodate international and interagency contributed
Develop a spacecraft conceptual design (with provided requirements & GFE)
Identify cost driving requirements and suggest alternatives to mitigate
cost and cost risk
Describe use of heritage and production designs

Main Mission Objectives

Telecommunications infrastructure at reasonable cost
Provide continuity of high resolution imaging
Significant orbital flexibility for long term support of future missions
Potential orbital support for sample return
Potential opportunities for contributed payloads

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only



Specimen Subcontract SOW Highlights

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Conduct a Kickoff Meeting / SRR including conceptual design elements and

fault protection

Perform the following analysis and planning:

Develop a conceptual design of the spacecraft and a compliance matrix, including
margin identification
Perform / document analyses that demonstrate performance, margin and/or sizing
Define the design elements that inherit from the Subcontractors flight heritage
Perform sensitivity studies to assess the additional resources for:
A GFE rendezvous and capture payload and up to six additional Mars-viewing science
Extending the operational lifetime to 11 years
Adding another NEXT-C string or using an alternative thruster technology in place of NEXT
(includes use of new trajectory, re-sizing of the solar array, propellant loads, etc.)

Develop a technical and implementation risk assessment

Develop a schedule of the development activities for proposed spacecraft

Develop a ROM cost estimate for the proposed spacecraft, including identifying
any long lead procurements
Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only



Specimen Subcontract Deliverables

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Item No.


Delivery Date

Kickoff Meeting

2 weeks ADOS*

Midterm Report I

2 days prior to Midterm Briefing I

Midterm Briefing I

8 weeks ADOS

Midterm Report II

2 days prior to Midterm Briefing II

Midterm Briefing II

12 weeks ADOS

Final Report

2 days prior to Final Briefing

Final Briefing

17 weeks ADOS

Response to Questions and

Updated Final Report

18 weeks ADOS

*ADOS After Date of Subcontract

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only



Specimen Subcontract Exhibits

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Exhibit I: NeMO Spacecraft Functional Requirements

Exhibit II: NeMO Government Furnished Equipment Assumptions

Exhibit III: NeMO Trajectory Description

Exhibit IV: NeMO Key Milestones Schedule

Exhibit V: Reference Documents List

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only



Jet Propulsion Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Mars Formulation

Questions and Answers

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only



Mars Formulation

Pre-Decisional: For Planning and Discussion Purposes Only


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