Very Short
Very Short
Very Short
As the distance from the current element or the short dipole increases
,both induction and radiation fields emerge and start decreasing
.However,a distance reaches from the conductor at which both the
induction and radiation field becomes equal and the particular distance
depends upon the wavelength.The two fields will thus have equal
amplitude at that particular distance.
60.Define Radiation Resistance
It is defined as the fictitious resistance which when inserted in series
with the antenna will consume the same amount of power as it is
actually radiated.The antenna appears to the transmission line as a
resistive component and this is known as the radiation resistance.
62.What is a dipole antenna?
A dipole antenna may be defined as a symmetrical antenna in which the
two ends are at equal potential relative to the midpoint.
63.What is a half wave dipole?
A half wave antenna is the fundamental radio antenna of metal rod or
tubing or thin wire which has a physical length of half wavelength in
free space at the frequency of operation
65.What is the radiation resistance of a half wave dipole
The radiation resistance of a half wave dipole is given by
Rr=73 ohm
66.What is a loop antenna?
A loop antenna is a radiating coil of any convenient cross-section of one
or more turns carrying radio frequency may assume any shape
(e.g. rectangular,square,triangular and hexagonal)
67.Give an expression of radiation resistance of a small loop
Radiation resistance of a small loop is given by
Rr=31,200 (A/_ 2)2
68.How to increase the radiation resistance of a loop antenna
The radiation resistance of a loop antenna can be increased by:
1. increasing the number of turns
2. inserting a ferrite core of very high permeability with loop antenna s
circumference which will rise the magnetic field intensity called ferrite
70.What are Electrically Small loop antennas?
Electrically Small loop antennas is one in which the overall length of the
loop is less than one-tenth of the wavelength. Electrically Small loop
antennas have small radiation resistances that are usually smaller than
their loop resistances.They are very poor radiators and seldom employed
for transmission in radio communication.
71.What are Electrically large loop antennas?
Electrically Large loop antennas is one in which the overall length of the
loop approaches the wavelength.
72.List out the uses of loop antenna
Various uses of loop antenna are:
._It is used as receiving antenna in portable radio and pagers
._It is used as probes for field measurements and as directional antennas
for radio wave navigation
._It is used to estimate the direction of radio wave propagation
73.What are the parameters to be considered for the design of an helical
The parameters to be considered for the design of an helical antenna are:
1. Bandwidth
2. Gain
3. Impedance
4. Axial Ratio
74.What are the types of radiation modes of operation for an helical
The two types of radiation modes of operation possible for an helical
antenna are:
1. Normal mode of operation
2. Axial mode of operation
75.Which antenna will produce circularly polarized waves
Helical antenna radiates circularly polarized wave.
76.List the applications of helical antenna
The applications of helical antenna are:
._It became thw workhouse of space communications for
telephone,television and data,being employed both on satellites and at
ground stations
1. Write the potential function in different form.
2. Explain in detail about the aperture Concept
3.Briefly explain the radiation from a short dipole
4.Gives notes on the antenna impedances. Find the effective aperture
and Directivity of a short dipole antenna.
5.Define Polarization? Explain the different types of polarization in
6.Explain in detail the different cases of the array containing two
isotropic sources
7. What is broadside array? Derive the maxima ,null directions and also
the beamwidth of a broadside array.
8.What is End Fire array? Derive the maxima ,null directions and also
the beamwidth of a Endfire array.
9.Explain the principle of pattern multiplication with some examples.
10.Explain the different techniques used for tapering of arrays
12.Derive the expressions for the fields and power radiated from a half
wave dipole antenna.Find its radiation resistance and directivity.
13.Derive the field radiated from a small loop antenna
14.Explain in detail about the helical antenna
15.Explain the different modes of operation of helical antenna
16. Explain Ground wave Propagation. Sky wave.
17.Explain diversity reception.?
18. Explain in detail ionospheric propagation.
19. Explain a. Effect of the earth magnetic field.
b. Faraday rotation in Sky wave Propagation.
20. Derive the expression for Permitivity and conductivity of ionized
21.Explain the concept of Reflection and refraction wavesby the
22. Derive the expression for the radiated field from a short dipole.
23. Derive the expression for power radiated by a current element and its
radiation resistance.
24. Define dipole antenna. Derive the radiation field and radiation
resistance from a half wave dipole.
25. Derive the expression for radiation field and radiation resistance.
26. Write short note on i) Vector potential ii) modification potential
iii) Retarded Potential
27. i) State and Prove reciprocity theorem.
ii) With neat sketch explain the operation of Helical antenna.
28. Derive the expression for radiation resistance of small loop antenna.
29.i)What is folded dipole antenna ?
ii) Explain the term pattern multiplication.
30. Derive the expression for radiation resistance of loop antenna with
circumference equal to wavelength.
31.i) Explain the construction of Yagi antenna. Discuss the design
ii) Specify the design consideration for a rhombic antenna.
32. Explain the geometry of a log periodic antenna. How wideband
operation is possible with this antenna. Give the design equations
33.i) Write a short note on Traveling wave antenna.
ii) Write a short note on Self and mutual impedance of antenna.
\34. Derive the expression for refractive index of ionosphere and critical
35. Derive the expression for calculating field strength at a distance in
space wave Propagation
36. Explain in detail about ionosphere propagation.
37. Write short notes on i) Ground wave propagation ii) space wave
38. Derive the expression for Permitivity and conductivity of ionized
39. Explain the different types of Diversity technique.
40. Define and explain for ionospheric region
i) Critical frequency
ii) MUF
iii) Skip zone
iv) virtual height of a layer