Adaptive Offset Dividing and Squaring Technique For PAPR Reduction in OFDM System

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International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 4, June - 2012

Adaptive offset dividing and squaring technique for PAPR Reduction in OFDM

Mr. Shripad P. Mohani

Assistant Professor
College of Engineering, Pune

Mr. Amitkumar R. Ghodke

M.Tech. Student
College of Engineering, Pune

Dr. Mukul S. Sutaone

College of Engineering, Pune

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is
a multicarrier communication system. It is widely used
in modern broadband communication system due its
spectral efficiency, Immunity from frequency selective
fading and easy implementation. However, the OFDM
systems suffer from a severe problem called high value
of peak to average power ratio (PAPR) which negate
all the features of multicarrier modulation technique.
This paper propose a new technique for peak-toaverage power ratio (PAPR) reduction in orthogonal
frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) System,
named adaptive offset dividing & Squaring Technique.
The proposed technique changes the statistical
distribution of the OFDM output signal from Rayleigh
distribution to Gaussian like distribution, this change
in statistical distribution contributes to reduction in
peak to average power ratio of OFDM signal. The
proposed technique is based on 16-QAM OFDM system
with 16 sub carriers and up to 1.5 dB PAPR reduction
can be achieved with least bit error rate degradation at
signal to noise ratio of 10 dB. The proposed technique
is adaptive where PAPR reduction and BER response
can be adjustable as per system requirement.

1. Introduction
The Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
(OFDM) has been invented to serve the high data
requirements of the modern communication systems.
This multicarrier modulation technique is robust to
frequency selective fading of a signal. It is also
characterized by features such as easy implementation
by fast Fourier transform (FFT) & inverse fast Fourier
transform (IFFT), low Complexity in receiver design
and highly adaptive to radio link conditions. All these
features make this system favorable option for
wideband communication systems and 4G cellular
systems for next generation communication networks
[1]. Despite all the favorable features in OFDM system

for implementation in communication systems, it

encounters a noticeable problem of high peak to
average power ratio (PAPR). This PAPR problem has
been topic of research from many decades among
researchers because such high PAPR becomes huge
obstruction to harvest all the features of OFDM system
for the implementation of high speed broadband
communication systems [1] [2].
OFDM symbols having high PAPR value get clipped
by D/A converter or power amplifier and such clipping
may cause loss of information by way of distortion of
the signal which leads to in band noise and out of band
radiation. In band noise leads to loss of orthogonality
pattern and out of band radiation causes inter-carrier
interference and its combined effect is poor BER
response of the system [3] [4].
The solution to above problem can be resolved by
conventional methods like using high range linear
amplifiers and D/A converters. However, such kind of
conventional solutions are expensive and power
inefficient for battery powered tiny communication
devices [5]. Hence, lot of research work is in progress
to obtain low values of PAPR by application of various
techniques which are broadly classified as distortion
based and distortion less techniques. The PAPR
reduction by time domain signal processing has
provided easy option for system implementation. The
proposed technique processes OFDM symbol elements
in time domain when they are discrete and before they
are fed to D/A converter [6].
This paper proposes adaptive offset dividing and
squaring technique, a modified and optimized
technique based on time domain statistical control for
PAPR reduction in OFDM s in OFDM system [6] and
adaptive square-rooting companding technique [7]. In
this technique, individual complex elements of the
OFDM symbol are processed without any change in
phase. This technique is adaptive to a logical condition

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 4, June - 2012

and applied to specific individual elements of the

OFDM symbol, which have magnitude levels more
than the set threshold. This operation results in low
PAPR and improved BER performance when compared
to Time domain statistical control for PAPR reduction
in OFDM system technique. This paper analyzes the
proposed technique from the point of view of effect on
statistical distribution of the signal, PAPR reduction
with different threshold levels and BER performance.
This paper is configured as follows: Section 2
elaborates OFDM signal generation, PAPR calculations
and statistical properties of OFDM signal. Section 3
presents proposed adaptive offset dividing and squaring
technique for PAPR reduction in OFDM systems.
Section 4 and 5 presents simulation results and
conclusion respectively.

limit theorem, IFFT changes the statistical distribution

of the proposed signals to complex Gaussian
distribution. Also, according to Parsevals theorem, the
IFFT operation does not alter the total average power of
the processed signals [8].

3. Adaptive offset dividing and squaring

technique for PAPR reduction
The proposed technique implementation is shown in
Fig.1. By using this technique, original OFDM signal
which exceed threshold, are processed
by (5) and (6) before they are fed to D/A converter and
power amplifier. The adaptive approach helps in
targeting high values of
, which not only reduces
overall dynamic range of OFDM symbols but also
helps in reducing distortion of the signal and hence
helps in achieving least degradation in BER

2. Conventional OFDM System and PAPR

In OFDM system, input data stream is converted to
decimal numbers and then such decimal numbers are
modulated with M-ary QAM and converted to discrete
form by IFFT operation at the transmitter side. IFFT
operation produces orthogonal data subcarriers. The
time domain complex OFDM signal is given as,





Threshold (6)

Is the new OFDM signal and n is the phase of .

In this technique, only the amplitudes of individual
elements in OFDM symbols are changed but the phases
remain unaffected. The side information is generated
for receiver to indentify OFDM signal amplitudes
which are processed by proposed technique at the
transmitter side to regenerate transmitted signal at the
receiver side.

where , is the nth OFDM output signal
is the kth
data modulated symbol in OFDM frequency domain
and is the no of subcarriers.
The PAPR of OFDM symbol in dB is calculated by

Modulator (QAM)





Where Ppeak and Paverage are the peak and average powers
of output of output OFDM symbol, respectively and
they are computed as,











The complex valued data modulated symbols, are

considered as independent identically distributed (i.i.d)
random variables because the modulation is memory
less process treating the data individually. In the
OFDM system, the summation of these i.i.d. variables
is performed by the IFFT. Hence according to central



Fig.1-Block diagram of proposed technique

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 4, June - 2012

4. Simulation results
To demonstrate the PAPR reduction capability with
different threshold levels and BER performance of the
adaptive offset dividing and squaring technique, 16 sub
carriers and 64-QAM modulation scheme is used in this
work. For simulation results, the same set of randomly
generated data is used to analyze the performance of
the proposed technique. A complementary cumulative
distribution function
is used to represent the PAPR in terms of probability of
occurrence of PAPR values greater than the specific
PAPR value under consideration on x-axis.
Fig.2 shows the change in statistical distribution of the
OFDM signal amplitude before and after the
application of proposed technique. A Rayleigh
distribution in Fig.2 (a) changes to Gaussian like
distribution as seen in Fig.2 (b).

Fig.3 shows the PAPR reduction capability before and

after application of the proposed technique with
different threshold levels. The PAPR measures at
different probabilities of occurrence can be extracted
from the CCDF curve for both conventional OFDM
and the proposed technique. From Fig.3, it can be
noticed that PAPR obtained by proposed technique is
reduced by 5.5 dB for threshold level of 0.5 and by 1.5
dB at threshold level of 1.
The amount of PAPR reduction by application of
proposed technique is computed by,

is the PAPR of proposed technique and
PAPR is that of conventional OFDM system. For this
at threshold of 0.5 is 3 dB, at threshold
of 1, it is 7 dB and for conventional OFDM, it is 8.5
dB. Therefore,
are 5.5 dB and 1.5 dB
respectively for the two threshold values.


Probability,P(PAPR(db)) >= Z

Conventional OFDM
Proposed Technique(Thr=0.5)
Proposed Technique(Thr=0.1)





Fig.2 (a) Rayleigh distribution






Fig. 3 CCDF plot of PAPR for proposed technique

Fig.4 presents the BER performance of the proposed
technique and conventional OFDM over an AWGN
channel. The proposed technique uses two threshold
levels of 0.5 and 1 to evaluate the error performance.
For this, complex form of AWGN noise signal is
generated by MATLAB with different (Eb\ N0) ratio and
added to the OFDM signal to evaluate the performance.
Fig.4 shows error performance of the proposed
technique and conventional OFDM. From the graph, it
is noticed that for threshold level of 0.5, BER is 10-4 at
(Eb\ N0) of 10 dB. This is mainly due to the fact that
large number of amplitudes of OFDM signal undergoes
the operation suggested by the proposed technique,
which causes more distortion of the signal. In contrast,
at threshold level of 1, less number of amplitudes of

Fig.2 (b) Gaussian like distribution

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 4, June - 2012

OFDM signal undergoes the operation suggested by the

proposed technique, which causes less distortion of the
signal and hence results in BER of 10-4 at 10 dB which
is better than that of conventional OFDM system which
is 10-4 at Eb\ N0 of 12 dB.

where as in proposed technique threshold value is set

by calculating the amplitude value of the OFDM signal,
though both techniques are adaptive to logical
condition but they differ in determining the threshold
value for the reduction of PAPR value [3].



Conventional OFDM
Proposed Technique(Thr=0.5)
Proposed Technique (Thr=1)

Conventional OFDM


Probability,P(PAPR(db)) >= Z


















papr, Z dB




Fig.4 Bit error rate plot for proposed technique

The effect of the proposed technique on the power
spectral density (PSD) of the signal is plotted in fig.5.
The figure is plotted for one block of OFDM signal
with 16 sub carriers. From fig.5, it is clear that level of
out of band energy is 15 dB above in proposed
technique than that of conventional OFDM.

Fig.6 CCDF plot of PAPR for ASRT

From figure 6 we can notice that adaptive squarerooting tech can reduce PAPR by 3 dB at PAPR
threshold value of 4 dB and by 1 dB at PAPR threshold
value of 6 dB. The proposed technique provides PAPR
value reduction by 1.5 dB which is minimum reduction
and maximum reduction by 5.5 dB. So from PAPR
reduction point of view proposed technique provide
better PAPR value reduction.
Figure 7 shows the BER response of adaptive squarerooting technique (ASRT) for different values of PAPR
threshold values.


Conventional OFDM
Adaptive SQRT(Thr=6)
Adaptive SQRT(Thr=5)



Fig.5 PSD plot for basic OFDM and proposed






Fig.6 shows the CCDF plot of adaptive squarerooting technique (ASRT) which shows PAPR
reduction capability with different threshold values.
This threshold value selected by calculating the PAPR
value for each OFDM symbol of the OFDM signal








Fig.7 BER plot for ASRT

International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 1 Issue 4, June - 2012

From figure 7 it can be notice that for PAPR

threshold values of 4 dB and 6 dB error rates are nearby
to 10-4 at 15dB and 16 dB values of Eb/N0 respectively
which are more than conventional OFDM error rate. In
contrast the proposed technique provide better error
rate response at 10 dB value of Eb/N0 value which
indicate proposed technique provide much better BER
response if compared to adaptive square- rooting
From figure 6 and figure 7 we can quickly
summarize that proposed technique better in terms of
PAPR reduction and error rate performance.

Feb.1999, pp. 37-39

[6]. Wisam F. Al-Azzo, Borhanuddin M. Ali, Sabira
Khatun and Syed M.Bilfagit, Time domain
statistical control for PAPR reduction in OFDM
system proc IEEE APCC 2007, Bangkok,
Thailand, 2007.pp 141-144.
[7]. Wisam F. Al-Azzo and Borhanuddin Mohd. Ali ,



Technique for PAPR Reduction in OFDM

Systems, world academy of science, engineering
and technology

5. Conclusion

[8]. J.G. Proakis, Digital Communications, Mc-Graw

The proposed technique exploits statistical distribution

conversion technique to reduce the signal peaks by
adaptive approach. Such logical approach helps in
suppression of high amplitudes with least signal
distortion. It provides a scope for designing the system
for a pre-decided and desirable PAPR level. Though it
introduces distortion in the OFDM signal, but still is
capable in achieving significant peak to average power
ratio reduction with least error rate.

Hill, 2010.

6. References
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Communications e-book.
[2]. S. H. Han And J. H. Lee, An Overview of Peakto-Average Power Ratio Reduction Techniques for




Comm., Vol. 12, April, 2005, pp. 56-65

[3]. H.Ochiai and H.





of the

with adaptive




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no.11, pp. 22702277, Nov.2000
[4]. Xiao Huang Et Al, Reduction of Peak-to-Average
Power Ratio of OFDM Signals with Companding
Transform, Elect. Lett Vol. 37, April 2001, pp.
[5]. Elena Costa, et al, Impact of Amplifier
Nonlinearities on OFDM Transmission System
Performance, IEEE Comm. Lett., Vol. 3,

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